@markuscameron6958 Сағат бұрын
I will be in Heaven and make my new family there!!!
3 сағат бұрын
Damn, I came for an answer and got a whole fucking sermon.
@sisterb8034 3 сағат бұрын
Yes. I will be going to Heaven
@mavishenordzi2648 4 сағат бұрын
I want to go to heaven so help me Lord Jesus Christ 🙏😭
@scottwrasse9596 4 сағат бұрын
Zechariah was not the High Priest and therefore not permitted to enter yhe Holy of Holies.
@deusvult6632 6 сағат бұрын
If God created all the Angels then how could some Angels be more powerful than others?
@dennisblair3186 6 сағат бұрын
Yes I will be in Heaven with my whole family. I can hardly wait. Thank you Jesus!
@kewunkassa 8 сағат бұрын
@katgouma8727 10 сағат бұрын
Ik denk dat de verhouding tussen God en satan veel complexer is dan men in de kerk verteld
@user-bq9tc3zf1e 11 сағат бұрын
We go no where 😭😭😭 wickedness everywhere
@angellattan5443 10 сағат бұрын
That’s what you tell yourself when you wake up in the morning Elohim wakes you up every morning because he loves you seek him earnestly and you will discover true love nevertheless my friend he’ll the lake of fire is real and heaven is also real if you doubt me when your alone ask Jesus Christ to show you if he’s real be blessed in Jesus Christ Name
@user-zd5sw4rh4p 11 сағат бұрын
@sweswarupini9732 11 сағат бұрын
Yes there is hymn in worshipping but on earth dramatic pastors creates unnecessary jumps and giving name holy spirit....jesus says crying , blistering etc are in hell but pastors creates in churches...stupidity
@angellattan5443 10 сағат бұрын
My friend don’t worry about pastors who do evil God will deal with them but watch your own souls and make sure it is righteous so you will be worthy to enter the kingdom of heaven because we all will stand before the Jesus Christ to give an account for how we lived our life while we were on earth be blessed in Jesus Christ Name
@schereescruggs45 11 сағат бұрын
I will go to heaven. It is my greatest joy to go home and be with God, Jesus, and my family. That is a gift that nothing on this earth can compare❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@angellattan5443 10 сағат бұрын
In Jesus Christ name Amen ❤
@DaestrumManitz 12 сағат бұрын
Melchizedekmaleficence: A priestly archetype, which served as an ace in the hole, for any anticipated controversies related to the priestly rule. A catalytic precursor for futuristic fictitious priestly figureheads. The indiscernible nature of this character ensures that any fanciful interpretation is tenable, as is obvious in the commentary.
@ReinaS.Muerte13 12 сағат бұрын
Who hear all conversations from the Bible ? Exist all, but not how religion learn us, wake up human ! 😇😈👽💀
@RobertJones-ii5iu 12 сағат бұрын
@mjdg8486 13 сағат бұрын
AMEN 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
@teresiawanjuki 15 сағат бұрын
Mary mother of God, 🙏 pray for us now and the hour of our death Amen
@lillianmiller9915 16 сағат бұрын
Thank you
@AlphonseFrancis-p9r 20 сағат бұрын
Amen 🙏🙏 I Love GOD
@vickeywilkins8052 23 сағат бұрын
❤All Glory be to God from Texas
@80zladyz28 23 сағат бұрын
@jobfrancisjf 23 сағат бұрын
@fesswah Күн бұрын
I hate satan and his demons. The Bible clearly says not to hate. I hope hating satan etc isn't a sin !
@user-cm9ry1pu3o Күн бұрын
@siyabongaxulu2434 Күн бұрын
the way this video is so white washed , its wild!!!
@ShelaghBrennan-xv1sb Күн бұрын
😮what are The Watcher Angels
@sulongenjop7436 Күн бұрын
Gog and Magog will create the economic World War! It has already begun. Revelation predicts it!
