Lamenters Act 2 of 3 - Resolute
The Leper King - Original Song
Public Statement: Update
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KAEOS - Announcement Trailer
Keepers - Original Song
2 жыл бұрын
@ryanmalady376 18 сағат бұрын
@stringstorm. With the creation of the new primarch GF and Imperial Guard GF lore fans have been making, do you see a poosibility of making a season 2 of 40k idols?
@BurnByMoonlight Күн бұрын
In the noble bright future of the forty-first millennium, there is only peace. And petting this creature.
@sirkit2105 Күн бұрын
Years later and this still gives me a second wind to finish the workout ❤
@Zimur85 Күн бұрын
Next time I play Mechwarrior 5, I will remember to thank the Omnissiah for the ammunitions of the autocannon, and my accurate aiming to make my enemy crumble in front of me as I unleash the wrath of my deadly arsenal!
@pokeprime94 2 күн бұрын
How come this isn’t on iTunes? Wanted to buy this for my collection of 40K music
@bigj7162 2 күн бұрын
„Which part are you willing to give me?” - Comisar Sebastian Yarick, hero of the Imperium, „Ol' Bale Eye”
@dogethedoge25 2 күн бұрын
@rocksteady9826 3 күн бұрын
The tech Priests are proud of this song, paying homage to the truly blessed, the Adeptus Mechanicus.
@pootisguy2440 3 күн бұрын
Powerwolf Fans: HEAVEN YEAH !
@JWP-56 3 күн бұрын
Reminder that The Fall of Cadia was just Abaddon doing 40k 9/11.
@cypher4783 3 күн бұрын
There are some who the phrase 'never again' is the most frightening thing they can say.
@antonyfranciscopaxtorguzma7034 3 күн бұрын
los lamentadores viveeen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@ISTUKAN. 3 күн бұрын
I'm ready to listen to it already
@enderfire3379 3 күн бұрын
I firmly belive that this is the offivial anthem of the imperium
@TheGallusone 4 күн бұрын
“Scream in desperation for me rubriiiiiicks!!”
@globaloccultcoalition9074 4 күн бұрын
Our boys!
@aslambhatti8932 4 күн бұрын
Start sounds like sabaton steel commander
@christopherrhodes3228 4 күн бұрын
Anyone else getting an 80's action cartoon vibes from this?
@DeathsAgent 5 күн бұрын
as a drummer myself, I appreciate your ability to use a double bass and still have leftover brain power to do literally anything else on your drum, as for I cannot seem to keep a steady rhythm while playing
@ironheadgaming6270 5 күн бұрын
@ThrakonValryk 5 күн бұрын
will this come to spotify too?
@morgant.dulaman8733 5 күн бұрын
"Dread? Dread?! Humie, I ain't got nuttin down dere, and I'm still stirring a bit when I see what kind a dakka youz got for us to play with! Let's see if you boyz got what it takes to make Ol' Bale Eye proud. Be comin soon...and I mean it, make sure your Ol'boss is smiling wherever he is when he sees how you hold up. Winner gets first crack at Angron! Now get ready for the WAAAAGH!" -A random warboss when questioned on the new song.
@irongeneral7861 6 күн бұрын
I want to use this for a Star Wars GMV now 🎉
@TheScottishlad20901 6 күн бұрын
This has the feels of a jojo song with the lyrics of a 40k song. That's a fuckin beautiful combination for a song.
