@5-Volt 4 сағат бұрын
Immediately tried to find Tali as soon as I watched your talk with Themarychu & Olivia Maynard. The most recent video is a discussion with Ray Alex Williams. How perfect. Insta-subbed!
@evancolby2274 5 сағат бұрын
It sounds like you're saying that homosexuality can develop out of meta-attraction in autoheterosexuals. But have you considered the possibility that it could work the other way too? What if homosexuality can result in meta-attraction to oneself as the opposite sex, which may then develop into genuine autoheterosexuality?
@Sally-pn8dd 12 сағат бұрын
Interesting video, I agree lots of research needed and great last comment, that the problem at the moment is that society tells the AGP man he is a woman.
@akab750 23 сағат бұрын
interesting stuff
@bigred-m9h Күн бұрын
i really like the openness and exploratory nature of these types of conversations
@jodieiscool9351 Күн бұрын
Signalling? Aren't you still signalling to somebody ELSE though? A man going out dressed 'as a woman ' to signal is signalling to someone else that likes that. Like say someone, a woman going out wearing some leathers and some high leather boots and black lipstick is signalling to someone else who likes that. So it's all still either hetero spexuality or homospexuality. Autogynephilia is meant to be "to self' isn't it. Which includes attraction to self. And a lot of these guys like woman and have children. So aren't they just hetero sexual? I'm trying to understand how it is not a fetish....that's extended so far, its come out of the bedroom. My brain hurts 😔
@talibotz Күн бұрын
Hi, it's Tali! Calling it a fetish isnt inherently wrong, and there is certainly a fetishistic component for many agps -- but if you only see it through that lens, it will limit your ability to understand the subjective experience (which we are interested in). And you're right, autohets are signaling to themselves because they have an erotic target location error. But for many, they are also signaling to others, because of the behavioral/interpersonal components of agp. Yes, most of them are traditionally heterosexual in that they are seeking female partners. But a non-insignificant number of them seek sexual and romantic relationships with men. Many of them seek sexual and romantic relationships with other trans women, which isn't straightforwardly "straight" or "gay."
@jodieiscool9351 Күн бұрын
What is the definition of Spexual orientation or attraction. Autogynephilia cannot be put in this category because it means an attraction to another person. An inward attraction to yourself is something else unless, you are changing the meaning of sexual orientation. Why can't we call it a paraphilia or fetish. ? Is the reason we can't because we won't like these people coming to conferences or work in schools or in hospitals etc. Ray. Is it too personal to ask how your autogynephilia manifested or played out while you were a trans woman. I suspect that is too personal of a question. But you can see why I would want to ask. I always love your content Ray. And thankyou for recommending this channel. Ps. I'm not a smart person. I don't articulate well. But Im trying to understand. Thanks ❤
@jasonwismer2670 Күн бұрын
Because its more then just "I get off on it." Because the person involved is yourself, or at least a 'womanly' view of yourself, you evolve from 'sexual' to 'romantic' feelings about yourself dressed as a woman. Denying this begins to deny the romantic feelings you get, and it becomes very much like losing a close relationship. Now imagine a girlfriend that you broke up with that you had to see every day. That you love her, and know she's there around the corner waiting for you to come back, and will accept you with open arms. Sounds like hell. Yes, its absolutely a sexual misfire in some way, but so is being gay. Having a misfire that you cannot correct and attempting to convert autoheterosexuals away from what they are would be the same as denying a person who is gay. The question then is not, "Is this a real feeling they feel that needs management" but, "How should Autoheterosexuals best manage who they are?" Transition seems right out, as transition impacts your sexuality, the very reason you want something. Role play, awareness of what you are, and finding the right time and place to enjoy this seem, to me as a person who does not have this, as a reasonable means of management like any other sexual orientation. I think the main problem is public 'sexual advertisement'. Advertising to other people that you're an autoheterosexual is fine in the right time and place. But should it be done all the time? Or if it is, should it be blatant and in your face, or more subtle like most people do? I feel the autohet community needs to explore how to sexually advertise in a more subtle way. For example, a gay man may have a certain fashion sense and manner of speech at work, but its still professional and respectful of other people. Sexual advertisement in general is uncomfortable to many people in excess in the wrong place and time. I feel this is one of the main problems with the autoheterosexual community, at least on the mtf side. They seem to confuse, "I'm expressing that I'm a woman" with "I'm sexually advertising as a woman", and go too far.
