@bruceparker805 17 сағат бұрын
its kinda words. love in partnership context means you are committed to the other’s well being as a priority. needs a different word but it still is something that can happen. you want to hog the word love for spiritual only? ok!
@LisaCairnsClips Күн бұрын
Lisa, it seems that a lot more people wake up who were once Seekers from whatever path than in the general population, as if Grace is attracted to single-mindedness. That means it's not completely true that there is nothing we can do. I've heard some teachers say that Awakening was not a complete surprise, that they could sense it coming. I would love to be reassured that there is nothing wrong with the excitement at the possibility of waking up in this lifetime, that anticipation is not a hindrance. Please tell us what your experience in the days or months before Bali? Bali... "Kali". Um, yeah, actually what happened here in the days and months leading up is, um, there were many Awakenings happening. I was really oscillating between falling in love with everything and then going into hell. But in my general, even though there's these polarities that could swing backwards and forwards, in my general everyday existence, I was beginning to feel more and more that I was contented with my life as it was. It was okay, um, if I live my life like that. And that had been many years of work on myself. But then this intensive threee living, threee living with my teacher, so living with him, just him and me, and then our two next door neighbors, except when we went to India. This time it was me and him and the neighbors. Boom. Um, so this intensive working, um, so that's what happened here. But that's not the same for everybody. I also remember just before it happening, being in Ramana's cave and just kind of saying to him, "Okay, I give you everything. You can take everything. I give you everything." And, um, so yeah, lots of things happening. So, you know, what is his name, Papaji , would say the most important thing is the desire for freedom. Because in that desire for Freedom, there is inherently Freedom. So when you go deeply into that craving for Freedom, there is freedom inherently there. And it's the most important thing in the human realm, is to desire freedom, is to seek for freedom. And you're right, it does seem that the possibilities of waking up seem to lie more with people that have been interested in this subject. But not always, because life is infinite possibility, so it expresses in every way. That's not always the case. You always come across the anomaly where they were an alcoholic and then suddenly everything fell away, or they went bankrupt and everything fell away, you know? So tap into that urge. That urge, not before you die or before this lifetime, but just that immediate urge right now to wake up and feel that. Because in there, there is the seed of Freedom. You can't seek for something you don't already know. That's so beautiful. And it's not... I don't know if teachers say there's nothing you can do as such. I think that they say more there is no "you" doing. Awakening happens. It's not like they didn't say there's nothing you can do. It's more that you don't exist. So who would it be that does something to get somewhere? But yeah, maybe they do also say there's nothing you can do, but it's not exactly meant in that realm. To be totally committed to this subject and, um, to be totally focused on freedom is the greatest gift any human can experience. The greatest Karma, positive Karma. I don't know how to say that, but to be focused on waking up because life is suffering. I mean, that's a really important realization that life is suffering. And when you... It's difficult because when you wake up to who you truly are, in a way, everybody's free because all you're seeing is consciousness everywhere. But if you sort of squint your eyes and look at the illusion that's happening in front of you, the personal illusion, then that is suffering. Everybody is suffering. You might be projecting onto the other person that they're not, and they might be pretending that, but everyone is internally suffering.
@LisaCairnsClips Күн бұрын
Original Video 14/7-24: kzbin.info/www/bejne/qqu1oYV-etBjg7s Lisa, it seems that a lot more people wake up who were once Seekers from whatever path than in the general population, as if Grace is attracted to single-mindedness. That means it's not completely true that there is nothing we can do. I've heard some teachers say that Awakening was not a complete surprise, that they could sense it coming. I would love to be reassured that there is nothing wrong with the excitement at the possibility of waking up in this lifetime, that anticipation is not a hindrance. Please tell us what your experience in the days or months before... Bali... Bali. Um, yeah, actually what happened here in the days and months leading up is, um, there were many Awakenings happening. I was really oscillating between falling in love with everything and then going into hell. But in my general, even though there's these polarities that could swing backwards and forwards, in my general everyday existence, I was beginning to feel more and more that I was contented with my life as it was. It was okay, um, if I live my life like that. And that had been many years of work on myself.
@AkulaBapakaw Күн бұрын
Suffering is not knowing when will your pain ends. The end of suffering is gratitude. Liberation is just an imagination created by the devil to deceive you by making yourself far away from God.
