Who Is the Most Lawful God in D&D?
23 сағат бұрын
I Was So Wrong about the Owlbear!
The Future of This Channel
3 ай бұрын
The Cursed Underdark Giants of D&D
The REAL Problem with Races in D&D
Predictions for D&D 2024 Edition
Designing Gods for My D&D Setting
I'm Redesigning the D&D Planes.
@laffywaffy1989 11 сағат бұрын
I will say it sucks that they didn't make a gem dragon aspect for sardior like they did with the other two aspects I get he has been dead for a long time since gems are up there as some of my favorite dragon next to metallic,time, prismatic, solar and dracohydra
@nealsterling8151 12 сағат бұрын
To be honest, i'm not happy with the new "they are not all evil" approach in D&D. It just takes away from the adventure and leads to more discussion, instead of combat. (This isn't Star Trek (which i love even more than old D&D), we're here to fight!)
@desmien679 14 сағат бұрын
Given the history of deities including when they were banished to Faerun and what happened during that time. The mist evil would be Cyric. Hell he murdered Bane lord of darkness, Leira god of murder, the original Mystra goddess of magic, Kelemvor (when mortal) who became god of the dead, and a number of other acts that started as a mortal and killed the first 2 to become an evil god and later killed the other 2 (the last an old friend) just for power and malice. It's due to his maliciousness and hunger for power that Kelemvor was granted one of his Ethos and made God of the dead while he remained god of death
@geoaltman9344 15 сағат бұрын
Hey neat! I wish there was a way to randomize these videos. Help me go to sleep but KZbin doesnt seem to random for me. Tips?
@PsionicCavalier Күн бұрын
It's Tharizdun Dude is literally the embodiment of Evil.
@esperthebard Күн бұрын
Orcus's goal is to cause all lifeforms the maximum amount of suffering possible for the maximum amount of time possible, and for everyone to be his undead slaves forever. He is an active agent in bringing about this unthinkable fate. That's as evil as it gets. Tharizdun is from Greyhawk, not FR, by the way. He is also sealed away, thus not an active god.
@bloodraven669 Күн бұрын
Mimics are in all sorts of games not just D&D so even those that play video games may encounter them in games like Dark Souls, & other games.
@mythsonmyths Күн бұрын
Anyone ready to ask why orcs are always depicted as dark-skinned creatures? And why the "good" characters are nearly always as white as snow?
@Patrioticification 2 күн бұрын
Really cool video, very practical. I like the NPC template.
@nealsterling8151 2 күн бұрын
Wow, this is epic!
@leifcatt 2 күн бұрын
The Samurai were often leaders of regular soldiers, so you might want to add a power like a morale boost or group charge bonus to any soldiers they may have. Of course this would be more likely encountered as a Samurai NPC feature. Samurai were also land holders and acted as governors of areas for their Shogun. The wandering lordless Samurai were actually where the Ronin come from. I know it's D&D the GAME, just some food for thought. We need a new Kara-Tur book, don't you agree?
@yamatohekatsue9143 2 күн бұрын
I hate to disagree with you but primemus from the clockwork Nirvana of Mecanus. He is the epitome of law every single thing happens like clockwork from the monitoring of the plains to the modron march. His plain of existence is the most lawful plane and it revolves around him and his clockwork organization
@esperthebard Күн бұрын
See the pinned comment.
Esper FTW
@LordRavenscore 2 күн бұрын
Is this your ex? You sound....bitter.
@aurorialgaming1935 2 күн бұрын
One of our campaigns had these things called Dreamcatchers. They appeared onto our spaceship in groups of 2, targeting our sleeping characters while the rest were busy with tasks. My character (plasmoid) went through a vent to deal with them last time and they weren't particularly strong ("I blew that b*** away!") but definitely had us scared to sleep, and scared to long rest, for the rest of that travel. For context they were more traumatic than some of this list.
@dakila101 2 күн бұрын
Nah, I really like the "Avengers-like" party hero pose in the center. Those look like characters players would make and design. I agree though that there's too much going on and it isn't clear what's happening in the scene.
@GM-lx7ji 2 күн бұрын
the drow inquisitor part is my favorite.
@nothomelessonyoutube 3 күн бұрын
I have this college of lore bard I did some multi class with. I figured out how to have a demon suicide squad. I choose summon greater demon, I also have access to command, zone of truth, and planer binding. With college of lore bard I can use an inspiration to have 1d10 less to whatever save I want. I also picked the control flames cantrip. So I can control the fires within a demons blood. There is no spell my DM and I were familiar with that is like control fire. So I took that cantrip and he let me do some stuff so I can control no magical fire as a third lvl spell. Now you summon the demon. Use your bardic inspiration to have him fail on saves, scare him as best you can, then light their blood on fire, at this point zone of truth and command them " Name " you can get their real names this way. Now my bard can only summon up to cr 5 demons because I multi classed. The wizard has no restrictions. The wizard and I once spent a month of Downtime summoning demons, bending them to our will, killing random bandits for blood, then summon more demons. Our DM started getting real creative to deal with The Demon Squad.
