I messed up | Wot Blitz Clips
Sheridan Shotgun Light | WoT Blitz
Badger Buff - Not Enough? | WoT Blitz
WT auf Pz. IV NO SNIPING | WoT Blitz
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@VesaWarPig 11 сағат бұрын
I just made 4000dmg 4 kills, who said is bad ? MATCH WITH ME.... I call it Spy Spider, wait..hide... wait... "seek and destroy " like Metallica
@monsterdrinker21 21 сағат бұрын
Terrible aim time over 6 seconds, longgg reload, long inner clip, slow turn radius my first defender over 600 battles and getting 60% winrate. I dont understand lol
@jelloshots3376 2 күн бұрын
10 years on the game has been a wild ride. WG should really keep the old Blitz as is and release the new version as a new and separate Blitz version. Some players will prefer the enhanced version while the more veteran can still enjoy the Classic. I believe they could make more money doing that while still entertaining the needs of long-term customer base. I will keep an open mind and give the new version a chance, but I am still waiting for another company to release a better tank game. War of Thunder is ok, but there are a few things that kind of rub me wrong about the game and is not so much an alternative to what I am used to on Blitz. I even tried WOT before Blitz and it just feels like a there are only 2 types of players on there. Those who yolo like mad and those who farm from the back. Also, not an alternative to what I liked in the classic Blitz style. Hopefully all goes well for the final release. It just feels like I've been grinding and supporting WG for years, like so many others and it seems the end result was for nothing. Anyways, I have really enjoyed the content of all your videos. Your teaching hasn't fallen on deaf ears in my household. I just started my 11 y/o son on Blitz and I have him watch your streams. He's been playing for a week and has 245 battles and 8 Masteries. his average damage is 1123 and has already started complaining about the Meta of the current players. So funny, but true. The game has slipped into a cash-cow and people are playing tanks in which they lack the skill to operate and don't possess the battlefield awareness. That is where releasing the new version would be awesome. All the meh players would flock there while the committed veteran players can enjoy the more competitive nature we enjoyed in the yesteryears. Good times and happy Tanking!
@john2909 3 күн бұрын
Omg - that child predator pervert is on your stream as a moderator? Sad, we seem to be in a time when toxic behaviour is just overlooked and perpetrators just continue on like nothing happened.
@KangarooDude69 3 күн бұрын
Everyone complaining to WoTB staff in chat while they're just sending quirky lines lol
@nicolasgarcia4091 4 күн бұрын
@tylerbenjamin3842 5 күн бұрын
Why are you allowing people to spam DEI hate in your chat? You know they're essentially saying slurs
@oligerolsen2533 5 күн бұрын
I can play it with my mind
@felipearbustopotd 6 күн бұрын
An update would resemble what came before it. This is not an update, not even an overhaul, but in essence a new game with a tinge of once being blitz.
@amaronoldguy1792 6 күн бұрын
I think i was the only beta player that applied to participate in a beta...
@lukejohnston8593 7 күн бұрын
They should of changed the engine and kept the game the same and then changed it bit by bit ppl have spent lots of money
@xxiamlostxx_dreams_7916 7 күн бұрын
This should be a completely different game but with modern tanks
@stergiosk6265 7 күн бұрын
Played it today and WTF is this?????Definetely a new game not an update.I have everything i only play to improve.If it ends up a fortnite with tanks bye bye.
@snakeeater1287 7 күн бұрын
The best review I've seen so far
@jeejee3818 7 күн бұрын
Hey fatness, I see you running the wrong equipment. Especially if you're using double consumable. High end consumables got buffed and the opposite got nerfed, theres no reason to run it bc it bc it only gets your consumables back only 10 secs sooner. Adrenaline and tungsten will last you much longer with high end consumables after the changes, buffs and nerfs yk.
@greentyson6768 7 күн бұрын
I thought the new engine would change the game similar to Wot Console/Pc realism/graphics Haha my mistake Fortnite it is fckin Dum WG yet again destroying the game & massively ruining their in game purchases & bringing in massive Scams & increasing the cost of everything Why WG think the future player base should be focused on kids (That Don’t Make Them Money) completely destroying any Skill/Competitiveness Deeming the game deadasf has nothing unique & don’t even start on how they’re Hollowing out the game to nothing Lower tiers (5.5) removed, Crew Skills, Tank Crew % disappeared, Equipment, Provisionals, Consumables all simplified for the Retarded Brain Rotted zero attention span Generations. WG completely removing stats so retards don’t get Offended it’s pathetic completely moving the game into uncertain future LoL Low intelligence.
