Deadly Individualism: Frog Minutes
I freakin' love . . . Metal Slug
Mocking racist morons for fun
2 жыл бұрын
Very Very Valet, really review
3 жыл бұрын
The Medium | Dishonest and Disgusting
@deviantknight7009 44 минут бұрын
We dealt with all the unaltered content as teenagers and in our 20s but now an M rates game needs to be toned down? Im good ill play Metaphor refantazio
@CharlieMonkeh 2 сағат бұрын
Just say and title your vid “Why I Like Comic Book a lot better” dude, just say it I know you do…😩.
@maxjustice1542 2 сағат бұрын
I think what bums me out is that most people have forgotten about Dead Rising. It not as popular like RE or any other Capcom game. That fourth game really hurt its reputation that people just don't care about it anymore. I do feel those sequels also lost the charm of what made DR1 interesting to me. (This is me saying this while DR2 is one of my favorites. I got into the series very late) Now with the controversies of censorship and gameplay, these are what probably going to put some people off. I know there are people out that do care about the original game but there are others that don't. Some people are fed up about the current gaming trends that they won't even give DRDR a shot. Which is disappointing because I do think this remaster was pretty good. I appreciate that you explained your reasons. It was a honest critique that actually showcase some of those gameplay issues you were having. The lighting issues, zombie behavior, and even challenges should have been tweaked by now or have it's own new mode. For me, DRDR needed to have a little bit more content. I think the Devs did what they could to bring the series back. I ended up enjoying DRDR just like the original. If they do remaster DR2, I hope they can deliver and learn what they can improve from all this. I think Dead Rising deserves another chance.
@maetheron1160 4 сағат бұрын
I love seeing babies for some small little censorship lmao
@charleszp938 4 сағат бұрын
You are the tourist, Henry. You know why.
@morgue3824 5 сағат бұрын
I disagree with the narrative of Larry being concieved as a racial stereotype. Sure, he had exaggerated features, but it's not like some Chinese people don't look like that and it isn't racist to say that - and Larry didn't speak with a stereotypical accent like you'd hear in a commercial from the 50's. At the worst, he just sounded slow and dimwitted. Plus, this could be headcanon on my part, but this is how I always interpereted Larry in the original game: He’s an immigrant who adopted the American way of life and serves its people with obsession. In Carlito’s eyes he’s a traitor and a sellout who should be on his side considering the US coulda conducted their experiments anywhere including Larry’s original home and America has corrupted him to the point he represents everything Carlito hates about America but in the body of a foreigner which would arguably be even worse in his eyes as America’s ideals are polluting people that aren’t even originally from there. Though, you could argue that his new appearance could symbolize something different: He was born in America and in Carlito’s eyes aside from appearance has been completely neutered of his culture to the point of being indistinguishable from the average American including their obsession for greed and consumerism (which is also ironic considering Nick, Diego and probably the other orphans he infected considered him a terrorist and were raised as Americans) But that just feels less impactful imo.
@RexVergstrong 6 сағат бұрын
I doubt there was enough care to remove Erotica due to "Frank's characterization", you proved with most of the other stuff. They removed Erotica due to it being the most general thing they would get attacked by the gaming press by. Jo, and the other lines would require people to actually play the game for more than five minutes, the Erotica points don't.
@nathanlevesque7812 6 сағат бұрын
Okay but did they nerf somersault kick. That move annihilated bosses, even stunlocking most bc it has i-frames to beat out incoming attacks.
@RexVergstrong 6 сағат бұрын
Modern Capcom is utter shit with sound design. People crucified Crowbcat for his RE4 video but he was completely right.
@DionPanday 6 сағат бұрын
Suda51 doesn’t support censorship
@mistergremm735 8 сағат бұрын
25:06 No way that wasn't an intentional pun right there!
@Gadfly818 8 сағат бұрын
Bro when this game dropped, there were two reviews I was waiting on. Yours and STiPO's. I can now make an educated purchase 🫡
@johnmarston8290 8 сағат бұрын
Clearly you didn’t play the original and you’re a sellout for taking a review copy… your opinion is invalid.
@bigdrippy4104 15 сағат бұрын
Sexified Carlito is really funny lol
@Darksky1001able 16 сағат бұрын
I wish they would nake a dead rising where frank and rebecca have a child who picks up where frank left off in journalism. And has to fight zombies to save his or her parents. Would be cool to see.
@chrisr9764 17 сағат бұрын
I just can’t get over how bad Brads VAs performance is.
