@Rugalbernstein777 2 күн бұрын
Here i will be detailing the strategies used for each trial with Vandalier without using Plasma Wave: Nova Trial - The strategy used here will resemble the one used in the run with the best classes but now Ash can assist my Ninjas with Perfect Guarding as well as my Encharters with spells. Earth Trial - Also mostly the same but since Ash as a Vandalier is guaranteed to block attacks from the from, he can be used as bait if the enemy Archers or Bowmen decides to target someone besides my Snipers. Mana Trial - Also mostly the same but with Ninjas on the team it goes abit faster to eliminate every single Mimic before getting the Prism. Chaos Trial - Here I showcase Vandalier’s other massive trait which is his amazing defense stat that is even higher then Dragoons by just placing Ash and let him counter any Golem unfortunate enough to attack him. Later a combination of Spells cleans then out while the other floors and how the boxes are moved remains the same. In the end I decided to use the last Golem as my spell showcase just for fun ;) Logos Trial - Without Plasma wave, Poison magic becomes the next best answer to this trial similar to my best class run in how you approach it. Since Ash as a Vandalier is guaranteed to block from the front, he doesn’t have to worry about the Basilisks at the top as long as you are facing then which helps with the overall party movement. Heaven Trial - Even without Plasma Wave, Vandalier can destroy this trial do to its layout with the help of a Dragoon beside Ash as it makes sure no enemy can even get to its side making every attack useless while magic is already at joke levels of damage at level 49 for the player. Overall strategies used is similar to my best class run of the Trials but I decided to just mess around with the last Evil Statue with spells because otherwise it wouldn’t be a Rugal video XD!
@Rugalbernstein777 3 күн бұрын
Here i will detail the strategies used on each fight with Vandalier: Nova Trial - Advancing every while casting Plasma Wave on every turn while fuiling Ash back with Magic Charge will make that no enemies will get close to the hilltop with the exception of the War Ghosts but the Snipers will take care of then. Sparkies wont live long as he is oddity of being a Airman unit (more specifically a Hawknight) that is even weaker to Magic compared regular enemy Armors as while the Dark Golems are taking slightly more damage, the damage to HP ratio of the Sparkies is higher. Earth Trial - Since Archers have good Magic Defense, its faster to just use Plasma Wave a few times to make all the enemies advance at once while your Snipers one shots everyone of then. Grenadiers will only be one shotted guaranteed here by casting Plasma Wave twice. Mana Trial - Like before I decided to just clear all Mimics in this trial just for fun :) Chaos Trial - 4 casts of Plasma Wave is all its needed to clear every single Golem but do to the nature of this trial in how you get the Prism, I cannot cast it more then 3 times if I want to keep some Golems alive. The rest of the trial in how to move the boxes to reach the Prism is mostly the same. Logos Trial - Using Plasma Wave and staying at the beginning with Ash facing forward from where the enemies will come will ensure a fast way to deal with the then. Some of the Salamanders that can stay alive will use the shortcut in the water at the beginning so placing a Dragoon and just waiting for then will take care of that. In this trial you also will notice something unusual: The Dark Mage at the very top wont move from his spot despite constantly taking damage unless most or all of the other enemies are killed which is a odd behavior to say the least XD! Heaven Trial - Because this trial is mostly composed of previous enemy bosses, Plasma Wave wont deal much damage to then at all so its faster to cast Plasma Wave a few times to make then all move at once but not much that it drops their HP below half as they will back away to heal which will just slow down the fight. In the end I play around abit with a few spells on the lone Evil Statue before it eventually kills itself ;)
@Rugalbernstein777 4 күн бұрын
Here i will provide the strategies used for each trial with the worst classes: Nova Trial - With the lack of Snipers i wont be able to kill their Airmen before they can have a chance to attack but with the overall superior movement range of my entire team, i can get to the top of the hill before they can which gives me an advantage. Perfect Guarding every single Sky Lord will be easier with 4 Ninjas in the team. Earth Trial - While Archers are the bane of Airmen in general, with the help of Perfect Guard at least they will be able to quickly kill the regular Archers through their massive class resistance against Airmen. At this level my power can overwhelm their resistance but the damage of the Bowmen in particular of the Grenadiers will add up quick so at this point i fall back and let my Duelists and Ninjas do the job with some Spellbind support. Mana Trial - With Airmen in the team theres no need to even stop to kill the Mimics so i just speedrun this trial the old fashioned way ;) Chaos Trial - With the help of the water tiles giving a massive 20% bonus in defense to my Sky Lords, they will take almost no damage from the Golems in particular the Clay and Dark ones cant even do over a single digit of damage to then and while the Armor class greatly resists the Airman class, they will eventually all turn to rubble while my Sky Lords will mostly be fine. For the 2nd floor i buff Ash and place him in the Tricket tile to bait all four Golems to surround him to later destroy then with a combination of Piercing Ray + Rolling Fire. 3rd floor goes the same way as it goes. Logos Trial - With the lack of Poison magic, the second best way to go over this trial quickly is to simply damage the enemies above with spells to force then to come to me. With this high level i dont need to worry about magic so the Skylords can all go through a shortcut a bait nearby Guardians to attack then while i am in the water but i have to watch out for Basilisks as even in the water the damage will be substantial. Since i dont have Dragoons with me, Ash will be used to Power through the Guardians with the help of support and some damage prior done by magic on then. Heaven Trial - While nowhere as useful as Snipers, the Sky Lords ability to pass through units at the cost 2 movement squares will come into play for the first 2 waves in this trial. Perfect Guarding then ensures they can block at least one random arrow going their way. In the final wave since the entire team has the same overall movement, i just send everyone Perfect Guarded as much as my remaining overall MP allows it.
@Rugalbernstein777 5 күн бұрын
Here i will provide the strategies used for each trial with the best classes: Nova Trial - With 4 Archers i am able to perfectly control both sides equally. First the Airmen are taken care first and then later any enemy not positioned in a cover will get one shotted with the exception of the Dark Golems where its a 2 shot. Earth Trial - Here my Snipers will be the ones doing most of the hunting while the Ninjas keep then Perfect Guarded. All enemy Archers and Bowmen get one shotted with the exception of the Grenadier as he takes 2 hits thanks to its good defenses. Oddly enough the Snipers can actually outdamage the Ninjas in damage vs the Grenadier despite having the matchup advantage. Mana Trial - To make this trial different i decided to clear the entire map of Mimics before ending the trial with the Prism. Monks and Ninjas dont suffer from movement costs from going over rough terrain and can move normally so they can go from chest to chest very quickly. Mimics can be one shotted by anyone fully advanced. Chaos Trial - While being at this level completely tanks the damage you take from magic including your Dragoons, enemy Armors are still extremely weak to then but do to the higher HP it will take way more casts of Salamander and the like to clear a huge group of Golems. Your Dragoons can one shot the Clay and Dark ones from any position while the gold ones will need to be from Behind with a attack boost or support bonus. Otherwise its a guaranteed 2 shot. Make sure one of the Golems on top stays Paralyzed to get the Prism. Logos Trial - You can greatly speed up this map with clever usage of Poison magic. Every enemy can be Poisoned here besides the Salamander since its a Boss enemy but they can be one shotted by your Snipers. With Poison and strategic movement, the only damage you should take that will be unavoidable is from the Dark Mages spells but the damage is so low that you can heal it off even with the basic Healing spell by casting enough times. Heaven Trial - Its time for my favorite strategy with the Vandal Hearts version of the Phalanx with Dragoons in the front and Snipers and Enchanters in the back. This strategy becomes even more overpowered by Perfect Guarding my Dragoons up front. After the first wave is done its time for my Snipers and Ninjas to reach the top before all but the Kurtz at the front reaches so i can Snipe the other Kurtz, Sabina and Dark Mages. Last wave its better to just Advance my Snipers and Ninjas alongside Ash all Perfect Guarded as it will be faster then sending everyone as otherwise its just overkill to send everyone.