@h.orrore Күн бұрын
A sexual orientation is merely the way you are "oriented" "sexually". A paraphillia is defined as an abnormal sexual interest that persists. So in truth, I find the semantic debate about these two words unhelpful. It's more important how it's experienced.
@StormBringer5 23 сағат бұрын
Ray prefers to call it “auto heterose xuality”. He is heterose xual, but his this heterose xuality is inverted, so that he experiences se xual attraction towards himself when dressed “as a woman”.
@jodieiscool9351 Күн бұрын
Ray sent me 👍😁
@HonestHans4 2 күн бұрын
It makes sense to think that human sexuality has an autosexual element to it. I’m sure it’s an evolved trait which allows us to recognize how sexually desirable we are so that we can attract mates. Even heterosexual, non-AGP or -AAP people can recognize how attractive they are, and are aroused by finding themselves attractive because they know that it’s going to help them find sexual/romantic partners. For us homosexuals, it probably has another layer to it in that the bodies we have are the types of bodies we are attracted to in other people, so it may turn us on to look at our own bodies in the sense that we’re imagining interacting with another body that is the same sex as ours. When it comes to AGP/AAP, the autosexuality is different in that you’re attracted to your own body as the sex that it’s not vs the sex that it is, and it’s considerably more intense than the natural autohomosexuality that we all possess. I think that’s because to imagine yourself as the opposite sex is a paraphilic notion which fuels the eroticism of it and the desire to self-feminize (in the case of AGPs).
@oliviamaynard9372 2 күн бұрын
Misandry. Females dont use others. Sugar and spice and everything nice. Maliable isnt the word. The word is plastic. The brain has plasticity
@oliviamaynard9372 2 күн бұрын
Trans isnt a fetish. Its a trauma response. The single biggest thing all trans have in common is trauma in early childhood
@oliviamaynard9372 2 күн бұрын
The idea of meta attraction seems bizarre. All attrqction is mental. If you like vanilla you just like vanilla. Imho. Also, why cant Bi people exist? If i am pseudo why must my attraction to males be the pseudo attraction? Maybe its my attraction to females That's pseudo?
@oliviamaynard9372 2 күн бұрын
The idea that 80% of trans women have a fetish is just wrong. The major correlating factor I see in trans is childhood trauma Misandry is getting way too much traction in this "debate".
@phililly 2 күн бұрын
That 80% statistic comes from adding up all the trans women who report nonhomosexuality (being het, bi, or ace with respect to birth sex). Blanchard's research showed that nonhomosexual MTFs are of autogynephilic etiology.
@oliviamaynard9372 2 күн бұрын
@phililly I am bi and not agp. He is just incorrect. He may be mostly correct but idk and doubt it. His theory fails in my case and I believe in many cases. I am trans cause conversion therapy not cause of a fetish. My being bi doesn't change that
@njada1691 2 күн бұрын
I just started this episode but this podcast spends a lot of time explaining that fetish doesn't describe AGP.
@oliviamaynard9372 2 күн бұрын
@@njada1691 They will say that then turn around and use AGP as a pejorative as a synonym for fetish
@nickj5451 2 күн бұрын
​Not the hosts of this podcast, no. AGP is understood and used that way frequently tho, yes.
@cormorant12 2 күн бұрын
It seems likely that GayGPs would show arousal to hetero erotic material since their sexuality appears to be about inverting heterosexuality with them in the role of the woman. The traditional heterosexual dynamic seems to be of central importance to them.
