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@e.akhmet Күн бұрын
If you simply prioritize emotional connection, but sex as such is acceptable and desirable for you - in my opinion, this is absolutely norm. You could say that you are demisexual, or that promiscuity is just not your cup of tea, but I think these words are unnecessary. What you described - first a deep emotional connection, and only then physical contact - is absolutely normal.
@mikicerise6250 Күн бұрын
I'm pro-technology and a developmentalist. My perspective on population is that high population brings good and bad things. A good thing is that with many people there are many perspectives, and with many perspectives there are many opportunities for breakthroughs and progress that can make life better, like a cure for cancer. The flip side is there are also many opportunities for destruction. You might get another Einstein, you might get someone who presses the nuclear button. The more technological progress is made, the easier it becomes for few individuals to destroy and cause massive suffering, and the more people the more possibilities for destruction. That sets us up to destroy ourselves sooner or later. On balance, I think the path of least suffering is still very much on the side of development and technological progress. AI fears are overblown, in my opinion. The only conspiracy I see in that regard are AI companies who want more subscribers, and sensationalist media who want more advertising revenue by attracting clicks, and so hype every model up as much as they can. People have created algorithms that create statistical models capable of reproducing human speech. Until now, while computers and their software are generally too complicated for any *single* person to fully understand, their entire behaviour *could* be fully explained by *people*, if you split the job between physicists, electrical engineers, material scientists, software developers, etc. Domain experts. This can't be done with AI models, they are so complicated it is impossible for us to understand all the details about how they work, even splitting the task among different domain experts. For a piece of human technology, this is unprecedented. This has led a number of people to fetishize the things. But in reality it is par for the course for most natural systems we live alongside and study. We have models for the climate, plate tectonics, gravity, cosmology, but all of these systems are so complicated it is impossible to know how they work down to the smallest detail, no matter how many domain experts you get together. The best you can get is "it will *probably* rain tomorrow". This is, perhaps, the first system we've created that is similarly complicated. That doesn't mean it is anything more than what it appears to be: a talking computer. People will get used to them, and will get used to accepting that, like the climate, we can *more or less* understand them and predict what they will do statistically, but we just *can't* know if a butterfly flapping its wings in Beijing will some day cause a hurricane in Florida. We still don't have a cure for cancer, and that would impress me way more (though AI is impressive). I think Musk is right that in terms of our future and being rendered obsolete by increasingly sophisticated computers: we'll probably want to take the cyborg way out. Fewest existential uncertainties and anxieties. I think he's naive to imagine that if there are enough of us spread out among different planets we wouldn't ever be able to destroy everyone. Furthermore, it's a bleak prescription for survival: let people spread everywhere we possibly can and hope that in at least some place they develop along non-self-destructive lines. I think we need to edit our genes and take out the angry chimp stuff, get some more chill capybara in there, and have a much more pleasant existence. 😛 In any case, regardless of how much the media may enjoy tickling your clicky finger, we are still very far from any of that. We have talking computers. Mr. Scotty can take it easy if he visits our era, no more embarrassing "Computer? Hello computer? Ah... a keyboard. How quaint." like in Star Trek IV. 😜
@kylewright1142 Күн бұрын
friend- your videos have been appearing in my recomended lists a lot of late.... i know not why..... but i click them, even if i only half listen. sometimes i think you're cute..... sometimes i appreciate the honesty..... sometimes i want to wonder..... are you okay????? the struggle is real..... i'm too often in the midst of it myself a a gender nonconforming person with external plumbing who tends to like masculine men...... but..... enough about me.... to want to tell you..... you are not alone, and your honesty is appreciated..... for what it's worth from a stranger in maine?????
@Uranianth Күн бұрын
thanks x
@Mark723 Күн бұрын
I remember those days of coming home with the sunrise and crawling into bed for a few hours of sleep to go about the day. It's funny - I would have thought you'd be a healthful eater seven days a week. Just goes to show ya. It's a gorgeous day here in Maryland, USA: bright. gently warm, sunny - definitely a day of which to take advantage. Are you not able to do a live stream during the week? I would imagine that more people would be available during the week as most folks are out and about on Friday and Saturday nights. Nonetheless, always nice to "chat" no matter the day. Sorry to have missed the live stream, but I was out enjoying this beautiful day. Good to see you. Be well, you little handsome studpuppy...
@Uranianth Күн бұрын
thanks as always Mark
@0xiconicsoul52 Күн бұрын
The experience of living ina homophobic environment is finding out almost every gay closeted person u spot is a homophobic top most of the time or just a bottom who tolerates the homophobia and reinforces the system 😭
@Uranianth Күн бұрын
sad truth!!
