@dattebayano 4 күн бұрын
I don't want to watch this video right now, but I saw the channel's description and I can't tell if this guy is a liberal christian or an christianity enthusiastic but not really christian
@Esch-a-ton3 4 күн бұрын
@@dattebayano I’m right where the truth is, God willing. 🫡
@dattebayano 3 күн бұрын
@Esch-a-ton3 liberal then, huh?
@PauloOliveira-j6f 4 күн бұрын
Incredible video. A blissful sight for sore eyes, indeed.
@Esch-a-ton3 4 күн бұрын
@@PauloOliveira-j6f glad you enjoyed it , my friend!
@sunsolar2138 10 күн бұрын
>Romans and Greeks >Cultures so far apart. The video itself is good and I agree with it, just the moment is funny
@juanparejaburgos7934 11 күн бұрын
At first I thought I was gonna learn about the similarities of different religions, but it soon became clear is just another "other gods bad, my specific god good"
@Esch-a-ton3 11 күн бұрын
@@juanparejaburgos7934 if you gave 1000 people a trigonometry equation, probably 999 would be wrong. Yet, someone would be right.
@blonkevnoci 11 күн бұрын
what the fuck are these ai generated image slop you can find pictures of literally thousands of real paintings and sculptures.
@g6_mojoarts216 11 күн бұрын
The vaping addiction analogy was very compelling to me. It made me think about addictions I've had like food, lustful addictions, and many other things I've struggled with. I've seen some other videos against free will but that argument had me probing these things in my own life and realizing how and why I overcame them. The addictions feel good and if I had no free will, the second I became addicted to these things I would have been trapped because that would be a causal event with no override unless some third party forced it which never happened to me. But because I have free will and am able to overcome these hurdles (In my case it was through long term fasting((which being able to do itself even with many options to break the fast with around me)) validates to me that our free will can override and overpower instinctive and habitual inclinations) Thank you for making awesome videos like this! I don't know how you formulate such insightful and thought provoking topics and ideas, with how hectic life can be I wouldn't stop to ponder these things as much without someone like you making these videos. God bless you man.
@Esch-a-ton3 11 күн бұрын
@@g6_mojoarts216 very glad that argument resonated with you! And thanks for the kind words and thanks for caring enough about finding truth to listen.
@tjpg25 13 күн бұрын
Hoping to see you do a video on TAG. I think you could introduce it to an audience which isn't familiar and maybe in such a way it's easy to explain. If you have already, please link me the video.
@Esch-a-ton3 13 күн бұрын
Great suggestion! I love TAG
@tjpg25 13 күн бұрын
@@Esch-a-ton3 Alright I will be waiting for it, I will say though, it's hard to get atheists to understand why their arguments don't work (if you are adding in counter argument refutations).
@mookibois9784 14 күн бұрын
Hey man itd be super rad if you made a video kinda describing what the Holy Spirit is, like how you did with The Son and The Father. I have a theory that The Father is the "foundation" of God, The Son is the first of His thought and creation, and His Spirit is his force on reality, or a perfectly good state of being, like the outline of a perfect nature/person, a person gifted with the ability to be sharing His nature.
@Esch-a-ton3 14 күн бұрын
@@mookibois9784 great suggestion! I'll plan on that. Although, I think your pretty much already there with you theory on who he is Lol.
@gamezswinger 15 күн бұрын
Philosophy is often criticized for lacking practical value, focusing more on semantics than on substantive questions. Videos like this highlight the ongoing tension between scientists and philosophers, as philosophers can sometimes get lost in theoretical nuances. In contrast, science is grounded in the pursuit of understanding objective reality. To truly make sense of this reality, we must take "everything" into consideration-all factors, influences, and initial conditions. Doing so reveals the intricate web of causation that determinism describes, enabling remarkably accurate predictions. However, when we cannot account for every variable, the deterministic nature of the universe can appear chaotic, as our limited capacity to perceive and process such complexity obscures the underlying order. That said, many scientists also recognize the valuable contributions of philosophy, particularly in shaping foundational concepts in fields like physics, biology, and mathematics. Renowned thinkers like Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking have acknowledged the important interplay between the two disciplines, illustrating that philosophy and science can enrich each other when their strengths are combined. Like a random seed in a complex system, philosophy can introduce the element of novelty needed to catalyze groundbreaking ideas.
