@stardustring Күн бұрын
I never needed these drugs , i was having situational anxiety and dealing with emotional pain from past experiences and pms . I went to hospital and they prescribed me paxil. Dr. Wasn't pushing it on me. I told him I'm not sure if i want to go down that path. Anyway he called next day , and told him i would not be taking medications , what i needed was therapy, he said fine. He wrote a referral to a counselor. I started like a 2 week later. Unfortunately i left medication in the corner of my bedroom. I didn't throw it away in the garbage. My husband kept insisting and insisting i take medication, i kept saying no no ,i already told Dr i don't want to take that path. Anyway fast forward April 2023. My husband insisted and insisted again , i don't know i felt pressured , i gave in, my life is over. They gave me Benzo, paxil, Lexapro. I truly never needed them 😭 . I can't function. It horrific horrific, i might die by suicide. I eas never suicidal before those drugs.
@erasedfromgenepool.4845 6 күн бұрын
Sir I know exactly what your going through I am doing it right now... I am withdrawal from 10 milligrams a day for the past 7 yrs... L
@joy87ism 10 күн бұрын
Stay strong and take help from homeopathy medicine to reduce the banzo dose very slowly... It will help to reduce the side effects which you are facing ... And try meditation, you will be okay in 6 months.
@MrCyberShow 13 күн бұрын
Hi Brandon. Just wanted to see how you are doing now.
@andrewjohnston4076 17 күн бұрын
I'm on day 10 of no diazepam now it's horrible, I hope I feel better soon
@At-cv3he 19 күн бұрын
Hey 😂 you are not alone but yeah we are damaged but what if we all unite you know the power 💪 we got put the pressure on govt. And every fcking doc. Researchers mfcking assholes either fix it by creating an antidote for this or 😂 if not than get ready to fckup with us. We are zombies full of glutamate which you don't want to mess with fck pharma.
@heatherinCT 20 күн бұрын
Hi there how are you doing now?
@CBT5777 Ай бұрын
3 years clean and I'm still damaged. Neurologist said i might never heal. My nervous system is too broken. Taking it day by day, Its all you can do.
@mutchdorse7072 Ай бұрын
I hope you’re doing better now
@oliversmith7820 Ай бұрын
@user-lh2uz5rj9q Ай бұрын
They say withdrawal from benzos is worse than alcohol
@mitchcunningham8543 Ай бұрын
I'm a Klonopin refugee.8 years.I tried cold turkey not knowing what I know now.Nightmare!! Involuntary tics, almost like a mild tourrets syndrome for lack of better analogies, anxiety on steroids.Sadly,as of yesterday I'm back on them again after a discussion with my shrink It's the tics guys.After 3 months off of them,the tics aren't any better.Can't take it.I took a .5mg, no more tics.
@barrypickford1443 Ай бұрын
I have the belly symptoms from around 5/6 weeks diazepam 10/20mg a day. Stopped 3 weeks ago after rapid taper and my digestive machinery from mouth to exit feel poisoned and shut down. Finally the hypnic jerks have finally stopped making me jump out of my skin and my depression has started to clear.
@marshallperrigo849 2 ай бұрын
I just cant believe this is happenning , HOW IN THE HELL IS THIS STUFF BEING PRESCRIBED !! ?? W H Y I S T H E R E N O H E L P !!!!!!!! ??????? WE NEED TO PUSH THIS IN COURT ,,,,, AGAINST THE VERY POWERFUL........... lets do it.
@bobroefs5467 Ай бұрын
We need to unite!!!
@marshallperrigo849 Ай бұрын
@@bobroefs5467 100%
@nicholaswilliams8470 2 ай бұрын
I know this is my future. Because I've been there once already but couldn't handle it so reinstated to get my life back. Im praying for this man 😢🙏🙏
@pigeonsil240sx 3 ай бұрын
I got off klonopin around a decade ago, did a liquid titration doing 0.1mg drops every few weeks, once off the withdrawals were hell but for me it was the post acute withdrawals that just went on and on that did me in, I wound up taking street methadone which made me feel pretty good, and feeling good while going through benzo withdrawal lead me to the path of methadone addiction. i was on it many years after, im now 6 months off methadone but stayed in it for a decade (that was a mistake), sure the opiate withdrawals sucked but it was much easier then benzo withdrawals and rarely lead to death, I pretty much bypassed the benzo post acute withdrawals this way. I know its VERY unorthodox but ill take a methadone withdrawal over benzo post acute withdrawals any day as i was still able to function even during acute withdrawals. I only bring this up because it worked out for me in the end and its just what i did to get off and stay off, I'm not recommending this I'm just saying my experience
@1MNUTZ 3 ай бұрын
No update video ? I hope you recovered 100%
@richardferrara 3 ай бұрын
I have severe anxiety and currently taking .05mg. This is why I don't take them more than 3x weekly. I am very aware of the dangers of withdrawal. I also use cannabis, both are life saver for me. Thank you for having the strength to share your experience.
