@MakioGoHardio 31 минут бұрын
4:09 these are exactly my thoughts on SM2 as well, everything was a downgrade in comparison to SM1 except gameplay which is really all that matters to me. The only thing good about the game awards was Guilty Gear announcing a new character Elphelt. Everything else was torture and miserably boring, this was the first game awards I watched and thank god I had friends to watch it with, because if I didn’t I’d be found later with pieces of my brain on the floor due to the cringy dialogue from the people there. It’s insane to me that AC6 won best action game when Hi-Fi rush was much better, truly sad the studio for that game got shut down in favour of garbage that’s soon to come out of Microsoft.
@SignorLatteMaterno99 8 сағат бұрын
It's HILARIOUS how every single soul fan has a cringe Profile Pic in the comments 😂😂 All of you it's just a bunch of Weebs and you need to play more games rather than anime rpgs 😂😂😂 Those japan people are so cringe 😂 Anime lovers and souls fans are the same. Those people are living jokes 😂 They're not critical at all
@spyrex3988 15 сағат бұрын
Git gud💀
@hitori_4 16 сағат бұрын
W hating bro
@danielnicholson25 Күн бұрын
I like Elden Ring and think it is a cool game and can be enjoyed at times, but my God, do that add stuff in that seems like its just there to piss players off and make the game difficult just for the heck of it. Something as simple as trying to drop down from a ledge 4 feet below you can lead to a frustrating death when your character decides to leap 7 feet for some reason instead of dropping straight down from a slow walk... Anyways, my main gripe is the endless running around like a chicken with your head cut off trying to find out where to go or what to do next(the base game is not as bad as the DLC as this imo). And the worst is when your in a dungeon and you wade through the annoying nonsense and booby traps for 30 minutes sweating and playing super cautious only to get killed and have to start all over. It should just start you near where you die. Its like playing Chess and if you make a bad move, you must restart the whole game from beginning. Only reason it is there, imo, is to frustrate the players and to attract an audience people who like to watch streamers rage and milk the game for content. Overall, the media acts like Elden Ring(base game) is a 10/10 but I'd realistically give it a 8/9 due to these reasons and the Shadow Of Erdtree DLC is a maybe a 6/10. DLC is Super overrated imo. Even more open spaces and boring dark colors as the base game. Way more annoying for no reason other than to be annoying.
@PsycheTesStachtes 2 күн бұрын
What do you think of monster hunter world?
@SolonGaming 2 күн бұрын
I don't remember which MH game i played but it had similar problems to souls games.
@crazycowpoke 3 күн бұрын
I agree with you. I’ve played most FS games and none of them are hard as FS idiot fans claims. Elden Ring is boring, clunky, empty, with almost the same shit like previous FS games. Calling this a masterpiece just because they’ve added a mount, changed the story and made it open world is fcking idiotic. I’d give it a 5/10.
@MakioGoHardio 3 күн бұрын
A souls fan said skill issue to me for criticizing the game, I’ve seen this same loser commenting on a critique of his sacred cow ds2 for a full year now repeating the same two words like a broken record, I’m pretty sure he’s the person you’re making these videos for lmao. I swear those type of fans ruin the community for everyone who’s actually intelligent, and has a brain that thinks outside of saying two phrase’s. Again these people aren’t the majority, they’re a very loud and annoying minority of souls fans.
@MakioGoHardio 3 күн бұрын
33:03 ds1 is very trolly lol, but it’s another reason why people like the games they find it interesting how much thought Fromsofts puts into killing the player. Miazaki has said that he made these games as a homage to the older games that heavily relied on trial and error to make the player play longer and insert more coins, he liked that style of game but I can see he’s slowly moving away from the more time consuming aspect of it which I appreciate. I played ds1 3 times and it’s pretty boring, the level design is the only thing that made me want to replay it. DeS is a lot better than ds1 imo, it’s a much tighter experience and has a lot more thought put into it from what I can tell.
@SolonGaming 3 күн бұрын
Super Mario Maker has entire content creators who make funny and creative troll levels WAY better than anything we have seen in souls games and they don't waste tons of your time pointlessly. It feels like a good funny prank when they get you. Check out the KZbinr named ''CarlSagan42''. He is one of the best ones when it comes to troll levels. The souls fandom isn't even smart enough to understand that dying a lot doesn't equal difficulty. They see the trolls as another cruel challenge they have to overcome.
@MakioGoHardio 3 күн бұрын
30:59 I don’t think fromsoft wants to balance their games, you choose how hard you want the game to be. It’s another thing many people love about the games, the difficulty options are baked into the game instead of being options in a menu.
@SolonGaming 3 күн бұрын
Having options that are totally game breaking or completely pointless is a clear sign of poor/non-existent balancing.
@MakioGoHardio 3 күн бұрын
@@SolonGamingyes the games are unbalanced, some people prefer that instead of a difficulty option. Like imagine if ER had a difficulty option and when discussing BS moves like WFD, some souls autist will say “skill issue lower the difficulty or git gud” it’d be so lame.
@SolonGaming 3 күн бұрын
@@MakioGoHardio There is such a thing as good balancing. Difficulty doesn't mean increasing the enemy stats. Enemy placement, A.I. and aggressiveness are the right way to make a game harder. Metal Gear Solid games are a good example of that. Soulstism is already going strong with the fandom anyway.
@MakioGoHardio 2 күн бұрын
@@SolonGaming I’m interested in the Metal Gear series, it’s been talked and praised so much that I want to try one of the games. The main thing unbalanced about ER is summons, I’ve heard this idea that instead of summons as an easy mode they should’ve just added Sekiro revives, I personally think it’s a better solution to make the game easier and the player will still have to engage with the mechanics, it’ll also make trial and error less tedious.
@SolonGaming 2 күн бұрын
​@@MakioGoHardio Start with either MGS 3(or wait for the remake) or MGS 5. Those are prequels so don't worry about the story. I will make a video explaining all the possible ways the souls games can improve without alienating the current audience.
@tidiatda313 3 күн бұрын
Ok I watched it WHY THE HELL do all of these reviewers also always bring up celeste? What is this psyop?
