Magic Compressor Settings for VOCALS
Start to Finish Vocal Mix
2 ай бұрын
I might have gone overboard...
It should always be this easy
Why You Can't Finish Your Mixes
Start to Finish Drum Mix
4 ай бұрын
10 Ways to Mix FASTER
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The DVD that started it all...
I Don't Understand EQ
6 ай бұрын
Understanding EQ in 5 Minutes
@jayarecordsofficial 13 минут бұрын
@M-BLOC 5 сағат бұрын
Sounds great! How would this method translate in LMMS?
@shanebullard7995 8 сағат бұрын
Put all instruments to an instrument, bus vocals open pro q3 on instrument bus and capture eq match then take out the unnecessary low ends and below 0 bands then create -1 dynamic eq the left over bands and side chain the vocal bus. It ducks out enough that you can’t hear the ducks so their isn’t a pulsing sound that’s why you so just -1. This is what I’ve been doing.
@KiDAppleBorg 9 сағат бұрын
That “tell me” part of the song had a lot of life! The UA1176 had a fuller more dynamic sound when compared side by side but I was surprised how similar they all sounded.
@DavidLaun 11 сағат бұрын
Best video ever! Also that drummer is a beast wow!
@DavidLaun 14 сағат бұрын
I feel you’re one of the few out here that really explain all the small details 💯🤘🏻
@BLACKHOURTV 19 сағат бұрын
Definitely heard the differences.. but in some references not much
@jeffbucklew926 19 сағат бұрын
My man was running in jorts.
@adamdrummer6285 Күн бұрын
Any Ocdp snare crushes!
@Stevil3113 Күн бұрын
Saturn 2. Duh.
@Rocknrolldaddy81-xy8ur Күн бұрын
100% tape master was better. But were you just one master-bus plugin (tape saturation) away from getting both tacks to sound the same?
@robertstevens1766 Күн бұрын
Had to go back and revisit some mixes I struggled with a few years back because of bad cymbal bleed. Worked like a champ! Thx!
@kyronnewbury Күн бұрын
The comment section is so fuinny to me. People cannot handle and accept the information lol great video
@seyimelody_ Күн бұрын
Really wish to be part of this one day 😢😊
@mikeledgerwood5882 Күн бұрын
Thank you so much. I had an awesome song instrument wise but the vocals weer a bit muddy and crackling when harmonies went hard. Sounds clearer now.
@arekg6786 2 күн бұрын
Limp Bizkit! Chocolate starfish snare!
@davidrevan1374 2 күн бұрын
Mix 2 and Mix 4 are the best. I prefer mix 2, but mix 4 will be easier to master. Less lowend means more Loudness capabilities.
@bashdachivo 2 күн бұрын
Taking my first Pro tools 101 at my local community college-this was helpful especially when you are using the pro tools for your video project. nice title too added to my video watch later playlist on KZbin
@pedrula2651 2 күн бұрын
bro.. WHAT?? I'm thinking of selling mixing AND mastering service for about $80 and I can do MUCH better than v2. It just makes people trying to get in the bussiness like we're delivering a bad job... :/
@kilocharlie1100 2 күн бұрын
This is a long shot but I have a theory about why people perceived the mix better with tuned vocals. I believe most people actually can tell the key of the song by the vocal because their brains will focus entirely on it, therefore even slightly out of tuned vocals will subtly put the rest of the song slightly out of tune as the brain uses the vocals to decide what's right. Our ears are most sensitive to sounds in the vocal range so it makes sense that people would latch on to the vocals for things like key center. When the vocals align perfectly with the mix they would perceive the rest of the music to work better with the vocal and the brain would focus a bit more gluing everything together and perceiving it as one unit - which creates the illusion of a better mix. Another aspect to this could be that the fundamentals and overtones mesh better when things are perfectly aligned and I do believe that influences the mix because that would create small variations in volume that could impact how compressors work in a very subtle way. So maybe it's not just that our brains are playing tricks on us, tuning actually does impact the mix.
@ImaginaryFriendsgang 2 күн бұрын
should a limiter go after the clipper in the mastering chain anyways or does the clipper take the limiters place completely?