@csimms1968 3 ай бұрын
I'm so sorry for your loss I am on 4mg klonopin and can't even get my stupid dr to help me get off it. Glad u did. ❤
@Thisisalt5465 3 ай бұрын
Who knows I used .5 with Snri and Antipsychotic for a year and then 3 years on only 0.25 klonopin with agony for 3 years .... I'm like 6 months off totally fkd up my blood pressure goes up and down and my heart rate to weird shit right even on such a small dose .... But I hope everything will get back on track ....I'm sure you'll get your call too like all of us and you'll be free from this hell
@joeaverage7743 4 ай бұрын
Being there done that.. more than once..the last time was 12 years ago. It took me a long time to regain my sanity and health but it passed. I quit cold turkey but I suffered. Watching this video is a great reminder. It can be done and trust me.. it’s so worth doing. Hang in there.. this too will pass.
@incognito595 2 ай бұрын
@dongiannico 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for your honesty openness and info...very helpful and comforting.
@judithwyman7654 4 ай бұрын
I can relate to his pain only 10 weeks out from 27 years of prescribed klonopin. I am 70 and live alone with no answers about the future.
@erasedfromgenepool.4845 6 күн бұрын
How are you doing Judith ? God is with us you are not alone life must not be this hard
@jimferrill1790 4 ай бұрын
Every day I get up. Every day I just get through the day. I hope this man made it. I have, so far. I completely understand him. I feel the same exact way. I've let everyone down. Conversely, to make my loved ones go through seeing me like this is a form of torture in itself.
@harleyconlon6894 4 ай бұрын
This chap has no idea the pride and self-confidence, the beautiful clear headspace he’s going to be gifted with when he gets this right. At the time we have nooo idea how to even conceptualize what we could become - and yet it will happen unseen in the background until one morning months later a smile forms out of nowhere. That’s the day you’re reborn into an enlightened new you - as free as you could ever be * and more grateful and humble than any human being you’ve never known. Look forward, surrender forward, dig deeper than you ever think you can. No matter what happens, realize: YOU. ARE. HEALING
@incognito595 2 ай бұрын
What an amazing person you are to offer so much Hope. I am amazed at your ability to put that into words. You have a beautiful soul. Thank you.
@tovelo9317 20 күн бұрын
Beautiful comment, thank you and god bless you ❤
@erasedfromgenepool.4845 6 күн бұрын
Harley that was very emotional for me too read..... GREAT JOB! I have been kicking Klonopin 10 milligrams everyday for past 7 years I'm on week three and I can not stop crying and thinking of bad things .. I hope there is a light soon for me...
@Smoking_Lofi 4 ай бұрын
Hey man, are you guys still in the STL area? I moved from the SE to the Midwest also. Stopped benzos completely as of September, 2022.. it has been quite a journey.
@michelebergman4336 4 ай бұрын
U CANNOT JUST STOP BENZOS!!!! If it gets that bad u need to reinstate a little bit ! Otherwise it’s PURE TORTURE
@marketrader1972 4 ай бұрын
Does anyone know how Brandon is doing?
@stardustring 5 ай бұрын
I don't have physical thing. Mine is mental ,but before I took anything i was already dealing with anxiety and emotional stress. So i can't find my baseline. No no
@stardustring 5 ай бұрын
Yes yes yes!!!
@stardustring 5 ай бұрын
Oh dear Jehovah God. Help us. Help us.
@stardustring 5 ай бұрын
Yes they become your care taker. Its ruined my life,my husband can't take it. I don't think he understands. I
@nicole-ev7uk 5 ай бұрын
I'M still in addiction to xanax and its all withdrawal related it's pure hell I know exactly everything your saying it's a nightmare everything came back normal with me to I knew it was from withdrawal it's so terrifying 💔 it makes me scared to stop because I literally almost died from stopping I have tried rehabs everything still struggling I hate it keep going I understand you we are living in pure scared to death hell wish you well truly
@user-bz4bn8dz9u 5 ай бұрын
How is this guy going today in 2024
@jrman413 7 ай бұрын
Brandon please update
@brendainny 8 ай бұрын
@brendainny 8 ай бұрын
I’m crying for you and him❤️
@charleshopper4638 9 ай бұрын
Stay strong brother it gets better.
@robgreenawayy 9 ай бұрын
I'm a year out and my head pain is so bad
@beetlejuice1209 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing your story - I've been on benzo's for over 30 years, only now discovering BIND and tolerance and starting my taper and willingly entering the long dark night of the soul that is withdrawal...