@hypercortical7772 2 күн бұрын
@cormorant12 2 күн бұрын
I don't think it's a surgical fetish to be into a post-op trans woman with only the knowledge that she used to be male. It seems more like a transformation fetish. Someone like that is likely to be AGP and live it through vicariously.
@RussBlake80 4 күн бұрын
Im an agp, have been since childhood, and made worse after puberty, i never was interested in women or men however had several crushes on men throughout my life which grossed me out. I did eventually get with a woman who was quite masc and tough when u was 21. I never enjoyed sex. Was never turned on by her, and at the same time i have never been with a guy in the bedroom to see if i enjoy that. Ive done drag before at the point of not being able to stand seeing myself as a soft natured baby faced man anymore, and would dance in gay clubs for just over a year which was great, however my daughter who i had with that same girl was growing up and i knew i couldnt be selfish engaging in such perverse behaviour, she needed her dad. So i dont engage anymore. Im probably gonna be single for the rest of my life and live for my daughter which jsnt such a bad thing. As shes amazing. Coincidentally shes turned out to be lesbian however presents very girly, whilst at the same time has some tomboyish elements..think its the adhd, it makes guys feel like girls and girls feel like boys. Such a crazy topic to try and get to the bottom of. Doubt we ever will fully. And one more thing, when i did watch porn which i dont anymore i used to watch girls to learn and mimic them not because i was turned on by what i was watching.
@lizicadumitru9683 11 күн бұрын
49:46 Wouldn't that preference be Bisexuality? Agreed that it wouldn't be innate homosexuality (as I was badgered by Anne about it 😂❤) but "must" it be some kind of AAP?
@JenniferGirard-u7t 12 күн бұрын
So happy to hear from Anne! Arron and Anne have helped me understand, and humanize my son's experience. That has been so very important for our relationship, I thank you both so much for helping me to understand. I truly appreciate both of you more than you know! If you only believe the rad fem caricature, it will cause issues if you have a child with this issue. Thank you for helping save our relationship!
@dakotamadeleinel.1973 11 күн бұрын
you're so welcome <3
@laureldaisysage 14 күн бұрын
This was such an incredible episode. Thank you so much Anne, you've put into words so many feelings and motivations I've had. I'm going to need to watch this a few times this was uncannily accurate 💜 The thing about the fraternal birth order was insanely spot on. Just...wow
@teelawild1361 15 күн бұрын
It’s so funny that any self ID’d ‘agp’ has to immediately categorize themselves as ‘better’ and ‘smarter’ than those other pervy, dim witted, and disgusting ‘AGPs’ because of course they don’t want you to be affiliated with any of the negative caricatures of ‘agp’ wholly created by your gc siblings. It honestly shows why the whole category of ‘agp’ is completely ridiculous in the way it’s used now. But I guess it works for the ‘good and pure’ AGPs lol 😂😂😂
@SallyScheuermann 15 күн бұрын
Thank you, Annie! This was my favorite episode of The Navel Gays so far. Lots of insights here, and thanks for the point about same-(legal)-sex marriage. I remember the immediate call from the queer community to not forget trans people after Obergefell, and thinking, “Uh… making marriage a legal-sex-neutral institution *also* seems like a win for plenty of trans people; don’t really see how it’s not.” But I guess if you’re focused more on queerness than transness, well: sure.
@dakotamadeleinel.1973 14 күн бұрын
i'd say this mostly comes from the fact that queerness as an ideology is being purposefully disruptive. recently, they've chosen to use trans people as the device for this due to gay acceptance being basically done. it was never about the acceptance of transsexuals like me, it was about having a scapegoat to push nonconformist ideologies. btw, i'm annie from the video! i'm happy to hear it was your favorite 🥰
@user-zz8sq5vv9c 15 күн бұрын
really interesting episode !
