VLOG: Solo in Menorca, España
Lisbon Expat Diary: Sunday Vlog
Designing Pearl Necklaces in Bali
Designed in Bali: Men's Tailoring
@pameladarling5497 6 күн бұрын
Very helpful. Thank you.
@pedrolopes3542 6 күн бұрын
Investigate the "double taxation avoidance agreement", then see how to declare taxes in accordance to that agreement. All countries that have an agreement with Portugal for taxation cannot tax you again if you already paid taxes in the other country.
@jankormandel8074 7 күн бұрын
So so kind of you Adrien to share your experiences and information relative to Bali, barely none of which I would have guessed! Still coming to Bali but now well versed thanks to your kindness! Gd bless.
@chinaberg 7 күн бұрын
Thanks for the video.
@iman-alibeg3849 7 күн бұрын
Omg! I was thinking of going to Turkey for this, but seeing how much in pain he was in the beginning, made me feel claustrophobic! I think I'd rather stay here in the UK and get them done regardless of the price!
@sasakorosec7213 7 күн бұрын
Pay it. And file correct tax. Dont mess with portugal tax authority. You will get return it. It will take 1 to 2 years.
@asiaticonaeuropa 7 күн бұрын
nice video to alert people! It happened quite exactly to me. Simulation and actual tax bill were about 20% different. However, I knew 100% that the portuguese tax authority is an @sshole. Hence I only steered my income to a extreme low level (almost to zero income). 20% difference did not make anything bad to me. But it once proved that authority in Portugal will certainly steal your money no matter what.
@macaccount4315 7 күн бұрын
You are trying to do everything yourself. This is why you pay experts to handle these things. I didn’t even have to come to Porto to open a NB account. But i am used to paying for the services and happy to do so. You should consider Porto as it has a more vibrant gay community and everything is centrally located and easy to get to.
@patriciabonaldy9624 7 күн бұрын
20% percent, you're lucky. I couldn't apply to the NHR schema and I payed the 45 % of my incomes to IRS + 1000 euros segurança social. I feel I paying a price for. five stars hotel but receiving a service of 2 starts
@RareBoom 7 күн бұрын
As a dual citizen who got in lots of trouble with German finanzamt taxes due to my total ignorance and being clueless, i was hear for the nitty gritty of your story! oh Teresa you on BLAST! but seriously, this would be a good business idea to connect expats/immigrants with tax expert trustworthy when they move so they get clarity from the get go. so glad you connected with the guy at the gym -- milagro
@deannabollo170 7 күн бұрын
There is a lot that you’re missing and once you embark on the reality of this country you will come face to face with the absolute frustrating curved balls caused by terrible bureaucracy! Rude staff, confusion, no protection from the injustices, is unbearable. Contradiction is frightening. Lack of support i.e departments to oversee the rights of the consumer is a fairy tale! Also the past weighs heavy when the Portuguese hear anyone complain about the lack of services! They go on the defensive! I was here before then left, and many years later am back and trying everything to get out of here ! It really weighs on me the blatant lassitude of everyone! I’m half Portuguese and cringe at it! Frustrating! As for the housing situation I have lots to point out.
@mariateixeira9769 7 күн бұрын
No gym closes here. Some shops close from 2pm to 3 pm because ppl have to eat when they work Alone. No cafés close at lunch time. No bank closes at lunch time. No Supermarket closes at lunch time.Oficial Offices close at lunch time. If it is too slow for you go back to your country or visit Orher countries such as norway that closes for two hours at lunch time!
@macaccount4315 7 күн бұрын
In Porto, we have a large gay expat community with monthly meetings. Helps to never be alone, hang in there. Your life will be better in time.
@macaccount4315 7 күн бұрын
I pay 900 euros plus VAT to file my PT taxes. I have a great PT tax attorney and it is worth paying more. You get what you pay for. I’m in Porto btw ❤
@papi8659 7 күн бұрын
Meh you went cheapskate and you got cheapskate service ..... next time pay for professional service from the outset.
@alko_xo 7 күн бұрын
You are hot, babe (even with all those tax issues)!
@pures1n 7 күн бұрын
Europe is a scam. Stay away. The most money hungry taxing place on earth. There is a reason why America was colonized, to GTFO away from EU psychotic taxing. "Tax friendly" is a gimmick in Europe, they try to tax you with fees and other bullsh*t. You're better off honestly being in North America and writing down your taxes as a normal American business owner would.
@LLS710 7 күн бұрын
I clicked for one reason: dat shirt. Dat shirt! That is an awesome shirt!
