How Palestine became Palestine.
The Medieval Arab Knight - Trailer
Music in the Medieval Arab World
Arabic names in the Medieval Times
@ILoveCrudeOil123 Күн бұрын
Shia muslims loves Ali as their Imam and Sunni Muslims love Ali as Muahmmad son in law and the fourth Caliph
@mattl3729 3 күн бұрын
This was a truly evil act- especially so having been perpetrated by Israel, which cries constantly about what happens to them even though they're the invaders and occupiers and are responsible for all the suffering in the region since the mid 1940s. Luckily, it seems that more and more it's finally okay to call them out for their acts of terror; the fact that it's been not okay until now should be of great concern to everyone...
@ThexXxXxOLOxXxXx 5 күн бұрын
That's not his name that's his entire lineage up to a point, we ethnic Arabs preserve our lineage, other cultures do not, most don't know the name of their great grandfather while in Arabia it's normal it's part of preservation of lineage which's endorsed by Islam
@lusolad 7 күн бұрын
Did you come out against the Palestinian terrorists for what they did last year?!
@amr7636 6 күн бұрын
You mean those fighting off their occupation for decades. How can Israel who does a military occupation, segregation, ethnic cleansing, segregation, apartide, land theft, blockade, and destroy people's resources a victim
@mattl3729 3 күн бұрын
And have you ever come out against any of Israel's innumerable crimes over the last 70 years? I didn't think so.
@themarid6780 8 күн бұрын
@seanroth-b2d 8 күн бұрын
so don’t f*ck with israel
@jascott-tr9ek 15 күн бұрын
You should try keeping your other three arrows in the hand holding the bow and one arrow already nocked.😊
@dehd-dt4xu 17 күн бұрын
You lack the helmet but I do approve
@serdarbas5364 19 күн бұрын
you should correct your shooting. making a few mistakes.
@crimscrimz5977 20 күн бұрын
The 13th warrior is a movie from 1999 about Ahmad ibn fadlan and his encounter with the vikings if anyone is intrested 🙂
@learnarabicwithnajwa4826 20 күн бұрын
I totally agree with you. I was also thinking why they are trying to show her as a greek women as she was going to القسطنطينية /istabbul now , and she has a small house there.
@LKK_4 22 күн бұрын
عندي ملاحظة في موضوع هل السيف المقوس تركي أم فارسي. عندما أنظر إلى سيوف النبي محمد صلى الله عليه وآله اجد سيف منحني اسمه السيف "المخدم" و قد روى ابن سعد عن مروان بن أبي سعيد المعلى قال: كان عند رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم - سيف يدعى المخِدم، وسيف يدعى رسوباً حصل عليهما من الفلس(صنم لطيء). اي من قبيلة طيء العربية وهو سيف منحني يبلغ طوله ٩٧ سم وهذا قبل ان يصل الترك (قبل السلاجقة) الى الشرق الاوسط بكثير بينما الفرس لم يستخدموا السيوف المنحني في الفترة الساسانية التي هي اخر فترة قبل معركة القادسية التي انتصر فيها العرب المسلمون(الخلافة الراشدة) على الفرس وهنالك سيف فارسي يعود الفترة الساسانية ويظهر مستقيماً مع نصل رقيق وغمد ومقبض من الذهب I have an observation on the subject of whether the curved sword is Turkish or Persian. When I look at the swords of the Prophet Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, I find a curved sword called the “al-makhdam” sword. Ibn Saad narrated on the authority of Marwan bin Abi Saeed Al-Mu’alla, who said: The Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family and grant him peace - had a sword called the “al-makhdam” and that sword was from the Arab Tai tribe, and it is a curved sword with a length of 97 cm. This was long before the Turks (before the Seljuks) arrived in the Middle East, while the Persians did not use curved swords in the Sasanian period, which was the last period before the Battle of Al-Qadisiyah in which the Muslim Arabs (the Rashidun Caliphate) were victorious. there is a Persian sword dating back to the Sassanid period and appears straight with a thin blade and golden sheath and handle.
@Fitzkrieg 23 күн бұрын
Just found this while looking into this subject, great work!
@OperationStorytime1 23 күн бұрын
got me through history gcse's thank u so much
@MQBiola 25 күн бұрын
How can we learn the songs in medievals ,can you present to us the artist to score pls for musical student
@MQBiola 25 күн бұрын
This is so beautiful
@mahatmaniggandhi2898 25 күн бұрын
he was not religious
@AbdulrahmanDxb Ай бұрын
This not Ali رضي الله عنه sword. This is Abu Lu'lu'a dagger.
@MrAllmightyCornholioz Ай бұрын
Looks very halal! Allah bless!
@cavoneant Ай бұрын
If you have any great book recommendations for Near East history or Mesopotamian History. I love history of ancient civilizations.
@cavoneant Ай бұрын
I recently did a DNA test and found that I was mostly Arabic. It is interesting because my grandparents came from Sicily to the USA. As a result, I have become very interested in this history. Sometime you should do a video on Arabic people in the Mediterranean area. Great channel! Keep up the good work.
@cavoneant Ай бұрын
Love this channel, glad I found it.
@pawelt843 Ай бұрын
I spend last 6 months looking fo historical sources about arabic arms and armours in museum collection and books with this and... You too should do this. Is better than in last movie with LARP leather armour, but in lammeral should be arms protection or should be chainmail under it, no shirt. Most heavy east armors have source in China and Korean, and spread acros Asia and east through Mongolian warriors. So Your "example" armour in real is completly useless. Nice that You doing this material, but You need looking little more about this in more historical sources, becouse for reconstructuon it is, unfortunately, not correctly.
