More flammie
5 жыл бұрын
Pope Plays - Brew Breaker Agnes
Pope Plays - Bullet Inferno
5 жыл бұрын
How I Do It: Smart Clickable GUI
GMS2 Cameras: As Simple as Possible
GM Anatomy: The Resource Tree
5 жыл бұрын
State of the Channel
5 жыл бұрын
The 15 Commandments of Game Maker
Advanced DS Map Based Save System
GM Anatomy 2: The Debugger
7 жыл бұрын
@prodvichum 2 күн бұрын
Hello I don't know if you still replying to this, but im having a problem, the truestate works perfect on my player, but when i want to start using it on an enemy, it says that stateSwitch is not defined, but i followed the same steps as with the player. Thank you for this amazing tool btw❤
@PixelatedPope Күн бұрын
You should join the Gamemaker discord server. I'm often available there and can help you troubleshoot it live.
@ty88 10 күн бұрын
this is like one of those tiktok videos that tease you for 20 minutes without ever getting to the actual substance.
@ty88 10 күн бұрын
those fingerless gloves are insane
@PixelatedPope 8 күн бұрын
I've got a much better keyboard/mouse wrist rest / pad thing now. But those gloves were a quick solution
@ty88 6 күн бұрын
@@PixelatedPope haha they looked crazy - thx for the vids, been sifting for the good stuff
@AstriaTVTruthExposed 28 күн бұрын
Im trying to download truestate but the itch page never opens tried on multiple devices
@PixelatedPope 28 күн бұрын
Itch appears to be down at the moment. Try again in a bit
@AstriaTVTruthExposed 28 күн бұрын
Just noticed that 🤦 went through troubleshooting my laptop resetting dns ect 😂 ​@@PixelatedPope
@jugibur2117 Ай бұрын
Thanks, really great, I've learned a lot!
@MetalJoshi156 Ай бұрын
*ME LIKE A COMPLETE DUMBASS, MISSING THAT ONE SMALL WARNING IN THE BEGINNING* ("Don't use the room settings.") Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU. The scrolling is now completely smooth as butter, at all possible refresh rates without animations breaking. To anyone rolling their eyes at my mistake, yes I'm a complete idiot. But small oversights like my one could happen to *you* as well for another silly reason. Be VERY careful!
@charleslamb6500 Ай бұрын
this is good stuff, saw this on Gamemaker Discord, or is amazing stuff
@americantoastman7296 Ай бұрын
Ngl for a video called "as simple as possible" this is mindsplittingly complex. You keep using words that you have not explained or differentiated from another and it just ends up being just as confusing as everything else I've heard about views, cameras, etc. Interestingly enough I found your three-part series on aspect ratios and views much more comprehensive because I think you did a better job of explaining yourself. Anyway I've been using GMS2 for 3 years now and I still don't get half of the stuff you throw out there or even why you're doing it. I know you meant well, but this is just frustrating to be honest. Please please please explain the things you are going to talk about and use before you talk about and use them.
@PixelatedPope Ай бұрын
@americantoastman7296 27 күн бұрын
@@PixelatedPope thanks for the insightful response man 🤞🥶
@PixelatedPope 27 күн бұрын
@@americantoastman7296 Look, what is "simple" for some people is "complex" for others. I've been helping people with Gamemaker for a really long time, and for most people, explaining literally every single line is just too overwhelming. They want to know what they need to do to get the results they want. If they can follow along and it seems to work? Awesome. That's what they want. That's what "simple" means to them. It rarely involves them understanding what literally each line of code is doing. They can understand the technicalities later... for now, they just want something that works so they can move on and make their game. Is this video perfect? No, of course not. But you aren't going to be able to convince me that it would be "more simple as possible" if it was 3 times as long and broke down every single line of code in excruciating detail. There is a place for that video, absolutely, but that wasn't the intention here.
@iamreiver Ай бұрын
That's pretty cool :)
@CosmoDextro Ай бұрын
Thank you so much, this was beyond helpful!
@Heesmaster 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for showing me this video, very nice!
@joshuawilliambrodie 2 ай бұрын
The link for the Palette Builder tool no longer appears to work including the link on the Game Maker Maketplace.
@PixelatedPope 2 ай бұрын
You can grab it from Itch
@user-qf3fd5wf1i 3 ай бұрын
Very good.
@lloyd011721 3 ай бұрын
this video is super helpful
@lloyd011721 3 ай бұрын
how much of this would need to be changed for gms2?
@PixelatedPope 3 ай бұрын
The basic concept is still pretty much the same, but we don't use Data Structures anymore. Everything is arrays and structs and JSON for saving and loading.
@slothstudiosfacundobenitez9749 3 ай бұрын
how do you move it though?