@DavidJones-ib3zy 9 ай бұрын
Hey Everyone ... Hope Brandon is doing better now ( Nov 15 2023 ) , but In everyone's opinion does long term Klonopin use compared to Long Term Xanax use ? What Benzo causes the worst 'Benzo Belly ' ?
@mariocondello2353 10 ай бұрын
I cold turkeyed from Klonopin and it nearly killed me, this stuff is the devils candy. I'm in my second year of withdrawal, still getting this humming sound in my head, the odd panic attack, muscle soreness, sometimes I feel so weak but i'm just eating healthy food and building up the amount of exercise i do.
@michelebergman4336 11 ай бұрын
Use Warm Water Enema every morning to get rid of all 💩
@jrman413 Жыл бұрын
How are you now?
@Benzosurvivors Жыл бұрын
How are you doing now? I’m 6 years off and improving but still suffering quite a bit. Would love to get an update from you. I pray that you are doing much better now.
@jordanalexas4664 Жыл бұрын
i care and i understand i’m going thru the same thing at this very moment.
@santaclause3487 Жыл бұрын
Ambien abuse kinda does this. Not this extreme tho.
@Baghuul 9 ай бұрын
Ambien and benzos target the same receptors thats why
@dustygatrell-ru7tg Жыл бұрын
Are you still alive brother?
@ZiggyTophat3 Жыл бұрын
I hope to God someone responds to this. When I was 15 I had cancer and was put on a massive dose of every benzo you can imagine. Valium, Ativan, Klonopin, zan, temazepam,etc. 20 years of benzo addiction from drs putting me on meds no minor has any way to tolerate. Now I'm homeless living in a car having seizures due to improper benzo taper. Every micro second is a living hell. My whole body shakes, feels like fire. I can't eat I can't sleep I can't work. I WISH I DIED OF CANCER THEN GOING THROUGH THIS SHIT. I don't think I will survive. I don't know what to do if ANYONE can respond I would greatly appreciate it. It took me 49 min to write this because I shake so bad.
@beautifullybroken1591 5 ай бұрын
How are you doing now?
@ReapingTheHarvest 4 ай бұрын
I'm sorry you're going through all that. I wish there was something i could do to help. God bless you.
@danielgoudge8465 3 ай бұрын
Prayin for you 🙏🏻
@Lisa-xf5uf Жыл бұрын
If I didn't know I had aka, I think I would have taken my life
@strider1237 Жыл бұрын
Started tapering after 10 years. First week in and I’ve never felt anything like this. The countless symptoms, insomnia, terror, feeling of being trapped. How is it even possible to get through this??? I hope you’re doing better.
@honeysuckle8585 Жыл бұрын
I'm down to 1/10 my original dose after 2 years of tapering, 13 years on K... Some things that have helped is naming the symptoms- I get a lot of DPDR, rebound panic, headaches, cut too much and the ground is moving, inner vibrations. What I've found is using a jewelers scale to cut micro amounts and to hold when the symptoms are intolerable to a point where I'd lose my job etc if I cut any more. In the beginning at 2 mg K I made .25 cuts and held a couple months each time, after 1 mg I cut .125 every month, had to hold a year at .5 due to severe life stress that wasn't due to tapering (I don't advise this) and then I cut .125 again, had to hold a while because of severe withdrawal symptoms and ever since .375 I've been on a micro taper where I'm cutting .01-.05 when I can tolerate it. I'm down to 0.19 as of yesterday. I still get withdrawal symptoms, I've accepted the tinnitus and a bit of dissociation is just something I have to soldier through. High dose CBD has helped me quite a bit with some of the tremors and other neurologic symptoms. Best of luck.
@honeysuckle8585 Жыл бұрын
I'm down to 1/10 my original dose after 2 years of tapering, 13 years on K... Some things that have helped is naming the symptoms- I get a lot of DPDR, rebound panic, headaches, cut too much and the ground is moving, inner vibrations. What I've found is using a jewelers scale to cut micro amounts and to hold when the symptoms are intolerable to a point where I'd lose my job etc if I cut any more. In the beginning at 2 mg K I made .25 cuts and held a couple months each time, after 1 mg I cut .125 every month, had to hold a year at .5 due to severe life stress that wasn't due to tapering (I don't advise this) and then I cut .125 again, had to hold a while because of severe withdrawal symptoms and ever since .375 I've been on a micro taper where I'm cutting .01-.05 when I can tolerate it. I'm down to 0.19 as of yesterday. I still get withdrawal symptoms, I've accepted the tinnitus and a bit of dissociation is just something I have to soldier through. High dose CBD has helped me quite a bit with some of the tremors and other neurologic symptoms. Best of luck.
@honeysuckle8585 Жыл бұрын
It has also helped me to concentrate all my work into 3-4 days a week so that I have a nice 3-4 day buffer zone for each dosage drop to get through the worst of acute symptoms.