@tehbear4763 Сағат бұрын
You did not just intergrade that ad so well i had to watch it for respect
@lovelydiva06 2 сағат бұрын
I don’t know mine, never took a personality test and i don’t really care to know it
@negentropyagent7337 2 сағат бұрын
Humans are stupidly complicated, but most humans like simple things. So they like to simplify everything, which is stupid. So yeah... Most humans are stupid, but still, complicated. Being "Socially retarded" is also a term I like to use.
@zhubajie6940 2 сағат бұрын
Strange that the communists fight unions just like the capitalist both hate sharing power with others. Where do you think America got 40-hour work weeks and overtime?
@fishfish8879 2 сағат бұрын
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ― Nikola Tesla
@backwardsbandit8094 5 сағат бұрын
Relational bullying isnt acknowledged or even treated as bullying in the west. Its horrifying because its all-out psychological warfare but when trying to articulate it, you sound like an idiot. You can't really tell a teacher "my best friend didn't invite me to hang out after school, but invited all of our other friends and they talk about it in front of me, possibly so I can't join the conversation, they do this almost everyday" because what the hell is the teacher supposed to do? If you sometimes catch the same people smiling at you while talking to someone else, in a way that looks like they might be laughing at you, but then they're nice to your face and don't appear to be doing anything wrong, what are you supposed to say when this happens over and over and over again? When you first arrive to school and say hi to people around you, and nobody says hi back, or they barely acknowledge you, what are you supposed to do? Its death by a thousand papercuts and there's no way out. This is just your life now. You wonder if everyone lives like this and you're just too sensitive, or if you're not being as friendly as you thought you were. Maybe there's just something really wrong with you that everyone knows about except you. Eventually you just get more sad, anxious and lonely, and you can't put the pieces together as to why. I almost wished it was just physical bullying, because then there'd be a chance that I could lash out, fight back and express myself.
@backwardsbandit8094 6 сағат бұрын
Obviously actions of love, guidance, support and a healthy family dynamic will always be more important than just words alone, but people are insecure, especially kids. Young kids aren't social experts. If you yell at them then they genuinely sometimes think that you don't love them anymore. Growing up, if my parents yelled at me for misbehavior and I started crying, they'd always make sure that once the conflict was sorted, they'd tell me that they love me and that they dont want me to be sad. When I got older and had my first girlfriend, I learnt that her parents would never check up on her when she cried after a conflict. Her parents had never shown adequate communication, affection and conflict resolution skills in interpersonal relationships. She had to learn how to comfort people, apologize, reassure people and many other important social skills, BY HERSELF as an adult. You never know what's going to happen. You could have a fight with someone you love, you could get in an accident, you could fall ill etc. You don't have to say it all the time, but you should be able to respect your loved ones enough to put aside your pride and bluntly say it.
@backwardsbandit8094 6 сағат бұрын
This is an enormous L on the part of the CCP once again. You do NOT want ultra masculine western men. They still haven't learnt that women respect Wen more than Wu, now they cant get laid and they're just getting more and more bitter. The west NEEDS more diversity in how we appreciate and express masculinity and this could've been an avenue of cultural exchange between China and the West. Western men could've had guidance on this from the pros. We could've had a Wen master 😂 It's wild to me how the female gaze is laid out plain and simple for all to see, yet this is still a mystery for desperate western guys. To elaborate, women seem to love men that can brush up, take care of themselves, know their style and own it. Usually muscles are appreciated but it really doesnt need to be that impressive. Good health shows independence, responsibility and proper self care, the macho look is more to impress other men - usually in a social hierarchy way rather than a gay way (but hey, I can't read minds.)
@aipcs2 6 сағат бұрын
I think quiet luxury brand is still problematic, because it still tries to create differentiation of value and prestige, except the difference is that with normally luxury brand, the issue is whether you can afford it. with quiet luxury, the issue is both whether you can afford it, but also whether you can recognize it. wealthy people can subtly use quiet luxury to distinguish whether the other party is wealthy or whether they are just faking it. in one sense, the mass consumer can't as easily replicate it because they can't recognize it as easily, but on the other hand, it creates a stronger class separation that is not only divided by money but also knowledge.