@denisk559 7 күн бұрын
MDK and MDK2 ARE so 🔥🔥🔥. my childhood games. Along with Delta force and old CoD.
@Rugalbernstein777 7 күн бұрын
@@denisk559 Oh yeah Man! I agree 1000%😊
@timothymacpherson7452 7 күн бұрын
bruh.... you are a god at this LOL
@Rugalbernstein777 7 күн бұрын
@@timothymacpherson7452 Haha Thank You My man😊! These types of runs really force me tô go back tô The competitive days of Tenkaichi 3 in The play tô win no matter what type of deal and i love it😊
@timothymacpherson7452 7 күн бұрын
@@Rugalbernstein777 were items allowed online back when the servers were up
@Rugalbernstein777 7 күн бұрын
@@timothymacpherson7452 Yes by default you were able to select customs even online no problem. Usually the more serious fights when you know the person were without customs as theres a few potaras (in particular Light Body and Guard Master) that completely shifts the meta.
@timothymacpherson7452 7 күн бұрын
@@Rugalbernstein777 what about kibitos secret art
@Rugalbernstein777 7 күн бұрын
@@timothymacpherson7452 Flat out broken beyond belief if combined with Dende Healing on team battles. if you play super defensive and get in the mind of your opponent, its almost a guaranteed win unless he has a setup that focuses on instant burst damage with blast 2s. A particular setup wth Syn Shenron that focuses on making his Blazing Storm easily spammable is the end all win condition on 95% of the matchups. Blazing Storm from Syn Shenron is also the easiest negative 1 frame setup as at mid distance if you are not already blocking, you will eat it for free and it also cannot be vanished. Ki poking to stop Shenron from Charging is completely negated with Light Body against most normal characters as well.
@z3r0ko0L 7 күн бұрын
Do they have anything like this in newer games?
@Rugalbernstein777 7 күн бұрын
@@z3r0ko0L Oh you mean the showroom? Sadly i believe this ended when Need For Speed went tô newer consoles (PS1 tô PS2) so The showroom is as legacy as it can get😢
@z3r0ko0L 7 күн бұрын
@@Rugalbernstein777 Yeah I really miss hearing those being read out loud, makes it feel like Road and Track I think it was called lol
@Rugalbernstein777 7 күн бұрын
@@z3r0ko0L Yeah its a shame when they take out features like this😢
@aczka212 7 күн бұрын
btw ppl dont know what is MDK
@Rugalbernstein777 7 күн бұрын
@@aczka212 Oh yeah i am perfectly aware of that but i think putting Murder. Death. Kill in The short with big letters might upset youtube😏😏😏
@aczka212 7 күн бұрын
bruhh im old
@Rugalbernstein777 7 күн бұрын
@@aczka212 When you know about MDK then that is very likely 🤣🤣
@Skrumpilicious 8 күн бұрын
that dragged on wayyyy too long lol
@t-spiders1035 8 күн бұрын
How big is this god-damn high-school soccer field?
@Rugalbernstein777 8 күн бұрын
@@t-spiders1035 Well logic would say its as big as a real life One but of course with The PS1 not being able tô render it all At once it kinda makes you wondering🤣🤣
@timothymacpherson7452 8 күн бұрын
you are very good. will you be willing to take more requests or are you good for now.
@Rugalbernstein777 8 күн бұрын
@@timothymacpherson7452 Thanks😊! Oh yeah if you have more ideas feel free to put here in comments my man. I did take notes of your previous ones in my short (The all Gokus, Vegetas and só on). If you have something different in mind go ahead😊. If its one more vídeo i will see if i can upload it tomorrow already.
@timothymacpherson7452 8 күн бұрын
@@Rugalbernstein777 very nice. for the goku one i wanted to ask if you could do it with using all vegetas and vice versa for the red potara vegeta one. and also, i have the lowest level of hell if you wanna try it. a normal hercule vs 5 red potara giants LOL, with two of them being red potara great ape baby and hirudigan.
@Rugalbernstein777 8 күн бұрын
@@timothymacpherson7452 Ahhh gotcha. The Vs all Vegeta ones will definitely be alot harder because of The Red Potaras immunity tô damage against Kamehamehas. Bruh... The main problem of doing Hercule vs Red Potara Giants is that The Type of play Hercule hás vs then is tô spam Guard breaks... Which they are immune thanks tô The Guard Master effect... Then theres The health regen that Just nullifies his already pitiful damage... Yeah i dont see it being humanly possible tô do it outside of a TAS gameplay as The only way i can see it being possible is by Chaining Perfect Smashes over and over and over and basically manipulating The CPU into never Vanishing from a perfect smash (which they do quite easily actually) and manipulating The AI is only possible in this instance with save state abuse só... Yeah unless you want like a very short lived fail vídeo request tô showcase how impossible it is then yeah🤣🤣🤣
@timothymacpherson7452 8 күн бұрын
@@Rugalbernstein777 True with the kamehameha thing but goku still has spirit bomb which is just busted tbh. especially end gokus. my little brother HATES that ult with a passion, which is ironic since he just loves father-son and bros kamehameha lol. know what, that would actually be a funny video to see lol. im curious how long you would last as hercule. and to be fair, if you manage to beat it then that makes you the best player in all of bt3 lol
@Rugalbernstein777 8 күн бұрын
@@timothymacpherson7452 Oh yeah Spirit Bomb and The different Rush Blasts He hás across The board will be The saving Grace for him. 🤣🤣🤣 Thats actually funny on your Brother as i can see He is a SSJ2 Teen Gohan player and while He is extremely overrated in how good He is ingame, He is still top tier nonetheless. Oh Man... Imma gonna see what madness is gonna happen in this Hercule attempt at surviving 5 Red Potara Giants🤣🤣🤣
@timothymacpherson7452 8 күн бұрын
Very nicely done. I do have to ask though, why was the AI playing so passive and not coming at you at all?
@Rugalbernstein777 8 күн бұрын
@@timothymacpherson7452 Thank You my man 😊! Normally The General AI response for constant Ki Barrage is tô either Just deflect all of then Or depending on The distance Just Blast 2 through then however, The AI somewhat breaks in The first instance when it comes tô unblockable Ki Blasts like Ki Sword Slashes and tô a extent The Mini Destructo disks as it gets constantly getting knocked down by then. Characters with "Normal" ki Blasts even with charged ones are way less effective At keeping then At bay as you can Dragon Dash through fully charged normal ki Blasts (as long as you dont initiate a move) but not The unblockable ones. This style of play with those 2 characters in particular are very effective At competitive Tenkaichi 3 At being super annoying só no Wonder The AI breaks as well🤣🤣. Oh yeah difficulty for all of my Tenkaichi 3 content is always maxed At Very Strong for reference.
@timothymacpherson7452 8 күн бұрын
@@Rugalbernstein777 Very interesting. Does it work without items as well? I am thinking of trying this against my little brother but says no to custom lol
@Rugalbernstein777 8 күн бұрын
@@timothymacpherson7452 Oh it absolutely works bro! In fact Just The Master Blast Potara alone makes this Safe Keepaway style Just flat out broken🤣🤣. The defense of The Red Potaras significantly reduces The damage of The Ki Blasts because with this Potara on normal characters, The damage can easily reach 3000+ on a fully Charged Sword Slash. Honestly if you try it out against your brother even with no customs, i am certain He will wanna Ban this tactics next🤣🤣🤣
@timothymacpherson7452 8 күн бұрын
@@Rugalbernstein777 LMAO. im gonna try it. is there anyone else with this type of ki blast?
@Rugalbernstein777 8 күн бұрын
@@timothymacpherson7452 Oh all The 161 characters only 3 more besides of Who i used hás this type of Ki: Tapion (He can solo Red Potaras thanks tô his Blast 1s) Trunks Sword ( only in his base form as a Super Saiyan He will not use Sword Slashes for ki Blasts) and Yajirobe (althrough is uncharged ki sucks as He only throws a rock). Theres a also The Mini Destructo disc charged ki Blasts that can be used for most Gokus At base form only, Krillin, Android 18 and Frieza At his Final Form Full Power. I might be missing a few but those are The Ones for each Type of unblockable Ki types. The Sword Slashes are much better through as they are FAST and home in good.
