Trump dodges more bullets and Huw dodges jail
Labour Party Stockholm Syndrome
14 күн бұрын
The UK's 90 IQ dunce authoritarians
Anarcho tyranny in the UK
Niall and Ant chat July 2024
Farage derangement syndrome
2 ай бұрын
Far right derangement syndrome
England fights back
3 ай бұрын
Can we become un nudgeable? #Nudge
Scotland's Useless dictator
5 ай бұрын
@ec23kiz 3 сағат бұрын
MS 23 gang welcome to Ireland, your oppressed.
@snarnok 6 сағат бұрын
As a misfit growing up in the 80's/90's, I was heavily into instrumental rock from the 60's such as The Shadows, The Ventures, Duane Eddy, Surf bands, Chet Atkins, etc. No lyrics to tell you how to think and feel and no language barrier, so I enjoyed non-English speaking musicians such as Takeshi Terauchi. I found out years later, that most of these groups and solo musicians were mostly self produced, and mostly left alone from their record companies. I was coincidentally listening to music that was exempt and free from corporate influence and control without knowing it! I still listen to this type of music as well as jazz fusion, classical and 70's funk.
@archfiendofthenorth961 9 сағат бұрын
Great video Niall, and in short, I agree with everything you've said - I think the countercultures from the 1950s to the late 1980s have strengthened and added purpose to civilisation, not weakened it. They've helped to foster art, music, philosophy, technolgy and in doing so, have helped people to gain an independence of mind, spirit and experience a true joy for life. From an English millennial perspective, I think the reason why we're in tyranny is precisely because we have had ZERO counter-culture worth speaking of since the late 1990s. No form of genuine protest whatsoever, aside from the movements which have been groomed by inauthentic woke professors and ideologues. I grew up in the 2000s and believe me, there was nothing but total conformity among vast swathes of my generation. Where that conformity originated from I've absolutely no idea. But looking back on my school days, I always got the feeling that few people my age actually wanted to have genuine "fun". Most youths I grew up with had a very exalted opinion of themselves and almost everything they did and said seemed to be geared towards standing above other people, rather than out of genuine, spontaneous interest or passion. It alienated me then and it alienates me to this day. I've always felt I've belonged to my own counter-culture and it has been my interest in the paranormal, listening to the likes of Alex Jones & David Icke along with my interests in the music and telly of the 70s and the 80s has made me the sort of weirdo I am today! Wouldn't change it for the world. Thanks again for your insight and thoughts.
@lemsip207 17 сағат бұрын
There were a lot of freeloaders and hangers on in every movement who were merely cosplaying and only in the tribe for the clothes, hairstyles, sex, music, and drugs not the politics or new way of living. Like with the hippies in California who were into pooling resources. A lot of older and wealthier people sympathetic to the hippy cause would lend them their properties in return for upkeep. Like the owner of the Spahn ranch that was used in Hollywood Westerns but no longer as Spaghetti Westerns took over. He allowed Charles Manson and his girls to live there. I think they took tourists on horse rides. There were other hippies attracted by the free food offered by other hippies. These were the hippies who later became yuppies and capitalists later on. The punk and goth subcultures were about DIY and customising what you found in charity shops, army surplus stores, and antiques shops not buying off the peg clothes and accessories in places such as Camden Market. The freeloaders who came along later weren't that creative, so they didn't know how to make or customise anything. They moved on from one tribe or subculture to another. Whatever was trendy at the time and came out from the underground but was not yet passé. These freeloaders made everything passé as they ruined movements, sub cultures, and tribes. The freeloaders are now all over social media saying what a great time they had in the 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s dancing the weekend away, fuelled by drugs and drink, and spending the rest of the weekend shopping for their tribal clothes and accessories. That's a recipe for boredom. One of them sneered at me for taking up dry ski slope lessons and practice while living in London. London then was one of the few places in the UK with dry ski slopes. So I replied that I could have gone to the cinema more often. I ended up seeing those films I missed on hired video cassettes two years later anyway back when they were expensive to buy. These were the type of people I tried to avoid in the 70s to the 00s IRL, and now they are online. In the 90s and 00s I escaped from them when online as they didn't need to use it then.
