@dangerxcom 20 сағат бұрын
Tbh its kinda like if a person was somehow able to change their height. Thats not something you can properly fake, especiaply if the taller guy had nothing hiding what could potentially be some sort of extension to make him look taller. Its possible to make disguises to a face that look quite real, to put on a wig that also looks like real mop of hair connected to your head, you can use contact lenses to make your irises look a different colour, you can even paint your skin if needed, all to make yourself look different, but one thing you can’t fake and make it believable past any proper inspection is height. With gems, their bodies can be completely altered by simple shapeshifting aside from their colour, tho that can prolly be faked in other ways that gems likely wouldn’t know about, and the shape of their gem. If the gem is destroyed, they are destroyed, its the one thing about their body that can’t be faked through shapeshifting. If she hid her gem somehow then her identity might get called into question, because it would be odd that a gem’s gem is always hidden from sight, but her’s was where everyone in front of her could see it, clearly looking like a rose quartz. Nobody would think that a tall guy with shorts on and a short guy with pants on were the same person, and for the gems, the shapes visible for the diamond and rose quartz just seemed too different to be the same
@pimon77 Күн бұрын
there is another caracter that can order pearl, GREG. it is possible (and want i belive to be troue) that pearl was originaly with's. But when pink damage Volley Ball pearl was rejuvinated to serv pink as a brend new pearl and voley was taken by whith
@ladymonstergirl Күн бұрын
vollyboll also states that she's older than our pearl
@Fawstah Күн бұрын
“we can’t look to the show for clarity” we can. pearl was obsessed with rose, in all flashbacks we see of her, even moreso. it wasn’t because of rose leading the gems like the others it was, stalker -esc. pearl didn’t really see rose for who rose was, only what she dreamed her to be. that obsession never went to the next leader of the crystal gems, it didn’t go to steven, it lived and died with her diamond. it was designed. and not only is this blatantly spelled out in the movie, but there are numerous hints that make sense with how she talks about her. even as she started getting more romantic involvement, she never got the same dutiful unhealthy obsession she had with pink diamond or rose. sources, when she started trining connie, any flashbacks where she sparred against greg, the musical episode mr greg, steven universe future the movie, the episode we learn rose and pink are the same person. pearl was made for rose.
@Nightcrawler_productions Күн бұрын
If ranked Xhan by her leader ship it would be very low due to her bad advice of being a leader. I would put Leonardo and Robin above her and definitely Optimus prime 100%.
@thevarietychannelofyoutube4769 Күн бұрын
Shouldn't her power to create life have been very suspicious to the other Crystal Gems? I think thats a pretty big plothole.
@oxbimo 2 күн бұрын
Im pretty sure what happened , that when pink diamond started complaining, and throwing tantrums to have her own colony that white started threatening pink diamond she will take her pearl if she doesn't behave, Im pretty sure she did something bad so white too her pink pearl and gave her a new pearl more intelligent, representing white diamond more and that is our pearl
@rehab_herr 2 күн бұрын
This show and fanbase is terrible
@maxdon2001 2 күн бұрын
Great video!
@Muse392 2 күн бұрын
I think... It's probably something they planned and then changed several times during development. I do imagine at some point she was White's pearl. There was too much evidence at many points that she was. Then they changed. Happens.
@anthonylipke7754 2 күн бұрын
They play it off like Rose didn't have a plan and it was just serendipity that Pearl suggested they explore. I believe it was stated that Pink diamond was responsible for the development of the rose quarts. I'm not sure of the timeline but it sure seems like that all was going according to plan. Pink is small for a diamond but Rose quarts are rather large for most gems.
@myownprivatejoke 2 күн бұрын
My theory was always that Pearl had served Pink Diamond. Then, as the show went on, when Zircon suggested that only someone like a pearl could have gotten close enough to shatter Pink Diamond, I took that as confirmation both that Pearl had served Pink Diamond, and that the secret Pearl was keeping was that she had been the one to shatter Pink Diamond, rather than it having been Rose Quartz. Of course, only one of those things happened to be true lol.