@LisaCairnsClips Күн бұрын
What is suffering? What is the end of suffering? What is Liberation? Yes, these are really clear and concise questions. Suffering is separation from everything. It's the identification with being this body-mind mechanism, and it starts at a very young age. And the end of suffering, so Liberation, is the release from that. That who is experiencing is no longer a person, but Consciousness, big Consciousness. And that big Consciousness is, you could say, like a portal between nothing and everything. So the Consciousness, in a way, is... Yeah, there's an energetic shift to the big Consciousness. And that Consciousness is still and silent, and on its backside, it's the nothingness, the emptiness. On its front side, it's the everything, the love, but it's not separated out. And that's an energetic shift that happens. And it doesn't happen to you. It's like the Consciousness, the big Consciousness of who you are, is apparently released from being contained in you, even though it never was. It's like an energetic release from that big Consciousness being contained into you, to you being in that big Consciousness. Yeah, thank you for your question. Original Video 14/7-24: kzbin.info/www/bejne/qqu1oYV-etBjg7s
@LisaCairnsClips Күн бұрын
What is suffering? What is the end of suffering? What is Liberation? Yes, these are really clear and concise questions. Suffering is separation from everything. It's the identification with being this body-mind mechanism, and it starts at a very young age. And the end of suffering, so Liberation, is the release from that. That who is experiencing is no longer a person, but Consciousness, big Consciousness. And that big Consciousness is, you could say, like a portal between nothing and everything. So the Consciousness, in a way, is... Yeah, there's an energetic shift to the big Consciousness. And that Consciousness is still and silent, and on its backside, it's the nothingness, the emptiness. On its front side, it's the everything, the love, but it's not separated out. And that's an energetic shift that happens. And it doesn't happen to you. It's like the Consciousness, the big Consciousness of who you are, is apparently released from being contained in you, even though it never was. It's like an energetic release from that big Consciousness being contained into you, to you being in that big Consciousness. Yeah, thank you for your question. Original Video 14/7-24:
@LisaCairnsClips Күн бұрын
What is suffering? What is the end of suffering? What is Liberation? Yes, these are really clear and concise questions. Suffering is separation from everything. It's the identification with being this body-mind mechanism, and it starts at a very young age. And the end of suffering, so Liberation, is the release from that. That who is experiencing is no longer a person, but Consciousness, big Consciousness. And that big Consciousness is, you could say, like a portal between nothing and everything. So the Consciousness, in a way, is... Yeah, there's an energetic shift to the big Consciousness. And that Consciousness is still and silent, and on its backside, it's the nothingness, the emptiness. On its front side, it's the everything, the love, but it's not separated out. And that's an energetic shift that happens. And it doesn't happen to you. It's like the Consciousness, the big Consciousness of who you are, is apparently released from being contained in you, even though it never was. It's like an energetic release from that big Consciousness being contained into you, to you being in that big Consciousness. Yeah, thank you for your question. Original Video 14/7-24: kzbin.info/www/bejne/qqu1oYV-etBjg7s
@kevinchavarria6792 2 күн бұрын
Non duality is also a great paradox it creates its opposite duality, the mind is like a binary computer program of 1s and 0s and it's asks questions inside the construct and that's why there is never an answer just noise. who's asking the question I'm nothing well it's the mind once again another trap. Nothingness is also an illusion just like non existence. What's the function of emptiness well for it to be filled again like an empty cup. Source isn't located anywhere, it's neither here nor there and yet its our very own presence, our seed, it's where all things are possible. In creation all things already have their own existence on their own before conceiving so what we see are just symbols or archetypes that echoe back. This universe(which I hate calling) or projection is all animated, it's like a dream where once the dreamer finds out it's a dream then it gains lucidity, clarity, purity, light, you name it they all mean the same so you rest time or make the animation alive again. Everything in this world is a lie and I mean everything, everything, the only truth is your very own presence but how you want to express this truth is up to you so you assume whatever you want to express but doing good in the long run with compassion and for this truth nothing is impossible it's the unseen that makes things seen because there is life in us, it's the pearl of great price, that truth which cannot be exchanged or sold, it's perfect on its own, it's precious, and we should carry with us and love it because that's the gift, we are the ones that give life a meaning but if we are going to well then why not with compassion by assuming the beautiful things and at the same time knowing who we truly are, so union establishes and there's no separation anymore and expression testifies the unseen but in a beautiful way. Become spontaneous and not a predictable robot or zombie so first I observe then I act only if needed but at least I'm aware of the situation.