@HUMC5 11 күн бұрын
Best NFS game for sure!
@Rugalbernstein777 11 күн бұрын
@@HUMC5 Definitely my favorite One for The PS1 era😊
@matthew5226 11 күн бұрын
I knew it was playstation just from the thumbnail, lol Never heard of this game, tragic. If I found this in my 9 year old playstation years I would have been engrossed. Glad to be seeing it for the first time
@Rugalbernstein777 11 күн бұрын
@@matthew5226 Oh man😢😢... As i like tô say it: its never too late tô enjoy The classics😊! I am glad you enjoyed seeing Vandal Hearts for The first time and while a cult classic, is kinda of a hidden gem of a game.
@timothymacpherson7452 11 күн бұрын
try that against a fusedred potara lol
@Rugalbernstein777 11 күн бұрын
@@timothymacpherson7452 You mean do the above when they fuse in-Battle so it doubles up their Potara bonuses? Well i already did do it but not The same way i did in The short. It would end The same way but it would take longer because of their extra defense and Health combined. If you wanna see me defeating Fusion characters that did fuse in-battle, heres The video: kzbin.info/www/bejne/qmnQc2B3jdOebKcsi=jQXe3aAW0Y5k_Qm_ Hope you enjoy The destruction😊
@timothymacpherson7452 11 күн бұрын
@@Rugalbernstein777 Very nicely done. could you do it against fused gotenks and fused regular gogeta? i feel like those two are harder than the other 2
@timothymacpherson7452 11 күн бұрын
@@Rugalbernstein777 and can you make the last character hirudigan cause he is insane lol
@Rugalbernstein777 11 күн бұрын
@@timothymacpherson7452 Oh i can do that no problem. Alright man i will take your request and will see if can get it done tô upload this weekend. One thing tô clarify on your request: you want then tô Fuse in Battle right? Cause if you want Regular Gogeta (Super Gogeta), The CPU might choose tô fuse as Vegito instead sometimes so it might take a few resets tô get it right.
@timothymacpherson7452 11 күн бұрын
@@Rugalbernstein777 That is exactly right. I'm sorry for the troublesome request lol
@Rugalbernstein777 11 күн бұрын
Here i will provide the strategies used for each Trial using the best Mid Classes Advancements: Nova Trial - This trial is on the simple side with the Mid Classes. While my Bowmen dont have enough range nor movement to pick their Airmen before they come in, they are able to one shot the Sparkies and also the Buccaners already. The Imps are dealt with by making then kill thenselfs by manipulating then into attacking my Bowmen while the Dark Golems can be dealt with Magic. With the Monks having plenty of MP since i leveled then up to 49 as their base Priest Class, i can use a bunch of Perfect Guards before i run low on MP. Earth Trial - Using my Bowmen to one shot their Archers while making sure they are Perfect Guarded most of the time is the key to success in this trial. Their Bowmen will need to attacks while the Grenadier has enough defense to avoid being 2 shotted while doing the most damage of then all so he requires some more care. Mana Trial - In this trial this time around i decided that i wanted to completely clear the whole map instead of just picking up the Prism. With the Monks being able to move in Barren tiles without any movement cost, its easier to cycle through each Mimic chest better alongside my Bowmen. With everyone advanced even my Sorcerers can one shot the Mimics but they will barely miss the one shot without a Support bonus. Everyone else can one shot then in any setting. Chaos Trial - Now that i am Advanced its completely possible to complete this trial as only the Guardsmen cannot jump 2 tiles at once as they are only able to do it as a Dragoon. The strategy used to deal with the Golems in the right side is similar to what i used with the base classes but now making use of Ash's Rolling Fire while my Bowmen alongside a Guardsman can deal with the left side. Once everything down is gone i use Poison to kill all 4 Golems waiting up top while in the mean time i position my units to move the boxes that i will eventually have to move around. The Monks movement with no cost here helps speed up this process on the last platform with the 3 Golems. Logos Trial - The Strategy deployed here is similar to my regular runs: abusing Poison on any enemy that is not the Salamander for an easy kill while my Bowmen can deal with the Salamanders. As Bowmen they can easily 2 shot then while they also can barely damage then. Nothing here is a threat to my Guardsmen as even magic barely deals anything to then at this high level but of course Perfect Guard when necessary. Heaven Trial - Perfect Guard + Guardsmen is the ultimate combo at this level. Thanks to how overpowered they are, they can one shot Zoot Gach like the scrub Swordsman he is (of course) while they are the only ones that can deal significant damage to everything else as Poison is out and Magic will just help a bit here. This is what would happen against the entire Crimson Force in Chapter 4 if you had the best equipment as now even Dallas can barely damage my Guardsmen as if he was using a freaking tool hammer XD! For the last wave sending only the Bowmen and the Monks all Perfect Guarded will take care of then without the need to bait then so that i have the high ground advantage.
@Rugalbernstein777 12 күн бұрын
Here i will provide all the strategies used for each Trial with only the base Classes being used completely Deathless: Nova Trial - This fight has 2 enemies that i need to worry: Sparkies and Dark Golems. If the Sparkies hit any of my non Archer units, its gonna deal a hefty amount of damage as even the insane Archer resistance to Airman barely saves then from being 2 shotted by then here. The Dark Golems will take a insane amount of hits to kill so i basically Paralyze then and use their body to block the Buccaners from coming in while they get picked off by arrows. Ash is able to one shot the Buccaners with a high ground attack. The Hunterimps are dealt with by manipulating then into attacking my Archers which can 2 shot then while they cant deal significant damage to me especially with the help of Mystic Shield. With all that said this was on the easier side. Earth Trial - Using my own Archers to pick the enemies off is still the best strategy here but it gets hairy once the enemy Bowman Advanced Archers starts to move in especially the Grenadiers. In one instance i miscalculated a move with Darius and had to use a Holy H2O to save him from being killed. A combination of Paralyzes, baiting then and distribute the damage my units take were needed here. Overall because of the one H2O used this is a medium difficulty trial. Mana Trial - This trial is quite simple but unlike the times where you can just use a Hawknight to go straight to the Prism, here i have to kill some Mimics in the way to claim it. Ash is able to one shot the Mimics with a side attack and one Support bonus which makes this trial the easiest one. Chaos Trial - This trial is completely impossible to complete as since units at base class cannot jump on top of the Yellow Boxes, its impossible to both reach the Prism and kill all Golems. Instead of just calling it quits i decided to just kill all the Golems at the bottom to showcase how you can overcome their insane bulkiness with a absolute cunning strategy ;) On both sides i use one Golem to serve as a wall to block the other Golems by Paralyzing the one in the way where the others cant go past by placing a unit of mine beside then. After that i take turns making sure both Golems stays perpetually Paralyzed while i kill th others in the back with Magic. If this trial could be completed then its gonna be a medium difficulty one but as it stands its impossible do to a game design. Logos Key - Normally this is the longest fight in the game and if you noticed the total time of this video, you know already this fight was gonna be the one XD! Since all the enemies here are at their final Advancement level, every hit from then is gonna hurt like hell. With the Guardians being a Dragoon that can move the same as a Duelist, they are guaranteed to eventually get to me while taking alot of hits to kill. The only way to deal with then is to Paralyze then and wail on then without retaliation. For this to work however, Spellbind needs to hit then without fail so In-battle saves will have to be abused. Basilisks are dealt the same way but you have to catch then in the corners before they are able to hit anyone. Salamanders are abit trickier as since they are Boss enemies, they cannot be Paralyzed and their great movement makes it harder to kite then. In the end it requires all 4 of my Archers to kill one of then (3 with a support bonus) so of course they cannot be allowed to block a single attack. If its impossible not to get hit by then, make then attack your Archers as their insane Airman resistance only results in then taking half their health even if attacked in the back or from a high ground as your other units will get completely destroyed by then. The Dark Mages are no threat as magic is super weak at this high level so you can just heal their low damage off eventually but when they run out of MP, their regular attacks will deal quite a bit of damage. Here even one mistake like not knowing a Basilisk on top of you can cost one unit and in one instance i miscalculated a placed Amon in a tile where he was open to a Basilisk. Me no wanting to use a H2O just to save him i instead abused in-battle saves until he blocked the attack as he was facing forward so a somewhat easy block with manipulation. This trial was very hard and it requires everything to go right to suceed so definitely a very hard one on top of being the longest fight demands incredible patience. Heaven Key - Before attempting this run i knew that this fight was gonna be total hell to do to the point i wasnt sure it was gonna be possible to complete. Since most of the enemies are previous bosses, all of then are completely immune to status so strategies related to Spellbind are out of the window outside of the Dark Mages but theres a saving grace here: most of then have healing spells and if bosses have healing, they will focus on healing thenselfs above 50% if their HP ever falls below 50%. Because at this level no healing spell will heal beyond the minimum amount, if enough damage is done to then they will basically waste turns healing until they run out of MP so that gives me time to plan my next move. The biggest threats in this map are Dumas and Dallas and because of the layout of this map, it completely favors the Armor class with Archers in the back but both Dumas and Dallas needs special attention as they both can 2 shot any of my characters even with the help of Mystic Shield up. If their damage alongside some arrows, they will kill even Ash as his resistance to Archers wll not hold up. The second wave is abit easier since i have the advantage of a high ground and Kurtz not doing any damage with his spamming of Dagger Storm but his counters can hurt. Sabina is another problem as her Rune Bow is very damaging even to my Knights and with Dallas i need to have the High Ground advantage otherwise his damage will be ridiculous. Once the second wave is dealt with here comes the hardest part: the third wave... i have no chance of winnig with then having the high ground advantage so i decided to pull a risky move and lure all of the with my Archers. This is where good stat boosts saved the run as otherwise this strategy would not be possible. Once everything is done its finally time to claim your reward. Theres no way around having to use a bunch of Holy H2O in this fight and thats why i try not to use then in the previous fights cause i knew i would have to use most of then here.