@Occidendum 14 сағат бұрын
It's not great, but at least it isn't present, ubisoft bad
@DEDManGamingWins 18 сағат бұрын
@shawnnbits 19 сағат бұрын
Dying to know what lines he thinks sound better in the original(other than all of Franks lines cus Rotolo is goated)
@dannycurtis3575 19 сағат бұрын
But why remove the Erotica Tag if you are going to keep in all the sexy stuff anyway? The only reason to change Cliff's dialog and remove the tag are because to get into the Chinese market they had to take out anything derogatory or immoral to the CCP, since to get your product into the country a government official has to be apart of the process. Like how he has a lot of wrestling moves and the football tackle to let you infer he is a physical guy, the Erotica tag shows he can be a bit sleezy as well. It's a small character flaw that adds a bit of depth to his character compounded by the other attributes of his determination, wrestling prowess, photography skills, and good nature.
@shawnnbits 19 сағат бұрын
Yeah making your game more marketable after 20 years is WEIRD
@RexVergstrong 6 сағат бұрын
Then make a censored chinese version.
@SlickD86 21 сағат бұрын
Viral on Social Media? What In The World! 🤣🤣🤣
@Ghenry 9 сағат бұрын
In a game that takes place in 2006
@MemeAlchemist 21 сағат бұрын
Great review. There are missing details like the queen in the jar not moving around or the Mega Buster toy not lighting up when it gets shot. These are obviously small details, but as a fan since the launch of the original, they are noticeable. Also the Kneedrop feels super inconsistent. I dont like how QUICK the Somersault Kick goes off when you are trying to do a jump kick or roundhouse/ sweep. Idk. Like you said! You cannot make players like us not feel these very slight changes after playing for 20 some years.
@getemheshappy564 22 сағат бұрын
Could care less about the couple changes with the psychos but i don't like the tunnels being so empty!
@cynicalia 23 сағат бұрын
Your drawing of you as frank is really really Good art
@BlindedOtaku 23 сағат бұрын
Damn I don’t remember Shadows of The Damned looking anything like this
@jnormile9924 23 сағат бұрын
Still waiting on the physical release 😭
@SwaggyG_2102 Күн бұрын
Regarding the Erotica tag and Kent's challenge, had it been up to me, instead of asking for an outtake, I'd have it be Brutality instead. Given that Kent is a photographer who seems to have no problem taking violent pictures and even orchaestrating some of them, it makes sense as to why he'd want a brutality pic from Frank.
@mediawatcher9225 Күн бұрын
One I will say about the dialogue is the new lines actually sound better than the repeated ones, it feels like they had their own direction
@sygyzy0933 Күн бұрын
Revisionist history dr1, I liked it tho lol
@nahusmash8390 Күн бұрын
Luckily now the game came with dubbing for several languages, so the lack of the original cast I can at least bear with a dubbing in my native language.
@emiska3889 Күн бұрын
i dont really agree with the random survivor chats or tips, in the original leah could have been crying about her dead baby then the moment frank levels up, jumps and put their fist in the air like she achieved something. i think it adds a level of charm that doesnt take away their humanity, just adds something fun to the survivors
@derwilhelmovic1617 Күн бұрын
Tbh I thought Larry's original design had a certain charm to it with characteristics like the missing front teeth the new Larry just looks like Larry The Cable Guy
@jordanloux3883 Күн бұрын
Considering original Larry was basically every racist caricature of Chinese people rolled into one, it makes sense why they made the change. Probably should have met more in the middle
@Ghenry 22 сағат бұрын
He looks nothing like Larry the Cable Guy.
@kjtj397 Күн бұрын
27:44 that’s a bold statement Cotten let’s see how that plays out for them …
@NickJR528 Күн бұрын
From what I've seen in DRDR from others, I'd say that's flipped lol
@sibel9272 Күн бұрын
Are you here just to be an annoying griftard?
@FlopDangle Күн бұрын
dude is so hot about this game being successful he had to comment 3 times with some asinine drivel 💀
@kjtj397 Күн бұрын
@@FlopDangle coomsumers consuming censorship! 💀🤡
@kjtj397 Күн бұрын
21:44 censorship is censorship bud
@KenGee97 7 сағат бұрын
You're a massive flaming homosexual
@lostsanityreturned Күн бұрын
Interesting you are the first person I have heard of that was disinterested in / didn't like resident evil 1 remake.
@FerniWrites Күн бұрын
Just so you know, Zombie Annihilator stacks between runs now. Those killed will carry over.
@kjtj397 Күн бұрын
0:08 shill
@Ghenry Күн бұрын
Yeah, I must be a shill, criticizing the numerous shortcomings of this game. You are very smart, and don't have the attention span of pond scum. Very good.
@kjtj397 Күн бұрын
@@Ghenry you forget about the censorship? Crapcom outsourcing to a Chinese company ? 💀?
@kjtj397 Күн бұрын
@@Ghenry any review code by the company is being a shill still
@sibel9272 Күн бұрын
@@kjtj397 and any post from you is fucking stupid.
