Sovereignty explained in 60 seconds
@milky1790 9 сағат бұрын
The issue becomes when one corporation is able to grow large enough to be the only compelling choice
@geoffreyrothwell2707 14 сағат бұрын
What about slavvery?
@asgharmuhammad-h5r 4 күн бұрын
@ashenafihabte-x3o 5 күн бұрын
I Wow ❤❤
@АлександрДунай-е9ъ 7 күн бұрын
Johnson Daniel Hall Christopher Davis Gary
@beeweii 8 күн бұрын
Whats the melody on the background? Great explanation!!
@Computervirusworld 8 күн бұрын
@VonKirda 9 күн бұрын
Keynes economics are not applied. Money is printed when a bust, but no excedents at the boom.
@johndelaney7452 9 күн бұрын
Free market is the only answer just let it be look how far it has taken us already I don’t trust anyone myself included with such control over the markets it’s basically soft communism
@flyovercounty1427 9 күн бұрын
BC and Alberta’s population per senate seat looks fair and equitable to someone I guess…
@MaudWinston-t8n 10 күн бұрын
Johnson Jessica Walker Joseph Clark Paul
@chadgarner9371 11 күн бұрын
Social contract comes from a socialist/communist mindset. There is no social contract, that shit was made up to excuse tyrannical control over people.
@isaiahmontoya3665 12 күн бұрын
What about his stance on monopolies
@coopercooper8406 12 күн бұрын
Austrian economics has never actually been tried. Keynesian got us here. 🤨
@CLINTONKISII 14 күн бұрын
I think that we are moving mostly towards liberialism. This is for my country as there have been a lot of youth demonstration tying to ensure that the government does not tax them a lot. aFor example the fall of the finance bill 2024. However if the government does not listen and continues with its restriction on consumer and capital goods and continue over taxing people. Mass killing and low enforcement. Then we will no longer be a liberal nation rather 🤔
@hajo2024 18 күн бұрын
Many economists view this as the reason the Great Depression lasted so long.
@dominicp.2702 19 күн бұрын
What do you call deficit spending during recession (or otherwise) when the government has no intention on repaying the debt? Nobody is diplaying the integrity to persue interests beyond being reelected.
@ishu.enviro 21 күн бұрын
I would vote for realism. Because who's benefitted from liberalism mostly? ofc it's the Western power. Moreover, you are kind of imposing liberalism on us like let us handle our things on our own. What I also felt was problematic is the idea that only the US or any other solitary power shall keep maintaining its military and all whereas the rest of the countries do not. You know where it is heading to. It is basically saying the US will rule the world because they're the ones who brought in and propagated liberal democracy.
@ishu.enviro 21 күн бұрын
correct me if u feel im wrong
@angelbeast8863 21 күн бұрын
I can't believe you actually use Obama as an example he's a POS hot dog loving liar
@angelbeast8863 21 күн бұрын
The military effort was not necessary to stop Isis John McCain created it
@edwardjones856 23 күн бұрын
Everyone misses the constraint that Smith put on the invisible hand in the Wealth of Nations. A person should invest and spend for his own self interest but they should do it only within their own country. " By preferring the support of domestic to that of foreign industry, he intends only his own security, and by directing that industry in such a manner as its produce may be of greatest value, he intends only his own gain, and as he is in this, as in many other cases, led by an invisible hand to promote an end which was no part of his intention. Wealth of Nations
@大出聡太 23 күн бұрын
great teaching skill!!
@iismasitoh_ Ай бұрын
@geoms6263 Ай бұрын
on short is propaganda that justify inflation
@ImtheFootballgoatRonaldo Ай бұрын
Great work sir, always been a fan of your teaching. Can you upload more videos on basic concepts of political science, IR and more detailed explanation of western thinkers? Other than youtube where can i reach out to you sir? Any websites or telegram channel sir? And Thanks for making me to love this subject again sir.
@garycombs5721 Ай бұрын
The Keynesian multiplier is total BS because all government spending is, at best, a zero sum gain.
