@jakubpospisil6514 11 күн бұрын
I know you probably don't make videos and won't reply to this coment, but you missed the fact that a ranger with bladestorm and the chosens katana can for example solo an andromedon and a good ranger can kill 10+ enemies in a single turn, take for example: you shot a granade at a group of enemies and activate reaper, you can just go to each one and kill them, and if you accidently find new enemies you're soldiers can shot u the rest and the ranger can just cut trough them + if you have High mobility and dodge you can run trough Anything and simply cut trough + if There is an advent trooper with 12 health and you deal 6 damage a hit you can just cut him once and bladestorm him the next turn + if you have untochable with impacarable you can run to an enemy soldier kill them and run to other enemy soldier and kill them the next turn with a bladestorm (i Beat xcom 2 on legendary with a team containing: 4 rangers, 1 sniper and 1 heavy) in my opinion the ranger is the top class and takes the throne [ BTW no hate towards you and i like seing that some xcom content creators existed❤️]
@TucoBenedicto 12 күн бұрын
Here's how to build a SPARK in terms of skills: - spend these XCOM points you keep hoarding and unlock EVERYTHING. It's points well spent, making it incredibly durable and flexible in action. Plus as the video points SPARK units have no downtime between missions (even if damaged) so it's a reliable fighter that will be available at will as much as you want
@Ruslakall 19 күн бұрын
Actually annihilate works great with repeater. Having 20% change to execute a target it is quite likely you'll get a 2 or more kills
@Ruslakall 19 күн бұрын
Don't underestimate Guardian ability, if your Specialist has somewhat decent aim including Cool under pressure he can be a monster during overwatch. I've had my Specialist shoot 4 times during the enemy's turn.
@Ruslakall 19 күн бұрын
Sharpshooter is very weak early on, you need a lot of investment in him, but it's totally worth it when he starts getting 80%+ aim across the map. Always give him superior scope and Perception.
@tahuta5 2 ай бұрын
on a note about Homing Mine: make sure the enemy you put it one isn't going near a Ranger, Templar or Skirmisher with a Bladestorm Ability. it doesn't end well
@houdiniabracadabra6180 2 ай бұрын
How you doin mate?
@Fable_7 2 ай бұрын
I love Sparks
@xyiux 2 ай бұрын
Sacrifice should be changed so that when it dies it just powers off and isnt useable for the rest of the match not making it kia
@noobkin6995 2 ай бұрын
Good tutorial, very helpful tips. The electronic text-to-voice makes a lot of things funnier for some reason, like the "Now we have two Troopers remaining but only one grenade." comment.
@forrestbuck9704 3 ай бұрын
Just a note for anyone finding this video, he doesn't explain that you can chain kills on the lost. That's why you see multiple soldiers kill 2-3 lost in one turn. This makes the lost MUCH easier to deal with, and the only drawback is ammo consumption. Keep this in mind.
@slenderface1239 3 ай бұрын
My main templar went on covert ops so he could get a shitton of will and health, and I'd use him as a psychic wrecking ball. He had a mindshield for most of his service but I swapped it out for the Hellweave later down the line. Bonus Fun Fact: The Feedback resistance order only triggers if the psi-attack if it doesn't take control of the target
@ARClegend 3 ай бұрын
It should be noted that gremlin upgrades also improve aid protocol and hacking protocol. It increases the defense buff and shutdown/control duration respectively
@TigburtJones 3 ай бұрын
Hate fake robo speech. Almost subbed. Damn
@ryansherwood8751 3 ай бұрын
An extremely niche use for Suppression that I’ve found is locking down Gatekeepers. If you suppress one, it just keeps cycling it’s offensive and defensive stances, before ending it’s turn. I doubt it’s intentional, but it saved my squad in a pinch
@catspoons 3 ай бұрын
i expected everyone does this mission with base weapons i just have Shen carry super hard 😅
@emanueldehner7882 3 ай бұрын
A very useful interaction for the Avenger attack missions (whether the UFO or the chosen ones) is that you can combine the stealth of the Reapers with the platoon view of a sniper and destroy the beacon from the starting point.
@SpoonyBard88 4 ай бұрын
Nope. That voice can go into the trash.
