@mayormike1 3 күн бұрын
Scamway products are too expensive
@marcmarelli1 13 күн бұрын
This guy is taking amway balls deep
@davidc8518 28 күн бұрын
Won't for me... ever
@djatitmohamed1013 Ай бұрын
She is successful within 24 hours.
@TimothyT230 Ай бұрын
Amway make their money from the starter packs and the things you (yes you) all buy/bought to get you to that next level
@reynaldorodriguez2634 Ай бұрын
Bla bla bla. Amway is the number one in sales.
@CoreyZeiman Ай бұрын
hey, I emailed you
@panashemujuru6776 2 ай бұрын
Thank you
@cierahuemakeup 2 ай бұрын
How does this work with a service based business?
@ozainmoo 2 ай бұрын
Shampooo doesn't cost $35 gthoh dude
@a.aamparo 3 ай бұрын
@Tyson 5:58 Why? you say Because like you said AMWAY DOESN’T EXCLUDE Nobody. AMWAY Is for everybody! Yet of course Each individual can choose to stay or take it! Please don’t underestimate people’s level of intelligence & their ability to learn!!! There’s leaders that had limitations!!! Example: My parents they didn’t have money or even the studies!Some Didn’t know how to read or write or Drive!!! But guess what they learned!!! Some can’t walk some don’t have arms but guess what again that didn’t detain them! Amway is Not alone TEAM VISION is the ONLY system of Audios & Books of Successful leaders that coexist along with AMWAY which helps the function of OUR very own AMWAY Business !! & Yes Amway is always evolving to new times! For the better never for less!
@a.aamparo 3 ай бұрын
@a.aamparo 3 ай бұрын
I’ll tell you what mostly people who quit are the people Who Lack credibility of themselves! Are ignorant, envious, want everything to themselves! They don’t ask questions Directly to the person that invited you & People Who put Zero Effort! Are negative minded always building up an excuse! Don’t read books or listen audios recommended!!!! List goes on!
@elliotoliver8679 3 ай бұрын
I wonder if this guy is now 'living the dream'?
@DanzoKun 3 ай бұрын
Halfway into this video it became clear this is a pro-Amway video and I stopped; I encourage you all to do the same.
@davidencarnacion2555 3 ай бұрын
Damn, Tyson, you have got some nuggets on lead gen! How about Mystrika for a spin? They have built a strong community of 5000 users on Facebook already.
@juanpablocortesl-iv7ze 3 ай бұрын
Tyson, your insights on lead gen are impressive. But you gotta try out Mystrika. Their warmup pool is one of a kind. It sure did elevate my sales game.
@MRART1k 3 ай бұрын
I'm gonna implement this ASAP this is by far the biggest bottleneck in my business currently and I think it isn't talked about enough. Thanks for the value!
@colmrooney414 3 ай бұрын
fills in a lot of gaps, and I appreciate the free info. I used to think this was what makes businesses greedy, but really it's just valuing yourself and what you offer
@ebud8422 4 ай бұрын
@vdot9eventsindiainstitute 4 ай бұрын
100% Right
@curtiswawwilliams8189 4 ай бұрын
Just saw your ad. Great/Awesome Value. Thank you so much. Came here to look for the video to go over it again. God bless Tyson.
@tysonzahner4675 5 ай бұрын
Watch the Free Bonus Training Here - attractsteadyclients.com/3x1x
@beausavage6774 5 ай бұрын
Is period a full stop
@elprosumidor8577 5 ай бұрын
After reading few books about network marketing and the new era of the economy l decided to Starr the business with Amway Corporation as an lBO about 3 month ago, then followed the instructions and guess what, l got paid $450 the first month, then $850 the second and $875 the last month, now im running for my 18% for the next month, I think people who don't get paid in this business are the people who don't do what they supposed to do, they preferred to take the easy way and quit, as they do every time they start something, then they say that the business doesn't work but they are the ones never end what they start. Thanks God l don't listen to loosers!
@klaytonrobertson4371 5 ай бұрын
I didn't make money with Amway -- I lost money!
@johnyork5138 5 ай бұрын
Hide your cross man, it is really not good looks in vain get it,
@saechak206 5 ай бұрын
@johndoeman9187 6 ай бұрын
Amway so paid this guy, I remember watching a video of an Amway presentation and they said that exact thing about how corporate America is the real Pyramid scheme.
@treoneil7333 2 ай бұрын
One time I was told life is a pyramid scheme
@dawnhewitt1 6 ай бұрын
Amway is a horrible and unscrupulous company.
