Sam Harris discusses Christian Morality
Richard Dawkins against child abuse
@DinorwicSongwriter 11 сағат бұрын
We all know the exodus is fabricated because Charlton Heston wandered the middle east desert for 40 years and couldn’t tell you the countries that border Iraq.
@lesmccracken7155 5 күн бұрын
Chris Hitchens is the man who proved how much the bible is so farcical. I’ve read the bible a few times and I also wonder why this god would have Mary & Joseph instead of riding on the back of an ass, wouldn’t have them in a Cadillac or a Dodge Charger. Because this god hadn’t thought of that. That’s because there is no god!!
@deevine1818 11 күн бұрын
When was Nazareth established? 2200 BC Nazareth النَّاصِرَة‎, an-Nāṣira 7:18 Major city) Municipality Est. 1885
@savagerider3294 18 күн бұрын
The answer is pretty obvious to a believe and would be hidden from an unbeliever. Loving God with all your heart soul and mind. The first and greatest moral action, the very root of Christianity. It can not be done by a nonbeliever, because the nonbeliever, does not believe that God exists. You can’t love something that you don’t believe exists. Now, you can argue over the meaning of Love and moral action, but that is the answer. It was not discovered by me, but it is right.
@steroidsR4losers 21 күн бұрын
The atheist view - Billions of years ago a magical explosion happened and monkeys come out and slowly turned into people...
@samuellfunksonandthemother7752 24 күн бұрын
I wonder what his take would be on the transgender/gender debate?
@samuellfunksonandthemother7752 24 күн бұрын
All of these years later I am so happily amazed to see the huge amount of incredible comments regarding the legendary Hitch. I miss his wisdom, the way he makes even now, people think, his way of speaking and his cheeky yet clever humour and sarcasm.
@MichaelChau-qj3nw Ай бұрын
Religion is just a psychological matter! It is not really so powerful as you thought !
@MichaelChau-qj3nw Ай бұрын
Jesus is just a delusional god !
@Aironcrow 2 ай бұрын
Bob Dylan sang, "People don't do what they believe in, they just do what's most convenient then they repent. I I always said, 'Hang on to me honey and let's hope that the roof stays on.'"
@ruetheaterrace8843 2 ай бұрын
Flavian theory. Read it along Tacitus Histories and what happened during the reign of the 4 emperors and the Jewish war and you may gain an understanding of why Jesus was created by the genius of the Roman Empire to be gave peace in huge empire
@PaulDawson-hi5yu 2 ай бұрын
There are 5 growth rings in life....1. rebellion...2 repentance...3 request for God's glory...4.revelation...5. response through worship. This guy is at stage 1
@BillyMurray-hw2vz 2 ай бұрын
It really breaks my heart to see people disrespecting Jesus
@PatriciaGoodsonpianist 3 ай бұрын
Did the bishop apologize?
@monicaguerra4079 2 ай бұрын
For what?
@PatriciaGoodsonpianist 2 ай бұрын
@@monicaguerra4079 I don’t know, centuries of crimes against humanity?
@monicaguerra4079 2 ай бұрын
@@PatriciaGoodsonpianist the bishop is that old?
@PatriciaGoodsonpianist 2 ай бұрын
@@monicaguerra4079 he was specifically challenged to for the Catholic Church just active role in it sighting genocide in Rwanda. That was my question. Did he apologize for that? All the other stuff would be fine too. The church has great deal to apologize for this Hitchens clearly points out.
@monicaguerra4079 2 ай бұрын
@@PatriciaGoodsonpianist which bishop are you talking about?
@johnking5174 3 ай бұрын
Perfect description of that god, and Christians still think the "son" of that god Jesus was totally different. In fact, scratch the surface and Jesus was just as cruel and nasty as his daddy is. However PR bullshit of the gospels tries to make it look better
@stevendixon5467 3 ай бұрын
Religion took down the twin towers in nyc so sad
@stevendixon5467 3 ай бұрын
Religion is poison sewage and false
@ThoughtsEtcEtcEtc 3 ай бұрын
It’s 2024 and ChatGPT still can’t figure this obvious conclusion about the bible, and still gives wishy-washy answers about how slavery is represented in the Bible.
@user-ge4om9jw5u 4 ай бұрын
Morality predates religion
@infoscholar5221 4 ай бұрын
I'm an athiest...but, it's kinda like being fat, in the South'; just be an atheist, and shut up about it.
@ExcitedAnacondaSnake-hg8ec 4 ай бұрын
What a pretentious uninformed uneducated man. So much he says is wrong . Total mediocre. He’s a class snob too. Yeah only peasants followed Christ, not true again. Why did anyone listen to this guy.
