I couldn't bring Myself to Play Snake-Eye
General Tips to Improve your Deckbuilding
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It's impossible to do this right
@Rival-C1Zero Сағат бұрын
#ban_oss #free_merrli
@adityawiryawan560 3 сағат бұрын
Going first is an option at that point
@tia8200 4 сағат бұрын
@gianniskarageorgos6040 6 сағат бұрын
Bro said not yet to. Shifter... Stupido
@boumerxphajba 7 сағат бұрын
Unpopular opinion 👉 : They should put SuperheavySamuraiScarecrow to 1 the deck is no longer top tier(in ocg it did not top) and they hit Baronne and Savage dragon which make the deck way weaker. #FreeSuperheavySamuraiScarecrow
@filipemoura1119 7 сағат бұрын
Sadly i think that only original is banned we'll still have a toxic format. Flamerge NEEDS to go or almost nothing changes...
@benjithealien 7 сағат бұрын
What about Zealantis?
@cotery1040 8 сағат бұрын
Free my girl Electrumite she did nothing wrong
@absoln1ght 8 сағат бұрын
the only thing holding back this format plus the next up-coming one is snake eyes and turn lock ftks (puppet) yubel is in my eyes the perfect example of a tier 1 deck it has alot feels overwhelming but in reality its not at all hell the yubel mirrors are gonna be insane to watch due to the amount of interraction.
@alexanderbatterbee8369 9 сағат бұрын
Ban sanctifier, ban flamberge, ban shifter, ban skill drain, ban lost, ban tenpai field spell fenrir to one, super poly to one, braindead fusion to one. Free my boy elpy
@skyzip4k171 12 сағат бұрын
Btw what the fuck is the diabell engine suppossed to do without oss? Just be a level 7 body that gets you nothing?
@skyzip4k171 12 сағат бұрын
Josh: hates consistency hits. Also josh: wants to ban oss
@skyzip4k171 12 сағат бұрын
They still need to limit samgan summoning
@kaurkonks5843 13 сағат бұрын
The issue you causing with this is, that some cards will increase in price too much.. and that ruins the game more than banning limiting or banning skill drain and cards like that. More tier 2 to 1 cheap decks are needed that could compete with the top. There's no game love if we all just copy paste the same deck....
@hildemaromeneses6225 16 сағат бұрын
Thanks god format in my locals have like 8 different decks
@FURNACE_YGO 16 сағат бұрын
Free Spyral Master Plan ;P
@geminitricks2332 17 сағат бұрын
Tbh if you can thank snake eyes for anything it that it got so many toxic cards in the format banned cause Konami didn’t wanna hit them
@azaantahir9399 17 сағат бұрын
We must make josh sign Raye so he can give it away
@geminitricks2332 17 сағат бұрын
Tbh I can see the limit to ash an oak ban is something Konami would do
@festusfive9157 18 сағат бұрын
@opaqcue 18 сағат бұрын
nah fenrir is dumb
@DeityofDestiny 21 сағат бұрын
unicorn tho
@NexeL_NKC 21 сағат бұрын
What are people on about? This is normal!
@drewbabe 21 сағат бұрын
I think Fenrir isn't a good board breaker staple, because it provides too much value thanks to its search and its summoning condition makes it good for going 1st as well. I don't know how I feel about the MD way of doing things where they limited it, making it kind of just like... a bonus if you open it, but inconvenient for the actual Kashtira strategy (either as a deck or as an engine,) but I think a card like it provides too much value, especially in a format where a lot of decks love that it searches itself because it gives them a free discard. I can't say whether it should be limited or outright banned in the TCG, but it should be one of the two. If they could go back in time and make it lock you in some way if you use its inherent special summon condition (maybe to only summoning Kashtira cards as well as Level/Rank 7s, or alternatively, Xyz lock you) then I think it would be fine at 3. Otherwise it's just a generic +1, with a high potential to be a +2 with a good form of removal, attached to a relatively big body to boot, and that kind of thing is just... not ok. Pank feels, to me, like the furthest that a powercrept Cydra should have ever gone.
@LIKEMIKE593 22 сағат бұрын
Ive been sitting on this idea, and its a pipedream wish list but give them the Tear treatment like : Flameberge to 1 Ash to 1 Poplar to 1 OSS to 1 Oak to 2 Then if Snake Fire King comes back and is a problem, adjust as needed
@timbahr1792 23 сағат бұрын
OSS Sanctifire Flamberge (Banned ^) Snake eye ash Skill drain Prosperity Birth (Limited ^) That’s all that’s necessary for a perfect format
@zjweele13 Күн бұрын
Going into info format without banning beatrice will be very toxic i believe
@WolfPackAlpha-sn2sw Күн бұрын
Please let me keep my Skill Drain it’s the only thing keeping my Charmers on life support
@geek593 Күн бұрын
No, the format outside of Snake-Eyes isn't healthy, interesting, or "great". It costs nothing for someone to say what we will never have is actually good because it will never be tested. But we all know how dogshit it feels to play against every deck on that tournament tops list. Fiendsmith coming soon snaps the game again whether Snake-Eyes is removed or not. We're at a point where the fix will only ever be temporary until the next set ruins the game again.
@deamon9 Күн бұрын
Funny thing when I fought vs Snake-Eyes during the YCS Qualifier event in Master Duel Keep using Zombie Vampire to steal their one copy of Flameberge and XYZ it into Number 68. Its so funny watching them desperately try to get back this guy.
