Tobe Decraene's Run'n'Gun Loophole
Spain in Flow
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How Belgium U24 Stopped Canada
@samuelroberts8876 3 күн бұрын
What game is this from?
@OneputtGolfSchool 3 күн бұрын
Free ebook please
@HiveUltimate 3 күн бұрын
Please message us through your Patreon account so we can double check you're eligible for the offer, thanks!
@basicallynormal 20 күн бұрын
Is it called buzz switching because the buzz bullets were the first team to use this tactic in a big way?
@FelixUltimate 12 күн бұрын
I believe so - in 2012-2016 when Buzz were playing in a different style to what the rest of the world thought was the 'ideal', opponents looked closer at Buzz's play and realised that they were always ready to make switches like these.
@PhuglyPhungus-d2e 21 күн бұрын
this seems like bad offence. idk how hard it is to bracket that. no hate
@FelixUltimate 12 күн бұрын
I agree - such a heavy reliance on two isolated players is not going to be a great strategy outside of the lower levels, however if the opposition are playing 1-to-1 matchup defence, then this offence will be work well enough against most teams. This is why teamwork & switching on defence should be taught as a fundamental - it gives the defence an advantage against bad offence. Strict 1-to-1 just makes the battle all about athleticism (with offence given the advantage), rather than putting the defence in a position where they are able to punish any tactical or strategical errors. If the defence doesn't use teamwork then it doesn't matter if the offence is bad!
@swannlacoste 21 күн бұрын
3:58 that’s clearly a foul, my bad 😅🫢
@floriangailliegue6760 11 күн бұрын
oui clairement mais l'ensemble du travail défensif était excellent d'où la décision de Noah de ne pas insister dessus.
@JoeMamaUltimate 22 күн бұрын
certainly plenty of mistakes by the offense, or situations where they could have attacked the switches more effectively, but it's great defense and good examples of these two switches. ultimately that's what you're trying to do on defense, is put the O in uncomfortable situations and force them to adapt
@aFeinPhoto 22 күн бұрын
agreed. really sloppy o. as soon as the disc goes backwards theres an easy flat break throw available but no one is attacking the space. dump O isnt attacking break side for the easy reset and instead getting trapped to force side.
@JoeMamaUltimate 22 күн бұрын
@@aFeinPhoto yeah, but i guess my point is - teams get away with sloppy O all the time. For a USA team at a tournament like this, they probably could play "sloppy" and make some of these movements/motions most of the week and not get punished. So I don't think it's the kind of thing where you can just dmiss it and say "well the offense was bad", because it's worth highlighting what the defense was doing that put the offense in a situation where those mistakes compounded, leading them into a tough situation and eventually a turnover.
@aFeinPhoto 22 күн бұрын
@@JoeMamaUltimate agree for sure that decent defense will expose the weakness in the O. but as you said, at this level...i would expect the recognition to overcome. also...theyre kids :)
@itaychechik 22 күн бұрын
3:11 a quick around fake followed by an easy io break and a seven cut from the dump would bust this open with momentum to the break side. surprised not to see it
@samcam4663 Ай бұрын
I think each system has it's issues and none are prefect, but I think it would be better to have the observer/third party make the mistakes instead of potentially having a team/player abuse the rules to skew a game's result. Also even with observers, players can always agree to send it back, and everyone can use video. Having that third party gives an additional option, that players involved in the foul have to ask for, it is not forced on them. Kurt Gibson made an excellent video, exposing a big weakness with the Game Advisor system at WUC 2024,
@challenges-dl3yu Ай бұрын
i wanna talk about rules about boundry. since the defenders are always considered in-bound, and when two players make a play on a disk which is flying outside the boundry, the defender can run outside boundry and hit the disk or block the way of the offensive player. this looks very unfair. 2, I happended to see one scene, upon a stoppage, one defensive hided in the sideline, and ran out of nowhere to block the disk, which is technically not against the rules, but very tricky. so I think the rules shall clarify that. before the game starts or resumes, all players should be inbound; if a player is making a play on the disk, the player must jump from inbound.
@tarek2901412 2 ай бұрын
❤❤❤ amazing
@challenges-dl3yu 2 ай бұрын
how much do you love travel
@challenges-dl3yu 2 ай бұрын
@torquate 2 ай бұрын
I like the cat.