@lemsip207 17 сағат бұрын
Having said all that, the mod culture came out of the need to look smart for work, as many of the mods worked in offices, retail and hospitality but they didn't want boring suits and short hair styles so bought sharp Italian suits and the men had hair a little longer than a short back and sides. Rather, how the Gallagher brothers looked in the 90s when they had recently been to the hairdressers. The girls wore dresses, but they didn't want the fussy styles of the 50s, so they wore short shift dresses and white tights. The subcultures that followed could be toned down to fit in with workplace dress codes. Hair gel used to spike hair could be washed out the next day, and long hair tied back into a ponytail. But now the goths and metalheads cover themselves with tattoos that can't be covered up like the ones on the upper arms, thighs, and backs can. It puts me off going to a rock concert now seeing all those band related tattoos, all over limbs, including ones of band members' faces. Fishnet tights to me look horrendous as I know the origin of them.
@MrOpaquelens 15 сағат бұрын
Re: Your second post. I feel that about goths. These days they look almost like a cross between steampunk and transhuman. I liked the goth look of the 1980s when there was a fusion of punk and new romantic. It was more subtle then.
@lemsip207 14 сағат бұрын
@MrOpaquelens Exactly so. I remember the old style goths of the 80s with Souixsie and the Banshees and the emo kids in the 00s, but they were mild compared to now. Whitby in North Yorkshire is where you see the most extreme goths and steam punks now. They wear Victoriana, but look like they are dressed for a funeral as they wear black or a brothel. Corsets were never outerwear except in brothels and not worn next to the skin either but worn over a chemise. Then, there is the extreme body modification, which is almost transhuman. Cyber punk is transhuman. They Whitby goth festivals seem rather boring. All they do is parade around town to show off, buy clothes and accessories at goth fairs, and watch goth bands.
@lemsip207 14 сағат бұрын
@@MrOpaquelens Early punk looked a lot like 90s grunge but in black. That's how the Cure looked. Strawberry Switchblade brought in pastel goth looks.
@lemsip207 8 сағат бұрын
@MrOpaquelens I also call them tourists as well as free loaders who merely cos play and don't buy into the subculture. They are only there for the beer like in that TV advert in the 1970s. They quickly move onto the next subculture and forget about the previous one. On the other hand, there are the life long mods, skinheads, punks, and goths. They go 'straight' when they have a family, career, and/or office job and then later on return to the subculture. I went out with a friend one Saturday to Bristol in the 00s and came across a group of men in their 60s in parkas showing off their customised Vespa and Lambretta scooters and some had the Who logo on the backs of their parkas. The Who were among the 60s mods, then Paul Weller brought about the mod revival, so he was called the Modfather, and then Oasis revived the mod music and look again in the 90s. They sounded a lot like the Beatles, early Who, Slade and the Jam all mixed up. Slade were originally mods and then skinheads. We also went to punk concerts in clubs then where there were men in their 40s and 50s moshing down the front to the UK Subs and the Buzzcocks. Many of them were bald or with mohican hairstyles. The Whitby goth festivals have a lot of elder goths there, too.
@twosix5444 17 сағат бұрын
A very thoughtful commentary. I had a similar counter-cultural experience to you Niall. Alien Sex Fiend still gets played at Two-Six towers now and again. "I am doing time in a Maximum Security Twilight Home". One of the worst things about recent times is that nearly everybody who was in my tribe, people who I saw as very counter-cultural, rebels, missfitts and radicals and certainly identified as "of the left" were (and still are) THE WORST for believing the state propaganda on everything. It's very disappointing to say the least. I think this is a reaction to being under the yolk of "Right Wing" tyranny as they perceive it. This causes a tear it all down (and lock us all up) nihilistic mentality to prevail. It's very dangerous and couple this with the Malthusian world view and it sets the seeds for mass murder. It's pretty scary as well. It's all by design of course. That's an interesting place you are walking around was it a military thing once?
@MrOpaquelens 16 сағат бұрын
Yeah back in the day the nasty stuff was mostly from the right as it was represented by people who didn't want to leave the 1950s. It appears that every generation gets stuck in whatever paradigm they're in. There's not many people with the flexibility to adapt their thinking to paradigm shifts. I'm not sure about the history of this place. There's phone masts and electrical wires on that hill, which might give it an appearance of being ex military. In this part of the Philippines it's the only place I can go where there's no people about.