@PixelatedPope 3 ай бұрын
My dude. This video is almost a decade old. You should be using the latest version of Game Maker (which is free) and follow a more recent tutorial. All this info is super out dated
@lloyd011721 3 ай бұрын
so, if you should never make the game for 1280x 720, then would 640x360 be good? since 360x2 is 720 (switch) and x3 is 1080
@PixelatedPope 3 ай бұрын
Yup, that's a great starting resolution. There are almost always going to be displays where it won't scale perfectly, but once you are scaling over 3x, you can apply a bi-linear shader to it and it will look awesome (Sonic Mania does this on the Switch)
@lloyd011721 3 ай бұрын
im mostly concerned with making a game to play on my steamdeck, and i figure i may as well also try to make it look good for switch too @@PixelatedPope
@lloyd011721 3 ай бұрын
would you please do a follow up to this video that also goes over having a rotating camera like final fantasy tactics's battles?@@PixelatedPope
@PixelatedPope 3 ай бұрын
@@lloyd011721FFTactics is 3D. If you wanna learn how to do 3D in GameMaker, DragoniteSpam has like 70 videos on the topic.
@lloyd011721 3 ай бұрын
alright thanks @@PixelatedPope
@massivewon 3 ай бұрын
Hey PP, sorry to comment on an old vid, but if I'm not mistaken, I don't believe this is fail safe pixel perfect code as is. Using the ideal_height input of 240 pixels, nes resolution, on a quad HD 2560x1440 display, I get the resulting resolution: 426.67 x 240. Maybe I didn't follow the tutorial right, but I'm pretty sure I did.
@PixelatedPope 3 ай бұрын
Nope, you are absolutely correct. Getting something truly "fail safe" is prohibitively difficult. I'm in the writing stages of a new tutorial that will cover exactly this. I had similar problems on my Surface Book (3000 x 2000 display)
@massivewon 3 ай бұрын
@@PixelatedPope 10-4 ty, just was confirming. It is an excellent tutorial as usual though and a great primer. Looking forward to seeing the next vid. Also, I just believe the issue in my use case is that it's an aspect ratio mismatch. NES resolution 4:3 and Quad HD 16:9. So the solution would be to just use a 16:9 ratio similar in size to the nes. Correct me if I'm wrong though
@SvenUdoMetulski 3 ай бұрын
where do you enter the size of the viewport? If I don't do this in the editor under viewport properties, then I get a black screen. is that right? because it's not mentioned in the video.
@PixelatedPope 3 ай бұрын
View Port is a combination of your app surface size and your window size. Don't change any settings in the room editor. Make sure they are all DEFAULT
@SvenUdoMetulski 3 ай бұрын
@@PixelatedPope User Thank you for your quick response! If I keep the default values there, then I have a black screen. I have no idea what it could be. But I definitely want to use your camera system. especially with regard to sub-pixel movement, which you mentioned in the forum, which works perfectly. I hope I can find the problem. edit: The camera properties from the editor overwrite the values that I set with camera_set_view_size in the end step menu. Viewports are disabled and not visible in the editor and it doesn't matter which viewport I choose. no idea what it is. if I use camera_create_view in the create event of the camera object, then it works. no idea why it is like that. anyway, thanks for your good work
@szi8465 3 ай бұрын
or... enable viewports, assign player object, set camera properties add end step event to ur player obj, use this code #region halfViewWitdh = camera_get_view_width(view_camera[0]) / 2; halfViewHeight = camera_get_view_height(view_camera[0]) / 2; camera_set_view_pos(view_camera[0], x - halfViewWitdh, y - halfViewHeight); #endregion boom saved, time and all this burden of coding, works like a charm, no 13+minute long video on such a simple thing
@AllyProductions 4 ай бұрын
You have no idea how useful this video was to me on the game I'm currently working on. Thank you so much - I think I owe you a beer! Wait... can popes drink beer? 😂
@EROSNERdesign 4 ай бұрын
How about "thou should use thy own art and not purchase others." Coders bitch that "don't use dnd" but they will easily purchase other people's art. Learn to illustrate..
@torbacz2335 4 ай бұрын
finnaly a video that explains everything perfectly
@shadow__dancer 5 ай бұрын
this makes no sense. why did you choose 512 to begin with? thats not even a standard pixel or aspect ratio. why not just pick 1920-1080 and be done with it?
@PixelatedPope 5 ай бұрын
512x448 is the resolution of some of the original Super Nintendo games (like Secret of Mana and Final Fantasy 6). But, I do just what you suggest in my Cameras as Simple as Possible video.
@jarirepo1172 5 ай бұрын
At the time when I start thinking of all of this stuff this video is a best thing I could ever find. Thank you, it would have taken me unthinkable amount of time to figure all this out on my own.
@jarirepo1172 5 ай бұрын
All right, basic setup seems to work, camera follows at the center of my player, all fine, except the sprite of the player moves in totally different speed, not staying in the position of the player. What's up with that? Actually sprite is already drawn in a different location when I start the game, weird. Position should be absolute I think, why is it offset by that much? If I take out the camera code everything works as it should, something makes my sprite drawn in wrong place. EDIT: I found it, I had draw_self() function at draw GUI... which apparently is wrong choice. :D
@fierorecensione5828 5 ай бұрын
Hello Pope thank you for this video, is there any chance that sequences make our life simpler instead doing the stuff in this video? Thank you!!!
