@Saryuja26 12 сағат бұрын
The first time I fought phronesis I brought a team of Manadiver, Y. Vampy, H. Lich, and G. Ewiyar and tried to follow the rules. Unfortunately, Vampy and Lich autocast skill at end of turn and Ewiyar autocasts skill on Ougi which turned the fight from use no more than 3 skills to use no more than 1 skill and don't use any if the cats has Ougi
@juninamura6375 3 күн бұрын
Damn it has been some time since the last time I studied a raid
@abrahamlupis9354 3 күн бұрын
and I thought that Beatrix was gonna get love
@psychopathIDIOT 3 күн бұрын
friendly reminder today's version of avatar was nerfed from the initial version. it used to be 3 out of 4 non-trigger special attacks deal plain damage.
@DuckyTalksGranblue 2 күн бұрын
and that shit fucking sucked im glad they changed it!
@Ukuma_ 3 күн бұрын
As a relatively new player I found avatar to be really refreshing before for most bosses I couldn't kill I just hosted them did as much damage to reach the blue chest honour boundary and call for backup once my team was dead but now I can feel I could clear it solo cause I learnt the mechanics and built a team around them
@shadedhydra6674 3 күн бұрын
Wait people actually pay attention to the Raids and don’t just request backup and full auto them? I kid, but that’s how I tend to do my dailies, with the exception of Diaspora which is so hard that I’ve actually been trying different strategies to beat it, since full autoing that Revans Raid just doesn’t work. Whoever decided to make Revans weapons require other elements materials for the rebuilding process can suck it, still I should be thankful they did make the requirements easier than they originally made them. While I’m more of a fan of your story coverage it’s cool to hear about these Raid mechanics, very interesting about Huanglong and Qilin’s Raids especially, I guess them not requiring a fully built Grid would be pretty useful to players who need the drops for progression purposes.
@DuckyTalksGranblue 3 күн бұрын
hosting Diaspora is playing kengo and reaching y100, then open the room for 5 hurting berserkers to show up instantly (make sure to note "y100" for them to know you are not trolling)
@shadedhydra6674 3 күн бұрын
@@DuckyTalksGranblue Man I wish I had a good Earth team of CA focused characters, the recommended team builds online seem to really require some Seasonal characters to make the strategy work. I also wish I didn’t have to waste resources on building an Earth Kaneshige since I’ve learnt pretty recently that you kinda just have to use one in order to use the class optimally, I tend to just play Berserker cause it’s the canon class line and Beast Fang spam is just so strong on a character like the MC. At the moment I’m still stubbornly trying a Berserker CA team cause GW is coming up and I don’t fancy grinding materials for a Kaneshige right now.
@KenBladehart 8 күн бұрын
Cygames prolly going to just scrap his old kit and make a new one. I used him in 2018 for... something I dont remember, even back then, hes hella clunky to use
@scrapkingkeita3825 10 күн бұрын
Bakuretsu, Bakuretsu, La La La~
@shadedhydra6674 10 күн бұрын
Marquiares was one of the last characters I learnt about, finding out about him five months after I started the game and was just looking at the wiki for like an hour or two a day. Only recently learning that he knows Estarriola two months ago. I’ve got no idea what they’re gonna do with him story wise but I would love to see other characters that are connected to the Boundary show up in his fates if they decide to retcon this Supernal energy as just being the Boundary. I think connecting it to that would also increase his chances of showing up in important events since characters like Mugen and Shinsha (I think she’s connected to the Boundary? That’s what I got when I played her debut event but it could be something different) tend to do so now, having an old Harvin sort of joke character would be a cool addition. I’m also wondering if they’ll do what they did to Estarriola and de-age him? I don’t know how it worked with Estarriola since I’ve not 5 stared him yet but if it’s just a normal old Harvin thing then they might try to make him more marketable with the de-aging. I think what’s most important though is fixing his kit, it is flat out awful and in Dark he’s gonna need a huge buff, especially with the upcoming Unite and Fight, I’m interested in how they change him, having MP makes me think they might turn him into a playable class like they did with Sato and Toga this year.
@DuckyTalksGranblue 10 күн бұрын
You can learn more about Shinsha in "...and You", in case you didn't play the original run
@shadedhydra6674 9 күн бұрын
@@DuckyTalksGranblue Unfortunately I’m skipping reading it for a second time, I like to read all events that the wiki lists and they list A Sweltering Eternal Getaway as one of the previous Eternals events, not only that but since it’s also a sequel to the False Heroes event I’ve got two events to read first before I read …and you. Which does suck since a lot of people online say it’s like the best Anniversary event.