@TheDawg605 2 ай бұрын
Love your stuff, Hive. Should be exciting to watch team defense accelerate from this type of offense. I think we''ll see more of the high-risk high-reward style of baiting and switching with improved team defense. You may see more teams trade not getting roasted for a higher likelihood of generating a turnover. Handler rolls are more common team defense these days, but there's potential for even more switches downfield and during give and go's. I could see teams having switch calls for dropping a low-threat offender or even swapping the force. Some kind of secret communication for "I am selling out for the under, please help me if I get roasted deep". Or "my player is in a give and go, I'm going to try and take away the next throw and delay setting my mark". Or a secret call for "they're dancing in the open side and I'm getting cooked, swap the force to disrupt that lane of attack". Imagine on a dump-swing after the sideline mark gets broken... instead of the dump defender trying to rush to set the mark, the swing defender goes to set the mark on the dump and then the dump defender goes to play defense on the swing. It sounds ridiculous but it would be unexpected and eliminate a free breakside look forcing the offense to win a brief 2v2 zone look. 👀
@HiveUltimate 2 ай бұрын
Love it, yes many things like this are possible once the 1-to-1 tether is broken and players are looking to coordinate with each other to gain advantage. Looking forward to seeing / hearing what comms people come up with to aid coordination
@hanoj10 2 ай бұрын
To stop a good offense in ultimate is hard. I think to stop truck stop, you need to take away the continue and play on your toes. Everyone needs to play honest defense.
@HiveUltimate 2 ай бұрын
By honest you mean 1-to-1? Loads of teams have tried this and they only got one turnover with it in the three games I watched for this video! In this video I have a lot of examples of attempts at poaching failing, so it's understandable to feel it's not a good plan, but the reality is that 1-to-1 quietly fails constantly - it's just easily forgiven because it's the status quo. To play effective 1-1 defense against Truck you'd need to be around 130% more athletic than them, to take away an adequate number of options. Thanks for the comment!
@hanoj10 2 ай бұрын
@@HiveUltimate I think honest means a few things: For me, it means honest on the mark/no easy breaks, it means square your hips and don't give up the easy dump, and it also means try and take away something consistently (i.e., if you are no unders, then stick to no unders). A lot of great teams just find the person slacking in one of these areas. Although easier said than done! I also think effective switching can stop quick give goes, but only with practice and great communication on defense. Great video!
@philvinc4 2 ай бұрын
at 6:43 that's a big travel that definitely helps him out because it puts his mark completely out of position to try and put pressure on that throw
@HiveUltimate 2 ай бұрын
True! Those rounding-the-corner travels are SO common, plus they indicate poor mechanics/mentality. I'm all about putting more weight on your pivot foot from the moment you catch, and only transferring weight to the non-pivot foot in special occasions where you need to release really wide & relatively late.
@travisfinucane 3 ай бұрын
7:41 The vertical stack is exactly like a basketball set play. I think pre-9th edition UPA (when I started playing) there was a lot more downtime after turnovers, so it made sense to have a starting point for everybody. The handler would have time to stroll up and stand over the disc to call plays, the rest of use would shuffle into position and play would commence. Add to this the factor that dreaming up set plays is more fun than running drills, or whatever, so team captains (very few coaches in the game back then) would produce a book of a dozen or so plays we'd memorize.
@travisfinucane 3 ай бұрын
2:43 All travels affect play because the thrower needs to be balanced and in position to throw. If he can't do this without walking, he's gained an advantage. In this case, he takes a step back to start his give-go cut early. Lastly, it's not fair to put defenders in the position of deciding which travels to call.
@joeblow2426 3 ай бұрын
They are really good!
@LimerickJim 3 ай бұрын
On the first turn I agree that the bracket switch helped get the D but Valencerina breaks stride and slows down to a near stop to try to clap catch the disc in the gut. That is an egregious mistake for a player at this level to be making. If she had powered through or even extended to rim catch Cartagena is never able to make the layout D. On the second turn I don't see how that can be attributed to defensive play. Dione drops a disc middle torso height disc she gets two hands on. What I'm curious about now is how did Columbia knock Canada so out of tune in the 4th game of the tournament? Errors like this don't come out of nowhere.
@neowyld4127 4 ай бұрын
Now lets remove the pick rule
@danielfarrant1306 2 ай бұрын
Why would you want that? Offence already has a huge advantage.