@lemsip207 16 сағат бұрын
​​@@MrOpaquelensI was thinking that the 1950s was a backlash against the social progress in the 1920s to the 1940s with flappers, jazz music, and the art deco and art nouveau styles in architecture and interior design. The Third Reich was a backlash against the Weimar Republic in the 1920s and early 1930s with the decadence in Berlin in particular. The decadence continued in Paris even during the Second World War while under occupation by the Nazis. It was a wild time for the Allies as well. Then the 1960s and the 1970s was a backlash against the 1950s and the 1980s a backlash against the 1970s. There was heavy Christian evangelism of children, teenagers and young adults in the 1950s to the 1980s because of falling church attendance by adults. But they were still expected to send their children to Sunday School. Our family was the only one in the street with primary school age children that didn't do this. There was less safe guarding of children then and I remember a Treasure Tent one summer that was used to get children to convert to evangelical or fundamentalist Christianity. Children were lured in there without parental permission with free sweets, and the chance to win prizes or because they thought it was a circus tent with clowns and animals. My mother forbade me from going there as she had checked it out during the day. It reminded me of the Child Catcher in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Some of the girls got converted, became zealots, and treated the classroom like it was their mission field. Most of the uniformed youth organisations and youth clubs were church based as there were very few community centres then. I hate this religious grooming of children. My mother was always suspicious of this as she had a relative who was in the Plymouth Brethren which is a very strict sect. They weren't allowed to listen to the radio or ride bicycles.
@MrOpaquelens 15 сағат бұрын
These zealous culty Christian sects were not typical of the traditional Christianity of Britain, and there were a lot of them back then. I fear the gender issue is now playing the role of the child catcher these days.
@lemsip207 14 сағат бұрын
@MrOpaquelens Not common then but more common now even in the Church of England. At least there is more safe guarding of children now, but there was heavy evangelism in a school in Bridgend by an outside organisation several years ago. The trans cult is also worrying too, but progress was made with the CAFCASS report this year. The Tavistock Institute is no longer transing children and younger teenagers. There is some progress there. Puberty blockers have caused cancer. They should only be used in extreme medical situations such as leukaemia.
@SonUvSolarus69 19 сағат бұрын
I liked this, and I relate to your view on a lot of things although I'm sure we may not agree on everything, I also see myself as an outlier to any of these bigger political groups people can fit into. it was also nice to hear how you described the evolution of things from so long ago up til now culture wise. I've realized its kind of like a spectrum right? on one farthest side is the cult of order on the other a cult of chaos, with a silver line in the middle where everything is pretty groovy most of the time and the further you stray to either side the more extreme things become. I think most people in the world are there in the middle by default and largely unaware or out of touch with all the distinct intricacies of all this and how things play out on the world stage, hence why so many are so easily swayed to any one side at any given time in history, but maybe more people are finally starting to wake up because of the internet or maybe not. the spectrum can also flop around and the types of people on either side can become inverted like what's going on today where the rebels are now the rulers or at least the illusion of such things appears that way. the future and salvation of humanity, I think, always lies there somewhere in the middle. cheers and god speed friend. 👑🍀🕊
@MrOpaquelens 15 сағат бұрын
My concern is that people get stuck in legacy paradigms and are so ideologically ossified that they can't update their world view as we go from one epoch to another. I think that's why a lot of lefties my age or older are complicit with left wing authoritarianism whilst thinking they are counter cultural. Finding a way back to the centre does take some serious navigation.
@rogerbraintree9552 3 күн бұрын
Very convincing turdis. It looked pretty amazing. China is now the life support machine of the west. Eventually China and Russia will own the west if they don't already. The talent in the west will relocate to those places, though China and Russia may buy vast swathes of land in the west. Presumably Russia and China will want to do something with their new property. It could be the human population is a lot lower than 8 billion. And if there are no people it sort of becomes academic in terms of who owns the land. Western people in general are a thing of the past. Perhaps I should relocate to China.
@MrOpaquelens 2 күн бұрын
If I had to choose between China and Russia I'd choose Russia. I'd probably go to Sochi, where they have a Mediterranean climate and palm trees.
@JoeRivermanSongwriter 3 күн бұрын
Did I make a cherry trees? What kind of English is that?
