@GunMan12358 14 сағат бұрын
Hey Ronin, loved watching/re-watching your Frostpunk videos, will you be touching on Frostpunk 2 at some point?
@RoninFoxSpeaks 9 сағат бұрын
I definitely plan to but I've been trying to finish the sun dimming video but I was scouring fp2 for lore first
@letsatsi2616 Күн бұрын
The captions gotta give us celsius
@samueltrusik3251 Күн бұрын
Heck yeah, Frostpunk lore. There is a surprising amount of stuff to analyse in these games.
@susangoaway 4 күн бұрын
Thought Frostpunk explained it quite clearly that the cooling was due to a sudden decrease in Solar luminosity.
@marcelgrabowski5939 8 күн бұрын
So it does make sense after all. I was a little bugged by it, but apparently it is far more long-term solution, since seeds by themselves would just die eventually. Though then shouldn't seedling arks require active maintenance? Caring for plants and the like.
@marcelgrabowski5939 8 күн бұрын
Frost being triggered by two supervolcanos eruptions and sun periodically dimming, then persisting because of albedo is a really good explanation to how Frostpunk can be still so frosty for decades, centuries even. Like, to the point that only geoforming solutions employed in far future of the verse could possibly change it within sensible timeframe. Huh, Frostpunk space program. Now that sounds interesting.
@marcelgrabowski5939 8 күн бұрын
It seems to have been mix of multitude of factors; two super-volcano eruptions were mentioned, I think, and sun dimming, both facts found in nansen storm watch, I think, or maybe some in observatory near New London. It was said that there is a lot of papers scouts cannot understeand in Nansen Storm Watch, so it could have contained even more astronomical factors. In any case, it looks like highly unlikely mix of terrible factors. None of them could alone cause this, but with all included, it is quite plausible.
@CUBETechie 9 күн бұрын
But if you drill in the ground and use the geothermal energy
@Meme_Lor 10 күн бұрын
As someone who sucks at games the EZ Gun allowed me to enjoy this game while still appreciating the story and gameplay
@No-uc6fg 11 күн бұрын
I'd say it's a case of shutting down the release valves so the heat accumulates, which would explain why stress slowly goes down when OD is disabled, and why you can avoid the generator exploding by either using a steam core (uses the excess steam and reduces pressure) or by sacrificing a civil to open the valves.
@JahJah-CleverHandle 11 күн бұрын
My thought is that they turned off the heat-sinks and direct extra heat inward at the cost of causing extreme pressure buildup inside the generator, but your explanation is likely too, and the backstory is very interesting.
@georg8192 12 күн бұрын
I just looked up how the generator works and stumbled on your channel again. Love your videos 👍
@RoninFoxSpeaks 11 күн бұрын
Welcome back
@rzu1474 12 күн бұрын
So, the Generator was build atop a ground water deposit heated by volcanism, the sort of thing that causes hot springs (which do exist near New London and the Generator we build in last autumn.) Given the Generator for sure would need tons of water and we only need to provide coal i think thats a given. This already supercritical, pressurized, hot water is pumped into the boiler? of the Generator and heated further by coal, turned to steam, and ran through both a steam engine (pistons, turbines dont exist yet i think) and a sort turbo pump to pump more water up. This then generates power, that we know the city has, and steam which can be piped, condensed and used again as hot water for heating too. Upgrades just turn up the heat and pressure.
@granienasniadanie8322 13 күн бұрын
Maybe they just close the exit valves, so the hot steam doesn't escape, but building of pressure eventually cause the boiler to burst?
@lord_nem3sis 13 күн бұрын
Cant wait for FP2 8 days left
@RoninFoxSpeaks 13 күн бұрын
Ayo pre-order squad
@YaZ_-eu8id 13 күн бұрын
Damn man, missed your vids.
@akeldyes8908 13 күн бұрын
it makes sens
@leiderhosen7110 17 күн бұрын
Actually the cause of the global cooling is strongly implied to be from an asteroid strike in certain notes scattered across the sites you can visit. On a loading screen it references a meteor shower observed in 1872 by a Turkish astronomer, and it seemingly doesn't relate to anything. Seemingly. In-game you visit an observatory where astronomers said that the volcanic eruption of Krakatoa would not cause enough debris to cause such an extreme and long-term climate shift, which this is backed a SECOND time by Tesla, who is possibly the most intelligent in-universe character we see in FP1. He leaves a recording that states that neither the dimming of the sun nor an eruption would cause it by themselves, but instead theorizes that "maybe the great quake was actually an asteroid strike" just before he was killed. So what's implied to have happened is that in 1872, a meteor storm began approach to earth, and in 1887 one of the asteroids peeled of and struck earth somewhere, causing an explosion powerful enough to send tremors across the world, which were written off an earthquake. The fallout was so immense that it obstructed the sun, causing it to appear "dim" as you would be looking at it through the shadow of a cloud of debris, and as it is lingering high in the upper atmosphere it is taking an incredibly long time time to settle and causing this pronounced climate change. I am unsure if it would be this extreme, but after the Permian extinction event it took an estimated *100* years for global temperatures to rise again, so while not "infinite", it would be long enough to drastically change the ecosystem of earth as the entire planet is being effectively deprived of radiation from the sun at once. Edit: Everything you said about the wind is still right, though. The strike would cause global cooling, which would cause massive instability of the jetstream as it is no longer being supplied with sufficient heat.