@SolonGaming 3 күн бұрын
Lol. Celeste is another game that's well known for it's massive difficulty and it's actually good. I don't know about psyop. The creator is a tranny as far as i am aware, but i never felt like the game tries to cater towards certain people or push any agendas.
@tidiatda313 3 күн бұрын
Haven't watched the video, I'll just ask, how about I just don't play them? Why MUST I play them?
@SolonGaming 3 күн бұрын
You should NOT play them and you SHOULD watch the video which is part of a series. Check the description for the other parts. The point of these videos of mine is to mock the people who worship these bad games and inform the rest.
@tidiatda313 3 күн бұрын
@@SolonGaming I will, if that's what you do then I must thank you, someone had to do it despite the literal cult strategies souls fanboys exploit. Declaring them a "revolutionary new genre" of games when they are just extremely clunky and janky metroidvanias truly exposes how they were just babby's first 3d japanese action game and their refusal to play every (much better) game which came before them
@YodaMorpheus7 4 күн бұрын
I don't really agree with your statement that soulslikes are just rote memorization. The first boss I ever fought in a Fromsoft game took me 15 tries to beat. I was killed over and over as I attempted to learn how to play the game. But that was just the tutorial boss. The next boss took me around 20, and that's when I really learned things like how positioning is important, stamina management is important, and that choosing the correct weapon can make a big difference. Afterwards, I beat the rest of the game's bosses in five tries or less. Same with the next soulslike I played. And the next one. If it was just memorization, I would have taken 15-20 tries on every single boss I ever fought because I would have needed to memorize them perfectly in order to have any chance of winning. Instead, I can often beat a boss the first time I challenge them, before I ever have a chance of memorizing attacks. In addition, even if I had memorized attack patterns, it still takes reaction speed to determine what attack the boss is going to make next (because it could be any of their 7+ repertoire of moves) and decide on an appropriate course of action. Just knowing what the boss is going to do doesn't mean you'll execute perfectly every time. That takes practice, just like any skill. I agree that the difficulty of these games is often overstated. They certainly aren't the hardest out there, and if you play cautiously and intelligently they can in fact become very easy. They aren't mindless by any definition, however. Some of my favorite parts of these games are crawling through dungeons, looking around corners and spotting traps before they are sprung, often leading to a surprise attack on an unwary enemy or even the chance to use them to my advantage, killing enemies without swinging my weapon once. If I really was as stupid as you think I am, I would have just charged in without thought, gotten demolished by the boulder/spike trap/flamethrower and remembered it next time, instead of seeing it the first time and adapting accordingly. Edit: About your criticisms of losing souls when you die, you compare it to your money being stolen. I think that you're being a little unfair with that. If you are playing intelligently, you aren't wandering around with more souls than it takes to level. It would probably take you 20 minutes at most to get an equal number of souls back. It would be like losing five dollars. You're not really going to feel that bad about it, maybe mildly irritated. Also, you say that the RPG mechanics don't matter anyways, the game is just memorization. Why do you care about your souls at all?
@SolonGaming 4 күн бұрын
The first bosses took you longer because you didn't even know the baby steps these games require which are the core mechanics. They take very little time to master, there is no depth at all and you just get used to the game's nonsense like i-frames rolling through enemy attacks. The only problem is, the game throws a boss that can deal a lot of damage to you and takes time to kill very early on, so you don't have time to practice and the practicing happens during the boss resulting in many deaths. I never said anything about memorizing perfectly. You can even win by taking a wild guess as to when an attack is going to happen and pressing the roll button. Luck can carry you through the game with minimal memorization, especially after you already learned the baby steps. There is no reaction speed or reflexes required for a game THIS slow, unless your have severe physiological problems. Stop pretending these games require skill. Being cautious about traps requires time and eyes, not brains. That time spent is a total waste and it's hardly any better than charging in blindly, dying and retrying. Both options cost you almost the same time and both are bad, boring and a waste. Using the traps against the enemies is extremely rare and mostly unnecessary. Choosing the right weapon is a wild guess and many of them are straight up cheese. If you were smart you would have realised all that and you would know the massive amount of difference between games that require brains like RTS games and reflex based games like Hack ans Slash games. You would have realised the massive difference is stimulation they offer instead of doing mental gymnastics to create the illusion that Souls games require skill. Souls and RPG mechanics don't matter in a sense that they don't change the gameplay at all. You just roll and poke with different damage numbers. Losing 5 dollars every now and then is way beyond irritating and 20 minutes lost is a lot since that was your free time, unless of course you have nothing else going on in your life and you can throw your time without caring.
@YodaMorpheus7 4 күн бұрын
@@SolonGaming I figured I wouldn't change your mind, and that's fine, just wanted to give my two cents on it. I personally enjoy the slow-paced dungeon crawl, the atmosphere is very treacherous and foreboding. Perhaps I am just wasting my time, but I'm having fun doing it and that's all that matters. Isn't that what games are for, to waste your free time in a fun way? If I wasn't having fun, I wouldn't have bought more of these games. If that makes me a moron I'd rather be stupid and happy then enlightened and miserable.
@SolonGaming 4 күн бұрын
@@YodaMorpheus7 You should not expect to change anyone's mind when you are clearly wrong. Enjoy whatever you want, simple activities are for simple minds. As long as you don't lie about it we have no beef.
@YodaMorpheus7 4 күн бұрын
@@SolonGaming One last thing, I feel like you'd convince more people of your point of view if you didn't consistently insult them while doing so. Just some friendly advice. And before you state "I'm just saying the truth" like I've seen earlier, that doesn't make it any less of an insult even if you truly believe it. Enjoy your subjective opinion.
@SolonGaming 4 күн бұрын
@@YodaMorpheus7 You have no clue what you are talking about, just like you don't have a clue about what kind of games you are playing. Don't bother giving pointless advice.
@MakioGoHardio 5 күн бұрын
24:35 act man isn’t a basement dweller tho, he goes the gym and knows martial arts. He makes pretty mid content imo, people watch it because of the quality editing and a unique way of reppresenting his points, but overall his videos lack substance.
@SolonGaming 4 күн бұрын
''he goes the gym and knows martial arts'' I need proof, especially about the martial arts. He is one of the most soulless content creators and suffers from similar mental illnesses as basement dwellers. Also his ''Alpha male'' persona is very pretentious, it fits his name well. Penguinz0 goes to the gym regularly and is still a turbo basement dweller. Going to the gym doesn't really fix your mindset. It's like leaving one basement/prison and going to another.