@pbohearn 7 күн бұрын
Oh sweetie, can we sit down for a cup of bica? I’ve had my residency for over five years having made an investment with the Golden Visa program and I moved here 2 1/2 years ago. I also have the NHR waiver. The bureaucratic nightmares I have endured have been nothing short of epic. I obtained the Golden Visa through a hotel Renovation project where I purchased two units in a resort hotel with at least 7% return on investment annually and agreement that they would buy it back after five years if I wanted to sell it- The builder has not, honored his end on any of those major items. I’ve been waiting with a lawsuit for almost 3 years to see the judge; I finally got a hearing date she canceled it twice and now she says it’s canceled indefinitely, because the builder is in the pre-bankruptcy proceedings. we asked that he buy me out and he doesn’t respond. I pay my lawyer lots of money and it never seems to go anywhere. He’s a criminal but he’s Portuguese and he’s probably rubbing shoulders with some important people to have this thing go his way. We plod on, but if, I run out of options. I’m simply gonna keep the units (for which I received no annual income for the last four years), and then put a criminal complaint in with prosecutors office for fraud.. Wash my hands and learn a lesson an expensive one. On the positive side, I can report no income earned in Portugal on my income taxes and the only thing that I have to pay taxes on is a flat 10% of my pension even though I pay taxes on my pension in the USA, I’m double taxed on that. Other than that, I get all the benefits of the not habitual residency waiver for 10 years, which is very good. over two years ago I sent in my documents and my fees for my final visa renewal, was never called in for an appointment, went to the Sef offices. Did everything I could to no avail I still don’t have my visa renewed over two years, and my card still shows that my visa has expired after two years. Nor could my Portuguese attorney do any better.. In the meantime, I have passed the fluency exam and im in the system for citizenship without having a valid visa due to the problems with the immigration nightmare situation with their bureaucracy. I’ve given up on that one entirely. Next, over a year ago without warning, and very suddenly my bank account was frozenunder the order of the federal government who said I was under investigation for what sounded like money laundering, but they wouldn’t give me any information at all whatsoever. It was under a cloak of confidentiality and we just had a sit tight there’s very little lawyer can do that situation to move it forward. Finally after a year, I got my appointment with the investigator. They dropped any claim and they unfroze my account without apology and no, I got no interest for that year. So yeah, things can happen. First of all, don’t let your mail go for three weeks. you’re in this urgent situation because you partly created it. Recognize that Portuguese are not going to operate the same way you do and your emergency is not their emergency. Best thing you can do is be prepared and persistent but polite. I would just stay on the up and up and try to get your money back on the other end. lastly, sometimes it’s worth it to pony up the money for good legal representation. I think I have four attorneys now. One represents me in my civil case, one was representing me in the criminal investigation, which is now over, one represents me for my taxes and lastly for my citizenship application. Four different lawyers I’ve never had so many lawyers in my life and I’ve never paid so many legal fees in my life and that’s just the way it is. But at some point, if you’re not getting the results that you want, cut it off find somebody else or take a different approach. just be communicating that to your attorneys. Yours is really not a huge deal, but you could make it a huge deal depending.
@dy4109 7 күн бұрын
What happened to the interviews you did with your drag queen friend
@AmeriCanadian2011 7 күн бұрын
Adrian, really important discussion. Friends in Portugal have advised me as the owner of a small US business who just arrived on the D-8 visa to meet with a Portuguese tax lawyer now to figure out how my income will be classified in Portugal (post-NHR) before actually filing for the first time. Basically, have the headache first and then file with confidence later. Of course, this may well turn out to be a process of seeking a number of second opinions.
@AdrienField 7 күн бұрын
That’s good advice.
@JenShea 7 күн бұрын
Adrien, what I'm really hearing are 2 things. Don't give up, or give in when you know something isn't right. Don't take for granted that you have to pay a bill just because you get it. Do your research and get second opinions!! The other thing I'm seeing here is a good reminder to people who move. Make friends and get acquainted with locals and native speakers. We all know that in general the Portuguese people are kind and helpful and when asked are willing to help out... especially if you are their friend. Say hello to people in your local shops and places you frequent. Be friendly and open. Kindness begets kindness. As for Barbara... good for you for calling them out. You told your story, you are allowed to tell it exactly as it is. You've turned a crappy situation around and you'll know better next time... and you've reminded your followers to do their due diligence. Win Win.
@MaleOrderBride 7 күн бұрын
What does he do for a living?! Onlyfans?!?😮😢😮
@AdrienField 7 күн бұрын
I’m flattered you think this is a possibility
@dy4109 7 күн бұрын
​@AdrienField you have what it takes
@yannickherve5753 7 күн бұрын
When I watch this video it reminds me the chance I have to live in a country where we don't pay tax at all, it's also kind of freedom... No country is perfect but I hate so much bureaucracy that I won't return in my home country (France) any time soon. I was thinking about moving to Portugal but it's not in my shortlist anymore because of all of this...
