#NarcCon. www.weaponizedlove.com
Paula d'Arcy is an author of the book (Weaponized Love), experienced content creator @narccon in the genre of Narcissistic Abuse Recovery and is a Certified Life Coach assisting survivors of relationships with NPD individuals to overcome and thrive post narcissistic abuse. The channel's purpose is to provide a unique understanding of how narcissists behave in particular covert narcissists, how to identify traits of a narcissist and how to avoid this personality type moving forward. This content explores both the psychological and spiritual aspects of narcissism. #Narcissists Discard #Smear Campaign #loveboming #Devaluation #scapegoat #Hoovering #narcissism
WEAPONISED LOVE: Understanding how Narcissists Think is Key to Protect, Heal and Thrive
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[email protected]Channel Donations - paypal.me/narcscon?country.x=IE&locale.x=en_US