How $$$ Changes the Bible
4 ай бұрын
The Myth and History of the Magi
Did Noah's Ark Steal From Gilgamesh?
@MattDrake 23 сағат бұрын
So why did meaning of the word for apple change in 3 separate languages around the same time?
@davidhinkley 3 күн бұрын
I thought conservative/fundie Jews, Muslims and Christians were dumb and could never be surpassed in their historical ignorance but this actually goes further. I mean, everything about it goes further. Wow!
@shivli6088 3 күн бұрын
This isnt the correct interpretation of the Bible.
@Gunfighter95 3 күн бұрын
It seems to me now that the most logical thing is that the solution would probably induce labor in a pregnant woman but do nothing to a non-pregnant woman. If a man suspected his wife was pregnant from another man and had very good reason to suspect as much, e.g. he was away at war, and when he comes back, she appears pregnant even before he has been with her, then this would be done to confirm his suspicion.
@TabletsAndTemples 3 күн бұрын
Thanks for watching. It's certainly a possibility.
@InquisitiveBible 4 күн бұрын
One angle I've heard before, which most scholars don't address, is the possibility that rituals like this are designed to let the priest "tip the scales" so to speak and control the outcome based on his own wisdom or suspicions by poisoning the water.
@TabletsAndTemples 3 күн бұрын
That's interesting, yeah I hadn't come across that. I think in some versions of the medieval water trials they could be rigged also.
@stevelloyd5785 4 күн бұрын
I think it shows, yet again, that humans are complete bastards towards one another and believe all sorts of nonsense, even until the present despite all we have learnt via science etc. Shit, some people even believe that some sort of god exists, which one is mostly dependant on where you were born.
@TabletsAndTemples 4 күн бұрын
Make sure to read the description for a full list of sources and links to other videos on this topic.
@Roboto8088 4 күн бұрын
Fortunately our medical knowledge has come a long way from Biblical times. My take on this "abortion potion": There's no direct connection between the uterus and bowels. The dirty water, especially the "dust" in it, would most likely affect the digestive tract and act as a diarrheic. Ever feel constipated, with the bloat-like feeling in the belly with cramps from gas? Some would say it felt like pregnancy, and this "ordeal" may have been a cure. If there was a chance that this did work as an abortive, it was all psychological. Just something to consider.
@william3347 4 күн бұрын
My take is the wording for the ritual was intentionally vague from the beginning. So the intent was psychological, to discourage infidelity from happening, and to alleviate concerns of jealous husbands. The dirty water itself didn't medically cause anything. Considering other cultures water rituals where people actually drowned, this one was harmless by comparison. Moses was granted authority to create such civil laws, but that doesn't mean God agreed with every ruling, for example Jesus expressed disagreement with the old rules on divorce, in another situation the enemies of Jesus were ready to stone an adulterous woman to death, according to the law, yet Jesus managed to save her from that fate instead.
@mrmaat 4 күн бұрын
It’s pretty clear form the context that this is magic designed to confirm the paternity of the jealous husband.
@funkatron101 4 күн бұрын
This is a great explanation of both sides. Well done! I do prescribe to the abortion consensus, for the reasons you stated in your video. Here is my breakdown. 1. The most obvious signs of adultery are signs of pregnancy and if the husband and wife have not consummated their marriage. 2. The punishment for adultery at the time, if caught, was death. 3. This method spares his wife's life regardless, which means the husband must still hold his wife to having value. 4. What is the most valuable contribution from a wife at that time? Produce offspring. If a wife becomes infertile, her contribution to the marriage in this regard becomes invalidated. 5. The inheritance aspect should not be understated. There are numerous instances in the Bible of preventing children out of wedlock from gaining inheritance. Now when it comes to what this "bitter water" actually was, this could be a guarded secret within the church. Rather than have the husband or wife attempt the abortion, have it be more "controlled." It is speculation on my part, but when you put it all together, it makes sense to me.