@jimrogers7425 2 күн бұрын
Okay... it's NOT JUST RECORDING to TAPE that makes a difference, but the SPEED of the tape and the WIDTH of the tracks. In the late 90s I saw a company demoing their 2" eight track headstack for a Studer A827. One of these was used to record drums for an Ozzy Osborne record, recording the drums at 7.5 IPS... offering IMMENSE LOW END! YES... recording drums on analog tape will sound better than digital, but be smart and record them at 15 IPS for the best overall tradeoff between high frequency fidelity and solid low end... then to make things even better, make sure that you're recording on a 2" 16 track machine (and NOT an OTARI MX-70 because it's a bit of a compromise overall)... something like a refurbished MCI or an Otari MTR-90 MkII or MkIII, or a Studer A827... but the 16 track stack has a greater track width. Then don't be afraid to record at a hotter level and you'll be amazed. Just do a LOT of listening tests to find your own 'sweet spot' in your process.
@courtbeall7768 2 күн бұрын
Van Halen 1984,Yes Fragile,Police anything,RUSH Moving Pictures,Soundgarden,Pearl Jam TEN
@shoon1093 2 күн бұрын
I think the best thing to take away from the video is not necessarily the products; but the functions he’s describing. Essentially what he’s saying is you want to allow yourself to have: •A good computer •A decent quality Audio Interface with enough inputs to track drums •Additional equipment if you want to separate your mixes more (The preamps •An Outboard compressor to help with minimizing clipping for intense tracks (FX loops, vox, meaty/experimental guitars, anything giving you a headache) •Enough decent quality microphones to do what you need, that will also last you long enough to make your records Overall you want to think of the challenges you have recording, and find out what’s the bare minimum to circumvent those challenges, and finally build from there. Don’t worry if You don’t need something afterall, you can always sell it and get a little money back. Take care of all of your gear! Happy Shopping!
@BaritoneGoatStudio 2 күн бұрын
Autotune is typically not noticeable with a good singer, and it typically can't make a bad singer sound good... Different styles though can be affected by the processing, and it takes some finesse to make sure the performance doesn't suffer due to pitch correction. Any sort of fry or stylized onset can get weird sounding using automatic pitch correction. I tend to prefer Melodyne to keep stuff more dynamic. Side note: I feel like your voice track on this video had some sort of processing happening. Inflections and minor shifts in your tone seemed to have artifacts and a light warble on the tails of words. Also, there seem to be an intentional monotone happening? then again, it is youtube, and not a raw audio track...
@5qsgreatchannel 2 күн бұрын
You are biast towards yourself and it sucks
@dgcorozco 2 күн бұрын
@TheAragorn09 2 күн бұрын
And i think (with no intend to offense, i like your Channel) This is meant to be a constructive criticism on my part and is in line with the general tests on YT. All these comparisons are more all less nonsense. Why? everyone hears differently, using different speakers/monitors, headphones, room accoustics, audio interfaces, DAWS, Computers and so on while watching this YT example out of a felt Million. For example, at the beginning you said, you did not hear a difference between the CLA 1176 and the Hardware. To me, the Hardware Bluey was a little bit more crispy. But was it just my ears or caused by the Speaker/Monitors? You definitely hear differently than I do. like 114K other users ;-) I used Studio Monitors in the medium range pricing for listening. And to make it more complicated. Listening to YT and using the Hard/Software Effect in the Studio is a different sound again in/on each location and hearing. I mention it again, no offense, i really like your Videos and i'm a long time "watcher". I had to get this off my chest :-) All the best, god bless
@BeejayMorgan 2 күн бұрын
This is really interesting. I love your observation that people listen to music as a whole... I think that is all the more reason to put the effort into the performance, to think through the song, and to put effort into actually composing the song. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
@compucorder64 2 күн бұрын
I like Beta 52A for kicks too. And Electro-voice RE-20 is a another nice, less warm, but more articulate alternative to the SM7b, that can work on vocals, cabs and kick. SM7b sound nice on small tube bass amps like Ampeg B-15 / PF-20T/ PF-50. Speaking of which, an Ampeg PF-20T does great quadruple duty as a bass amp, clean pedal platform tube guitar amp and bass / guitar DI with transformer. And something like a GAP Pre 73 is good both for vocal mic pre, kick pre and bass or guitar DI. When starting out, things that can be used in multiple scenarious are most useful. For example Line Audio CM4 Stereo SDCs, or Oktava MK-012s are good for overheads and for acoustic guitar, at about 250 a pair. I also like Austrian Audio OC16 414-style LDC mics for vocals, spoken word, guitar cab, bass cab and for toms, strings, piano, at about 650 a pair (which is still cheaper than the more limited Sennheiser MD-421-II's). The new Warm Audio WA-19 clone could be cool for drums / guitar cab duty too, at 200 each. The new SSL Quad Pure Drive is another good option. And yeah, 4 channels for starting out you can even the use 4 mic, 4-channel drum kit recording methods, which can sound great. I think a good affordable ribbon mic, or ribbon mic pair is good to have, and I like the GAP R1-A and the Cascade Fatheads. I think you probably want one good tube amp around, or at least a head with a Torpedo captor. Something Fender Deluxey, Vox AC-ish or Marshall JTM or Plexi ish (the 20 watt mini-heads are great studio tools). I like something like a Gretsch Brooklyn as an all round studio drum kit, or a Broadkaster if you want . With a set of Zildjian K's. Never NS-10s, I prefer what more modern monitors can do, and love my APS 2020 Klassiks but Hedd Type 07s are great too. Skimping on monitors, drum kits or amp is not a good idea. Vintera Tele/Strat/P-basses are good classic type guitars and basses. Les Paul Specials are good all-rounders that aren't as expensive as Standards too. Sire V5/V7 Jazz-bass style are good.
