@tufalike1796 5 минут бұрын
most incompetent female I have ever seen and I've seen hundreds of videos by now! Get her off the streets! She is a HUGE danger to the public and fellow troopers! sick...
@Audra1964 49 минут бұрын
First time I have seen unprofessionalism from an ASP officer. You will never convince me that a woman should be a Trooper. Number one is that emotionalism will at some point override good sense. Secondly, even a woman more professional than this one will be easily overcome physically so her only defense ends up being lethal force. Crazy to me than any woman should have this job.
@jimmycollett767 Сағат бұрын
Never piss off a woman cop cause she will put on. You hahahhahhahah😅😮😮😮😮😮
@Leigh3420 2 сағат бұрын
I’m a strong woman and I agree there’s some jobs that women should not be doing.
@terribrown3464 4 сағат бұрын
She's angry at him for not pulling over and then he doesn't speak English so he wasn't doing what she wanted him to do. So the officer only got angrier. She should have called in the traffic stop and asked for assistance. She should not have approached the vehicle on the driver's side! She should not have put herself in that close of a position to the suspect...so many things could have gone wrong with that mentality. Thank goodness for the young lady who stopped to help.
@mozacs3482 4 сағат бұрын
She needs jail time
@ChuckSisk-tv8eh 5 сағат бұрын
Wow , private time while you’re at work!! Wow. My bosses counted how many bricks and blocks I laid everyday. 30 minute lunch break then right back at it . Standing around and you’re gone !! How spoiled are you?
@tpowfjb 5 сағат бұрын
@ohPokey 6 сағат бұрын
That WOMAN, not chick, saved that arrogant cops life. She deserves a MEDAL.
@ChuckSisk-tv8eh 7 сағат бұрын
And again , your ego comes out . The last statement you made. Someone from California made us look bad . Can you hear your ego !! Same thing would happen if a citizen would have just taken that drunk away from her and put him on his belly and put cuffs on him . Your egos would be hurt . Not happy that the citizen got the job done . Citizen hurt egos of cops !!!
@ChuckSisk-tv8eh 7 сағат бұрын
U can’t help a cop . Because they have separated themselves from the public. I can’t express that enough!!!! You guys are a standing ARMY against AMERICAN CITIZENS. All citizens r criminals to cops . So when we citizens try to help we have to b n fear of being killed by police. It’s that simple. Citizens would be happy to help. Citizens don’t want criminals out on the streets either. I bet both of you guys have said , JUST GET BACK AND WAIT AND LET COPS TAKE CARE OF IT . Leo EGOS, have caused citizens fear to help . It’s your fault !!! The funny part is that with out the HELP of citizens the only thing cops would be good for is traffic tickets. It is rare a cop sees a crime n action!!!!! I wish you guys could control your egos and paranoia . Criminals don’t know where cops live . But they dam sure know where there victims live !!!!
@wellesleysmith102 7 сағат бұрын
Girls should NOT be cops!!!
@katah777 8 сағат бұрын
You just know that guy is in America illegally and no way he was going to stop. They break the law getting here why would anyone expect him to obey any other laws? This is now the norm people. Get used to it.
@tomwilson1006 10 сағат бұрын
She really thought “I can do anything a man can do…..and better!” 🙄 🤦🏼‍♂️
@towguy62 11 сағат бұрын
Omg and she went ti lethal weapon and at close range all she got was a graze to his right temple area She is lucky he didn’t die. The same thing occurred in Grand Rapids Michigan and they Attorney General’s office filed murder charges
@towguy62 11 сағат бұрын
This is the main reason that I don’t believe women should be on the street. This is more common than you may realize. This officer was so damn Lucky a motorist stopped but in all reality she wasn’t much help either they were both struggling. It wasn’t until the male officers rolled up and got things under control. There was so many things this trooper did wrong. She failed to notify dispatchers of her location failed to notify license plate failed to identify driver she did so many more things wrong. She is lucky other officers weren’t attending a funeral.
@josephtucker4673 14 сағат бұрын
So everytime you see someone with a gun you gonna stop them disarm them cause you think you can. They have to show they actually own it? Just because they left a drug house and seeing they had a gun is probable cause. So then you use that they have two on a scooter as the reason to engage. Hmmph, when is lawful for the people to stand up against unlawful acts of police? Tired of seeing people have to go thru this god like behavior then come back and sue them later for what, for what. Stop the pig purge. I know not all are bad, but the limit on our rights doesn't supercedes your cop rights to infringe, accosted, kill, assault, etc. Night watchers. Pleagues upon the public.