@MrOpaquelens 2 күн бұрын
Remember "Yes, I'm God"? People won't get that though.
@JoeRivermanSongwriter 2 күн бұрын
@@MrOpaquelens Yeah. And Jakarta? No she took a flight.
@benthejrporter 3 күн бұрын
The Turdis is a bit too clean and sweet smelling for the current series of Doctor Who.
@MrOpaquelens 3 күн бұрын
@lemsip207 2 күн бұрын
I went to the Dr Who Exhibition when it was in Cardiff Bay and saw the insides of various Tardises. They were painted insides to look as if they were burned out. Before that Exhibiton opened there was a temporary mini one in a corner of the Red Dragon Centre near there.
@ixoxixoiox1071 4 күн бұрын
my crystal ball was broke so i took it to the shop...they said they would look into it -)
@MrOpaquelens 4 күн бұрын
@lemsip207 4 күн бұрын
I was a steward at music festivals where I heard that the toilet cleaning crew would call them turdises, and they kept going with lavatory humour to compensate for the nature of their work. At Glastonbury they would decorate the vans with funny slogans. They would wear old clothing and white hazmat suits over the top. I wondered if they wore protective breathing masks as well. I used to bear the toilets by putting neat tea tree or lavender essential oils in my nostrils as the smell of them was overpowering and they can applied to the skin neat and undiluted with a carrier oil. I was in a yoga class at WOMAD when a row of them nearby were being emptied through suction and we could smell it. The teacher had at that point been asking us to inhale and then he said not to do that but hold our breath instead. They had flush toilets backstage at WOMAD. I remember the furore when one year at Glastonbury the Manic Street Preachers hired a portaloo backstage for their own use only. Michael Eavis got upset about that saying that even Michael Stipe uses the same toilets as everyone else backstage and that backstage and VIP area portaloos are emptied after the ones in the public areas are. The Comfy Crapper toilets are at most festivals but at Glastonbury they are in the Green Fields at the opposite end of the site to the Pyramid Stage. You have to pay to use them and there is always a queue.
@MrOpaquelens 4 күн бұрын
I knew it was not an original idea. Glad the staff at festivals call them turdises too. That made me laugh.
@jobo1053 5 күн бұрын
Loved the turdis thank you
@MrOpaquelens 4 күн бұрын
Thanks. It took me ages to get that right.
@benthejrporter 5 күн бұрын
Great space journey! Carl Sagan couldn't have done it better in his thistledown. God job you didn't have that annoying box of lights ORAC with you.
@MrOpaquelens 4 күн бұрын
Hehe I think I need to find a way of getting ORAC into a video. I'll have to practice the voice though.
@benthejrporter 3 күн бұрын
@@MrOpaquelens There's probably an app that does it. God knows there's probably a Blakie who has a satnav that talk like him.
@callincrow 12 күн бұрын
Great video Niall. When your up there say Hi to the Space X felllas. Don’t know about chocolate bananas 🤮 ??? Splundrig vur Thrig! 👽
@lemsip207 12 күн бұрын
Sometimes, nudges have the opposite effect with me and I dig my heels in. If anything is touted on TV a lot as good for you it puts me off. When something gets too popular as yoga did it starts attracting the NPCs. I had gone back to it anfew years before because of recurring back and shoulder pain. I remember a few years before that partner dancing was being pushed when Strictly Come Dancing started. I attended a salsa class in a pub once and it was an utterly miserable experience. We had to change partners every few minutes. I had been learning salsa line dancing in a community centre until then. Then after that it was choral singing.
@lemsip207 12 күн бұрын
Some people call them NPCs. I call them noddies. They join in with dog piling when someone makes a clumsy remark or even a clever remark that is too challenging for the NPCs and goes against the grain. They misuse the laugh react. My best comments attract that. Their reading comprehension skills are very poor so they knee jerk react to what they think waa written not what was actually written. I see them in cafes, pubs and restaurants all eating and drinking the same as everyone else in the group. If I was in a group like that eating out I would deliberately order different from them. Groups like that really are a joke. Going along with norms makes you popular with a lot of people but yourself. But it doesn't really make you popular with the crowd. They expect more and more from you.
@twosix5444 12 күн бұрын
The best video ever! I am so glad I watched this....What are you smoking out there? Arf!