@neowyld4127 2 ай бұрын
@@danielfarrant1306 because it genuinely hurts the game. It reinforces less-creative defenses, can be abused easily, and damages the viewing experience (there's a LOT of aspects of ultimate contributing to this). Offense should be nerfed in other ways like stall count, changing the strip rule, or something else. Btw I'm a d-line player.
@AustenSummers 4 ай бұрын
False, the best move in ultimate is the stall 1 hammer
@E7T39E 4 ай бұрын
Great and useful video, thank you!
@doktarr 4 ай бұрын
To me, this is a great illustration of why the handlers in a 3-4 offensive structure shouldn't float downfield like this. Torres wouldn't be able to easily poach the lane if Parker (#87) was even with the disc instead of 7 yards upfield. That poach would have left the swing wide open. Contrary to what the script says, the second possession demonstrates how better spacing makes it harder to poach effectively. The bracketing really didn't have anything to do with the completely unforced turnover.
@stencil25 4 ай бұрын
I agree, this video should have focused more on the adjustment made by Canada between the two possessions. The 2nd turnover doesn't really matter at all, it's a completely unforced drop, happens.
@sonabTV 4 ай бұрын
I agree, but to be honest the biggest difference between the 2 clips was the highlight-play by the star player. In the first one valeria was the defender in the second one someone else. The separation at the start of the run was pretty much the same, she was just faster and jumped. I still like the videos very much because it makes us think about these situations.
@luisalbertocortesgonzalez1003 4 ай бұрын
Grajales wasnt working with Torres, was working with Rico. 🤩
@DDTink 4 ай бұрын
this is great analysis and pointing out the team practice of pivoting inside to attack the breakside is awesome. I'm absolutely gonna try and implement this.
@TheOctoJon 4 ай бұрын
i agree, that switching is ideally better, if the switch matchup is ok, but sometimes, its such a vertical reach mismatch, or speed mismatch that the pick call is just better, if they give it to you.
@georgelane6350 4 ай бұрын
The first turn by Germany I'd a defensive foul. The attacking player is cutting up line, straight, and the defensive player changes direction to lunge in front. It's also dangerous because the attacking player has no way to avoid the contact once the defensive player lunges
@scottf2 4 ай бұрын
Honest question: It seems like almost every one of her throws in this clip is a travel (changing direction, throwing after third point of contact, etc.) - since, as the video discusses, this is obviously giving her an advantage - why is no one calling travel?
@E7T39E 4 ай бұрын
In ultimate, you technically have up to 10 steps you can take (as you accelerate to a stop) once you catch the disc. Not sure if USAU has changed it from 10 years ago.
@amirflesher3742 3 ай бұрын
@@E7T39E No. You have to stop as quickly as you can and you can't change direction.
@ManifoldSky 4 ай бұрын
Simultaneous catches in the end zone are fundamentally different than simultaneous catches anywhere else, and as such, it makes absolutely perfect sense to treat them differently, both from simultaneous catches elsewhere, but also any other rule that treats offense and defense equally. A score in Ultimate is defined as a successful possession of the disk in the opposing team's end zone. The disk being in both teams possession does not change the fact that the disk is in the offensive side's possession in the opposing team's end zone. Even if you argue both teams possess the disk, the offense possesses the disk, in the opposing team's end zone. So since the defense failed to prevent this possession from happening, it's a score. Per se. This is in line both philosophically as well as in practice, with pretty much every other end zone scoring type sport. This also removes any judgement call re: the rules and whether or not a score occurred. I agree the no pick rule is dumb, and pointless, and should be eliminated in its entirety. It made sense when the game first started, informal games amongst friends, on often tiny, impromptu fields, sometimes even paved parking lots or other potentially dangerous surfaces, where collisions could easily have serious consequences. It makes little to no sense in the modern era, with much more serious athletes, on relatively huge fields of play, often turf, where such rules are entirely unnecessary. Rather, a set of much more specific offensive interference and contact calls, especially dependent on proximity, would make far more sense. More in line with football and basketball. But the number one pointless, totally arbitrary, and IMO counterproductive rule, is the no disk stalling/ tipping rule. Allowing disk stalls (stalling/delaying the disk, NOT the game!) would open up potentially spectacular running plays, liven up the game, and make it more exciting (though I could accept a ("no scoring on a running stall" rule). The no tipping rule it just plain dumb. Both rules are entirely arbitrary, chosen for no particular logical reason, at the birth of the game, serve no real purpose, and IMO detract from the excitement of the game.
