Reading Plans for roadtrip
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Sundiver by David Brin; book review
Madwand by Roger Zelazny; book review
June Book haul
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@glockensig 2 күн бұрын
Hope your vaca was good! (Blade-Runnery 😂)
@glockensig 5 күн бұрын
So many little time!!
@OmnivorousReader 3 күн бұрын
And more and more books all the time... One the bright side, we will never run out of books. the world of Fahrenheit 451 is essentially my worst nightmare.
@glockensig 9 күн бұрын
I like the idea of reading a short story to time a break!
@OmnivorousReader 3 күн бұрын
It is pretty workable for me; I know I need to take breaks, but when I am on the road I get super-focused on getting to my destination. A nice sci-fi story is a perfect break.
@HideAndRead 10 күн бұрын
been meaning to read more short stories. Using them to break up a monotonous task is a good idea. Safe Travels!
@OmnivorousReader 3 күн бұрын
Thank you, the boat part was amazing!
@glockensig 11 күн бұрын
My Mother is a big Dorothy L. Sayers fan....
@OmnivorousReader 3 күн бұрын
I guess my parents were too!
@glockensig 13 күн бұрын
Hello my friend!! Sorry you almost drowned in quirk!!
@OmnivorousReader 3 күн бұрын
I mean.... I guess there are worse things to drown in than quirky sci-fi. Another time when I am in the mood for it I will probably try again.
@ReadingIDEAS.-uz9xk 15 күн бұрын
You get through books much quicker than me! Best wishes.
@OmnivorousReader 3 күн бұрын
Thank you. I do tend to read pretty fast (fiction, at least).
@glockensig 15 күн бұрын
Bless You!!
@user-yo9pv1ni6t 15 күн бұрын
Great intro into Von Franz's book, I have all her books, yet to read some, others have to brush up with. She was Jung's most enlightened coworker. Ck out all the VF videos here on YT. Plaese read Barbara Hanna's bio on JUng, where Jung tells Barbara **I am glad I am Jung and NOT a Jungian**, Jung's ideas have fallen into bad times, with the Jungians twisting his core ideas into all sorts of strange methodology. You are young, bright and will and can see you are a Jungian analyst in the making. Fairy tales come true everytime. Take my life for example. I had good looks all my life, but early on, ages 14-20 I thought of myself as very ugly, with thick glasses, damaged hair from bad shamoppos/blow dryer,, I had naturally blond but slugfhtly curly hair along the sides, I just did all the wrong things with my hair,, but mainly my neurosis expoded at age 16ish. = My anima was under a evil spirit, both parents were very negative and antispiritual, father was gard core atheist/hedonist. Long story short, I was both like Cindrella and the frog that became a hamdsome prince. Cindrella as she was under evil influences and has to wait for her heroic prince. My anima = Cindrella Me as the ugly frog,,,and now some 40+ yrs later I have broken out my severe destructive neurosis, and now am being transformed into a prince. Prince = manly/high spirit qualities. Thus fairy takes are born mostly around people of great significance, but take longggggg yrs to fulfill their myth. = FT always manifest to various degress in everyone's life, FT always resurface , which can be seen most clearly w a individual who has a callinmg on his/her life. Please continue a series of videos revewing alkl VG 's books and commentaries on your FT readings via a Jungian perspective. My myth now is as warrior battling the great beast called The Antichrist spirit. As you know antichrist is emeshed, intertwined, involved in every single aspect of this world epoch. Illuminati, Wall Street, World power org's, any/all religions, all are part of this antichrist spirit. and he means business. AI is here and NOW, ,,, I am a warrior for God;s Kingdom. Thus I guess my new myth is that of Jason battling for the Golden Fleece, or David taking on Goliath, , = odds stacked immensely against me, thus totally dependent on divine powers. I stand alone, even critiquing as I read Jung and VG's works. I do not like to go around The Jungians, as they are nothing more than a New ISM, as Jung predicted would take place late in his life. Take care Paul New Orleans
@OmnivorousReader 3 күн бұрын
I certainly agree that Jung is currently being overlooked somewhat and I would like to read more VF, as I come across it. Good to hear that you early tribulations are resolved, but I think for everyone life is a journey and that myths and fairy tales can often be useful sign posts for that journey.