@DuckyTalksGranblue 9 күн бұрын
@@shadedhydra6674 thats a comendable attitude but sweltering eternals getaway is irrelevant to this and id even argue its 90% irrelevant to the Levin plotline as well lmfao
@shadedhydra6674 9 күн бұрын
@@DuckyTalksGranblue It is? Even still my brain just can’t let me play the event if it’s tied into a storyline and if …and you is connected to a specific storyline, without playing it I would probably say the Eternals with how they show up in the final fight.
@Flamelance_Accendo 10 күн бұрын
I suspect those mysterious Moon Beings have something to do with the Otherworlders given the things said in the main story quest.
@DuckyTalksGranblue 10 күн бұрын
likely! but thats way less funny
@Flamelance_Accendo 9 күн бұрын
@SjefDriscoll 10 күн бұрын
I will note that he *was* released after the original Arcarum event - Estarriola wasn't yet added, but they probably were like 'well any second now :)' This is Frosh, by the way.
@SjefDriscoll 10 күн бұрын
Do You Know The Real Dangers Of Those So-Called "legal" Drugs That Are Being Sold?
@DuckyTalksGranblue 10 күн бұрын
hello Sjef Driscoll how are the rocks in norway doing
@SjefDriscoll 10 күн бұрын
@@DuckyTalksGranblue Very lovely! I just got to take a day trip to the mountains, wonderful view.
@dsammy8955 10 күн бұрын
I'm more curious on how they'll even fix his old kit. It looks so baad... maybe they'll take off that restriction on making him wait a turn on his s1 for starters... But yeah, hoping his fate ep will be fun too. I don't remember his initial fate eps, but he's a funny character himself, with those black kamina glasses. And I remember him... ooh do I. I think I've gotten him enough times in draws to make a full capped copy and more. D:<
@DuckyTalksGranblue 10 күн бұрын
his kit is beyond me idk how to fix that. I'll stick to thinking about moon jelly monsters, thats more reasonable.
@GeorgeK340 11 күн бұрын
Thanks for this video. Never find someone who talk about GBF event like you before. You have my subbed. Also Mirin is very cute in this event.
@AmpelioB 16 күн бұрын
what if another Force of Nature arise?
@AmpelioB 16 күн бұрын
@Flamelance_Accendo 16 күн бұрын
I liked that little naruto reference that they threw in there, with Sato calling herself the #1 knockout ninja. lol
@shadedhydra6674 17 күн бұрын
Your point about every Granblue player having a different opinion on what makes a good event is very true, to defend Definitive Dandyism a bit, in the Lowain Bros events they tend to swap focus a ton with many characters only showing up for a scene or two, either for jokes or to push the plot forwards, I like that since it’s a great way to show off a ton of cameos of characters who otherwise are competing for the prize of a solo event so they can have a bit of relevancy. It makes the crew feel more of a cohesive group since most serious events can’t have them show up since they keep their cast small. Personally events like Definitive Dandyism or the 10/10 event No Rain No Rainbow are my choice for peak Granblue writing, I can appreciate high stakes but I love slice of life stuff, I like characters like the Dragon Knights engaging in full scale battles against the events antagonist but I also like watching them in their down time helping to manage a restaurant.
@DuckyTalksGranblue 17 күн бұрын
no rain no rainbow is sooooooooo good i love ladiva i wish she were my mom
@shadedhydra6674 17 күн бұрын
@@DuckyTalksGranblue She’s great, on one hand No Rain No Rainbow is the absolute best slice of life event in my opinion so I’d love for it to get a sequel but on the other hand it feels like it works as just a one and done event, and since it’s in Side Stories everyone gets to read it. I do want Ladiva in more events though, she makes every event better just by being there.
@amri007able 17 күн бұрын
In this event make me thinking if story planner in cygame is forget that MC has Ninja class, since in the story Lyria said she's never know anything about ninja
@DuckyTalksGranblue 17 күн бұрын
they do mention the "old granny next door". It's a clear reference to the job change quest. But yeah Event MC is always* base fighter *except when its not
@dsammy8955 17 күн бұрын
I thought the story was okay. I like fun and silly stories, but sometimes I feel GBF can lean into that too much. The father being comically villainous and being a reskin of the generic male NPC was a bit too much for me. Also wasn't really a fan of the twist in the 1st half of the story. Also felt like the story was hard asking not to think outside of it. I think the idea of samurai culture being unclear due to them fading out of modern times and records not being recorded, but ignoring existing characters like Jin, Sevilbarra and Octo is a hard ask, unless we accept that this is a timeline where those characters are not in the group or something like that. I agree with your opinions on other stories tho. Some of those were bangers and some really bad. Urgh, that mermaid summer story..! We'll probably get a sequel story this year that could be a much better followup.