@FellVoid_Art 16 күн бұрын
Ohh Anne!! Always a joy to hear from you! This was lovely "Legitimate severe anatomical autoandrophilia seems like the most miserable thing imaginable" preach
@cyrusevans1009 11 күн бұрын
Oh, hi fellvoid
@FellVoid_Art 11 күн бұрын
​@cyrusevans1009 hello hello ♡
@ianhurley4323 16 күн бұрын
1:33:20 Well...that was enlightening.😅 Great podcast so far. Your guests have given me a lot to think about.
@doctorfox1592 16 күн бұрын
Terfs and other peoples’ reaction to AGPs wearing female clothes or having long hair is more complicated than wokeness or even critical theory. It goes back to how sexuality is policed in the West. Did you know that theologians and Cataholic priest wrote endlessly on what was considered sodomy? For example, one preist thought that even if man was actively participating in heterosexual sex, he was commiting sodomy if he thought of being with a man during the fact. I know that blaming critical theory is a convenient scapegoat. However, I think that the problem is that male sexuality is demonized from both the Right and the Left. Despite how sex is portrayed in the media, it’s my belief that sex and sexuality are still taboo. Rightfully so. Until, we can have a true disccusion about sexuality and it’s implications we will continue to go no where. There was a reason why gay people campaigned for homosexuality with “Born this Way”. It’s similar to how some trans people try to create various distinctions. My issue with Tali’s liberalism is that never really progress that far. My concern is that I don’t want to be blame for the collapse of the West. I think that you guys are doing a great job in your investigation into autosexuality. But having a picture of how non-heterosexuality was policed would give you a bigger picture. The whole true trans/HSTS vs AGP is similar to whole invert vs pervert distiniction of the late 19th and 20th century. The laws was lenient on inverts because they were effeminate and probably given to homosexual tendenieces by nature. While perverts were sexual degenerates not fit for society. The pervert were protrayed as masculine men who gave into their sexual urges too easily.
@dakotamadeleinel.1973 14 күн бұрын
you make great points that i didn't think about! (btw i'm annie from the video)
@brunolevilevi5054 16 күн бұрын
1:28:24 The best hypothesis for the FBOE is a maternal immune response against the NLGN4Y protein made by a gene in the y chromosome, I dont believe its believed to be hormonal in nature.
@FellVoid_Art 21 күн бұрын
A female character being a romantic threat is the finest point I can possibly put on 'why two men' for me. If I can't hope to 'pass' as a 'real girl' (because I'm not a pretty and feminine female), seeing a woman involved makes me feel as though I'd need to compete with something I can't compare to. It's easier to insert myself into a male character's perspective, I haven't felt so excluded there during my formative years. It's an emotional sort of 'logic'. And also AAP logic, that it's easier to become the man I desire, rather than attract a desirable man.
@SallyScheuermann 23 күн бұрын
Oh god, Hetalia. I hadn’t thought about that show in years…
@dakota-sessions 23 күн бұрын
Wonderful conversation!
@dakota-sessions 23 күн бұрын
“Evil Dangerous Paraphile” would make a great t-shirt
@noname-n3r3w 24 күн бұрын
evil halimede :(
@undergrits 28 күн бұрын
just started listening but already so into this. so cool to hear these kinds of specific, misunderstood and complicated topics talked about. thank you both for this 🙏
@TheNavelGays 27 күн бұрын
Thank you! Our pleasure.
@miroirs-jumeaux Ай бұрын
1:25:54 *Heterodorx*
@tennisboy1314 Ай бұрын
Great discussion. Phil’s argument about ETIIs makes a lot of sense.
@_Laura_Reynolds Ай бұрын
One small correction, EK Sedgwick was openly heterosexual. She was married to a man. She was not only criticized by some gays and lesbians for identifying as a gay man, but also for not being a lesbian.
