The Clone Wars Part 2 Preview
Andor is a Breath of Fresh Air
Better Call Saul is a Masterpiece
Kenobi video preview
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@gordonneverdies Минут бұрын
I don't understand why it's so hard for people to make extented content for an IP without breaking the rules of the universe.
@zues2011 39 минут бұрын
2:09 Regular Car Reviews what are you doing here??
@EclipseEngCorp. Сағат бұрын
i hate HATE dave filoni, he has this huge problem of having characters not die, and if they are his characters then they are the most op shit ever, and are somehow better than all the others.
@gordonneverdies 2 сағат бұрын
I haven't trusted George since he defaced the OT and called it the definitive edition. Same with JKR and Harry Potter. They created something great but couldn't stop messing with it.
@Tairn1234 2 сағат бұрын
I gotta tell ya, Sheev, I did like the Clone Wars. But most if not all the ideas you presented, particularly around Anakin and Ahsoka’s relationship and what it could have been, made me feel more than the show ever did. Well done, and great video …s. Great videos.
@cubeflinger 2 сағат бұрын
I would argue RLM probably influenced TFAs final form.
@ericbogacz6274 2 сағат бұрын
wouldn't cuts' kids inherit his accelerated aging? they wouldn't be that old by that point but I feel that it would play a factor in their growth
@kabosustan2484 4 сағат бұрын
22:00 A protaganist doesn't need to be the main character, they just need to be on the same side of, and take up a lot of space with the main character. Obi-Wan is a protaganist, as is Jar Jar
@kabosustan2484 4 сағат бұрын
The prequels are bad, Phantom Menace is funny bad, attack of the clones is just bad and revenge the Sith is less bad with redeeming quality’s (still bad). But George Lucus was trying to tell in interesting story about how democracy dies and people cheer, it had themes and was trying to say something. The Sequels where cash grabs, as was the prequels, but whereas the prequels where trying to tell a deep and important story the sequels where designed by committee to be unoffensive, apolitical and to please the crowd. Theres no soul to the sequels, just shareholders trying to increase their profit margins. I'm sure there will be a sequels renaissance, but there just isn't enough soul to resurrect those films the way the prequels where resurrected.
@izayacobbin5589 5 сағат бұрын
Luke wouldn’t even be involved in the story if it wasn’t for r2
@animalhalo5984 6 сағат бұрын
It always bothered me that people he Jedi saw anakin as the chosen one and not once in 10 ish years did they think to go back and free his mother. I get that attachment is bad, the jedi abduct kids constantly and all but why not offer compensation as a routine thing. “Here we are taking your kid, lets set you up afterall we jedi dont believe in the material”
@animalhalo5984 6 сағат бұрын
1:01:52 i take the force to be inline with the living universe explanation from the Halo forerunner era where the force itself is alive and experiences this life through its inhabitants. Drawing from the Mortis arc of TCW, the force itself is one entity but 2 sides. Sort of how the Father is the entity and his two children got their power from him. There is the light which is fair and does not seek to dominate, only to balance, and the dark which seeks to control and poison the life. A belief that the strong should survive. Granted you cannot interpret this from the movies alone however the Jedi are like an Alt-light side. They believe the light is the only way. And balance is being all light.
@animalhalo5984 6 сағат бұрын
55:06 Its cheap but we can just say that the force has its own will and is an entity of its own. Midichlorians are bs. But the magic system itself is alive and has some sort of balanced plan or goal. Anakin was not. The result of Sidious and his master playing God. Anakin was the result of the force responding to Palpatines interference in the force and attempt to create a being of pure dark side
@lsvids595 6 сағат бұрын
Heavily disagree with the r2 point. Sheev doesn’t fully comprehend the scope of the connection.
@animalhalo5984 7 сағат бұрын
I enjoy the breakdown but it is a way to tie Luke and Anakin together having them both in relation to the same droids. Yes its coincidental that in a galaxy of quintillions of life forms and decillions of automated droids, these two manage to be at the center. But it gives R2 and C3PO more significance in the plot other than one follows the other because he has a flash drive and then they were just best friends. We kind of see the bond between them grow from the moment 3po is activated
@animalhalo5984 7 сағат бұрын
50:14 i would argue that Antilles being the same man that Bail left R2 and 3pO and also the one escorting Leia isnt a crazy concept. Antilles witnessed Bail speaking to 2 Jedi who were now fugitives. So obviously Bail had alot of trust around this man. Who else would he trust to fly his daughter around and keep her cover that they were on a diplomatic mission. Granted that Bail was head if his planet around this time or married to royalty or whatever, but he knew he could rely on Cpt Antilles
@animalhalo5984 7 сағат бұрын
44:30 i would say Nute Gunray moving padme away from him is fotting. He is cowardly and likely knows if the Jedi come looking for her they would find him and force him to remove the trade block. At least “processing” the queen would make it less likely to come face to face with the Jedi
@animalhalo5984 7 сағат бұрын
43:47 i always took processing to mean what it means in the modern day. A general term for the paperwork of gathering personal information such as name, employment, political rank, affiliation, family etc.