@LisaCairnsClips 2 күн бұрын
I guess my question is sort of around, and I know there's really no difference between these two states, but the idea of sort of an expansive state and then a contraction, or a being and then a meing, and how maybe there's a fluctuation between those two states. And whether that still happens, whether you still get tangled sometimes in the me, in the me story, or whether you're always in being and the meing is sort of just something that's happening alongside that. Because I feel like, I guess times when I've had really big expansions, then thought will come in very strongly the next day and then try and tangle me back into sort of, you know, ideas about my story. And I know, ultimately there's no difference between those states, but it feels different. It feels more contracted or it feels more entangled in the story. Yeah, so the way that Roger taught me, so Roger Castillo was my main teacher, the way that he taught me was that, so he speaks a lot about peace of mind. And the way he taught me was that when you feel more expanded, you feel more happy and at peace. When you feel more contracted, there is suffering, thoughts, discomfort, and a feeling of contraction, a feeling like you're very small in a way. And it's an energetic sense, and I found this super helpful to label it in this manner. Because when these fluctuations were strong here, I could see when I felt more expanded, I did feel more happy, or I could see when I was happy I felt expanded, you know, either way. And the same the other way. And what this did in the mind and in the person was it helped me organize my illusions. And it helped me register that happiness was not pleasure or freedom wasn't pleasure, but freedom was the expansion, the connection to who you truly are. And contraction, so when you're really strongly you, that is the lack of freedom of apparent freedom. So it's a really helpful, I think, teaching modality to see this because what it does is it very clearly points to pleasure and pain not being the answer. And old seeking patterns do sometimes come up here. I don't know though if I feel really a sense of contraction, though there's certainly pain when other seeking patterns come up. The kind of shifted at one point where these seeking patterns would come up, but it kind of the pain of it, it kind of felt like it was happening in a vessel inside of the very expansive space. Yeah, I think you muted yourself. Do you want to add anything? Can unmute you. Sorry, I'm normally on Zoom, have to mute in between. Yeah, I, yeah, that's beautiful. I think that idea of, yeah, it's hard to always be, to always, you know, when you get, when I get tangled back in the story, I think it's hard to sometimes, it's hard to come back to expansive space. Or when the tangling happens, the most important thing to recognize is that the tangling is happening. Often what the mind does is it outsources it to a source or insources it to itself, says it's because of me or my fault. Whereas what's happening is there is identification and therefore there is suffering. And it's not your fault or the external's fault, and that person can't do anything to get back to the expansion, but it's just noticing what it's doing. But that's part of what seems to happen is discernment as to the illusion. Yeah, so it's really great. You know that when you feel contracted, that's a really great indicator. You know, rather than running off into the stories of it in action, it's like, okay, I feel contracted, I'm suffering, let's just go and lay down and allow this suffering to come up and show whatever it wants to show, rather than going and acting it all out. Yeah, sometimes there's ability to do that and sometimes there's just a strong feeling of like, I need to run away from this. I know, and those, yeah, I guess that's not a choice either, right? I guess just whatever comes up, but yeah. Yeah, the more these things, what it's, I mean, it's habits and conditions, and the more these things are spoken about, the more, and the more that it's seen that it doesn't work running away, the more the movement of that body will be to, okay, let's just sit and give this time. Yeah, thank you. I'm getting, thanks, that was really good. Thank you. Yeah, pleasure, thank you.
@LisaCairnsClips 2 күн бұрын
Original Video 14/7-24: kzbin.info/www/bejne/qqu1oYV-etBjg7s I guess my question is sort of around, and I know there's really no difference between these two states, but the idea of sort of an expansive state and then a contraction, or a being and then a meing, and how maybe there's a fluctuation between those two states. And whether that still happens, whether you still get tangled sometimes in the me, in the me story, or whether you're always in being and the meing is sort of just something that's happening alongside that. Because I feel like, I guess times when I've had really big expansions, then thought will come in very strongly the next day and then try and tangle me back into sort of, you know, ideas about my story. And I know, ultimately there's no difference between those states, but it feels different. It feels more contracted or it feels more entangled in the story. Yeah, so the way that Roger taught me, so Roger Castillo was my main teacher, the way that he taught me was that, so he speaks a lot about peace of mind. And the way he taught me was that when you feel more expanded, you feel more happy and at peace. When you feel more contracted, there is suffering, thoughts, discomfort, and a feeling of contraction, a feeling like you're very small in a way. And it's an energetic sense, and I found this super helpful to label it in this manner.