@user-yo9pv1ni6t 2 күн бұрын
@@OmnivorousReader HI Glad you responded, Yes fairy tales and myths are brought forth from the collective unconscious as dreams, active imagination and seen in real life by wise men women of psyche. They observe life around them and put these tales/myths into writing, Everyone's life has threads/elements/hints of fairy tales/myths. By seeing these elements in the tales, we can know how our life may take turns/events and such, there by we know these events in our life have taken place countless times in the past and we can gain insights and faith to continue on knowing helpful spirits will always come at the right moment if we maintain faith. The name Carl Jung will become the most name spoken on earth, his ideas will become of most interest among all the humanities and scholars. Its only a matter of time as this world's fabric is now unraveling rather quickly around us, Those who seek knowledge/understanding will recognize Jung as a source for critical understandingS. Google hits will show Carl Jung as the consistent fastest growing hit on the serach engine. and will remain as most consistent fastest growing interest ,,, for epochs to come. = Jung will be vindicayed. But w/i the Jungianism,, You see I am a staunch critic of anything JungianISM..which sadly has plagued all Jung study groups. These people are false, They have corrupted Jung's ideas. may you find a raod to futher study Jung w/o falling prey to the snakeoil prevelant among anything dealing w Jung at this moment. You need to read Von Franz's bio on Jung and Barbara Hannah's bio,m where she quotes Jung saying ((I am glad I am Carl Jung and not a Jungian**. Jung would never ever NEVER approve/give blessing to anything you see going on in anything Jungian today, Its all false/fake/.distortion of Jung's spirit. = Those people are weird. Shalom Paul New Orleans
@gnpatterson 15 күн бұрын
It would be so much easier if you pronounced Vega correctly and used the corresponding pronunciation of Vegan. The star Vega is pronounced Vah-guh.
@OmnivorousReader 3 күн бұрын
Hmmm... You may be correct but are you sure this is not an American/Rest of the world thing? Like baZAL/basil or aluminium? I don't think I have ever heard anyone say vah-guh.
@AaronReadABook 16 күн бұрын
I loved Startide Rising but never got round to this one, I enjoyed The Postman by him too
@OmnivorousReader 3 күн бұрын
I must get around to The Postman, I don't even have a copy so I must look out for it.
@Crabby303 16 күн бұрын
Must check these out, never heard of H. Beam Piper tbh and I thought I knew my classic sci-fi. Cheers!
@OmnivorousReader 3 күн бұрын
H Beam Piper seems to be a bit niche, and there are SO MANY lesser known sci-fi authors out there! Perhaps he is less well known because he sadly died. While I do think his Little Fuzzie's are his best work, but I enjoyed them so much I am keen to go back and find more of his work.
@glockensig 17 күн бұрын
I enjoy your reviews!!
@OmnivorousReader 3 күн бұрын
Glad to hear!
@glockensig 17 күн бұрын
I love the, dot, dot 😂😂
@OmnivorousReader 3 күн бұрын
Yeah, reviews are good this way - I don't inflict my indignation on the long suffering friends and family...
@HideAndRead 19 күн бұрын
A glowing review. I have to read this one now. Always like to see these books on the shelves, ill have to get my own set.
@OmnivorousReader 19 күн бұрын
Hope you enjoy it - I seem to have talked a lot of people into reading it, so I am a little anxious that they not be disappointed.
@sfwordsofwonder 20 күн бұрын
I've got both Fuzzie books and never read anything from Piper. Sold. Thanks.
@OmnivorousReader 20 күн бұрын
I look forward a great deal to hearing your review. I know I am completely biased about this one, so it will be great to hear an evaluation from someone coming to it new.
@Codametal 21 күн бұрын
Doh! You HAVE read the Dragons of Pern books! Dragonsdawn is still my favorite one. Agreed, new readers have to read the books in publish order for the best experience.
@OmnivorousReader 3 күн бұрын
@Codametal 21 күн бұрын
I have this on my list of books to read. It has an interesting idea to it. I'm still going through your videos, but have you read any of the Dragons of Pern books? They are really good too. But read them in publish order. I did and the story becomes more impactful if you do.
@OmnivorousReader 3 күн бұрын
As you saw - yes! Though I don't think I have reviewed many of them yet.
@Codametal 21 күн бұрын
I remember reading this book, and playing the video game. It was really good. I can't wait for the movie to come out!
