The benefits of rank choice voting
The Tao of Pooh
6 жыл бұрын
Illegal Immigration in 303 Seconds
Bitcoin in 273 Seconds
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Confirmation Bias in 5 Minutes
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Perfectionism in 3 Minutes
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Net Neutrality in 7 Minutes
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Libertarianism in 6 Minutes
6 жыл бұрын
Are You a Racist or a Perceptionist?
Socialism in 7 Minutes
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The Cost of College in 4 Minutes
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Utilitarianism in 4 Minutes
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7 жыл бұрын
@kimbanton4398 4 күн бұрын
Hack! Even communism sound better than this Lolbert BS.
@dualscreengrant 9 күн бұрын
Boys exist. Girls exist. A five-year-old knows that. We don't need a college professor to explain biological facts that we've known since we were in kindergarten.
@deboss1638 9 күн бұрын
Libertarianism is for the selfish and morally void people who don't identify with their people.
@arnijulian6241 10 күн бұрын
libertarian countries as follows: -Hong Kong: During the British colonial period (1842-1997) -Switzerland: Switzerland’s unique system of direct democracy and federalism has led to a relatively low level of government intervention in the economy. The country’s strong tradition of individual liberty and limited government has made it an attractive haven for libertarians. The United States (pre-20th century) was primarily libertarian! You literally know nothing of your own history yank! The USA would never have become the super it was if not for classical Libertarians from mainly Britain & Germany that migrated. Ever since the USA abandoned Libertarian values in mainly ww2 your nation has been on slow gradual decline only held up by your massive economy while ever collecting debt! California under Libertarian rule & management was the richest USA state that everyone flocked to a herald of Science & entertainment. post 1950's California gradually became socialist & liberal it now has people running from the state as people defecate in the streets among an endless list of issues!
@TheCreatorLoveAllik 11 күн бұрын
It's actually not hard at all. The correct knowledge will save your life in every lifetime and CLEARLY get chu closer to God. As God has said in the Bible, my ppl perish from a lack of knowledge. Holy Books and religion etc, are not necessarily God's word. One must know the difference when God speaks. Most of those who are called prophets or followers are doing all the talking. That's why philosophy will always win this argument. Bro said it doesn't matter, but factually, it does. The only way it wouldn't matter is if through both, or one from thee other, you learn about unconditional and genuine Love for yourself, your Creator, and your fellow man.
@GustavoSilva-ny8jc 11 күн бұрын
Everyone is trash if they chose to work with china
@robertnutt7861 12 күн бұрын
The last past of the video is the difference between philosophy and religion Truth, philosophy doesn’t know, religion states God is Truth. (All in one sentence)
@bsrodeo7s 12 күн бұрын
You stole Joe Rogan chimp sound!
@nathanielweber7843 14 күн бұрын
Anyone who says libertarianism is related to socialism doesn’t understand either of them. So Europe does not understand their analogies.
@gnosis8142 15 күн бұрын
Fundamentally - it's wrong. The Proven Philosophy ― is the True Religion.
@chrisalex001 16 күн бұрын
Did you seriously block the animated penis on the animated man? Wow, the level of conservativeness in this culture is truly disgusting.
@TheoCage 18 күн бұрын
Libertarians want theives and rapists and murderers to go to jail. Where did the jail come from? Who paid for it and maintains it? Who hires the police and pays their salaries and buys equipment when there are no taxes. I am so confused. If a restaurant serves poisoned food and ten peole die (it's happened) who monitors the safety of the kitchen? Do I have to sue the big food companies if their bad hamburger kills my family? Can I even get a fair trial when these companies have teams of expensive lawyers? I get why rich people with gated homes and armies of lawyers to protect their rights like this idea. For the average guy, we'de be better off as serfs than live in a Libertarian system.
@joeyshithead8495 13 күн бұрын
I identify as libertarian left, but that being said I think it's a very dumb idea to get rid of social security and taxes. Some people who are disabled need help to live. Not everyone can work. That being said I don't know very much about financial politics, but I know enough to say I'm probably very different than most libertarians
@IsraelAuss 19 күн бұрын
Libertarians Are Anarcho-Capitalists We Don't Support The State
@WhoopDePoopDeScoop 19 күн бұрын
It's like the tail wagging the dog (corporations = tail, dog = govt)
@user-sm4sf4ff2i 19 күн бұрын
Cheer~~~a political philosophy that advocates only minimal state intervention in the free market and the private lives of citizens.😊
@medsf3838 21 күн бұрын
But they say, animals and humans that had their genes modified have consequences. They get sick and have a short life span. Hybridized fruits and vegetables have no nutritional value. I opt to stay natural and I believe there are boundaries that we shouldn't cross for our protection.