@DuckyTalksGranblue 17 күн бұрын
I'm a big comedy fan and I think granblue is at its best when its being stupid (The Maydays is still one of the best events of all time), but I totally understand those who prefer more serious stories (its not like i dislike them either). And you can't really even consider that because SR Mirin's 5* includes all of the characters you mentioned. But that episode is all about going around and asking these "samurai-esque" characters what is the "essence of a samurai" to them. And the answers are kinda "well idk there aren't many of us around".
@dsammy8955 17 күн бұрын
Yeah, I'm a big fan of the funny stories too. The majority of my fav events are the comedy ones. I guess with this one it was unclear what type of story it was going for. It kind of feels like it fell in the middle, so made me feel a bit mixed. Also I kinda wish Mirin and Shion made a small nod to the other samurai in the party, though I guess it's implied when they're shown, but as sullouettes.
@markgilberk6248 17 күн бұрын
I just wonder if this event will lead into demon blade storyline
@DuckyTalksGranblue 17 күн бұрын
right now there is nothing connecting the two, other than the fact that everyone uses katanas. I guess they could, but that storyline already have too many "protagonists" imo.
@SjefDriscoll 17 күн бұрын
I like licking wasabi :)
@DuckyTalksGranblue 17 күн бұрын
liking and disliking this comment simultaneously
@Flamelance_Accendo 22 күн бұрын
You make a good point as I was wondering what they will do after they just got rid of the current big threat. There's surely a goal in mind, getting all the elemental shamans together....though there's no telling _what for._ lol
@frubam 23 күн бұрын
wait a sec; a certain char F was in the thumbnail, but never mentioned? And forgot about Orologia? She's the best mom in granblue! Nice video otherwise.
@corkraddish 24 күн бұрын
I honestly wouldn't mind them introducing Andras adjacent villains for each element. Andras is kinda wind aligned as "evil mist", so discovering "evil rain/fires/land poison" could still set the stage for the "who made Andras and the others?" set-up while we slowly gather up all the other shamans to build to a big showdown at the end. We could be done the "Wind" arc and then have more events in the future focusing on the other elements.
@shadedhydra6674 24 күн бұрын
One thing I did like about this event and follow up was the fact that Petra fumbled at the end of the event and had to be bailed out by Elmott and Gallivan, it’s so rare for the stories of this game to have a character to fail right at the most important point and I did appreciate that writing choice since I figured that would be a plot point for the next part. But the 5 Star Fates kinda sorted that out already. I do think that interesting antagonists are very important to these event plots but I don’t think they need to always be there for multiple events. The Dragon Knights story had that issue of constantly switching antagonists only to retroactively frame the story as having a true big bad manipulator type villain. There’s also a big difference between the quality of Andras’ writing and Belial or Ferdinand’s. Petra’s Fates clearly show that her arc has sort of finished for now and it’s more likely they’ll make a follow up on probably Elmott or the Water Shaman instead, Elmott is pretty popular so it makes sense to focus on him more. I’m hoping they don’t write Petra and her mother out of the storyline though, and also maybe make Karla playable.
@DuckyTalksGranblue 23 күн бұрын
can't really get a villain to the big league of writing if they are killed off in a fate episode ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@shadedhydra6674 23 күн бұрын
@@DuckyTalksGranblue True but I would argue that the other two were way better in their first introductions, Ferdinand only had a Fate Episode to go off before he showed up in an event and he immediately steals the show by giving the Lobelia a run for his money in the messed up in the head department. Belial less so, his first showing is good but like not amazing, but he’s definitely more unique. Andras is written as you said more of a force of nature antagonist with very simple motivations, this doesn’t feel like Ninetails where they kill of an interesting threat and go off in a different direction (granted maybe it makes more sense in the sequel event itself, I’m still waiting for Part 2 of it to be added to Side Stories to read part 2 and 3). I will say that as a counter to my point, Ferdinand and Belial’s storylines are very clearly being pushed by Cygames and have a star studded cast, meanwhile this first event of the Shaman’s storyline just has Petra and Elmott and is a pretty easy throwaway event that doesn’t appeal to nearly as many people, I could see multiple Accordants getting alts that continue the storyline every few months or so while Petra and Elmott don’t get stuff for years, like the most likely next step in the storyline is a playable Eurel and maybe if we’re lucky we’ll get part 2 in 3 years. I also do think it is a bit unfair of me to compare very human antagonists with the ability to trash talk with the best of them to a pretty bland “I want more power just because” villain, but I also think it’s not too big of a loss to lose the first antagonist in the first event when we have plenty of other options for an antagonist, whether it be subverting what we expect and making the Water Shaman a more human antagonist, doing something with Bosco or what I would love, combining the storyline with another storyline, like perhaps with Elmott as the focus we get some NPC Mysteria characters involved. These are just off the top of my head and I believe if they wanted to, Cygames could come up with a much better idea than any of these.
