The Aftermath of TONY BLAIR
14 күн бұрын
@kevincasey5035 Сағат бұрын
Ben - a lot better than throwing your toys out of your pram. All forgiven and forgotten?
@songsmith31a Сағат бұрын
in the world inhabited by idiots, intelligence is a rare quality, not least in politics. Keep going, Mr are doing common sense reality a service by stating your opinions. Miliband is a servant of short-sighted stupidity that refuses to recognise its own folly.
@oee5551 Сағат бұрын
👍🏽 Respect & Gratitude. ❤
@michellerowell158 Сағат бұрын
@magsobrien5055 2 сағат бұрын
Yep!! x
@gary637 3 сағат бұрын
Ben needs to convince the three unionist parties in Northern Ireland to merge with Reform. Add the Scottish 52% pro unionists, add the Welsh Brexiteers and you have millions of new votes and dozens seats in Westminster.
@thomask2945 3 сағат бұрын
Stay strong Ben!!!!
@MCNOISE666 5 сағат бұрын
Why won't this attention seeker do this in private?! Sick of this bs. Ben, can you not be professional???
@TheNewshound-pq2im 6 сағат бұрын
Why go public Habib? It's all about self-promotion with no thought about the Party. Time to do the decent thing and resign. However good people are, we don't need two-faced egotists like Habib.
@LittleLottie-nj2gb 6 сағат бұрын
Habib is an egotist. He is no team player. Reform would be better off without traitors like Habib.
@stuart845 6 сағат бұрын
Thank you Ben. Best politician in the Reform party.
@michellerowell158 6 сағат бұрын
@TheNewshound-pq2im 6 сағат бұрын
No loss racist.
@craftwolzip5356 7 сағат бұрын
Thank you Ben we the British Patriots need you along with Reform! 🇬🇧❤️🙏✌️
@Jammyhorse 7 сағат бұрын
Excellent- you have my full support Ben. I was rather hoping you were successful gaining office, but I suspect you will now be the Country’s most important and influential politician outwith Westminster.
@grahampestridge4368 9 сағат бұрын
Reform for government.
@CumbriaPreacher 9 сағат бұрын
Ben Habib is more British than Boris Johnson.
@9MileRoary 10 сағат бұрын
Here, here!
@britanniau.k.4352 11 сағат бұрын
Ben is absolutely right.The schism is wider,deeper and fractured along geo- political lines spanning the world. The New World Order fanatics want national identity and patriotism destroyed by any means and at any cost.Climate change zealotry is just one tool in the box.
@GinaShiel 11 сағат бұрын
Spot on...unfortunately the globalists have infiltrated the government.....until they are rooted out the UK will continue to be dismantled and subjected to the Net Zero nonsense...which seems to be a vehicle to impoverish the country...IMHO.....
@michaelpassmore9369 Күн бұрын
Ben deserves a good position in the party - honorary president is free ;-)
@TheNewshound-pq2im 6 сағат бұрын
Not any more he doesn't. He has shown himself to be a self-centred egotist. We need team players.
@davidguy209 Күн бұрын
Hope you can reconcile your differences. I think ReformUK needs you, Ben, more than you need them!
@minimalist279 Күн бұрын
he drank the fake Kool aid, poor man
@BinnyBongBaron_AoE Күн бұрын
I didn't realise you'd had a KZbin account and am pleasantly surprised by this. Ben, thank you for your incredible contributions to the movement, you are well loved. Consider me subscribed!
@lenabo9929 Күн бұрын
he is right if they want to become an actual governing party they need to act like one and not just a pressure group. UKIP acted like a pressure group
@moonshine9902 Күн бұрын
A very sick and disturbed man. A Mr. Braverman?😂😂😂😂😂😂
@user-bh9eq6wy9w Күн бұрын
Ben starts with of false laugh. I am now suspicious of this who i thought was a Reform hero. Keep your eye out for a snake in our midst.