@dysonsquared 21 күн бұрын
Thank you for pointing out the nature of Citizen's United. The more Americans that understand these shifts in society, the better. Thank you.
@Tom.Livanos 2 күн бұрын
So true
@Tom.Livanos 22 күн бұрын
I suppose your apathy comes through... having only two political parties makes it easy for corporations and wealthy elites to fund both sides. Or to run themselves (one could contrast Ross Perot with Ralph Nader - Perot appeared in the Presidential debates, Ralph Nader did not). All the big end of town then has to do is identify its key issues. That drives the political agenda. The vast bulk of the population barely gets a look in. Has been happening at least since 1945, if not way earlier. Has been entrenched by the Supreme Court in the Citizens United case of 2010. This video reminds me of a cartoon image: elephant sitting in a room, "I know I am here... I can see my legs". Uploader, I suppose this video has given me a space to write this comment but I am also certain that more people will view your video than shall see this comment. Just the reality of a video sharing platform. If you happen to read this comment yourself then perhaps you could answer me this: do you think any good comes from apathy? I suppose more specifically in relation to political and/or societal matters? Anyway I happen to care. Yes, I too live my daily life as happily and as best I can. That requires... at least so far as my life goes... personal responsibility. Including the tiny amount I can influence re: the larger scale of things. Apathy? I mean does it really equate with or lead to happiness, a full and fulfilling life, the best for people surrounding us etc.? In my caring... well the things Bernie Sanders had to say about campaign finance reform make sense. Reversing Citizens United... this makes sense. Accepting an average $27 donation by a multitude of fellow citizens for his campaign makes sense. Allocating equal amounts of publicity for each candidate i.e. on civic health grounds, rather than making that exposure subject to how much a candidate can pay. This too makes sense. I ask that I return to the issue of apathy. Why return to it? There is such a thing as doing something (or some things) which makes matters worse. An example is feeding into the already deep disenfrachisement and powerlessness which so many people feel in one's society. You explicitly referred to it in this video. Okay yes you left space for me and/or others to make some suggestions. I am happy and thankful to make them. Again, though, more people are going to see the video than shall read this (or any other) comment. I am not complaining because I shall receive less attention than you will. You created the video after all! It is more this.. yeah.. could actually have made things worse. Who the heck knows who is going to see this? What flow on effects it shall have? Perhaps none? Perhaps a few? If so then what shall they be? You have been open about it i.e. your apathy... I hand ya that one. Anyway only so much I can do as a viewer and now commenter under this video. Some videos do not allow comments, so I am thankful on that level. Other than all this.. well.. I wish one and all all the best in life.
@diane774 22 күн бұрын
Dude, I just want to know why we pay taxes !!!!
@Shinyboy29 22 күн бұрын
It wasn’t the war that killed most Filipinos and Americans during the Philippine-American War, the war coincided with a devastating cholera epidemic which lasted until the first few years of American occupation, disease spread to more than 1 million people, killed more than 200,000 people, perhaps more unaccounted for The then-ongoing Cholera Epidemic is rarely mentioned in the history books overshadowed by the news of war
@HexProofMonkey1 24 күн бұрын
abe lincoln was BEYOND correct
@davidturner9827 24 күн бұрын
This sounds like it was researched on Reddit rather than in a library.
@TesserId 26 күн бұрын
Who benefits? It's not the people.
@TesserId 26 күн бұрын
Who benefits. It's not the people.
@TesserId 26 күн бұрын
Takes power away from the people. Machiavelli says rulers want this so that the people can collectively overthrow a ruler.
@PoliticalSins 27 күн бұрын
Nature vs nurture is one interesting thing. 🙃
@JesseBakerNM 28 күн бұрын
No biased here
Ай бұрын
I think we give way too much importance to genders and gender roles. I do believe gender is a spectrum, like sexuality. It doesn’t matter where you are on the spectrum. Hopefully people will stop endlessly debating about this. Be who you are.
@marke3628 Ай бұрын
Made before Argentina and Trump going to the libertarian debate 😂
@brandongregory6869 Ай бұрын
This philosophy always sounds like a fifteen year old complaining about the house rules.
