Draftsmen S04E05 - Long Term Projects
Marshall's Got Something to Say
The Culture Code - Draftsmen S4E02
More Draftsmen Coming Soon
2 жыл бұрын
Getty Museum Trip! - Draftsmen S3E33
Storytelling - Draftsmen S3E32
2 жыл бұрын
Storyboarding - Draftsmen S3E31
The Talent Code - Draftsmen S3E27
Epiphanies - Draftsmen S3E26
3 жыл бұрын
How to Fail - Draftsmen S3E21
3 жыл бұрын
How to Price Artwork - Draftsmen S3E18
Expressionism - Draftsmen S3E14
@YumegakaMurakumo 7 сағат бұрын
Kimon Nicolaïdes is great for those of us who do action-based drawings. It's great for ADHD individuals like myself. It's great to have a plethora of books at your fingertips.
@hewgoba Күн бұрын
Thanks for making this great video :)
@JohnTheodore Күн бұрын
The creators of NFTs and AI do not care about artists making a living. They want to extract wealth from the economy without doing any work.
@MALICEM12 3 күн бұрын
That one voice mail was ghetto
@GameSharkBlue 7 күн бұрын
Thank you for commemorating Kim! And it's great to exercise too! Mind body connection is so important. Kim Jung Gi is so fluid. His tenacity was so tied to the present moment. I remember his interview expressing that he thought and walked around the idea for weeks beforehand. But when he walked the lines out, it was walking out the plan, less as an iterative structure and more as an enacting of his plan. In martial arts it is the same. You can plan a set but in the end, your now is different than your forward projection. He was an excellent mental warrior in the manner of love. He left an indelible mark. So do you two and your entire team!
@markevans2236 7 күн бұрын
Finally someone who knows how to make a sandwich correctly.
@NightPhoenixPress 11 күн бұрын
AI is fun and I use it, but I’m an artist because I want to be. I don’t understand why modern artist are like this. I can do either or mix the two.
@jordanpegg9115 14 күн бұрын
Thank you, thank you, thank you, for all the amazing insight and all the links in the description.
@kurtiscore 14 күн бұрын
I love that the pod is back but it feels like Stan doesn't care about the topics.
@valentinesvids 15 күн бұрын
Could listen to more of Marshall talking about cinematic perspective. Also look forward to that list
@valentinesvids 16 күн бұрын
Really enjoyed listening to this
@michelangelo_6933 17 күн бұрын
I’m gonna make a playlist of the solo Marshall episodes - it’s much better with just Marshall 😬🤷‍♂️
@jamesbell7246 18 күн бұрын
The connectedness, monkeys, quantum physics at the end was both funny and some real shit. I bet it's a pleasure to study at Watts
@siteation15 18 күн бұрын
@Vanessa_S0 20 күн бұрын
There's a manga/anime called Vinland Saga that to me fits Marshall's point about didacticism perfectly. It's a highly acclaimed, well executed work. But something always keeps me from adoring it, and Marshall just put my feelings into words.
@larrychu6396 20 күн бұрын
Draftsmen is life thanks 🙏 Stan
@larrychu6396 20 күн бұрын
“ and the YOU sent the death threat “ 😂😂😂
@kava2021 21 күн бұрын
My best art education was an online class on classical realism. I spend three years with this program and my drawing skills had definitely improved tremendously.
@michelangelo_6933 21 күн бұрын
I’d like a Marshall-only podcast please.
@Draftsmen 21 күн бұрын
That's what his perspective course is, I guess lol proko.com/perspective
@renzo6490 22 күн бұрын
How will I know if I'm "Being Myself "?
@Draftsmen 21 күн бұрын
Makign your moves without comparison to others will be a good first sign. Just doing what comes naturally. But that can take some practice to get back to if you find yourself consistenly comparing to others or applying their critique before you make your work. It'll be different for everyone but that's a solid clue.
@NeoOnyx 26 күн бұрын
Why use A.I. if you’re an artist? There’s no such thing as an A.I. artist. A.I. is a wonderful technology, if it’s used to save lives, but in art, in only destroys lives.
@alexiacerwinskipierce8114 28 күн бұрын
AI is like any other tool. Like a hammer that can be used to build a home or bludgeon someone to death-it all boils down to how we use it. Given human nature, I believe we will see both the best and the worst use of this tool in the coming years.
@sweatington8423 28 күн бұрын
ComfyUI has the power to make the exact picture. The online generators like midjourney, are extremely limited. To make the exact picture with Comfy does have a skill ceiling you need to climb though. Helps if you already know python.