@MakioGoHardio 4 күн бұрын
@@SolonGaming (kzbin.info/www/bejne/p2TWlXuoZ9OHmrMsi=7lRCEkASvq-Bqmul I don’t think he has a “alpha male” persona, he just seems like a chill dude being himself, I wouldn’t call him a soulless either it’s clear he puts effort into his content. I wouldn’t describe Critical as a basement dweller I don’t think basement dweller have any friends, he’s just a degenerate.
@SolonGaming 4 күн бұрын
He does pretend to be an ''alpha'' at times. He is soulless because he ALWAYS takes the side of the majority and he has ZERO principles. His entire content is gathering arguments from a trend, taking the side of the ''winners'' and pretending he knows what he is talking about when in reality he put zero thought effort. Dude the guy almost died after doing 19 push-ups. He also has another video trying to break 10 wooden broads and broke his forearm. The broads being completely rigged, they were already damaged in the middle hence the way they broke. He needed like zero strength and only some precision and he still failed miserably. The dude is a total amateur and an embarrassment to martial artists. Looks like the typical nerd whose parent forced him to do some sports and he barely tried because he was bored watching everyone else. Charlie was never leaving his house until recently and he was a super cringe-lord. Anyone can make friends when they have money and fame, not sure how real they are though.
@SolonGaming 4 күн бұрын
I just read his comment section and i cringed so hard. Absolute childish yes-men and worshipers. Zero clue about what they saw and they think that was impressive. He gathers the audience he deserves with the videos he makes. Just a soulless clout chaser.
@MakioGoHardio 4 күн бұрын
@@SolonGaming “guy almost died after doing 19 push ups” they weren’t normal push ups. “The board being completely rigged” how do you know? “The dude is a total amateur” he made an amateur mistake he admitted this in a video, and from what I’ve seen he’s pretty skilled and he’s been doing martial arts for a decade plus. I don’t get why you’re hating on random KZbinrs that aren’t even close to the worst out there.
@lemonlimelukey 6 күн бұрын
if the combat was a 100th as epic as they try to make the game look (and fail) it would be a good game, instead they have oversaturated a shitty niche they over-committed into creating ONLY bcuz it wasnt already being done outside of other shitty dungeon crawling jrp type games, its basically the worst possible jrpg/ps1 fighter crossover imaginable.
@MakioGoHardio 7 күн бұрын
Ok I watched the video, this video is just you insulting a fanbase for liking a genre and calling them basement dwellers. It’s fine if you don’t personally enjoy trial and error in a video game, but that’s what souls games are built upon, you learn the bosses and enemies through trial and error that’s the entire appeal of the genre, a lot of people find this fun and enjoyable but ig if they do they’re losers. I wonder what games you personally enjoy. I’m guessing you’re making these insults because people told you to “git gud” or “skill issue” in general these terms are used jokingly and the people who use them unironically are losers, the words aren’t meant to be taken seriously for the most part, but insulting and generalizing an entire fanbase based on your interactions with them is kinda weird. some of your points I agree with but I think if you represented them in a less insulting more cordial way you wouldn’t be getting dogpiled on. 27:38 this point really only applies to all the dark souls games, I highly recommend comparing Ongbal fighting ds3/bb bosses to ER or Sekiro bosses you’ll see how much depth both games have to offer. I’ve had my fair share of negative interactions with souls fans, I once criticized a boss for having a true undodgeable attack documented by literal no hit runners and someone told me skill issue even tho I’ve no hit many of the bosses, so I understand your frustration with some of the player base. I’ve also had many positive interactions with souls fans as well, just having cordial conversations and criticizing the games. Sorry for the rambling but I think you made some decent points, imo all the dark souls games are pretty mediocre for many reasons they only really have solid level design, art style, and music, the only good games they made are ER, Sekiro, AC6, and DeS at least imo.
@swupwa 7 күн бұрын
mini mini you call these mini QTE got me so good 😂😂😂 loved the video
@creativeusername333 8 күн бұрын
Such an obvious troll job from an obvious troll channel lol
@thedoomslayer5863 8 күн бұрын
Completely separate to the video but, subhuman is a insult one would use on say, someone who was sad the assassin had missed trump on his attempt. That is a subhuman. Someone who thinks roll, attack, roll, attack, roll, attack is 10/10 game design and the peak of video game combat is just ignorant or a moron.
@SolonGaming 8 күн бұрын
Elaborate on your first paragraph as to why. Also i try to use that word accurately and not simply like an insult. Someone who fits the description of your second paragraph, worships Miyazaki AND is terminally online rushing to deflect criticism with nonsense can hardly be considered human.
@thedoomslayer5863 7 күн бұрын
@@SolonGaming "Elaborate on your first paragraph as to why. Also i try to use that word accurately and not simply like an insult." I dont think i need to elaborate much on why people who were angry the assassin missed trump are subhumans. Especially those who didn't care that the bullet that did miss him blew someones head to bits and injured 2 others. I'd like to think you can use common sense to figure out why any normal person would call thos subhuman. As to your second paragraph I've met plenty of normal guys, some of average intelligence others who were rather smart that thought that way and when i'd debate them on it they were able to conceed it was a rather simple combat design but said they still enjoyed it. It's like someone liking a shitty movie. Happens all the time. There are people who even watch shit movies like "The Room" and have a good time because of how bad it is. The ones who wont budge even when you bring up facts and still claim its the most complex and amazing gods gift to combat design are just morons. The kind that will likely think Call of Duty is the pinnacle of gaming or art. I'd even go so far as to call them regarded (had to censor the word for YT but u know which one it is just change the g to a t) for thinking that but even then i would not say subhuman. I reserve that word for genuinely VILE and EVIL "people" like George Soros.