@LisaCairnsClips 2 күн бұрын
You are you welcome to ask questions about anything I've said. You can do so by the Telegram group, or you can join the Zoom link from the Telegram group and ask questions in Zoom. You can also join upcoming events. I have one event in August near Flensburg in Northern Germany, and I also have an event in Amsterdam the very end of August, beginning of September. I also have a retreat at the end of October. Yeah, so you're welcome to join. The reason I do this is because of God's will. Ultimately, because that's what happens. I mean, what else? There is the urge in this body to book it or to do it or to say yes to it. And the reason that you do events in non-duality is to immerse yourself in this subject. So the non-dual speaker resonates energetically the Emptiness, the Nothingness, and then the words support that. And then being in a group of people that are also beginning to resonate that energy. And then the words have an effect. So we're not talking about becoming a ballerina, but it's more about the energy and the Stillness and the silence that's happening that gets to be more so when I can do retreats. Not retreats where it's not living, I mean retreats where it is living. So when I do a living retreat, you know when people stay at the retreat center, I often do a lot of Silence. So till like 3 or 4 in the afternoon, people are in silence. This is so beautiful and so powerful. And then maybe have one day of silence as well. And it's, yeah, so different from a lot of the way people live. Most people live always having to talk, always having to say something, always having to be something. You know, people don't know how to relax together. They always have to be doing something: watching TV or listening to talks or podcasts or reading books or talking with someone or going out on a bike ride. There always has to be activity. What I really love about retreats is that people get to confront that just doing nothing: sitting there meditating or just sitting there not doing anything. And then these talks, which aren't really giving the person something, it's just opening the opportunity for something else. The person is always in action, in doing, doing, being, being, being around people, putting on the mask. And in a way, when you meet me as a personality, I will be a disappointment as a personality. I've got nothing to talk about. I'm just like... um... but if you can see beyond the personality, then it won't be a disappointment. You won't need the entertaining personality. Yeah, so you can raise your hands. I see that somebody's raised their hand in the Zoom, or you can write questions in the Telegram group. When you join the Zoom and speak, it will be broadcast onto KZbin, but only your voice, not your name or your video.
@LisaCairnsClips 2 күн бұрын
You are you welcome to ask questions about anything I've said. You can do so by the Telegram group, or you can join the Zoom link from the Telegram group and ask questions in Zoom. You can also join upcoming events. I have one event in August near Flensburg in Northern Germany, and I also have an event in Amsterdam the very end of August, beginning of September. I also have a retreat at the end of October. Yeah, so you're welcome to join. The reason I do this is because of God's will. Ultimately, because that's what happens. I mean, what else? There is the urge in this body to book it or to do it or to say yes to it. And the reason that you do events in non-duality is to immerse yourself in this subject. So the non-dual speaker resonates energetically the Emptiness, the Nothingness, and then the words support that. And then being in a group of people that are also beginning to resonate that energy. And then the words have an effect. So we're not talking about becoming a ballerina, but it's more about the energy and the Stillness and the silence that's happening that gets to be more so when I can do retreats. Not retreats where it's not living, I mean retreats where it is living. Original Video 14/7-24: kzbin.info/www/bejne/qqu1oYV-etBjg7s
@ryoga5000 3 күн бұрын
Thank you for explaining it so beautifully and thorough.