@Fidelisjoff Күн бұрын
We need a strong leader but one who acts in our interests Nigel is that man. The only democracy is the General Election. As leader he should decide party positions. The only vote members should have is party leader. Consultation yes but vites on policy etc. no!
@sharonreichter2537 Күн бұрын
The media are all the same - set a person up with a biased headline.
@charleswhite758 Күн бұрын
Ben wants to be formally expelled so he can make more public drama. Nigel is onto his tricks and is letting him stew. Sooner or later he will expend his bitterness at having been a loser, resign and go to PopCon.
@charleswhite758 Күн бұрын
He is so SHRILL I needed ear-plugs. Ben, we have heard you, you have made your case, and the answer is "No". Be like a good child who after sufficient whining and tantrums accepts he's not going to get another sweetie. Resign and go to PopCon.
@charleswhite758 Күн бұрын
Habib is like that un-flushable t. He's trying to wreck Reform UK. He wants to be formally expelled so he can create more public drama. It's over Ben, resign and go elsewhere, you have blotted your copybook with Reform. Nigel is in charge, he needs to maintain an iron grip on this party, to stop wreckers like this. Reform UK can still participate fully in a democratic system, even though the party structure is not run by the members, and is not fully "democratic". It's not relevant. It gives the voter a choice, a manifesto to vote for. Nobody will be forced to vote Reform. That means a full engagement in the democratic system. Voters are not interested in internal party structure, nor should they be. If Nigel becomes PM in 2029 he will be controlled the the democratic House of Commons. One step out of line and it will be a vote of no confidence, as for all other PMs. What is Habib making all the fuss about? Do members of the Tory Party contribute to writing the Tory manifesto? No. Even elected Tory MPs have no say whatsoever. It's done in a dark back room by special advisers, or other shadowy people, appointed by who knows whom. Is that "undemocratic"? Right-wing people tend to have strong opinions, they need to be controlled firmly. We don't do "compromise" as the liberals do, not in our DNA. We can still make great politicians and offer great policies. Nigel learned that running a right-wing party (UKIP) with liberal internal rules ends in trying "to herd cats", and in self-destruction of the party. Ben is a tedious "fair play" Conservative at heart, a John Major figure, the sort of person who doesn't mind if we win or lose provided we played like "gentlemen". No Ben, the Lib-Dems don't play fair, the press doesn't play fair. That attitude is for losers. Learn from Trump. Trump is a winner, he plays to win. Reform has a few years left to save the country, we must play to win, not stick to Queensberry Rules when all around us are street-fighting, hiring actors to wreck us, and engaging in all sorts of clever tactics. He's a naive innocent.
@phatlyt Күн бұрын
Why should they democratise, when clearly the democracy in this country has repeatedly failed the people and works against the majority.. The country needs a real shakeup and change, and that doesn't happen by being the same as everyone else. We just need someone who is actually gonna look after our country and it's people for once, screw anyone else. Britain and her people come first.
@lenabo9929 Күн бұрын
you sound like you want a dictatorship. It hasn't worked against the majority, brexit was delivered.
@elizabethseymour1914 Күн бұрын
Ben stop talking you have made your point. Reform is a new movement and must change you lost your seat, so I can understand why Nigel had to replace you.
@TOP.FOX. Күн бұрын
Ben never had a seat he lost twice at Wellingborough..its time he shut up and moved on.
@englishantics4041 Күн бұрын
Imagine putting your own name in ever title what a self obsessed weirdo.
@bionicnichola9251 Күн бұрын
First of all you need to stop arguing in public and show solidarity. Your making yourselves look weak. Keep all arguments behind closed doors 👍 focus on our country and support your leader.
@BobfmBali Күн бұрын
When the CEO or PM wants to change those in the company or cabinet he doesn't ask everyone's opinion, that's what makes a good leader who makes tough decisions.
@Bertrum123 Күн бұрын
No mate that makes him a dictator scoff all you like we dont want a fascist .we had aswald mossley juring the war .he had lots people following him but in the end they saw through him and locked him up .like ben said farage sacked him .
