It's Not Me, It's You @MadebyJimbob
The Annihilation Of @MadebyJimbob
@Weirdaman 3 сағат бұрын
Now an episode about UQF itself would be required. I do not expect hours of explanations but a short one could help.
@michaelfrevert9713 4 сағат бұрын
Wait....stuff comes from stuff? Genius. I guess I'm an atheist now. Stuff come from stuff is the only justification I'll ever need.😂😅
@realBreakfasttacos 4 сағат бұрын
Welcome to Atheism brother!
@michaelfrevert9713 4 сағат бұрын
@realBreakfasttacos 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂🤣🤣😂😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
@Bilbo383 4 сағат бұрын
But how do we know that the necessary thing isnt a breakfast taco?
@realBreakfasttacos 4 сағат бұрын
What a wonderful thought!
@lightbeforethetunnel 5 сағат бұрын
The atheists in this arent really understanding the difference between science and philosophy. And they just treat it all like science (this is called Scientism). Around 30:00 an atheist is talking about how the worldview that has "evidence" is true. But the issue the concept atheists think of when they say this is actually "scientific evidence." And given worldview deal with philosophical categories that are specifically BEYOND the scope of scientific inquiry, that's just a category error fallacy. How would the atheist support his position for Metaphysics, Epistemology, and Ethics over competing positions with his conception of "evidence." He can't. No philosophical position can be supported with scientific evidence.
@lightbeforethetunnel 6 сағат бұрын
I'm still not convinced that any particular non-theistic worldview is true. What convinced you of yours?
@danbush8437 6 сағат бұрын
Remember that episode of the Simpsons where Homer gets really smart for a while and gives Flanders his proof that God doesn't exist? And Flanders looks at it skeptically and then frowns and says "Nope, it's air tight," then proceeds to burn the paper? This what was written on that paper.
@realBreakfasttacos 5 сағат бұрын
Yes, I do remember that. That has me laughing so hard. Thank you for the kind words.
@realBreakfasttacos 5 сағат бұрын
I guess you see what I see with what I made here. High five!
@theunknownatheist3815 8 сағат бұрын
The quantum field isn’t really a “being”, it’s more of a “thing”, but that doesn’t make it any less “necessary”.
@realBreakfasttacos 8 сағат бұрын
Necessary being is just a necessary state of existence.
@michelangelope830 9 сағат бұрын
No se debe ignorar la verdad o realidad. Si recuerdas y entiendes tarde o temprano saldrás del círculo. Dentro del círculo no estás protegido. Soy un psicólogo y ayudo a la gente a sobrevivir. Nueva información te puede ayudar a cambiar tu mente. Para entender tienes que estar dispuesto a aceptar nueva información. La realidad es eterna porque de la nada no puede ser creado algo. Siempre algo ha existido. ¿Sabías que la realidad es eterna?. Si no sabías que la realidad es eterna te han engañado manipulando la información para hacerte daño. ¿Quién no te enseñó la realidad es eterna? ¿Quién te esconde la más importante información?. Ahora ya sabes la realidad es eterna, ahora eres diferente, ahora sabes algo más, ahora entiendes mejor la realidad. La eternidad que asusta existe. Dios es realidad inteligente que creó el universo. ¿Existe Dios o no existe Dios? Si Dios existe la eternidad está garantizada. Si Dios existe todo cambia. Si Dios existe no se puede ser ateo como si Dios no existiese. ¿Puede ser toda la realidad creada? ¿Puede todo lo que existe tener un principio de existencia? ¿Puede el universo ser eterno? No estoy pidiendo que me creas, sino que pienses por ti mismo siendo honesto. Si entiendes es mejor para ti. Mi verdad es el ateísmo es una falacia lógica que asume Dios es la idea religiosa del creador de la creación y concluye erróneamente que el creador no existe porque una idea particular de Dios no existe. Spinoza tuvo razón y nadie le hizo caso. La verdad que te abrirá los ojos es la Segunda Guerra Mundial y el Holocausto nazi pasó después de que Spinoza descubriese la naturaleza de Dios. Dios es todo lo que existe. Dios es pasado, presente y futuro. La guerra puede acabar. Cada vida cuenta, cada momento cuenta. Un ejercicio para mejorar tu vida porque te enseñará otro concepto de Dios es leer a Spinoza. El ateo es un órgano que pide evidencias de que el cuerpo existe. Dios está siempre por todas partes y conoce su creación. ¡Emergencia! Gracias.
@benduhova1643 9 сағат бұрын
@realBreakfasttacos 9 сағат бұрын
Hey there!
@ericbatterson7720 10 сағат бұрын
Love it
@realBreakfasttacos 9 сағат бұрын
Glad you enjoyed that!
@ericbatterson7720 9 сағат бұрын
@@realBreakfasttacos would love to see someone try to get this in a conversation with darth
@realBreakfasttacos 8 сағат бұрын
@@ericbatterson7720 He would just mute you lol
@ericbatterson7720 8 сағат бұрын
@@realBreakfasttacos or say "how is the UQF revelatory" because for some reason the necessary being has to tell you about it
@command.cyborg 10 сағат бұрын
Jimbob keeps using words. I don't think them words mean what he thinks they mean. 😅 But then again strawmanning for god, in his unrighteousness, and obnoxiousness, seems to be the only way he can roll.
@realBreakfasttacos 9 сағат бұрын
Excellent points!