@Gojiro7 17 күн бұрын
something also of note, in order to even attempt this, you'd have to know at a glance what make and model of gun is being used and have near encyclopedic knowledge of how to perform a field strip for that (and pretty much every gun) to pull it off ontop of being physically able to attempt wrestling the gun away. The only realistic thing to do should you attempt it is to get the gun away by either disarming means or attacking vulnerable areas (I can think of one thats not being guarded during a struggle). When you have the gun away you have to make a judgement call if it's best to hold them up with their own gun (which could add a lot of legal complications to a self defense case plus your attacker might gamble on whether or not you have the fortitude to pull the trigger on them and wrestle it back) or release the magazine, eject the bullet and toss the gun out of reach to take their main threat away and make is possible for others to help (which seen in footage of Convenience store robberies stopped by the ones being held up) or use the opportunity to escape
@Gojiro7 17 күн бұрын
4:28 thats not just some guy doing a recreation, thats Kenichi "Tornado" Yoshida, the man they used to act as essentially the motion capture (or reference) just for Ocelots gun tricks in all the MGS games and he really does all those insane tricks ocelot does in the games in real life, including the gun fire juggling
@maxjackson6559 20 күн бұрын
We all like to think its because kojimbo had this masterful lore explination like "the gun was used on the battlefield for so long that the bullets tumble because the rifling is worn out" but really his only thought was "flipping is really cool. Can we make the bullets do flips?"
@Joseph-z3f Ай бұрын
Not an automatic but okay
@planetdawson Ай бұрын
If you like Frostpunk I have just started a new series on it! The first episode is the latest video on my channel, check it out!!! Thank you, peace and love ❤
@SSJFro Ай бұрын
It's so odd that they had the elbow twisting as an excuse for Ocelot's gun jam right there, they could have said 'that' was why his gun jammed. Why make it about his hand covering the slide while ejecting a round? Was it about embarrassing Ocelot? A way to salt the wound? As if to say "you didn't just get unlucky, if your gun didn't jam the way it did, it would have probably jammed this other way, you're not very good"
@RoninFoxSpeaks Ай бұрын
I'd say it really is to narratively establish that snake/big boss is very competent and on another level than Ocelot despite the talent that Ocelot showed off
@J0hnT0m0rr0w Ай бұрын
Olga's gun isn't a PSS. It's a Makarov. You can see it clearly during her radio call with Gurlukovic. However, the PSS was in MGS4. You can find it at the start of the game in an apartment building locker, just before you reach the hotel where you meet Meryl.
@Peter_1986 Ай бұрын
I have always found the stealth aspect in this game extremely pleasant; there is something meditative about lying in the high grass, and planning how to get past the guards without being seen. I like to attempt a "no death" playthrough on European Extreme, just to get the full stealth experience.
@RoninFoxSpeaks Ай бұрын
I've always loved the hardcore stealth experience of trying no-traces/ghost stealth runs like the old splinter cell missions where you cant kill or KO anyone while also having no alerts
@Peter_1986 Ай бұрын
The EZ Gun is basically a result of the developers going "just cram everything that is awesome into one single weapon".
@The_Helmet Ай бұрын
My theory would be a foreign planetary body of some sort is exerting an enormous magnetic pull on planets atmosphere. less magnetic protection would cause ionization of upper atmosphere and would inflict damage upon the cloud cover by increasing it, or atmospheric chemistry changes, like production of nitric oxide which would lead to destabilized ozone levels in upper atmosphere. depending on changes of ozone concentration in the atmosphere we would experience large temp drop. with multiple super vulcanic eruptions this would make the winter we see in frostpunk. Altho, this is only my theory of sorts, if you are a specialist on this topic go ahead and please debunk it (I'm still in highschool I can't do complex astrophysical calculations on the planet so I cannot prove my theory). Also sorry for spelling errors and mistakes I'm not native English speaker.