@Carolinapetroska 7 күн бұрын
Another annoying thing with the tax authority is that you first need to wait for a bunch of codes to get into the finance portail and no accountant will talk to you until you receive and give them thise codes. Also and unfortunately that's the only way to do your taxes. You cannot do it manually and your accountant doesn't even have the ability to file through their own system so it's indeed very stressful and unclear.
@AdrienField 7 күн бұрын
Yes getting the login to your finanças account can also be an annoying process at first
@Carolinapetroska 7 күн бұрын
They won't freeze your bank account in Portugal. It doesn't happen just like that. Don't worry about it. European banks are regulated and don't close bank accounts for a small issue like this one
@pbohearn 7 күн бұрын
Oh, they won’t? Mine was frozen out of the blue for an entire year with no explanation or information because I had transferred a large sum of money temporarily to my Portuguese bank account, notifying the bank and my bank manager where the funds were coming from and what the purpose of the funds were for; nevertheless, got on the radar of white collar crime unit and the bank got a phone call and the feds said freeze his account. And all of that money that was transferred in was frozen for a full year without explanation and when I finally got my appointment and explain my situation, they unfroze it but without apology, and no, I didn’t receive any interest for the full year nothing nada
@AdrienField 7 күн бұрын
Actually they will.
@pures1n 7 күн бұрын
@@pbohearn Sorry to hear that bro. Europe sucks ass. As annoying as America is, it's helluva a lot better than the psychotic way's of the EU. Especially when it comes to "controlling" you & your money.
@Spritz86 7 күн бұрын
@@pbohearn your topic is an Anti Money Laundering matter, this is a different topic than what @Carolinapetroska was referring to. Adrien's complaint was regarding "what if I refuse to pay the EUR5k? can they freeze my account?". The answer: they cannot "freeze" the account but they can block the EUR 5k they claim to be owed to the Portuguese state + late fees. It is more or less the same law protecting retail bank customers everywhere in the EU.
@brianredpath4730 7 күн бұрын
They will freeze. Mines blocked through download problems on their App
@Carolinapetroska 7 күн бұрын
It was a nightmare for me too. They gave me 15 days only to straighten my situation.
@Carolinapetroska 7 күн бұрын
Portuguese businesses are always slow to answer.
@Carolinapetroska 7 күн бұрын
It's always more than you expect with the tax authority. I am paying 35% on my interest earned on a savings account abroad. I think it's huge because it doesn't matter if it's only a few thousand euros, you still pay 35%.
@Jules-nv4ht 7 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing thos with us! Am in the research phase, looking for warmer pastures, so this is most helpful 🙏
@thecryptostrategist2433 7 күн бұрын
I have filed all my taxes in Portugal using the online system for several years using Google Translate. It is not that hard. If you have issues, submit a question on the E-balcao and AT will get back to you and tell you what to do. I have asked lots of questions and the response time is usually within a day. I like this video (and love the shirt) but you are not giving yourself enough credit. You can figure the website out Adrien. Come on now. If I can do it, so can you. In this case, you need to pay the outstanding sum in Portugal to AT and wait for them to sort it out + refund. They will not take a huge length of time - probably a couple of months. Pay the bill in full and pay it now. You will not get interest on the overpayment because the source of the error / delay lies with you, not AT. Anyway, interest is crap and on 4.5K hardly worth having. If you do not pay, you will get fined, accumulate punitive interest and risk other sanctions. Don't go there please. You can sue the original tax filing company for the losses you incur. That is your option for recompense. Personally, I would not do this, but I would save it in case they do try to pursue the invoice - not improbable in Portugal. Next year, start this process on April 1st. If you meet issues filing the modelo 3 and the annexes, use the ebalcao to clarify and move on as needed. It will be predominantly Annex J and the Face for you. You also need to declare foreign bank accounts, in case you forgot that. A lot of people do. If you have any questions, you can reach out.
@HairByJamesAnnabel 7 күн бұрын
What a nightmare! Sorry to hear this
@lizcoleman5229 7 күн бұрын
Wow! Just came across your video. What a nightmare!!!! I'm so sorry for all of the stress!! I'm an American living in Spain and when tax season comes it gives me anxiety. Luckily I found tax accountants that know what they are doing and my tax situation isn't very complicated. I hope you get your tax situation resolved soon.