@Silver_silva0 9 күн бұрын
I liked the Lore it was amazing Some areas and map explain you the story/ like the caild you see the scarlet rot destroyed everything caused by Malenia..... Each area Each character in the game Each bosses has their own unique story Well you wanna get deep into it you should consider watching lore videos It's definitely worth it Combat, it isn't great as sekiro or Bloodborne but i love the weapon variety that you can find and make it easier for you (unique Ashes of war) Summons Some interesting parts of the map I had done one of the most interesting side quests which was Rannis quest line which i liked it so much for a single quest there was a beautiful map (i did the Ranni ending age of the Star) And some great bosses such as Godfrey i liked him and his lore I did other endings called Golden order And regular ending So far i enjoyed But they were some parts I didn't liked like that Malenia Boss fight till this day i still don't like her because of how unbalanced she is...... I have recently beat the legendary game called sekiro it was perfect Absolutely beautiful game I ever played So About Malenia felt like she should've been in sekiro 2: fire giant yeah cool Boss fight but a bit Big to games camera 3: the Elden beast yeah he actually flies around yeah but it's still passable and like the lore behind him So besides these bosses i enjoyed the game so far And just because the game isn't made for you doesn't mean it's overrated I saw the comment section and the criticism sounded legit It seems like you haven't understood something.... Well we all have Tastes you can't just you know call the game boring Or just say people who criticize you They're fanboys....
@freddart5163 9 күн бұрын
I liked the video but you can argue the Eldenring dlc falls out of the learn the pattern mindset because of the switch ups with combos but at the end of the day its about timing and learning the moveset and thats it the only skill is you seeing something come at you
@TheMrfoxguy 10 күн бұрын
Those youtubers are so overrated dont know what people see in them
@igorsantossouza3684 10 күн бұрын
I hate how the combat in these games is just about rolling at the right time and nothing else. Like enemies will do a 180 turn in the air to hit you, some attacks look like they shouldn't reach you but then the boss magically slides across the floor to hit you, random AOE explosions, etc. Makes it feel like positioning doesn't even matter
@nimaitre 10 күн бұрын
He's trying to hype his channel with the dlc hype, you can see that he doesn't reason and attacks anyone who likes the game. So keep mocking him guys, let's raise a new lowcow to the internet lol Get good casual :p
@SolonGaming 10 күн бұрын
You do realize the very guys i criticized are the ones hyping their channels constantly with every new trend, even though they don't even need to do that since they are already big and that's how they got big in the first place? My video is actually 4 months old. I am not the one riding trends like a desperately starved teenager. Try to be less of a hypocrite and more aware next time so you won't make ignorant comments like that. Don't talk about reason if you are incapable of it.
@nimaitre 10 күн бұрын
@@SolonGaming Hey mah dude, chill man, your comments leave me thinking if your excess of Ad Hominem is something out of a character or if it's a very insecure person trying to talk to people.
@nimaitre 10 күн бұрын
@@SolonGaming Dude the dlc hype started months ago and you know that, second to this, I am not criticizing you for trying to hype your channel, I am criticizing you by the way you decided to do it. I've watched couple videos you made about the game and the majority of points you make feels like what a "hater character" would say, it's difficult to take it serious, for real.
@nimaitre 10 күн бұрын
@@SolonGaming and clearly, you don't know how to play the game :)
@SolonGaming 10 күн бұрын
​@@nimaitre They are not Ad Hominems, but they might sound like they for now since i will release the proof in another video. My video has nothing to do with the DLC and is part of a series which started way before the DLC was announced. Whether i hate the games and the fandom or not doesn't invalidate any of my points.
@roninswiftball 11 күн бұрын
It's funny because Ninja Gaiden Black is what I consider the hardest game I know. People think Elden Ring is a harder game than Ninja Garden Black. In all Dark Souls games all you do is dodge and attack. In Ninja Gaiden Black, you also dodge and attack as well but the combat has depth and you have different combos per situation. If I make someone like a souls veteran or souls god play chapter 1 on master ninja, you can bet they won't beat the first red ninjas that appear in the game.
@SolonGaming 11 күн бұрын
Yeap. I mentioned that in Part 1.
@user-ku2hr8bo7d 10 күн бұрын
To be fair the bosses in ninga gaiden are garbage because thier telegarphing is bad and some attacks like flying swallow don't work on some of them and they don't have any personality except for doku and the rival in 2, and the weapons are pretty uninteresting except for the staff and sword.
@The_Mongoose 12 күн бұрын
Not sure I appreciate being called a waste of skin for enjoying something.
@SolonGaming 12 күн бұрын
Give me a timestamp where i say that
@vivicalls 12 күн бұрын
holy shit unironically you made me realize alot of bs about the dark souls franchise and elden ring
@SolonGaming 12 күн бұрын
Glad i could help. There are 2 more videos in the description playlist for extra info.
@vivicalls 12 күн бұрын
@@SolonGaming i already watched the other videos thanks
@SolonGaming 12 күн бұрын
Never has a souls fan described or named what's the skill these games require. The fact that you are just implying that coping data and then pasting it somewhere is a skill, is the most clear indication that you are a lifeform way lesser than humans and most animals as well. Imagine being proud of having the functionality of a broken record, to the point that you need to brag about it to everyone on the internet. Apparently by your definition if you stare at a wall for 10 hours you are a skilled wall starer. A parrot is a skilled speaker even if it has no clue what it's saying and never tried to practice it's speech. So is a record even though it's just an inanimate machine made by someone who actually had skills. Drinking from the toilet is a skill and people who aren't willing to do it is only because they have skill issues, are bad at it and they need to git gud and are also jealous of those who can, according to souls fans. There are many synonyms of the word skill: expertise, expertness, adeptness, dexterity, ability, prowess, mastery, competence, competency, capability, efficiency, aptitude, artistry, art, finesse, flair, virtuosity, experience, professionalism, talent, cleverness, smartness, ingenuity, versatility, knack, readiness, handiness, know-how. Most of them don't even remotely fit your definition of skill. Reading a completely nonsensical gibberish book and memorizing it doesn't mean you mastered anything or you became skilled, or an expert at anything, or you acquired an ability, became more competent or efficient at anything, or you finessed anything, or you got any kind of experience, readiness for anything or you know-how to do anything. You just stored completely pointless data in your brain and you can parrot it for no reason at all. It doesn't help you with anything anywhere at any point. When you mention the list of your skills to someone, if you mention that you have memorized a book of gibberish, then you are insane and pitiful/laughable. Maybe someone will create a video game that asks you to write down the content of that book and you will play it and beat it to feel good for yourself after wasting all that time to memorize an entire book. The rough textbook definition of skill is: the ability to do something well. You can argue that you can memorise generally, but i don't know if the word ''well'' fits anywhere here. Every lifeform has basic memory. Is basic breathing a skill too? If you are not dying from lack of oxygen or choking on your spit, it means you are doing it well and you are a skilled breather right? I guess everyone is, but if that's the case then who are the bad breathers? Can we really say that we do something well if there is no one beneath us to compare them with us? Everyone can actually beat these simple games. There are people who whine because they don't get handled free instant gratification like game journalist and they proceed to call these games hard because they are not just lazy when it comes to their job, they are also lazy when it comes to thinking why exactly they failed and what were they really playing, so they just proceed to simply call the games hard. An inaccurate word spouted from their mouth out of pure laziness. Then there are smart people who drop these games early on because they realise how boring they are. If you take the least skilled game journalist and physically force them to finish any of these games, they will definitely succeed. Same will happen if you force a grandma who never touched a video game and pretty much anyone, since there is no actual skill requirement nor a talent. A genuine skill would be something that can actually be carried on to other things like depth perception. You can walk, run, drive any machine whether ground, aerial or underwater and play many video games well, such as platformers. The higher your skill level of depth perception, the better you become at all of those and there are also many other things you can do with that skill as well.