@phililly 29 күн бұрын
Thanks for the background info, I should probably learn more about her life history before talking about her. I think she was AAP though. Here are some of the passages I highlighted from her book Tendencies: “In among the many ways I do identify as a woman, the identification as a gay person is a firmly male one, identification "as" a gay man; and in among its tortuous and alienating paths are knit the relations, for me, of telling and of knowing.” (Sedgwick, 1993, p. 221) “The first time I met Michael Lynch, I thought his whiteframed glasses were the coolest thing I had ever seen. I twas at the MLA convention, in New York, in 1986. My first thought was, "Within two months, every gay man in New York is going to be wearing white glasses." My second thought: "Within a year, every fashion-conscious person in the United States is going to be wearing white glasses." My instant resolve: "I want white glasses first."” (Sedgwick, 1993, p. 264) “Michael's availability to be identified with and loved, in my instant, fetishistic crystallization of him through those white glasses, must have had everything to do with my witness of this moment.” (Sedgwick, 1993, p. 265) “The stubborn magical defiance I have learned (I sometimes feel I have succeeded in learning) in forging a habitable identity as a fat woman is also what has enabled the series of uncanny effects around these white glasses; uncanny effects that have been so formative of my-shall I call it my identification? Dare I, after this half-decade, call it with all a fat woman's defiance, my identity?-as a gay man.” (Sedgwick, 1993, p. 268)
@_Laura_Reynolds 28 күн бұрын
@@phililly I agree that she was AAP. I am just pointing out that she is a counter-example to Aaron's claim about autoandrophilic women in previous generations almost invariably becoming butch lesbians. She wanted to be accepted as a queer intellectual. If she could have somehow made herself be attracted to women, she would have had an incentive to do so, but she didn't, so presumably she couldn't. I am not a Sedgwick fan, but I respect the fact that she didn't pretend to be into women when she wasn't in order to gain social acceptance. Not all women are naturally bisexual/sexually fluid. I think that's an important point.
@DakotaDawn-gx1qk 28 күн бұрын
@@_Laura_Reynolds 100% agreed. i've never bought into the all women being fluid thing even if more women are bisexual than men.
@philliasphog6689 Ай бұрын
Testing for this could be as easy as the study that monitored arousal by penis deflection and vaginal engorgement when watching various kinds of p***. With the addition of AI augmented p*** where the subject appearance is projected on one of the participants or the other.
@Thefinalsolution187 Ай бұрын
Tell terell to take a talking class. He talks as if he is out of breath. Nobody wants to listen to you "umh" and "ah" all the time.
@amayadeakins Ай бұрын
Watching this is brutal. The ums, ahs and awkward silences are killing this video.
@talibotz Ай бұрын
That PFP is doing a lot of work, Amaya.
@amayadeakins Ай бұрын
@@talibotz they make prograns that will delete that from the footage but tali it was honest feedback. It wasn't meant to disrespect you guys.
@amayadeakins Ай бұрын
@@talibotz and I did listen to it. I'm not trying to hate on anyone.
@h.orrore Ай бұрын
This was a great episode! You guys rock. I love how non-partisan you both are -- not obsessively woke or anti-woke. Really operating outside of the culture war. Very refreshing. I just subscribed. 🤘🏼
@miroirs-jumeaux Ай бұрын
nota bene: paraphrasis is phrasis 3:54 “Aaron's right about the lads, but -(s)(he)'s- SO WRONG about the lassies!” 😂 11:42 "got involved in the discourse" ≈ developed a social media addiction(?) 12:17 beware of expecting that you fully understand complex things about others' minds! 17:31 guest needs trusted friends and family to talk to; online friends aren't enough, nor are online strangers - build trust with real people offline and tell them these things so you're not bursting with them here in Discourse Land.