@ÁronLang-x5b 15 күн бұрын
Hi im a Christian, and I found myself struggling with something. It's a really long and explaining comment under an Atheist video here it is: "In his famous dialogue between Socrates and Euthyphro, a philosophical quandary is posed thusly: "Is what is morally good commanded by God because it is morally good, or is it morally good because it is commanded by God?" Known as the Euthyphro Dilemma, the problem boils down to this: If something is morally good simply because it is commanded by God, **then morality is arbitrary.:** God could decide tomorrow that murder and rape are morally acceptable, and voila, it would be. On the other hand, if God commands what is already morally good, then morality exists independently of God. He is not the source or creator of morality, not the one who determines right from wrong, but merely one who dispenses a system of ethics that transcends his own authority. In response, theists attempt to wiggle their way out of the dilemma by suggesting that God's very nature, or character, is good, so that he would never condone such wicked acts as rape or murder. But then all one has to do is reformulate the question, à la philosopher Michael Martin: "Is God's character the way it is because it is good, or is God's character good simply because it is God's character?" The dilemma stands, as God's character remains subject to an external definition of what is moral or good. Why is this? It's because morality is an abstraction, or social contract, produced collectively by sentient beings, and to which all sentient beings are subject. And it's something that naturally arises on a pragmatic basis for the sake of order and harmony within any civilized society. God, therefore, is neither the source of morality, nor a necessary explanation for its existence. But imagine for a moment the sheer absurdity of suggesting that the biblical God is the supreme author of morality. A God who demands the extermination of men, women, and children (1 Sam. 15:1-3), who delights in the retaliatory act of seizing infants and dashing them against rocks (Ps. 137:8-9), of raping the wives of Israel's enemies, even orchestrating the brutal death of dozens of children by savage bears, merely for having mocked one of his prophets. This is a ferociously partisan, bloodthirsty, and vengeful deity, not one bound by any high-minded or all-encompassing moral code. Theists will typically defend such verses in one of three ways: 1) by suggesting that those were different times," thus invoking moral relativism and destroying their own case for an objective morality stemming from God; 2) by appealing to context, of which there simply isn't any to justify the depravity above; and 3) by pleading, "that was the Old Testament," or, "Jesus changed all that," tacitly admitting that the God they ostensibly worship was once horrible and in need of change, which further contradicts any claims to the immutable and unchanging character of God (e.g., Mal. 3:6; Heb. 13:8; Jm.
@ÁronLang-x5b 15 күн бұрын
Can you give me an answer about this, i really found myself struggling with it
@Esch-a-ton3 13 күн бұрын
@@ÁronLang-x5b so these are good questions. However, the main problem. Lies with atheists who don’t understand Scripture who just quote things that seem problematic without any effort towards further exegesis. It'd be too long to deal with the scope of these passages here but I will do a video on them 👍
@ÁronLang-x5b 13 күн бұрын
@@Esch-a-ton3 Thanks for your answer ! And also forgive me for robbing your time, but actually I think this dilemma can be solved greatly.(Probably not in a way a "hardcore" atheist would find this appealing, but it can work I guess(also I might not be able to explain you how I figured it out, it was a long process and I did it for my own faith only) )But yeah I would be rather thankful if you were to made a video on the Euthypro Dilemma becuase I find it really interesting!
@koderamerikaner5147 10 күн бұрын
God is unchanging, therefore morality can't be arbitrary. God exists outside of time, or rather moreso at all times simultaneously, and thus His proclamation regarding morality will never change and is therefore never arbitrary. Additionally, all good is sourced from God; something which is good is that way because God made it so. Evil is something in defiance of God, or something separate from God. The nitpicked verses from the Scripture to argue contrary to the aforementioned is only a valid counterclaim if one is to presume that the Christian Scripture is theologically the same as the Qu'ran; It assumes wrongly that God endorses everything that occurs in the Bible and that every statement, incident, and person mentioned there is perfectly moral. It also presumes that violence in response to wickedness is inherently immoral, which is never presented as a moral tenant within Scripture. And, if God is not the moral authourity, then how is being bloodthirsty necessarily immoral at all? This is an anthropologically ignorant argument that assumes that modern western culture (which derives in part from Christianity) is the highest and objective form of morality/philosophy whilst trying to maintain the stance that there is nothing grounding morality as objective; The latter part of the argument is fallacious because it is hypocritical and does not follow.