@Uryvichk 11 сағат бұрын
Taking notes on this one because it's one of those fun topics for me. For reference I am of the opinion both Arians and Trinitarians are incorrect in their Christology and interpretation of the New Testament and would think them wrong even if Christianity were somehow true, but I have no superior option because I'm agnostic and don't think Christianity actually can be made to make coherent sense while still cashing all the big metaphysical checks it wants to write. 00:30 First thing to note is that depending on the stripe of Arian, it would not necessarily be a conflation to call them a Unitarian. There's a lot of overlap and not everyone who is an "Arian" believes in what the later Church would call Arianism as the later Church defined it. Of course I don't yet know what this guy thinks. 01:05 Important point implied here that will matter later: Is the Trinity a salvation issue for Christians? It's not clear that it is, and if it isn't, then it's odd that it's treated like it is by Trinitarians. If belief in the message and acts of Jesus are what are important, then believing in his metaphysical relationship to the Father seems a mostly irrelevant matter on which people can disagree. 03:00 Well-poisoning; that's not what Unitarian Christians say about the Bible. Unitarian Universalists maybe, but that seems to be a conflation meant to associate any Unitarian Christian with UUs. 03:30 Paul literally calls Christ "the firstborn of creation." Unitarians and Arians did not pluck this idea from thin air! 04:30 Interesting move to go on the attack against the Communicatio Idiomata rather than answer the scriptural question. This Arian's got moxie. 06:30 The Nicene Creed isn't even Trinitarian BTW. But also, who cares about creeds Trinitarians made up to enforce Trinitarianism, if Trinitarianism is wrong? 07:00 Guy tries to make a strong claim that Apostolic Succession is provable, realizes it isn't, walks it back with "probably." Sorry bro, "probably" ain't gonna cut it if you insist upon an unbroken chain of transmission. 07:50 I don't see how it's any easier to belive in Arianism, unless he means Trinitarianism sounds like nonsense and Arianism doesn't, in which case... uh, how is that helping the case against Arianism? 09:20 Good move to ask them what Nicaea actually taught. There is no Trinity in the 351 creed; the Holy Spirit gets literally a single sentence, and it's "And [we believe] in the Holy Spirit." Showing the Trinitarians don't know their own credal history is a strong blow to their credibility. 10:50 Nothing to add, he's correct about how the doctrine developed (though I think at one point he stopped himself from saying it was "invented," which is what I would say). 11:50 Augustine wasn't even born until 2 years after Nicaea, so if he did coin the term "Trinity," the creed written before he was born certainly didn't mention it. Only not a massive self-own by the Trinitarians because Augustine did not coin the term, and nobody claims he did. 12:50 If he's a heretic for quoting Tertullian, then was Tertullian a heretic? (To modern Trinitarians, most of the early Church Fathers would be.) 13:00 Of course the sect that won thinks they were guided by the Holy Spirit. The sect that didn't disputes that they actually were. This is not an argument, unless one can prove the guidance of the Holy Spirit somehow. Good luck with that. 13:35 Arianism isn't even close to the "biggest heresy ever." Maybe by number of adherents -- which is perhaps a hint there's something to it? -- but I'd think Manicheanism or certain Gnostic heresies would be bigger deviations from Christian thought. All Arians disagree on is the nature of Christ and his relationship to the Father. They still think the Father is Yahweh, that Jesus was his son, that he had a divine mission, that he died for sins, etc. 14:20 So the Arian thinks this isn't a salvation issue. That's very generous, though of course being in the minority, it's much easier to extend that olive branch. Who knows how Trinitarians would be treated today had Arian Christianity won out. 15:40 More Trinitarians not knowing their own doctrines. 16:30 I think there is a way around this question, but since these guys don't know their own doctrines, they can't catch on to what it is. It also doesn't matter, because Jesus says "the Son" doesn't know, which Trinitarians ought to be concluding applies to the divine nature. 17:40 "So he's half man-" and stops himself because even he knows that's wrong, LMAO. 17:50 "The man and the divinity." Depends; it may not actually be the case that Jesus is "a man" according to official formulations. But perhaps he means "the human nature." 18:00 Because he'd be lying, and God isn't supposed to lie? 19:40 Believing in Revelation? Big L for the Arian. Throw that drug-addled nonsense out. 20:30 I'm not convinced you NEED the Communicatio Idiomata to hold to a single person in Christ. Miaphysites and especially Monophysites don't need it. Monophysites are in the same boat as Arians in terms of being condemned as heretics, but even so. 21:30 Correct, the clear understanding of someone saying "I don't know" is that he doesn't know. We should presume this to be the correct interpretation unless compelling evidence rebuts it. 23:30 All the translations of Psalm 110 miss the distinction in Hebrew between the first and second uses of God/Lord. But obviously this is a psalm about the King of Israel, who was the Messiah (anointed one) and Son of God. Which doesn't help Trinitarians prove Jesus is God, since it implies the opposite, as those titles are applicable to a human. 26:00 Correct. It's one guy talking to another guy. You can't get the Trinity from that. 26:10 Also correct. Jesus is made Lord, given authority, etc.; this is all over the Gospels and Paul. 26:50 It's a royal psalm dedicated to the King of Israel and his special relationship with Yahweh, where is he getting that anybody is outside of time? 28:50 This is why Arianism isn't gonna work. The whole preexistence argument is goofy. But the Trinitarian can't really engage them on this honestly without compromising their own beliefs. 30:00 This guy is like a little kid who thinks nobody knows he's stolen a cookie. 