When Is A Pastor Disqualified?
Why Not Quit? Featuring Julie Roys
@stevetribble392 4 сағат бұрын
Hello pastor Benny happy Father's day from Stephen Tribble
@pastorhoopersr2664 6 сағат бұрын
Bad decision! Great Men’s Conference with great leadership. We all make bad decisions. That was a bad decision. Own it, learn from it and move on.
@Anonymous-fv4dp 7 сағат бұрын
To make things clear, marriage is not an “institution” but is a covenant. A covenant is very different from an institution. That being said, she was married to an unbelieving narcissist and rightly has moved on and is no longer in covenant with him
@StandUp777 10 сағат бұрын
Julie, so grateful for your ministry and voice. But PLEASE stop calling these men pastors! They are not! Call them what they are - wolves in sheep's clothing! ❤
@PurgingLifeMinistries 21 сағат бұрын
shouldn't church be about Jesus! Focus on him! Change is always occurring we all know this. I'm just seeing to much self
@misswinnie4.8 22 сағат бұрын
Reggie is one of the founding members of North Point. Orange was developed & designed at North Point.😢
@ruebdogg Күн бұрын
What do you think about churches that don’t allow psychology into their counseling? Or one with a leader that says PTSD or ADHD is not real?
@kerriweiland4772 Күн бұрын
Minute 48:40-SO SICK! What in the world is he doing teaching anyone anything????? Oh my goodness. All of it was awful but it gets worse the more he speaks. -🤢🤮🤢
@trishgoski4944 Күн бұрын
Wow! I would love to speak with him!
@m.c.hewlett7283 Күн бұрын
Why is nobody talking about Robert Morris?
@pandsnaidoo Күн бұрын
Dearest Naghmeh check Lashonra against your husband Share Yeshua and hear what He says everything you say must align with His Word that became flesh
@paulacoyle5685 2 күн бұрын
Regarding the wedding night joke, I am curious though whether anyone thinks the phenomenon of bridezilla is an actual problem. Because it really is. 1:06:55 the mirror thing I said exactly what the point was the minute she described it, the law is a curb, a mirror and a guide, it’s showing us our sin. And then she said that’s what it was about. Now, if you hadn’t heard that before, it’s just evidence that you haven’t been taught scripture for a long time at that church. I don’t know if it just started with Josh or whether it was with Steve as well. I’m not a fan of the sensitive model even from your rudimentary description of the mirror video I knew what they were getting at.
@paulacoyle5685 2 күн бұрын
I don’t disagree with covering Taylor Swift’s lower half, I also have had my daughters in a Christian dance teacher’s dance classes and they wore skirts, not just straight leotards. I would be careful not to condemn every thing he said as evidence of his wrongdoing. Sometimes even jerks can say things that are correct that we don’t particularly like. as a model, you should be aware of imagery and body shaming like you said. He was not shaming her body. He was pointing out that it was scantily clothed. Body shaming would be making fun of somebody for their looks or their weight or medical problems or whatever. I’m sure you know this. He could have handled it better clearly. Explaining why a woman should dress modestly is not body shaming, but he basically did a verbal slap, which was not compassionate at all and didn’t explain anything. I know many girls who do not understand as they are growing up because they (thankfully) have no experience in this area. There is a way to do it that demonstrates a reverence for sex and the human body and he clearly did not. But going to the opposite extreme where women can’t be criticized at all for what they choose to wear is also not a solution that honors the human body. He does seem like a very chaotic leader, who is basically smashing around with a sledgehammer to destroy what was already there and demonstrating that he has any idea what he is trying to build . it’s very ADHD and selfish and inconsiderate of real people’s needs and feelings. You seem to acknowledge that there is a connotation connected to tailgating, but you also don’t seem to acknowledge that there is a connotation connected with Taylor Swift’s choice of clothing or lack thereof.
@paulacoyle5685 2 күн бұрын
Also wouldn’t broadcasting a professional sports game to the church be a violation of licensing rights?