@user-zz7nq3fs1t 6 күн бұрын
Эквиритмический перевод на русский язык. Содрогаюсь при каждом вдохе. Все мои мысли, как смерть принести. Предвкушенье нашло свой выход, Разрывая изнутри! Я КАК СТИХИЯ, Я СВОБОДЕН, НАПРАВЛЯЯ ВСЮ ЯРОСТЬ В МИР, ПЕРЕПОЛНЕН КАК СОСУД ОТМЩЕНЬЯ, РАСКРЕПОЩЁН КРОВАВОЙ ВОЙНОЙ! ОСВОБОДИСЬ ОТ ХРУПКИХ РАМОК И ЗАБУДЬ ПРО БРАТЬЕВ КРИК. НИКОГДА ТАК НЕ ЖАЖДАЛ БОЙНИ: НЕ ОСТАНЕТСЯ ЖИВЫХ! Окружён я телами. Я стал ужасом для них. Но мне и этого мало, Это лишь начало. Закончить я не дам вам бой. Я чую, враг идёт к нам, И моя кровь вскипает- Ко мне резня взывает! ОТ ЯРОСТИ МОЕЙ ДУША СГОРАЕТ, И ТЫСЯЧАМ СМЕРТЕЙ НЕ ПОГАСИТЬ ЕЁ! ПЫТАЮСЬ ПРЕКРАТИТЬ, ЭТО ПУГАЕТ НО НИЧЕГО МОЙ ПОКОЙ МНЕ НЕ ВЕРНЁТ! Я НЕ ОДИН В СВОЁМ РАССУДКЕ. ОНО РАСТЁТ ВНУТРИ ПРИ КАЖДОМ ЗВУКЕ. ОСВОБОДИВ ГНЕВ СВОЙ, СТАЛ Я СВОБОДЕН. КАК БЕШЕНЫЙ ПЁС, Я ОЗЛОБЛЕН! Мысли мои ведут в места, что незнакомы мне. Перед глазами жизнь, которую не знаю я. Я не уверен ни во времени, в которое попал, Ни в битве, посреди которой я застрял Я как в бреду, безумья слышу голос! И каждый враг для меня - это брат Хорус! КАК ПРЕДАТЬ НАС ТЫ МОГ? НЕ ВИЖУ НИЧЕГО, ЛИШЬ СМЕРТЬ И БОЛЬ! СЛОЖУ ТЕЛА ВСЕХ ТВОИХ РАБОВ И ВЫРВУ ОТВЕТ ВМЕСТЕ С ЯЗЫКОМ! ТВОЙ ОТВЕТ БУДЕТ ДЛЯ МЕНЯ, САНГВИНИЯ! ПОКА БЛУЖДАЮ Я В ОТРЯДАХ МЕРТВЕЦОВ, НЕТ ОТВЕТА, ЧТО МЕНЯ УСТРОИТ ТЫ УМРЁШЬ И НЕ ВАЖНО, ЧТО СКАЖЕШЬ! И Я НЕ СЛЫШУ КРИКОВ СВОИХ БРАТЬЕВ. ВОКРУГ МЕНЯ ИЗ КРОВИ ПЕЛЕНА. МИЛОСЕРДИЕ К СБЕЖАВШИМ НЕ ПРОЯВЛЮ Я, ЗАПЕРТЫЙ В КОШМАРЕ, ГДЕ ЕРЕТИК ВСТРЕЧАЕТ СВОЙ КОНЕЦ. Если кто-то хочет что-то добавить или исправить - комментарии открыты. If someone wants to add or correct something, the comments are open
@hexfart4562 6 күн бұрын
Brothers cope harder than the Siege of Terra itself cope brothers cope, For that's all we have left.
@Jamhael1 6 күн бұрын
"Oh, you think zat you know vat is a military-industrial complex? SCHLAMPE! VE ARE ZE LYRAN COMMONWEALTH! VE ARE ZE MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX!" - a Steiner, when asked about the Lyran Commonwealth military industrial complex
@harelkalifa2451 6 күн бұрын
Does anyone have this in an instrumental version?
@maciekgrodzinski9133 6 күн бұрын
First thought: "Why is Lorgar singing about Steel Legion?" Literally, this voice fits the Lorgar so well
@thijshagenbeek6554 6 күн бұрын
*Ancient Rylanor dies and Thousand sons with him* *Upon Terra the Emperor reaches out and the bell of lost souls toils once more*
@vojtaliska1430 6 күн бұрын
1:09 "Deamons and traitors" Yes, Inquisitor, this line right here.
@jameskurth3560 7 күн бұрын
Well, perfect timing with the new balance changes. On the corpses of my guardsmen reinforcements and artillery the mechanized forces of the steel legion rise to fight the armored hosts of the enemies of mankind. Ready the chimeras, the sentinels, and the mighty engines of the Russ. On treads of wrath to war we go.
@mothman8300 7 күн бұрын
For a brief second I thought this was more Grey Death Legion. I think they might get along.
@randomcenturion7264 7 күн бұрын
Best guard regiment!
@gaseoussnake6919 7 күн бұрын
"Only way to kill a god is to wound its ego"
@FluffyDragonDrawing 7 күн бұрын
.... i need to finish darkest dungeom
@orobogamer3.040 7 күн бұрын
@johnnyanderson2-roblox185 7 күн бұрын
This hits as hard as Yarrick's right arm.
@bison5899 7 күн бұрын
who is voicing Lorgar?
@erkhesbatkhuyag9915 8 күн бұрын
Oh lord the Fumo Plushies are singing
@Jac_Dc 8 күн бұрын
Born too early for the great crusade, born too late for the actual crusades, just in time to be alive for this absolute fucking banger
@zachm9202 8 күн бұрын
Welcome back, Stringstorm
@wolflightning2331 8 күн бұрын
The voice sounds off and weird. But the other voice (0:48) is perfect.
@russby3554 8 күн бұрын
Steel Legion, rule the battlefield! Spearhead Hades! Battle calling the Steel Legion! ... From the Russ' introduction, to the beast known as the Baneblade. Basilisks and Hellhounds come rolling to the docks!
@sckecherten8304 6 күн бұрын
Nice 👍
@FNKB888 8 күн бұрын
Spotify when?