@KuswandiRia03 4 күн бұрын
How a Profound Experience and a Friend's Illness Inspired Me to Start Sharing, very good, thank for sharing, my friend
@LisaCairnsClips 4 күн бұрын
I was thinking to ask you a little bit about how you started talking about the subject. Have you already done that before, or did you feel that you wanted to be really grounded in that awareness to be able to talk to people about it? I'm a little bit interested in that. No, I didn't ever speak before Bali, and I never had any inclination or desires to speak prior to Bali. Roger also said that I would never be able to speak about this because of my lack of precision with my mind, you know. He's got a very precise mind. If you've listened to his talks, he always said that I don't have that ability like that. So I never had any expectations about speaking or talking about this, and I never had desires. When Roger said that to me, it was never something that I argued with or felt offended by. I was just like, "No, I can understand that." Then after Bali, it just kind of happened. First of all, what happened was my friend was dying from a brain tumor. When I came back from Bali to Australia, he lived next door and he'd also been a student of Roger's. Because he was dying of a brain tumor and he owned his own business, he began to struggle to be able to drive his car. I happened to have time at that time to be able to drive him around. You know, profound things can happen when you're driving with someone who's dying from a brain tumor and somebody who's just had a massive life-changing blast of eternity. We were driving around in the car in the bush, and inevitably, speaking began to happen. He was also going through this profound experience. Often, when you die from a brain tumor, it begins to take away your senses. Weirdly, I could really relate to what was happening to him from this awakening. When I had it initially, in the first days, I couldn't do physical things very well. Just crossing the road was very disorienting because I couldn't really perceive where my body was in relationship to the cars. In Bali, the cars were quite intense. It's not as bad as India, but it was quite intense with the bikes and the cars. Also, the feeling of my hand as opposed to the table or my hand as opposed to someone else's hand was all different. When he began to struggle with things like not being able to remember how to put on his... do you use "jumper"? I'm not sure if that's the right word. Maybe "pullover" or "sweatshirt"? When he began to struggle and couldn't work out how to put his head through the jumper, I could really relate because it felt like my brain just got totally blasted. I also had these struggles with my coordination and body and speaking. So, we just began to have these really profound and beautiful conversations. He began to say that I should record them. I think we did record them, and we gave them to his partner. We used to begin to talk about things like rebirth. I personally believe in rebirth, and he would talk about being reborn. He'd had the tumor for nine years. When it started growing this last time, there was nothing left that they could do. He had it for nine years, and they did different things to stop it from growing, but this last time there were no more options. Everyone knew that if it started growing again... Also, before Bali, me, him, and Roger had spent six weeks in India together a month or two before Bali. So, he was also really open to all of this, and we'd been to lots of satsangs together. It just naturally and organically started happening. From that, I then uploaded a video to KZbin, but that was slightly different. Actually, it wasn't to KZbin, it was to Facebook. I was just so bursting with this freedom. It just wanted to speak, to be expressed. I think that's why I did the initial video. In my later ones, you actually hear him falling over. He came to stay because his partner needed a rest, I think. He came to stay for a few days, and you actually hear him falling over in the background. I was talking about death, and maybe I ended the video because I was going to go and help him. That one maybe was inspired by him, but I think initially it was like I was just sitting there, bursting with love, and wanting to express love. It was just in the very beginning, you know, when Facebook was beginning to allow you to upload videos easily. So, that's how it happened. Very unromantically, I uploaded a video to Facebook. The other part, speaking to Greg about it, was super beautiful. We had some profound car journeys because also driving was such a new experience for me. It was an interesting, special kind of shuttle driving around. Maybe in a way, you were having similar experiences. He was sort of having these shifts because his body was not able to hold the consciousness anymore, somehow. Maybe you were doing that in an energetic way, sort of. It seems to be that kind of shift into the other world, into the nothingness or whatever it is. It was really beautiful, that time we spent together. It was nice that it was the bridge for you to channel it in that way without intention. It kind of happened very quickly. I came back from Bali, and then a month or two afterward, we started noticing that he couldn't open the door to his car. We went to the cinema to watch "Bridesmaids," and he couldn't open the door. Then his partner noticed, and they went and got a scan about two months after I came back from Bali. Roger was away at that time, so it was just me in the house next to him. The four of us had become really close over the years. Roger also gave them a year where we did every morning from 7 a.m. till 9 a.m. It's funny how you describe it. When you were still more in your personality before that shift, somebody tells you that you will never be able to express it in that way. Then, once that part is not there anymore, it's like a higher intelligence speaks through you. That is different. Thank you for that story and background. If you watch some of the earlier videos, you might hear Greg in the background or me speaking to Greg. Sometimes, I had all the dogs. He had two dogs, and I had two dogs. Sometimes, I'd also be looking after his dogs, so you'd see me with four dogs. Some of the videos got deleted because I deleted my Facebook account and never put them on KZbin, but some of them ended up on KZbin. Great. It was nice to talk to you. Thank you very much for the question. It was sweet to remember. Take care, bye.