@thevillageofnod 2 күн бұрын
I was living a hedonism lifestyle in my 20’s when I met my husband. He was raised Catholic so he had some religion and one night when he was sleeping over I had a nightmare and he said Psalm 23 and it comforted me and really reached my soul. The weird thing is that the nightmare was more like a visitation by a dark entity that had visited me twice before - once before my 7th birthday and again when I was graduating high school. Since my ex turned out to be a covert narcissist I often wonder if that was the reason or trigger for the visitation, like it came before significant events and I ended up marrying the man. Fortunately, the Psalm doesn’t trigger me. I raised my children to memorize it. I didn’t require a lot of scripture memorization or anything like that and made it fun with a reward for reciting it. I do always remember that time when he said that to me though
@songsilove5857 2 күн бұрын
Where does the Bible say to do this publically? Where does the Bible say to call out another Christian publically? Where does the Bible say to gossip behind another person's back? How are you spreading the truth?
@cathyc1730 2 күн бұрын
Yes, this is what you get from the patriarchy and others when you accuse your so called ‘Christian’ husband of abuse. I have also experienced much of this and different things, as well. My CNarc ex was the son of a world wide worship pastor and ‘Christian’ recording artist. How dare I interfere with his Dad’s ministry and ask for a separation from his psychological, verbal, physical, spiritual and financial abuse, constant lies, gaslighting, yelling, blaming, name calling, emotional affairs during our entire marriage, smh. It is pure evil. Thank God Nagmeh’s abuser went to prison, that is what God used to get her away from him and show her she was an abuse victim. God is good.
@micahbush5397 2 күн бұрын
You left out some important context about Josh's "apology," namely: 1) He explicitly didn't apologize to anybody outside his church "family" (which runs completely counter to I Timothy 3 and shows an utter lack of concern for female visitors). 2) His "apology" was immediately preceeded by him boasting about how many people attended the Easter services, which he described as "[Great] Awakening stuff." 3) His apology included thanks to the "hundreds and hundreds" of people who defended him online. The message of all of this: Female visitors don't matter to him as much as male visitors, the people within the congregation who were offended were a small minority and should accept his apology, and because his ministry is drawing huge crowds, opposing him is tantamount to opposing the Holy Spirit. This is classic spiritual abuse.
@lionjudah8900 2 күн бұрын
Time for the body of Christ actually follow Jesus and His teachings! He didn't teach on "leadership" but on being a servant. The Christian "leadership" obsession is a magnet for narcissists/wolves=predators. Jesus brought women back up to their proper place, but religion fueled by Satan slaps them back down.
@diggingdeeperbiblically1405 2 күн бұрын
Being in a small church down the road we have met many who have left Lakepoint. We have some that still go on the Saturday night and they come to us on Sunday. As a future pastor it should be a lesson on the sensitivity of women's issues that when we speak we have to do it in understanding that many have been traumatized. Although not the case with Lakepoint the irony is in most churches it's the men's ministries that are suffering the most. I think women are way more active and social than men. In your smaller churches your lucky to have a men's breakfast much less any kind of discipleship program. Praying for everyone who is hurting.
@mattleitner5194 2 күн бұрын
I am a committed Christian and very concerned about abuse. Currently I am supporting RFK Jr. for the upcoming presidential election.
@juleswallace3483 2 күн бұрын
If Josh has no shame in his choices of words, then his behaviors follow. No shame. His words and behaviors don't represent Jesus loving the bride. He has no support from heaven as a representative of the Trinity on earth.
@lukeallison6570 2 күн бұрын
I see very little problem with this in the grand scheme. Dude for brain cancer and mellowed out a ton.
@maryhamric 2 күн бұрын
Great podcast, Julie. Thank you for keeping eyes on these things.
@coolbrit56 2 күн бұрын
This is a pure mess!
@coolbrit56 2 күн бұрын
Josh is a puppet. He copies what he think the church want to hear to make him popular. It's nothing new. Many of these young pastor do this! That's why we should be CALLED!
@paulacoyle5685 2 күн бұрын
Well, they all think they’ve been called. And they point to big numbers as evidence. People have been trying to warn against seek sensitive/purpose driven/market driven / Pastor as CEO, or whatever you want to call it Church growth movement philosophy for decades. When church becomes all about numbers it’s very obvious who is going to get left out and run over. The Mars Hill bus is just one of many that run over so many welling Christians.
@coolbrit56 2 күн бұрын
Please stop! That joke been going around for a long time. There are other things to be scared adn worried about. The other things she mention are of more concern than this joke. It was evil and harsh, but nothing new!