@mrawesomedude1 15 күн бұрын
good vid
@Dr.Cassio_Esteves 16 күн бұрын
This argument o "It would be impossible to buy groceries if determinism is true" is amazing. Loved it.
@alexisiveyy 16 күн бұрын
You and I think a lot alike and I appreciate your time and effort into making a thought provoking video.
@Esch-a-ton3 16 күн бұрын
Thanks! Glad you liked it!
@emilkuban6978 17 күн бұрын
this video deserves more audiance
@BurgerBurger-db9ft 17 күн бұрын
I mean, have you seen how Japanese treat Christianity???
@Esch-a-ton3 17 күн бұрын
What do you mean?
@willolol3353 19 күн бұрын
Whats the relationship between prophecies and free will? How is it possible
@Esch-a-ton3 19 күн бұрын
Knowing something does not cause it. You can be watching someone ride a bike, so you have knowledge of it. Yet, you’re not causing them cause the bike.
@Billyboy597 19 күн бұрын
I wonder how old you are if Fleetwood Mac has your favorite song. Also, where you post your Star Wars fanfiction 🤔 What is the "self?" How is the "self" a stable category of identification over time and space? Idk. I always find it interesting to listen to artists talk about "inspiration." That their thoughts may not always be their own, but come from a "source" outside of their "consciousness." Timothy Leary thought he was connected to the consciousness of Aleister Crowley and continued on the work of Crowley
@Esch-a-ton3 19 күн бұрын
I’m 31 with a taste for the classics lol
@Esch-a-ton3 19 күн бұрын
I’ve actually was thinking a lot about the individual self’s and how they are points of conscious reference through out space and time!
@Billyboy597 19 күн бұрын
​​@@Esch-a-ton3I think this was a successful video. You can definitely build off this video and provide deep discussion on freewill...like a playlist. This video itself has good depth
@Esch-a-ton3 19 күн бұрын
@ thanks man 🙏🏽
@Billyboy597 19 күн бұрын
@Esch-a-ton3 Fleetwood Mac is cool. 70s had a lot of great songwriters
@Peanutchristian 19 күн бұрын
How do you make your videos?✝️
@Esch-a-ton3 19 күн бұрын
I usually spend a day researching different writing on the topic, read or skim it, script it, then give it to an editor or edit it myself.
@Peanutchristian 19 күн бұрын
Thank you brother in Christ ✝️
@Esch-a-ton3 19 күн бұрын
@ of course!
@felixguttierrez732 22 күн бұрын
Having faith during these times makes me feel based.
@Esch-a-ton3 22 күн бұрын
@@felixguttierrez732 this is the time the saints died to be part of!
@Nykterinos.000 23 күн бұрын
If The Devil Was A Philosopher, He Would Dedicate His Entire Existence To Negate The Principle Named : Distinction. As The Principle Itself, Is A Powerful Tool That Through It We Know How Each Created Entity, Is Unique, Is Itself And Non Other Than Itself, Following This i.e. Distinction And Uniqueness, The Principle Named "Relation" Will Play It's Role, Bonding Each Entity Through It's Plurality Of Modes, So, That Existence Can Fulfill It's Telos, As The Garment Of Holy God And As A Minimal Similarity To Him. Males And Females Humans And Animals Goods And Evils Subjects And Objects Persons And Things Life And Death So On And So Forth ... The Devil Main Goal Is As I Said The Negation Of This Principle Collapsing These Distinct Entities To A Pre-Genesis Formless Unit Devoid Of Distinctions, Uniqueness And Relations, And, By This, The Devil Is A Blasphemer As By This Strive For Negating That Principle He Commits The Ultimate Blasphemy Against It's Eternal Archetype, Whom Is Non Other Than : The Holy Trinity, God Himself. Thank God, He is Not Able To Do That On A Ontological Scale, Only, By Distorting The Noetic Reality Of Humans By Inspiring His Anti-Distinction Agenda (Anti-Trinitarian Blasphemies) In Their Minds Under The Form Named ''Ideas".
@Esch-a-ton3 22 күн бұрын
Yes! It’s a planned return to the void.