@pv-mm2or 2 күн бұрын
I understand what your saying, which is why a lot of sexual relationships between closeted gay guys often occur sometimes after years of friendship each not knowing that each of you have fantasy's about the other but the friendship is more important than sexual desire, your connection with the other guy is so strong that each of you is afraid of losing the other if you come out the closet, many finally get together by chance the bond drawing you closer with every close encounter, then desire takes over I often hear of guys saying , " iv'e dream of this since we first met" and the other replying "so have I! why didn't you say something! the universal and most honest answer to this is, " because I couldn't bare to lose you you are my closest Friend and i think I love you!!, this is one of the most common scenarios known to men.
@kmauryo 3 күн бұрын
Well let me propose 2 U and be your new. Hubby🥹💞🌹
@limas.henrique 3 күн бұрын
u're so adorable....
@Uranianth 3 күн бұрын
aww thank you
@limas.henrique 3 күн бұрын
@@Uranianth keep recording the different themes u reflect on. the content and u're a delight...especially for me...
@Uranianth 3 күн бұрын
Timestamps: 0:00 - Marilyn Monroe Starseed 0:50 - Cloning 1:30 - Rebellion song IMPORTANT 3:00 - Her handlers 3:25 - Fake fans 3:50 - Her birthchart and best music 4:50 - Blackout Album Overrated 5:23 - Astrological chart of blackout 6:25 - Still love and support her 7:00 - Britney jean and fake fans 7:30 - Who is Britney? 8:00 - Blackout and danja 8:40 - Starseed Birthchart 9:55 - Is she really free?
@Pandora234able 3 күн бұрын
I’ve come to the same conclusion. When I first moved into my apartment and saw the perfectly smooth walls, I almost had a panic attack. I miss masonry. I miss those border trims with complex shapes. I miss recesses.
@Uranianth 3 күн бұрын
same! :(
@mikicerise6250 4 күн бұрын
I'm 42 and basically go 10 years up and 10 years down, or thereabouts. Much past that it feels like the experience is just going to be too vastly different. Also... I'm a romantic, we don't live forever and... I'm kind of scared of pushing it so far that we know who will likely outlive the other. Maybe that's morbid. I prefer people close to my age who can share my 90s nostalgia haha, but it's not a deal breaker. I do expect emotional maturity regardless of age and don't really get involved unless I feel it's there. My opinion is most people don't have it, regardless of their age, so I wouldn't prejudge on that basis alone, though much younger than 30 and I guess I do tend to be more sceptical. I was in a relationship with an older woman when I was in uni. She would tell me things about my lack of maturity I just was not ready to hear, it was something that worried her, like she was partly waiting for me to finish growing up, and I would feel she was unfairly judging me. You know, life isn't all romance and just following your heart and doing your thing, you got to worry about pragmatic things, where are you going in life, how are you going to put food on the table, how do your emotions affect the people who care about you, that kind of thing. Of course when I got to be her age and face the same pressures, I realized, ohhhh, NOW I understand what she was on about. 😅 I'd never even been out of uni or had a bill to pay, she'd been working ten years already and living on her own. How silly to think we were on the same level, I was still just a kid really. 😅 But hey, I was young and naive. I knew stuff, mostly because I'd read about it. I felt grown up. 😅 I think saying anyone younger than me is necessarily going to be less mature is too extreme, though. I've been with people who, despite being older, when I went through that process of maturing, they didn't.
@mikicerise6250 5 күн бұрын
I'm a bisexual guy and have never been into anal at all with anyone, whereas most heterosexual men I've met seem to be absolutely into it, as long as the arse in question belongs to a woman, of course. So they don't care about "sodomy", they're just terrified of being penetrated because it would confer a female-like status on them. 🙄 That's all it is. The other day I had an awful attempt at a date with someone who asked me what am I, top, bottom or vers, I said... I don't identify with any of those labels at all. It was like I'd suddenly started speaking a foreign language. He was like... what? Okay but what position to you take in anal sex? I'm like, I'm not into anal sex, so none. He's shocked and, I'll never forget it, gives me that *exact* same line lesbians often get: "How does that even work? What do you DO with men if not that?" 😱 I'm sorry, but is there *anything* more NPC than that question? 🤣 Like, really? You can't imagine *anything*? 😂 How utterly bereft of imagination are you? People though really are generally just *that* dense. They see things in this very boxed-in way and have to be spoon-fed their ideas, their paradigms, their little Overton windows. That is why social media is just a giant manipulation contest. Most people just can't imagine anything novel. They've been spoon-fed the idea that male sexuality is penetrative, and that is that. They will never step out of that box until some massive media campaign says "HEY! We think this way now, not that way, and do things this other way." Then they'll get a new box they can't step out of. 🤷
@mikicerise6250 5 күн бұрын
I agree. Northern Europeans are bizarrely confused about this. See how most of us Spanish and Mexicans talk about our screwed up history. 😛 - You guys sacrificed children. - Yeah. You guys tortured heretics. - Yeah. Wanna go get a beer? - Totally! 😂 I completely agree though. You can't say human rights are universal but cultures are all equally valid. It's nonsense.