@spacecatoutlaw 2 күн бұрын
its also interesting that when she got rejuvinated by spinel, the customization voice mentioned that it wasnt her first time being rejuvinated
@paytondettmer7315 2 күн бұрын
To me it makes sense that nobody knew because it was a long time ago and they believed Pink was dead. It would be like seeing a childhood friend that you thought passed away but didn’t, you probably wouldn’t recognize them in person even if they had distinguishable features, as well as you would think of it as a coincidence as it couldn’t possibly be your friend that you believed passed.
@darkheart9668 2 күн бұрын
I always figured that our Pearl was originally intended for White Diamond, but she was left in the backburner because she didn't actually need or wanted a pearl. Then Pink Diamond damaged her own pearl so she was given our Pearl based after White Diamond's image. The other Pearls match their Diamond's personality, and our Pearl's neurotic and controling nature seem to mostly match White Diamond.
@Ariel_reymo 2 күн бұрын
@RodBlanc 3 күн бұрын
Ya I dont believe that. Pearl swap still makes more sense.
@iluvsakuraandsyaoran 4 күн бұрын
my response to folks saying 'why did she take pink's pearl then if she didn't have a pearl before?' is simple Parental Emotional Abuse. losing her pearl was a punishment. white diamond would absolutely parade her around simply to rub it in and Make Pink Learn Her Lesson. white diamond wanted her to know that she was being punished. for the record im slightly skeptical about the line of argument that pearl is only pink's because pearl is the only gem that can be commanded by pink. it seems garnet was commanded by pink to not ask questions and the only times she breaks that rule are when the crew admitted to making a mistake. but i definitely agree that pearl was made for pink. my interpretation of the (3) in the movie is one i haven't seen here -- i assumed the diamonds did a beta version to make sure she was made with the right personality to "guide" pink. then when they were satisfied they reformed her, maybe to give the illusion that they hadn't been messing around with pearl's programming prior to giving her to pink.
@mantarlos 4 күн бұрын
In the movie with Spinnel, it's possible to 'reset' a gem. White diamond's pearl couldve gone through this. So that would explain why Pink could give orders and why the space suit was aligned with Pink.
@MarcHatePage 4 күн бұрын
maybe Pinks second Pearl was made specifically for Pink, but ob purpose had more of Whites influence "baked into her" so that this new Pearl would've the desired effect on Pink. And that's why she resembles how a Pearly made for White would look like.
@luigi-1545 4 күн бұрын
i thought this was pretty much cleared after change your mind. a cool theory back then tho (seasons 1 and 2).
@Teknoist 5 күн бұрын
I believe she create rose quartz after transform
@phantomshere 5 күн бұрын
My theory is that Pink had no regard for this Pearl in the beginning, seeing what happened to Pink Pearl, and simply chose to leave her as default when given the choice to customize her. Seeing that it was confirmed that White is personally involved with the making of Pearls, I think it makes sense that the default would be white and have a forehead gem.
@dicuionut-gabriel3260 5 күн бұрын
Is everyone going over the fact that peral has a song called " system/BOOT.pearl_final(3).Info " ? Which means she has been rebooted one time before ?
@lobsterwithoutalife 6 күн бұрын
i mean, irl you have to look quite closely/thoroughly to see what gem youre looking at, some are easier than others such as the difference between a quartz and a diamond but they never get the chance to "check" youd want to check for refraction, hardness, and clarity, but we never see them doing anything like that... In reality quartz is usually much more cloudy but i wonder if their "Lab grown" way of producing gems lacks any exteior factors that would cause it to become cloudy to begin with?
@moedrawings 6 күн бұрын
or.. hear me out. .. plot armour
@PixiePink 7 күн бұрын
I still feel like this was just a form of cheap plot writing on the spot for a twist villain. Pink Diamond was abused and abandoned and we punish her for it and treat her like a bad person while she was just trying to get away from her trauma and live a better life after changing her identity of who she really wanted to be.
@fizzarolli174 7 күн бұрын
The reason she could hold her form for such a long time is because when she was poofed by pearl, the form she took was rose quartz, anytime a gem reforms as something other than their original form, they can hold it as long as they want I think
@elcalabozodelandroide2 7 күн бұрын
The show is dumb , thats why.