@instructorwyi3749 Ай бұрын
Great video! One thing though - the Canadian Senate can and does initiate their own bills in Parliament. This is by far less common than the HOC initiating bills. In fact, only roughly 10% - 15% of Bills reviewed in Parliament came form the senate. This said, the Senate can and does create bills. However, there are certain types of Bills that can ONLY come from the HOC. The first are any Bills relating to Money (including taxation or the allocation of public funds), the second type of Bill that the Senate cannot create themselves are any Bills that are considered of "constitutional importance." Any Bills that impact governance, or constitutional matter will only originate form the HOC.
@WinzigKoch Ай бұрын
Fascism is collectivist and they are inegalitarian. Though the right apart from fascists (who are socialists) are at least more individualistic than the left even if most of them are collectivists.
@johnnynick3621 Ай бұрын
Collectivism is the belief that the individual must sacrifice for the sake of the group - the collective. That works great for ants - but not for rational men. Those of you who are irrational might prefer to be part of a collective because without the strength of the mob, you are unable to take from the rational creators what you need to survive. Individualists are NOT isolationists. Individualists value other men for their voluntary achievements and abilities. Individualists seek to trade with like-minded men, NOT to enslave them. Every horrific war on earth was fought in the name of collectivism.... including every religious war... every war meant to impose someone's ideology (Marxism, Communism, Stalinism, Socialism, Nazism, Fascism, etc.). The American Revolutionary War was actually started by The British in an attempt to continue their enslavement of their American "subjects" after those "subjects" declared themselves free from British tyranny. There is NO SUCH THING as freedom of the collective.
@RikhilPolavarapu Ай бұрын
1. Background and Education Joseph Samuel Nye Jr. was born on January 19, 1937, in South Orange, New Jersey. He is a distinguished American political scientist, academic, and author with a significant impact on international relations. Nye graduated from Princeton University and later obtained his PhD from Harvard University, where he has been a prominent faculty member since 1964 ((20)) ((57)). 2. Academic and Professional Career Nye has held several high-ranking positions in the U.S. government, including serving as the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs during President Bill Clinton’s administration from 1994 to 1995. Before this, he chaired the National Intelligence Council from 1993 to 1994. His work in these roles earned him Distinguished Service medals from the State Department, National Security Council, and National Intelligence Council ((3)) ((21)) ((57)). 3. Concept of Soft Power Nye is renowned for developing the concept of "soft power," which he defines as the ability to attract and co-opt rather than coerce, using cultural and ideological appeal. This idea has become a pivotal element in the study of international relations, highlighting the significance of non-military means in achieving political objectives ((4)) ((67)). 4. Scholarly Contributions Throughout his career, Nye has authored numerous influential books and articles, including "Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics," "The Future of Power," and "Do Morals Matter? Presidents and Foreign Policy from FDR to Trump." His work has significantly shaped discussions on global power dynamics and ethical considerations in foreign policy ((4)) ((32)) ((31)). 5. Honours and Recognitions Nye's contributions to political science and international relations have been recognized with various honours. He is a fellow of prestigious organizations such as the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and has received multiple awards, including Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson Award and Japan's Order of the Rising Sun. His influence has been acknowledged in polls ranking scholars based on their impact on American foreign policy ((5)) ((31)) ((60)). Sources: [1] Joseph S. Nye | Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, [2] Joseph Nye | American political scientist | Britannica, [3] Joseph Nye - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, [4] Joseph S. Nye Jr. | Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs, [5] Joseph S. Nye, Jr - Wilson Center, [6] Joseph Nye - Wikipedia, [7] Joseph S. Nye Jr. - CSIS, [8] BIOGRAPHY: Joseph S. Nye -, [9] Interview - Joseph S. Nye, Jr. - E-International Relations, [10] Joseph S. Nye - Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, [11] Joseph Nye | Harvard Kennedy School,
@cherieestbien1902 Ай бұрын
The veto powers of the 5 countrie of the UN should be revoked.
