Gaius Pomptinus, Praetor 63 BCE
Zoe Porphyrogenita, 1028-1050
Marcus Junius Brutus, Tribune 83 BCE
Michael V Calaphates, 1041-1042 CE
@Roboheart1119 21 сағат бұрын
Excellent video 👍
@caesarion1399 Күн бұрын
I know this is 2 years old which Calhoun is being discussed in the video around 2:28:00
@Magplar Күн бұрын
you should do an updated one of these! seeing gallienus in e tier hurt my soul brother.
@zadie_ Күн бұрын
I just found your channel the other day and I just have to say that I'm incredibly impressed by your knowledge and speaking ability. Thank you so much for creating these videos!
@user-us2yq8gx2r Күн бұрын
These guys are socalist pricks
@LikeICare155 2 күн бұрын
Vinchan civilization from Serbia
@skymagruder5270 2 күн бұрын
Worth listening to once Powell goes. Not because of Powell, he’s the best. More because the podcast gets taken over by uhhhh someone who uhhh knows what they’re doing uhhhh
@Leonidas_psomiadis 2 күн бұрын
@UnluckyCucumber 3 күн бұрын
Longstreet in D is fucking absurd. “Temperament” my ass!
@adrianwhyatt594 3 күн бұрын
Salazar died on 27 July 1970, not 1968. He fell off a chair, in August 1968, had a brain injury and also subsequent strokes and was never able to resume power, being replaced in September 1968 permanently by Caetano as President of the Council of Ministers and Prime Minister of Portugal. The Presidency of the Republic had become an essentially honorific post, though occasionally, including by Salazar, held between formal elections for the Presidency of the Portuguese Republic.
@adrianwhyatt594 3 күн бұрын
The 1386 Treaty of Windsor was between the Kingdom of England (which united with the Principality of Wales to become England and Wales in 1535 (not [the Island of] "Britain" (which has never been a political entity) and the Kingdom of Portugal. In 1580 the King of Spain succeeded to the throne of the Kingdom of Portugal, promising to respect its status as a separate Kingdom in all matters, including defence and foreign affairs. This was not honoured and the Treaty of Windsor was suspended with much of the 1588 Spanish Armada sailing from Lisbon. Only with the Portuguese declaration of independence in 1640 was it resumed, though England had continued to support rival claimants to the Spanish throne. It has thus been in continuous operation since 1640 only, eventually by their successor states, Great Britain (from 1707 the Union between England and Wales and Scotland, succeeded by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in 1800, which in its turn became the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in 1922. Meanwhile Portugal went through different permutations before becoming the Republic of Portugal in 1910. So, looking generously, it has only been in continuous operation since 1640. 🇵🇹 🇬🇧.
@adrianwhyatt594 3 күн бұрын
​@TheLocalLt Hitler should've said Yes to Franco's demands. The evidence is plain that Hitler suffered from undiagnosed Parkinson's disease or something similar. The obvious features of Parkinson's, which do not always appear first, however, are movement problems. It's a degenerative neurological condition, and, as with many such conditions, it can have global effects, eventually. Problems of judgment and discernment can appear even before movement problems. In Hitler's case we have a man who had played a more-or-less perfect game 🎮 until he made the mistake of agreeing to Herman Goering's ludicrous demand that the Luftwaffe be allowed to finish off the British and French forces at Dunkirk on its own. Arguably, though, significant mistakes go back slightly beyond that. He had agreed in writing with Bismarck that Germany should never fight a two front war. Logically, therefore, he could simply have ignored Poland and launched the War with an attack on France and possibly also Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Denmark and Norway in more-or-less the manner he did in 1940. Defeating France opened up the possibility of then extending German power to cover all of Eurafasia except for the Soviet Union and parts to be partitioned with other Axis powers, keeping the Soviet Union and the USA out of the war, until the UK and its empire had been defeated and occupied. Then going for the Soviet Union and, only after defeating it and rolling up Latin America, invading the USA across the Mexican border. God wouldn't allow this, not least because it could have resulted in the complete extermination of the Jews who had so far rejected Christ, and thus made biblical prophecies of the (majority of the Jews turning to Christ and accepting him as Messiah) impossible to fulfill without specific additional divine intervention. That God would not allow this is best illustrated by the answering of allied, especially Greek Orthodox and Coptic Christian but also Muslim prayers to local Saint St. Menas at the battle of El Alamein. He then appeared and stopped the German advance driving back the Germans. Had they won this battle, the allied forces would have been clear through to the Suez canal and on to Palestine, annihilating the ✡️ Jewish settlements there.