@gisellebergeron3317 2 күн бұрын
The particular podcast was triggering for me. I’ve been a Christian for most of my life and have experienced many things in church life. I had a wonderful counselor who helped me work through many things. I’m now 69 and will celebrate my 50th wedding anniversary in the fall. The pastor’s comment on the wedding night was what was triggering for me. Well, before that was too, because I certainly didn’t start dreaming about a wedding at a young age, so to imply that the wedding was the bride’s forte and the night was the groom’s was just plain gross. What a way to start a marriage! But what was triggering was the total lack of understanding of what a woman wants on her her wedding night. And if she doesn’t get it and there isn’t an honest, caring discussion the next day, a syndrome can set in that spells pain and misery for both people for months and/or years to come. Our marriage suffered because it took a long time before we were able to have the frank discussion that should have happened before the wedding. Eventually, my husband and I were mature enough to have the necessary conversations that dealt with emotional intimacy which can be so absent when the attitude this Pastor in this podcast had is prevalent in the church. We worked through our issues and have a healthy marriage, but honestly, I felt angry by what he said. I found it so much more triggering than the Mike Bickle podcast. I’m very thankful that there are wise people out there who are calling out that type of dysfunction so the people getting married today don’t carry that attitude into their marriages.
@paulacoyle5685 2 күн бұрын
I think a lot of people who haven’t gone through such experiences (Josh might be one) probably wouldn’t find it as triggering and would just roll their eyes because he’s joking about stereotypes and we all know that stereotypes do not necessarily hold much water. to me, it felt like he was making light of the stereotypes that many people suggest are true, but didn’t intend to be taken seriously. But plagiarizing an apology is pretty lame.
@paulacoyle5685 2 күн бұрын
Howerton is very clearly a very immature man.
@yvonnekneeshaw2784 2 күн бұрын
Great interview & sorry that your guest had such an unbiblical/disrespectful unrepentant pastoral experience. I’m very thankful that she continues to love & serve Christ. Looking forward to your next video 🇨🇦 ❤
@paulacoyle5685 2 күн бұрын
I’m sorry too, and I’m afraid far too many people equate that with male headship, which is absolutely not what the Bible teaches about male headship in the church. And women are just as capable of being abusive and coercive. Just look at some of the TBN churches led by pastor couples or women pastors.
@kathrynm9927 2 күн бұрын
This was so very well done. Amanda has a very tender spirit. God bless her faithfulness. By their fruit we will know them. Matthew 7:15-23 What I heard is a perfect plan was executed. 'Enemy Inside The Gates' style. Trevor Louden doc. Joke is the moral equivalent of abusive alcoholic husband apology who says to wife 'I love you, but... when you... I just get so mad. If you'd ... Because I love you. Forgive me?' (Anyone check their 501(c)3 tax returns? Free Covid money was funneled into millions of churches. Simple audit. Just a thot) 🙏🏻❤️
@teohproject 2 күн бұрын
Christian churches do not welcome women voices in churches. So why even attend? Just start a home church if you have to go!
@Star-dj1kw 2 күн бұрын
Excellent interview
@Wanda4849 2 күн бұрын
The Church is in a very sad state. No longer the Church of Jesus Christ, but the Church of the celebrity pastor. The message from the pulpit is often not even Biblical. The Gospel is watered down to fit the culture. It has to be entertaining. Robes and dress clothes have been replaced by old jeans, t-shirts and sneakers. Choreography is a plus. The music is so loud that ear plugs are necessary. Hymns are shelved. Elders want to protect "the brand" rather than the TRUTH. Look around..the MEGA CHURCH may be the worst thing to happen to the Body of Christ. So much unrepentant sin from leaders who have forgotten they represent an Humble Savior...whose main focus is power and money rather than Him. Accountability is missing when these churches become so large that elders can no longer shepherd. The True Gospel is the power of God unto salvation. An arena full of truly unconverted people is just a bunch of numbers going for a "feel good" experience. So SAD!
@tommystacker3286 2 күн бұрын
Soooo well put. 👍
@JhutaNabi 2 күн бұрын
Well said! The "church" in America is unrecognizable from the persecuted (but growing) group of believers on the fringes of first century society. Well did Sam Pascoe say: "Christianity started out in Palestine as a fellowship; it moved to Greece and became a philosophy; it moved to Italy and became an institution; it moved to Europe and became a culture; it came to America and became an enterprise.”