@LarsTaylorMusic 3 күн бұрын
I had to learn mixing, because I didn't have the money to pay a pro. And now, when I had the money to pay a pro, I figured out, that my mixes are better than many up to USD 400. I wasted some money on some mixing engineers and took my own mix at the end. Some do a technical correct mix but forget the emotions. I always go for emotions. A mix has to transport the energy of the song. It's not about technical perfection.
@SamIntharaphithakOFFICIAL 3 күн бұрын
Love the UA and Purple the most.
@ZamoVara 3 күн бұрын
Dreaming by Blondie
@prcption8636 3 күн бұрын
I guessed all right but one, I still think Analog adds abit more depth, and as a whole when you put them all together a very small difference turns into a decent change for the better. But is it worth thousands of dollars? .. Maybe ?
@ThinkerThunker 3 күн бұрын
I would take the guitar and drums down some, the vocals are getting buried. It's sounding good though. Thanks!
@brandonlanier8599 3 күн бұрын
I personally like just being subtle with both. I have always hates doing the sweep technique I never do it unless I hear in problem in mix context.
@alcesspectre 3 күн бұрын
What ive really learned from this is that im always unofficially acting as a producer in my band. It can be a struggle as a drummer because sometimes you just gotta pick up a guitar and show someone something, and those dudes can get defensive about it lol
@kingbadger318 3 күн бұрын
Question. Do we need to leave the high and low end untouched or cut it before/beyond a certain point for most instruments or mixes?
@MikeGalutva 3 күн бұрын
Great video! Thank you very very much! Waiting for Magic Compressor Settings for TOMS and also for drum ROOM
@PlebSoundWorks 3 күн бұрын
I would -love- to take a crack at these files 😵
@bgvwgr 3 күн бұрын
Fiver Guy uses his ears!
@elMatip 3 күн бұрын
I've done a lot of mixing on some Sony minicomponent system from the 2000's for that exact same reason (2nd one). This is such an overlooked advice. I don't have studio monitors so I have to make the final mix with headphones, but using the Sony speakers (which even has different modes) feels like a huge advantage. I Def recommend using some crazy techniques like this haha
@alexanderl1436 3 күн бұрын
MIX1: 20% Mixing MIX2: 40% Mixing MIX3: 45% Mixing MIX4: 60% Mixing MIX5: 0%....
@us3r11 3 күн бұрын
Daniel's such a cool dude and did a great job! I'm taking notes - "don't overcomplicate it" and AUTOMATE!
@TheKorabkoff 3 күн бұрын
Mix 3 way better than Mix1 cose it have stereo image/plans and a lot more transients/not so compressed. Actualy it have the best stereo image/space stage. Mix 2 is the best, tonal balanse right, dynamic right, saturation is cool though a bit overdone at the top end, but I believ it due to lack of control. The only thing is stereo image have only 2 plans: 1 for vocal and second for everything else
@TheKorabkoff 3 күн бұрын
I wonder what monitors used for mix 3 and mix 2
@welkerroad 4 күн бұрын
I’m loving this band. Sounds just like Blink 182 but with new music.
@kevenklarke452 4 күн бұрын
the most noticeable to me was the buzz on the sm7b narration sections. either a ground loop or bad preamp.
@deeksmusic 4 күн бұрын
new to producing music. what’s the best way to learn mixing/mastering?
@kronosse 4 күн бұрын
When I do my final mix on speakers I bought for $12 about 10 years ago they cant believe me. So here is a challenge, mix on the cheapest speakers you can find and let me know?
@RicherPodcast 4 күн бұрын
Great vid! 👍🏼 Where in your chain do you put autotune? I know you process vox in this order: • Compress • DeEss • Limit • Automate …so where would YOU put a pitch correction plugin? Thanks in advance!