@punishedkoopy Күн бұрын
Don't lie to me Ghenry, you just thought those two Japanese guys were mad sexy
@SuperGamer61499 Күн бұрын
I guess at the very least, even if I personally disagree with your opinions on the erotic photo shoots being removed, I appreciate you're well balanced on the remake at least. It's really just a remake at the end of the day. And sure, I'm glad the original does exist, but I'm glad even despite being paid by Capcom with a review code you didn't go too positive or too negative. Just I think it's worth noting that a lot of people don't get offended with stuff like the Erotica photo shoot options. And I would argue personally if you take a photo of a rotting corpse for an erotica shoot then that reflect more on player decisions. Not Frank's decisions. You & Frank are not the same body. (Whatever you do and whatever Frank does are not the same. So if you participate in Kent's optional challenge in the original then you participated in that. You never really gotta do photo opportunity so I disagree it's an issue for Frank if you do it. It's just something fun imo.) I agree with your criticisms mostly otherwise. (Like the difficulty being toned down. And I guess the Larry thing is a fair enough change. I'm not offended but I'm not getting upset by that personally.)
@OwO377 Күн бұрын
In summary it good game but call it great not really cuz truly lack personality. Modder will fix that problem to fully experience dead rising .
@Trophy-Hunter30 Күн бұрын
Fun fact: Kent still says "this is my sexiest shot" in the brazillian portuguese dub. How a mistake like that reached the end product is shocking.
@AC-hj9tv Сағат бұрын
Taiwanese company. Not surprised
@biguy223 Күн бұрын
Not only does Kent's mission feels wrong now, but Cheryl even more so now.
@Ghenry Күн бұрын
Yeah but now it's hotter with the voice-acting. The actor knew what was up lmao
@NyxTheBraix 21 сағат бұрын
To be honest I never understood why Kent would want an Erotica picture after showing a Brutality one... Making us hunt for an Outtake picture makes even less sense but like... Why Erótica to begin with?
@Sandra_aschenbach_doyle Күн бұрын
YES!!! Now i am motivated. The fucking authority speaks!!!
@MamoMark Күн бұрын
They could have reintroduced the erotica category just for that scoop, but add new dialogue in how Frank doesn't feel comfortable or how wrong it feels when he does it? I agree removing it makes Kent seem inconsistent. Reminds me of RE4 VR on Quest where they removed Luis' ballistics line but they kept Ashley's response to it, so she comes off like an asshole now.
@ChiefMedicPururu Күн бұрын
Context is lost on some people, sadly.
@ChiefMedicPururu Күн бұрын
BTW, the Remaster doesn't even credit the mo-cap actors anymore, which is just wrong.
@OwO377 Күн бұрын
Along side some of line change and erotic PP not appear despite it help increase the level like the Original game. Glad Modder will add thing that should exist and return some line as option if time tell.
@darrylaz3570 16 сағат бұрын
Apparently none of the staff who worked on the original game were credited in DRDR, which is just bizarre for a game that's 90% lifted from the original.
@KyleEvans 10 сағат бұрын
@@OwO377No, not being reward for taking perverted photos is not the same as actors not being properly credited…
@ChiefMedicPururu 8 сағат бұрын
@@darrylaz3570 That's just gross.
@TheDragonflyzero Күн бұрын
I understand the issue with kent, it is a little weird that they changed it to comedy, but I think k it still works for the simple fact that frank still shows him up when he talked a big game,asif he had never been challenged like that. But I definitely think they should've gone with drama as the category
@Yoshinator Күн бұрын
It doesn't work when you fail he laughs at your photo. You pass and he's impressed even to his own detriment, but if you fail, he laughs at how bad your comedy shot is? Very mixed messages. I can see someone who has only played this version getting confused by that cutscene.
@TheDragonflyzero Күн бұрын
@@Yoshinator it absolutely still works, he's laughing dismissively because the photo you gave him is bad, not because it's genuinely funny it's not even subtle it's easy to understand that if you're not going out of your way to look for a reason to say it doesn't work
@Yoshinator Күн бұрын
@@TheDragonflyzero give him a funny picture, it's so "bad" and not funny that it makes him laugh, or give him a good funny picture and he doesn't even crack a smile, but instead is mad about it? How can you claim I'm being disingenuous when his actions go against human nature?
@TheDragonflyzero Күн бұрын
@@Yoshinator he is laughing at how bad it is, he issued a competition he takes seriously of course he's not going to laugh when he knows he lost and he's going to laugh at how bad the inadequate photo is because he thinks he's better than everyone and frank gave him proof in that instance. You're treating kent like he's a normal human being, he's unhinged, he's combative even though he considers himself pacifist, and most importantly he clearly hates losing, so much so that he will tie a survivor up and kill him to capture the perfect shot to prove to frank that he's the best photographer.