@josephtucker4673 14 сағат бұрын
She's unhinged. If she can't control herself and her emotions. She gave no notice, she attacks the guy while in the car, and if he truly wanted to whip her ass he could have. She could have done the whole thing differently then she wouldn't have discharged her ah service weapon endangering the life of he lady helping her. Even her orders to the lady helping was a drill Sargent status. She's used to being the one in charge, didn't hesitate to use her tazer, and well what if this was another person, like a black person. This wouldn't have went lime this in her getting off with her use of force. Oh so you say he should have pulled over sokner as soon as her pretty little blue lights came on.
@timothydavis891 14 сағат бұрын
Tyrant behavior period.talking to police is not playing games
@timothydavis891 14 сағат бұрын
Not just look terrible it is terrible copsplaning
@timothydavis891 14 сағат бұрын
So he behave worst than the cops
@timothydavis891 14 сағат бұрын
It's not a law to enforce you to roll down your windows.
@timothydavis891 15 сағат бұрын
There is no law to roll down the window
@spll3906 15 сағат бұрын
The cops behavior far out do Tyreeks actions. Tyreek may have been out of line the cops behavior was criminal. I know you cops don't things anything you do is criminal but it is.
@Patriciamiliaaudits 15 сағат бұрын
Opens the victims car door
@Patriciamiliaaudits 15 сағат бұрын
Where is the cam footage from the pursuit?
@daltonhartwell 15 сағат бұрын
Yo I grew up in grass valley too man, military police rn and looking into going in the the PD when I get out.
@carma459 17 сағат бұрын
@startbline 17 сағат бұрын
Dang that driver could have shot her when she opened the door, can I say stupid move? 17:30
@elainedixon1954 17 сағат бұрын
@serusse 19 сағат бұрын
My main thought was that I didn't hear her ask for backup until after she lost the taser. Didn't hear her mention her location to dispatch. The guy was so intoxicated that he didn't understand anything. And the commands weren't very clear even if he would have understood.
@GrannyS217 20 сағат бұрын
That is an accident waiting to happen! She was embarrassing to watch. An out of control drunk , no English, a law breaking illegal, what did she expect? She could have been pushed into oncoming traffic and hit by a law abiding citizen! STUPID! Should be relieved of her duty.
@barryhancock9558 20 сағат бұрын
I don't believe women should be cops and I'm a woman
@TruthwillPrevail7938 21 сағат бұрын
What kind of religion does that terrible looking beard represent?
@michaelmunro8147 Күн бұрын
Did the trooper intend for the shot to be non-lethal? Was she just gassed and failed to make a lethal shot?
@michaelmunro8147 Күн бұрын
An undocumented immigrant in Arkansas with a California tag would make me wonder if it was a stolen vehicle.
@michaelmunro8147 Күн бұрын
My question would be, would she have gone immediately hands-on if it was a 6' 250 pound man driving the car??
This is why women shouldn’t be patrol officers.
@dolphinj40 Күн бұрын
Wtg girl
@Dawn-p2l Күн бұрын
This officer needs to be fired. That was so wrong in sooo many ways!!
@IGotYouRS Күн бұрын
Wow. She should be assingned to parking patrol if that! Unreal!
@Vickie_Loretta_Walker Күн бұрын
I agree with everybofy saying that SHE DOES NOT NEED TO BE A TROOPER!!!
@jessykamejia-velez7529 Күн бұрын
Retraining for sure and a HUGE EGO check. Call for backup come on 116mph u let ur comrades know where u are. She is tiny and opens his door and thinks she could take him on. I completely agree with u guys. The worst part is a woman citizen had to help her and both could have been killed
@davidshevling7205 Күн бұрын
She sould not be a cop.0 skills
@jerrylawler2735 Күн бұрын
Well at least the will never be smart enough to ask for data of number of white people released with a warning vs black people released with a ticket
@jessesebestyen8968 Күн бұрын
¡Aye Aye Aye!
@jonnylawless6797 Күн бұрын
SWAT should be trained by former tier 1 operators
I thonk what she done is bull 💩 she walks up to the car opens the door and attacks the guy. He goes into defense mode vecause of her actions. Uncalled for. They shouldn't be allowed use tazers. Why didn't she eait for vackup before approaching the car?. A choke hold, unacceptable. He didn't hear the siren because his music was up too loud.
@philheustis5457 Күн бұрын
Tyrant trooper has no idea what she’s doing.
@chuckmcdonald1396 Күн бұрын
I agree with all the people commenting. She is lucky to have survived this incident. A.S.P. are the best troopers in the U.S.A. bar none. This female trooper is the broken link. I would not want to depend on her to have my back. Time for her to find a new occupation before she hurts herself or someone else. Now Kiley Sutton would be a great trooper. Just saying, not hating.