@Bluddy22z 24 күн бұрын
Your video challenged me in my understandings of the world, and for that I thank you 💙
@Esch-a-ton3 23 күн бұрын
Glad you liked it!
@dtinagliastudios 24 күн бұрын
Good video, but AI imagery 👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼
@CarpeDiem-rm2vm 25 күн бұрын
There exists no sky god in every culture. How can you simply spit such falsehoods without correcting them further? It artificially assigns more meaning to the christian texts.
@Esch-a-ton3 25 күн бұрын
well here are multiple sky Gods and spirits across multiple cultures and 6 continents🤷‍♂️🤯 Zeus (Greek Mythology): The king of the gods, Zeus wields thunderbolts and rules the skies. Jupiter (Roman Mythology): A counterpart to Zeus, Jupiter is the supreme god of the Roman pantheon. Indra (Hinduism): A Vedic deity associated with storms, rain, and the heavens. Tengri (Turkic and Mongolic Traditions): A central figure in Tengriism, representing the eternal sky and supreme power. Anu (Mesopotamian Mythology): The Sumerian god of the sky and father of other gods. Uranus (Greek Mythology): The primordial personification of the sky and father of the Titans. Shangdi (Chinese Religion): A supreme deity associated with the heavens and the cosmic order. Nyame (Akan Mythology, West Africa): A sky god who is also the supreme creator and ruler. Ranginui (Māori Mythology, Polynesia): The sky father in Māori creation stories, separated from the earth mother, Papatūānuku. Dyaus Pita (Vedic Tradition): A proto-Indo-European sky father, akin to Zeus and Jupiter in later traditions. Olorun (Yoruba Mythology, West Africa): The ruler of the heavens and the source of all energy and creation. Tawhirimatea (Māori Mythology): A god of winds and storms, closely tied to the sky. Perun (Slavic Mythology): God of thunder, lightning, and the sky, similar to Zeus or Thor. Taranis (Celtic Mythology): A thunder god associated with the sky and storms. Dievas (Baltic Mythology): The chief deity and sky god, associated with order and light. El (Canaanite Mythology): A creator and sky god, considered the father of gods. Ra (Egyptian Mythology): While primarily a sun god, Ra’s dominion includes the sky as the source of light and life. Horus (Egyptian Mythology): Associated with the sky, often depicted as a falcon-headed god. Mulungu (Bantu Mythology): A supreme creator deity associated with the sky in East African traditions. Nhialic (Dinka Mythology, Sudan): A sky god and supreme being in Dinka belief. Inti (Inca Mythology): The sun god and a prominent sky deity in the Andes. Itzamna (Mayan Mythology): A creator deity associated with the heavens and wisdom. Huitzilopochtli (Aztec Mythology): A sun and war god, often linked with the heavens. Thunderbird (Native American Mythology): A powerful, birdlike spirit associated with storms and the sky. Asia Tian (Chinese Philosophy and Religion): Representing “Heaven,” Tian is both a deity and the cosmic order. Varuna (Vedic Tradition): A god of the sky and cosmic law, governing water and celestial realms. Ame-no-Minakanushi (Japanese Shinto): A primordial deity associated with the heavens. Tangaroa (Polynesian Mythology): A god of the sky, seas, and creation. Vatea (Cook Islands Mythology): A sky father and creator god. Baiame (Wiradjuri and Other Groups): A sky father and creator deity. Altjira (Aranda Mythology): A sky god associated with the Dreamtime. Torngarsuk (Inuit Mythology): A powerful sky spirit, sometimes regarded as a god. Ukko (Finnish Mythology): A sky and thunder god, similar to Perun and Thor. Chalchiuhtlicue (Aztec Mythology): A goddess associated with water and the heavens.
@DionysusHimself 27 күн бұрын
So you had to be transphobic and weird because….???
@Esch-a-ton3 27 күн бұрын
@@DionysusHimself can you explain how that was transphobic?
@ShukenOfficial 27 күн бұрын
This thing could also be matched with king Rama
@ShukenOfficial 27 күн бұрын
At this point i can just say i don't know whether God exists or not.
@bryanayson8304 27 күн бұрын
Geez youtube really stinks at sharing EXTREMELY important videos, glad you're still going comrade, God bless you bro!
@Esch-a-ton3 26 күн бұрын
And God bless you, too!
@patacas3155 29 күн бұрын
Looked cool until the ai images...