@shgysk8zer0 4 күн бұрын
Isn't a fetus referred to as part of the mother's body, as a thigh, after I think 4 days of pregnancy (where it's considered water) until birth? It'd make a lot of sense having a fetus "fall"/be discharged.
@TabletsAndTemples 4 күн бұрын
Thanks for watching, have you got a source for that? I'm not sure we have anything from the ANE that states that. I remember that there's something in later Rabbinic writing that might suggest something like that. But we would need to find someone contemporaneous.
@shgysk8zer0 4 күн бұрын
@@TabletsAndTemples my memory is also vague, and I'm not a scholar on any subject, so at best I can just repeat what I heard or read in English. And yes, it was later writing - somewhere in the talmud, I believe, and I'm not even sure if a thigh was specifically said there either. My comment was nearly all I know, though somehow I dropped mention of the talmud in my edits as I was writing it. It isn't proof of how to translate it or anything, but I do think that other somewhat later writings are valid in at least being more likely to be accurate than anything in modern times by very different people.
@TabletsAndTemples 4 күн бұрын
Ah yes, it is the Talmud. While certainly interesting, it's probably not enough to say anything about Numbers 5 in its ancient context. If the ancient authors believed the "thigh" and a fetus to be one and the same - then yes it would be pretty clear cut. However, we just don't have any evidence.
@shgysk8zer0 4 күн бұрын
@@TabletsAndTemples I think it makes the understanding of this referring to a fetus at least plausible. But we'd have to make a lot of assumptions about ages of oral traditions and any editing/changes that took place to try to push it back to being contemporary. However, I do think that oral law and commentary from around 200-500CE could at least be insightful to something... Well, how old is our oldest copy of that section from Numbers, especially in Hebrew? I see that the oldest fragments are 6-7 century BCE, but that is just a fragment. The big issue here is uncertainty of the time when "thigh" was written and, based on that, just how contemporary it is with the Talmud. We're looking at a date range (based on some quick targeted searching, without getting in depth, of the talmud being at most 1,200 younger, or up to 500 years older). Probably about 700 years younger is more accurate, as far as I can tell, but with oral history before that. Dating things is difficult, but I don't think I'm inaccurate in just saying it's probably not all that far removed from being contemporary.
@TabletsAndTemples 4 күн бұрын
@@shgysk8zer0 Well the other ancient witnesses such as a the Seputagint and Samaritan Pentateuch agree with thigh so no reason to think it wasn't always thigh in Hebrew. Using the Talmud is difficult - because the tractate Sotah for the most part does not consider the woman pregnant in the ordeal. But it also changes the ordeal substantially. The point being, using later Rabbinic logic cuts both ways - one could make the opposite argument with sources from the same period. To establish the plausibility that the thigh itself could equate to a fetus -one would need to find a similar idea in Semetic writing or the writing from Egypt/Babylon/Persia etc., (even Greece/Rome!) prior to the first century.
@sordidknifeparty 4 күн бұрын
I'm just starting your video, but I don't see how anything can change the fact that these people believed that doing what they were doing might cause a woman to lose a baby, and that was their intent. Doing anything with the intention of causing a miscarriage, is abortion. This would have been the case even if they simply prayed to God and asked him to cause a miscarriage if the woman had been unfaithful. Desiring the termination of a pregnancy, and then taking action to accomplish that, no matter how inept the actions are, is an attempt at abortion
@TabletsAndTemples 4 күн бұрын
Yes, we look at both sides in the course of the video.
@christendumb9371 4 күн бұрын
Whether or not the ritual was about the death of a child .. We cant deny that God made David and bathsheba's child (suffer ) for 7 days before taking its life ...all to punish David ...showing very little regard for children out of wedlock ...i dont think the god of the bible cares if people are aborting ....