@rogerbraintree9552 13 күн бұрын
That spaceship is amazing! It looks like it comes with a good stereo system judging by all those controls. Definitely a hats off to Laskys of hifi fame or notoriety for stocking sound systems that no one could afford. I wonder if another type of social media will become more popular. It's based on having the media app on the pc rather than in a centralised hub, and then the computers directly talk to each other. Of course it means that the end user has to decide which computers to trust and which to avoid.
@MrOpaquelens 13 күн бұрын
Thanks. It was a lot of work getting all these elements together. Incidentally there is an alternative type of social media that is decentralised and can't be shut down called NOSTR. Apparently it works like crypto and blockchain in that it has a public key and a private key that you don't lose or you get locked out. I haven't got on it yet but I'm thinking about it.
@archfiendofthenorth961 13 күн бұрын
Great video, Niall! I'd love to see you release a book of all the bullshit words we've had introduced to us over the past 10-15 years. That'd be pretty cringey hilarious, and I think I'd read it every time whilst taking an Armitage Shanks Interface Defecation Scenario. BTW, I'm only coming on your spaceship if you've brought the ladies from Blake's 7. Zen ain't no fun in a party!
@MrOpaquelens 13 күн бұрын
Yeah they were badass ladies a whole 40 years before the age of woke. These young whippersnappers these days have no idea.
@lemsip207 13 күн бұрын
"Who wants to be on the same planet as Keir Starmer?" I have to live in the same country as him as well as on the same planet. I was hoping he would lose his seat in the last General Election. Wherever you live on Earth, he will be a G7 country leader making decisions with the other G7 country leaders that affect the entire world.
@MrOpaquelens 13 күн бұрын
I call them G Diminished 7. That's a music pun. It's also a chord.
@lemsip207 12 күн бұрын
@MrOpaquelens I have even been in the same city as him. The same room, the same hall, or the same street. Before, he was Labour leader. I didn't have a good impression then. He had the charisma of a block of wood. That's before he did the dirty on Jeremy Corbyn, didn't know what a woman was, and showed his Tory colours. He was dressed very boringly. When he speaks, he looks like a fish eating underwater.
@lemsip207 12 күн бұрын
@@MrOpaquelens I remember the video you made at the time as there was a G7 Summit in Cornwall in 2021. The eco fanatics made sculptures of their faces using rubbish they found and you called it fly tipping. There's a lot better things you can do with litter and rubbish such as sort it and use it as raw materials to make furniture with it as someone did with plastic rubbish after melting it down or use as fuel in a power station to create electricity. Then campaign to reduce it. We used to be able to return glass bottles and get money back. I used to see such sculptures at eco fairs.
@DeplorableAngus 17 күн бұрын
Sorry Niall. Time to stop referring to Hope not Hate as such. They are Hate not Hope.
@MrOpaquelens 17 күн бұрын
You're right. I should call them that.
@lemsip207 13 күн бұрын
I bet they were the ones pushing for 'hate' to be made a crime or a non crime incident. You can have a personal beef with someone because of the way they behave, and then they cry racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, or disablist. Like my ex neighbour, for example, who refused to learn to read despite there being adult literacy schemes and who rides around on a mobility scooter so he can claim he has learning difficulties and mobility problems. Then, when someone stands up to his drunken behaviour, he can report them to the police for a disability 'hate crime'. Especially if they called him Joey Deacon or Quasimodo in an argument. There was another ex neighbour who kept a wheelchair in his house and sat in it when officials came round, yet he was getting about on his feet both indoors and outside. He would call me Plank and a few other things. Same nicknames he often used for others. So, I crafted a nickname for him. It was Mr. Nuts or just Nuts. Once he followed me on foot and threatened to call the police on me as he was a wheelchair user. He reported me to the housing department, and eventually, I told them that he wasn't wheelchair bound and that he only had difficulty in walking upstairs. I used to imagine Mr. Nuts riding in an electric wheelchair to the housing office to report neighbours. He would have to go over a ridge. Then when he gets there he sees other men in wheelchairs and on mobility scooters all faking it. Yet there are many rock stars who use derogatory nicknames given to them as stage names. Lemmy Kilmister of Motorhead, Flea of the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Bonehead of Oasis, Johnny Rotten of the Sex Pistols, Nicky Wire of the Manic Street Preachers and Rat Scabies of the Damned for example. Meanwhile, houses get burgled, statues toppled over, cars stolen and set alight for fun, extremist protesters block roads and stop ambulances getting through and people get beaten up, but the police don't want to know. Because they would rather focus on 'hate' non crimes.