@pawelt843 Ай бұрын
I looking for medival arabic armour, but I dont think that what You show here is correctly. It is more LARP costume than real historical east armour :((( Of course in Spain arabic knights use full metal armours or lammeral armours but it was metal, not lether LARPs armours. Breastplate in this movie event is not making like historic. Check it in some museum. And lammeral leathers armors are not weak, they give good protection against cutting, and are more mobile than metal.
@cillianennis9921 Ай бұрын
Riding boots Sirwal - baggy trousers qamis - the undershirt Padded gambison - the layer to soften blows & such (The thing that every medival army used but that most writers have never heard of) Belt - to keep the material close to the body Chain mail shirt - protective armour (Leather) lamella armour - the main armour on the front of the body Arm braces - made of leather or iron to protect the forearm in combat Turban scarf - around the neck Turban helmet - an egg shaped helmet with a turban wrapped around it. Islamic style helmet with nasal Round shields (usually leather), Curved swords (saif)/ straight sword, dagger. I think I have the words right for this. I am using the video as reference for the descriptions of the armour of the Southern Similayans an ethnic group in my writing that is heavily influenced by the ideas of Arab & other Middle eastern Cultures along with the Turks of the Steeps (however the group I just call the great nomads is more influenced by the Turks, & Mongols)
@Hadi_Furqan-vu1en Ай бұрын
couldnt find a better informative video
@Hadi_Furqan-vu1en Ай бұрын
best vid in the whole yt honestly
@robertschriek1353 Ай бұрын
thank you, there is far too little info on this!
@Hadi_Furqan-vu1en Ай бұрын
love the vid
@Hadi_Furqan-vu1en Ай бұрын
brother please send a link to this comment from where u got these beautiful garments from (not the armour just the under shirt and green scarf) love ur channel
@Hadi_Furqan-vu1en Ай бұрын
brother i like ur bow and arrows where u get them from?
@Hadi_Furqan-vu1en Ай бұрын
Salamalaikum wrb can u please make more vids of islam and science in the islamic golden age where science was a big thing, plz my man wallah ur one of my fav youtuber this vid u made helped me a ton thank u so much u just got a new subscriber ❤
@RandyDom2ElectricBoogaloo Ай бұрын
Would it be possible to share some of the sources you used while making this video? I'm writing an essay on the impact of the crusades on European medieval music, and the information in this video would be really useful, especially the sources on al-Kindi.
@Whats_1_plus_1 Ай бұрын
Ngl medieval armor has the best drip than the mordern ones
@trooper7245 Ай бұрын
Would a Mamluk-Warrior under Baybars also have used a shield like this?
@zain2140 Ай бұрын
you need to remember the part where they are all broke and literally can only afford cloth as protection, only the rich could afford that much of what you are wearing which would be 1 of 100 enlisted soldiers
@007kash007 Ай бұрын
Thanks for the intricate information. You need hours of practice though lol
@shughalonly4724 Ай бұрын
Thank you for the gratw video ...i would just like to give the refrence of famous sword of Hazrat Ali RA ... A curved sword ... Arabian used curved swords without the Turkish influence ...
@QamruddinKhan-hf4dn Ай бұрын
Afghan, baloch and Mauritanian dress code is most closest to medieval Arab dress
@affanassaffah 2 ай бұрын
Simple...but can conquer world
@mohammadhaque9899 2 ай бұрын
Where can I buy one of those?
@ev4079 2 ай бұрын
Underrated Channel! Keep up the good work.
@aliskandari 2 ай бұрын
Islam still thrives on the Volga river and Kazan as successor to Bulgar (with Volga Tatars being direct descendants from 10 century Bulgars) is still the furthest northern forpost of Islamic faith. Although Ibn Fadlan left a quite detailed account on his journey, he wasn't the first to describe Volga Bulgars as already Muslims. So we celebrate year 922 as the official adoption of Islam as state religion. But in fact the beginning of Islam spreading onto Volga Bulgaria is roughly mid 9th centure with local tradition and legends talking about 8 or even 7 century... And since Ibn Fadlan's party didn't manage to collect the required amount of money to build the fortress against Hazars (as a gesture rather than a real necessity) Volga Bulgars did not saw Abbasid Khalifate as a "reliable partner". So despite all the ceremonies and feasting the direct connection basically was not functional. After the fall of Khazar kaganate and singnificant infow of survivng Muslim population to Volga Bulgaria, the necessity for glorification of Khalif was nulled even further. And btw that's why we were and still are Khanafis like Central Asian iranian and turkic peoples and unlike arabs.
@sari8438 2 ай бұрын
Bullshit, Nothing historical about this sword.
@SpiritualSeeker-oq5pt Ай бұрын
ur gae
@Mantaseal234 2 ай бұрын
Nah, the armour with the chain face lowkey looks like the Royal Guard from Castle Crashers
@TheAdmiral8799 2 ай бұрын
You should get real maille, otherwise cool set!
@potatokilr7789 2 ай бұрын
Shouldn't actual leather lamelar consist of hardened (boiled), solid plates? This looks more like untreated flexible leather strips.
@R7z279 2 ай бұрын
@Hesopod-w3b 2 ай бұрын
Is the shield made of wood, but coated in leather?
@BustinCider6300 2 ай бұрын
Would love a part 2 to this 🙏🏽