@creativeusername333 8 күн бұрын
what is wrong with you, u ok bruh?
@SolonGaming 12 күн бұрын
Never has a souls fan described or named what's the skill these games require. The fact that you are just implying that coping data and then pasting it somewhere is a skill, is the most clear indication that you are a lifeform way lesser than humans and most animals as well. Imagine being proud of having the functionality of a broken record, to the point that you need to brag about it to everyone on the internet. Apparently by your definition if you stare at a wall for 10 hours you are a skilled wall starer. A parrot is a skilled speaker even if it has no clue what it's saying and never tried to practice it's speech. So is a record even though it's just an inanimate machine made by someone who actually had skills. Drinking from the toilet is a skill and people who aren't willing to do it is only because they have skill issues, are bad at it and they need to git gud and are also jealous of those who can, according to souls fans. There are many synonyms of the word skill: expertise, expertness, adeptness, dexterity, ability, prowess, mastery, competence, competency, capability, efficiency, aptitude, artistry, art, finesse, flair, virtuosity, experience, professionalism, talent, cleverness, smartness, ingenuity, versatility, knack, readiness, handiness, know-how. Most of them don't even remotely fit your definition of skill. Reading a completely nonsensical gibberish book and memorizing it doesn't mean you mastered anything or you became skilled, or an expert at anything, or you acquired an ability, became more competent or efficient at anything, or you finessed anything, or you got any kind of experience, readiness for anything or you know-how to do anything. You just stored completely pointless data in your brain and you can parrot it for no reason at all. It doesn't help you with anything anywhere at any point. When you mention the list of your skills to someone, if you mention that you have memorized a book of gibberish, then you are insane and pitiful/laughable. Maybe someone will create a video game that asks you to write down the content of that book and you will play it and beat it to feel good for yourself after wasting all that time to memorize an entire book. The rough textbook definition of skill is: the ability to do something well. You can argue that you can memorise generally, but i don't know if the word ''well'' fits anywhere here. Every lifeform has basic memory. Is basic breathing a skill too? If you are not dying from lack of oxygen or choking on your spit, it means you are doing it well and you are a skilled breather right? I guess everyone is, but if that's the case then who are the bad breathers? Can we really say that we do something well if there is no one beneath us to compare them with us? Everyone can actually beat these simple games. There are people who whine because they don't get handled free instant gratification like game journalist and they proceed to call these games hard because they are not just lazy when it comes to their job, they are also lazy when it comes to thinking why exactly they failed and what were they really playing, so they just proceed to simply call the games hard. An inaccurate word spouted from their mouth out of pure laziness. Then there are smart people who drop these games early on because they realise how boring they are. If you take the least skilled game journalist and physically force them to finish any of these games, they will definitely succeed. Same will happen if you force a grandma who never touched a video game and pretty much anyone, since there is no actual skill requirement nor a talent. A genuine skill would be something that can actually be carried on to other things like depth perception. You can walk, run, drive any machine whether ground, aerial or underwater and play many video games well, such as platformers. The higher your skill level of depth perception, the better you become at all of those and there are also many other things you can do with that skill as well.
@Loremaster28 12 күн бұрын
ok bro im done your just rage bating at this point and its clear with you calling people sub human. im out. hope you find something in your life that makes you happy instead of seeing yourself as above other people. Arrogance and dumb pride are not a good look chief but hey what else can I expect from someone who see people enjoying something and has the need to "dunk" on them for enjoying something.
@SolonGaming 12 күн бұрын
Pattern recognition as a skill would be to recognize trends or a deeper meaning through logical data analysis. For example recognizing the pattern of numbers that start from 1 and keep increasing one by one like counting, is not really a skill since everyone can recognize it immediately, even kinder garden kids. Storing data of patterns you simply see and then applying it with a single button through pure trial and error instead of using your intelligence is not a skill. Everyone can do that. Same goes for timing. You don't time through reflexes which is an actual skill. A game that requires timing and rhythm would be Guitar hero. You press the buttons based on your reflex skill through the visuals and by following the rhythm acoustically using your ears, you can play the game with your eyes closed and rely on your hearing skills. Rhythm is a regular repeated pattern of movement or sound. The patterns and movements are irregular in Souls games. The bosses can use their attacks at any order and combination they like. You don't increase your general skill of pattern recognition or timing or rhythm in any way by playing souls games. You apply all the data that was stored through pure trial and error and that's it. It happens by the means of animation patterns, timing a button with said animation patterns purely by memory. It's like you are trying to argue that you increase your eyesight skills just because you used the basic functionality of your eyes to play the game and needed to see what you had to do to achieve victory.