@animalhalo5984 7 сағат бұрын
25:36 maybe Im biased but there are key character himts in dialogue. For instance Quigon arguing with the council or pointing out when Obiwan says “the council wont like this” shows that Quigon is a character that generally plays by his own rules and trusts himself or the force more than-the other jedi whereas Obiwan is more by the books but still young and a bit sarcastic towards his free range master. Anakin disobeying Quigon shows he is young and a bit rebellious but also does what he think is best to help. He is a kid that enjoys tinkering and adventure which is shown by his admiration of Quigon when he asks about his lightsaber. Padme is a sensitive but strong caring woman who takes her role as leader very seriously etc etc erc
@animalhalo5984 8 сағат бұрын
The opening to TPM was boring? Im sure watching droids negotiate with a giant space slug was fascinating. Or watching Luke patrol a frozen wasteland was peak opening
@TiberianFiend 8 сағат бұрын
I watched this movie in theaters when I was 14 or 15 and I was so bored I almost walked out.
@Darkington 8 сағат бұрын
Not only do I agree Lego Star Wars Pod Racing was baller, but the Skywalker Saga version is infinitely worse and the most boring experience in a videogame I've had since Fallout 76.
@miqvPL 9 сағат бұрын
Duel talk- Qui Gonn and Kenobi don't try to get any information out of Maul. They meet a guy from a sith religion that has been absent for 1000 years and they don't try to get anything out of him? No dialogue whatsoever. Maul is also silent, no taunting, no shittalk. I don't mean talking while fighting, that is hard to pull off in a fast paced battle but there are moments like with energy barriers where the tension is growing. I know, show don't tell but at the end of the movie we have Mace and Yoda guessing if they killed the master or the apprentice. They could have tried to learn it. Fight choreography is fine, it's hard to coordinate 3 people to make it look better than it did.
@OdiVonDobi22 9 сағат бұрын
So I like the Prequels. They have their faults but I thought they were fun. The music is top notch. The lightsaber duels were cool. There is a lot of dialog clunkiness but it has a beginning, a middle, and a end. Palpatine is fun as a big bad and they will have a hard time topping him and Vader. It was well casted but dialog choice and these guys being some of the first actors to do blue/green screen must have been difficult and I think this set of movies taught other film makers how to do filming better with CGI. The Revenge of the Sith was the best and it's flawed but overall well done. Some people fan different and it seems like nothing makes you happy except to criticize ad nauseum. Your not wrong to point out some stuff in SW could have been written, directed, and acted better ESPECIALLY the OT. There is some cringy delivery of lines and Carrie Fischer wasn't great at first she had a weird way of delivering lines. As she grew older and the same with Mark over time the became their characters and did better. The whole thing is a great cinema changing historically important part of culture. I love SW and it's fun to debate or meme this content. It's all good and may the Force be with all of you!😁
@Darkington 9 сағат бұрын
I like you and Nerdrotic.
@tylerloving7132 10 сағат бұрын
I remember waking out of the theater thinking, did that suck? I need to see it again. Yup, it sucks bad.
@bradsmith9526 10 сағат бұрын
I enjoyed this nice job.
@Darkington 10 сағат бұрын
Given that everyone praising the Sequels were adults with the minds of children, I don't think they'll be seeing a resurgence.
@badomen6172 10 сағат бұрын
Look, I hate this show and the actual explanation for the issue I’m talking about is still stupid, but Barry letting himself get arrested for DeVoe’s murder was a big plot point because he didn’t want to lie his way to freedom. Yes, he could have covered it up. Yes, someone has probably already commented this. But it made me think you didn’t listen to the BULK of the season. I mean, yo, even Season 1 sucked but I LOVED IT TO DEATH because I was high as shit but you must’ve been on some HARD shit if you missed as much of the third season as it sounds like you did.
@mushroomsoup7600 11 сағат бұрын
no matter how much i disagree, with some of his points, i cant not hear this man out
@Masteroogway40 11 сағат бұрын
2:12:00 I laughed so hard at this all Obi wan fault Montague I had to re-watch it like 7 times.
@Democratic_Republic_of_Iacon 11 сағат бұрын
This guy's entire criticism is detroyed if you put on captions.