@user-yc7ct3ub7w Күн бұрын
Lucifer was NOT the first angle. Lucifer was NOT the name God gave to him. The first angle was zamariel, The second angle was samiel, known also as lucifer, the lucifer , the defiler, the traitor
@timhaley3459 Күн бұрын
"Gog of the land of Magog" (Eze 38:1), is the leading nation of a coalition of political nations, that attacks NOT fleshly Israel, that has been rejected by God and are now his enemy (see Isa 63:9, 10; 66:3-6; Matt 23:33-39; Gal 4:21-31) and will be "under the helm" of Gog, the political nation taking the lead in attacking the new "nation" of spiritual Israel during "the great tribulation".(see Isa 66:7-9; Matt 21:42-44; Gal 3:7, 29; 6:16) This new "nation" of spiritual "Israel" (Matt 21:43), that is composed of both Jews and Gentiles (Rom 11:11, 12; Acts 10 shows Cornelius as the first Gentile to become a member of spiritual "Israel" in 36 C.E.), the 144,000 "Jews" (along with Jesus Christ, Rev 7:4-8), "a kingdom of priests to our God", Rev 5:10), the "chosen ones" (Matt 24:22, 24, 31), those "sealed......with the promised holy spirit" (Eph 1:13, 14), for "the heavenly calling" (Heb 3:1) for "the first resurrection".(Rev 20:6) These make up God's heavenly Kingdom, along with Jesus Christ as its premier king/high priest "according to the manner of Melchizedek" (Ps 110:4), and has replaced the apostate, murderous people of fleshly Israel, whom Jesus calls "serpents, offspring of vipers" (Matt 23:33) and said that Satan the Devil is their "father", doing the desires of their "father" (John 8:42-44), having no love of God.(John 5:42) It is this new "nation" of "Israel" that became God's, whose name is Jehovah (see Ex 6:3; Isa 12:2, KJV), "special property, a kingdom of priests and a holy nation" that fleshly Israel had "first opportunity" to become (and squandered) at Exodus 19:5, 6, but failed their inspection by "the messenger of the (new) covenant", Jesus Christ, from 29-33 C.E.(Mal 3:1-3; Luke 19:41-44) At 1 Peter 2, Peter says to both Jews and Gentiles (1 Pet 1:1): "It is to you, therefore, that he is precious, because you are believers; but to those not believing, “the stone (Jesus Christ) that the builders (the Jewish religious leaders) rejected (and murdered, Acts 5:30), this has become the chief cornerstone (of God's Kingdom, Ps 118:22)" and “a stone (Jesus Christ) of stumbling and a rock of offense (to the nation of fleshly Israel).”(see Isa 8:14)" "They (the nation of fleshly Israel) are stumbling because they are disobedient to the word. To this very end they were appointed. But you (Jews and Gentiles who exercises faith in Jesus, Gal 3:7) are “a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for special possession," "that you should declare abroad the excellencies” of the One (Jehovah God) who called you out of darkness (Isa 49:9; 60:2) into his wonderful light.(Isa 49:6) For (quoting Hosea 1:10) you were once not a people (Gentiles), but now you are God’s people; once you had not been shown mercy, but now you have received mercy."(1 Pet 2:7-9) The attack by "Gog of the land of Magog" with his coalition of nations, will be preceded by a domino effect when Jehovah causes Satan's system of things, his world, to begin crumbling, both politically, financially and religiously, as Revelation 16:1-20 shows of "the seven bowls of anger", whereby the religions of the world called Babylon the Great (in which Christendom is a major part) are "burned to a cinder" by the political "ten horns" (Rev 17:12), the member nations of the "scarlet-colored wild beast", the United Nations, in phase one of "the great tribulation" (Matt 24:21), forever ceasing to exist.(Rev 17:3, 16, 17; 19:1-3) Then with scathing judgments, "great hailstones" (Rev 16:21), spiritual "Israel" pronounces judgments of destruction against Satan's world of wicked mankind (compare Jesus words at Matthew 23 against the Pharisees and fleshly Jerusalem), exposing its corruption, and this will cause the "people to blaspheme God because of the plague of hail, for the plague was unusually great".(Rev 16:21) The result ? The political nations react violently against spiritual "Israel", bringing on the attack by Gog of the land of Magog, to "invade the land whose people have been restored from the ravages of the sword, collected together out of many peoples onto the (symbolic) mountains of Israel (or spiritual paradise that Jehovah has created, see Micah 4:1-5), which had long been lying devastated (or true worship of Jehovah "lying devastated" for some 1,800 years, until about the 20th century; see Eze 37 and "the valley of dry bones", as well as Hosea 3:4, 5)." "The inhabitants of this (symbolic) land (spiritual "Israel", Gal 6:1) were restored from the peoples, and all of them dwell in security.(see Micah 4:1-4) You will come against them like a storm, and you will cover the land like clouds, you and all your troops and many peoples with you.”’(Eze 38:8, 9) How will it end up ? Daniel 2:44 shows spiritual "Israel", the 144,000 symbolic "Jews" (Rom 2:28, 29; Rev 7:4; 14:1), having received their "heavenly calling" (Heb 3:1), and been resurrected as immortal spirit "sons of God" (1 Cor 15:53), now takes up their positions as "kings and priests", that along with Jesus as the premier king/high priest "according to the manner of Melchizedek"(Ps 110:4; Rev 1:6, KJV), makes up God's heavenly Kingdom. These are now ready to fulfill Revelation 2:26, 27, of ' shepherding the people with an iron rod so that they will be broken to pieces like clay vessels ', at what is called Armageddon, "the war of the great day of God the Almighty" (Rev 16:14, 16), so that "Gog of the land of Magog" with his hordes are destroyed and "buried".(Eze 39:11): "And to the one who conquers and observes my deeds down to the end, I will give authority over the nations, and he will shepherd the people with an iron rod so that they will be broken to pieces like clay vessels, just as I (Jesus Christ) have received from my Father."