@trentlytle7289 5 күн бұрын
I don't think you're taking into account what ends up on the tabernacle floor. It's not normal dirt, it's the leftovers of what's been burned in that incense for days on end. It's ash from burnt offerings. Maybe even blood from a sacrifice. It could, to me, very easily end up in a case of food poisoning that could be taken as a sign and lead to a miscarriage.
@TabletsAndTemples 5 күн бұрын
Hey thanks for watching. I did mention the Amzallag article which argues some sort of efficacy of the dirt. But it is speculative. The word is dust, which here refers to the earth/dirt of the tabernacle floor. Anything's possible, but it is speculation.
@ThatsNotMyWife 5 күн бұрын
This is amazing work. Thank you for representing the complexity of the topic and its many views. I find it strange that the text, as we have it now anyway, does not make it clear as to what happens to a potential pregnancy. But, as the ordeal is connected to infedelity, it would be quite the oversight not to consider conception to have occurred.
@TabletsAndTemples 5 күн бұрын
Glad you liked it! Thanks for watching!
@Reno-cz1bx 5 күн бұрын
If the woman was found guilty, she would have been thought to be quilty of adultry. So she would get the death penalty. What would be the point of making her infertile?
@TabletsAndTemples 5 күн бұрын
This is another example among many that, the texts of the Pentateuch don't always agree with each other. And that it probably didn't function as a consistent law code that was applied legally.
@tangerinetangerine4400 5 күн бұрын
Human stupidy never ceases to amaze. Only surpassed by stupidity of the gods they invented. Maybe because of the collective effort.
@matthew_scarbrough 5 күн бұрын
I don't think that "abortion" is the proper term for it. Abortion is what you do to terminate a pregnancy, and miscarriage is what nature does. The ancients had actual abortion methods, and this doesn't look, to me, like what's going on. The idea is that if she is guilty of adultery, Yahweh will curse her with infertility or a miscarriage. I like Dr. Richard Elliott Friedman's take on this that it's possible no one believed this actually worked, and it was put in place to protect women in a sexist culture from scornful, child-like men by threatening their honour. From a naturalistic POV, 10/10, the woman is neither miscarrying as a result of the ritual nor is she going to become infertile. It seems like most ancients were just as skeptical and naturalistic as we are today, so I don't really see a problem with projecting that back a bit.
@TabletsAndTemples 5 күн бұрын
hey, thanks for watching. I and other scholars use the term abortion because if it is a miscarriage, then it is forced. That is to say, it is the deliberate termination of a pregnancy - which is the definition of an abortion.
@matthew_scarbrough 5 күн бұрын
@@TabletsAndTemples Thanks for your reply. Understood. Perhaps I am just nitpicky, but I feel like it isn't as accurate as it could be-in the Bible, a miscarriage is an abortion caused by God or another spirit. In colloquial English, I don't know that we call intentional terminations of pregnancies abortions if they are an accident to something else (like being physically abused.) May just be my regional thing, but if a woman is thrown down a staircase with intent to terminate the pregnancy, we would call that an intentional miscarriage due to abuse, rather than an abortion. The difference being similar to murder vs. manslaughter (not to get political-first example that popped in my head, sorry.)
@aaaaaaa7697 4 күн бұрын
@@matthew_scarbrough You claim the Hebrew culture is sexist against women? Care to quantify that
@matthew_scarbrough 4 күн бұрын
@@aaaaaaa7697 > You claim the Hebrew culture is sexist. > Care to quantify that? There is no such thing as, "Hebrew culture," and the claim you are referring to isn't mine, it is one I agree with. Just gonna guess you are probably a fundie Christian who is gonna pull a random Bible verses that demonstrate the Old Testament is less sexist than its surrounding culture at the time (which is not controversial), while ignoring how sexist the rest of it is (such as the fact that women who lost their virginity due to rape were considered worthless and would be doomed to not having a hopeful future of being married). If you are wise, you'll point out the Torah does have explicit protections for such women, while ignoring the fact that it had to list those protections because the culturural melting pot it was formed in was so sexist. If you're not a Fundie Christian, then I apologize for the false assumption. Lastly, perhaps I am nit-picking, but I don't think that is a proper usage of, "quantify."