@OmnivorousReader 3 күн бұрын
I.... did not even know there was a video game... I am a little embarrassed about that...
@Codametal 21 күн бұрын
When I first read this one, I didn't understand it. It started out with very little context and I had to speculate alot of things along the way. But after reading the Uplift Trilogy, it made more sense. I wish there was more of the Uplift Wars cause I like how far reaching the books were on a galactic scale. I don't know if you like scifi military books, but my favorite is the Star Carrier series by Ian Douglas. Although many of his other series are heavy in the space marines and such, this one centers around a Star Carrier, and I like the story much better than his other series. It's also got alot of really good science in it. This 9 book space drama series is concluded with a very nice twist at the end, certainly nothing you would expect from a military scifi piece.
@OmnivorousReader 3 күн бұрын
I am very fond of sci-fi military and I had not heard of Ian Douglas: Earth Strike is now added to the 'to read' list!
@glockensig 21 күн бұрын
I was just going to say that I like the cover when you said it!!
@OmnivorousReader 21 күн бұрын
I still love the cover - would hang the original on the wall in a heartbeat.
@glockensig 21 күн бұрын
@@OmnivorousReader The rest sounds like a sub-orbital "train wreck"!!!!
@glockensig 21 күн бұрын
Sounds like some interesting concepts! I was looking at getting his "best of" short story book....but I heard there were a lot of typos, which annoys me.
@OmnivorousReader 21 күн бұрын
I am not THAT particular when it comes to typos, tbh. If the story is poor, or if there are too many I will start to be annoyed, but I have a pretty high tolerance. With Tubb - lets just say I can see that his work might well end up with typos and grammar peculiarities. Most of his work strikes me as what my father used to call 'potboilers' however much I enjoy them.
@glockensig 21 күн бұрын
@OmnivorousReader Might be recency bias. I read Earth Abides not long ago ....and this particular edition had so many typos, I started keeping a list of them on my phone... In one chapter, a whole paragraph was repeated, while another was obviously left out.
@glockensig 21 күн бұрын
200 is well deserved! I hope more people find you as well!!
@OmnivorousReader 21 күн бұрын
Thank you so much!
@michaelk.vaughan8617 23 күн бұрын
I’m set to read this in the near future. I’m glad to hear it is so good!
@OmnivorousReader 22 күн бұрын
Absolutly one of my long time favourites - I hope you enjoy it. I would love to hear what you thought of it when you are done!
@glockensig 23 күн бұрын
He showed his fuzzies to a naturalist? Oh my!!😯😅
@OmnivorousReader 22 күн бұрын
Right? that kept the ten year old inside my head amused for ages... That a Piper's obsession with cocktails, highballs and cocktail hour are the few things that really date this book.
@glockensig 23 күн бұрын
Enjoyed the review....may have to look for this one!!
@OmnivorousReader 21 күн бұрын
Thank you! I hope you enjoy it, if you do find it.
@sfwordsofwonder 24 күн бұрын
Thanks for this review. I'm going to read Startide Rising soon and have been wondering if I should start with this one. You are not alone in recommending starting with Startide.
@OmnivorousReader 23 күн бұрын
Thanks for watching! Glad I am not the only one pushing Startide Rising to the front of the queue. I thought Startide was by far the better book. I am not sorry I read Sundiver (or read it again? still not sure about that), but my advice would be to bypass it until after you are already invested in the Uplift universe.
@sfwordsofwonder 27 күн бұрын
Nice selection of books, interested to hear your thoughts on the Eric Russel, Keith Roberts and of course Godwhale. Cheers.
@OmnivorousReader 23 күн бұрын
Godwhale - I have such high hopes and SUCH low expectations. I hope to get to it soon, but I have happily fallen down a H. Beam Piper rabbit-hole at the moment. Thank you for watching and commenting.
@Codametal 29 күн бұрын
Argh, I've been trying to post a reply but the ytube AI keeps deleting my comment because I mentioned a certain very popular site where you can bid on items. I found a complete set there with all 12 books for about $52 USD. I know you have two of the books already, but that 12th book is harder to find. If you are unable to get it, at least you can see what the original covers looked like at first printing. This is the exact same printing I have when I bought them at in the store decades ago. Good luck!
@OmnivorousReader 28 күн бұрын
You made the reply! Yay, tech win! I very VERY rarely buy books on line. It is just not something I am into to begin with and the postage to Australia, post covid, is horrifying! Seriously, it turns a $2 book into a $70 book.
