My boy. I love this guy. Sadly I didn't get the hammer canon. If I find him at a good price with the weapon, I will get him.
@benwalters97252 күн бұрын
You getting the motomaster evil wingblade upgrade kit?
@lancebot82242 күн бұрын
As much as i would like Studio series, Siege definitely made a good deluxe Ironhide, even with the big blocky feet
@godofwomen4 күн бұрын
He's so hot күн бұрын
10 year old SH Figuarts is still better than Hasbros I reopened this figure and all the paint and joints are all tight and intact. While all other figures I got from Hasbro are now loose and sticky
@princeaphan82745 күн бұрын
Good thing this Ironhide isn't leaking nitrogen.
@Krystof_animation5 күн бұрын
Great video. ❤🎉
@fishpop6 күн бұрын
No shot of the truck stood up on its back end like a combiner leg :(
@Cdr20027 күн бұрын
@lakitudude75778 күн бұрын
Ah i remember 2003 vividly as as a 1 month old, simpler times. Seriously though, as a person who looked at archives in high school instead of doing my work, this stuff was always fascinating to me as an 07 film kid.
@SHEEAAGH8 күн бұрын
2:09:30 - 2:15:02 Grow man has STRONG opinions on mix mashers
@thatRANDOMBOT8 күн бұрын
1:25:23 love the super concord mode
@Gametester110-qf8vs9 күн бұрын
*Siege Ironhide & Ratchet* are who i've stuck with, even after Hasbro went back to the well several more times since. Both are Solid representations of the G1 characters.
@harrisonwhaley78729 күн бұрын
It’s too bad that this is like the best official IDW Galvatron. He’s gonna stay on my shelf until we see a better one
@JhadielYanez9 күн бұрын
Yo quisiera tener uno
@QuinTheQuesadillaReviews10 күн бұрын
“Enbooben” Now that’s an interesting way to describe the conversion in the chest
@dogzilla9510 күн бұрын
returning to this video after reading the wiki entry on the cw trilogy rodimus unicronus toy. going down a rabbit hole today.
@dogzilla9510 күн бұрын
the fact theres a crystal version of this but not a sg hot rod kills me inside.
@Technochaos0310 күн бұрын
The genuine despair I felt when reminded this toy is 5 years old. It feels like siege was only yesterday. . .
@AdamusPrime2410 күн бұрын
'Enbooben' - Word of the Year Kind of funny how your side wasn't easily able to Ironhide, because they were plentiful here and I could not find either Siege or Earthrise Ratchet anywhere...As soon as ID Toys sold out, they never restocked...Oh well, At leave I have the SS one ^^
@FullMetalLuffy10 күн бұрын
Untill Hasbro decided to return the WFC Games, this Ironhide was my IDW RID "bot up and save the world" Ironhide But now even as gamerverse exists, this Ironhide still holds, and will hold, a special place in my heart and on my comics robots shelf(s) Earthrise Ironhide eventually became IDW 'ations Ironhide, so this one might just end up being 'Woke up on Cybertron dying to punch Alpha Trion' Costa Ironhide It's important to have a shelf for every occasion
@Vangelus10 күн бұрын
hugely respectful nod and eyebrow waggle to the Costa Ironhide, that one often gets lost to time 🫡
@FullMetalLuffy10 күн бұрын
@@Vangelus he was a real one 🔥
@no-rm9wg10 күн бұрын
Crosshairs is one of my fave figures in the last few years, such a fantastically simple robot in beautiful colours with nice tampos to boot
@Skullgrin.11 күн бұрын
I never saw this guy on normal store shelves, either. I eventually found one at a pharmacy shortly before Earthrise hit, and to this day, I don't regret paying the six dollar markup for him.
@channelwithout11 күн бұрын
The Earthrise retool? Man, I remember the absolute speed at which that sold out. So glad we got SS86 later, even if the transformation has some iffy parts.
@SideswipePrime60611 күн бұрын
The Hydro Pods were timestamped, but the Poopsie Slime Surprise stuff weren't, so... 04:03:51 Poop/Vomit Kids Toys Tangent 4:06:04 "Then it pukes on the floor! Squeeze it all out!" 4:07:23 Poopsie Slime Surprise Time 4:11:42 "Oh, there's a music video." (MGA got sued over this music video, btw) 4:13:18 End of stream chatter
@thedesucomplex436511 күн бұрын
Even after all this time him and Ratchet are my go-tos. Thank you for recognizing the unique handfeel of this guy
@tonyjackson407811 күн бұрын
When I got him I was like "yup, he's a boxy boy with boxes that box" but I genuinely had trouble putting him down. He's just very tactile confort food.
@drakesterX11 күн бұрын
1:58 That. That was beautiful. Sir.
@Vangelus10 күн бұрын
@calvinj749611 күн бұрын
I agree with the gundam leg especially with iron blooded orphans hg kits. The knee bend on those are hideous
@Fredbob39211 күн бұрын
It's such a good mold, the one Seige figure i still pull out of storage regularly. More giant robots need to be like Gaogaigar and wield impractically large hammers
@mjm.640411 күн бұрын
I think Ironhide is still my favorite figure of the entire WFC trilogy. Well, and Ratchet (fun fact: Doc bot is STILL the only exclusive I have ever actively hunted down).
@Undrave11 күн бұрын
I liked this guy well enough to not upgrade from it yet.
@Levitz911 күн бұрын
Yeah, I think "stalwart" is a good word for this Ironhide. They did a great job of giving him his traditional look while fussing a little with the altmode to make it "Cybertronian". Respect.
@Cdr200211 күн бұрын
3:13:50 it also has the Kiryu shoulder cannons made out of the shoulders, and the little double cannon meant to evoke Kiryu’s arm cannons
@Cdr200211 күн бұрын
3:11:28 the Eva collab was mostly straight repaints to, this is a Toho thing
@Cdr200211 күн бұрын
@Cdr200211 күн бұрын
The robots have genders for self expression Also humanism by humans for humans like Vangelus said
@danielbrant674011 күн бұрын
"But Prahm!"
@Cdr200211 күн бұрын
@scorpx730311 күн бұрын
Another cool trick in alt mode is to open the leg panels, to reveal 5mm ports inside his shins, for even more firepower!
@Actionfan1911 күн бұрын
3:38 In other words......the turbo t-bag.
@Cdr200211 күн бұрын
Star Convoy is mean to be Optimus of the Japanese G1 continuity resurrected post-Headmasters so idk about the mech pilot thing
@Cdr200211 күн бұрын
I’m actually a big Slingshot fan so I’m happy that he’s among the first up
@Cdr200211 күн бұрын
Really hope the inevitable toy Superion has a retooled chest
@SamWelbel11 күн бұрын
29:22 motormaster shredded
@Vangelus11 күн бұрын
thank you!
@SamWelbel11 күн бұрын
13:57 ish road pig gets shredded
@michaelpapp551811 күн бұрын
3:37 Nonnef has a red groin available. It’s a good groin upgrade.
@diaclona11 күн бұрын
it’s nice to see you reviewing a toy in a timely fashion👏🏼though i will have to deduct points for how you pronounced modicum
@Vangelus11 күн бұрын
youtube has offered me the pre-written responses of, "It is my goal to keep up with the Transformers releases and provide accurate information! 💪" or "I pronounce things the way I do, that’s just the way it is lol "