@antoni-nv7nj Ай бұрын
The city must survive!
@buttchunksofdoomd4939 Ай бұрын
Engraving might provide some extra grip when you do go to rack that slide. Also the what happened was the next round failed to feed because he did successfully eject the first round as it is shown falling on the ground in slow motion. I actually couldn’t tell when he switches mags but that is probably what he did either that or a mag check
@L1LegoAnimations Ай бұрын
Love how Ocelot had to manually jam his Makarov cause those things are darn near unstoppable when operated properly. Love mine to death, it's a good looking and surprisingly accurate handgun if not a bit out dated.
@KitsuneYashaX48 2 ай бұрын
I'm a little late here (a little???), but to be fair, while Snake does mention the recoil grip, he doesn't say that's why the gun jammed - he says that's why Ocelot shouldn't be using automatics. He says his grip and recoil control is "more of a revolver technique." He oddly doesn't really explain why the gun jammed at all. "You ejected the first bullet by hand, didn't you? I see what you were trying to do. But testing a technique you've only heard about in the middle of battle wasn't very smart. You were asking to have your gun jam on you. Besides, I don't think you're cut out for an automatic in the first place. You tend to twist your elbow to absorb the recoil. That's more of a revolver technique."
@SySplit 2 ай бұрын
I've spoken to a police officer about this, and my cousin, they didn't recommend me doing this. It appears that they both had training in unarmed combat (CQC).
@KlaxontheImpailr 2 ай бұрын
What I want to know is, if the game is set in Svalbard, why are there any trees at all? I mean it’s the Arctic, wouldn’t it be above the timberline?
@manolgeorgiev9664 2 ай бұрын
Humans: *create the nuclear bomb* Volcanoes: Look at what they need to mimic a fraction of our power!
@andystegall7407 2 ай бұрын
The Makarov also has a tiny ejection port which makes loading or unloading rounds from it a hassle
@OWCP101GAMES 2 ай бұрын
@lord_nem3sis 2 ай бұрын
The love they put in every single detail is amazing. I hope you return to FP content when the successor gets released
@RoninFoxSpeaks 2 ай бұрын
I was a little disappointed when they said they'd be delaying the release of the game but I'll admit that the beta was a little undercooked so it just means that we'll be getting a better game however the soundtrack is perfection like always
@Screwcharger85 2 ай бұрын
Tap , rack , roll wound fix the stove pipe jam. But because he loaded a new magazine in the Makarov with one already in the chamber was racking a round thus with already one in the chamber was a “ Double feed” failure to eject / failure to fire. Recommend : eject the magazine and rack the Makarov three times to clear any obstruction. Reload a fresh magazine, tap , rack and roll.
@demi-femme4821 2 ай бұрын
He twisted his recoil to absorb the revolver technique. Rookie mistake.
@chimericalical 2 ай бұрын
An engraving cooooooould offer a very minuscule tactical advantage that’s not worth the effort of doing the engraving to begin with: Camo. Like if you made an engraving designed to look like a piece of wood or it was a camouflage pattern it would make it more difficult to see the gun and all… but paint and dye can do a better job for cheaper and with less effort…
@pea_in_peace5175 3 ай бұрын
karen has just found out about freedom of speech
@somebird 3 ай бұрын
Its funny that everyone's go to clip for keyholing is China's new rifle
@KaiserKrow202 3 ай бұрын
You cannot convince Ocelot isn’t gay for Snake.
@CharlieApples 3 ай бұрын
The attention to detail in the plot of Hideo Kojima games is just mind-blowing. Keep in mind that handguns and revolvers are 100% illegal to own in Japan, so Kojima grew up with no exposure to guns whatsoever.
@misterd6235 3 ай бұрын
The video is very good, but I find both the title and the intro to be misleading. It seems like you want to talk about Frostpunk technology, perhaps referring to Automaton, steampunk structures, steam-core. Instead you focus on the climate. It's not what you expect at first.
@italianspiderman5012 3 ай бұрын
Just finished my first run yesterday, it has to be the best ending for a game of this kind, and the music oh man. The city must survive.
@RoninFoxSpeaks 3 ай бұрын
Hell yeah
@mexicanplayer6537 3 ай бұрын
what is the name of the soundtrack thats playing in the backround
@RoninFoxSpeaks 3 ай бұрын
It's the menu theme for Metro last light
@williamcoon3724 3 ай бұрын
It's also kind of like shards in horizon you get them from machines but you also use them as arrowheads and currency of course you also need other items to trade not just shorts but sure it's a used and basically everything that you trade for