@Uranianth 5 күн бұрын
@Sean-dl8ym 5 күн бұрын
I'm totally asexual androromantic (I consider myself agender personally) so I feel you. All I want is 8 hour cuddles and deep love
@Uranianth 5 күн бұрын
sending hugs and warm vibes your way💛
@mikicerise6250 5 күн бұрын
I'm a demi/bisexual and biromantic, INFP guy. I completely relate to everything you say. Wish I could get to know you better. You seem so sweet, gentle and genuine, and so knocked around. Just want to give you a hug and converse with you until you feel seen. Life is not easy for us... World is just not made for people like us.
@Uranianth 5 күн бұрын
thank you kind words and sharing your perspectives :) i appreciate it . Being an introvert in this world is rough indeed
@tvgamerstan6180 6 күн бұрын
Tbh, most conventionally attractive people aren't good people. We literally hear true crimes of conventionally attractive men being complete psychopaths every year. They're either physically abusing their partner or unaliving them. I just don't get why beauty is the end all be all to life for a lot of people. My aunt would talk about how ugly and fat my mom's nose is, yet damn near every relationship she's been in has been abusive. Her being attractive didn't magically shield her from being punched on by her boyfriend while on the bus. That's why I think it's ironic how much society gaslights people into thinking that you need to be attractive in order to be treated like a human being when attractive people treat other attractive people like dirt too. It doesn't matter how fat or ugly someone is. I used to want to be attractive, but idc for it anymore. I'm very comfortable with my looks.
@0xiconicsoul52 6 күн бұрын
I like the martyr personality so much it’s like this soft person with problems and you just wanna protect them pick them up that’s my fantasy but when they’re so indulgent in their victim mentality and start discarding others I get turned off and upset at them I think it’s because I’m projecting my child self onto them and when they go off script it’s gone
@Masterofallytps 7 күн бұрын
Goddamn you look so cute 🥲
@0xiconicsoul52 6 күн бұрын
@TheQuenchiestCake 7 күн бұрын
I'm not particular about dogs, looked after a few when I stayed at a farm, most of the time they weren't bad but sometimes they were a headache. I generally like dogs more when they're not mine. That being said I've had cats, rabbits, various fish, turtles, birds, snails and plants throughout my life, dogs are easily the most work of them. Favorite would probably be cats, pretty easy going and when they bond to you, they're nice cuddle buddies, just have to respect their space is all.
@matej9850 11 күн бұрын
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I can relate a lot.
@TwinFalls88 11 күн бұрын
Aw what a Cutie 👦 😍
@tommeadows-ie2xb 11 күн бұрын
What you said at 3:30 is true generally. Inside or outside of a dating context approx zero people will inquire about your background or interests. They may listen but are usually just processing their own thoughts. Meanwhile you've expended your own energy and exposed yourself to no purpose. I do some people who aren't robots, 3 actually, haha.
@ted1091 12 күн бұрын
There's no reason for you to be an incel. You need coaching and mentorship
@afritimm 13 күн бұрын
When 48, I met a wonderful attractive 23 year old German in Europe who fell totally in love with me. He was barely out of the closet but extremely mature and intelligent. He then quickly came out to everyone with no problem, but he had no interest in gay clubs or cruising or sleeping around etc. He wanted a relationship --- with me. Although I do like somewhat younger men, I definitely dont go looking for 25 year olds, and I knew that it is difficult to sustain, and also I dont want any kind of "daddy" vibe. But he didnt have the slightest daddy vibe, he basically treated me totally as an equal, and he himself had a strong independent personality that was a match for me in every way. Age simply wasnt an issue. Yes, there was a money difference, and I did my best to work through that in a fair but sustainable way. We had a very active long distance relationship for 22 years, married in 2017, got his Green Card in 2019, started planning for his move to the US, then Covid delayed things in 2020, then.....he died very suddenly of heart failure in Feb 2021. Nothing to do with Covid. A devastating tragedy. Not totally responsive to the points you are making, since our relationship was not typical for such a big age difference, and this was due to how unique he was.