@PixelatedPope 5 ай бұрын
Maybe? I don't use sequences for their intended purpose, but they do work as an interesting visual editor. And working with GUI elements in sequences is reportedly a bit of a pain
@fierorecensione5828 5 ай бұрын
Ohh i see. Yesterday i tryed to set my gui at 3840x2160, i'm using 2 monitors, one Full HD and the other in 4K, how can you explain that if i run the game in the Full HD using that proportion of my gui works still great? The gui will scale lower resolution and will stretch bigger resolution for fit correctly everytime? Thank you for your answer i really appreciate that.@@PixelatedPope
@christinekellylouisehaylet3724 5 ай бұрын
Wait 1366:768 is breaking my brain.
@PixelatedPope 5 ай бұрын
How so?
@bludream9265 5 ай бұрын
OMG Exactly what I expected to make, thank you!!! You deserve my like and subscribe🥰
@ajinkyax 6 ай бұрын
wow this works even in 2023 GM version. thanks
@joao_carloss2710 6 ай бұрын
entendi porra nenhuma
@_bubblezzzzzz_ 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for your amazing idea!
@SpaceJellyfishGuitarKing 6 ай бұрын
The best part about this channel is the attitude towards game dev that allows it to continue and happen instead of getting caught up in making things perfect. It's so sad to see that this series stopped. Still full of valuable knowledge I bet.
@miss.antidote 7 ай бұрын
Does it work for the newest version please?
@PixelatedPope 7 ай бұрын
Last time I checked, yes
@Gerg0Vagyok 7 ай бұрын
so, how to not have that speed effect, while the camera still being in the room
@natsukaze5799 7 ай бұрын
Very nice! <3
@natsukaze5799 7 ай бұрын
Great tutorial. Helped me a lot, even though my extreme ADHD crossed with your love of saving keystrokes gave me a headache. Those abbreviated variable names were brutal for me. :'D <3 But yeah, thanks, man! Helped a lot, once I sat down and forced my brain to parse your code! Edit: Aw, saw you aren't as active as you used to be with your tutorials. Still, thanks for what you've posted over the years (and earlier this year). Your tutorials were/are some of the best out there for GameMaker. You've saved me a few times, hahah! Hope you're doing well!
@itsybutsy 8 ай бұрын
Hi, love the program, it's great. I've been using it to make fighting game palette swaps for a while now, but I'm making a pokemon game right now and am trying to implement shinies. I have every pokemon preset to an ID value, and each of their sprites are grouped together _(their IDs points to the image/frame that is theirs)._ Is there some way to do the same with this palette swapper? _(eg. pal_swap_set_image(palette sprite, palette IMAGE NUMBER, palette index, is surface))_
@PixelatedPope 8 ай бұрын
Natively? No. But you could probably add this yourself. If you look at line 84 of scr_retro_pal_swapper you'll see that I get the texture and UV info and hard code image_index 0. You could make that an argument on the pal swap set function and you'd be good to go
@itsybutsy 8 ай бұрын
@@PixelatedPope cool! Thanks for that, worked great.
@slothstudiosfacundobenitez9749 8 ай бұрын
well this was a waste of time
@slothstudiosfacundobenitez9749 8 ай бұрын
hold on how do i make it follow the player???
@naelpontes8444 8 ай бұрын
Nowadays we can just use audio_sound_loop_start and audio_sound_loop_end
@roqnako 9 ай бұрын
i have the free gamemaker version and opera gx games have such an weird resolution 2024 : 2024 or smt
@ajhproductions2347 9 ай бұрын
This looks awesome, reminds me of an old mobile game I used to love but I forgot the name
@AlastairGames 9 ай бұрын
thank you, useful theory even if I'm using "Construct 3" and not "game maker"!
@PixelIsaiah 10 ай бұрын
Me making an 2K HD game in gamemaker: yeah i'm just gonna ignore that one.. I'm sure it won't come back to bite me.
@modlich_303 10 ай бұрын
too bad it's for the old thing, not really useful if you use the up-to-date GM
@PixelatedPope 10 ай бұрын
@Ver2ion 11 ай бұрын
i feel with static menus this is always my approach but i have been working on a little rpg with maany dynamic gui boxes and elements and its getting tough ;-;
@alrightythen2503 11 ай бұрын
I cant get my guy to stop sinking through the floor if I could get any help it would be appreciated thanks for the great vids again man love your stuff
@Bruhtatochip742 11 ай бұрын
Do you still work on this? I wonder what became of it.
@brianjarema264 11 ай бұрын
alot of god teir code here. Best part I like is the ideal ratio bit.