@Codametal 28 күн бұрын
@@OmnivorousReader Yes, I totally understand about the shipping costs. I think the shipping cost is between $20-$40 USD. Yeah, $100 USD for 12 books though. Is there any online place in Australia that you might have access to?
@OmnivorousReader 27 күн бұрын
@@Codametal I have a few places I get books. A couple are 'online sellers' but will give me a good price as a walk in. I really appreciate you checking it out for me - and the idea of getting the whole set is very tempting - but I think I will continue to hunt them 'in the wild' for a bit longer.
@Codametal 27 күн бұрын
@@OmnivorousReader I wish you the best of luck in finding them in the wild! Just secretly hope someone near you wants to get rid of their copies! 8-)
@OmnivorousReader 25 күн бұрын
@@Codametal Holding out for that; I did actually find a couple near me; The Nautilus Sanction, obviously, but also The Wizard of Santa Fe' which I have not yet read. So, that is three out of twelve, a start at least :)
@ReadingIDEAS.-uz9xk 29 күн бұрын
Close to 200 subscribers Omnivorous. Best wishes.
@OmnivorousReader 29 күн бұрын
Oh wow! This is no humblebrag, but I had not noticed. I am still struggling to make the 'Analytics' section make sense. 197, that is so cool!
@Codametal 29 күн бұрын
I discovered the Ivanhoe Gambit at my local library and as soon as I saw the cover, I knew I had to read it. And read it I did, and again, and again, and again. From then on when each subsequent book was released, I bought it. So I have a first edition copy of every book in the series (12 books in total). To understand the temporal mechanics, you have to read the books in order as it climatizes you to the 'temporal physics' used in the books. And the reason for the long timeline in book 5 is because it introduces the factions against the time wars. Cause each subsequent book after book 5, the threats become greater and will really bend your mind. Mr. Hawke's goal for the books was to expose readers to various parts of history so they can go and look up the history themselves. Apparently, it worked with you! Thank you for reviewing this book. The Nautilus Sanction is one of my favorites of the 12 books.
@OmnivorousReader 29 күн бұрын
Thank you for commenting! I found my copy of The Ivenhoe Gambit in a second hand store, but like you, read and re-read and re-re-read to the power of n. 12 of them in total? I don't know that I will ever find them all in the wild but I will keep trying. Don't know if I mentioned in the video, but Ivenhoe was also my first introduction to temporal theories/physics so I think Mr Hawke inspired me in History AND Science. :)
@Codametal 29 күн бұрын
@@OmnivorousReader Argh, I've been trying to post a reply but the ytube AI keeps deleting my comment because I mentioned a certain very popular site where you can bid on items. I found a complete set there with all 12 books for about $52 USD. I know you have two of the books already, but that 12th book is harder to find. If you are unable to get it, at least you can see what the original covers looked like at first printing. This is the exact same printing I have when I bought them at in the store decades ago. Good luck!
@rodschmidt8952 Ай бұрын
About radio waves making people think they are in a good environment when in fact they're not, see: A Virtual Nightmare
@OmnivorousReader Ай бұрын
Can't find that one. Who is the author?
@alisonhaggart8584 Ай бұрын
I love the Charles de Lint
@OmnivorousReader Ай бұрын
Right? He is one of the authors who can do no wrong. Though one does have to be in the right mood for his complexity and amazing writing.
@CptSamel Ай бұрын
The Night’s Sorceries book looked interesting, I’ll check that out. Right now I’m reading and collecting Vance, Andre Norton, John Brunner and Poul Anderson.
@OmnivorousReader Ай бұрын
All excellent choices. I have a couple from all of those authors on my TBR. Just found out that The Night's Sorceries is part of a series and I have most of them. I might dedicate a few weeks of my life to reading them in order.
@CptSamel Ай бұрын
I’ve been thinking of buying this book for a while now. Do I buy it instead of the John Brunner books I was planning on getting? Aah! So many good books to read!
@OmnivorousReader Ай бұрын
Oo hard choice! I think, if you are on a Brunner reading spree - go for the one that you are likely to read and enjoy first. I really enjoyed this one, but if I was in a more sciency mood, I might not have liked it as much. I have some Brunner on my to-read shelf but I have not read any of his work for so long that I can't really compare them.