@brf0029 15 күн бұрын
I knew you could do it, nicely done! His ultimate make satisfying finishing move to the enemy First, he took Krillin's life, and now he took his wife's life with a move that's more brutal and painful than what he did to Krillin!
@Rugalbernstein777 15 күн бұрын
@@brf0029 Thank You My Man and glad you enjoyed The vídeo as well😊😊! Yeah Tambourine's Super Marengeki was arguably One of The first instances in The Original Dragon Ball of a truly gruesome killing blow as He just pierces Giran like its nothing (also yeah the way he killed Krillin was more of a assassination as it was way less graphic).
@brf0029 16 күн бұрын
judging where he stabs them, seems like 18 got it worse than the other
@Rugalbernstein777 16 күн бұрын
@@brf0029 Oh Man you noticed it too huh... Yeah she definitely got it worse😳😳😳
@brf0029 16 күн бұрын
@@Rugalbernstein777 Yeah, It's kinda funny looking haha Tambourine vs 18 would be kinda interesting now that I think about it, seeing her reacts to the person that killed her husband and want revenge Maybe like Tambourine vs 18 Red Potara to make it extra challenging
@Rugalbernstein777 16 күн бұрын
@@brf0029 That will definitely be a really Hard fight for sure. Alright my Man i will take on your request and i will see if i can upload it later Or tomorrow😊
@brf0029 16 күн бұрын
​@@Rugalbernstein777That would be cool to see, she would be in her costume 2 since it's buu saga, location can be whatever you think suit best for this what-if scenario
@Rugalbernstein777 16 күн бұрын
@@brf0029 Gotcha😊!
@k-ondoomer 17 күн бұрын
One of the best shump, ost is unmatched
@Rugalbernstein777 17 күн бұрын
@@k-ondoomer Your comment is spot on on both ends my man 😊
@Rugalbernstein777 17 күн бұрын
Continuing on with the battle strategies used for each fight with the base classes: 6-1 - The fight in itself is pretty similar in how i approach it on my other runs but since my Archers can reach the Shooters i instead have to Paralyze then. The Crimson Warlocks still wont ever move but when Kane gets turned into the Black Knight, he will actually cast Plasma Wave and you will witness just how weak magic gets once you are at max level. Sadly i cant move fast enough before Kane kills himself by attacking someone so the Necklace is a no go here. 6-2 - This fight is always free regardless of settings but here 2 of the 3 chests cant be opened as Base class units cannot jump to a tile with a difference in height of 2. 6-3 - This fght is also pretty straight forward. While the Dark Mages wont ever move in this fight, Xeno will move as normal so once he locks in into someone basically means you are on a timer to kill all the other enemies and get both buried treasures in here. In the end i teach Xeno to not opposite Zohar so he made Xeno look like a scrub yet again ;) 6-4 - Unlike the Xeno fight here the Dark Mages will actually move like normal but it wont matter at all. That aside that damage output of the enemies as just high enough that i had to use a Holy H2O at some point. Once i take care of every enemy, its time to make Dolf look like a scrub yet again ;)
@Rugalbernstein777 18 күн бұрын
Continuing on with the battle strategies used for each fight with the base classes: 5-1 - Because units at their base classes cannot jump 2 tiles up, they cannot jump onto the yellow box so getting that treasure chest is out of the question. The fight itself is pretty straight forward with the only mild threat here is getting Poisoned by the Acid Ghosts. Thanks to the AGL stat being so high with the levels, the chance of getting poisoned is vastly reduced. Mana Key - I do the trial to level up Kira to 49 and make sure she gets good boosts to her stats. 5-2 - A annoying fight normally and even with all the levels, a bad stat boost here could actually result in a death with all Crimson Hawks attacking a single Knight but good boosts on my side means that at best they can deal just below half of a Knights HP if all 6 ganked then. Kurtz wont ever move from his spot so theres no problem into having to race to get both buried treasures before he kills himself. Making him look like a scrub is a moot point ;) 5-3 - Also a pretty straight forward fight and with the Death Angels not moving, I don’t need to Spellbind any enemy before I am able to reveal the Mimic chest. Again being poisoned here is the only annoyance. 5-4 - Getting the Dragon Spear here is completely unrealistic so I threw that out of the window at the start. On the battle itself first i manipulate the Eggworm close to the chest to expose itself to my Archers attack. After that I just move Clint to the only tile non Airmen enemies can go through and just wait for then to kill thenselfs for the most part. Then at the end the Salamander learned the hard way not to mess with Huxley XD! 5-5 - 6 Crimson Armors at level 29 are nothing in the face of level 49s especially with a Tricket spot to reduce their damage to puny single digits. The Crimson Shooters can be annoying as I cannot get then with my Archers from that spot so I have to Spellbind then. Kane himself and his squad are completely humiliated and later on after getting all the treasures, his bitch Sabina and her squad follow shortly after ;) 5-6 - Honestly speaking, this fight goes even better with Base Classes then how it did on my worst classes run as at least I can destroy both Basilisks with my Archers and not wait till the 3rd section is up to reach then. The fight as a whole however is pretty simple.
