The Myth of Love
4 ай бұрын
4 ай бұрын
Power Games
5 ай бұрын
The Myth of Willpower
6 ай бұрын
What is Quantum Physics?
6 ай бұрын
Deconstructing Noise
8 ай бұрын
Escape from Evil
8 ай бұрын
Making Sense of Non-Duality
9 ай бұрын
Conflict is Normal
9 ай бұрын
9 ай бұрын
Enlightened Darkness
9 ай бұрын
Out of Control
10 ай бұрын
5 Inconvenient Facts
11 ай бұрын
Myth Busting
11 ай бұрын
Your Cruel Superego
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The Cost of Inner Peace
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No Artificial Colorings
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Become a Conscious Dog
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Forget about the Present
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Gurdjieff Silliness
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Why Do Gas Stations Cluster?
The Myth of Beauty
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The Secret of Happiness
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Baby Brain
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What is Consciousness?
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Spiritual Rehab
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@WilburSmith-cw4uo 3 күн бұрын
The concept of 'consciousness (CCS)' can help alleviate the fear of death in the following way: 1. Martin rightly states that when we die, our intellect, memory, feelings, desires, and everything that constitutes our mind cease to exist. 2. In CCS theory, the 'mind' is what we generally refer as the ‘I’. For example ‘I like banana’ should be read as ‘mind likes banana’. Not ‘my mind likes banana’. Because when you take out the mind there is no ‘I’. Of course you don’t practice this kind of thinking 24 hours a day. Only for 10 or 15 min, when you have free time, going through the day internally and then try to replace the ‘I’ where ever it appears in the narration with ‘mind’ 3. The individual is then presented with a choice: to identify with the mind or with CCS. 4. If one identifies with the mind, then their identity dies when they die, as the mind ceases to exist. 5. However, if one identifies with CCS, then upon death only the mind goes, but CCS continues to exist. This means that when we sleep, CCS is awake and observes the emptiness because mind is not producing anything, and when the mind produces something in the form of dreams, CCS observes those dreams. 6. CCS is like a CCTV camera that merely observes what happens in its presence. So when you die the CCS will observe nothing because there is no mind to produce anything at all. Of course, why go through touching your nose around your head while you can simply say there is no CCS at all From a young age, we are conditioned to believe in the concept of the first person through language. We answer questions like "What is your name?" "Where did you go?" "Why did you do it?" so many times that we develop the notion of an 'I' doing everything the body does. We mistakenly conclude that the thoughts we observe in our mind are thoughts 'we' created, and we take ownership of them. However, if we acknowledge that billions of neurons come together to form the 'self,' and that the 'self' is merely like a mouse pointer previewing what's happening in the mind, we can gain a new perspective. For example, if you're planning to see a bank manager for a loan and make a note on the calendar, you can articulate that it's the mind making these plans, and you're simply observing it. Whether or not the 'I' takes credit for the mind's actions, they still happen automatically, like the Earth revolving around the Sun. These concepts can be useful as we get older and help us overcome depression. Initially, until around age 40, people may not be interested in letting go of the 'I' and replacing it with 'mind,' especially if they're successful and happy with their life. However, as we get older and our journey starts descending, latching onto CCS can be helpful. To truly understand CCS, one must engage in practices like breathwork and observe thoughts while holding the breath. CCS is like the concept of God; in popular culture, God is perceived as a being in heaven with feelings and plans like us, but the true concept of God is much deeper and not everyone will be interested in exploring it. Similarly, CCS requires practices that alter one's perception without the aid of drugs like marijuana. It is the practice that alters the perception not just believing the CCS. The CCS acts as teaser to hook the person to get into the practice Thanks, "[email protected]"
@kmagee6286 5 күн бұрын
Hi from ChapelHill
@user-yk9sk7pg6v 8 күн бұрын
Thank you, Martin.
@user-yk9sk7pg6v 10 күн бұрын
Thank you.
@user-yk9sk7pg6v 12 күн бұрын
thank you -
@user-yk9sk7pg6v 12 күн бұрын
Thank you *
@user-yk9sk7pg6v 12 күн бұрын
Thank you.
@user-yk9sk7pg6v 12 күн бұрын
Thank you.
@user-yk9sk7pg6v 12 күн бұрын
just revisiting your channel today after some time away - thanks again.
@user-yk9sk7pg6v 13 күн бұрын
just coming back to this one a year later - thanks again, martin
@nathanmcgrory4158 14 күн бұрын
channel should be called martin butlers journey through false ideas. Sad to see the covert pride still at play here.