@icantdriftjk9064 11 сағат бұрын
Clone wars is fire either way
@kieranwebb1241 11 сағат бұрын
I personally think the tattooine relevance through 1-6 is far more logical than r2-d2/c3po’s presences. Like Luke was sent back there as an infant because his step family through his grandmother were from there, and he would be out of sight of the empire as a rural planet, though he could have lived with padme’s family. Then again, odds are Vader goes to naboo and would thus find out about Luke on naboo, but not tatooine. If you think about a new hope, you have to consider that Luke and kenobi being on the same planet was no coincidence at the time of release, as obi wan clearly stated he worked with anakin, but the prequels make tatooine make far more sense imo
@Wot50202 12 сағат бұрын
These video names kill me oh my god
@tylerlewis9984 12 сағат бұрын
I know I know it's not a great defense but possibly the reason obi wan pretended to not know r2 could have to do with him assuming r2 didn't have a memory erase. If r2 had told Luke about Anakin obi wan could deny it and say the droid is lying or malfunctioning or something. As for why r2 didn't tell him anything I really don't know unless he was just in denial or something
@randytyson 12 сағат бұрын
This show takes the worst aspects of cw and rebels and delivers pure mediocrity
@azv343 12 сағат бұрын
I love contortionists... You're my new favorite one. I'm going to call you... Pretzel ❤
@Demigod_3scrub 13 сағат бұрын
0:34 Holy shit i stay in Memphis, Tn 😂 Nice 👍 all my life im 38 now
@DarthTelos 13 сағат бұрын
You recently said you didn’t understand the goal of ‘the force’ (it’s Telos). The force may seek balance but that doesn’t make it creator. You’re now asking theologically what the God of the Star Wars universe is. It achieves balance after 6 (ignoring sequels) you said you don’t want a constant dialectic (like the sequels present). Well the force having a telos solves that, but you’re not asking why. So the why, this can only be answered by understanding the God of that universe. Your understanding of suffering and God comes from Protestantism not orthodoxy. Suffering is a consequence of the fall. In Christianity (orthodoxy) the goal of life is theosis and it’s tie to the end of the world and the creation of the new world inherited by the meek while those who achieve theosis (saints) reside in constant liturgy. Look into the transcendental argument and go from there. This is the only way to further your thoughts and wisdom on this topic, even if only from a philosophical point of view.
@andrewponder3855 14 сағат бұрын
1.5/10!? That's rather generous.
@flyer3154 14 сағат бұрын
I thought order 66 was programmed to clones from the start in EU
@jonahkey9313 14 сағат бұрын
Underneath this video
@m.moffat 14 сағат бұрын
One thing I will say abt the inquisitor base is that in Jedi Fallen Order (a game that most likely in production and being worked on before Kenobi was in pre-pro/production) takes place in 14 BBY. At the end of the game Cal Kestis and his small group break into the fortress to retrieve a holocron in a very similar way. They also have a fight with Darth Vader in a hallway where a window to the ocean is broken and Vader has to stop fighting Cal to hold back the ocean. Kenobi takes place in 9 BBY. So knowing all that you’re telling me that a.) The Empire never upgraded security at the fortress after a break in. b.) the Empire never realized that there are in fact people “stupid enough to try to break in” and never thought to take that into consideration. c.) no officer that was on sight or traveled to the fortress after the events of Fallen Order realized the flaw. d.) DARTH VADER HIMSELF NEVER MENTIONED THAT HE HAD TO HOLD BACK THE OCEAN BECAUSE THE GLASS WAS NOT STRONG ENOUGH. It may seem like a nitpick but these are the details you have to account for when you’re in a SHARED UNIVERSE. I know it’s already proven that Disney does not care and pretty much doesn’t fact check their shows but damn
@realswgen 15 сағат бұрын
Based on this video and your others, I’ve noticed that you put a lot of focus on consistency as many of your criticisms tend to deal with inconsistency with plot, tone, characters, etc. If this is the case, may I ask why consistency is so important to you and how much does it truly matter?
@Gundamguy-py3ir 12 сағат бұрын
Because if you're writing a story consistently is important. If you start a story with a certain native and plot, and end said story with a completely different narrative and plot. The audience is going to be confused. How is this even a discussion?
@CRYSTAL_CUSTOMS 7 сағат бұрын
If I write a book but completely ignore the current characters and plot half way through the book then my readers just wasted their time
@realswgen 5 сағат бұрын
@@Gundamguy-py3ir @CRYSTAL_CUSTOMS Good points. Perhaps I’m just more forgiving of the inconsistencies in Lucas’ Star Wars (granted they can sometimes be frustrating depending on what it is) because in my interpretation of this series, Star Wars isn’t about plot points, logic, or actions. It’s about themes, concepts, feelings and thought-provoking ideas. That’s where my focus is primarily at in these movies.
@AgentSmith1991 15 сағат бұрын
I just want to say one thing about the prophecy. If you rewind the clock a bit, just after episode 3 came out, there was a period of time where we, the audience, saw no other Jedi after Order 66 except for Kenobi and Yoda. And there was only Sidious and Vader on the dark side: 2 to 2, the Force was in balance because of Anakin/Vader. But then they added Ahsoka....and Ventress... and never killed them off... and brought Maul back... and introduced Inquisitors... and jedi survivors... and more survivors... and then more still... ultimately, they did indeed make it impossible for Anakin to actually bring the Force into balance by that interpretation l. It would, logically, be impossible to exterminate every jedi in the galaxy. But I do try to segregate logic and mysticism at least a little bit when enjoying my fiction. Personally, I prefer to think of the prophecy as having been misinterpreted by the Jedi. They thought he would be a Chosen One to vanquish the Sith for good, but instead, he was their undoing because the sides had become so imbalanced with so many on the Light side. But that's just my opinion.
@AJS-zn3cj 15 сағат бұрын
I'm glad you brought up Anakin's age. I've always thought he should have been an angry teenager, pissed off at being a slave on a shitty backwater planet.