@_Laura_Reynolds Ай бұрын
Actually, just because talking about this stuff to strangers online isn't great doesn't mean that it would be better to be sharing these kinds of thoughts with family members or real life friends. Most people don't want to hear about this kind of stuff, or would feel compelled to give feedback that I don't want. I have learned that it's important to have boundaries with people who I know in real life. I maintain that the most appropriate person to tell these kinds of things too would be a therapist, unfortunately I have not been able to find one that I could work with. If I had been able to find a therapist 5 years ago, maybe I would have never made a twitter or youtube, and for me personally, that would have probably been better, because then I wouldn't have shared a bunch of stuff online that should have stayed private and could be used against me later. It would be interesting to see what the current state of the detrans and autoandrophilia discourse would be in this alternative history.
@akashicturtle1827 Ай бұрын
@@_Laura_Reynolds yeah…plus over sharing with the “wrong” person could end up metastasizing to your larger social group. So instead of strengthening in person relationships, you end up destroying in person relationships .
@pauleyj8 Ай бұрын
@@_Laura_Reynolds I get what you are saying Laura. Its very problematic what we share etc. The other side of that coin is that I think you have made a fantastic contribution to the complex issue of what drives people to want to be, or present as the opposite sex. Best wishes to you.
@miroirs-jumeaux Ай бұрын
I hope you don't change the name of this podcast anytime soon. _Whoever_ thought of that name -probably- *definitely* didn't realize how much it meant to them, and is feeling gratified that it means something to other people now, too.
@akashicturtle1827 Ай бұрын
Yay, Laura’s back! She is such a breath of fresh air. 47:40 thank you Laura for pointing out that the first trans males were agps, not hsts. It is usually it’s agps who have the most visceral hatred of their male organs. 53:50 great point Laura about how ppl who wrote about themselves were more likely to be narcissistic aap types than hsts types. I hadn’t considered that before. 55:20 Laura calls it out -- if female and male sexuality are so different, why assume aap is real? 1:05:20 females don’t lie as much as males? Hmm…idk about that one. 1:06:10 is aap a useful concept for non sexual cases? It’s a good question. 1:08:20 gaaaaaaaahh more “female sexuality is so fluid” stuff 👎🏻. Once again I go back to the question Laura asked: if female sexuality is *so much different* than male sexuality, doesn’t that undermine the case for aap to begin with? 1:16:00 Laura is 🔥 1:20:00 I’ve heard mixed things about the reliability of the research on lesbianism and Pcos. So it was nice to hear Laura’s speculation about what might be going on with conflicting research. 1:28:40 is seeing Buck angel enough for a phalloplasty? Maybe not phallo (which is rare anyway) but definitely t and mastectomies. At least I don’t have a hard time believing this.
@_Laura_Reynolds Ай бұрын
I saw a study that said that, despite stereotypes to the contrary, men actually lie more than women. I don't know if it was a good study though. It seems plausible to me that my impression that males do lie more could just be due to men being worse at lying. PCOS is a fascinating subject, which I just recently began to research. Some of the studies I read, which I didn't get a chance to mention, indicate that there are at least two "types" of PCOS, an obese type, and a non-obese type, so it's not as simple as just that PCOS causes obesity (even though it can) but also that the non-obese type was more prevalent in developing countries, and that at least some of the increased prevalence of the obese type in the USA might be due to people developing PCOS secondarily to metabolic syndrome caused by obesity (and possibly also triggered by eating disorders and/or psychiatric medications around puberty). This seems pretty important, especially since the predisposition can apparently be passed down through three generations (in mouse models). Another study found that lesbians with PCOS had higher levels of androgens than straight women with PCOS. Unfortunately, I think we are unlikely to get any more high quality data on PCOS and sexual orientation. If an attempt were made now to study PCOS in lesbians, the lesbians who are now "trans men" would be missing from the sample, skewing it badly, I suspect, and obviously, any attempt to study PCOS among transmen or detrans women who were put on testosterone and/or puberty blockers before being diagnosed with PCOS is not going to tell you wether they would have had PCOS anyway either. I also want to say, in Buck Angel's defense, that he has always been openly critical of phalloplasty (which was part of his rationalization for his "man with a vagina" campaign back in the day), but I think that once someone develops Gender Dysphoria, regardless of what triggers it, it tends to take on a life of it's own. It would be absurd to claim that Buck is somehow directly responsible for what butch lesbians who might have "caught ROGD" from him went on to do to their bodies, as if he were some sort of cult guru or something.