@LisaCairnsClips 4 күн бұрын
I was thinking to ask you a little bit about how you started talking about the subject. Have you already done that before, or did you feel that you wanted to be really grounded in that awareness to be able to talk to people about it? I'm a little bit interested in that. No, I didn't ever speak before Bali, and I never had any inclination or desires to speak prior to Bali. Roger also said that I would never be able to speak about this because of my lack of precision with my mind, you know. He's got a very precise mind. If you've listened to his talks, he always said that I don't have that ability like that. So I never had any expectations about speaking or talking about this, and I never had desires. When Roger said that to me, it was never something that I argued with or felt offended by. I was just like, "No, I can understand that." Then after Bali, it just kind of happened. First of all, what happened was my friend was dying from a brain tumor. When I came back from Bali to Australia, he lived next door and he'd also been a student of Roger's. Because he was dying of a brain tumor and he owned his own business, he began to struggle to be able to drive his car. I happened to have time at that time to be able to drive him around. Original Video: 14/7-24 kzbin.info/www/bejne/qqu1oYV-etBjg7s
@feartoferociousness7092 4 күн бұрын
I love it when the divine speaks through you! Sri Nisargadatta Maharaja teachings align with these views. If anyone is curious, KZbin his ‘pointers’ and it’ll be the last video that you’ll need to watch. I also like Papaji/Ramana Maharshi for their self inquiry and pointers (which should be watched if you’re struggled to intellectually undestand Sri Nisargadatta Maharaja’s teachings)
@Lauratrenzas673 5 күн бұрын
Hola guapa, como la gustaria que fuera la vida
@DualHeal 5 күн бұрын
anybody with just a little bit of sense, who knows whats up with all this nonduality, reads the title of this video and just facepalms himself so hard on the inside...
@bonnieroberts1799 5 күн бұрын
Sounds unnecessarily convoluted. I'd suggest listening to Tony Parsons for a direct response that's simple and uncompromising.
@raywkilleen 5 күн бұрын
It’s a very cool happening this dream perception of reality that seems to be happing through this nervous system.
@ngriffin100 5 күн бұрын
I recognize both and im not sure where to go
@ignaciodangelo6385 5 күн бұрын
you are nobody
@terrenceburton7903 5 күн бұрын
Wisdom of the Masters. Jayasrra Samaneri...
@JulianK55 5 күн бұрын
You don’t have to do anything 😮
@adarshasunuwar7715 5 күн бұрын
Google brahma kumaris
@suzybiella 6 күн бұрын
@TI_Ted 6 күн бұрын
this is my favourite poetry, you’re welcome :) x
@LisaCairnsClips 6 күн бұрын
Original Video 14/7-24: kzbin.info/www/bejne/qqu1oYV-etBjg7s
@JulianK55 7 күн бұрын
Jay Shiv Shankar
@johnnywlittle 7 күн бұрын
‘It becomes so strong, this entity that feels like it’s inside the body’ - It’s like I need/want continued exposure to this in order to drill it home that what we ‘think’ we are, isn’t the case. It’s wild because this simply separate me construct is what we’ve built our society and institutions upon.
@johnnywlittle 7 күн бұрын
Love to just here these truths. It’s so nice to be validated because these ideas are/have been so foreign in our society.
@johnnywlittle 7 күн бұрын
Thx Osborn for continuing to post Lisa excerpt/clips. Makes it accessible for folks like me.