@GlobalEnglishSupernaturals 18 күн бұрын
That’s sounds good, especially the comedy skits!! ❤
@GlobalEnglishSupernaturals 18 күн бұрын
I’m super grateful I got out when I did… even with partner, having to do anything on my own there… no thank you, especially when night falls. It just feels like to stay is to be seduced by a battle that is masquerading as a winnable one, seduced by the honor gained from fighting… what could be a loosing battle… if you have to stay… avoiding any provocation bait goes without saying…and all the KZbin’s of ‘fear this’ and ‘hate and get angry about that’ and ‘stay in the worldly’ (with my ‘They Live’ specs on) has thankfully made me do more reading, finally!
@itsthebooze 18 күн бұрын
Mitsubishis haaa
@MrOpaquelens 17 күн бұрын
Those were the days eh?
@richawdon3856 18 күн бұрын
I got an ad for a nationwide pizza company halfway through The Ginger Growler Boogie lol
@MrOpaquelens 18 күн бұрын
Bloody ads eh? I don't know why I bother monetising these videos. I barely make enough to buy a drink every two months never mind that pizza.
@lemsip207 18 күн бұрын
Keir Starmer reminds me of the Lavenders in History of the World Backwards who talk in a sinister way only the Lavenders mean well but Starmer doesn’t. I can see Starmer removing the whip from Labour MPs who don't listen to the same music as him. So if they go to a concert by an act on Starmer's no listen list they get the whip removed.
@GlobalEnglishSupernaturals 21 күн бұрын
Parody and satire will be the last remaining why we sane humans can secretly communicate what with AI, psychopaths, normies, NPCs and dogmatically possessed 🎉
@GlobalEnglishSupernaturals 22 күн бұрын
In theory though, I feel the the purpose of people having opposing opinions is that they can call out the bs in every tribe as people will corrupt anything with their inner Gollum… but in practise, some run around like crazed apes in the face of the contentions they could otherwise be secure enough to calmly debate on… preferably with a bad bout of hiccups for a bit of light heartedness
@snarnok 22 күн бұрын
In the microphone picture of the Brazilian lawyer, he looks like a cross between Mr. A.H. and Mooseleenee! Perhaps if the different communities that you mentioned were told about the common enemy: the W...E/F, then they might come together. A lot of the cabinets around the World have been penetrated...
@MrOpaquelens 22 күн бұрын
Yeah. They've been penetrated, we've been shafted. Both words are synonyms for fucked.
@mbolden393 22 күн бұрын
Keir Stalin looks and sounds to me like an Aardman animation... Maybe Wallace's dumber brother or Shaun the sheep's farmer. Definitely the sort of person who shouldn't have power.
@MrOpaquelens 22 күн бұрын
Labour in general are dangerous with power. Even though I was never a fan of Maggie T, if you listen to her talking about Labour and socialists in general, she was not wrong. She said that socialists eventually run out of other people's money. The UK is fucked now. Everyone who can get out should get out.
@lemsip207 21 күн бұрын
@@mbolden393 Ed Miliband looked more like that than Starmer.
@mbolden393 21 күн бұрын
@@lemsip207 oh absolutely!
@lemsip207 21 күн бұрын
@@mbolden393 Especially in Early Man. He was likened to Wallace at one time.
@rogerbraintree9552 22 күн бұрын
I thought that meme you did was humorous. Cheered me up anyway. Different tribes realising they've been played off against each other. I'm a total misfit myself. I don't fit in anywhere and never have, so will never understand why people who have the luxury of being able to fit in to one tribe, are unable to get on with people from other tribes. It's a case of the Judean Peoples Front being arch enemies of the Peoples Front of Judea. And in the meantime social media turns into a social nightmare. It's a very weird world is social media. I think the idea of it was to be able to post messages and get replies or something. Or something about reading messages, but of course it doesn't work because it is censored or people in China cannot read what you have posted, or people in Brazil for that matter, unless one switches to a package that permits communication between those countries. Sort of like the old soviet telephone service, it was rather hard to make an international call. So, as social media, and the internet gets more heavily censored, I guess the misfits of the world will continue being misfits and find new ways of avoiding the cross fire between the JPF and the PFJ.