@FunFantasyHouse Күн бұрын
Just because church leaders claim Mary ascended the heavens does not prove anything, only Holy Scripture can. Also Mary is not above Christ. Christ should be the only mediator between man and God. Proper respect should be given to Mary the mother of Christ as a mortal who played her part, but Christ is still the only saviour for man.
@ChrisLovesComics Күн бұрын
Yeah its Michael duh
@user-rp3mw6hg2o 54 минут бұрын
@davesbainrps6909 Күн бұрын
It might of been all different if Jacob had her first after 7 years
@user-yg8mn9ub4b Күн бұрын
The ending is correct about the judgment and the justice as Ezekiel 38:23.
@user-yg8mn9ub4b Күн бұрын
The earthquake is a little confusing to me unless it means by the desolation we see today by 80 plus years of pain, humiliation and tumult. of Yahveh's people. Now is the time for judgement. I was told I would not die I am old and cannot envision putting up with the horrors I see much longer considering the horrors planned for the whole inhabited earth that it will all resemble Israel and Ukraine by Satan's plans carried out by his barbaric, demonically possessed worshippers until intervention. What is keeping intervention from taking place?. It is a famine not for bread and a thirst not for water but for hearing the word of Yahveh ha' El as foretold Amos 8:11. . Amos chapter 9 is for judgment I was told about this as written Ezekiel 36:17 for Israel has still to be blessed but the murderers who have been shedding innocent blood and making the land quake by the violence will have punishment and not blessing. The wicked will be terrified and will not escape although they will try to hide. Chapter 37 is about the dry bones. Religious preachers are shouting it is this it says that when it is not so.
@Vthepreacher Күн бұрын
Melchizedek was the son of Nir whose parents passed before the flood
@abeldyer8316 Күн бұрын
The eternal power of our Lord Jesus Christ is just something to behold. EXAMPLE:- Even though satan and all his minions including Abaddon or Apollyon are much more powerful than us mere humans they are nothing compared to the Omnipotence(all powerful) of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords JESUS CHRIST. Whether they are aware of it or not the devil and his satanic kingdom under the Almighty power of our Creator uses them as participants in the grand scheme of His divine plans again demonstrating His power. You’d think Abbadon made himself the King or the Bottomless Pit(Abyss) but nothing could be further from the truth. God purposely put him in that position because he(Abbadon) by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ will play a role on this earth during the period call the Great Tribulation as mentioned in the book of Revelation. That is part of the awesome divine plan of our Lord Jesus Christ. Satan and his entire kingdom of darkness are puppets doing HIS bidding whether they like it or not for HIS glory. Come to think of it this satanic empire and it’s leaders cannot do anything whatsoever against the will of God but to submit and obey,they’ve been given no choice but to. That’s real eternal POWER right there!!!!! 🙏🙏🙏
@user-yg8mn9ub4b Күн бұрын
There will be a resurrection of the righteous and the unrighteous then judgment as written in the Quran and the Bible in John 5:29; 11;25, Rev. 20:12-15., but where is there anyone make clear?
@pamelastewart7128 Күн бұрын
Mary was chosen because her Mother Father dedicated her. Her feet never touched the ground for a while.
@terrilandrath6485 Күн бұрын
I'm sure her other children, Jesus's step-brothers and sisters were probably with her.
@user-yg8mn9ub4b Күн бұрын
When Ezekiel was inspired to see the future he was aware Gog was an Israelite descendant of the tribe of Reuben identified 1 Chronicles 5:4. His accomplices Magog, Tubal and Meshech were descendants of Japheth known identified as Stoics by Josephus later as Scythian's now as Zionist under the headship of Gog. In the latter part of the years Gog being before also 1948 when Gog came upon a people dwelling together in security without disturbance. These were Israelites and Rechabite called Palestinian Arabs. Gog has placed his throne in Britain or in the heart of the open sea. Daniel describes him to be the king of the north. He gathers much wealth for himself therefore he is identified to be a banker.negating the law against usury. Apparently there has been two giant statues of Gog and Magog paraded down the London golden mile one day every year. This began before 1666 when the first two statues were burned in the great fire of London. The present day statues were made in 1672 if my memory is correct. So I conclude it was by the Balfour declaration Gog came upon the land of Israel in 1948 to get a big spoil of wealth and property. I need to discuss further because I was ordered to make truth known. Would anyone listen to further information?
@tamisams3536 Күн бұрын
Thank You!!!! God Bless