@akashicturtle1827 Ай бұрын
@@_Laura_Reynolds thank you! Helpful response. I didn’t know all that about pcos research! And good point, that it may be too late to do research on pcos and sexual orientation due to the butch transition craze. I wish more studies done on lesbians in general controlled for gender expression (like butch and femme and in between), but that may be hard to do given how small of a sample size you are already dealing with. I tend to think men are less morally scrupulous than women on average, so I can see that making them more likely to lie. But, then again, I could see women being more likely to lie to fit into a group. Who knows?? Yes, you are right about Buck and phalloplasty. And yes, gender dysphoria is more complicated than just one person brainwashing ppl into it. I think buck did play a crucial role in popularizing transition as an option for butches, tho, and hence is responsible for that much.
@DykeNukem Ай бұрын
Buck Angel didn't even get phalloplasty. I don't know why that was brought up. I'm also glad that someone called Aaron out on his bullshit.
@pythosdegothos6181 Ай бұрын
13:45 Yep, most of what they are talking about is social limits, rules and stereotypes "one of the boys" is being said a lot. "male typical interests" are only gender coded because of.....SEXISM. The assuming GNC kids to be future homosexuals is ALSO an assumption that needs to end, and it needed to end the day before yesterday. Maybe if we stop gendering everything, stop stigmatizing gender non conforming behavior in both boys and girls. Stop telling kids that are GNC there is something wrong with them that needs to be "fixed" 14:50 SPOT ON, Let the kids play with what they will, But ALSO deal with BULLIES as well.
@cormorant12 Ай бұрын
"Sex between masculine men is gross, at least one participant needs to be feminine (even if only in his own fantasy)" is a reliable marker of AGP/GAMP. No gay man, no matter how self-hating, finds masculine hunks repulsive.
@cormorant12 Ай бұрын
Another aspect that gets interpreted as "internalised homophobia" is masochism. "I want to bottom for a man while the idea simultaneously disgusts me and I don't understand why but it's still hot" is not a femboy hating the fact that he's gay, it's masochistic attraction which is common in AGP.
@miroirs-jumeaux Ай бұрын
@ElijahMarie-y9j Ай бұрын
No matter how many times someone is reincarnated their gender is always the same regardless of sex characteristics. Male or female is determined by gender located in the soul not sex characteristics. The soul enters the body at birth when a baby takes its first breath. Gender has no DNA marker. That's how a set of identical twins can have the same DNA, the same sex, but be opposite in gender.
@miroirs-jumeaux Ай бұрын
@ElijahMarie-y9j Ай бұрын
Matthew 19 12 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ says God prefers same-sex marriage and confirms transgender people are born that way. Male or female is determined by gender located in the soul not sex characteristics. I actually do think if people were top proper education that there wouldn't be as many people transitioning. But it's still someone else's body and it's still their choice. There's absolutely nothing wrong with transitioning. But if people were actually taught what being transgender is and that transgender people are born that way I don't think as many people would transition. I am Elijah, the forerunner to the return of Jesus. Fake ministers all know Malachi 3 8 is telling THEM to return the money. World peace is coming for those that remain and God's real people will soon transfigure and never pass on again.
@lizicadumitru9683 Ай бұрын
Perfect timing...gym session! ❤😂
@ElijahMarie-y9j Ай бұрын
Matthew 19 12 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ says God prefers same-sex marriage and confirms transgender people are born that way. JESUS was TRANSGENDER 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️, a female man returning as a female woman in a lesbian relationship with a male woman. I am Elijah, the forerunner to the return of Jesus. Fake ministers all know Malachi 3 8 is telling THEM to return the money.