@backwardsbandit8094 7 сағат бұрын
If all we really know about modern China is that the CCP is an asshole about Taiwan and Hong Kong, then I'm afraid that that's all people are going to bring up when it comes to China. With the CCP wanting to completely dominate the international image of China, all we're left with, is an incredibly awkward, stiff, power-hungry and rizzless facade of a national character. If all the nations were people, nobody would want to hang out with China, because they'd be like a rich middle aged man with absolutely zero style, zero charisma and constantly threatening people around him completely out of nowhere. Inevitably when a person acts like this, people who are more relaxed and sociable will make fun of that person, and avoid hanging out with. China is relegated to a role of a sad, lonely business partner that doesn't want to hear shit about you or your life. This SHOULD NOT be China. If there's any nation on the planet that's gonna be completely culturally rizzless, you'd think it couldnt possibly be China. Second wealthiest country in the world, oldest country in the world, manufacturing god of the world, trades with literally anybody for better and for worse - yet somehow, authoritarianism made it culturally very unpopular. Now nobody knows if they can even safely visit China and not be at risk of getting arrested - even if you tell them they'll be fine, they wont believe you and probably wont go on vacation there. Another problem is that there are SO MANY people that think that "Made in China" equals cheap crap, so much so that "China plastic" is an understood, colloquial English phrase that means extremely cheap and low quality. In the western world, this has now subconsciously culturally baked in the idea that anything from China is cheap and low quality. China is the nation of Ali Baba, Temu and dropshipping in general. The other day when I was chatting to some friends, soneone was talking about ordering clothes from Chinese retailers off a Chinese website. Another friend immediately responded with "ugh why waste money on that junk? It'll just fall apart." I pointed out that if you shop from official Chinese brands, off a proper Chinese website, it can be some of the coolest shit you will ever see in your life and of perfectly good quality. I'm hesitant to truly blame people for this attitude, even though its clearly incorrect. The reason being is because where we most often read the label "made in China" is on cheap crap. More often than not, things of much higher quality that we own are also made in China, but we don't see the label. This isn't the main driving force for China's poor international image, but it certainly adds to it when we're given little else to add. So.... Yeah. Internationally, China is the nation of dropshipping junk, no human rights and an asshole government that hates fun, freedom and creativity.
@damianhowe9470 9 сағат бұрын
Please look up the real one child policy before stating incorrect facts.
@eight7934 11 сағат бұрын
You are extremely attractive to me
@CasualObserver369 13 сағат бұрын
Honestly, mercy, to only seem to exist to be a free Walking Billboard for a capitalist godless business! What a tool
@hilihkintil6789 13 сағат бұрын
I once drunk when my mom was calling and i rever to myself as a 3rd person in a cute way, immediately sober up and regret my decision 😢
@KittyWhite38 14 сағат бұрын
i have a personal vendetta against northface because it was also big and a sign of status in school in the US and i couldn't afford it 😭
@JeantheSecond-ip7qm 16 сағат бұрын
I lost a job over a personality test because I’m introverted. Their loss. I was excellent in every job I had, even customer service jobs. Being an introvert doesn’t mean I’m bad at talking to people.
@Alana-lyn 18 сағат бұрын
I’m so blessed to have been raised in England where school is from 8am to 3/4pm
@005connect9 19 сағат бұрын
Now talk about the strange obsession with Asian women/infantilized women in anime and how it’s connected to pedo creeps.
@danskiyq 19 сағат бұрын
Your videos are getting less views, but know that they are very interesting and it's always a pleasure to watch one of them, so please keep up creating them! Can't wait for a new one!
@martijnkoning3354 20 сағат бұрын
bullying will never disappear, it is evolutionary. The way it happens just changes as cultures evolve. The primate brain however is a lot more active in younger children hence the tribal urge to work yourself up in social standing is done in a lot more direct ways. Compared to adults where different classes will interact less and 'bullying' happens in more indirect ways or between different levels within the workplace.
@zhubajie6940 20 сағат бұрын
The politics of the CCP is too large a shadow to overcome. The elephant in the room will always be seen no matter how far over it stands in the corner. Soft power can't overcome this. The government must reform and truly normalize to the standards outside it to open up to be like the world's democracies (not the 2+2=5 definition of the Chinese government). The CCP's roaring jet engine cannot be overcome by the song of a huamei (hwamei or hua mei a Chinese songbird for those who don't know).