31:45 "I'll shut up, I'll shut up" says man who never shuts up. 32:00 Not sure I buy this interpretation. It's simpler to just say that God can grant the titles to Jesus. He can make him Lord, why can't he make him the Alpha and Omega of the new creation, as the Father was Alpha and Omega of the old? 34:15 If the angel is speaking on behalf of God, then I suppose it's fine for him to say he's the Alpha and Omega. It at least matches scenarios that Christians accept from the Old Testament. Still don't buy it, but it's difficult for Trinitarians to refute it the same way a non-Christian can. 35:00 "Uh-oh, this guy differs in his interpretation of my knock-down verse and can support his reading! Time to just ignore it and cite a different one!" 36:15 Actually a pretty decent refutation for once. If the angel is stated to be the messenger of Jesus, wouldn't his claim apply to the one who sent him? 37:25 "All scholars say this is Jesus speaking." Oh, do they? Which ones? Are you sure none of them dispute that reading? Also even if it is a message from Jesus, he is most definitely not speaking, because the angel is speaking on his behalf. Because the angel is an agent, and angels are allowed to call themselves Yahweh when they speak for Yahweh or are conveying a message from Yahweh in the exact same way a messenger of a king can speak for the king to another king. The messenger does not become the king, they just have the authority to speak for him. 38:25 If Jesus is "the offspring of David," then he's not God, is he? God isn't the offspring of David. 40:00 "To give to everyone according to his works." Wait, so is Jesus a heretic for not believing in sola fide? 41:15 "Where the scholars say-" Can this guy name a single scholar? Just one. There are scholars who do say this, name one of them to show you have the slightest idea who even is considered a scholar of the New Testament. 42:10 Forty minutes in and somebody thinks to ask the guy what he actually believes, instead of calling him a Unitarian or Jehovah's Witness. Nice. 42:25 Calling him "the first creation" is Arian, so at least tacos's label appears to be accurate. 43:20 I don't think this guy was even trying to trap the Arian in polytheism, but that was clearly anticipated and sidestepped. Well played. 43:35 Man is also the image of God, but it isn't hard to separate Adam from God. Trinitarians always argue that it's rationality that makes one the image of God, since they want to deny that God has a body like the Old Testament clearly says he does. So the Logos, if it is rational, can freely be distinguishable from God while remaining God's image. This is not a difficult problem for an Arian. 43:50 Interesting argument though, that the image is distinct from the thing it represents. I think it's simpler to just point out that there are other non-God things that are God's image, but this is a fair point. Your reflection is not you, in the same sense a picture of a pipe is not a pipe. 45:00 The Gospels say Jesus began to exist in his mother's womb. Just throwin' that out there against both sides.
@Uryvichk 11 сағат бұрын
45:45 We're now three for three on professed Trinitarians not knowing what the Communicatio Idiomata is. This is like a Hindu going "Wait, what's a guna?" Also, depending on what kind of Christian these guys are, they might not even agree on how the CI works, as Calvinists have a different take on it than Lutherans and Catholics/Orthodox. 47:30 As I hear him describe the Communicatio Idiomata, I'm not sure he actually knows what it means either. All it means is that whatever can be said of one of Christ's natures can be said of the whole singular person of Christ, but in strict Chalcedonian terms it doesn't actually mean that things can be said to have happened to the other nature. It's a word game the Chalcedonian Creed uses to say that "Christ, strictly in terms of his human nature, died for sins" is the same thing as "Christ died for sins." It still means the first thing, they're just unjustifiably claiming they can say the second thing. This is exactly what the Monophysites thought was wrong with the Chalcedonian Creed: It doesn't actually let you say Christ died for your sins! 48:00 Strictly speaking, the Chalcedonian would say that "Christ, in his divine nature, possesses omniscience," and would reject that "Christ, in his human nature, possesses omniscience." The communication of omniscience to the whole Christ is just a rhetorical nudge and doesn't make the human nature actually omniscient, since a human nature cannot be omniscient. Christ "is omniscient" in the sense that he is possessed of at least one nature that is omniscient; nothing about the natures actually changes. The actual problem is that the Trinitarian can't possibly take Jesus saying "No one knows the day and the hour, not even the Son" to mean "No one knows the day and the hour, not even Christ in his human nature." Because "no one knows" means "no person knows," since only persons can be said to know things, which precludes Christ the person in his entirety from that knowledge. It is an utterly baffling reading to say this passage means "no nature has awareness of the day and hour except the divine nature," because the text doesn't say that, and all the other beings Jesus claims don't know are not natures, but persons. Also, he says "the Son," which is almost always associated with the divine nature: "The Logos/The Son" refers to the divine nature, "Jesus" refers to the human nature. Obviously this is totally arbitrary and goes against the Gospels clearly portraying Jesus as a single individual with just one mind and will, but it's an arbitrariness the Trinitarians themselves established. Shifting which nature they think something applies to just because it wouldn't work if applied the other way suggests their scheme is wrongheaded to begin with. 48:20 Okay, so they said he knows all things. That just makes the problem the Arian is posing worse, as it implies the disciples realized Jesus was lying. Also, "know all things" does not mean omniscience. Have these people read books before? It's an idiom for "all the important stuff," and we know this: The story of the Samaritan woman involves her going back and telling her people about how Jesus taught her "all things" about herself. Jesus told her stuff that he shouldn't have been able to know, which convinced her he was a prophet. He most certainly didn't make that woman omniscient, did he? 49:45 It is not "common sense" that only God can raise the