@johnnywlittle 7 күн бұрын
@TI_Ted 7 күн бұрын
consistently the most poetic of my descriptions - so glad i created this channel x
@LisaCairnsClips 7 күн бұрын
So convinced we're this person that who Lisa is. So who you are convinced or people are convinced that who Lisa is is this form that she's actually a speaking independent form that you're sitting listening to, and that she has Free Will and choice to independently move and is separate from all other objects. This is the conviction. This is also the energetic expression. Because you feel divided, you also see me as divided. I'm something away from you. Space, so this space here, this air, is dead space, is empty face, and it separates us. You're somebody in there, and I'm somebody here. And this is Lisa speaking. This is her speaking, and she's separate from you. She can choose to do things. She can choose to behave in a certain way. She can choose to interact in a certain way or do certain things, or she chooses to sit and speak now. But actually, in the very moment, there is just speaking happening. Just like from your perspective, even though there is no you, but from your perspective, there is hearing happening. You're not choosing to hear. You're not actually hearing. There is hearing happening to no one. But that energy of the separate self contracts, that hearing contracts and pushes away Lisa, and makes it feel like somebody is listening to Lisa. But in this instant, this is simply being heard. And who's it being heard by? Who is hearing the sound of Lisa's voice? Who's seeing Lisa's face? Most of humanity are totally convinced that it's them and they are something which is in time. But time can never hear anything. So you, who you think you are that walked into this room and turned the computer on and started listening to Lisa, that's time-bound. That's something that existed in the past. How could the past listen now? How could the past hear something? But that's what we're convinced we are. We're a time-bound entity, and we're listening to Lisa, and we have feelings, and we've had a life, we have sensation, and we have desire, and we have free will and we have choice. But all of that isn't here. Everything you think about yourself is ethereal. What's actually here is presence. There is a presence. There is something that knows everything, and that something isn't you. Because everything you describe yourself to be, everything you feel yourself to be, isn't here. That's past. So you can never listen. You can simply be an experience appearing, an image, a feeling, a thought, but it's gone as soon as it's appeared. It's not a solid entity. But it becomes so strong, this entity that feels like it's inside the body. It's like an energetic feeling. It contracts, and it contracts the knowing, it contracts the Consciousness, it contracts the feelings and Sensations, and it makes it feel like something solid is here, experiencing a separate out there, a separate Lisa. But all of it is appearing in knowing. All of it's appearing in awakeness. Something knows all of this, and that knowing never ends. It doesn't end at the edge of your skin or the edge of your seeing. Awakeness doesn't end. Everything now is awake. Everything is known. Everything is registered. But who's registering it? And this answer can only be found here. Who's registering what's happening?
@LisaCairnsClips 7 күн бұрын
Many are convinced that Lisa is an independent person with free will and choice: Original Video 15th June 2016: kzbin.info/www/bejne/Y2aToZl5ZdOae7c This is also the energetic expression. Because you feel divided, you also see me as divided. I'm something away from you. Space, so this space here, this air, is dead space, is empty face, and it separates us. You're somebody in there, and I'm somebody here. And this is Lisa speaking. This is her speaking, and she's separate from you. She can choose to do things. She can choose to behave in a certain way. She can choose to interact in a certain way or do certain things, or she chooses to sit and speak now. But actually, in the very moment, there is just speaking happening. Just like from your perspective, even though there is no you, but from your perspective, there is hearing happening. You're not choosing to hear. You're not actually hearing. There is hearing happening to no one.
@LisaCairnsClips 7 күн бұрын
Original Video 15th June 2016: kzbin.info/www/bejne/Y2aToZl5ZdOae7c
@raywkilleen 8 күн бұрын
Nice concept of the inconceivable.
@giuliap9429 8 күн бұрын
@notoddbuttoddwho2550 8 күн бұрын
@henkverhaeren3759 8 күн бұрын
Very insightfull!