@jasonbryden8218 3 күн бұрын
I am genuinely disappointed to see you echo the sentiments that grifters like to use. "Politics" is code for "politics I disagree with" in this day and age, and the fact is, "oldtimers" need to get over it. I'm an oldtimer adjacent, I grew up when 3.0 came out. I also don't think a dark skinned elf is offensive. You know why? Because people like to see themselves in their fictional characters. It's okay that elves aren't just divided into "white is high and noble, tan is wood elven, and dark is evil drow." It's okay that there are cowboy orcs, or a female dragonborn in a dress. It's okay because NONE of what is great about D&D has been done away with. It's okay that there is more mass appeal, and by that, people who aren't just "old school." It's okay that gen z is into D&D, that women are into D&D. It doesn't hurt D&D. If anything it helps it. It makes D&D stronger that a DM can run a campaign that is grim, dark, and terrifying with tragic consequences and monstrous horrors. It also makes D&D stronger that a DM can have a table with folks who maybe, just maybe, with some empathy, you'd understand why the dress wearing dragonborn is appealing, that maybe the adventure is light hearted escapism. It makes D&D stronger that it is for everyone, that you can have the eldritch horrors and the grimy and the bloody, while also side by side with wholesome family friendly fun. Bob's orc might be a cowboy that venerates some bardic god of some other setting. My orc might be a savage Eye of Gruumsh, collecting elf ears on a stick. And we may never cross paths. We don't need to. We're enjoying what we like, because D&D is for everyone.
@esperthebard 2 күн бұрын
I appreciate the time and effort you put into this comment. For sure, I spend much more time creating my own thing than criticizing other people's work. That doesn't always come across as people sample my videos. But indeed, I love creation much more. Just a clarification: I'm not into using codes in my speech. If I have something to say, I will just say. And I don't like getting modern-day, real-world politics shoved into a game that is supposed to be about immersing into a medieval fantasy world. You do make some fair points, but one in particular is off. Official D&D is no longer for everyone. WotC has put off large numbers of their player base on the bet that they can capture a larger market elsewhere. Pretty much every major non-WotC entity is in outright revolt, creating their own RPGs.
@jasonbryden8218 2 күн бұрын
@@esperthebard Hasbro is the problem, not Wizards. Firing so many staff. Talking about using AI. Forcing WoTC to make an unforced error with the open use license thing last year. None of it has to do with artistic choices or "being pop." Those are the real problems, let's be real. Hasbro would rather lay off good folks at WoTC who is responsible for the profits they are getting, instead of the people actually losing them money. I'm not going to like every artistic piece in the books. I'm not a fan of cowboy orcs, I've been very vocal about how that aesthetic is not for me. But culture vultures are trying to argue it's making D&D woke. As if there isn't a HUGE population growth of LGBTQ+ players within the D&D community. Those same culture vultures forget that the DM for a particular campaign makes the rules, not Wizards. If folks wanna argue Hasbro is alienating them, and thus going to other RPGs, fine. But let's be real, the problem has nothing to do with art, or even things like Paladins taking an L with Smite. It has everything to do with Hasbro's greed, and that isn't artistic choice. There's a reason why Baldur's Gate 3 was so great, and also why Larian is moving on from D&D, and I guarantee a part of it is Hasbro.
@themonolougist 3 күн бұрын
A fun topic but please this was awfully reductionist. The figure of "Satan" (a word itself borrowed from Islamic theology) has gone through quite the journey throughout the about 2 millieniums of Christian belief and theology. To grab three aspects from this terrifyingly multifaceted entity is like saying democracy equals freedom. The modern understanding of Satan or the Devil has went through many changes throughout the centuries through synchronism but first and foremost it was the 'Adversary' for a supreme being (a god or God) can only be percieved mightier than all if they possess an enemy which can be defeated (This is also the basis of populism, hi there government propaganda). I do like the final choice of Levistus, very fitting for the title with elements from Dante, the Jewish Samael (El ending meaning 'of God, like the deus in Asmodeus). The current Devil is very much influenced by the Kabbalistic mystic story of the rebellious angel, the sexy seducer Lucifer from Milton and the organized Church's age-long battle to villanize certain habits, traditions, cultures, races or just about anything which can be wielded as a metaphorical Sodoma and Gomorrah against the masses not perceiving that they are the ones who create the Tower of Babel where everyone will turn away from eachother.
@EpicRenegade777 3 күн бұрын
Helm is so lawful he was the only god not cast down during the spellplague as Ao knew he wouldnt have fucked anything up
@koomori 3 күн бұрын
So, interesting video, but I have a semantic nitpick- this isn't about the most *satanic* archdevil, it's about which archdevil is the most like Satan. Satanic, as an adjective, generally is used to mean "relating to Satanism, as a religion." Which means, that the most Satan-like archdevil is, obviously, Asmodeus, because he is literally Satan with the serial numbers filed off for D&D. But that's just my two cents *as a satanist* and literal advocate for the devil who, as the video ends, suddenly feels very out of place here.