@lemsip207 22 күн бұрын
Starmer is an NPC. Blair was one too as he used to show a different face according to who he was talking to. In Islington he would claim his favourite food was sushi for example and drank wine and in Sedgefield he would claim his favourite food was fish and chips and would drink bitter. The Establishment want us all to become NPCs and adjust who we are according to who we are with. A different activity is promoted as the latest fad for all. One year it is partner dancing, and the next year it is singing in a choir. It is to herd us about. There is an interesting video on the Drex Factor Poi channel discussing flow arts becoming mainstream. There is the sweet spot between someone being unusual and underground on the one end and being too mainstream and a fad on the other hand.
@rogerbraintree9552 22 күн бұрын
@@lemsip207 NPCs don't like good news. They pay to read or watch news about disunion and conflict. They always click on clickbait. They are obsessed with the sensational. They enjoy catastrophes and go mad when there is too much peace in the world. This is why tabloids sell. Melodrama is their fulcrum.
@MrOpaquelens 22 күн бұрын
I do wonder if trolls and bots are deliberately added to a lot of social media to manufacture the hate that the powers that be want to ban in the first place.
@gretarobinson1142 22 күн бұрын
For some reason, You Boob keeps deleting my comment, which alluded to the one word title of a song by Blondie that depicts the after effects of what you were speaking about.
@lemsip207 22 күн бұрын
When Keir Starmer speaks, he looks like a fish opening and closing its mouth underwater. He also sounds like the Lavenders in History of the World Backwards. The Lavenders mean well but speak in a slow and sinister way, and that drives their tenant to despair. So their tenant tells Sigmund Freud about them. Freud sells and delivers vegetables door to door by bicycle and offers psychoanalysis on the side to customers who place orders for vegetables. Only Starmer doesn't mean well. He really is sinister. He went to Berlin last week to meet the President and Chancellor. I could imagine him saying to them, "It would be a shame if something were to happen to Germany." He is like a cult leader in the Labour Parliamentary Party, where he has his own echo chamber. He is actually robotic and soulless. He said that he doesn't dream and had no phobias as a child. He is an empty suit.
@MrOpaquelens 22 күн бұрын
If the AfD win in Germany, and Trump wins in the US, I wonder what Sigmund would say about Starmer.
@lemsip207 21 күн бұрын
@@MrOpaquelens No party gets a majority in the German Parliament so it's down to who can form a coalition that together has a majority. At the moment it's three parties in Government.
@william6223 22 күн бұрын
Great title. Once again the managerial class of the world's institutions and governments wants to reset the world. So much for "Our democracy" and the "rule of law". We live in an arbitrary and totalitarian time because those who create the money want it to be this way. How evil and wicked. No free will. Human rights? Free speech? Censorship, controlled narratives, ignorance, obsfucations, psychological operations, lies, tyrannies.
@MrOpaquelens 22 күн бұрын
I grew up in poor/working class environments and it amazes me how many of the people I grew up around thought Labour would be a better choice than the Conservatives. They only don't like the Conservatives because they're posher, but despite the whole political system being a Uniparty these days, Labour have always been a special type of disastrous. If you want to sink the ship you're on, vote Labour. They're a rag tag bunch of militants, control freaks, activists and bloody loonies. None of them would be fit to run a local newsagents never mind the country.
@GlobalEnglishSupernaturals 28 күн бұрын
I hope more of us move to Japan as they are lovely And honorable people, we could help them out with their ageing population - well they are good looking 😜, but also it would help prevent another kind of migration getting into such a lovely country. I really feel sorry for the Japanese when they go anywhere else because no other country seem to be as polite and honorable as them - in general
@MrOpaquelens 28 күн бұрын
Yeah they must find the disagreeable nature of a lot of foreigners a real shock. I also like the unique and quirky nature of a lot of Japanese people.They do interesting things with fashion and music.
@JoeRivermanSongwriter 29 күн бұрын
Every single person who makes a sweeping generalisation is a knobhead. 😜 See what I did there?
@MrOpaquelens 29 күн бұрын
Hehe. Well done.