@Loremaster28 12 күн бұрын
@@SolonGaming "you can play the game with your eyes closed and rely on your hearing skills." same with souls games thats why people do blindfolded runs 😭 dude your just describing every video game that is not a puzzle game 😭
@SolonGaming 12 күн бұрын
​@@Loremaster28 YOU DON'T RELY ON YOUR HEARING SKILLS AND THE GAME'S RHYTHM IF YOU PLAY SOULS GAMES WITH YOUR EYES CLOSED. YOU RELY ON MEMORY THROUGH TRIAL AND ERROR EXCEPT THIS TIME IT'S ACOUSTIC INSTEAD OF VISUAL. THERE IS NO ''regular repeated pattern of movement or sound'' WHICH IS WHAT RHYTHM IS. THE ENEMIES BEHAVE IRREGULARLY AND ATTACK IRREGULARLY AS WELL. THEY CAN USE TONS OF COMBOS AT ONCE AND OTHER TIMES THEY JUST STAND THERE. After hearing something that MIGHT represent an enemy attack you might try to take a wild guess at dodge rolling through it not even knowing the RIGHT DIRECTION WHICH YOU GUYS DEFEND SO MUCH AS IF IT REALLY MATTERS, you will most likely fail unless you are lucky and you will get hit and if your character makes a noise that resembles taking damage you will know you got hit. If not, you will only know after you die, that you were taking damage all these times you attempted to roll. It's a very similar process to the normal visual gameplay which is still trial and error purely, except if you are using only your hearing with inconsistent attacks and completely inconsistent and possibly misleading noises is WAAAAYYYY more tedious. Most good video games have SOME trial and error, just a little bit, until you acquire the skills needed. That includes some puzzle games by the way, but once you get the basic skills, you focus on improving them and the games turn to skill based. The trial and error is minimal and it's gone after a while unlike souls games where the entire combat is BASED AROUND IT. There are no skills to acquire because they are basic functions that you already had before touching the game. If you play all games by brute forcing them through pure trial and error memorization, which is possible by the way for pretty much everything, even chess, then you never acquire the skills they try to teach you. That's a YOU PROBLEM. Now for the love of god please stop the weaseling because it's late at night and it's frustrating.
@Loremaster28 12 күн бұрын
@@SolonGaming the cognitive dissonance is crazy bro, look im done you just dont like fun or want to instantly be good at something idk what to tell you. trail and error are how you get better at ANY game hell not even games ANYTHING THING PERIOD. you start out bad you find out how to play properly though trial and error then you learn. but its clear you are wither one just rage baiting or you are drinking some koolaid either way theres no point talking to you 😭 have fun being toxic im out
@theflame45 12 күн бұрын
sounds like a skill issue git gud
@SolonGaming 12 күн бұрын
Never heard that one before. Please tell me more about it and enlighten me with your wisdom. You sound very smart and clearly capable of understanding simple videos.
@mindrend6726 13 күн бұрын
This video contains a large volume of inaccurate and half-inaccurate claims. Souls boss fights are a rhythm-based system. Each boss contains a different rhythm, different delayed hitbox AOEs, and different resistances to specific strategies and damage types. It is not an unfair or unpredictable system. In fact, most of the bosses you encounter can be killed on the first try if you know how the combat works and are capable of base observations. Your contrast between souls and games with freer motion such as DMC5 and Ninja Gaiden is also weak. In these games there is little to no punishment for unoptimal movement or using the wrong attack at the wrong time. It is designed to make you feel fast to give the illusion of complexity. You can beat both of these games on the hardest difficulty using basic combos. I know so because I did so. IN CONTRAST, in souls games you have to make moves with confidence because there is a true scarcity of time and room to navigate. It is not afraid to make you feel incompetent through picking apart your early mistakes. You most certainly seem like the type who felt incompetent due to bad input control or bad observation and fell back upon the crutches the games leave for incompetent players such as yourself. You respec'd to int, picked up some variant of crystal spear or comet and pressed r1 from halfway across the boss arena. You would rather record a 28 minute long video full of cope than use an underpowered melee weapon and learn the rhythm game via a battle of attrition. Your opinions are bad because they are predicated upon your weakly-veiled irritation due to giving up halfway. I am not proud of beating these games because as you said, it is not much of an accomplishment. It is a glorified patience trainer, which you probably hate because you were raised on an ipad.
@SolonGaming 12 күн бұрын
1. ''Souls boss fights are a rhythm-based system'' Nope. Guitar Hero is a rhythm-based game. You follow the rhythm acoustically and also use your reflexes based on accurate visuals to win/progress. Memorization through trial and error because of inaccurate nonsensical visuals, hitboxes and bugs is not rhythm based. It ABSOLUTELY is an unpredictable system. None of the bosses can be beaten in your first try if you play completely naked with bare fists because you don't have enough health and damage and you will not be able to try and err enough times successfully and the game will be exposed for what it really is. Then again you guys can ignore the most obvious thing in your very eyes for a whole decade straight without ever realizing what you were doing, so maybe even that will fly over your heads. 2. ... ... AHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAH. Dude. The rest of your comment. Oh my god. The pure brainrot. Holy molly. I have no words. You are a mental gymnastic medalist. The fact that you tried to completely downplay DMC even though it has one of the biggest skill ceilings in all of video games and you tried to pretend THAT hard souls games are super skill based while the ceiling is at rock bottom and you even admitted at the end that they are just testing your patience and tolerance... The fact that you would say anyone else is copying just for not wanting to play boredom incarnate BY YOUR OWN definition and wording... while you performed maximum mental gymnastics to stroke yourself by pretending souls games are hard just because of being punishing which has nothing to do with difficulty... Oh my... What a great comment, i am almost tempted to heart it.
@mindrend6726 12 күн бұрын
+ ratio
@igorsantossouza3684 10 күн бұрын
If DMC is not complex because you can beat it with one combo, then Elden Ring is completely brain dead since you can beat it by just summoning spirit ashes and doing nothing (Distortion 2 has a video where he does this in the dlc)
@mindrend6726 9 күн бұрын
@@igorsantossouza3684 The likelihood of succeeding in a run like that is really low. You'd have to plan it out quite a bit in order to keep the spirit ashes alive. In DMC, it's pretty much intuitive to just spam the light combos.
@thedoomslayer5863 8 күн бұрын
​@@mindrend6726 one guy beat consort Radahn the hardest boss with the golem summon and all he did was use heal from afar to heal it occasionally. That summon even tanked radahns comet attack thag usually nukes everything else instantly.