@Geekboarder 8 күн бұрын
Butthurt people from saying expats, hilarious! Totally feel the same, thanks for the great video! You're such a lagend!
@paulashwell1604 8 күн бұрын
nice shirt . tax situation sounds like a nightmare, sorry you are going through that.
@MaleOrderBride 7 күн бұрын
Right?! I want that shirt!!🤩 it's gorgeous ❤ I wonder what brand the shirt is??
@AdrienField 7 күн бұрын
The shirt is one of my designs from when I lived in Bali 😉
@steveipod1 7 күн бұрын
welcome to Portugal
@MaleOrderBride 7 күн бұрын
@@AdrienField wow you designed a gorgeous shirt!! We love it!!
@UbuTube 8 күн бұрын
16:06 you can't claim interest on that money because the mistake in the tax filling was your fault (it is irrelevant that it was your accountant's fault - technically it was your fault). If an incorrect tax declaration generates excess tax that is later returned, the tax authorities will definitely not pay interest when returning the money. They would only pay interest if the mistake had been made by them. Also I think your plan is a bad plan. I would just pay the 5k, file the correct tax declaration and then wait for the tax authorities to return the excess. You're very worried that it may take several months - it may tale a year or two. Just forget about it, it will be returned some day. In my opinion, if you go into the payment plan option as a way to delay payment you'll get into a complex situation where you'll owe the tax authorities money and interests, and then you run the very real risk that they suspend the payment they're supposed to send you because technically you owe them money.
@snoopy13946 8 күн бұрын
I agree. Pay the assessed tax. Keeps you legal. Prevents serious problems. Get the money back later and take it as a lesson learned.
@UbuTube 7 күн бұрын
@@snoopy13946 Also, if he doesn't pay the 5k until the deadline he will enter the list of people who owe money to the tax authorities, and being on that list has (nasty) consequences in all sorts of areas, some of which are totally unforeseen.
@pbohearn 7 күн бұрын
Yes, and they could freeze your account. You don’t want that to happen. And if you’re all considering going for citizenship, this isn’t gonna look good for you.
@rennie2611 8 күн бұрын
Hi Adrian, miss you, love the shirt
@alicehuangwijaya984 8 күн бұрын
this behaviour is a dating app behaviour
@tubedon1000 10 күн бұрын
Scams from the minute you arrive, horrible internet, if and when available and boats that explode and sink. Yeah, sign me up right away.
@cryptokingz615 16 күн бұрын
Love the teeth Adrien. Take the poker out your arse though
@pures1n 25 күн бұрын
Sorry I am probably missed the video where you explained; but what happened to living in Portugal? The last time I saw a video you just got your D8 visa, did you end up giving up on Portuguese citizenship? That would have been a great citizenship to get and dropping your US passport at the time.
@frankiecal3186 26 күн бұрын
The channel name is hellarious.🤣🤣🤣
@arisbariffi Ай бұрын
I stumbled across your video because I was looking for tips about Menorca. I'm going there in one month by myself and this video surprisingly resonated with me! I travel alone a lot but this is going to be the first time in an island where I'm going to spend most of my time doing nothing.
@grigorii9145 Ай бұрын
How do you travel if you renounce?
@DR-ed5uw Ай бұрын
Nomad Capitalist has videos about renouncing his citizenship. He has said you are entitled to your social security benefits (if they still exist) after renouncing. Plus, NC has talked about the reason you are renouncing, saying it is for taxes, could get your renunciation request denied. Please do an update video when you do renounce.
@jmac3327 Ай бұрын
You are mistaken about Mexico. Live in the state of Queretaro, the 2nd most expensive state in the country, and it is still 1/3 the cost of living in US. Very, Very safe.
@MsLemons12 Ай бұрын
Your company isn't structured properly if you're complaining about payroll taxes...Also there really isnt much better to invest in than the US stock market.
@Ingrid_Abrams Ай бұрын
I live in another EU country, and there was an article in the news a few months ago that Portugal was at risk of being out of the EU because they are struggling to keep up with required EU regulations. I also know a lot of expats living there still waiting for their for cards over a year. SEF just collapsed then AIMA had to take over the process, and they said that they have over 500,000 - 700, 000 people backlogged. good luck though, hope yours come through soon.
@AdrienField Ай бұрын
This is an old video and i received my card back in Jan
@conversationclub8230 Ай бұрын
Being gay in Bali is a crime, how do you deal with that.
@AdrienField Ай бұрын
I left
@KatyYoder-cq1kc Ай бұрын
I renounce my US citizenship and refuse to be affiliated with communists, fascists, wokeists, cultists, neonazis and psychopaths.