@ChiefMedicPururu Күн бұрын
I dislike the added blurbs of dialogue, they clash with the original script and some make no sense.
@OwO377 Күн бұрын
Hopefully Modder will fix that problem to experience dead rising at the peak.
@assassinonprozac 21 сағат бұрын
They really put zero thought into this mechanic. The very first time I heard one of them was Bill telling me about the convicts, you know, Bill? The guy who was trapped in the back of a store with no human contact of any kind since before the outbreak even began? Not to mention they still use the voice type thing from the original game for these which when combined with the new acting means survivor can sound like three entirely different people at the same time.
@ChiefMedicPururu 21 сағат бұрын
@@assassinonprozac So the Japanese tourists can blurb those random infos too??
@assassinonprozac 20 сағат бұрын
@@ChiefMedicPururu They can but they have their own unique voice lines in Japanese (which I’m pretty sure are just generic ones from the Japanese dub).
@Adonk 13 сағат бұрын
The worst one I noticed was when Leah mentioned a 'cool photo op' seconds after crying about her dead kid.
@JorgeLopez-qj8pu Күн бұрын
I mean, what I appreciate is that you can buy the original and this one, unlike other companies like Rockstar or Nintendo, trying to take down the original one, to push up the new one, or worse DMCA anything relating to the old one.
@Polychi1998 Күн бұрын
After watching the video. I'll just stick to the original. I am not interested in a "deluxe" version of Dead rising when the original already there. I'll save my money for Shadows of the Damned a game that didn't sacrifice graphics, and no needless minor censorship. Though if the game does well, the directors mentioned they're gonna remaster DRDR 2. Which I'm *VERY* concern because that game is fill to the BRIM with s*x jokes, innuendos, women (and zombie women) in revealing clothing, TK's girls, d*ildos, that cop lady, Frank's exaggerated perverted nature, That creepy old lady celebrity, Fortune City being an adult resort and of course, Ted. I genuinely don't know if they're gonna pull a "It's the same game but with lots of alterations so here's a bunch of fun costumes to distract you from the changes", or really committed to actually be an honest remake (Yes it's a remake, and that's how I'm gonna see it don't bother arguing). I dunno, this isn't the Dead Rising I asked. I'm not gonna simply buy a game because it has shiny graphics, or "improved" when I already have the OG game untouched without being butchered, and *NOT EASY TO LEVEL UP* . Am I really not buying a game over the small changes? *HELL* *FU-KING* *YEAH* Not simply buying a game despite the 'hype' and buying a game that costs more than the original game feels nice! You're lucky you manage to enjoy this game, Ghenry. While I mostly disagree with your opinions on the 'remaster' I do agree some of things that rings true to my head. I'm just glad this game is released so I can move on and neglected it's existence. *BUT* the people defending this remaster we're toxic as hell. One being is that they accuse me of being into Loli... as if that relates to Dead Rising at fucking all. You go have fun with your remake, Ghenry. I'll just buy a game that isn't $50. *BUT* I will say this... This review is *THOUSANDS* times better than Dorkaxe. You know, the same guy who claims DR3 being a worst game than DR4 and made a *BOLD* statement saying, "Anyone who worked on DR3 *DESERVES TO BE FIRED* " I am not joking. What a f*cking j*ckass of a 'reviewer'. And he made a *second* video trashing DR3, again. As if DR4 doesn't exist. And many people agree with him on that video. Man, fuck that guy. Reposted because I think KZbin hidden my comment.
@KenGee97 7 сағат бұрын
Holy fuck you wrote this massive comment, seriously?
@Polychi1998 6 сағат бұрын
@@KenGee97 Yes. Because I really love DR as a whole. I'm not being a critic because I hate it, but because I *love this game*
@KenGee97 5 сағат бұрын
@@Polychi1998 so do I and the remaster is great
@quiltrowave Күн бұрын
Good analisis. I'd like to hear your take on LC Repop though. Some bugs, and licensed music/costumes aside, I thought it was pretty good. I love LC.
@Ghenry Күн бұрын
I could've asked for a review code, but chose not to. I'll talk about LC RP eventually, but I felt it was not worth my time, especially at the moment. From what I've played, it is an abhorrent port that plays mostly worse than the original, riddled with bugs and visual problems. The head producer showed no care in the actual product's performance or the visual style it was already renowned for.
@quiltrowave 12 сағат бұрын
​@@Ghenry thanks, man. Can't wait to watch that video. I didn't notice most of those bugs and other performance issues
@Madvillain47 Күн бұрын
I had a blast playing this as someone who loves the original game. Really enjoyed the changes to infinity mode actually making it fun to play now with the ability to speed up time as well as the AI improvements. The new skill books were a lot of fun too. Glad they still kept the same fun gameplay and charm as the original, just wish we had the old cast back as new voice actors aren't nearly as good.