@Rugalbernstein777 19 күн бұрын
Continuing on with the battle strategies used for each fight with the base classes as well as explaining other important details about this run: Mana Key - First things first i used the mana trial to level every character to level 49 and i make sure that everyone goot good boosts to their stats by resetting and reloading. 4-1 - Arguably the hardest fight in the main game is the perfect testing ground to showcase how good boosts can make or break a character in those high levels. Those good boosts get even more broken with Terrain bonuses as when Ash is in the Prairie tile, it makes him take only a single digit worth of damage against enemies that under instances would one shot everyone as they are 2 Advancements ahead of everyone. In the end once again i make the Crimson Gererals look like complete jokes...WITH THE BASE CLASSES XD!!! 4-2 - With the help of terrain bonuses, you can guarantee that each hit everyone takes here will only be in the single digits home. This super low damage is easy to heal so just like always this fight is a complete joke. 4-3 - Another fight that is a joke in this instance. All Skeletons and Gold Golems will just kill thenselfs so the only mildly annoying part here is chasing the Eggworms down. 4-4 - This fight is the first instance in the run that i cannot avoid death to some of my units more especifically my Priests and Mages. This is because do to the horrible move range of their base classes, you cannot advance the cars fast enough to avoid then being left behind no matter how well you move. Since this also applies to forced deaths, the run is still deathless as every death that can be avoided was avoided. I could try to grab the Ramen past Dallas but that would require me to in-battle save reset to get him to block at least 2 attacks for me to get it so its not realistic to being able to get the item and its not worth it anyway so i just make Dallas look like a scrub once more. 4-5 - ... ... ... This fight is the reason why i called this run the IMPOSSIBLE RUN as because of a combination of not having a good move range and the characters at their base classes not being able to jump 2 tiles instead of just 1 makes this fight one of the 2 fights in the whole game (the other is the Chaos Trial) that cannot be completed with only base classes. The layout itself of this map is already a nightmare... Now add that up with the characters not even being able to reach most of the Death Devices without magic and you have a fight that is truly impossible to complete. No matter how perfect the movement for the key characters are, Ash cant get to the last 2 Death Devices with a Aura Gem and Clint cannot get to the one Device Ash cant hit in time before Kira takes a lava bath... The only way to complete this stage is to at least advance one of the Characters that has a move range of 6 upon advancing. Instead of restarting and doing that i decided to keep this run as Base Class only and instead i chose to try and kill as many enemies as possible and when time was almost up, i used a Cheat Code that forces a Stage Clear condition to keep going. I believe this isnt a oversight by the game devs but actually intended as under normal gameplay not abusing the level up system of the game, you would never get this far with only the base classes.
@alexiltabaccaio 23 күн бұрын
I've always been fascinated by the secret location in the second world, where all the boss miniatures are displayed. The figure that appears at the 37:23, probably related to the aliens of the fifth world, has always intrigued me. Almost as if the game was hiding a mystery. I've investigated for years to understand it, but probably it's simply a placeholder.
@Rugalbernstein777 23 күн бұрын
Yeah that picture always puzzled me as well as its nowhere in The game's loading screens. You know what that might be outside of a placeholder? Most likely dummied content.
@alexiltabaccaio 23 күн бұрын
I'd like to be able to mine the disk to see if I can find any files related to it. It would be a huge satisfaction.
@Rugalbernstein777 23 күн бұрын
@@alexiltabaccaio Oh Man if you can do it and you are able to find it out feel free tô share it here as information regarding MDK is super scarce (as i detailed in The description of my Hard mode run that most people dont even know that The Green bar around your HP is a timer)
@Rugalbernstein777 24 күн бұрын
Continuing on with the battle strategies used for each fight with the base classes: 3-1 - This fight is always free regardless so not much to say about the fight itself but here i showcase how getting a good stat boost at high levels is really important as while Grog is taking around 30 damage minimum, Sara takes only 13 since i made sure she got a good overall stat boost. Eventually i will do this with all characters as soon as i get the chance. 3-2 - This fight is the first instance where i couldnt prevent casualties from not happening. Since its impossible for me to use the Nova Key for leveling up as i would even be able to complete that fight, i have to level up Zohar mid fight as he cannot one shot the Sparkies at level 14 while he is a Mage. I still tried to see if i could save all the Mage Towers but outside of extreme RNG luck with the Sparkie spawns and some AI break wth then choosing to target my characters instead of the Towers, this is a forced casualty scenario so i try to at least make it up for it by doing the usual strategy later to put my characters on each corner to maximize money gained. 3-3 - This fight is pretty simple as the leveling takes care of any possible annoyance that might happen otherwise but i still have to make sure Clive doesnt commit suicide or kill everything before i can get every item. In the end i finally have Clive take the spotlight as i let him finish off the Deacon ;) 3-4 - Another simple fight thanks to the leveling done. Both the Warlock and Deacon wont ever move in this fight so i can easily get all the treasures in the meantime. 3-5 - This fight is tricky with only base classes and would be literally impossible outside of overleveling. The strategy to wait till turn 5 is still the same, but the catch here is that do to the poor movement of the base Priest class, even if you move perfectly one of the Guard Dogs will still be able to pass through before you can kick the Yellow Box to block then. If i wasnt overleveled i wouldnt be able to one shot it which would cause a fail in the next turn as it would reach the corner of the screen. Its no slouch for the rest of the party either as you have to make sure you cut then off as they can outmaneuver you with better movement if you dont. 3-6 - This fight is pretty simple with the most important thing is me leveling up Darius. Here i abuse Spellbind to completely destroy the 100% block gimmick of the Juggernauts as it requires 2 casts of either Dark Star or Piercing Ray to kill then. 3-7 - This fight is also simple overall and oddly enough the main problem that i could have here is me not being able to kill every single enemy before Dumas starts to move and eventually kills himself by attacking me as all of his Warlocks and Deacons wouldnt ever move. In the end i had to lure him to chase my main party instead of Clint's party all the way to the starting point where Ash arrives to both be able to kill the Warlock/Deacon and get the Mana Key. After that i just make Dumas look like a Dumbass yet again but in a even more humiliating and hilarious way possible (Huxley is the original Angry Grandpa afterall XD!!!)
@Rugalbernstein777 25 күн бұрын
Continuing on with the battle strategies used in each fight with base classes: 2-1 - This fight is relatively the same as my previous runs but the difference here is since none of my units are Advanced, none are able to jump on top of yellow boxes because its a 2 tile difference in height and base classes cannot move to a tile that has beyond a 1 height difference. In the actual battle i take every opportunity humanly possible that i have to get more levels for Ash by making him take damage and then heal for EXP. 2-2 - Starting at this fight is where i needed all those levels but i still need to prepare further for the next fight and so on. In the beginning in put Ash in the face of the Guard Dogs as i want then to Poison him. This will be necessary later to get more EXP with him but i also will take the oppotunity and even out my entire party for levels as best as i can here. The levels for Ash paid off as he is able to one shot the Mad Soldiers. 2-3 - Thanks to the leveling done in the previous fight, i have room for breathing in this fight as otherwise it would be completely miserable especially for Kira and Clint. Kira is strong enough to 2 shot the Shooterimps and to not get completely destroyed should a Mad Soldier attack her. For the main party i lure the Blood Ghosts to attack my Archers as then attacking any of my Knights would be disastrous. The Dark Golems here will need a few attacks to take then out as even Ash being many levels higher, he can only at best deal more then half their HP with a back attack. Once every enemy but one Shooterimp is alive, i purposely poison Ash for more EXP through healing but i also take the opportunity once again to level the entire party to at least level 17 overall by abusing the Poison cure EXP. This will prepare me nicely for the next fight. 2-4 - This is the fight where i will have breathing room in the run and not every fight will require insane micro management. First however i have to take care of all the enemies. First i move Ash on the left and Clint in the right so that they can take the Shooterimps attacks with ease while taking care of the Mad Soldiers. Ash is able to one shot then but Clint will require 2 attacks. After they are taken care off, i lure the Imps to expose their backs to my Archers below and they are strong enough to one shot then with a "support" boost. After getting everyone up, i wait for the rest of the enemies to come. As you can see how these levels where needed, a Blood Ghost despite being 6 levels lower then Grog can still damage him way beyond the minimum amount attacking him from the front on a lower ground while he only deals exactly half its HP with a high ground advantage...thats insane!! Now with everyone gone its time for a MASSIVE leveling but not just enemy leveling... i level both Huxley and Sara to the max level of 49 BUT: i make sure they get close to perfect boosts in every stat as it will be also needed later. Then i level everyone to level 46 as i didnt had enough money for more Mage Oils at this point sadly. 2-5 - With the massive leveling done in the previous fight, this fight wont be completely miserable. Here you can start to witness how a bad boost in defense can make a character take high minimum damage from enemies despite then being much lower leveled compared to a good boost. Since Magnus and any enemy with Offensive spells gets their AI broken when facing much higher leveled units, i use this opportunity to get everyone one more level. Then i make Magnus look like a scrub with only Base Classes ;) 2-6 - Normally this fight is on the easier side since the Guard Dogs dont even fight back, but because of their good move range, they can flee quite far from you when you are stuck with only at best a move range of 5 from the base classes (and 4 from Mages and Priests) so this fight gets pretty tight i you dont make the Guard Dogs move where you want then to be while at the same time being able to get both hidden treasures on both sides. This fight i actually needed some off screen playtesting as no amount of levels will make this any easier and i have to fully optimize my movement here.