@apn42 24 күн бұрын
Only men are bad, women are good.
@apn42 24 күн бұрын
Nobody really understands what anything means. They just think they do.
@chrisw7347 29 күн бұрын
It seems like you're saying becoming a better person is either not a coherent idea or not worth it. I don't see either of those being true. You're right about details like trying to flee from or suppress anger being harmful, or that we should care about what is bullshit and it being imperative to tell it to fuck off, but repeatedly exercising our anger for life is just going to make people around us miserable and us miserable. A person who is deeply understanding of others and doesn't just mindlessly react with some assumption that any reaction must be valid, which is the opposite of anger, is just a better person. We should be interested in how to be that. There are ways to get closer or farther to this just like there are facts and falsities to any other endeavor(How to be a good room mate? Method 44,893: Don't splash acid in their face as a prank). Validating our every emotion is exactly a good method to remain a shit person-- ample evidence of the consequences of this validation should be clear in this modern narcissistic world, and denial of emotions being a harm does not entail the contrary being good.
@user-cv8zi5re7f 29 күн бұрын
I usually get up at the time I need to get up without using an alarm clock.Am I conscious when I sleep?
@Cocomoc. Ай бұрын
Well, existence based on fear …how explain people having strokes at 21 from clogging arteries with junk food? Trying to mediate little this and that is the cure.. ? Not giving a fuck will end one in jail, dead or not sure where else. Those who produce in order to make money dont care…should we all dont care? Hmm that’s interesting… cure is the main thing and only one thing - care, capacity to care for other . Maybe mother earth deserve little caring?
@Cocomoc. Ай бұрын
Great lecture. Thank you
@Timothy4186 Ай бұрын
Wow! This Martin Butler is a knucklehead and he sounds drunk on this video. He says Gurdjieff would not have been as popular if he had a less exotic sounding name, like "Peter Smith." He shares multiple, superfluous anecdotal tales about people you've never heard of, and whose individual experiences are meaningless. He keeps warning "be careful" and then sites factually incorrect information about Gurdjieff and Ouspensky. Multiple times he says, "I once heard a person say....." and then rattles off some meaningless quote from some nobody you've never heard of. He cites no examples of the "silliness" he accuses Gurdjieff of being. He claims that both Ouspensky and John Bennett state that "the Work doesn't work." This video is worse than worthless. You'll never get back the time you wasted listening to it.
@m.rebman7221 Ай бұрын
My entire life has been frequented by painful gymnastic manoeuvres to avoid this pernicious brand of thought police. Just reprised this short podcast with renewed enjoyment. Sarcasm can help break a logjam of stupidity… a kind of shock therapy that’s needed when reasoned argument fails .
@michelheyse9067 Ай бұрын
So then …. Getting rid of desire …isn’t that actually what the Buddha told his followers? Nothing new I guess, but ofcorse the desire to get rid of desire…is a new desire….haha. Just shrugging the shoulders is probably the best “ zen “ thing to do I guess. In this turmoil of times with extensive input from you tube & electronic devices taking a walk in the forest WITHOUT the continues chattering in the head is the best cure I guess. Agree? 😊
@Gvarab Ай бұрын
Maurice Nicolls Pychological commentaries on the reaching of George Gurgieff helpedme thruogh a severe live criais, so enough said, they fave me both a nethod and purpose
@musinKanto Ай бұрын
Isn’t Silliness is essential too? Letting Reasoning run wild outside set forms we know within our grasp of forms in time and space. One example: how artists build new techniques and philosophers make their unpublished essays, or even children develop their innate abilities within their environment. So, no silliness made me frown my left eye. Although intentional of this video might need further explanation on what type of silliness in particular. Intention of silliness though, has to be with eyes on the goal and feet on the ground. I say this without ever being in a Gurdjieff group.
@ezcurramb Ай бұрын
I don't know why I find your vision conforting... I have everything I need, even things I thought I would never have (yesss I was dammaged too as a child...) yet, having said that, may I ask why aré you married? (It's easier to ask you than to ask myself)... Thanks and excuse my english... Greetings from Argentina.
@kkop4982 Ай бұрын
Survival monsters😂 that line cracked me up.
@aaronsmyth7943 Ай бұрын
Ha ha, men are romantics masquerading as pragmatists, while women are pragmatists masquerading as romantics.