@SjefDriscoll 24 күн бұрын
I do have to nitpick the idea that the April event is the one they want people to stick around for - history has shown that they routinely run godawful/small focus events in April. Definitive Dandyism, Sweltering Eternal Getaway, Sturm & Drang Mercenary's Life, Walk on the Wild Side - consistently these are events that do not drive conversions. I think they really just do not give a crap about the April event.
@shadedhydra6674 Ай бұрын
Interesting that Granblue has so many alive mothers and yet we only have a few of them playable, granted that makes a bit of sense since it’s a gacha game and it’s easier to sell younger “waifu” type characters. My favourite Granblue mum probably has to be Robomi if she counts, since the event story has had plenty of entries it’s meant that we’ve been able to see her repair her relationship with Kenji after the first event and I like that, not to mention her being one of the few playable characters to actually die in an event even if she comes back in the third event is pretty unique. I like all the other playable mothers too, Lady Grey was one of my first SSR’s and I would love to see the writers use her for more stuff since we don’t have many playable necromancer characters, Nene is a fun enough joke R character but I did like what they did with her during 2023’s White Day Login story, I’m a sucker for a story focusing on family bonds. I also want to count Mishra too even if she’s not Zehek’s mother and instead his teacher but she was another SSR I got early on and I liked her Fates. With Petra’s 5 Star story I’m hoping that Karla can become a part of the “Elemental Shaman’s” storyline they seem to be setting up, I’ve not read all of Petra’s 5 Star Fates yet because I’m still levelling her up to 100 but I’m hoping they don’t kill her off in them, I did actually assume she was already dead after What Reeks and Burns but was happy that she wasn’t. Man the Robomi events are so good, I’d love to see them make the NPC’s of that storyline playable, something a la Meg and Mari where Nicholas is the one fighting with his family cheering him on.
@stovenven Ай бұрын
I wish there were more playable mothers. Nene ssr when, Cygames
@SjefDriscoll Ай бұрын
Shit, I want Maritozzo....
@SjefDriscoll Ай бұрын
Calling Loki's group the Suicide Squad is *enlightened*.
@SjefDriscoll Ай бұрын
And my favorite mother(-in-law) is Catura's, obviously.
@lilburito3507 Ай бұрын
happy mothers day mama ducky!!
@AmpelioB Ай бұрын
My favorite NPCs are Hal, Sariel and Orologia
@aschelnotsu6420 Ай бұрын
I know Yatima is already a Providence Summon, but I still have high hopes on her being playable
@rybek7081 Ай бұрын
@rybek7081 Ай бұрын
and Orologia, but we know s/he is coming eventually, they won't skip it no way
@itsLalm Ай бұрын
ive had a spark saved for leviathan for the past 4, nearing 5 , years.
@monarq2201 Ай бұрын
i want jeno from the levin events to be playable, cool doggy
@lilburito3507 Ай бұрын
Love you ducky
@shadedhydra6674 Ай бұрын
I swapped from Dragalia to Granblue once EOS was announced for that game so it came as a shock to have so many unique portrait NPC’s from the main story not be playable, near the end of the story Dragalia wrote in the new Gala character as a deus ex machina in almost every chapter but with Granblue it seems like after the most prevalent Part 1 NPC’s got to be playable (Sturm, Drang, Noa, Ferry, Black Knight, Orchid), they got to be way more stingy with who got added from the MSQ, that probably had to do with events being way more convenient for introducing new characters. From what I remember off the top of my head we’ve only had a few MSQ characters since then in Shitori, Golden Knight and most recently Adam from back in Part 1. Adam’s addition made me think that Pommern stands a chance to be playable one of these days, he’s such a cool character and does show up semi regularly in events whenever they need to show the Erste Empire so I’m really hoping he’ll get something eventually, I didn’t know about him having a manga to himself though, that’s really cool and I’m definitely gonna have a look to see if it has any translations online. As for your picks I don’t think Alba is gonna be likely since Part 3 introduced so many characters that we’ve not seen since their introduction, just the school setting has like 6 characters they could pull from for a playable character but since basically all events take place in Phantagrande, they have no reason to show up. It’s definitely a shame that the Main Story gets ignored so much, there’s a lot of cool concepts there. The other two I think are just a matter of time, Tristette is gonna be playable in like two plot focused Accordant events tops, while Lamorak I can probably see being playable near the end of the current Dragon Knights storyline or from a Anniversary Dragon Knights event like what the Society got, granted I’ve not actually read further than The Savior of Dalmore since I’m waiting for The Strength to Wield to be reran so I can read it. In regards to the event storylines writing quality I think it’s all been decently solid, I don’t hate any of the events but none of them are close to being a favourite event, the best one I’ve read was probably SIEGFRIED since it focused on both the Kingdom’s past and set up the new storyline after Wales was the villainous Kingdom for 2 events.