@r0gue71 8 күн бұрын
@rictic1929 8 күн бұрын
Finally a voice of reason. A lot of players couldn't of or didn't want to hear what the GM of Dev. said, because if they did they would realize that this isn't the final product but there will be some changes.
@jameskaralia3110 8 күн бұрын
Bro is better then doodles
@BIGxJIMxSLADE 8 күн бұрын
LOL, the Hawk TUAwelve.🤣
@trifick 8 күн бұрын
+1 to 9 degrees of gun depression on the Leo 😂.
@armengrigoryan2855 8 күн бұрын
They should make parallel game and leave this one as it is
@civsully1740 8 күн бұрын
The fact is they want/need more income. Plain and simple explanation. For long time players they have all the tanks they want/need fully equipped so WG isn't getting any income from that group. So what better way to change that with a new update that requires everyone to spend money re-acquiring or equipping their tanks over again. Not a mystery.
@MackMateCom 2 күн бұрын
Your correct my friend and intelligent
@samuele5305 8 күн бұрын
War thunder>>>
@AlessOnFire 8 күн бұрын
You're one of the more rational people who have spoken on the subject. Shout out to you for mentioning that there's people milking the drama to the last drop, like it's a dying cow
@goaway7346 7 күн бұрын
It is a dying cow. That's why War Gambling needs to farm 12 year olds.
@butter_akbar2688 5 күн бұрын
Droodles too
@shawneaton4431 8 күн бұрын
Maybe its time to grow up and move on.
@jaxspeedfreakjoe8109 8 күн бұрын
Those of us who have unlocked almost all tanks and maxed all crew skills should get maxed out commanders for free
@mlittleg1 9 күн бұрын
All of the commanders look like Kamala Harris voters
@tanksouth 9 күн бұрын
It’s a game for a male. Why introduce the feminine crap? Make another game. Don’t force your beliefs on me, WG.
@EfraimCosta7 9 күн бұрын
@warejc6912 9 күн бұрын
Graphics and Maps..so simple
@metalslug_1143 9 күн бұрын
All u guys are exagerating. Been testing the game for the last 2 days. Sure it has few bugs. Many things need improving but overall, it's still the good old wot blitz that i like.
9 күн бұрын
Pretty sad that your biggest issue with this horrible update is missing showing off your stats, while all the other changes truly ruin the game
@fileunderwater 9 күн бұрын
I’ma relatively new player (slightly more than a year, but very frequently), but agree on stats; if stats and win rate is removed (in general or for random battles) I will also quit the game more or less.
@brucestiles4689 9 күн бұрын
Way to crash the game blitz. Lol. Have fun goin broke lmao.
@DanielMitchem-k7p 9 күн бұрын
I have been playing WOTB since ‘15….have played it to the exclusion of all other mobile games and if they ruin it like this…I’M DONE !!!
@Stinky_Uncle_Trololo 9 күн бұрын
Hey guys, I’m playing from PC (Steam) and so far I could not figure out how to exit the game… Only Ctrl.+Alt.+Del. worked!