dead. Perhaps it is "common sense" to a Christian that the power must come from God (for "only he has life in himself" etc.), but God can delegate that power to human beings according to the very scriptures these guys claim to believe in. Not only does Jesus do it with Lazarus, but Elijah and Elisha do it in the Old Testament. Literally nobody -- not Jews, not Muslims, not Jehovah's Witnesses, not Mormons, not Unitarian Christians, not Arian Christians, not Trinitarian Christians, not Scientologists -- thinks Elijah or Elisha were divine beings. They were human prophets who raised the dead with God's power because God lent them that power. Because that's what God does. In Exodus, Yahweh tells Moses that Moses will be "as God to Pharaoh," because Moses will work "signs and wonders" of divine power. But that's Yahweh's power, he's just lending it to Moses to use according to his divine instructions. There's nothing heretical or weird in Christianity about human beings getting superpowers, even those normally reserved to God alone, if God grants them those powers. Every single Abrahamic theist denomination thinks God can do that. 50:30 "Bring your verse and get cooked," says man about to get cooked when the Arian brings one of the many verses that say Jesus's authority is delegated to him. 50:45 Even the other Trinitarians laughed at bringing up "I and the Father are one." LMAO. Setting aside the decent answer given to this about John 17:20-21, which by itself sinks the argument, there's 1 Corinthians 3 where Paul says "He who plants and he who waters are one, and each will receive his wages according to his labor." Obviously Paul does not mean the planter and waterer are ontologically one, as it would be impossible for them to receive wages according to their labor if they were ontologically indistinguishable. Oneness means a unity of purpose. The Gospel of John says Jesus and the Father are one because Jesus is doing what the Father wants him to do... something Jesus himself says repeatedly in the same book. 51:35 Yes, the Father is "in" Jesus. He says that a bunch. If you see the Father's agent doing all the things the Father wants done using the Father's power, then you have (metaphorically) "seen the Father." You can't see God anyway, according to these people, so how can you see the Father any other way than through his operations in the world or through his designated agents, like prophets and angels? 52:30 "How can somebody be begotten without sharing the same essence?" I mean, literally, to have a son is to beget them, that's where the word comes from. Sons are not ontologically identical to their fathers. Even if every son were a direct genetic duplicate of his father, it would still not be the case that they share an essence. The only reason Trinitarians find this confusing is because they have to explain how the Son can be begotten of the Father while also being identical to the Father. The simple solution to the confusion is: He can't, so they don't share an essence. Which is what Arians, Unitarians, Jews, Muslims, atheists, etc. are saying. 55:00 Now the Arian brings up that the psalms refer to human kings. Weird he didn't before. Anyway see also John 10:34-36: "Jesus answered them, 'Is it not written in your Law, "I said, you are gods"? If he called them gods to whom the word of God came - and Scripture cannot be broken - do you say of him whom the Father consecrated and sent into the world, "You are blaspheming," because I said, "I am the Son of God"?'" Jews believed humans could in some contexts be called God, and Jesus calls them on this. One of them was the King of Israel standing in for Yahweh as the anointed leader of his people. The King of Israel is also the "Son of God." Jesus is calling himself the King of Israel, or at least as one who has the same role. 58:00 Begetting just implies temporality in general, I'd say, but he's fundamentally correct: To beget something is to bring it about. That implies movement from a point where the thing begotten isn't present to a point where it is. This language is such a problem for the Trinity that its defenders have had to invent the doctrine of Eternal Generation, something I'm not sure these Trinitarians have heard of either.
@Uryvichk 11 сағат бұрын
01:01:00 Why couldn't the Father beget something non-eternal? That argument doesn't even make sense if one presumes that God and only God is eternal, as then anything God brings about is going to be non-eternal. At least past-eternal, since the Bible says some things will never end (or at least will not end for a very, very long time). The divine kingdom on the New Earth will supposedly be eternal (in that it will last forever), but it obviously isn't an eternal thing, because it doesn't exist yet and will supposedly come into existence in the future. So God could create an "eternal" being in the sense that it will live forever, without it being required that the thing have already existed forever. 01:02:00 Christians are happy to cite Origen when it suits them to do so. Calling him a heretic is really funny considering that. Doubly so given that they've been talking about Tertullian and Athanasius, who held views that would absolutely be considered heretical today. 01:04:00 I don't see the problem with God creating stuff through someone else. It smells of Platonism, of course, but I don't see what would make it logically impossible to use another being as an agent or a conduit. An engineer constructs a bridge, but she doesn't physically go out there and assemble it herself; she passes on her design to construction workers who actually build it, but we'd still say she built that bridge, especially if there's some disaster and we're looking for who is to blame. If the bridge was built properly to specifications by the construction crew, but the specifications were flawed, we would not say that nobody can be held responsible for its collapse, nor would we accept the engineer's argument that she didn't build the bridge because she wasn't physically involved in its construction. 01:05:00 Oh all of a sudden now the Christians want to know how specifically God does something? But if I ask them how God speaking things into existence works, they tell me that's a silly question that is perfectly explained by defining God as omnipotent? Weird how they become skeptics when somebody's making inroads against their interpretations while still claiming their religion. 