@mustachemac5229 5 күн бұрын
I had the same thought process as you did. How could these people really think this actually worked? I guess when your society is superstitious then it makes perfect sense. Thanks for the vids!
@aaaaaaa7697 5 күн бұрын
only when assuming God isn't real
@TabletsAndTemples 4 күн бұрын
Glad you liked it. Thanks for the continued support Mac!
@jynxcotton4641 7 күн бұрын
Maara Gould page. Go to that page. And stop being decieved by this man
@lulusanchez483 7 күн бұрын
They wanted to have sexual relationship with the angels. whether you like it or not.
@josephpchajek2685 10 күн бұрын
What a whack job
@kristinburton4953 11 күн бұрын
The creepy thing is that, God can predict anything and so he already knew about the request to win the battle and that Jephthah's daughter would run out.
@nobody_listens_to_me 12 күн бұрын
This is a false teaching. Actually, Nimrod is the antichrist, but we are not in the end. Heaven war 2 must happen first which causes a bad time on earth before the tribulation (Matthew 24:7-12 & revelation 12:7-12 are simultaneous events). After this, Jesus removes the first seal/first Spirit of God (2 Thessalonians 2:7/Revelation (6:1-2) allowing Nimrod to ascend out of the bottomless pit (revelation 17:8) through the water (revelation 13). Then, the people will think the time before the tribulation was the tribulation and accept Nimrod/Gilgamesh as their messiah since he comes in on a white horse when the tribulation starts when he arrives.
@georgelanders4271 13 күн бұрын
But why did they want to gay rape the dude?
@joelcunningham792 14 күн бұрын
Please explain what wondering the hills have to do with her as a virgin?
@kristinburton4953 11 күн бұрын
We all know what teenagers do in the hills/woods/behind the garden shed. They weren't going to have a last look at the trees and study local ecology. They were going to study each other anatomy. 😅
@TV-ob1if 15 күн бұрын
Are you a Christian
@litoa3897 15 күн бұрын
🆂🆃🅾🅿 🅻🆈🅸🅽🅶‼️ you’re another woke/leftist/liberal twisting the Bible to your benefit
@bradfleck9458 17 күн бұрын
Actually, the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was exactly what it's always been. Genesis 19:4-5 Now before they lay down, THE MEN OF THE CITY, THE MEN OF SODOM, both old and young, all the people from every quarter, surrounded the house. 5 And they called to Lot and said to him, "Where are THE MEN who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us THAT WE MAY KNOW THEM." This clearly points to homosexual desire and thus God's extreme judgment upon them. In Hebrew, to "know" in this context, and others in the Old Testment, refers to sexual activity, e.g Adam knew his wife. The same situation is seen in Judges 19. Verse 20 says, "...certain men of the city, perverted men, surrounded the house and beat on the door. They spoke to the master of the house, the old man, saying, "Bring out the man who came to your house, that we may know him." Again this is clearly refering to homosexual activity. Just the facts....
@StevenGraham-vu7qc 20 күн бұрын
This is fallacious bro. If the event really happened it would be the same event in history from different perspectives. You need to look at what happened at the tower of Babel. This explains it. The different people groups were once one people and then spread across the world. Also the contradictions are not true. The examples you pointed out both could be true. For example: animals were needed for sacrifice in the end. If you kill them how would they be able to repopulate?
@ToreMix7400 20 күн бұрын
Simon Magus is one of the most prominent Holy Men in his own lifetime. The editors of Luke and/or the Acts, must be much later than the other gospels!