@DuckyTalksGranblue Ай бұрын
took them like, idk, 5 years, but they started having Nalhegrande crew in events. A man can dream
@shadedhydra6674 Ай бұрын
@@DuckyTalksGranblue Oh of course, I mean any Main Story character getting the playable treatment would be great in my eyes, personally I’m hoping for some of the Luminary Knights to be playable just so I can see more content with them, hopefully when we get to Estalucia in the next Main Story update.
@figgy6666 Ай бұрын
Honestly since you brought it up I wouldn't mind seeing you discuss the Knights storyline cause man for as much as they love to shove the Dragon Knights down everyone's throats they have a rough time writing for them.
@DuckyTalksGranblue Ай бұрын
I'd need to stock on headache meds before that
@dsammy8955 Ай бұрын
Kinda surprised to see Pommern as a choice. He does seem like a funny endearing character tho, especially in the Granblues comics. I thought his cool young self was just a joke too! I kinda wanna see Zwei as a playable character. Back when she came out as a proud fight and was earth, I thought maybe she was gonna be playable shortly after and perhaps may save earth at the time. Ever since then, that idea's stuck to my head... and she's pretty cute n funny in the comics. Also feel kinda bad for her, not wanting to be seen like an Orchid copy.
@DuckyTalksGranblue Ай бұрын
aint nobody saving earth that element is doomed (*earth main*)
@dsammy8955 Ай бұрын
Surely Grand Sieg with Earth Exaltos will save us, trust...! (Hello fellow earth main xD )
@aschelnotsu6420 Ай бұрын
Another Zwei fan! Don't worry she'll get a playable Earth version to pair with Earth Orchid, *chugs pure concentrated copium*
@dsammy8955 Ай бұрын
Yes please please pleeeease. She has to be with fashionable Orchiid. *_*
@SjefDriscoll Ай бұрын
I still want Gilbert and The One Blonde Witch NPC Who Showed Up In Savior Of Dalmore. EDIT: AND GRACE TOO
@Flamelance_Accendo Ай бұрын
Lamouralla's name looks similar to Lamretta. I wouldn't be surprised if the two ended up meeting one another.
@Kisamon Ай бұрын
Finally, a channel to talk about gbf lore! Can't wait for you to cover Bahagod's lore.
@Flamelance_Accendo Ай бұрын
(you probably weren't looking hard enough 😅)
@SjefDriscoll Ай бұрын
@DuckyTalksGranblue Ай бұрын
so true
@shadedhydra6674 Ай бұрын
That’s a really interesting way to look at this event, I wasn’t super looking forward to another Accordant event so soon after Unbound Asterism since I did expect another dark story right after Anniversary and a pretty serious event in March (I’m more of a fan of the slice of life stuff) but it probably was a good idea to have an event that’s both somewhat of a continuation as well as introducing potential plot elements for another storyline a la Platinum Sky or Violet Violence (whenever Cygames remember that Ezecrain’s event Fates definitely set up some sort of development for him). Some people are expecting the Accordant’s storyline to eventually lead to an Anniversary event so it makes sense to start incorporating more events around them, it sort of seems like the only big contender other than the Dragon Knights story or maybe the Main Story. It’s cool seeing you talk about specific events and what you noticed in them, good vid.
@blaqueup Ай бұрын
A big character so close to this is Rosamia. I feel she's been waiting for her SSR's 5* for a while, with how it left things hanging there.
@daten9075 Ай бұрын
oh wow a granblue lore channel! Birdman's SR fates made me hopeful that he was gonna an event some time down the line since its pretty much a set up for a bigger issue but... almost 6 years and nothing, makes me a bit sad since he's one of my fave male characters lol
@juninamura6375 Ай бұрын
Was hilarious the reception of Mireille and Risette by the JP community. They almost destroyed an entire city and somehow ended in our ship despite saying the will repent forever 😂