01:06:15 It is not incoherent. "The engineer built the bridge through the construction team." Same idea. I think it's wrong, but this is not the way to claim the Arian is somehow messing up. Better to cite Isaiah 44:24: "I am the Lord, the Maker of all things, who stretches out the heavens, who spreads out the earth by myself[.]" Doesn't change all the stuff he's citing saying God created through his Word, it just proves the Bible is multivocal and does not have a consistent opinion on how creation happened. 01:07:00 This guy doesn't understand what agency is. If your agent does something on your behalf, you are legally considered to have done it. If the engineer builds the bridge through an agent, she built it; if God created the universe through an agent, God created the universe. It may also be literally true that the agent did the thing. Agency is a representative fiction that we accept because we understand that people's intentions are sometimes carried out by someone else on their behalf. But also, in saying "God created through his Word," you're agreeing with Genesis 1, so I don't really know why they're so opposed to this. 01:08:20 "So the Son was there before anyone, so if the Son was there with the Father, and the creation happened for him and through him means they share the same essence." Right, so if the construction foreman was there with the engineer at the groundbreaking of the bridge, and the plans were made for the foreman and executed by him, then the engineer and foreman share the same essence. Oh wait, no, that's not the case, is it. 01:09:25 "Why?" I dunno man, why does God do anything? You'd probably say you don't know and it isn't your place to know, so why are you only now unsatisfied when an Arian says God created through an agent? I agree it doesn't make sense for an omnipotent being to do things indirectly, but if we accept that then no part of Abrahamic theism involving angels, prophets, or Sons actually makes sense. Why'd God forgive sins through the sacrifice of his Son instead of just forgiving sins himself? Same principle, same problem for you as for the Arian. 01:10:05 If he "chooses not to reveal" something he knows by stating he doesn't know, that's called "lying" my dude. 01:10:25 This Nicene Trinitarian debating the Arian accidentally reinvents the anti-Nicene argument for why the Nicene Creed was unacceptable: "Nobody used those words you're using like that." If you have no idea what any of this is about, trust me when I say this irony is delicious like a fine dollop of whipped cream atop a fluffy pancake. It's perfection. 01:10:45 Reporter asks the foreman when the bridge will be finished. "That's not for you to know," he replies, "as the timetable is set solely by the engineer." Does this mean the foreman knows the timetable? Not necessarily; the engineer might not have disclosed the timetable to the foreman. It's still true that the engineer knows even if the foreman does not. He's just saying it isn't his place to tell the reporter the timetable, which could very well be because he has no idea and doesn't want to say anything the reporter will repeat. 01:11:50 Let's see if they call Athanasius, who is arguing against Arianism, a heretic too. 01:13:00 "Every cult does this, they play games with the Greek and the Hebrew." My God, this man is just a walking irony dispenser. Bro: That's Christianity. That's how Christianity was invented, by playing games with the Greek and Hebrew of the Jewish scriptures. 01:16:30 The Gospels ARE speaking to Greco-Romans as well. That's why they exist. That's what they're using to sell the religion to Gentiles. The degree to which each writer is comfortable with utilizing and/or explaining Jewish customs varies from Gospel to Gospel, which speaks to the type of audience they were trying to reach. Jesus will say whatever the writer needs him to say to address the intended audience, because the Jesus of the Gospels is a fictional character in a work of fiction even if he's based on a real person. 01:18:00 "When will the bridge be finished?" asks the reporter. "I guess when all the supports are fully in place, the road surface is level and stable, and the engineer has conducted final safety inspections" answers the foreman. Does the foreman know the date this will all happen by? No, he just knows what the final stages of the construction will look like. 01:19:10 Actually, the writers of the New Testament favored the Septuagint, the Greek-language Old Testament. So arguably it's not at all important to know Hebrew to understand what they were thinking about scripture, because they didn't know (or at least, didn't use) Hebrew either.
@Uryvichk 10 сағат бұрын
TL;DR: The Trinitarians were badly underprepared to defend their own doctrine, displaying repeatedly their lack of awareness of orthodox terminology and the Greek and Hebrew words actually used by the original authors of scripture. The Arian stumbled a bit trying to explain preexistence, but that's because preexistence doesn't make a lot of sense either. The Trintarian attempts to attack the principle of agency are easily refuted by shifting the metaphor to something non-theological and easier to comprehend. Also, no one actually understands the Chalcedonian conception of the Communicatio Idiomata, possibly including the Chalcedonian council. I'd love to rumble with these guys but they'd probably just ban me once I tell them I'm not a Christian.
@RichardRoy2 12 сағат бұрын
This seems to go the same rout I find fascist go in. ie, they distort and abuse language in order to sew confusion. For instance, they'll use the term "freedom" in a way that basically allows them the freedom to curtail the freedom of others. The same with liberty. They also like to project. They'll readily accuse others of doing what they're doing. I don't know if I'd be that shocked to find out he is a fascist.
@tussk. 12 сағат бұрын
This was like listening to Nathan oakley. Answer my question Ok, if you assume that.... STOP INTERRUPTING ME!!!!!
@realBreakfasttacos 9 сағат бұрын
Great points!
@skeetermcdank1667 13 сағат бұрын
is the prerequisite to being Atheist being fat and mouth breathing? or is it really just to believe stuff comes from stuff LMAO.
@jacetheshepard1917 15 сағат бұрын
My God open your eyes and lead you to the light.