@m4less950 9 күн бұрын
I think Wargaming is trying, which is good, but the steps they are taking to implement feedback is just not great. I personally think the objective of Sets is to try to force newer players to play similar tanks, with non-varying playstyles, to minimize the people playing tanks that just clearly have no clue what is going on. its honestly not a terrible idea, but the problem is, it takes away from the experience for everyone else. Imagine deciding you want the 183, for example, and having to play that set until you can level up to unlock another set. you have effectively locked yourself into playing what is for most an unenjoyable experience, to get a tank. this model also really doesn't accommodate for niche tanks. think a new player, has just downloaded a game, and decides to unlock the batchat set. they are now locked into that, and even when they do unlock a new set, they will not have transferrable skills. the nice part about the current sandboxy type of gameplay is that if you aren't good at a tank at a tier, you can go back and play tanks similar to it at a lower tier, and still get some rewards that will in some way boost progression. so not only are you getting better at playing a type of tank, but you are getting rewarded via free xp and such to contribute to grinding further down the line. another huge problem this creates, that I feel is not being talked about enough, is player retention. ignoring the vast swaths of people that have said they have no interest in playing if this update gets implemented, imagine being a new player and not being able to try new things, and being locked into a single line that, I might state, you have no clue whether or not you will like. Again, while It may build competency in such tanks, it can be boring playing similar tanks and will likely lead to high player burnout. my biggest problem with the new vehicle system, is the resources. ignoring the fact that wargaming just reimplemented spare parts (remember those), they are adding tonne's of currencies, which, lets be honest, is just bundle fodder to throw at the player. the inability to sell tanks means that you have to grind for everything and good luck if you buy a high tier tank you don't like. I personally like the current system of a universal currency but it is understandable that wargaming would try to introduce a more rare commodity that is actually desirable to players with 1 bajillion credits. I think my biggest issue with the system though, is the loss of free xp. Free xp gave you as the player the freedom to try tanks, allowed you to skip tier 5 and 6 (both tiers it is difficult to find a game in) and allowed you to not play tanks stock. Now I can't recall wargaming saying they are going to remove stock tanks, so Im left assuming they are going to make you play the stock tank (woohoo) The other major issue is quite simply the destruction of balance implemented by this update. Now I trust wargaming in saying they won't add OP commanders (they have kept their premium nerf promise this whole time), so Im not too scared about that. (its gonna happen though, it seems likely to me at this time it will be sorta like a clash royale type thing, wherein they add a blatantly op commander, ignore it for a season and then nerf it to then ground, repeat ad infinium), but my biggest issue is that commanders are inherently imbalanced. As it currently stands, given an identical tank, both players fully have the capacity for it be equal draw. the only thing stopping you from buying provisions, is your own credit balance etc. Now with commanders, through no fault of your own, you have to play at a disadvantage because you didn't grind the 2027 schmorbengooble event, and are now in a statistically worse tank, leaving you at an imbalance. it seems weird and counterintuitive, to, in an update designed to appeal to new players, implement a feature that inherently punishes newer players. for those that are saying that they might be permanent additions that are always available, don't lie to yourself. I think the new armor highlighting looks ass and as Fatness did mention the graphics will be straining on mobile devices, but I play on PC so whatever I can't really comment on that. I do want to quickly mention that I personally believe that the changes to stats are fully intentional and designed to minimize bullying and toxicity within the blitz space. E.G think the idiots that type "nub idiot 40%er" in game chat. make no mistake I believe they are stupid but I think its part of a broader push to develop an easier playing environment for newer players. so yeah, whether or not that approach will work remains to be seen but I believe its stupid (remember its the player who are toxic, not the stats themselves) So yeah, overall I am disappointed, Blitz has been a constant throughout my life and to see it go the way of war robots would be a shame, I think the new physics are great but I just can't see myself playing if this update were to become the new blitz. As for wargaming my advice goes as follows. make the new player experience better by separating them from the toxic players, not by trying to silence the toxic dudes. reimplement and flesh out the lower tiers, make playing lower tiers a fun environment to build skills in, and not an arbitrary barrier to tier seven so they can learn looking down the barrel of a smasher. but of course you won't do that because you need to sell your beloved sandbox containers full of old tech tree tanks TLDR: Wargming try make new player expericence good, make bad instead
@tennessee3156 9 күн бұрын
Remove Commanders and add field mods....
@goaway7346 9 күн бұрын
Nothing is subject to change. They have spent too much time and money building what THEY want. What we want never matters. They say it does. But it doesn't. Goodbye WOTBlitz. Hello WOTKids.
@Nobody-pp4vr 9 күн бұрын
The graphic is way worse bruh
@goaway7346 9 күн бұрын
Here is my advice to everybody... When the new game drops 1. Park your current account, don't play it all 2. Start a new account and play that - just have fun, if that's even possible 3. Don't spend ANY money on your new account 4. Watch how quickly WG walks back some of the changes If you complain but keep paying, WG are getting exactly what they want. It's up to you.
@Maico-490 9 күн бұрын
R.I.P. Blitz…
@drinkcoffee23 9 күн бұрын
I wonder what drugs wot devs take 😊
@Nuh_Karaaslan 9 күн бұрын
İ didnt see premium days. What will happen to it.
@shivark11 9 күн бұрын
50:30 Sorry this was the first hrf stream i skipped. It was too harsh on eyes! Also its not wotblitz but a boring game altogether
@eheuvel6708 9 күн бұрын
😊 Fully with you! I often play fun games not to affect stats. Now they remove it???
@rexikutya7360 9 күн бұрын
Does someone know why I can not have my old legendary camos back? The game wants me to pay 1.1 mio for camos, which i have previously owned