@klaustank8627 13 күн бұрын
i cannot speak for DS series but i've multiple times played through Elden Ring, Sekiro and oncealso lies of P and Wo Long fallen dynasty and i can say that the Souls Genre is the hardest Story game genre there is. maybe the older games have a one sided Combat and arent as hard and Just need practice and Analysis, but i mean with lies of P and Sekiro and the upcoming soulslikes as well as with the super hard Elden Ring dlc, it is clear that the Genre is evolving and getting moren complex and therefore Harder. Lies and Sekiro Bring prostetic Tools to enhance the Combat & intense parrying. in Elden Ring you can Parry as well with a dual wielded shield and have a great variety of weapons, potions, spells, thus a way to cheese every Boss by analysing their attack pattern and figuring out the windows when to attack.
@SolonGaming 12 күн бұрын
Sekiro is definitely more complex by the rest of the souls likes and i will play Lies of P soon. How is the genre evolving? The games don't add any depth to the combat. Elden Ring DLC has completely artificial difficulty. Just enemies with heavily increased health and damage making the exact same repetitive fights more tedious.
@klaustank8627 12 күн бұрын
@@SolonGaming i mean with that, that the soulslikes (not from fromsoft) take the route to implemtent parrying and a more immersive storytelling through cutscenes which differs from the way fromsoft tells stories which is shown by lief of p or nioh, or they take the route to heavily implement mp like lords of the fallen. Meanwhile fromsoft is experimental through also trying to partially break out of the dark souls game formula, pioneering the genre which is seen by elden ring cuz its a open world and sekiro which has a totally new combat system and started the recent wave of souls likes like lies of p.
@klaustank8627 12 күн бұрын
@@SolonGaming sure elden ring feels more like a step back towards traditional fromsoft combat just in an open world. i get it but the large variety of weapons and op builds furthers the skill of understanding damage output, timing and a bit parrying as well although not as efficient as in sekiro.
@thedoomslayer5863 8 күн бұрын
​@@SolonGaming I can't speak to the genre but lies of p did evolve it compared to fromsofts games. In combat you can focus parries like Sekiro (which you seemed to have liked, that one was my favorite btw) you can dodge like souls games, there is also a different kind of parry some of the weapons have like the twin dragon swords do. Parrying enough on some enemies will even break their weapons making them less effective You have a prosthetic arm that can do different things like sekiro that you can weave into the combat. It has the rally system from bloodborne so you can heal through aggressive play with is another way to play but ultimately you will use a mix of all of these like you would use a mix of Dante's weapons and styles in DMC instead of the brain dead use roll invincibility frames to dodge every attack formula of the souls games
@SolonGaming 8 күн бұрын
@@thedoomslayer5863 I will give it a try anyway.
@grass324 13 күн бұрын
This channel is the embodiment of "quit having fun" meme. Not every game has to be perfect and some people will enjoy them for certain parts they like. I loved Dark Souls series cuz of it's brilliant, structured and inspired atmosphere and style like i've never seen before. Despite it's flaws I still loved the game, it has great replayability value but yes of course not the best of all. It's a great feeling when you achieve that build that you want. If you think you really hate the souls combat gameplay then you'll probably hate Monster Hunter even more. It's almost the same dodging and attacking, telegraphed boss fights with bloated hp. Yknow stuff that you called "boring" and "repetitive" to you.
@SolonGaming 12 күн бұрын
Nothing to do with "quit having fun". I liked parts of it as well. Not sure why you would feel good about spending so much time for a build that just allows you to win by withstanding more attacks and dealing more damage. I do hate Monster Hunter.
@grass324 12 күн бұрын
@@SolonGaming as I said people enjoy different things you don't and you didn't understand them so you criticize/hate them lol. Btw on other parts what you hate about Monster Hunter? What did MonHun do to you? 😂
@SolonGaming 12 күн бұрын
@@grass324 You can criticize games without hating them and even games you love.
@grass324 12 күн бұрын
@@SolonGaming yeah like no shi Sherlock. Btw there's probably some serious relationship on you with MonHun here due to how your reply didn't even answer my question about MonHun.
@SolonGaming 12 күн бұрын
@@grass324 You answered that question yourself in your OP comment.
@markonovakovic6762 13 күн бұрын
You have some valid criticisms but most of this is just "i didn't have fun therefore game bad." And before you say "cOmPrEhEnSiOn iSsUe" like some 14 year old reddit kid who just learned the word "comprehension" and wants to sound really smart, you need to comprehend that these games just aren't for everyone. So here's a helpful tip for you, go play something else. What's a game/genre that's fun for you?
@SolonGaming 13 күн бұрын
The reason i didn't have fun is because the games offer no stimulation. The reason the games are bad is because of all the flaws i mentioned. About my "cOmPrEhEnSiOn iSsUe" comments, i can only hope you keep the same energy about souls fans who spam ''sKiLl ISsUe'' or you would be a major hypocrite. I never said anything about any game being for everyone so don't you go "cOmPrEhEnSiOn iSsUe" with me. I don't need your tip and it's not helpful at all. I need to present my ideas since i am going to create video games and people need to know what exactly they are getting into. I am into almost every genre with very few exceptions like sports games, racing games, point and click games and a couple more.
@markonovakovic6762 13 күн бұрын
@@SolonGaming Different people find different things stimulating. Therefore, many of the "flaws" you mentioned are actually personal preferences. Again, "I personally didn't have fun. Therefore, the game is bad." That's not how it works. Yes, going "sKiLl iSsUe" no matter the argument presented is dumb. That's why i didn't say that. However, you do actually have a comprehension issue. You fail to comprehend that most of your criticisms just aren't objectively valid. Some are valid, but most aren't. Again, it's going back to personal preferences. No game is perfect. Nothing is. Lastly, you absolutely do need my tip, and it is very helpful. I've seen your channel, and all of your videos are basically hate videos. Instead of playing the games you don't like and ranting about it, go play something that you enjoy. Also, i don't see how "presenting your ideas" on games has anything to do with creating your own games. Reviewing other games has nothing to do with creating your own. Your statement makes absolute zero sense. And that sounds like more than a few exceptions. That's several exceptions right there. I'm genuinely curious about what games you consider to be good or "stimulating," as you say. What's one of the most stimulating games you've played? Doesn't have to be just one. You can list off several.