@Giannis_Krimitzas 4 ай бұрын
Thank you
@alastorrd7653 4 ай бұрын
Channelling field plus specialist tier 3 aid protocol make that enemy miss the spark it also help when your spark is the target to get shot by literally everyone. Because of that if it your turn you can practically one shot some late game enemy
@alastorrd7653 4 ай бұрын
Covering fire is useful when together with ever vigilant because if you move your specialist to dashing you can have a survival chance and also help mitigate chance's allies taking damage because even with the penalty enemies that can be killed in a single shot trying to attack will die. So even tho the chances is low it better than nothing plus advent officer have their abilities to marked so troopers have a good chances to hit their shot and shooting them first before they shot a marked allies and risk taking damage is a good thing also if you have a specialist with superior scope it become the chance of hitting like you normally would when shooting
@AlamarianJ 4 ай бұрын
The devs seem to have over estimated the power of the skirmisher’s single-use-per-mission abilities. Some of them would be pretty eeeh if they just had a cooldown. Having one measly charge on Interrupt sucks. Manual Override is the one ability where having a single charge could have allowed it to be cool. If it was a free action that reset all your cooldowns to 0 with a single charge, it would be much better.
@AlamarianJ 4 ай бұрын
Nice guide. I usually pick up Heavy Ordinance at the same time as Holo Targeting, with saved AP. Being able to use double frost bombs and a frag/plasma or the other way around is too good to pass up. (Or have two ‘nades and experimental ammo, mimic beacons or whatever)
@PauloHPBender1988 4 ай бұрын
I just recently reinstalled XCOM 2, my favourite game, and immediately revisited all your videos. Incredible, precise and well edited work, my friend.
@mellinghedd267 5 ай бұрын
this TTS voice has more humanity in it than some people do
@dankmaymays3780 6 ай бұрын
I've been meaning to ask this for a while, what is the mod you use that let's you see a pod activation indicator on the tiles ?
@veegeeplz 6 ай бұрын
It's been a while since I last played XCOM, but I think it's "Gotcha Again": steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1124288875
@dankmaymays3780 6 ай бұрын
@@veegeeplz Thanks!
@BlooJellyZ 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for the guides, I always return to your vid’s whenever I play xcom
@jakith7444 7 ай бұрын
Old video but the first source after 45m of googling that had the charge amount and if it restocks on the bomb volleyball/repair buddy skills. TY for that!!!
@xyiux 7 ай бұрын
They forgot to nerf bladestorm in wotc because with blade master you can insta kill the lost
@tomaka121 7 ай бұрын
nice guide, just like the rest
@tomaka121 7 ай бұрын
nice, thanks
@NotYourBusiness-bp2qn 7 ай бұрын
Templar is my favorite class in the game. But they have a big drawback and that is they only become good after they have a bunch of levels. Early game they suck because they are a one trick pony (rend/parry) that can pull an extra pod and wipe your team. Unfortunately the early game is the hardest part by far of any campaign and by the time the Templar naturally comes online you don't need him anymore as you are stomping everything anyway. They are similar to the sniper variant of the sharpshooter in that they rule the late game but people tend to not use them because with or without them late game you have it easy anyway. The most valued classes are the ones that pull you through the early game - rangers, grenadiers and reapers. Templar might be the strongest class in the game but it's strongest when it doesn't matter anymore. The trick I use for playing a Templar is to promote him via the Resistance Ring as often as possible and don't bring him on difficult missions early. If he gets Bladestorm early as a additional skill he is great for Ring missions with a ambush chance as he is guaranteed three hits on the reinforcement pod if you park him right on the red dot and he can deal with the rest of the enemies and the lost basically all by himself. The lost die to Bladestorm (all lost in the ring missions are normal no brutes or dashers so they have low hp and are one shot by Bladestorm) and rend/parry takes care of the rest of the aliens since they are all single unit pods. Once Mutons show up this doesn't work anymore so be aware of that. If you manage to speed promote your Templar to major you are going to have a good time and he is going to be a big help during the second difficult phase of the campaign - late middle game - when your troops are not yet high level but the enemies become elite, the avenger defense/avatar management missions start popping up which tire/wound your soldiers and can cause a death spiral that ends your campaign. This strategy has great synergy with researching powered armor first before plasma lance or even plasma weapons altogether. While it is tempting to go for the damage the problem is the aliens will get a very big boost in health/damage around that time and upgraded weapons alone won't cut them down fast enough to clear a pod in one turn. For that you need plasma and high level troops and you won't have those for a while. Getting the armor first is what I do and it saved my ass many, many times. P.S. All this advice is for Legend difficulty. The game is a joke on everything else. Also if you don't get Bladestorm on your Templar use him as a mimic beacon and wait for the ring to give you another one. It literally doubles his single target damage in most cases, it's way to good to not have it on him.