@DearMonroeville 7 күн бұрын
Has anyone ever said you kinda sound like Doug Walker?
@somethingnotenglish3165 8 күн бұрын
I always thought she was created by white for pink.
@vincenthall5908 8 күн бұрын
I don’t believe there was a “Pearl swap”, but I do think White Diamond is the one who ordered our Pearl, and thats why she has White Diamond’s gem placement and white skin.
@rebeccaconlon9743 8 күн бұрын
Bad writing... simple
@WalnutHades 8 күн бұрын
My biggest thing was that when Steven or rose fused they based the fusion off quartz but I think the combined consciousness of Steven or rose and whoever they fused with would be able to tell that they were part diamond not quartz.
@Supersilly_goober 8 күн бұрын
I like to believe a lot of gems noticed that,especially Pink’s court,but they didn’t want to say anything because they knew it would get Pink in trouble.
@drasnaescastle 8 күн бұрын
@christinesinclair6938 8 күн бұрын
"White Diamond never needed a pearl to feel superior to. That's what Yellow and Blue are for." LOL but also true.
@Sivanot 8 күн бұрын
I think its possible that Yellow understood that *something* was really off about Steven's gem. But the idea that Rose was Pink Diamond was never a possibility in her mind, same for every other gem. It was never even considered, and I'm sure if anything had managed to make her consider it in that moment, she would have recognized the gem.
@nothingposted9056 9 күн бұрын
"You have no idea what White Diamond is capable of" says Pearl, remembering how her predecessor had already been turned to a mouthpiece for White
@moonchildsirius6187 9 күн бұрын
I think no gem realized it cause its such a ABSURD ideia that a diamond would change form to a inferior gem and ALSO start a war against herself. There is no difference possible in Rose's gem that could make anyone barely thought she was Pink Diamond.
@Spartathekitten 9 күн бұрын
I think pearl looks the way she does cuz after pinks og pearl (made prob by n for her) got damaged the other diamonds rush ordered a new pearl to replace her when they realized the damage was permanent n because they all put in requests she has a little bit of all courts in her design
@jenniferstewarts4851 9 күн бұрын
well in contrast... look how pink reacted to... Rose Quarts from the zoo. Looking exactly pink diamonds version. Even stevens father had to NOPE right out of there. She looked, sounded, almost acted like pink... so gems take the physical appearance first.
@Beregorn88 10 күн бұрын
They said they identified as a quarz and nobody questioned it
@luckytm5916 10 күн бұрын
also was she just never poofed during THE WAR???????
@drownedzephyr 11 күн бұрын
If you remember, I believe its canon that Rose had to shapeshift a womb to give birth to Steven. So that's assumedly 9-ish months of an unnatural shapeshift to hold constantly.
@archlinus5066 20 сағат бұрын
I don't think that would be "unnatural". Amethyst always eats so she inevitably has to always have a digestive system.