@FellowIntello Күн бұрын
As a Snake-Eye player, it’s funny how nobody wants the field spell banned. It’s EASILY the one card that invalidates EVERY handtrap ever printed except shifter/imperm/veiler. Think about it, they search it first even over OSS cause they KNOW they can play through nibiru, dark ruler, Droll, and in the OCG - Maxx C. It’s a searchable magical mid breaker field. Remove that, snake eyes cannot repair their boards and even if they make crazy lines with OSS, they now play into Nibiru.
@stashallemagne4488 Күн бұрын
One reason i wish this game was overall more balanced and didnt need something like handtraps.
@chaosfighter8588 Күн бұрын
I have a question. Does Yugioh actually have an engine like Stockfish does for chess? An engine that recommends the best move for you
@bladearmorginga6582 Күн бұрын
Honestly huge character growth from Josh saying that plants don’t need to be hit.
@frankunodostres473 Күн бұрын
>very diverse format -> competitive players complain >T0 format -> all other players complain y'all really just want rock paper scissors formats huh?
@geek593 Күн бұрын
They want a better game that Konami isn't capable of giving them.
@chase9020 Күн бұрын
limiting props does nothing to tenpin post INFO, they do not play prosopi post INFO
@Mr_Mike97190 Күн бұрын
Everyone talking about snake-eye stuff…are we just gonna ignore the fact at 18:15 he calls ritual beast a new archetype. Like dude, do your research. That archtype is almost a decade old!! Came out in the secret forces in 2015. Also it makes no sense what you said about keeping shifter around because it keeps snake eyes in check. Yet you hit it enough to where snake eyes is no longer an issue, therefore, since it’s no longer the best deck, shifter can get hit.
@javomw2 Күн бұрын
JOSH! JOSH, can you make a video detailing your colossal hate for the lord Mathmech Circular? we deserve to know
@geek593 Күн бұрын
He lost to Mathmech at a regional, said he didn't like the deck, it became a stream meme, that meme escaped into the greater culture, and Konami took it as a reason to toss it on the 25th anniversary banlist.
@AllHailShadow117 Күн бұрын
If Sanctifire had to grab a monster specifically from the owners graveyards respectively it would be far less bullshit
@drew5121 Күн бұрын
Fenrir is great. Free, removal, trades out for my Vanity’s Fiend… I don’t see an issue
@deathboy345 Күн бұрын
why not ban flameberge, that is the problem card, not promethian, ash or any other snake eye card
@theizzidor1319 Күн бұрын
Ban original, ban flambrage, ban oak. Very very simple.
@Starkiller2725 Күн бұрын
Many Branded players don't seem to enjoy the lock as well. The real problems is in the other decks, but people liek yelling.
@luisrosales2599 Күн бұрын
I can't get enough of his reaction 😂
@sluggernott641 Күн бұрын
Josh has changed his stance on Snake-Eye. I feel like a lot of players do that. "I dont enjoy the deck, it doesn't create a healthy environment" The evidence is in his videos somewhere, but he definitely praised it as a fun deck to play just a few months ago. As per usual, yugioh players get sick of the best deck being the best deck. This is why the banlist exists, right? It's also why powercreep exists. People want something different to play. We all find a deck(or a few) that we like to go back to to play because it's fun, but most modern players wanna play new stuff. Novelty is fun. You also have to blame the players to an extent. Everyone gravitates towards a deck that wins, because people like to win. That's why the decks get expensive. Good cards are scarce and cost more. There's a premium to owning the cards for the best deck. So people are simultaneously priced out/in deep. It's also frustrating to spend 800$ on a deck, then watch those prices tank. its the give and take. I really liked snake-eyes before it got it's big support wave in prom princess and popular and before everyone started abusing the zealantis line. It's annoying to see a deck I liked, become a powerhouse and everyone hates on it. Like with a lot of people, Josh went from "This is a cool, powerful, uniquely interactive deck" to his current take. It'll happen again, too. With the next Top deck. Give it 6 months.
@Antithesismanifest 20 сағат бұрын
Absolutely agree i hecking love my flamberge, by the time the next top deck drop i give 2 months before people start being mad again.
@ddynamite3835 Күн бұрын
on the topic on why plants aren't here, I agree with you when you said that they only did so well because the players who played them were good however I say that konami has banned cards that have homogenized a type of deck building, electrumite with pendulums, isolde with warriors, halq with tuners, etc. and well frankly aromaseraphy jasmine does this for plants, personally I don't think they need to hit plants but it is consistent with what konami has done in the past
@anass2006-tn3wb Күн бұрын
Close format my ass
@VaylantzGuy Күн бұрын
Pls Ban Beat Rice
@aetherwolf9288 Күн бұрын
2 things. 1. Bonfire is a RoTA for Pyro. RoTA is limited so limit Bonfire or release RoTA. 2. Princess is the unhealthiest card in the format. Its an Ash protection with Hieta, an end board piece, an extender and OtK enabler for 3 ED slots (Raging, Phoenix and Zealantis). This is just stupid. Ban Princess, limit Poplar, limit Bonfire and SE is a deck that more often than not dies to a single interruption. FK would also lose a decent chunk of its power but with Ulcanix it is still very much playable. Also Salad would still be viable as they have Code of Soul and Raging Phoenix, Pyro Phoenix combo (also Will of the Salads). The reasoning behind Polar limit is that the deck now has just a 12.5% chance to brick hard and Princess ban makes Ash a good card against this deck.
@MegaWomenSl4yer445 Күн бұрын