@realBreakfasttacos 13 сағат бұрын
I hope you stop rejecting the truth in your unrighteousness and accept this amazing reality in front of you!
@jacetheshepard1917 13 сағат бұрын
@realBreakfasttacos My your cosmic toaster reveal burnt bread.
@jacetheshepard1917 15 сағат бұрын
My God bless you and show you the truth.
@realBreakfasttacos 13 сағат бұрын
I really hope you see the truth one day.
@jacetheshepard1917 13 сағат бұрын
@realBreakfasttacos And I you, my friend.
@jacetheshepard1917 15 сағат бұрын
My God bless you and lead you to the light
@realBreakfasttacos 13 сағат бұрын
I hope you have a good day and see the truth here soon.
@jacetheshepard1917 13 сағат бұрын
@realBreakfasttacos Stop playing Rust, it's a low tier game, try Gun fire reborn, "IT'S BETTER FOR YOU" as Muhammad Hijab says. (Christianity is true)
@Uryvichk 10 сағат бұрын
Why, is there something cool in the light?
@jacetheshepard1917 4 сағат бұрын
@@Uryvichk coz the dark is lame, the light got God, the dark got Rust.
@sticks1990 16 сағат бұрын
The dissonant ability to talk oneself into a circle and claim it’s a straight line always makes me chuckle
@Logistikon11 17 сағат бұрын
Based go off.
@realBreakfasttacos 16 сағат бұрын
Thank you!
@Logistikon11 16 сағат бұрын
@@realBreakfasttacos 😁
@wilberforce1826 18 сағат бұрын
Whining that "you're not answering my question," while interrupting the answer and refusing to acknowledge the answer when it IS provided, is pretty damn dishonest. But then, that's to be expected. Jimbob is a lying idiot and a fake intellectual.
@AsixA6 18 сағат бұрын
Are you really still using that flawed, begging the question argument? As I’ve already pointed out to you, P1 is false. ENERGY doesn’t come from ‘pre-existing stuff’. So, NOT everything that exists comes from pre-existing stuff.
@realBreakfasttacos 18 сағат бұрын
No where does it say come from. You are confused.
@itsameamarioyaplumber3981 17 сағат бұрын
Hey, what is the definition of "arise"?
@AsixA6 17 сағат бұрын
@@realBreakfasttacosEnergy didn’t ARISE from pre-existing stuff. Happy now, Captain Pedantic?
@realBreakfasttacos 16 сағат бұрын
@@itsameamarioyaplumber3981 Transform or change states
@AsixA6 16 сағат бұрын
@@itsameamarioyaplumber3981 Notice that in this very clip, Jimmy Bobby uses ‘comes from’ and Vertical Taco here doesn’t have an issue, but it suddenly matters when he can’t refute what I stated.
@alexritchie4586 18 сағат бұрын
The more we discover about the universe the more we find that the regularities we observe at the human scale are actually mere heuristics. Also, if JimBob et al ever bitch, and whine; and moan that you're 'not letting me respond!' as they're trying to railroad you into some semantic nonsense, tell them 'Your presuppositional argument is formulaic and static. Really I have invited you to have this conversation as a courtesy to see if you can interact outside of the dialogue tree you're straight jacketed into by the nature of your argument. However, since that doesn't appear to be the case, I shall continue talking and addressing your formulaic argument rather than these semantic red herrings and rabbit trails you're now throwing up in an attempt to obfuscate, deflect, and distract from my argument due to your formula not containing the necessary functions and clauses to address my argument directly.'
@realBreakfasttacos 17 сағат бұрын
Great point!
@bobdestroyer4053 19 сағат бұрын
What is meant by 'regularity of nature'?
@alexritchie4586 18 сағат бұрын
Exactly. The more we discover about Universe that more we discover that all of the things we consider 'regular' from the scale at which we operate are either mere heuristics, or systems of regularity that we have invented.
@realBreakfasttacos 18 сағат бұрын
A concept
@user-qm4ev6jb7d 13 сағат бұрын
@@alexritchie4586 The regularities that we discover are what remains after sifting through enormous heaps of *fake* regularities. So really, *most regularities are fake,* which is why empirical testing is key. The presups imagine it like this: a scientist sees a pattern, says "I hereby invoke the Uniformity of Nature!", and boom, it's a law now. But in reality, you don't just get laws "for free" like that. Discovering a law requires *work.* By which I mean, the work of empirically testing it.
@sticks1990 19 сағат бұрын
Jim BAAAHHb is addicted to the meta and debate bro tactics over engaging
@realBreakfasttacos 17 сағат бұрын
Yes he is!
@craigbradford4850 20 сағат бұрын
DimBob doing DimBob stuff. P.S. Why do all presuppers cry “why are you talking over me?”
@realBreakfasttacos 17 сағат бұрын
To poison the well. It's bad faith argumentation.
@absofjelly 20 сағат бұрын
I think we missed a lot of context.
@realBreakfasttacos 17 сағат бұрын
@absofjelly 20 сағат бұрын
Too much pointless Stuff. I don't think either of you won.
@realBreakfasttacos 17 сағат бұрын
JB got annihilated here.
@ohhellno8759 17 сағат бұрын
@@realBreakfasttacosJB’s audience also thinks you got annihilated 😭 it really is pointless
@realBreakfasttacos 16 сағат бұрын
@@ohhellno8759 Did you see how calm I was until the blow up and how jimbob was constantly interrupting me when i was talking and saying no to my response without providing justification and then asking the same question 10 times? Listen to that again and you will see who the truly confident person in their position is.