@martijnkoning3354 23 сағат бұрын
Mbti for showing whether you're introvert or extravert is okay, the rest is a bit bogus. Most questions are also framed in a certain way
@fishfish8879 Күн бұрын
“Above all, don't lie to yourself. The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses all respect for himself and for others. And having no respect he ceases to love.” ― Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov
@fishfish8879 Күн бұрын
“The reason I talk to myself is because I’m the only one whose answers I accept.” ― George Carlin
@fishfish8879 Күн бұрын
“I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche
@fishfish8879 Күн бұрын
“If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.” ― Mark Twain
@fishfish8879 Күн бұрын
“Oh, what a tangled web we weave...when first we practice to deceive.” ― Walter Scott, Marmion
@fishfish8879 Күн бұрын
“La plus belle des ruses du diable est de vous persuader qu'il n'existe pas." ("The devil's finest trick is to persuade you that he does not exist.")” ― Charles Baudelaire, Paris Spleen
@fishfish8879 Күн бұрын
“Seldom, very seldom, does complete truth belong to any human disclosure; seldom can it happen that something is not a little disguised or a little mistaken.” ― Jane Austen, Emma
@fishfish8879 Күн бұрын
“Man is not what he thinks he is, he is what he hides.” ― André Malraux
@fishfish8879 Күн бұрын
“All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.” ― Sun tzu, The Art of War
@fishfish8879 Күн бұрын
“There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact.” ― Arthur Conan Doyle, The Boscombe Valley Mystery - a Sherlock Holmes Short Story
@UsOurselves Күн бұрын
(just an appreciation comment on playing spine breaker between the segments 😆)
@Kevin-ex9vr Күн бұрын
bro giving these kind of tools to this kind of societies are terrifying (its already a little bit of a prob for western, but for eastern... omg). I once worked in a factory in japan that was applying these tests to the employees and the promotions/demotions/salary rise had started to be based using MBTI as rule. scary af.
@switchgear100 Күн бұрын
At first I was confused as to why anyone would take the 5 over 10 until 3 minutes in she added the qualifier "and someone else in the group will get the larger amount". Then it all made sense and I would say while it is something ingrained in Chinese culture it is not as weird as she tries to make it for the rest of the world. Here in North America a lot of people would also "yield" the larger one to someone else in the same circumstances (not every one but you can just see from those "charity" videos how often rewards are refused or asked to be given to someone else).
@qake2021 Күн бұрын
🤣🤣🤣 B$ 🥸🥸🥸
@SomeNick-English Күн бұрын
I want to know more about eastern culture, languages, etc( China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, ..) and I choose Japan/Japanese for first country to investigate, despite the fact that China has lot more influence to me, than Japan. ( mostly with movies about martial arts, yeah, I'm more influenced by Chinese movies, than an anime 😂, rare in nowadays I think 😂). But I decided to learn Japanese at first( after English of course), just because of China's state ( communism/socialism). I'm not fun of aggressive capitalism( like in USA), but as a ex soviet state citizen , I hate anything related to that ideologies. I haven't seen Soviet Union, but I saw situation in a post soviet country, especially mindset of people, who grown in USSR, and I don't like it. Yeah, China is not USSR fortunately, but anyway, China's state ideology related to that. About China's culture, for sure, it have a huge potential, but I don't know will I try to live in China for years or not( because of state), that's why I decided to dive in China's culture not soon unfortunately 😢
@noona9939 Күн бұрын
This is so well organized
@selinakasinaeh8179 Күн бұрын
So I've come from an african country that their education is a cram factory. Everyday we would have 10 classes and no exeption. I somehow relate to them bcuz i nearly broke down with exams and tests and quizzes it was too much for all of us. Luckily i left and settled in britain and everyone knew i was smart but they didnt know what i went through i was a workaholic but sadly ppl still are in the country hope they are okay.
@bananian Күн бұрын
It's called Gangnam style. 😏
@aelia_quince Күн бұрын
It crossed my mind to change myself to be more 'beautiful', imagined and even dreamed of becoming one, but i never did it. people encourage but also discourage me when i try to change my physical body. i still can't look at myself in the mirror. i feel terrible. now, i still dream of becoming beautiful but i guess i kind of accepted that i cant fit in the standard. i'm tired of everyone so i cant really afford to care anymore.
@TKN_12 Күн бұрын
Can confirm Filipino's are the most bullied as a Filipino myself This is pretty much why I am massively rac1st to everyone including most of my kin
@juangutierrez-qk1cf Күн бұрын
This is Western propaganda?
@luckylucky660 Күн бұрын
@UngaroLinne Күн бұрын
*preluxs* : Bolsa réplica 1:1 con imagen reflejada, resistente y resistente al desgaste. Me gusta mucho.
@MaxineTan11 2 күн бұрын
"fated homies" is crazy
@adamrutherford8523 2 күн бұрын
Its a shocking amount of energy put into something thats ultimately incredibly sad.
@500daysofsunny 2 күн бұрын
I use meitu for my photo editing and I'm from the US I didn't know it was so popular hahaha 😭
@silkbuttons 2 күн бұрын
You don’t need such a power microphone, it’s toooo much, I can hear what you drank for breakfast
@thebridleclub5568 2 күн бұрын
I developed an ED when I was ten, and I only recovered when I was 14. At the time of being 14, I thought that being over 100 pounds was overweight, even though I’m 5’7 tall.