@HappyBooks-rq7im 20 күн бұрын
Love from India🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳 sir may God bless you
@4everseekingwisdom690 22 күн бұрын
Its much more than Noah's ark that's borrowed mythology.. Samson is the Jewish Hercules, the book of Esther is the story of Ishtar, Ishtar becomes Esther, the god marduk becomes Mordecai.. the psalms are taken primarily from ugaritic poetry (see "the Bible abs the ugaritic texts" by Jerry Neal) and various other sources in fact of you bring up the Egyptian "hymm to Aten" and place it side by side with psalm 104 you'll see thru are almost identical.. Moses is the Jewish lawgiver based on the original baby in a basket sargon the great of akkad and that's just the rip of the iceberg
@beatmelodics 22 күн бұрын
Woe to you dude twisting God’s word 😢 A man does not lie with a man the way a man lies with a woman -Leviticus 18:22 & 20:13
@ioda006 22 күн бұрын
Quality analysis and presentation. Thank you!
@TabletsAndTemples 22 күн бұрын
Thanks for watching!
@OwenDM 23 күн бұрын
In some translations it's "whatever" comes out the door, in some it's "whoever".(Dan McClellan probably knows.) Imagine a virgin chicken or lamb. Or his wife. Some translations leave out that he did according to his vow, why? Why didn't I am that I am change his mind like Jonah and Nineveh or the flood, when he regretted making man. Why didn't a ram appear? To prove a point? Maybe the Aztecs were also trying to prove a point then.
@Huston31 23 күн бұрын
Gilgamath and his counterparts are writing down their own history hand it down from They're grandfather. Utnapishtim is the same person as Noah. The only difference in the stories are that God told Moses to write his in the Bible. The tablets are clearly human history and human accounts. The Anunaki are the same as the fallen angles ✨ in the Bible. So you see these work remarkably well together, Not setting one against the other.
@adventureswithlils4331 23 күн бұрын
Question there aren’t there two Elhanans… both mighty men/warriors of David ? One the son of Jaír and the other the son of Dodo. Interestingly Dodo is essentially the same name as David in Hebrew dalet-vav-dalet vs Dalet-vav-Dalet-vav Both Bethlehemites (Lahmi- Beth-LEHEMI)
@AlphaAchilles 23 күн бұрын
I've watched every single episode so far and what bothers me is the timeline they use is completely wrong. They are out of order and added to build some suspense. Like how they put the death of John the Baptist way after the feeding of the five thousand in Matthew 14:13-20. John was beheaded in Matthew 14:1-12. So, before the feeding but they have it happening months after in the show. Thats just one example but the entire show is like this with the events happening in the wrong order which as a reader of bible every day bothers me.
@Aldarionz9 24 күн бұрын
Lot ,abraham's nephew knew his fellow city men that they were not fully homosexual. He said in genesis 19: 8Look, I have two daughters who have never slept with a man. Let me bring them to you, and you can do to them as you please. But do not do anything to these men, for they have come under the protection of my roof.” The sin was not homosexuality but the sin of trying to have sex with angels. It says strange flesh in Jude 1:7. this was the sin of genesis 6:1 too where even angels were never to have relations with humans either.This time it was the vice versa.
@alex537alex537 24 күн бұрын
He killed her according to the explicit text. Why? Because both Jewish and Christian tradition rely on human sacrifice. Sick and brutally barbarian. Christians...amirite?
@TubeOnRichard 24 күн бұрын
Other cultures tell of the great flood as well - Chinese, Indian, Greek, Aztec, Inuit, Native American - etc So are the all copies of each other, or did it really happen? If it did then each culture would re-tell the account with their own cultural flavor, which is what we see.
@TabletsAndTemples 24 күн бұрын
See my pinned post on Twitter. This is actually a common misconception.
@williamadamsinc 25 күн бұрын
Don’t say that you’re a Christian and then you don’t use AD
@williamadamsinc 25 күн бұрын
I’m not going to watch you anymore because I believe in BC and A.D.