@realBreakfasttacos 16 сағат бұрын
@@ohhellno8759 Jimbob had no idea what to do and was trying to pull me into a red herring because I annihilated all of his fallacy claims.
@realBreakfasttacos 16 сағат бұрын
@@ohhellno8759 TBH this is why i went off on him. He never listens, he is just fishing for something to win on. Even when he rage quits because I'm not going to deal with a red herring his audience thinks he won. That was a rage quit.
@smolderingtitan 20 сағат бұрын
Jimbob doesn't know what gish galloping means.
@wilberforce1826 18 сағат бұрын
Let's be honest, Jimbob doesn't know what words in general mean.
@realBreakfasttacos 17 сағат бұрын
Great point!
@Youwrong-10 23 сағат бұрын
Going into a room full of trinitarians as an Arian and absolutely refuting them one by one is pretty based. Nicaea may have won the day, but Arianism won the debate. Both historically and now
@realBreakfasttacos 17 сағат бұрын
Great point!
@mukundvaradarajan937 Күн бұрын
Hey taco, while you might've had a point, you sure did talk over him and not give him much chance to speak. It looks really emotional. Please let the other guy talk as well. Also, I have a doubt. Wouldn't the formation of the sun be a process? Why didn't you answer yes?
@LiveLXStudios 21 сағат бұрын
Lmao, are you kidding? This applies to JimBob, who consistently was whining and interrupted
@smolderingtitan 20 сағат бұрын
It's called finishing your thought in spite of the other person trying to interrupt you. And so what if the sun is a process? Stuff coming from stuff is a process.
@mukundvaradarajan937 19 сағат бұрын
@@LiveLXStudios I agree jimbob was whining and even trying to trigger taco. No denying that.
@mukundvaradarajan937 19 сағат бұрын
@@smolderingtitan then taco could've just said yes and go on, right? He didn't because he thought jimbob was trying for a gotcha. If Taco's point was solid, he shouldn't really be worrying about gotchas. He's already capable enough to catch equivocation and word twisting from jimbob. I think he should've gone ahead with the rest of the point...
@smolderingtitan 19 сағат бұрын
@@mukundvaradarajan937 I don't think it was for that reason but ask Taco. I think it's just boring when people bring up irrelevant things and weak-ass gotchas are boring as well. My opinion is that Taco thinks that Jimbob knows exactly what he's doing and just doesn't want to entertain him.
@lightbeforethetunnel Күн бұрын
Breakfasttacos, if your interlocutor argues that you committed a specific fallacy (and you don't agree right away) that doesn't mean your interlocutor has committed a fallacy fallacy. That's not what a fallacy fallacy is. A fallacy fallacy is when someone conflates: 1. Invalidating an argument, with 2. Refuting the conclusion Whether or not the conclusion of any argument is true has nothing to do with whether someone used a fallacy to try to support it. Someone could use a fallacy to try to support a true OR false conclusion.
@realBreakfasttacos 18 сағат бұрын
He was dismissing my argument claiming fallacies that didn't exist. This is a fallacy fallacy. It's a failure of reasoning. He did it 3 times.
@lightbeforethetunnel Күн бұрын
Christian Presups: Presup is teachable, not debatable. You're wasting your time / effort when you grant it as a debatable issue. It can only be taught to someone who is willing to / wants to learn it.
@mtchl4563 21 сағат бұрын
In other words the only person who can be convinced is someone who is willing to accept lies.
@Fufiloofa 21 сағат бұрын
LOL, "learn it"...
@dbt5224 19 сағат бұрын
In the Christian worldview, there is no regularity of nature.
@alexritchie4586 18 сағат бұрын
In other words 'There's no debate, we win, shut up and listen.' Getting more and more desparate as time goes on aren't we Mr. Lightbeforethetunnel?
@realBreakfasttacos 18 сағат бұрын
I think you are confused
@chavovaldez Күн бұрын
Post-stuff-presupp vs. Pre-stuff-postsupp ! hmm?
@realBreakfasttacos 18 сағат бұрын
@13shadowwolf Күн бұрын
JimBob is intentionally dishonest and begins with insults, not a good start on his part. JimBob really needs to stop dancing around and actually attempt to interact with the argument. Good job exposing JimBob as a pretend "intellectual" His question of "Are the Laws of Physics a Phenomenon?" and then not accepting "Laws of Physics arises from the Stuff" demonstrates that he's not grasping the very most basic concepts and trying to play word games to pretend to have a valid argument. Laws of Physics are the human perspective based description of the Patterns that Stuff has. Stuff has Patterns, we call those Patterns the "Laws of Physics" but the Laws only have existence within our Descriptions of Reality, the Laws don't "exist" without the Stuff that makes up Reality. Either this conversation is over JimBob's head, or he's intentionally not engaging with the argument and just being insulting by trying to "simplify" the conversation.
@realBreakfasttacos 18 сағат бұрын
I'm convinced hes faking that its over his head and he knows the truth. I think he knows the truth but is financially committed to Christian Presupp.
@eatsbugs4577 Күн бұрын
Presuppositionalism means presupposing your opponent is dishonest, stupid, and incapable.