@morrigankasa570 3 күн бұрын
Neutrality is also a powerful force in D&D!!! Additionally, you are forgetting about "Wild Magic Barbarian" which is a Magical Sub-Class of Barbarian.
@mightykc73 3 күн бұрын
the most vile of the demi-gods is call the trump. It belongs to a small but vocal sect of worshippers.
@yenguyandfriends 3 күн бұрын
I'd also add wings (flight speed equal to running speed) and tails, I did for my dragonborn
@DrVikingrMD 3 күн бұрын
That is metal as fuck!
@tech9d 3 күн бұрын
Esper, do you plan to do the other ones too? I'm a big fan of the demon/fiend videos myself. I use them to go to sleep from time to time. this is definitely going to be my new bedtime video XD thanks for this absolute banger my guy lol also congrats again on monstourous heroes, can't wait to use it in a game
@esperthebard 3 күн бұрын
The plan is for hag ranking next. I'm sure I'll do more compilations at some point. In particular, I'm going to put narrated solo adventures episodes into full "movies", which if you want something to relax and sleep, those are A+.
@tech9d 3 күн бұрын
@@esperthebard yooooo! dude that would be sick! I cannot wait, you're amazing Esper! Also I love hags, cannot WAIT to see that video! Keep up the amazing work man!
@elcatrinc1996 3 күн бұрын
And remember, where there's a whip, there's a way!
@thatgamingkiwi1630 3 күн бұрын
On an unrelated note I wanna see Orcus manhandle the dead three.
@noahvintageweedkiller3154 4 күн бұрын
Using this video and others for character building in bg3. I wish there was more play room with different ranks like this, but I am playing durge with a Lady Of Spiders named Phystra (cleric of lolth :/) and want to be as precise with the lore as I can be when I inevitably use her for a real campaign someday
@redcapetimetraveler7688 4 күн бұрын
Sure Bane enbodies the perfect dictator ... however in his way of ruling by fear... he creates his own possible downfall if his followers met someone capable to give them hope of a better way... to perfectly rule by terror your slaves/followers have to be so affraid of you that they will always refuse to betray you to be freed from fear... that must be a full-time job to scare away any hope from your disciples'minds.
@dimitriturner9026 4 күн бұрын
I was gonna comment this when this dropped, so I'm probably late on this. Speaking of hope, wouldn't the continuous scheming to climb to the top mean that even though they are devils, fiends, creatures of evil, they would have hope that it was even possible?
@EtchingFreeDealEtchingFreeDeal 4 күн бұрын
So much lore to chillax to!
@matthewbennett1972 4 күн бұрын
Holy smokes it’s the girl from the “Ring”
@johnedwards5738 4 күн бұрын
Yeah...chat gpt is such a reliable thing 🤣🤣🤣
@sambro6657 4 күн бұрын
So when we getting abberations part 2?
@Foretelling 4 күн бұрын
Holy moly 😭 I’m using all of these
@viniciusklaussnerfonsecaco1952 4 күн бұрын
@devinley4552 4 күн бұрын
Honestly I like idea that elves are inate to nature and magic that through time and adaptation they evolve or drastically change depending on the surrounding like snow elves or wood Elves or sea elves
@raff3486 4 күн бұрын
Damn this is a long one. Awesome!
@christianbolze2441 4 күн бұрын
Whats up with Lathander?
@Spiceodog 4 күн бұрын
Bro worked his ass off finishing monstrous heros and decided to do a 5 hour tier list to help relax
@jarrodbedelen 4 күн бұрын
Another capital work. Have a great week King. Thanks!
@TheFatFondler 4 күн бұрын
if you can get one of the compilations above 8~ hours long you can probably add an algorithm booster to the title like "...that you can fall asleep to"
@BruderSenf 5 күн бұрын
buuuh zariel, bel is our man! and i think you forgot one of the exiled archdevils gargoth, who is said to rival asmodeus "If, however, Gargauth decided he wanted the Overlord's throne rather than to forge his own path, Asmodeus's days could very well be numbered. Gargauth was once a power in Hell second only to Asmodeus, and with his support, Mephistopheles, Baalzebul, or even one of the less powerful archdukes had some chance of ousting the King of Hell" plus the dude is very devil-ish looking
@ken1234580 5 күн бұрын
Thanks for the amazing compilation, like everyone's already mentioned, I will enjoy it while studying/sleeping! Thank you for providing us some of the best lores again!
@TheGuidermichael 5 күн бұрын
Sweet lord!
@Subject_Keter 5 күн бұрын
Aint it more like the hells vomited their evil onto people for shits and giggles. Atleast they arenr the Atherials in Grim Dawn.
@joydjinn8692 5 күн бұрын
I'm going to play this video every night while going to sleep
@abelsampaio389 5 күн бұрын
Thank you my guy! This is solid work and your rankings are so useful
@tomjjackson21 5 күн бұрын
Whelp, I just found what I'll be falling asleep to the rest of 2024. I don't even play DnD, and love these lore videos. Cheers bois.