@kevinfreund5943 Ай бұрын
1:05 we need to revolt. they are doing it again to us... 🤨
@OGRH Ай бұрын
Let this echo... CLINTON DEREGULATED MEDIA! Try to bullshit your way around that one!
@OGRH Ай бұрын
Now corporations are abusing their powers by hiding videos like yours! They are all working together! You keep making videos & I'll subscribe. For the first time ever I'll turn on my notifications for a creator! We know what's going on here!!!! 😔
@boxelder9167 Ай бұрын
There are good people on both sides.
@OGtruthserum Ай бұрын
I don't want to pay anyone in congress, they are all demonic entity!
@BreathLife777 Ай бұрын
@ShawnxEdge Ай бұрын
Libertarianism = classic liberalism If the term “liberalism” hadn’t been hijacked and come to mean something far different we wouldn’t need the term libertarianism to differentiate us from the far left that has been infiltrated by communism.
@Wewillneveracceptit Ай бұрын
This is the reason why the US govt hate filipinos so much that they teach americans until now to give fil-am in the US difficult life because they feel filipino killed a US military before.
@NewWitNip Ай бұрын
@soulanstreets222 Ай бұрын
The answer to the landlord debacle is having concrete terms in a rental agreement that if the tenant chooses not to renew for any reason, they must vacate the premises within X amount of days. If both parties agreed to that contract, the tenant could be prosecuted for violating the freedom of the landlord by trying to usurp the use of their property with no contract.
@kristineximeno6739 Ай бұрын
US should really make 4 years college free for all people, that's a lot a lot of taxes
@MNaeem5 Ай бұрын
Diamond carefully cherry picks his facts and writes these neat and tidy little arguments that make his conclusions seem organic and almost obvious. But if you actually know about the history, politics, or cultures of the peoples he discusses his presentation of them is full of obvious errors and holes. And his claims are a lot less convincing when his evidence is proven shoddy. Which, in my opinion, is a shame because he is a good writer and takes on interesting topics - he just seems to think that complexities and counter-evidence get in the way of telling a good story. I also often find that when you step back and actually follow his arguments to their logical conclusions, they end up in some pretty concerning and problematic places. You might note that I'm keeping this fairly broad because this issue is not just with GGS but all of his books.
@MNaeem5 Ай бұрын
@saracohen7577 Ай бұрын
מדוע באקדמיה השנאה עולה? בשנים האחרונות אנחנו חווים עלייה תלולה בהתקפות האנטישמיות על סטודנטים יהודים - מבית היוצר של המוסדות ללימודים גבוהים. בפרט באוניברסיטאות האירופאיות והאמריקאיות. שם יש מסורת ישנה-נושנה של פיתוח מדגרות חממה לגידול שנאת יהודים מתקדמת. אומנם אחרי מלחמת העולם השנייה הצטננו מעט התאים, אבל כאשר עבר הזמן והשואה התעמעמה בלב האומות המפותחות, הן חזרו להדגיר במלוא הלהט. למה האקדמיה, מעוז המשכילים והמלומדים, היא רחם כל כך פורה לשנאה? ראשית מפני שבין הסטודנטים תמצאו את האנשים שיודעים להתנסח ולהתבטא בצורה היפה ביותר, לשכנע במילים התקיפות ביותר, לנמק חרמות בהיגיון שקשה לחלוק עליו. האנשים הדעתנים הללו גם מבינים היטב איך מפיצים, איך מגיעים לתקשורת ומפזרים את משנת השנאה לכל עבר. הרי האקדמיה היא יסוד החברה, מקור ההשכלה, ממנה יצאו שורה של נשיאים וממנה ייצאו מנהיגי העתיד. יש בה, מה שנקרא, פלורליזם. החירות לבטא כל מה שעולה וקופץ לאדם במחשבתו, גם אם הוא עלול להזיק לזולתו. האוניברסיטה היא "קול חופשי". הכול חופשי. שנית, האנטישמיות המודרנית בארה"ב הוטלה כבר לפני עשרות שנים, וטופחה מאז בסבלנות גדולה ובחכמה רבה. לא מהאוויר היא צמחה להיות מה שהיא היום - שנאה בוגרת וחזקה. כל כך חזקה שאין דרך להתמודד איתה. למרות שלא מזמן חתם הנשיא טראמפ על צו שמיועד למנוע התבטאויות אנטישמיות בקמפוסים ומגדיר את היהדות לאום ולא רק דת, ואף על פי שהציב לאוניברסיטאות תנאי שלא משתמע לשתי פנים כשאמר: "אם אתן רוצות לקבל מדי שנה את הסכומים האדירים של הסיוע הממשלתי, אתן חייבות לדחות אנטישמיות; פשוט מאוד" - הדברים אינם פשוטים בכלל. גורמים מוסלמים הזדחלו לתחומי האוניברסיטה כבר לפני שנים רבות והבטיחו את מקומם בעזרת תמיכה כלכלית. מי שמשלם, ניתנת לו רשות לפתוח חוגים משלו, לפי תפיסת העולם והאידאה שלו, גם אם הרעיון הוא מחיקה של עם אחר. בפעולה חתרנית שקטה ומתמידה הם הגיעו היום לכך שהם תופסים עמדות כאלו שכבר לא מאפשרות לדחוק רגל ולעצור את הדלת הנטרקת. אם זה לא מספיק, גם נמצאת בעם היהודי תופעה של שנאה עצמית, אוטו-אנטישמיות שפוגעת בכל הזדמנות בגופה שלה, בישות הציונית. למשל כדי להעלות את אובמה לשלטון, שילמו יהודים סכומי עתק. מה הם קיבלו בתמורה? כניסה חופשית של מוסלמים לארה"ב. ואפילו זה לא היה בכוחו לשנות את עמדתם. עד היום הם מתנגדים למדיניותו של טראמפ, למרות פעילותו הענפה למען היהודים וארץ ישראל. כך נפרשה ונטוותה לה רשת השנאה, עמידה ובלתי ניתנת לקריעה. למרבה הצער, נראה שעד שלא יגלגלו את היהודים מכל מדרגות האוניברסיטה, הלכה למעשה, הם לא יקלטו ממש מה קורה לנגד עיניהם וימשיכו בעסקיהם כרגיל, כאילו זה רק משבר קטן, משברון חולף. העניין מזכיר באופן מצמרר דברים שכתב המקובל "בעל הסולם" על יהודי גרמניה בזמן השואה, שאפילו על מפתן הגיהינום הם יתמידו לחשוב שמסיעים אותם לגן עדן. אפשר להמשיך לכתוב רבות בנושא, אבל הם לא יקראו. אפשר לצעוק בקול רם, אבל הם לא ישמעו. הגענו למצב שאין לנו למי לפנות, אלא לאוצר הגלום בלבבות היהודים: כוח הטבע, הכוח העליון; לפנות אליו בבקשה שיפתח לנו את האוזניים ויאיר לנו את העיניים. אלא שהתנאי לפנות אליו מחייב אותנו להתחבר. רק מתוך צירוף הלבבות, מתוך בקשה לחיבור, עולה תפילה ומגיעה לכוח האחד, שיאחה, שיתקן את היחסים בינינו. השאלה אם אנחנו מוכנים לזה.
@SoundAuthor Ай бұрын
"How can we be republicans without the racism and homophobia but still put a smiley face on capitalism?" Vois là. Libertarianism.
@archeologicalstudent5234 Ай бұрын
Seems that all organizations are started by the right people for the right reasons then are corrupted taking over from the inside from greedy power-hungry evil people. The monopoly is on food and utilities is pretty out-of-control needs to be stopped not through the right sources but by using your dollar as voting power not voting PG&E and voting for a small private sub company
@opctpos. Ай бұрын
Libertarians are crazier than Progressives.
@karubnalpak1833 Ай бұрын
The most complex and great riches that humans have created on earth are the languages and cultures (literature, art, music, etc.) that they have created over thousands of years. The primary purpose of nation states is to protect these riches and prepare the ground for their development with the system they have built on these riches. Today, political ideas such as delimitlessness are very far from utopian ideas. As a Kurd, I know very well what it means not to have a state of its own nationality. I know what it means not to be educated in your own language, not to be able to use your own colors, and not to be able to see your flag that represents you. Rest assured, it's not a nice thing to see that with the gradual assimilation, the language, culture and all other values are forgotten.
@oliverkeyhani2843 2 ай бұрын
u realize ppl would form militias so mf quickly
@cosmoloveswanda69 Ай бұрын
And? That's what we are supposed to have anyway. The founding fathers never meant for us to have a standing army in the first place.
@oliverkeyhani2843 2 ай бұрын
how is democracy gonna work if the government is constantly undermined by corporate interests?