@Rugalbernstein777 26 күн бұрын
Here i will detail the strategies used for each fight in the Impossible run: 1-1 - This fight goes exactly as you would expect compared to my other runs so the strategies are the same to maximize EXP gained for Ash. 1-2 - This fight is also mostly the same but the difference here is that i buy a Mage Oil for Ash beforehand to significantly increase EXP gained by healing more times after i purposely let the Hunterimps damage Ash. 1-3 - This fight is also mostly the same as i let Ash get attacked by the Golems as best as i can so he can heal it later for more EXP, then i divide the focus of the last Golems to be able to pick up the Yellow Box chest. 1-4 - With Ash not Advanced to Champion, he cannot one shot the Hell Bats even when he is several levels above then. The logic of the AI was all over the place this time around similar to my previous run where the Brigands would choose to target my other characters despite me purposely getting Ash to expose his back to then. In the end i had to reset in-battle saves multiple times until i can finally get the AI to act how its supposed to XD! After that its time for leveling up everyone the traditional way i did on my other runs as well. 1-5 - With the intention to squeeze as much EXP gain as i can, i do this fight in a completely different way for the exact EXP purpose but the problem is that this fight can be a real pain to use for EXP as the annoyance of Paralyzes is real but trust me this will be necessary for later. 1-6 - With the intention for me to focus most of the Corsairs and Buccaners to attack Ash, i Paralyze of then in the right side and put of my units beside the Paralyzed unit which makes it so no one can attack me close range which forces the AI of the Corsairs to change sides. This is yet another way to level up Ash as much as possible so that in the next chapter i can do another max leveling of the party.
@PanikGrafik 28 күн бұрын
Do gaia next
@Rugalbernstein777 28 күн бұрын
@@PanikGrafik Oh you mean a full run with Gaia? I already did do it (2 in fact). You can check then out with This link if you want: kzbin.info/aero/PLhCINhSIAj3lvGysy87MhR4OqXxGPco4w&si=23WuJbD_Fgzkgh8o. I hope you like The destruction 😊😊
@PanikGrafik 28 күн бұрын
@@Rugalbernstein777 nice!
@IgorWelkenbach 29 күн бұрын
Non shuriken mode still gives you shurikens at Bosses?
@Rugalbernstein777 29 күн бұрын
@@IgorWelkenbach Yup. Its only for The stages thenselfs where its melee only. Tô be fair i would love doing bosses melee only, but i dont think they were programmed tô interact with melee it seems. Otherwise the bosses would be easier with melee as you wouldnt need tô hit then in their weak spot for damage.
@Rugalbernstein777 Ай бұрын
Continuing on with the battle strategies used for each fight with the best classes: 6-1 - Already in the beginning you can tell how having 4 Snipers makes a huge difference. This is because with a combination of Salamander, Holy Pressure and Sniper attacks, you are guaranteed to clear both Shooters, the Priest , the Warlock and both Armors leaving only the Knights with little health for your Dragoons to finish then off. Later on its the same thing with the Priest and the Warlock. Before kicking the bolder i make sure to take out both Shooters and the Warlock before moving on. The way i kill the Warlock is a perfect example of how you can bypass their Magic Defense when your Snipers dont have a shot at then by Poisoning and Paralyzing then at the same time ( better results with a in-battle save abuse). After Kane goes from a scrub to a scrublord, i just give him the good old rugal treatment after i pick the Necklace and kill his remaining units ;) 6-2 - This fight is always free so strategy here is relatively the same as my previous runs. 6-3 - Here in this fight just like in the previous chapters with a bunch of enemy Mages, i showcase how you dont need to be as careful with your Dragoons around Enchanters and how their magic "weakness" is still not enough to make then anywhere honest as it should. Later on when Xeno is alone i also showcase how the Mage and Priest class resistance to the Armor class is completely useless for the enemy as even Xeno being at level 34, a level 28 Dragoon Dolan makes him his bitch like those 6 levels werent even there XD! 6-4 - Even if Darius is not a Sky Lord in here, the double Wyrmfang strategy still works in here to clear most of the enemies but i will require extra Magic on the right side to clear some of the enemies that might still be alive (which would be the right side Bahamut most likely). On the plus side, without a Sky Lord, theres almost no threat of someone dying unless the Cannons and Dark Mages decide to aim on just one character that the Bahamut up top can also target. Later on with Dolf i showcase the opposite scenario of the Priest/Mage class resistance to the Armor class as for the player it actually matters. Dolf being 4 levels higher then Eleni still barely manages to deal half her HP in one hit... if the situation was similar with my Dragoons being 4 levels higher then Xeno...its instant death no questions asked. After Dolf's pitiful display, i give him the good old Rugal treatment...so you know the deal already ;) Thank you everyone who watched and enjoyed this run :) Theres still one more run that i want to do with Vandal Hearts and the challenge i will do will surprise most people. Stay tuned until then ;)
@Rugalbernstein777 Ай бұрын
Continuing on with the battle strategies used for each fight with the best classes: 5-1 - Finally the whole team is together again and even if Kira is still a Bowman here, she still can be useful if you are careful. How i approach this fight is similar to how i did in my previous runs, but now i have a tendency to go in with my Dragoons in the face of magic and as you can see...its still not that threatning to then at all and can be easily healed and it makes the enemy Mages AI favor the use of their multi hitting spells which makes then expose thenselfs more to hit as many targets as possible. 5-2 - This time i use a different approach in this fight: first thing is to clear all of the Crimson Armors in your back alongside the Crimson Priest. Depending on how high or low Eleni's and Zohar's attack boost is, both of then casting Phase Shift might not be enough to kill then (which was my case) so i needed extra attacks to clear then. Once they are gone, fortify in the back of the bridge and let the Crimson Hawks come in while you use a Phalanx style formation. The ones trying to sneak in by the sides can be picked off by magic and the Snipers. Once they are gone, Kurtz and the rest of the units will advance. Kill the Warlock and both Shooters and surround Kurtz with your Mages and Priests so that Dagger Storm hits then for pitiful damage. In the meantime Kurtz is wasting his MP, i go grab the treasures before he runs out and i make sure he attacks Eleni as both Sara and Huxley in that instance can actually 2 shot him. Once the treasures are taken, its time to pain the snow crimson with Kurtz's blood but not before making him look like a scrub ;) 5-3 - This time just like fight 5-1 i go all out on both sides with my units clamped together, including my Dragoons to lure the Death Angels into using Thunder Ball and exposing thenselfs more. The rest of the fight is pretty straight forward as you pick the enemies off one by one but making sure one stays alive to reveal the Mimic at the end for extra money. Mana Key - I quickly do the trial to level up Eleni and Zohar to level 25 so that they have access to Salamander for the next fight. 5-4 - Move Clint to the tile to his side and most of the enemies will come in waves after. Spam Salamander and pick off the Acid Ghost and the Egg Worm by the Dragon Spear chest. After that fortify in the beginning of the map and just let the enemies come and kill then one by one. while not possible to get the Logos Key here without a Airman, i tried to pick up the Dragon Spear and while its possible with in-battle save abuse making sure Salamander blocks every attack, in the end i simply said screw it as its more trouble then worth it. 5-5 - This fight i do reset in the beginning quite a few times to as i come up with a more optimized way to approach the fight in the beginning. Just like fight 5-2, depending on your Enchanters attack boost both of then casting Salamander might not be enough to kill all of the level 29 Crimson Armors behind you (which again was the case here). after the first party is done, its time to fortify all Dragoons in front of where Kane's team will come and then make his units and then him look like the scrubs they are ;) After that its time to make his bitch Sabina into a scrub as well after taking care of the rest of the units and getting all the treasure. 5-6 - Having 4 Snipers will really help in this fight as alreadu in the very beginning, you can kill both Guardians and Basilisks with Salamander spam and then have each Sniper finish then off. Later in the fight i use the same approach i did in my other runs in this fight to save before another section rises up to perfectly align my units to destroy all enemies before they even get a chance to even think. The rest of the battle ends the same way.