@Londinium379 Күн бұрын
Poor Ben, the Pakistani immigrant doesn’t realise that Reform have used him. Reform voters are racists. Farage and Tice no longer want Ben or non-Whites in the party.
@OakeeOUFC 2 күн бұрын
I don't believe in the civil war in the party nonsense I think Ben is absolutely right that the party needs to democratise a good party will be able to have these conversation in a friendly manner and it's one reform needs to have. I don't think Nigel will democratise the party though over his paranoia of people on the far right creeping in and taking control which I can't see happening
@charleswhite758 Күн бұрын
Nigel has long experience from his days leading UKIP. He said it was like trying to herd cats. That is why he set up Reform under his own firm control. I pray it will stay that way. Voters are not interested in the internal party mechanisms, nor should they be. They are interested in what the manifesto has to offer and in the quality and personality of our candidates.
@9MileRoary 2 күн бұрын
Ben you should be talking to your party members about your concerns and nip it in the bud. Going out and talking to msm does not look good, shows weakness and disparity.
@charleswhite758 Күн бұрын
If he had concerns he should not have joined. Those are the rules of the party. Clear as daylight. Nigel is in charge. We are lucky to be led by the most brilliant politician of the 21st century, and Habib wants to defenestrate him already?😂 What a clown!
@philipdurling1964 2 күн бұрын
Fully support Ben with what he says. However, Nigels fear of ReformUK becoming full of right wing nut jobs has to be addressed.
@charleswhite758 Күн бұрын
Trust Nigel. So far, so good, nay, so excellent.
@Rfccfctml Күн бұрын
Bro you are part of the brainwashed and part of the problem 😂. Years and years of voting labour and Tory destroying our country with bad policies and illegal immigration. There’s a reason why no party gets in to the Uk that is against immigration and it’s because the media will brainwash you against them. The boomers especially will forever be remembered as the generations that destroyed the Uk because it is totally over. A party will never get into the Uk that will put a stop to illegals. Left wing authoritarian goalposts have moved so far that anything to the side of that people speak like you.
@reinholdmueller4882 2 күн бұрын
If one deports foreign prisoners then one has to accept British & NI prisoners serving sentences abroad. That puts one back at square one.
@rachmaninoff286 2 күн бұрын
I heard Farage say at the NEC the first thing they have to do is to 'professionalise and democratise' the party!!!!! You obviously weren't watching!!!!! Nigel has asked Zia Yousef to do this!!!! Yousef has just said so and he says that's what he's going to do!!! Stop criticising Farage. Give him chance it's only been a week since the election!!!!
@EmilyWorker 2 күн бұрын
For goodness sake Ben. You knew all this but stood as a candidate and lost
@joycawthorne8215 2 күн бұрын
@bornin6621 2 күн бұрын
I have much respect for Ben, however, I think he should put party first before dare I say it, having a dent to his ego. Reform doesn't need bad publicity, which of course its getting and this doesn't help. My understanding is that Nigel is democratising the party. It makes sense to me that Richard Tice is made deputy leader as he is now a mp. I hope for the sake of all of us without a voice, you can sort your problems out, in private.
@Bluejohn 2 күн бұрын
I agree with Ben Habib on this but would like to have known Nigel Farage's reaction to his comments and whether Nigel has given a commitment to democratising the party at any time in the near future as they must surely have discussed it. We are only getting one side of the story here.
@rachmaninoff286 2 күн бұрын
Yes, he said at the NEC rally the first thing they have to do is 'professionalise and democratise the party' so Ben couldn't have been listening!!!
@wayneabel5421 2 күн бұрын
@user-hr6jc4bz6n 2 күн бұрын
Love you Ben, reform ,
@bucko321 3 күн бұрын
Bonkers Britain. How do other countries deal with overcrowded prisons, oh I forgot they don't give them Sky TV and a choice of food.
@BrianAllan-hr5om 3 күн бұрын
Ben Habib ,just doing things a different way?