@SolonGaming 10 күн бұрын
@@markonovakovic6762 I don't want to sound like some 14 year old reddit kid but...
@markonovakovic6762 10 күн бұрын
@@SolonGaming Nice question dodge lol. And you do sound like that. Anyways, have a good one ✌🏼
@SolonGaming 10 күн бұрын
@@markonovakovic6762 I mean, don't get me wrong, i would really like to answer your questions, but i just have a feeling that you might have a tiny bit of a certain issue.
@beri4138 13 күн бұрын
40:03 LOL this fool saying he beat every challenge in Celeste sent me. I bet he doesn't even know about the golden berries.
@beri4138 13 күн бұрын
"basement dwellers thinking they have infinite time in their basement and their parents are immortal" is a crazy insult tbh
@ibewither5051 13 күн бұрын
“40+ hours pretty much impossible for a first timer”, dude’s just bad a Dark Souls.
@SolonGaming 13 күн бұрын
40+ hours for a first timer back when the genre wasn't even formed and there weren't many souls-likes. Also he said he quit halfway through and restarted which means he is bad by the logic you guys use, but still all that took him less than 50 hours. Imagine being this disgustingly dishonest.
@ibewither5051 13 күн бұрын
@@SolonGaming oh, dishonest when you moved the goalposts like the fallacy-ridden joke you are? “First Timer” in your video had NO such caveat. It implies “First Ever Playthrough”, and “40+ hours being impossible”. My “First ever playthrough” was less than 26 hours long and I had no previous experience with a souls game before. Thus proving, it is not only possible but likely! At least you’re much more eloquent in text than on video. Idk how much of that is actually you, but good job nonetheless.
@SolonGaming 13 күн бұрын
@@ibewither5051 '' It implies “First Ever Playthrough”, and “40+ hours being impossible”.'' That's exactly what i meant. What goalpost did i move? Are you high? So in your very first playthrough of a tedious and cryptic trial and error game you managed to take a wild guess about all the problems the game presents you and that guess of yours was correct so fast and so consistently that you beat the game in 26 hours. All of that while not using any online help or any of the cheese that i mentioned in my part 1 video. You just rushed the game to the bosses somehow knowing where to go and what to do and beat everything underleveled and were lucky putting the few levels to the correct stats(health) to withstand damage and wear proper gear as well. You have better chances of winning the lottery. I mean, the fact that you think these games are skill based after playing them and even watched my videos where i explained how they are not and you think someone would take more time just because they are ''bad'' speaks volumes about your intelligence in the first place. The amount of weaseling and mental gymntastics you guys will do to stroke your fragile egos is truly pitiful.
@beri4138 13 күн бұрын
Try Nioh 2. Soulslike bosses but way better combat. You can do crazy combos of your own while dodging the boss attacks.
@SolonGaming 13 күн бұрын
I did and it's awesome. I knew about Nioh since Ninja Gaiden 2 is one of my favorite games and it was made by the same company.
@whiskeybuddha1995 13 күн бұрын
My dude went to the “fans live in their basement” cliche. I thought that was more of a tongue in cheek joke than a lazy superlative. You are what we call a simpleton. The type of simpleton that calls other ppl stupid while propping themselves up as brilliant. There’s no way you’re a game developer, and if you are, your work has been seen by anyone other than the imaginary friends in your moms basement
@SolonGaming 13 күн бұрын
The pure irony. The terminally online fandom rushing to criticism videos 24/7 and making generic NPC deflections while endlessly bragging about their nonexistent skills is not the lazy self absorbed simpletons with high ego, but i am. Imagine having negative self awareness and projecting THAT hard. The souls fans living in their basement is not a cliche or an insult. It's a literal fact and i have all the proof i need in my Part 4 video. I would say that you will eat your words once you see it, but that would require you to develop a self awareness and a brain first.
@whiskeybuddha1995 13 күн бұрын
The opinions of the creator doesn’t bother me bc they’re just video games, but good lord was this boring to listen to. Even if you have good points, you have to keep us from falling asleep
@thedoomslayer5863 8 күн бұрын
If you meam he just sounds bored or monotone himself then i agree. But its more of a gen z attention deficit disorder to not be able to watch something for 30 mins. You'd explode if you had to sit in the 5 hour+ trainings/meetings ive been in then lol
@swupwa 13 күн бұрын
hey i never played any FF game i want to join the franchise with the hope of gooe combat gameplay and story which you would recommened idc too much about lore tbh
@SolonGaming 13 күн бұрын
I have an entire video about the gameplay of each game in the franchise. I made that video before FF7: Rebirth came out and Rebirth is actually the best one now.
@italianfoodname534 13 күн бұрын
Imagine having so little going on in your life, you make a 30 minute video on the internet bashing people who enjoy a genre of video game you can't get into. You're a literal pathetic joke mate.
@Lxca-fi4np 13 күн бұрын
Not going to lie but this video made me laugh, keep making videos man 😂✌
@Wazzapzowski 13 күн бұрын
bro didn't get past the asylum demon
@SolonGaming 13 күн бұрын
Bro just made a generic ''skill issue'' comment worded differently.
@backyarddad4198 13 күн бұрын
these games are great lmao
@IKuzmos 13 күн бұрын
Could be a bunch of good arguments if not for all the hatred you spice them up with. Makes it seem as if you hate on a popular franchise and its supposedly moronistic fanbase so that you can - ironically - stroke your own ego by proving that you are better than all of those people.
@SolonGaming 13 күн бұрын
I don't need an ego stroke nor do i need to prove that i am better than people who pretend trial and error games require skill. It should be obvious to everyone they don't.
@blaisediamond66 14 күн бұрын
If Mythical level Rage bait was a person and made a KZbin channel.
@SolonGaming 13 күн бұрын
If Mythical level comprehension issue was a person and made a comment
@Phot0n0 13 күн бұрын
Its so funny, literally every video on the channel is angled to drive rage clicks XD But i guess a view is a view and gamers are easy to farm,
@SolonGaming 13 күн бұрын
@@Phot0n0 If people are raging when they see a game they like being criticized and they click to make insulting comments, that's on them. I am being honest with my views.
@jeremiahmud 14 күн бұрын
The graphics are dogshit 😂