@Rugalbernstein777 Ай бұрын
Continuing on with the battle strategies used for each fight with the best classes: 4-1 - As explained beforehand, this fight is arguably the hardest in the whole game do to its setting but of course here i showcase how you can overcome their class advancements with better strategy and better class viability (especially the Chad Armor class vs the scrub Soldier class XD). Let then come and use your Guardsmen to create chokepoints. Heal when necessary and abuse Phase Shift and multiple bowman to slowly kill their ranks of Crimson scrubs ;) 4-2 - This fight is always easy regardless of team composition but not having Hawknights will make it easier here as its usually the only unit with a danger of getting killed by multiple Bugaboos attacking it. Mana Key - I used this trial to level up everyone to level 20 and above as the next fight is actually hard to get it done deathless when not advanced. 4-3 - In a deathless run this fight can be quite annoying if you dont have everyone advanced and at level 20 or beyond and thats because if multiple Eggworms decide to focus on just one unit, it will more often than not will kill said unit with the help of further attacks. Strategy here is to pick a spot and try to focus most of the troops into said spot while placing a Dragoon on each end to kill those foolish enough to try and attack then. 4-4 - Having one extra bowman in this fight will sure make a difference alongside Phase Shift and Holy Pressure. Not having a Sky Lord here makes sure you dont have to reload if the Crimson Shooters decide to focus on it. In the end i decided to completely make Dallas a bitch by one shotting him while on a even level ;) This goes to show that the players Dragoons are just completely busted XD! 4-5 - Here having a extra Bowman will also help with taking out the Death Angels and Acid Ghosts. Here its also a good example how the Duelist class is worthless as the Skeletons are such a fodder that those in the beginning you can ignore and just move everyone to better positions. They will most likely attack your Snipers but the fail to even deal half their HP attacking from advantageous positions...yeah...Duelists suck XD! Make use of AI manipulation and turn your Dragoons back to then to try and bait then getting killed faster as Dragoons have a hard time moving with this map's terrain containing lots of barren tiles. Kill everything else strategically, get all the treasures and save Kira cause next chapter, its time to enjoy having 4 Snipers in the team ;)
@Blastoise9193 Ай бұрын
Vandal hearts is a classic game
@Rugalbernstein777 Ай бұрын
@@Blastoise9193 Thats a understatement there My man😊! I took me awhile tô Record all those runs cause i knew because of The very nature of The game The parts were gonna be long but i enjoy every milisecond of it😊
@Rugalbernstein777 Ай бұрын
@@Blastoise9193 Despite it being a classic, oddly enough not many People know about the game 😢😢. Hopefully you and everyone watching it are enjoying The run😊
@Blastoise9193 Ай бұрын
Yooooo Rugal hope your doing well brother 🙏it’s been a minute, I’ve been checking out your content 😎🤜🏻🤛🏻 great stuff. I took a break from the streams, too many trolls now. Take care and have a great week 🙌🏻
@Rugalbernstein777 Ай бұрын
@@Blastoise9193 Yoooo OG! I am doing well my man! Hope you are as well. Ahhh i got you man no worries😊!
great video keep up with great work
@Rugalbernstein777 Ай бұрын
@@PREDATORGAMINGHD1376 Thank You my man🙌🙌!
@ShaneDouglas713 Ай бұрын
ABSOLUTE FACTS!!!! (You're still a Bully to Eiji though!!! 😂)
@Rugalbernstein777 Ай бұрын
@@ShaneDouglas713 Haha! Then i guess i did get the point across as Duke Rugal Style😏😏
@ShaneDouglas713 Ай бұрын
@@Rugalbernstein777 LOL 😂 LITERALLY
@ShaneDouglas713 Ай бұрын
I don't think he likes the *Giant Swing Ride...* 🤣
@Rugalbernstein777 Ай бұрын
@@ShaneDouglas713 Nor The Siberian Express piledriver🤣🤣🤣
@ShaneDouglas713 Ай бұрын
@@Rugalbernstein777 Both do an assload of damage!!! 🤣
@Rugalbernstein777 Ай бұрын
@@ShaneDouglas713 Its ridiculous how powerful her throws are 😳😳😳
@ShaneDouglas713 Ай бұрын
@@Rugalbernstein777 Ikr? We're talking about SF6 Zangief Damage!!! 🤯
@Rugalbernstein777 Ай бұрын
@@ShaneDouglas713 Exactly that!! 🥶🥶
@Mgsthpv Ай бұрын
This thing is in kh3 :)
@Rugalbernstein777 Ай бұрын
@@Mgsthpv Oh ho i know that my Man 😏. I was very surprised when Kingdom Hearts 3 came out and saw that Black Ghost is a hidden boss on the gumi ship mode.
@Mgsthpv Ай бұрын
@@Rugalbernstein777 i sort of want to try einhander. Not sure though. Been playin jak2 as of late and kh2fm :)
@Rugalbernstein777 Ай бұрын
@@Mgsthpv Sorry for the late reply my man. Oh man i highly recommend you try out Einhander for sure!! Its such a unique shmup that to this day no other shmup can capture its essence. It can be a tough game like many shmups but its very forgiving thanks to the Gunpod system.
@Mgsthpv Ай бұрын
@@Rugalbernstein777 hell yeah. Nw on replies my friend all good. Ill have to give it a shot :)
@Rugalbernstein777 Ай бұрын
@@Mgsthpv Awesome! I hope you like it when you give it a go😉!