@keshavraj8545 Ай бұрын
What is your thoughts on karma
@OrangeNash Ай бұрын
Is it as much that everybody behaves in the way automatic to them, from their individual influences? Not every tradesman rips people off! Some will even do extra work for free. The point is that they do what they do automatically. Similarly, if a person finds a lost wallet with a load of cash and an address, some will hand it in while others will see it as their lucky day and keep the cash. No consciousness required. Some may even keep the cash, then feel guilty, others will hand it in, then have feelings that they should have kept it. The point is not that it's neither a dog-eat-dog world, nor a happy-clappy-valley world. It is that humans behave based on their automatic processing from a combination of genetics, conditioning and externally driven experience.
@oogabooga685 2 ай бұрын
This is explained in great detail by Karla McLaren in her book "The Language of Emotions"
@mikekensington1705 2 ай бұрын
I love this one.
@ciararespect4296 2 ай бұрын
Writing a book. People seem to want one 😂😂😂😂 pull the other one lol you want to make money as you had a failed business and also want fame. Nothing wrong with admitting it?
@deborahbutler 2 ай бұрын
You are so very very wrong here. Odd that you want to make a spiteful comment like this. Why? What hurts?
@michamichalak6200 2 ай бұрын
There was a study that concluded "humble bragging" is a real put off, it would be enough to say "some people seem to want one" without "for whatever reason". If you got brain it is easy to tell if Martin engages in self-deception. Here, I see no, self-deception.
@snatchbalance 2 ай бұрын
Good bit.
@dejangaletic7884 2 ай бұрын
Have to disagree with the conclusion. Do the best you can. You kill, you're killing yourself, steal, destroy, pollute, money, power, success, corruption, greed...everything is connected. You often mention Gurjieff, but who taught Hitler that by raising his hand he can manipulate more people under his control?
@michelheyse9067 2 ай бұрын
I am certainly a bad one 🧟‍♂️, I don’t smoke & drink alcohol and am vegan….don’t worship any god and use the Internet as a tool for gaining knowledge instead of fame and ego boosting…..knowing things is enough and as I always say “ knowing is not enough,we must apply. My KZbin and Facebook pages are filled with interesting people and interesting topics, not my face and wat i am doing is key. Nothing about me. And that’s bad I guess….wel surtainley unusual hahaha 😅
@michelheyse9067 3 ай бұрын
Indeed..we are a process, a happening. Like a whirlpool is always changing, it’s constantly moving and the water is not for on second the same…illusion & maya.
@michelheyse9067 3 ай бұрын
Like Carline once stated “ do you believe in god, no? / bang…do you believe in god , yes .. 👍..and do you believe in my god ? No…/ bang 😦…do you believe in my god? Yes…ok 😊….my god is better then your god! But..he needs money, al powerful..but just can’t handle money 💴…
@brunoqueiroz2759 3 ай бұрын
One psychology teacher in my university told class that if one understands Spinoza one also understands 50% of psychology
@michelheyse9067 3 ай бұрын
George carline told it all with a humorous way 😮 , you tell it intellectual
@iscosphilosophy9120 3 ай бұрын
Hope is the root of positivity. I see broken and very disfigured people wondering why they go on its hope not positive imo I might be wrong.
@michelheyse9067 3 ай бұрын
From the past they get depressed,from the future they get anxiety…and there is no present… so then…shrugging the cholders is probably the way to start.
@michelheyse9067 3 ай бұрын
Life is like driving a car always 😅looking in the background mirror 😊
@michelheyse9067 3 ай бұрын
Maby you can be my teacher? You never know. One of the quotations from watts I think was “ too known your self is too see your self in axion with other people “ . I can’t improve myself because “ the one who is doing the improvements is the one who needs too be improved “ is also a quote from him …so then 😅
@michelheyse9067 3 ай бұрын
I studied the words of Alan watts for 15 years now, and now I understand watts 😊he means and it’s in the nature of wat your words are good for you, your on the right track to? Ofcorse…
@michelheyse9067 3 ай бұрын
I am not special..but most surtain different.😮 And the more I understand,the more I feel I know nothing… great feeling. I don’t drink alcohol,smoke nor try to get a good feeling from anything…. nothing too gain, nothing to loose. There is no i, there is just “ wat is “ . And sometimes there is happiness and sometimes there is sadness and pain…don’t worry.. it will pass.
@michelheyse9067 3 ай бұрын
There is no i… its a point of reference where the universe looks at itself 😊
@michelheyse9067 3 ай бұрын
Understanding is key…understanding of “ wat is”😮
@michelheyse9067 3 ай бұрын
Enlightening!😅 no…enlightened is just the “ ahaa” moment…that’s it .