@LisaCairnsClips 8 күн бұрын
There always needs to be a relationship in order to be separate. You are in a relationship with someone or something. There's a belief that there is an end to you and a beginning of something else. There's something else that begins out there that's separate from me. In practical terms, this is what can be described: there is Lisa and Kisi and Cassidy in this house, but in the experience, there is never an inside or outside. This is the most important part. But we, as humans, tend to believe what we think more than what's actually happening. So, we think reality is more than what reality actually is. In the experience, there is no outside of you and there is no inside of you in thoughts, in words, in time. It seems that there is Lisa, there is Cassidy, there is Kisi, there is my drink, there is my iPhone, there is Siri, there is a cushion, there is a chair. In time, that seems to be the case. But in actuality, in the actual experience, which is the most important, there is no inside or outside. But the human is totally lost in the dream of itself, in the dream of words, in the dream of time. It believes that's the only reality and that me and you are the way things are, that self and other, that division, is the way things are. But what's actually happening right now is: is there an outside of presence? Is there an outside of knowing of this? But that's too far out there for even most people to see. Who they believe they are is something which is appearing, rather than an experience. Who they think they are, this person inside this body, this tightly contracted energy, is an experiencer rather than an experience. If it's an experience appearing in this, then there isn't a divided reality because all things are appearances, they're not reality. So if you is an appearance, so is the other equally. They're both appearances appearing in the scope of this dream. In experience, you can see that there's something experiencing the person, and the person isn't the experiencer. The experience is non-located, it's not found, it's not something that you can find. You can't look back there and find it. The experiencer is not located, it is everywhere and nowhere. It is the knowing of all things which is all things, and it's not one thing. So now you appear, and you might appear with this thought that's like, "What's she talking about? I do not understand, but my, she has a very beautiful fringe. Look how she's cut her fringe. Yes, I wonder if I could have a fringe like that." And that feels like you, but notice that person is being experienced. That one that's having the conversation is known, it's being watched. It's not the actual knower of things, it's being watched, it is known. That's massive, that's really, really profound. So if you see that who you think you are is an experience appearing in it and not the actual experiencer, then there is a huge shift in the way life is. Because suddenly, if you is an appearance as well, this isn't a divided universe. It means there is no inside and outside of experiencing. Therefore, who you truly are is not divided. The other is contained in you as that divine, as that hugeness. Isn't that wonderful? I mean, this is just profound, shocking. So even that one that thinks it understands what I say is also known, it is also an experience that's being seen, that's appearing. So something sees that, but that one looks back and it's like brain freeze, like after eating an ice cream. It looks back on itself trying to see itself, but it can't. It is being seen, so it tries to look back and understand what I say, but it's being seen.
@giuseppe6273 8 күн бұрын
@LisaCairnsClips 8 күн бұрын
Discover the Profound Experience of Non-Duality: Distinguishing Between Experience and Experiencer in Our Relationship with Reality Original Video 26th June 2016: kzbin.info/www/bejne/Y2apaoGgarWVZ5o That's massive, that's really, really profound. So if you see that who you think you are is an experience appearing in it and not the actual experiencer, then there is a huge shift in the way life is. Because suddenly, if you is an appearance as well, this isn't a divided universe. It means there is no inside and outside of experiencing. Therefore, who you truly are is not divided. The other is contained in you as that divine, as that hugeness. Isn't that wonderful? I mean, this is just profound, shocking. So even that one that thinks it understands what I say is also known, it is also an experience that's being seen, that's appearing. So something sees that, but that one looks back and it's like brain freeze, like after eating an ice cream. It looks back on itself trying to see itself, but it can't. It is being seen, so it tries to look back and understand what I say, but it's being seen.
@LisaCairnsClips 8 күн бұрын
Original Video 26th June 2016: kzbin.info/www/bejne/Y2apaoGgarWVZ5o
@TI_Ted 8 күн бұрын
language intensifies identity, which intensifies experience ?
@jaroslavfricek7772 9 күн бұрын
@LisaCairnsClips 9 күн бұрын
So it seems like you're sitting on a chair in your living room, looking at a computer, and listening to me speak. But actually, in reality, all there is, is me speaking, and there isn't anyone that knows it, but yet it's known. The speaking, the SE speaking, is heard, but what happens inside the body? So what happens inside you, you who are sitting listening to me? This energy comes in and makes it feel like somebody's looking from behind the eyes, and they are in relationship with the outside. But actually, in the actual experience, there isn't a separation from the sound of my voice and the consciousness of it. It's one and the same. Original Video July 6th 2016: kzbin.info/www/bejne/Z3WUfHedf7-Bl8U
@chitrapolansky 9 күн бұрын
you are neither everything nor nothing..you are just an energy some people call the Self that the everything and the nothing come and go on. pointing to everything or nothing isnt pointing to the reality of You... sri atmananada ->HOW TO VIEW ‘I AM ALL’? The all should merge in the ‘I’ and disappear, leaving the ‘I’ absolute. But if you begin to expand the ‘I’ into the ‘all’, you go wrong and still remain as the object. The objectivity must disappear completely.
@mariusztakeoff2622 9 күн бұрын