@SleepyPenguin-8og 4 ай бұрын
Hitch drops more knowledge in under 7 minutes than youll ever pick up inside a church in a lifetime.
@user-ki1un4jg2d 4 ай бұрын
We certainly do not get any morals from this Jagoff Hitchens .
@jaydeejohnson7 4 ай бұрын
Then you are on your way to healthy inquiry. Religion does not look kindly on such inquiry
@irynatkach3511 4 ай бұрын
If Hitchens thinks he is as moral being, where did he get those morals from? What makes him superior he is better than incarcerated criminals who think differently?
@damienschwass9354 3 ай бұрын
Yes, he was.
@oscarmudd6579 4 ай бұрын
I don't think that the progenitors of the monotheistic cults believed that the world was coming to an end; it's more likely that, under threat of being assimilated into Roman culture, they were hiding Eratosthenes' discovery that potentially half the gold and land was available to them if they could keep everyone in the dark until such a time as they could acquire the money, technology, ships and men to take that land (and gold) for themselves.
@oscarmudd6579 4 ай бұрын
Those jews didn't retire to the caves in the Israel, simply to practice their calligraphy.
@mosog8829 5 ай бұрын
The answer is in the Bible: A non Christian cannot love his/her enemy Mathew 5: 43-48
@N.Earl2850 5 ай бұрын
Secular Humanism religion : everyone is their own god. Over 100 million fataities in one century. Maranatha Yeshua ha Meschiach
@N.Earl2850 5 ай бұрын
2 hundred decades later & they are still mad at Gsus. Will the same thing be said of his detractors. Miss u hitch22
@flymoolahman2763 5 ай бұрын
You either choose to believe in Jesus Christ, or you do not, simple as that. “Those who are not with me are against me, those who do not gather with me scatter abroad” This man sounds like he is attempting to persuade people into unbelief, and still it’s weak because at the end even he adds doubts into his own argument. I believe in Jesus Christ, I believe in the love he gave and in the resurrection. I believe he is watching over you right now waiting for you to come to him and ask him to help you. Go read the Gospels and see for yourself if you are this deep in, what do you have to lose?
@flymoolahman2763 5 ай бұрын
Very hateful language he uses when talking about woman, kind of expected of someone who is this deep into unbelief
@flymoolahman2763 5 ай бұрын
Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Do not live in the flesh anymore, turn away and look for your Spirit, search for the good in everyone. CHANGE
@leepd1 5 ай бұрын
If a believer can listen to this and still have a need to follow a god thru faith, then they are never going to see reality.. facts just don't matter when your emotional state of mind dictates every thought, highlighting what a basic species we really are.. thanks Hitch.. much missed.
@AlcibiadesMD 5 ай бұрын
Christopher Hitchens has provided me through his books, videos and debates more enlightenment, wit, humanism and humility than all the churches and religions nuts I attended to in my youth. As nearly 66 years old now I am indebted to this giant of reason, a voice sorely missed. I love 💗 the Hitch and remember his teachings everyday, I even put his name in my vehicle license plate, it reads, HITCH49 his date of birth (1949) and I’m proud of it.
@shwanjalal8709 5 ай бұрын
Even though I never met him or even knew about him when he was still alive my goodness do I miss christopher hitchens.
@pfflyer3381 5 ай бұрын
2:40 Look, listen to,at that Christians, trump, rape! No they dont condemn it, they honor it, condone it, like in the bible! soldiers are suckers! Insults over policy's, hate Du Jour, IS a policy!
@josephbelisle5792 5 ай бұрын
I love how so many people look up to the courage of Hitchens to speak the truth. To speak out for critical thinking, reason, logic, science and as best we can determine it, truth. But what I believe is that Hitchens himself didnt see himself as someone to look up to. Yes he was a great orator and had a great mind, but i believe he saw each and every one of us as the same. Different atributes of course, but each and every one of us a person who can speak truth to illusion. Reasoning to cognitive dissonance. Critical thinking to dogma. Logic to wishful thinking. Science to made up stories. Each and every one of us carries on the traditions started by the Greeks and Persians who started mathematiics and critical thinking. Look at the person in the mirror. It may not be Hitchens but you can be someone to carry on his work of making this a better world for all and helping the human potential to be at peace with itself and life. The absennce of delusioms allow to see and deal with reality. Perhaps the greatest crime of theism. Keeping us chasing illusions of an answer to suffering.
@flymoolahman2763 5 ай бұрын
If believing in loving God with all my heart, soul and strength and loving my neighbour as myself is a delusion, why was hitchens so against it?