@mikicerise6250 4 күн бұрын
So sorry for your loss. 😞
@gordonadams4793 14 күн бұрын
Your story is very typical of the gay community. You have an advantage. You're young and good looking. You are correct though that time passes quickly. Big hug that you find who is just right for you. 💜
@0xiconicsoul52 15 күн бұрын
Some people have an unrealistic ego when you criticize something they believe they’re good at or understand their ego it hurtssss we weren’t taught how to grow an ego in school. 😭
@Uranianth 14 күн бұрын
yeah true. i would say we werent taught how to create an ego. a healthy one ofc
@0xiconicsoul52 15 күн бұрын
Bruh that’s a grandiose narcissist never got in a relationship with one I’ve experienced a vulnerable narcissist though whose Abuse tactics are so bad he just gives me the silent treatment most of the time because I can see through him😂 It also drives me into despair and emotional saturation because I keep brainstorming ideas analyzing the situation trying to empathize with him and myself trying to do everything by myself without him because he is just like everyone in my life he isn’t gonna fix things I am and only I am able to and the idea has been proven to me multiple times
@Uranianth 14 күн бұрын
we live and learn and hopefully go no contact for our healths sake. x
@Uranianth 14 күн бұрын
the "vulnerable" covert narcs can be harder to see through at first but easier to deal with lol
@NiaEsto 15 күн бұрын
Oh secondly, what would you build for the love of your life? Something like the taj mahal, or something the Sistine chapel or something else?
@Uranianth 14 күн бұрын
id build them a bunker heh i would want them to be safe x
@NiaEsto 13 күн бұрын
@@Uranianth safe from? R bunkers minimalistic or artsy?
@NiaEsto 15 күн бұрын
What I remember of USA is the terrible homes and utility building have been constructed. No workmanship just glue and sawdust. And they charge outrageous prices. They have no sense of understanding arches or basic geometry. Nothing classical nothing with thought. USA imperialism has destroyed architecture all over the world. I do love many Chinese and oil money countries contemporary architecture, about 75% thou. Artificially beautiful and inspiring. Unfortunately I have no respect for nature, it is hazardous to all existence. It's literally eating us alive.
@Uranianth 14 күн бұрын
i wouldnt say us has imperialistic architecture. its not really implemented throughout the world..thats more european modern architecture. the oil country contemp arch can be nice but they were built by slaves its sad. places like dubai should be boycotted asap
@NiaEsto 13 күн бұрын
@@Uranianth hmmm what an answer
@Lucas-gm3bv 15 күн бұрын
What is natalism / anti-natalism?
@noonbob 16 күн бұрын
Modern architecture is hideous! It bothers me so much. Almost all modern builds look exactly the same, big large grey trash cans. Classic architecture is so beautiful and carefully crafted. Whenever I see rundown old buildings, I always imagine how they looked when they were first built. The way everything is going in the world is downhill. It's sad, and I want no part of it.
@francescocerasuolo4064 16 күн бұрын
as a Homosexual, you're seen.
@user-bn2pj3tl6r 17 күн бұрын
Enjoy watching you while at my work free times. Lol keep it up
@Uranianth 16 күн бұрын
@@user-bn2pj3tl6r ty🤗
@JoeW-n3l 19 күн бұрын
Sing out, Louise! We can’t hear you!
@nenonone791 20 күн бұрын
What about public displays of affection at all? As someone who has been alone and unloved all my life it's like a knife in my chest seeing other people be affectionate with one another. Isn't this according to the same principle?
@Uranianth 20 күн бұрын
depends on how the public display is. is it just a quick kiss? holding hands? or a make out session and hands all over type of thing. i think if its something discreet and quick its ok. pride parades are a whole other ballpark though. anyways i feel ya sending hugs x stay strong
@ulisurbahov5044 20 күн бұрын
@monsieur-poisson 21 күн бұрын
Might not need to emphasize this to you, but there's a difference between being "alone" and being "lonely". Being lonely doesn't mean you need to sacrifice the peace you get from being alone . Your ex is not your only resort to self-fulfillment. When it seems that there's no one out there, you are in fact the greatest and most reliable source of your own peace -- the potential is already within you!