@RareEarth70 4 ай бұрын
For some reason I thought a defender-on-defender pick required both defenders to be close to different offensive players.
@PatrickShriwise 4 ай бұрын
0:44 -- she also does a great job of staying in the window between two defenders, making the throw as easy as possible for her teammate. Great level of awareness.
@jasiteen 4 ай бұрын
seems like the players upfield, who got broken through arent putting the effort to try and actually catch up to the play 😂
@stencil25 4 ай бұрын
6 defenders behind the disc at multiple times - why not just throw deep and score?
@daddycool510 4 ай бұрын
Travel on the first move: either her left foot is her pivot foot and she changes direction before setting it or her right foot is and she lifts slightly before throwing
@noellmayoral9010 4 ай бұрын
Yeah I saw that also. Defender can for sure argue that gave her an advantage in the play.
@Mellowyellow8888 4 ай бұрын
@@noellmayoral9010 frankly.. i don't see how anyone would catch that.. beyond that u can tell if someone changed direction before she was set. When you are marking that close to the player you don't have time to look down at the feet..
@georgelane6350 5 ай бұрын
When my partner and I got invited to a Frisbee game, we actually practiced before we went. This is how we instinctively practiced, not knowing the rules. It's such an obvious change and I'm glad it finally got implemented
@manzell 5 ай бұрын
If you're not poaching, you're not defending. At high levels, 1v1 the offense will win every time. This is probably what I would call "old school" style poaching - implying that you're clearing but also assuming the open side throw is still coming next from someone else. The thrower will frequently mentally discount you as their first look clears - freeing you up to scan for the next cut.
@speedracer55 5 ай бұрын
make traveling a turnover, for real. jump stop on a running catch if you have to.
@MTCTerminator 5 ай бұрын
This type of offense will only work outside of North America simply because of the different types of defense played (much more physical). A solid team that has good man/FSU fundamentals will be able to force the offense out the back of their own endzone.
@おちんちんゲイ丸 5 ай бұрын
@E7T39E 5 ай бұрын
Great breakdown!
@metalroofquoter633 5 ай бұрын
Goaltimate is really going to blow his mind. We just gonna act like dillon freechild hasnt been doing this for a decade?
@remibreault456 5 ай бұрын
Accepting the diluted crumbled shadow of a sport if it fits in their logistics... It's the wrong way to go. That format isn't played anywhere. Why invent something for the olympics that will never be played again for 4 years? It doesn't make sense. The sport that should be showcased is the one that is played everywhere. 7's or nothing. Respect your sport and don't bend over for something you don't need. Ultimate will keep growing. No need to stress about it. Keep it fun for the players, not for the viewers.
@아커피-j2w 6 ай бұрын
@jaymacpherson8167 6 ай бұрын
Always believe you can win a game, as to think otherwise is to invite defeat. Yes, believing becomes difficult when falling behind. And all of us have seen teams come back to win. It was a great game, regardless. As for this hammer, the receiver made a common error…he tried to catch an upside-down disc palm facing up. That means his thumb was the only digit to grasp the rim. Catchable, but much more difficult than palm down. Nice dive too.
@derekcastiglione3680 6 ай бұрын
@Kevlarrt 6 ай бұрын
this is not the shredding content I was hoping for
@aaryanvipin2412 6 ай бұрын
@chriscourtright2923 6 ай бұрын
This is interesting... The value of turning inwards is critical. It can't be understated. My question is how was it a high stall count when 81 had the disk? He was unguarded for the first 5 seconds he held the disk. Then the marker initiated contact in the first 2 seconds of the count..If contact was called this would reset the count to 1... so either the stall count is on 2 or 4 when the disk was thrown on a poorly executed difficult inside-out throw. This seemed like it was more about a bad decision than turning inward. Additionally, #9 the dump option came back and toward the line, thus squeezing the lane for any good dump option.
@camerondrury2719 6 ай бұрын
1:20, cool stats 2:15, os upline throw to space 3:23, upline poach
@DanielleFonder21 7 ай бұрын
DAMN! son ! nice to meet ya in the Toronto Airport! GOod luck this weekend!!