@drownedzephyr 6 сағат бұрын
@@archlinus5066 Well, yes, but Amethyst is a very skilled shape-shifter, which lends credence to my thought that this long period of sustained form changing is another one of Rose's diamond-like powers
@Sparrow_Bloodhunter 12 күн бұрын
It was a perfect disguise because it was too stupid to be real. "Rose quartz is pink diamond" should have been nothing more than a meme, something people jokingly said to make fun of conspiracy theories. Rose on her own is a hero to tried to liberate her people but ultimately failed due to diamond cruelty. Pink by herself is a spoiled child bent on domination and she got the death she deserved as all great villains do. Rose as pink is a wishy washy spineless child who would weather start a war amongst her own people than stand up to her sisters. Every corpse inside the cluster, rebel or loyalist is her fault. Jasper's trauma of losing her diamond and the desperate desire for power is her fault. Lapis' imprisonment was her fault. Every human that died during the war as collateral damage, and every human who is attacked off screen by corrupted gems is her fault. In the episode "it could have been great" we see a map of the world showing that an entire country was wiped off the face of the earth, an entire history and culture erased BY HER. She literally kept human slaves as pets and domesticated them through selective breeding. There were so many ways they could have done it differently. You could have made it so pearl knew Rose didn't have what it took to end the war so she took her place and shattered pink diamond. You could do the court scene revealing that rose's sword couldn't shattered a gem and they find out pink diamond was bubbled in a hidden part of the temple and that could lead to the diamonds feeling remorse for the corruption. You could have just let it be Canon that Rose shattered her and now Steven has to help the diamonds move on. The biggest sin of the entire show is that despite their stupid decision to make Steven a diamond they didn't capitalize on his monster form. Yeah I get that it was supposed to be "love triumphs over all" but they could have done that for the next episode. They should have dedicated one episode to them fighting the kaiju Steven, maybe have the diamonds get over their prejudice towards fusion and have them combine, maybe finally get a lapidot fusion as well, then when Steven still wins thanks to the infinite potential of his human half they decide to do the whole hug it out thing. Any series that has giant monsters and doesn't make them fight at least once is garbage. Any series where they have the power to combine like power rangers but doesn't have them combine into a never before seen ultimate fusion during the final fight is garbage. Steven universe is a show I love that was ruined by its creators, just like darling in the franxx..
@Bowsercomunista 12 күн бұрын
I've seen a lot of replies in people's comments, all made by @sckaze777 trying to debunk the arguments in favor of pearl being white's, the thing is, most of your evidence is "the crew said so" the same crew claimed for 5 seasons that rose quartz was not pink diamond, hence her name rose quartz, my point is, the crew is not the most reliable source of information, specially when it comes to things they wanna work with in the future, if they want to do a spin off of pearl's past, then they would blatantly lie, don't be mad at us for not trusting them, the random gibberish song title, the confirmation that white never had a pearl, this is nothing coming from people that lied to our faces before, this is the same as rose is too powerful, her gem placement is the same as pink's, why she called pearl "my pearl" to which the crew replied "y'all crazy and reaching too far" the only thing truly in favor of pearl not being white's is pink pearl claiming she's older than pearl, but even that means that she knows when pearl was made, which means that was before white took control, and above that, who says that white would be the first one to get a pearl? Pink seems the most inclined to it, due to loneliness, the other diamonds may have followed her in that one
@ytlokop 12 күн бұрын
That last point is really interesting, actually! Maybe pink had something to do with the creation/discovery of pearls since they're the closest to organic life (which is why they're slaves)? We know she always had a soft spot for organic life, so maybe she somehow made one for companionship
@benceszilagyi8442 12 күн бұрын
I imagine Volleyball was created for Pink. But at some point, as we learned from the episode "Volleyball" Pink broke her Pearl (PP). I think this was the reason why she got Pearl (THE Pearl we get to know in the seria). An interesting detail, tho; most Gems have one set of colour as suit (⚪🟨🟦or🩷) and not any other really. But our Pearl had blue and yellow present in greater amount of her dresd, which makes me think she was a present from eithet all 3, or just the "lower" 2 of the Diamonds. And I can imagine, instead of a swap, after dammaging Pink Pearl, Pink Diamond simply got a new pearl, and the old one was simply used by White
@juicyjuustar121 12 күн бұрын
It's the Clark Kent effect if you ask me. Nobody would've thought Pink Diamond would lead a rebellion against the Diamonds, much less in the form of an entirely different Gem.
@kit4616 13 күн бұрын
Adding on to the idea that most gems never considered it, there's also the fact that as far as EVERYONE knew, Pink Diamond had been shattered. Pearl physically couldn't tell anyone else what had happened. There was physical "proof" left behind and it was pretty cut and dry as far as Homeworld was concerned. The idea that Pink Diamond could still be alive and secretly disguised herself to lead the rebellion would be the sort of crackpot theory that would get you shattered on Homeworld and definitely wouldn't be popular sentiment anywhere else. People tend to see what they're looking for, and by literally changing face and flipping her gem, Pink ensured that nobody was looking for a Diamond, they were looking for a Quartz.