@Uranianth 20 күн бұрын
yeah i know. I get what youre saying and thank you :) We also do need to remember as well that we humans need others to show off our potentials and contribute to others. No man is an island onto himself
@stevendaniel8126 21 күн бұрын
Precious man.....I wish I could be of help and friendship for you. This video is 2 years old. I so hope life is better for you now.😊
@KoalaBeer. 21 күн бұрын
You single baby hook up
22 күн бұрын
Intuition tells me that you are a very profound man. I enjoy listening to you. You say that you had one hour. Most do not get this in a lifetime. Treasure that hour.
@Uranianth 21 күн бұрын
Thank you and yeah its something i shall remember for life♥️
@mbelof57 22 күн бұрын
In many cases (and yours might be one of them) antidepressants don't help/work. Many gay men feel the utter loneliness because they cannot find another mate close by. When in this situatiin, all you need is your immediate reality to change, to become a beneficial one: actually meeting another guy to befriend and join in the various common interests. A reliable partner that sees and wishes life together as something much more than just sex. Friendship, companionship, brotherly love to begin with. Trust, commitment, complicity and ultimately, intimacy. This is far too hard to find. But we need to do our part in the search. Fight for it, make it happen. Commitment and faith (not necessarily a religious one). Of course noone can perform this change on his own. You DO NEED to actually meet/get to know like-minded people (BUT in the real world, not in social nets). That's why FB/YT/IG groups rarely help in cases like yours. Is sure may be a good business for many but of very little help for the other many in need. Senseless recommendations dated recipes, worn out sentences. On top of that: We're always too far apart. AllIn1screen plus Void Presence equals Zero Efficacy. Here's why coaches/therapeuts/healers/... grossly fail their missions for so many people in need. Not their fault but the medium's. To fix this loneliness, dialogue and the presence of potential friends is both desirable and credible. Not the usual inefficient proven usual sequence of 'listening to monologues first and commenting later'. Online communication also fails to help because online deprives one of the so much needed presential support. Sadly noone ever seems to be questioning this and we all keep insisting in the same doomed approach. It's then easy to ignore that for many, loneliness derives not by choice but instead by circumstances one has no control of. Most 'healers' ignore that, for those people (the ones suffering loneliness they didn't chose), Solitude and Loneliness are only two names for the same state of mind: isolation, feeling misunderstood, lack of the presence of like-minded friends. There just seems to be no apparent way out. What a disconcerting silent pain!.. In these cases one doesn't need medicines, which in most cases only whitewash our reality and end up by not really helping whatsoever, if not even creating some form of addiction with time and sure the least wanted side effects. Beware: don't waste yourself away in guilt. Your problem is not within you. It lies in your immediate external environment. That's why we (all of us) need to stick together.... There's an urge for us to find one another, MOST PREFERABLY in the real world in real time! Do Not Give Up, Do Not Stop Believing in Yourself. Do Not Hide Yourself. REACH OUT !!! My best wishes. May you feel happiness you surely deserve. I feel for You, I really Do. ❤🤗😘V
@Uranianth 21 күн бұрын
thank you for this!! It is so true and much needed to hear!!! i am scared about how often therapy is recommended nonchalantly . Its not for everyone especially virtual ones! i dont know much what else to say you said everything!! preach thanks x hugs
@musicroom7185 8 күн бұрын
What a lovely a caring person you must be to take the time to think this through and post such a thorough comment. I am old man, but in my 20's and 30's, I felt much like this young person. I see in hindsight it was from being lonely/isolated and being exposed to weekly hate from church. The internet's emergence helped when I was in my late 30's, but that was only a band-aid to let me know I was not alone. Life got better when I was able to locate near people like me. Sending caring thoughts and best wishes.
@user-ss9ci7gn6w 23 күн бұрын
I really identify with your content and totally find your thoughts in line with my own as a single gay man in the crazy " LGBT+ community "
@Uranianth 23 күн бұрын
@@user-ss9ci7gn6w stay strong bro x were in it together
@augukern9708 23 күн бұрын
Well. Sex is fun and surely many guys are atracted to cute guys horney or not. If you don't feel fun well then the other(parner) does. However I think your abstinence protects you from sexual diseases and sick relationships with silly guys
@1stEarlOfSurrey 23 күн бұрын
…embroidered silk curtains - soft, Chinese Blue - pooling on the parquetry floor… The silk curtains are desirable, and to a curious heart - truthful - but they are not what the dwelling is made of.