@CptSamel Ай бұрын
@@OmnivorousReader I'm thinking of getting The Whole Man or To Conquer Chaos 🤔
@OmnivorousReader Ай бұрын
@@CptSamel I think I read The Whole Man years ago - I look forward to hearing what you think of whichever Brunner you read!
@HideAndRead Ай бұрын
I've pruned my personal library down to a single suitcase (a big one) twice in my life..... I don't think I'll do it again. I think it's easy to Find Tanith Lee's in my area if there is something too elusive. Great video!
@OmnivorousReader Ай бұрын
A thing I have done over the years is cut back on the books; I don't think I have ever failed to regret it and I am holding on to them from now on.
@ReadingIDEAS.-uz9xk Ай бұрын
Wow 200 book tbr! Not stuck for choice there! Happy reading.
@OmnivorousReader Ай бұрын
Yeah - It is ambitious, but I love walking over to the shelf and browsing until I find exactly the right book, the perfect fit for my mood. :)
@prc789 Ай бұрын
This is another book i read years ago. From what I remember, Puffin was the branch of Penguin used to publish what the considered children's books. Andre Norton was a favourite author of mine when I was a child, specially the series with the Solar Queen which included Postmarked the Stars. Well worth getting. I think it was her love of cats that hooked me...
@OmnivorousReader Ай бұрын
Yes! Puffin was the kid's imprint, I have a few. But this copy clearly states on the inside of the cover that it is a Penguin. The imprint of the cover equally clearly states Peacock science fiction and a quick google does not show that penguin ever had a sci-fi dedicated imprint called Peacock. So it is all very intriguing.
@ReadingIDEAS.-uz9xk Ай бұрын
Great cover there. Happy summer of reading to you.
@OmnivorousReader Ай бұрын
Thanks, still winter in Oz though, 6 degrees C this morning.
@bonpourvous Ай бұрын
When I saw the thumbnail I thought it was the 1985 movie 'Mask' with Eric Stolz, the book sounds interesting. The last Sci-Fi book I listened to was 'Gladiator' by Philip Wylie from 1930, the first Superman, have you heard of it I wonder?
@OmnivorousReader Ай бұрын
It does not ring a bell, and I don't think I have read anything by the author - though his name seems familiar. Do you recommend it?
@bonpourvous Ай бұрын
@@OmnivorousReader There is a good review by Michael K Vaughan on YT which gives the basic story but avoids spoilers and an audiobook by a good narrator also on YT. I found it engrossing and quite deep.
@CptSamel Ай бұрын
I recently read The High Crusade and was interested to find out more books by Poul McCool. I’ll probably pass on this one though. Being from 3485, time travel books hit too close to home for me.
@OmnivorousReader Ай бұрын
ha! I would Like to read The High Crusade, I think you have mentioned it before. Being from 3485 I don't suppose you could research what the lottery numbers are coming up next? Powerball is up to $12M and there are a lot of books and videos in twelve million AUD!
@CptSamel Ай бұрын
@@OmnivorousReader sorry buddy, in the future we have abandoned such exploitative practices as lotteries. Extremes in wealth have been smoothed out anyways 😺🌈
@sfwordsofwonder Ай бұрын
I feel like I need to at least try it but I have heard so many mixed reviews. Thanks for your honest review.
@OmnivorousReader Ай бұрын
Well, it may be the book for you. I don't think it was a bad book, just the wrong book for me, there and then. My only recommendation would be to try a paper book, not the audio.
@leoden49 Ай бұрын
I think the copy of BEAST that you own was reissued along with THE DEEP and ENGINE SUMMER after LITTLE, BIG was published. I think I read Beast twice in the 80s and I really enjoyed you recounting the story and as you did I remembered so much of the story; little things like Painter smoking all the time because he didn't like the smell of humans, the quotation at the beginning of the book, Reynards speech at the end, ect. I really liked the ending, but Crowley already owned me, by then I had already read Little, Big and The Deep and I was looking for a copy of Engine Summer like it was the Holy Grail. His writing is quite good and I would love to hear your take on them. Thanks for the review it made my day remembering that little gem. Have a great day. Forgive my rambling on, new medication.