@abtinshahidi4390 5 ай бұрын
@davidrudd6550 6 ай бұрын
It would be interesting to see if Hitchens would approve of the new religion…identity politics & virtue signalling. I think he has been enlightened.
@josephbelisle5792 6 ай бұрын
I keep reading the imsanely poor logic of theists. Making unsubstantial claims. Refering to their holy scripture as if somehow it was proven to be true. Morality existed long before religion. Morality existed long before the Isrealites adopted and evolved a bloodthirsty thunder mountain god. As a child, my family, a fundy theistic family, showed me what morality is. Not by example but by teaching me the opposite. Love is hate. Hate is love. Narcissistic manipulation of those around you is the way. For what is the god of Abraham? A narcissisist who doesnt treat people with love. It constantly demands. Nothing is given without a cost. Its followers are driven to no self esteem and to repeat the pattern of hatred towards others as taught to them by their god. Look at Isreal. They dont act out of love. They murder in the name of. All you theists who post here. Please continue posting your baseless and inept arguments. All you do is show to the readers here how wrong you are and sway them to a sounder way of thinking. The only people you convince are those blinded by trauma and abuse as you are. If you were not so destructive to humanity I would pity you. But you are, so I cant. If you would only think clearly and intelligently. You may give the rest of us hope. But instead you wait drooling for the end times where billions of people die just to make you feel better about your trauma and abuse. Its such a sick fantasy. Wouldnt you rather the world succeed in making this place a place of happiness for all. No you wouldnt. You would rather want what your narcissstic abuser wants. And humanity suffers for it.
@ashwayn 6 ай бұрын
O look YT removed my truth AGAIN
@harshithharsh2542 7 ай бұрын
My old enemy 240p we met again😅
@thetruthaboutscienceandgod6921 8 ай бұрын
Please watch and share with others my four brief videos in which I present examples of scientific facts contained in the Bible, facts that the writers thousands of years ago could not have been aware of without divine knowledge given to them by Jesus Christ / The God of the Bible. And today's scientists agree with those facts!
@rimbusjift7575 7 ай бұрын
Quick IQ test... Solve: 4, 5, 14, 185, ...
@thetruthaboutscienceandgod6921 7 ай бұрын
@@rimbusjift7575 Hey, Rimbus: You solve it, if you're able. I looked online and it's questionable and some called it silly. Also, the above problem has nothing to do with the scientific facts contained in the Bible. Please address that issue if you can. Thanks, and take care.
@rimbusjift7575 7 ай бұрын
@@thetruthaboutscienceandgod6921 There's nothing I love more than the "I looked it up" reply. Fktard, you are an imbecile. I'm not here to debate you, I'm here to point out your intellectual disability.
@63grandsport11 8 ай бұрын
Science just found the words " Jesus of Nazareth". Guess
@thetruthaboutscienceandgod6921 8 ай бұрын
Please watch and share with others my four brief videos in which I present examples of scientific facts contained in the Bible, facts that the writers thousands of years ago could not have been aware of without divine knowledge given to them by Jesus Christ / The God of the Bible. And today's scientists agree with those facts!
@user-yu9lr7wb6z 8 ай бұрын
Preach it, Richard!!You are a Modern-Day Hero of the Enlightenment!!
@soliton977 8 ай бұрын
Looks like sam can't deal with Thou SHalt not steal in regards to slavery.
@zontzooit2415 9 ай бұрын
First Timothy 6 (New Testament) Tells slaves to serve their masters well, very clear. I mean in the same book it also tells them to beat their kids with a rod
@hombrepobre9646 9 ай бұрын
Christopher Hitchen is among those who proved if Jesus really existed, if he is God or Messiah, but too bad for us he can't return to testify if he was correct or wrong.
@Rapture_Ready_Rabbit 11 ай бұрын
- TIME HAS RUN OUT !! John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Don't ignore this message !! REPENT NOW !! God the Son - JESUS came in the flesh to die for sinners. TRUST that God raised JESUS from the dead !! By FAITH accept JESUS's blood alone as payment for your sins unto Salvation, to escape what's about to happen !! Don't say you were not warned !! ONLY true believers in JESUS will be suddenly taken. THEN comes 7 horrific years of God's JUDGEMENT, poured out on the world. I pray that the LORD will open your eyes and heart to the GOSPEL.
@kingpriapatius5832 11 ай бұрын
100% right. NO serious person takes a Muslim seriously. But they are funny though, so funny.
@jessewallace12able 11 ай бұрын
CS Lewis- a con-man