@Uranianth 21 күн бұрын
@@1stEarlOfSurrey mm left me thinking what is the dwelling made of
@jfratrick 23 күн бұрын
Uranianth babe, it's clear you're still in love with him. He wasn't available for you at the time, so he left. Sometimes breaking up this way is better because he didn't want to hurt you. He was definitely your soulmate. I had a similar experience last year. I befriended a guy on TikTok who made inspirational videos to help people awaken spiritually. He was very passionate and talented. I helped him understand how this reality works and encouraged him to stop using shrooms during his astral projections. He was the sweetest man I had ever met. After months of daily communication, we became so close that I shared intimate details with him that I wouldn't even tell my long-term partner! He was also open about his vulnerabilities. I couldn't believe someone like him had come into my life! He could see deep into my soul because he was my soulmate! After another month of chatting, I decided to make him my friend with benefits. I couldn't resist his sexual energy; he was everything I had ever wanted, and he was also spiritual. Initially, he agreed to this arrangement, but later something changed. He fell so deeply in love with me that it scared me. I was ready to give him everything except my heart because he wasn't gay! He was a straight guy with gay tendencies that were unintentionally influenced by me. When we made first contact, he had just broken up with his ex-girlfriend. I thought that was why he got attached to me so quickly. I would never date a bisexual, let alone a heterosexual! I also told him from the beginning that I didn't see us getting romantically involved in any of my future timelines. He brushed it off, but I knew it wouldn't happen because there was no possibility. After six months, he stopped communicating with me because he couldn't stand that I didn't let him into my heart. I think about him sometimes and wish him well in his life.
@claytoneblackburn 23 күн бұрын
So grateful at 73 that I never wanted a relationship
@jfratrick 25 күн бұрын
Your observation of the USA and it's people perfectly sums up their pioneering spirit. But to survive the Ascension process, having a pioneering spirit is simply not enough. There are an awful lot of Americans with young souls as opposed to Europe where the majority have old souls. Many things are out of balance in America such as extreme wealth/poverty, obsession with organised religion, lack of universal health care and decent education, absurd prison sentences, poisonous food industry, etc. The current ascension energies don't support these kinds of societies. So Americans with young souls now have a great opportunity to pass the test of spiritual maturity and choose to become members of a loving community where cooperation is above competition. I see many Americans wanting change, wanting a more equal society where people help each other. They will reject fraudulent politicians like Trump and choose a better future. In 5D earth we will all be one nation, one collective. No more hurting each other and suffering.
@Uranianth 25 күн бұрын
thanks for the insight although i dont fully agree. For one; I think there are a lot of old souls there, but they are too trapped into the matrix since the coding per say is far more stronger there. There are old souls everywhere, and some appear to be young ones since they still havent woken up in a way..theyre too enmeshed in the illusion. Regarding politicians...all are fraudulent but they are in part a reflection of all our shadow sides. the one nation notion is nice but it ends up lacking diversity. I dont think the problem is division due to different countries and cultures, but the people comparing , competing and fighting due to attaching too much to the ego and fear. A 5D earth can be structured with different cultures like it is right now, but the difference is that there would be coexistence... something that is evidently not present in this current world.
@jfratrick 24 күн бұрын
@@Uranianth In the future there will be no division based on countries or nation states because we will have only one nation, humanity. Of course there will be diversity of expression, including cultures, but at a basic level we will be one nation. You've rightly pointed out that there are many old souls in the USA, though not a majority in my opinion, some of whom have not really awakened yet. The best example of old souls who have not awakened is Russia. Old souls have great creative abilities, but when they are asleep and unaware of their power, they tend to create misery (death and wars).
@Uranianth 24 күн бұрын
@@jfratrick i think its sad the whole nwo agenda. I think the situation youre refering to is the new world in the age of aquarius. Not the new world order that will prob happen in the next decades during this age of pisces. Yeah old souls will eventually wake up when sht hits the fan hopefully
@jfratrick 24 күн бұрын
@@Uranianth I am not really worried about the NWO because their dark future is not on my ascension timeline. There will be a split of realities in the near future. Ascending candidates will simply ascend to 5D along with planet Earth, because Earth is too ascending. But those who are not ready to give up playing in 3D will remain on the 3D catastrophic timeline where they will perish along with 3D Earth. The good news is that those who don't make it this time will have a chance to ascend from other 3D planets as they incarnate there. Astrology cannot read the ascension process correctly as it is part of the 3D timeline.
@ulisurbahov5044 25 күн бұрын
@ulisurbahov5044 25 күн бұрын
@zaidxkxk 26 күн бұрын