@OmnivorousReader Ай бұрын
Thank you. I am pretty sure I read The Deep back in the day - I have a visual memory of the cover, and of enjoying the book, but little or no memory of what was inside it. Crowley is a genius at small evocative details JUST like Painter smoking, and how later after living among the Pride Caddie goes into a city and totally understands why he used to because now SHE can't stand the smell either. Beasts is definitely going to stay with me and I am going to keep the book, try and repair it and probably re-read. I am keen to get more by the author now, especially Little, Big.
@sfwordsofwonder Ай бұрын
This was a great novella, can't wait to read more Vance. Great description of the story.
@OmnivorousReader Ай бұрын
Thank you! It was a bit different to what I was expecting, certainly to most of what I have read from the author. But I really loved the (no spoilers) human/dragon flip that occurs. And the breeding lines, to have all the different fighting dragons...
@andrewcakebread3317 Ай бұрын
If I was marooned on a desert island and could only take one book then this would be it. Really stuffed with so many concepts.
@OmnivorousReader Ай бұрын
Right? It has been a comfort read for me for years... Many years....
@andrewcakebread3317 Ай бұрын
Try to look out for a book by Zenna Henderson called - Pilgrimage: The Book of the People Very underrated author.
@OmnivorousReader Ай бұрын
@@andrewcakebread3317 I will look out for it. Do not recognise her name, but her bio is interesting!
@bonpourvous Ай бұрын
I've heard of the book but know nothing of Teragram Doowta, sorry I couldn't resist. I love your Cockatiels, I've had my ears preened and hair pooped on by a friends pair before. Thanks for the review.
@OmnivorousReader Ай бұрын
Heh. Yes we can thank the Android 'update' for Teragram Doowta. Still trying to figure out how to get rid of the mirror image effect.
@bonpourvous Ай бұрын
@@OmnivorousReader Wish I could help but I'm useless at that kind of thing, Good Luck.
@OmnivorousReader Ай бұрын
@@bonpourvous lol, that's fine! I will just keep whinging about it until a fix comes along.
@bonpourvous Ай бұрын
@@OmnivorousReader Is it a little ironic that someone who reviews Sci-Fi books is being hindered by an Android? You could try to film the review in front of a mirror? anyway good luck again.
@OmnivorousReader Ай бұрын
@@bonpourvous Maybe, but I have never claimed to be a techie.
@ReadingIDEAS.-uz9xk Ай бұрын
Not read Handmaids tail or seen it. Thanks for the review. Hope you have a good summer of reading.
@OmnivorousReader Ай бұрын
Thank you for watching and commenting - I do have some good books scheduled, though it is the dead of winter down under;)
@TrynePlague Ай бұрын
Was my first ever SF book.. and it was hard, especially the first part. But I loved it. Went on to read the 2nd and 3rd parts right after it, they are better. 9/10 overall. I don't mind not having deep characters in this as it was mainly about all the science ideas and humanity as a whole rather than individuals driving the plot. When I was done I was so amazed, I made a list of nearly 600 SF books to read, mostly older stuff though as I want to start at the beginning of the genre. I have books that are a 10/10 now to me though, like "The left hand of darkness" by Le Guin, "City" by Simak, "Foundation trilogy" by Asimov, "Childhood's end" by Clarke. But I would have never read them if it wasn't for the Three body problem trilogy. Only problem is I now have TOO MANY BOOKS and always struggle to decide what to read next! Maybe gonna try some Octavia E. Butler next..
@OmnivorousReader Ай бұрын
Wow! I am so impressed - I would have thought that as a first sci-fi book it would have put you off the genera forever! Delighted that it had the opposite effect and brought you to science and speculative fiction. I feel more kindly toward the book for having done this. I love the process of choosing a new book, I think there is a app or something that some people use?
@OmnivorousReader Ай бұрын
Oh and thanks for commenting - if you review your books anywhere, send me a link.
@PaulDunham-pk4om Ай бұрын
Your review has now been signposted on Stack Exchange. The Claw (Worldcat No. OCLC 812543472) can be found at Caval Archive Centre / Monash University Library / University of Sydney Library
@glockensig Ай бұрын
Botany textbook? Psychology? Sounds really HARD.....although I've gotten excited about TULIPS before. (sorry...the 13 year old in me😂)
@OmnivorousReader Ай бұрын
Heh. I feel the humour in this one may suit your interests... There is a text book element in places but there are far more double entendres of risqué and indecent intent.