@aribrahim1898 3 күн бұрын
The Roman Christians persecuted the Jews, but even more violently after the supposed collaboration with the Sassinds and they also violently persecuted monotheistic Christians. Both of them welcomed the Muslims after seeing how pious and righteous the Muslims were compared to the Roman Christians. But that wasn't before the battle of Yarmouk.
@aribrahim1898 3 күн бұрын
54:40 The Romans morale was on a high having just defeated the Persians, a much bigger and much better equipped army than the Muslims. They got back their "bread-basket" Egypt , the Western front was secured for the first time in decades and they made the Sassinds pay them a tribute. The most powerful they've been in almost a century but somehow they are "weak?!"😆 The Muslims raided the Romans/Ghassinds because they had killed a Muslim envoy. They weren't taken seriously at the start but after losing numerous and significant battles- the Romans allied with the Sassinds and sent in an army that was 3 or 4 times the size of the Muslims. It's also disrespectful to call it an "Arab victory". The Roman army was 25% to a third Arab and the Muslims had Abyssinyans, ethnic Jews who converted, Persians and more. God is Great ☝
@mistermousterian 4 күн бұрын
great upload
@Alexander6West 4 күн бұрын
I put all your rome ND Carthage videos in a Playlist and named it CARTHAGE Ò Carthago
@jackfromm 4 күн бұрын
Monica did an excellent job this time, last stream with her she kept stuttering but she was on point here. Noticeable improvement
@jackfromm 4 күн бұрын
Thersites you gotta put Sean on the payroll dude. His undisciplined ass needs it so he doesn’t start acting like a cunt after just two hours of streaming
@tolik5929 4 күн бұрын
Yeah , Genghis Khan was one of the last guys you wanted to piss off . Its like being a pesant in the Soviet Union , and yelling curses at Stalin . It would not go well .
@thomaseriksen6885 4 күн бұрын
Any Byzie stuff in the works?
@ThersitestheHistorian 3 күн бұрын
I am thinking of doing videos on Manuel Boutoumites and Taticius from the First Crusade era.
@alphaomega1173 5 күн бұрын
Is there a scenario where this shaboon stops yapping enough for the voice of reason (white man) to speak facts and logic?
@VeritasAmantesVocat 5 күн бұрын
15:00 there is an earlier reference from the Law of Moses, that you must take slaves only from Neighboring Nations, not from other Jews.
@joebombero1 5 күн бұрын
Actually for several centuries the Turks kept the name Constantinople, as they wanted to be seen as the new Romans, not replacing or eliminating them.
@skymagruder5270 6 күн бұрын
Disagree on Logan’s grade. He’s an A for sure. No other Civil War army had its commander killed and still won the battle, except for Logan when he took over for Birdseye McPherson at Atlanta. He personally rallied his men and turned what could’ve been a catastrophe into a massive Union victory. I’d put Logan’s popularity with the men of the 15th Corps against Hancock’s any day of the week. Plus Logan was right about Resaca, McPerson was the one who said no to taking the high ground
@agapitoMartins 6 күн бұрын
Free World Sensus 90.000000000
@magomedteps9372 6 күн бұрын
Очередные сказки для дураков.
@TheGazaMethodChannel 7 күн бұрын
You forgot to mention that John Adams did not have slaves. Also Quincy died on the floor of the House of Representatives arguing against slavery Abraham Lincoln was in the balcony watching.
@TheGazaMethodChannel 7 күн бұрын
Peter Drucker’s assessment of Hoover probably is the most accurate: if he would’ve just printed more money they would’ve avoided the Great Depression. Hoover did not act because he didn’t think it was his job, he thought It was the next president‘s job to do something.