@richawdon3856 Ай бұрын
John ‘Yaxley’ Lennon, Paul ‘Yaxley’ McCartney, Ringo ‘Yaxley’ Starr, George ‘Yaxley’ Harrison lol
@richawdon3856 Ай бұрын
Loverly thumbly nail-o
@MrOpaquelens 29 күн бұрын
Yeah nice and subtle eh?
@lemsip207 Ай бұрын
Ideological possession is very common on Facebook. There is the 'I must be right attitude' even when their ideology is threatened. It's why I refuse to answer silly questions about why I think that way. They don't really want to know the answer. They want more information from me to attack me on. This is called sea lioning. They all must be either autistic or psychopathic.
@robdegoyim4023 Ай бұрын
@johntease6782 Ай бұрын
Saved to watch later, off to bed.
@johntease6782 Ай бұрын
Sir you are a scholar, first time to hear you. Excellent talk totally agree with your views. There are many of us! Excellent, excellent, excellent! I did also hope the military might step in. Keep going with your podcast, well done. Ps. That beach life must get boring, love form Ulster.
@richawdon3856 Ай бұрын
@MrOpaquelens 29 күн бұрын
Thanks. Glad you liked it. By the way it's not boring here. Ulster, like the rest of the British Isles, is beautiful in the summer months, but I couldn't handle the winter. I even lived in Devon, which is virtually the Mediterranean compared to the more northern parts of the islands, but the absence of winter here is worth it for me.
@heliobastet3816 Ай бұрын
If the ‘misogyny = terrorism’ law sees the light of day, the main beneficiaries will be the Very Special Men who harbour under the delusion that they are women, and those most at risk will be actual women who refuse to go along with that sh*t. Given that hardly any Labour MPs can definitively say what a woman is, I think that this very misguided proposal has some pretty fundamental problems.
@MrOpaquelens 29 күн бұрын
With any luck this proposed legislation could tie the legal system in knots.
@wendyelsey7765 Ай бұрын
Have just come across your channel, Mr. O and I quite liked it. I hope that some of your optimism about this country will prevail against the doom and gloom we are experiencing. The only hope is that the British humour and love for this country will get us through to glory.
@MrOpaquelens 29 күн бұрын
British humour won 2 world wars. It'll win this.
@PeppermintPianoStudio Ай бұрын
I was born in 77 and was always sad I didn't experience the 60s. The 90s felt boring and stale in comparison. It's so strange when kids now idealise the 90s....
@lemsip207 2 күн бұрын
I was only a child then so witnessed it from afar. It was a great time to be a child too as we had more freedom to roam and there weren't many cars on the road. We reaped the benefits of the 60s in the 70s and there was more social progress. But at the time the British film industry was mostly sex comedies. A lot of older seasoned actors played the serious parts as there wasn't much else work for them. Now there are romantic comedies and costume dramas. In schools there were more progressive attitudes and some schools dropped the uniform altogether. We only had an inclusive morning assembly twice a week because there wasn't enough room for the entire school in the main hall. A less progressive school would have found a way round that and still had daily morning assembly.
@benthejrporter Ай бұрын
I remember your shows from the Breaking Convention and the October Gallery. Even in those days the warning signs were there.
@MrOpaquelens Ай бұрын
Yeah they were in retrospect, like Trojan horses. Thinking back, I had a feeling there was something wrong but I didn't understand like I do now. Now I have to be careful to spot Trojan horses that seem to come from the counterculture right side too. It's an ongoing process eh?
@ec23kiz Ай бұрын
if I was in Philippines or thailand id definately try find the tribe
@ec23kiz Ай бұрын
@gretarobinson1142 Ай бұрын
Whàt you say about Brexit is exactly the reason i voted for it. I experienced some conflict online for owning up to this. One person, who I knew personally, and who I respected up until then, got so irate with me, she brought her husband into it, who, having no facebook account of his own, sprang on to hers to deliver his dose of sanctimonious hogwash. This had no effect on me. The astonishing thing about all this is that she is a teacher...yet unable to communicate her point of view without dragging her husband into it, who is used to spouting rhetoric, due to his job as a journalist on the local rag. Yes, some ppl actually lost their minds over Brexit.
@ixoxixoiox1071 Ай бұрын