@sonnysatar5916 6 ай бұрын
Its all about "kayfabing" others for your business
@rmac1199 6 ай бұрын
As an active distributor in the largest most successful line of affiliation in the Amway corparation I can see why you were not successful in Amway. For starters we teach to contact your family and friends first just so you get the practice. Knowing that probably no one in your family or friends will get involved in business with you until much later. The second mistake you made was we do not get a commission for signing someone up, that is illegal. We do not make money until we help somebody make money. That is what sets us way apart from all other businesses. So the more I help you make, the more I get as a reward for teaching you how to make money. Thirdly, social media is a no no. You don't get true successful leads from the internet because face-to-face relationships is where you build trust. The truly successful network marketing business is built on trust. It appears that you did not have good leadership, and it left you with a little bit of a bitter taste in your mouth, thinking that you were going to make your millions on the internet. So here you are trying to sell your secrets that didn't work for you for everybody else to use.
@Dustingreeze14 6 ай бұрын
As a cdl operator for a steel mill I make more money than my supervisor s
@rocknral 6 ай бұрын
Lets make no bones about it. This guy is 100% Amway and is making money out of suckers. " Click on the presentation below" Pu-leese
@KrunchyJD 7 ай бұрын
No. The big problem with Amway, is not Amway itself, (mind you their products are over priced, and they don't pay enough to distributors/ sellers) but its the "Tools Cult" that is loosely associated with it. If people have not figured it out already the big money earners do not make most of their money by selling or distributing washing powder or any of the actual Amway products. They make their money by selling the tapes, books, functions, motivational nights etc. You are told that you have to go to this night or that convention, you have to read this book, etc, and if you don't your upline either wont help you or is reluctant to. Amway itself is not a pyramid scheme, but the tools cult certainly is. Its very shady and even sinister...
@gextreme2381 7 ай бұрын
You're a creep. Lots a ismvs and "secrets." It's a, scummy pyramid scheme. Call it what it is.
@lombardinicole 7 ай бұрын
Really insightful video on attracting customers through social media marketing! Understanding customer needs and storytelling is so crucial. I've been applying these insights and using boost app social to enhance my content, especially stories and posts. It's been great for engaging my audience and addressing their needs.
@ivywiliams 7 ай бұрын
I use that app too! It's great for keeping content fresh and engaging.
@KingKenKen 7 ай бұрын
Nobody makes anything in amway, that’s the problem. A business is suppose to he profitable
@joe6185 7 ай бұрын
Someone tried to recruit me today and I asked her straight up if it was a scheme and she responded too quick for my comfort like she was trained to shut that one down..so I looked it up as soon as we split
@angeldiaz762 8 ай бұрын
I almost went to a "first meeting" with an Amway person. But didn't. A girl I knew before Covid found me again, we ran into each other at a church. And she began to tell me a little about the process, claiming that she "is set to retire in five years." I got her number, and a few weeks later she was answering my phone call, and she was saying some cagey things. She told (or implied) that the business was an "information age asset" and she was explaining that I had to schedule a meeting with someone from the company. The first strange thing about this meeting was that it had to be at _this specific Starbucks_ in a town across the county line. I don't have a car, I ride public transit to get around. I tried asking for a meetup spot in my county, and she didn't really come to provide any other places. So we scheduled the meeting and she texted later to clarify that she would be meeting up with me to introduce me to the guy from the company. So I immediately said "OK, how bout you pick me up at the train station?" And INSTANTLY she said "Oh I'm so sorry! I won't make it in time because I'm running straight from work and helping my mother!" So I ended up not going, and invented an excuse of my own :) She texted me later trying to lie and make something up to make her story make sense, and I immediately wrote a paragraph back explaining that she was being dishonest with me. She didn't reply. Cat got her tongue now that she knows she can't smarm me up anymore
@neonred6026 8 ай бұрын
Yikes, I literally just got done not to long ago with a little meeting up at Starbucks with one of them too, and after a certain reaction from a family member I got a bit skeptical about it. I should probably decline the offer of becoming a member right?
@denverhilario 8 ай бұрын
What if the prospect is the one canceling through the calendar and they don't respond through calls or text?
@calmingrelaxingsounds9066 8 ай бұрын
❤ Great insights tx
@RoseBuendia7895254d 8 ай бұрын
Very well said. I would love to learn your ways
@user-iz5rw7jc8i 8 ай бұрын
You are really good at Social media Marketing. Very professional
@briannamaden8399 9 ай бұрын
Amway is not a pyramid scheme. There are bad reviews for every company. But any job you work at is a pyramid scheme! You will never make more money than the person that hired you or owns the business. In Amway you have the opportunity to pass your mentors and their mentors. And the mentors don’t make any money, they pour themselves into you to see you win and thrive. All they do is bring people into their business, which if you owned any other business you’d do the same. But the person on top that brought you in is not racking up all the money, they make pennys off of your hundreds and thousands. You get paid for how many people you help. But none of that comes from the other people. They put a business in a box. Amway is an asset, your not stuck on the bottom because of where you fell at coming into the business. You can go diamond in less than 2 years and pass your mentors