@TheGazaMethodChannel 7 күн бұрын
Under General Washington in American revolutionary war if you were soldier and you caught cursing you got whipped, just saying.
@briandenison2325 7 күн бұрын
If you’re going to talk about the Ottoman Empire in and leading up to the First World War, how do you leave out the Balkan wars? They lost all of their European Empire from those wars.
@TheGazaMethodChannel 7 күн бұрын
Well I guess given their “getting us into a nuclear war” criteria that makes Joe an F.
@paratrooper6 7 күн бұрын
I’m really glad I found your channel! I’ve been watching it for a few weeks now, and it’s been a good way to keep sane as I’ve been seriously ill this week
@xada2397 7 күн бұрын
Where would Caesar be on your list if he was an Emperor?
@Young.Supernovas 8 күн бұрын
It was too early to speak on this at the time. I mean, you guys are talking about how this was not a smart decision on the part of Russia. And I remember 2022, there was a lot happening really fast and a lot of propaganda all over the media. It was hard to know what to believe. But like. Here we are in 2024, Russia is probably gonna win the war. The sanctions did little lasting damage to the Russian economy. Russia is stronger than ever.
@ufukhalatoglu1505 8 күн бұрын
Bloodiest battles of the napoleonic wars maybe?????
@magomedteps9372 8 күн бұрын
Александр Моисеевич Пятигорский (р. 1928) - востоковед, философ, писатель. В 1973 году эмигрировал из СССР. С 1974 года живет в Лондоне. В этом году издательство «Новое литературное обозрение» планирует переиздание сборника прозы, а также перевод монографии «Who's Afraid of Freemasons? The Phenomenon of Freemasonry» (London, 1997).Александр Моисеевич Пятигорский: «Надо убить сначала всех масонской ложи ..., а потом заниматься пацифизмом.Такова метафора новой политической философии. Вы согласны, да? Но в то же время я выступаю за какую-то гармонию. И это соответствие человека и мира неразрывно связано с моим представлением об этногенезе. Когда чеченцы стали жить в своих тесных ущельях, тогда еще не было ни древних германцев, ни римлян, ни античных финикийцев (греков) - никого. И впоследствии никакие мимо проходящие монголы (китайцы), тюрки, индо европейцы с севера и с юга не смогли чеченцев выгнать оттуда. Даже Сталину это не удалось, ибо Хрущев вернул наказанный народ на его место жительства». Из работы докторанта Института востоковедения Российской академии Наук. З. Х. Ибрагимовой:« во всей Евразии только у чеченцев и англичан генетический показатель нуклеотидной замены G  6 N16336 не равен нулю, у чеченцев он самый высокий 0.154, а у англичан составляет 0.014, у всех остальных народов он равен 0.0000…. . (академическим критикам нашей работы «Древняя Англия и Чеченцы» 1997-го года - А.Д.М.) писал в XIX столетии майор Властов: "... Сходство на сакральной территории древнего чеченского аланского народа Чианти этрусков (цанар) империи слов с латинскими, немецкими и английскими поразительно. Скажу более: я нашел в чеченском языке формы, встречающиеся только в образованнейших языках древнего мира. Я говорю об употреблении дательного с причастием и двух дательных независимых с причастием, которые согласованы с одним из них". Оригинальные бронзовые манжетовидные браслеты из тонкого гладкого листа, найденные у аула Сержень-Юрт (Чечня) не имеют аналогий ни в ближайшем культурном окружении, ни на Кавказе вообще. Их цилиндрический контур с острыми отогнутыми наружу краями отдаленно напоминает лишь западноевропейские браслеты из ранних памятников унетицкого круга. Это самые поздние отзвуки связей Северного Кавказа с культурами средней бронзы Центральной Европы. Перстни с двойными спиралями - одно из проявлений влияния ранней культуры Средиземноморья на Северный Кавказ через Центральную Европу (15; с.99; 115). географ Риттер, уже в XIX веке полагал, что " человеческий род людской мог расселиться по земному шару только из Кавказа, как центра своего...". Предания о выходе из страны Элл Нахов Азов сохранилось даже в древних скандинавских сагах, где часто говорится о стране Элл Нах "Азов" и городе Азов, жители которых перенесли с юга язык, религию, сказания старой Скандинавии (16; с.2).Одним из первых высказал эту догадку майор Властов: "Чеченцы древний арийский народ, индоевропейское племя, их родство с народами германского происхождения не подлежит сомнению. При некоторой смелости их можно назвать остатками территории древнего чеченского аланского народа Чианти этрусков (цанар) империи крестоносцев" (5; с.689)»