@snatis1 7 ай бұрын
Hey Bud! You are the first Xcom2 player who's content I indeed enjoyed! Hope you would try out the Xenonauts 2!
@NotYourBusiness-bp2qn 8 ай бұрын
Important note. Banish does not take the reaper out of shadow until it has stopped shooting. This means it keeps the armor piercing bonus from needle for all the shots. This is the only reason to take needle, usually you have no use for it until you start using banish but it is very good after that. Combined with tactical rigging/AP rounds it makes it so that you can murder almost any high armor bullet sponge enemies even on legend with one action point even if your repeater doesn't proc (it will refuse to proc at times, even if it's a superior repeater with the resistance order bonus is still only a ~ 80% chance it will proc in seven shots. And if you played XCOM 2 you know a 80% is very much not a 100%. Very, very much not. Also if you have a repeater then annihilate is definitely worth 25 ability points from the common pool. It's a steep investment but if you target the big guy in a pod and he goes down in one or two shots it's very nice to have the reaper continue to shoot at the other targets. Usually it results in one or even two more enemies going down. Sure you most likely would mop them up with the rest of your squad anyway but it's good for action point economy especially if you have issues with the mission timer.
@CamaradaDoppio 8 ай бұрын
I have a Reaper, "Stalker" Yoko Nishimura. I send her alone in the assesination missions to kill by herself the Advent VIP
@NotYourBusiness-bp2qn 8 ай бұрын
Amateur take. Skirmishers are capable of multiple overwatch shots and shots per own turn with their late game abilities. Give it a REPEATER and a EXTENDED MAG. Hair trigger has the same percentage chance to proc as a repeater but won't proc on overwatch shots and only gives you an action not a instant kill. Not even a contest.
@shirokatatsu5886 8 күн бұрын
Laugh in 4 attacks in 1 turn If you want him even stronger, install skirmisher rebalance, which makes him even stronger. He can even solo a mission.
@InzerPriseChannel 8 ай бұрын
It's strange. Why hasn't anyone mentioned that Hunter Protocol will break team concealment itself when SPARK sees an enemy and shoots it? Can fix with mod [WOTC] SPARK No Wreck Stealth
@Barredbob 2 ай бұрын
I don’t think it’s a bug, it’s not meant for stealth, it’s meant for either loud missions or fighting multiple pods
@joanrojotorrebadella8772 9 ай бұрын
My favorit unit
@jasoncsking 9 ай бұрын
Awful robotic voice, not listening to that
@AceKiller9000 9 ай бұрын
Helpful guide, very efficient- not like the others who just talk and talk rubbish. Thanks
@trololoev 9 ай бұрын
why we can make Spark our ally and have ability to have more robots but can't make viper king our ally and have ability to have more vipers?
@santy33143 10 ай бұрын
Thanks, very Professional.
@xDaPrincex 10 ай бұрын
I swear late game skills for these new Heroes are trash. Your better off just getting things you passed out on for better abilities.
@xDaPrincex 10 ай бұрын
So covering fire or threat assessment? I don't really use aid protocol so I'm leaning more towards threat assessment
@Mestari1Gaming 11 ай бұрын
Man, i as well love war bots! They are so cool!
@destroyercreater98 11 ай бұрын
Also fun little thing I noticed about the mecha punch ability. It ain’t like a skirmisher’s slash where it’s a single action. What it does is have you use as many actions as it takes to run up to something and punch it. Meaning it’s it’s in the blue zone during overdrive? One action. If it’s pass the blue line but not too far? Two actions. And if it’s at the very edge after using overdrive? Well consider yourself done with your spark for that turn, cause it uses all 3 actions just to punch someone in the face.
@TonyRedgrave 11 ай бұрын
Homing mine, highlander, and remote start are so much fun. Setting absolute death traps is always a good time.
@OneCreator87 Жыл бұрын
Lol, Just skip this mission on legend, you'll lose like 20 supplies :P
@OneCreator87 Жыл бұрын
This is an amazing guide. With the training center facility I take almost all skills for my specialists :)
@user-cy7ki7ms1q Жыл бұрын
What is the theme/second song adtef tbe intro that was playing at the start of the video?
@veegeeplz Жыл бұрын
Probably something from the Tactical Legacy Pack.
@user-cy7ki7ms1q Жыл бұрын
@@veegeeplz thank you!