@realBreakfasttacos 18 сағат бұрын
@lightbeforethetunnel 13 сағат бұрын
@@eatsbugs4577 Everyone presupposes that all worldviews other than their own are incorrect. This is because worldviews are mutually exclusive, so the affirmation of worldview X is the implicit denial of all worldviews that are not-X. Nothing about that means that everyone necessarily thinks anyone who believes another worldview is necessarily "dishonest, stupid, and incapable." They just think they're incorrect. Do you normally conclude that anyone who disagrees with anyone else, about anything, must necessarily think they're "dishonest, stupid, and incapable?" Or is it only in this scenario with Presups?
@LateNight-zeit 13 сағат бұрын
@@lightbeforethetunnel take your own advise and don't talk about elements of presuppositionalism
@lightbeforethetunnel 12 сағат бұрын
@LateNight-zeit I've never given "advice" that people "shouldn't talk about elements of Presuppositionalism" so you're strawmanning. Another issue is: What I just said, above, isn't Presup. It's just a demonstrable fact about worldviews. Believe it or not, not everything related to worldviews is necessarily "elements of Presup." This is a common thing you guys do to ignore literally anything anyone says about worldviews. You falsely equate it with "Presup" as an excuse to ignore it / hand-wave dismiss it.
@lightbeforethetunnel 12 сағат бұрын
@@LateNight-zeit What I have said is that Presup is teachable, as opposed to debatable. Is that what you're thinking of?
@beedub_ Күн бұрын
Taco, your arguments are good, but you need to be more patient, slow down and actually tear apart his questions. *SHOW* how's he off topic, *SHOW* how the stuff from stuff is fundamental. If you don't, you can come across (to those who don't already understand what you're talking about) as not really any better than Gregory, and that's not a great look. This was painful to listen to, you weren't engaging with him on the question he brought you from the jump. I'm not sure I could do better in the moment because JimBob an incessant interrupter after about three words of anyone's response, but you doing the same to him with a bit of vocal fry doesn't do anything positive. I'm sure you can take a more methodical approach to dealing with his nonsense, let him speak a bit more and hang him with his own words.
@realBreakfasttacos Күн бұрын
We would need a real moderator letting us each talk. He had just jumped in randomly out of the blue and he had commented on my KZbin so I wanted to make sure the 3 fallacies he claimed were shut down.
@beedub_ Күн бұрын
@@realBreakfasttacos that's totally fair, there definitely need to be more moderators facilitating conversation rather than just people with mod powers who aren't taking that responsibility. (Especially in rooms where the are 10 people all with main character syndrome).
@AMore429 Күн бұрын
These presups never defend their position. They just asked questions until they find a gotcha. It’s a sad joke but they keep getting away with it.
@realBreakfasttacos Күн бұрын
I mean Jimbob got destroyed here.
@lukasrodriguez5864 Күн бұрын
I have to admit, for once it is funny to see the presup stitch against a presup.
@realBreakfasttacos 18 сағат бұрын
Yeah that was fun.
@asetr3w45 Күн бұрын
Cant answer a simple question about your own view because it shows the contradiction, Bad faith comes natural to you
@realBreakfasttacos Күн бұрын
I think you are confused
@BarrySchanz Күн бұрын
There's no contradiction in the challenge that JimBob failed to answer. The question of "is the sun a process?" is completely fucking irrelevant. Absolutely pointless talking to that guy about philosophy.
@itsameamarioyaplumber3981 15 сағат бұрын
​@realBreakfasttacos lol do you have any other response to criticism ever?
@itsameamarioyaplumber3981 15 сағат бұрын
@shadowmomochiuchiha6839 15 сағат бұрын
​@itsameamarioyaplumber3981 lol, do you have any other responses to criticism ever?
@aosidh Күн бұрын
Good lord JB needs to stop fishing for a gotcha. The poster boy of the fallacy fallacy
@realBreakfasttacos Күн бұрын
Great point!
@guitarista67 Күн бұрын
stuff arising from stuff is a phenomenon. Each individual occurrence of stuff arising from stuff is a process.
@realBreakfasttacos Күн бұрын
None of it is relevant to the claims he made about fallacies.
@guitarista67 Күн бұрын
@@realBreakfasttacos he just abuses the language so much.
@rembrandt972ify Күн бұрын
@@guitarista67 Words have feelings too!
@guitarista67 Күн бұрын
If these clowns could just learn to be descriptivists, they’d jump right off the god bandwagon.
@chicagosunroof7941 Күн бұрын
This doesnt look too good for you. I admire you for still posting the video. You're a good sport.
@realBreakfasttacos Күн бұрын
JB got annihilated here.
@chicagosunroof7941 Күн бұрын
@@realBreakfasttacos 🤣🤣🤣 you also have jokes. Remarkable.
@guitarista67 Күн бұрын
You don’t even know what you’re talking about.
@fatalisticsandwich7789 Күн бұрын
I think we found Jim bob’s sock account
@LiveLXStudios Күн бұрын
Lmao, you okay, sunroof? Because you actively do seem like a sock account like said
@guitarista67 Күн бұрын
Taco, you have to let JBob talk, or he won’t say anything angrily disingenuous.
@realBreakfasttacos Күн бұрын
Great point!
@guitarista67 Күн бұрын
The laws of physics are an observed and unchanging set of behaviors. This combined set makes up the regularity of nature. We need to get the English language a protective order against JimBob.
@realBreakfasttacos Күн бұрын
Great point!