@magomedteps9372 8 күн бұрын
Мировые ученые (среди них - всемирно известные Г.Горбигер и К.Гаусгоффер), которые доказали такую концепцию; Арийцы, в том числе и предки германцев, как раса зародились 30-40 тысяч лет назад в восточной Азии, там, где ныне находится пустыня Гоби. Там процветала высокая цивилизация, которая затем погибла в результате катастрофы, приведшей к появлению пустыни. Часть на территории древнего чеченского аланского народа Чианти этрусков (цанар) империи, посвященная в тайные черные знания, осталась на Тибете, в Шамбале. Остальные переселились на Кавказ. Затем на территории древнего чеченский аланский народ Чианти этрусков (цанар) империя продвинулась в Северную Европу, а на Кавказе остался Асгард - очаг на территории древнего чеченского аланского народа Чианти этрусков (цанар) империи дух, где сохранилась Чистая арийская кровь. Там - арийский корень. Это священная земля всех предков арийцев, говорящих теперь на разных языках. На Кавказе в Асгарде сосредоточилось все Позитивное, что таит в себе древнего чеченского арийского народа республики кровь -такова была основа господствовавше го в Германии учения, которое, по словам Гитлера, было даже чем-то большим, чем религия.108 И здесь древнему чеченскому народу наступает момент удивиться, ибо из дальнейшего мы узнаем, что хранителями "духа Асгарда чистой арийской крови" был воспринята сакральная территория древнего чеченского аланского народа Чианти этрусков (цанар) империи.
@magomedteps9372 8 күн бұрын
@Carelock 8 күн бұрын
One of the greatest eras of Roman History, often neglected for badass battles and dictators…
@Michael_the_Drunkard 9 күн бұрын
"Mixing politics and religion". Are you aware that the separation of church and state is a recent phenomenon?
@thebigcheese8042 9 күн бұрын
Wow, there is a quality drop when sean is not on here. Really hope that dude starts coming on more because this was rough. Also, thersities switches his stance so much when this chicks on. I remember him talking to sean about how the 1619 project was bunk not that long ago, but when this womans on all of a sudden, history is all about race. Evil is a human thing, not a racial one lady.
@davidtirschman6288 9 күн бұрын
Good video. Thank you both for your conversation
@Permabull_Moonman 9 күн бұрын
@Permabull_Moonman 10 күн бұрын
What about Georgmarotes
@paladinchef 10 күн бұрын
I wonder what those generals would’ve thought about this tier list-
@ThersitestheHistorian 10 күн бұрын
I think that it is safe to say that they would have reacted strongly, given how much effort many of them put into preserving or rehabilitating their images in the postwar years.
@theresearchprojecthistory 10 күн бұрын
Thanks, I'm studying this period at the moment, and it's good to listen to it being discussed as I go about my day!
@ThersitestheHistorian 10 күн бұрын
I know what you mean. It is sometimes reassuring to know that other people are aware of the rather obscure things that you are studying.
@KILLER.KNIGHT 10 күн бұрын
Avar Khaganate ❌👎🏼 Avar Khanate ✔️👍🏼💪🏼
@crackshack2 11 күн бұрын
Can you do some videos on Pontus? I think that would be cool and relate to your diadochi content.
@ThersitestheHistorian 10 күн бұрын
That would be a good topic.
@ThomasPaineintheArse 11 күн бұрын
"First we put on silly clothes, then we steal your sh*t" - the Zulus
@connorgolden4 11 күн бұрын
No mention of Majorian???