@Rugalbernstein777 Ай бұрын
Continuing on with the battle strategies for each fight with the best classes: 3-1 - As always this fight will always be free but this time around i did chase the Sparkies down instead of just let then kill thenselfs. 3-2 - With proper placement of each character on each corner, you can guarantee the best payout by making sure all Sparkies die as soon as new ones spawn. In the last turn make sure to do a in-battle save as reload if any of the Sparkies block as you will miss potential money. 3-3 - Here the strategy used was similar to my previous run but more optimized. Here i also show why the "weakness" of the Guardsman/Armor class to magic isnt that big of a deal when its the player Armor units as the power of the spells enemies uses would completely one shot their own Armor units if used on then while it can barely deal half of mines HP. Here you can also witness Clive and the useless Swordsman class completely fail in the end as he struggles to kill a Deacon... (He eventually gets him i promise XD!). In this fight i also take the opportunity to level Sara and Huxley to level 18 as this level gets the much needed Ultra Healing as at this point, Healing Plus starts to fall off abit. 3-4 - Here the strategy is relatively the same but this time instead of using Phase Shift with Zohar, i make sure i Paralyze the only unit that do anything bad to my Guardsmen which is their Warlock. Once he is Paralyzed, the Centurions may as well start writting their will ;). The Blood Bats are taken care by using my Bishops as bait for then since they cannot ever be Paralyzed. In the end leave the Deacon alive while everyone gets the treasures but this time i used the Deacon to also even the level of Diego to the rest of the party until he runs out of MP. Then i just make him kill himself by attacking Dolan ;) 3-5 - Here the strategy is relatively the same: wait till turn 5 and just waste on the enemies with everything without caring for MP consuption. Take this time to get the treasure and even out the levels of any unit behind. 3-6 - Here in the prison fight my first priority is to level Eleni to level 14 to get Phase Shift. I also showcase another way you can "Cheat" the Juggernauts by paralyzing then. Since Paralyzes reduces your block % to 0, this is one way you can kill then if they ever get their back towards a wall if you mess up manipulating their AI. After getting Phaze Shift its time to kill the other Juggernauts and get the treasures while making the Mimics look like dunces by ambushing then as you reveal then XD! 3-7 - In the beginning i make sure that Clint is out of reach from the Warlocks while nuking most enemies with Phase Shift while i also make sure Darius is safe from the Grenadiers. Later on i move everyone towards the main party to be in range of Ultra Healing while i slowly reduce their numbers until only Dumas is left. Once Dumas is attacking my Guardsmen i make sure to level Darius and everyone below level 17 by attacking Dumas if they arent already level 17. In the end i just make sure to show Dumas besides him needing to change his name to Dumbass how much of a scrub he is in the face of my Guardsmen ;)
@JS-lh1lp Ай бұрын
The handicap is only for VS mode by design.
@Rugalbernstein777 Ай бұрын
@@JS-lh1lp Not quite as even in The regular mode, if you set The CPU above 100 it will still apply tô then but not if you set it below. For you it pretty much doesnt work even if you set it below 100 as The game seems tô lock you At a predefined HP per fight. Its just those hidden weird ways games back then would cheat in The AIs favor for added difficulty and Toshinden is no exception tô this rule. Also The way it ends up working is still glitched/broken anyway🤷🤷
@Rugalbernstein777 Ай бұрын
Continuing on with the battle strategies used for each fight with the best classes: 2-1 - This fight is relatively the same. After kiting all the villagers and then me getting to the "safe zone", i noticed that Ash was close to level 14 which is when he learns Rolling Fire, so i aim to get hit by Piercing Light to heal it off for EXP. Huxley later evens out his level with Ash somewhat in the meantime casting Mystic Shield on him as getting early access to Bless Weapon is also nice. 2-2 - This fight was also the same. I own the Mad Soldiers with the Chad Guradsmen but i make sure one stays alive Paralyzed just to get all the treasures. 2-3 - I normally advise to give both Kira and Clint an Herb or 2 to each just in case its really needed but most of the time, its not really needed if you play it out correctly, better safe then sorry as they say. The main party will have a easier time with Grog and Dolan destroying everything. 2-4 - In my first run i didnt fully optimize the first section of this fight but this time i showcase how you can dispatch the 4 Shooterimps with expert AI manipulation and one more to the list of millions of reasons on why Swordsman suck balls and you dont need units made just to poorly remove enemy Archers as your own are the best answer to then. So i kite then to attack my Guardsmen acting as lures, then i pick then off one by one with my own Bowmen from below. Once everyone is up is just another dream setup for Guardsmen with the advantage of high ground to the mix ;) 2-5 - The best way to approach this fight is to place your units always in a formation style that i use in the video where the main strategy is to strategically make the enemies aim in the units you want then too especially the Imps to attack the Guardsmen. The formation also is placed in such a way that one cast of Healing Plus is enough to heal everyone needed at once. Once you strategically remove every enemy where only Magnus remain, make sure you move in such a way where Magnus will expose himself the most casting Raimbow Storm to hit the most amount of your units as possible. The spell is very weak as it barely even damages the Guardsmen. Once he gets his one cast off, its time for you to heal up and then make Magnus look like a scrub Rugal Style ;) 2-6 - The strategy used is relatively the same but more optimized this time around to avoid some of the RNG of how the Dogs move by cutting off most of the ways possible from the start better.
@Lawliet117 Ай бұрын
zohars monk form is nice looking, stance is a little awkward though.
@Rugalbernstein777 Ай бұрын
@@Lawliet117 Zohar as a Monk The idle stance is ok but The Ninja one is weird as you can see that He can move each Claw like it were a extension of its fingers. I do like his Ninja attack animation. Cant go wrong with The spin😊
@Rugalbernstein777 Ай бұрын
Here i will detail the strategies used for each fight: 1-1 - This fight is very similar to the other runs in that you wanna make sure to get as much EXP possible with Ash by letting him get damaged to use Faerie Light and to also make Zoot use Self Heal for more EXP. 1-2 - Like always have Diego kill all the War Ghosts, get all the treasures and have the Hunterimps damage Ash for EXP purposes. I did cut most of the process this time around since its the same as previous runs but a slight miscalculation on my end and bad luck with a terrible defense boost meant i had to reload a inbattle save here. 1-3 - This fight is similar to my previous runs but i did optimize the whole party level here this time around. 1-4 - In this fight this time around the CPU wasnt cooperating. As i showed in my previous runs, the AI will favor attacking units where it can attack from the best advantageous positions but sometimes when you have a unit that is way higher leveled compared to the rest, the AI might switch and target your low leveled units even if they only can ever get then from the front. Normally what i said above is a AI logic when the enemy knows the attack will be a kill, but like every rule there are exceptions and sometimes Vandal Hearts AI does "break". I do the same leveling trick here but i cut only to showcase the end result. 1-5 - With all my units Advanced, theres no need for me to stall here so i quickly end Death Ant's life. Just like my destruction run, you can see how hard it is to deal damage beyond a minimum amount to the Death Ant but Clint this time was able to deal alot more then before. Nova Key - I used this trial to level up Grog but since i showcased this in my destruction run, i cut it and only show the end where Clint asserts his dominance over the shitty Soldier class as the Chad Guardsman ;) 1-6 - The dream map when Grog and Clint are Guardsmen ;) They will just be throwing lifeless pirate bodies in the ocean like they are nothing. In the end Grog asserts his dominace yet again over Hassan by one shotting him silly ;)
@Lawliet117 Ай бұрын
also apart from Kira and maybe Sara / Eleni everyone looks worse, grogs pink shield is too much, dragoons are badass :C
@Rugalbernstein777 Ай бұрын
@@Lawliet117 Oh yeah The Guardsman/Dragoon designs are without doubt muuuuch better. I do like Huxley Monk/Ninja design however and i do give him some Justice as a Monk as He Just gets owned over and over in The demo 🤣🤣🤣
@ShaneDouglas713 Ай бұрын
@Rugalbernstein777 Ай бұрын
@@ShaneDouglas713 Same here My Man🤝🤝😊! Both Ogres are so busted, saying you felt like a bully is a understatement 🤣🤣🤣
@ShaneDouglas713 Ай бұрын
@@Rugalbernstein777 True Ogre is the worst mainly because of his Flame 🔥 Breath attack... (Which I spammed with malicious intent...😈)
@Rugalbernstein777 Ай бұрын
@@ShaneDouglas713 Ahhhh... The Best scrub killer move 😏😏😏
@ShaneDouglas713 Ай бұрын
@@Rugalbernstein777 EXACTLY 😈
@ShaneDouglas713 Ай бұрын
Ken showed Ryu the Proper way to use the Alpha Counter!!!! lol 😂
@Rugalbernstein777 Ай бұрын
@@ShaneDouglas713 Ikr? I dont think i saw The CPU pull off something this goated before (not counting bullshit 0 frame reading vs humans of course🤣🤣)
@ShaneDouglas713 Ай бұрын
@@Rugalbernstein777 I haven't either, that was crazy...
@Rugalbernstein777 Ай бұрын
@@ShaneDouglas713 It will take some effort tô top that One for sure
@ShaneDouglas713 Ай бұрын
@@Rugalbernstein777 True, the Bar is high...