@iamasiedu.5562 Ай бұрын
realism over liberalism in Europe and liberalism over realism in Africa
@ernstrunealtmannhuemer666 Ай бұрын
The ICC, the War Crimes Courts, the Supreme Court USA and other judicial courts with mandates to judge in cases concerning international criminal law cases! My name is Ernst Rune Altmann Huemer and I am assigned to document war crimes etc. I am also a victim, a hostage and exposed to torture and war crimes on a daily basis in Norway! From being a blue-eyed student to having all of those I was happy wiped out by those who were supposed to look after our legal security, also internationally! Not only have I lost faith in national courts and police as well as politicians, but also bland ones! If even the clumsy military leaders are not even able to see that it is actually the victims who should have protection in the first instance and not the war criminals, I would also like to claim that my faith in humanity is also fading away! Not even the military intelligence is able to retrieve its own personnel who are unable to communicate or get verified any longer due to previously mentioned reasons! (see previous post). If a change in methods and priorities is not made, we (2 people) will also be victims of a completed holocaust (genocide) in a so-called friendly part of the West! Written with Anger and fear for our lives by the above person, still working for the CIA, US Army and the Altmann and Netanyahu families plus more!
@ConciseChomsky Ай бұрын
I like Rousseau's Social Contract over Hobbs and Locke's.
@gregstewart5081 2 ай бұрын
It worked for France they will do the same here to beat conservatives.
@anshulkumar5254 2 ай бұрын
Perspicuously explained in a very simple language🙏👌.
@BrooklynNan1 2 ай бұрын
Wonderful lesson! Thank you.
@Peacehopeandloveforall 2 ай бұрын
Liberalism did not stop Putin from invading Ukraine. Realism is needed because dictators and authoritarians aren’t interested in the liberal theory of international relations. In other words, liberalism is better with partners and allies, but realism is better with adversaries
@corrinflakes9659 2 ай бұрын
My summary when I explain soft power to somebody is “how Japan uses anime to make you forget about their war crimes”.
@maxchen7229 2 ай бұрын
Where does the communism fit into these philosophy category?
@okami1819 Ай бұрын
Pretty sure it would align with Rousseau's idea
@georgekollias4702 2 ай бұрын
what a madman he did the unthinkable and he looked great doing it
@Hhenryarero 2 ай бұрын
Kenyatta University
@Hhenryarero 2 ай бұрын
Peace can't come without some conditions
@MrCrabguy 2 ай бұрын
To me, I think the easiest way to define collectivism and individualism is to say that collectivism is the giving of rights to groups and individualism is the giving of rights to individuals. And while these ideas are diametrically opposed this has to be judged on case by case basis. Taxes are a collectivist measure which clearly forfeits the right of the individual but the state can still have strong individualistic property rights. To say a society is more or less collectivistic is to look at aggregate policy and attitude and determine where bias on decistions tend to land more favorably.
@stevegold7307 2 ай бұрын
Your 4 reasons are NOT the causes of WW1 ... there is nothing inherently wrong with any of those things.... the real reasons for that war. and any other war, is greed, selfishness, and pride!!
@AScottB 2 ай бұрын
So…Keynesian (government intervention) policies are needed to balance out the boom/bust business cycle that itself is caused by bureaucratic (government) action. Nothing to see here.
@JanaMohamed2901 2 ай бұрын
Thank you! <3
@KorczyksClass 2 ай бұрын
You're very welcome! All the best!
@jackparker8686 2 ай бұрын
These would be motivational speaker jobs are not just for anyone.... Guys with an aptitude.. . guys like Samuel Jackson... With a lot of spirit... Add a good smile...
@jackparker8686 2 ай бұрын
I have an epiphany to alleviate the work problem.... Jobs for whip handlers.... Kind of like the motivational speakers and exercise therapist....
@jackparker8686 2 ай бұрын
One syndrome of one experiment lately is insane complacency.... Not wanting to work because it will stop the disability check.. for. (Depression from not having work)