@randalrobinson3424 2 күн бұрын
I have no argument with the advice here to prioritize the protection of spouses from abusive partners. However, I find the Biblical arguments provided here poor interpretation of scripture. For example, how perfect does a husband have to be to be considered a "believer" by this argument. I see no basis for arguing that Paul meant "believer" is only those acting properly as a believer. But, I certainly don't believe that Paul intended these verses to be used to justify not protecting the abused. To do so is a form of evil.
@washedfeet 2 күн бұрын
There will be no revival without a return to Jesus'' words. They are essential to memorize and do. True disciples can sit down and write out more than 20 things Jesus said from memory. Build on the rock of Jesus' words.
@tripletgirl2484 3 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for an informative and helpful interview. Thank you Amanda!
@3kainos 3 күн бұрын
So dude-bro self-worshiper couldn’t tolerate God moving through everyone walking in their own gifts & reaching communities in unique ways. Instead, he wants a franchise on every corner pointing people to watch him do a performance every weekend, 🤮 And also, his church had amazingly gifted women who were astoundingly successful in reaching women - a demographic he can’t relate to or empathize with because of his misogyny - and he shut them down because it made him insecure. 😡
@apressbutton 3 күн бұрын
Thanks for sharing. Sadly church has become a SHOW and the congregants are being abused. The question I have is how on earth did Josh get picked as a successor? The Lord is cleaning out his house right now that has become a very toxic and abusive, I pray that people will cling on to Jesus Christ, receive healing and join a small healthy home church.
@paulacoyle5685 2 күн бұрын
Regarding the picking of Josh, that was also a question I had. Clearly, Pastor Steve did not have the level of discernment necessary, even if he was great about everything else. The seeker sensitive model has proven to be a market driven or Pastor is master type church . People have been trying to expose this seeker driven / vision casting draconian business model church for decades now.
@StandUp777 3 күн бұрын
As a female leader, bible teacher, and home church minister, I don't dare darken the doors of any church that forbids women in any facet of ministry.
@lionjudah8900 2 күн бұрын
Amen, sadly these churches and pastors are woefully ignorant.
@paulacoyle5685 2 күн бұрын
I wouldn’t equate abuse and misogyny with churches who believe they are following the biblical requirements for the pastorate.
@StandUp777 23 сағат бұрын
@paulacoyle5685 absolutely agree. There are some wonderful biblical leaders who do not subscribe to female leadership. They are not all abusive by any means.
@YeshuaMostHigh 3 күн бұрын
Hm. @23:00 my old church did the same. After c*vid, it was loud, over the top.
@Shakabaaba 3 күн бұрын
WNBA nuff said
@mattleitner5194 3 күн бұрын
Great work, as usual. So thankful for this kind of reporting!!!
@trishgoski4944 3 күн бұрын
This is SOO good & ‘spot on’. There is also an excellent book, Traumatic Narcissism & Recovery by Daniel Shaw.
@gwendolynalbert4341 3 күн бұрын
He was insane with power. Just awful👎
@4paullou6 4 күн бұрын
Nancy and Julie, this was one of the sweetest, most vulnerable conversations between two incredible women. I believe the two of you need to do more podcasts together. Two things stood out to me. You both have become closer to the Lord, while walking in the fire. Which proves to me what you have with Jesus is deep and real. And, you are fearless and brave. We need more men and women willing to stand on the Real Truth like you and your spouses are doing.
@thoradollenberg7584 4 күн бұрын
Sad that Franklin Graham is NOTHING like his father.
@thoradollenberg7584 4 күн бұрын
It's so sad that people don't believe the truth. Know the feeling. God is good and He strengthens us to keep going.
@KC-xw2ms 4 күн бұрын
I am so incredibly thankful for your mission Julie. You are fighting the good fight.
@mooret8874 4 күн бұрын
I attended your crusade in Dallas. You mostly talked about one of your subordinates trying to take your position and us sowing seeds. Bringing Oral into this conversation does not justify what you did. Correct me if I am wrong but can a crusade be spirit filled when a part of it is deceitful? Where do we draw the line between mistakes and acts that we intentionally take part in? I am hurt by this video. I'm not judging . I feel highly misled. It almost cost me my faith. I was a young lady newly diagnosed with lupus. I came to your service loaded with faith and hope. I have a better understanding of how things work now. God sees everything, even the things that our eyes don't see or our ears don't hear. God bless you.