@brand0n818 29 күн бұрын
I love hearing Marshall talk and listing to all his wisdom, but then Stan interrupts with some kind of objection. Any little flaw Marsh says and Stan calls it out. Sometimes he's right, but sometimes it's just nit picking that just interrupts the flow of the conversation. I love the draftsmen podcast and have listen to a lot of them and I appreciate Stans perspective on things. It just would be a better listen if Stan didn't challenge everything Marshall says.
@valentinesvids 29 күн бұрын
Thumbs up for the disclaimer LOL
@larrychu6396 29 күн бұрын
What’s does Marshall do w mama ? 😂😂😂
@antarart 29 күн бұрын
It's all about COPYRIGHT....! Can't copyright anything that is AI generated...!!!! It is therefore impossible to use AI for a lot of commercial applications, like packaging illustration, ( just to name one!) - - - But there are many applications that you want to copyright...! -
@markmontesines6825 29 күн бұрын
As long as humans exercise their brains and reinvigorate their souls, there are always reasons to make art.
@powsmayday2707 Ай бұрын
i think AI is diff. than an Artist copying other artist style there is work associated with learning that style, meaning you learned and earned that skill were as a person using Ai didn't learn that skill and is using it as a free Artist....
@fspc4 Ай бұрын
Marshall nombrando a Borges jajajajj no me lo esperaba
@evindrews Ай бұрын
I think there is a lot of rampant speculation with people who've not used AI here, In the current state, AI is nothing more than a tool. The absolute biggest issue is simply client requirements. They need this to be an exact shape, or the background to look exactly like that. None of which image generation does at the moment, and honestly, I don't see it being that easy for a very long time. We're already seeing a plateaus in logic from LLMs from OpenAI, Meta, and beyond. What this means is that just like Photoshop, AI will become a tool in an industry working artists toolkit. You will output in higher quantity and workload will change. The industry pull-back we see right now is the result of over growth in 2020/21/22.
@missjoblue7992 Ай бұрын
sure i dont enjoy seeing art aimed for the male gaze especially when those women are not fully fleshed out and are more like sexual objects. however, it's really because im not the target audience. i dont believe i have to make the creators change to make me happy. i just have to tune out of that stuff. as a woman i enjoy art for the female gaze and i enjoy drawing men that match my preferences
@savvyinart Ай бұрын
He mentioned Myron Barnstone!!! Oh my dear friend and teacher, how I miss you!!!
@Locrum Ай бұрын
I loved art from a young age, fantasy and Sci-Fi, and dreamed of doing it for a living. I never got to make a living doing it. But it’s still an important hobby, and I would love it to take over as a source of income. I couldn’t find anyone that had the knowledge to train me. Later the internet came along. Then digital. I can paint what I consider decent painting in digital, but I don’t have the connection with it. I want to design in digital, and then put it into traditional oils, etc. Digital became a crutch, but at least I’m still learning. One day, I’ll go full circle and go straight to painting.
@mjasshertz7210 Ай бұрын
The chapter at 45:45 is titled Art of Patients. I believe it's meant to be "Patience".
@anthonysanchez5429 Ай бұрын
Why don't more people mention that fact that AI art has completely no value now, it's mass produced and easily accessible. Traditional forms of art (Graphite on paper, charcoal on paper, oil painting etc) Can never be mass produced by a machine (Yet lol). This has value and always has been. Due to lots of artists giving up and AI art throwing up tons of garbage everyday . Traditional forms of art will become quite rare and I believe will still have tons of value in the future. I believe it will be treated as a luxury in the near future or sort of like buying a "Designer" or name brand item when you can get something else that does the same thing. I know this video is about jobs and careers.... which yea good luck...
@Vanessa_S0 Ай бұрын
Around the Moana mark this episode becomes unbearable torture
@luminaia Ай бұрын
Jeff is a master. Huge influence. Got so many people started. Respect.
@MehdiHusain Ай бұрын
We will not be able to sustain this "all online" trend for long because of natural resources lacking. Maybe the next decade will see those developments but that type of indirectly acquired knowledge will very quickly become obsolete.
@Magical-2011 Ай бұрын
Where are you guys love the podcast❤😊
@Vanessa_S0 Ай бұрын
I know this episode is 4 years old at this point, but there's a podcast episode by Jessica Vill where she walks through all of the Michael Jackson allegations. Before watching it I was sure he was guilty but after that I completely changed my mind. We should stop using Michael Jackson as an example, there's A LOT of evidence that he was innocent. Journalists wrote absurd articles and never retracted them. We read those articles and believed everything, never questioning if there would be ulterior motives to drag a celebrity's name through the mud. This episode had mentions of errors of the past and I can only hope that someday most people will see what was done to Michael Jackson as one.