Can Bodybuilders Fight?? Round 2
So… Can Shaolin Monks Fight??
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3 ай бұрын
The WORST Martial Arts Stories
Black Belt Girl vs Untrained Guy
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Anime Fight Scenes Hurt my Head
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10 ай бұрын
@AndusDominae 31 минут бұрын
I never went into a tournament untrained and won or anything, but I was the new guy in my Muay Thai class taught by the British welterweight champ at the time I believe, and was almost immediately moved into the adults' class at the age of 12 (not necessarily because I was any good by the way, but because I was MUCH bigger than anyone else in the kids' class and accidentally injured the next biggest guy in the under 18s while kicking pads and being told I was holding back until I didn't 🤣). I only had what I considered friendly inter-club under18s fights, later hearing that the one club were apparently bitter rivals of mine but I never saw it myself so for all I know that was just a story they (the other club) told me... never lost, if those fights count, but it was like an adult vs a child every time because I was 6'4" and training with adults by the age of 16. Then years later I pretended by omission to be a blackbelt. I trained with personal friends who were blackbelts, and was invited to seminars and small group training with some top level people as a guest of my personal connections... just never mentioned that I held no rank/belt/sash/whatever in any martial art at the time, was never asked, it was almost definitely assumed in some cases. I had a talent for imitation, and flexibility despite my stature... so I really just did what other people did, said I wasn't trained with the proper terminology if someone expected me to know something but rarely did that happen, and I just about 'got by'. Once I got my foot in the door with that stuff, it was very easy to convince not very well trained/experienced people I was actually good because I could 'look' like I knew what I was doing (and could talk the backside off a donkey, as you can probably tell) by just remembering what the actual experts did. I never really sought to deceive, just enjoyed impressing people with my one flashy talent because of very low self esteem. 🤣 I never could do that one move, though. My mate, the taekwondo champ, called it jumpyoverleggyspinnykick. 🤷
@akzolux423 43 минут бұрын
this guy you're watching is a comedian....this isnt serious.... lmao
@RwP223 46 минут бұрын
Turning around when your opponent is down helps relax the injured fighter because you never turn your back in danger therefore the dominant fighter is forced to give their back.
@user-bf1me5pz6x Сағат бұрын
Karate is a grrat basis martial art. If you put a child into Karate, real karate, it teaches very good basics in striking, kicking, distance control, etc. Make fun of karate all ya want, if you tangle with a person that has been in karate since childhood and u just a street fighter, u may get ktfo !!!
@matthiasona Сағат бұрын
Damn this is like seeing Slenderman fighting
@EmmaCurtis-tn8vi Сағат бұрын
You don’t know what is Krav Maga
@ozzyhassan949 Сағат бұрын
The fruit reference is like games like double dragon. Beat some guys up, eat fruit to replenish health, then fight the end of level boss.
@SuperPeterok Сағат бұрын
He fought Dan Hibiki
@a_fuckin_spacemarine7514 2 сағат бұрын
Nunchucks are garbo weapons, bro. They're illegal primarily due to ignorance by the twats who make the weapon laws.
@DavidLee-bw5dm 3 сағат бұрын
Lol wtf. Dude turns on a comedy special and nit picks the whole time like most of the shit isnt set ups for punch lines.... Lol like someone shoping up at the karate school and trying to nit oick the shit out of katas for no reason about how its not relevant in a fight or something. Lol
@ericpeterson8732 3 сағат бұрын
Actually, Shayne was clear that pre-fight, he was in an anxiety induced stupor. They might have exlained the rules and he didn't understand. Or its a comedy bit completely made up.
@RedwolfEDC 4 сағат бұрын
I did something very similar but with aikido. I was dating this girl who's entire family is really into aikido and someone was getting their black belt and it was this whole ceremony thing and at the end of it they are like who wants to test this black belts skills and a few people stand up and they do some little dance sparing thing which confused me and then they asked the question again and I stood up and said I will do it. Mind you I totally didn't understand at all any of this, I had never even heard of this martial art prior to meeting this girl a few weeks ago. So he stances up, grabs my wrist and I feel a bit of pressure but nothing substantial and he tries to throw me, but nothing happens, we stare at each other for a second and he seems deeply confused. Several people start to get up and I think I am doing something wrong by not responding to his grab so i try and punch the guy in the face, he sees it coming and tries to move and sort of jumps back but he is still holding my arm and him jumping back moves his chin up so I ended up hitting him in the throat. He goes down choking and coughed so hard, he literally pissed his pants. Mind you I have a bit of training but nothing special, at that point mostly just some boxing and a little muay thai and so I was confused about what the hell happened for literally years until Sensi Seth and a few other people made videos on Akido being a fake martial art and then I understood. 😆 I do still feel bad for totally destroying this guys proud moment though, but that's the danger of fake martial arts that just don't do anything in actual practice.
@Narguhl 4 сағат бұрын
The string of a nun-chuck is not amplifiing anything. It even prevents most energy to enter the target. In fact a stick with the same overall length of a nun-chuck ist much more dangerous then a nun-chuck itself. The bans are purely Hollywood myth driven. 09:15
@zachariaravenheart 4 сағат бұрын
9:20 nun-chucks don't get any power amplification from the string. Sure it's more monentum, but it lacks structure. A good walking stick can be just as deadly and more so if you use industry standard wood to make one. Shadiversity dud a whole video testing nun-chucks vs a stick of the same length. They can be used, but they're just not practical as weapons when a stick is readily available.
@patrickvogel3929 5 сағат бұрын
Sport fighting is hilarious!
@Morphious117 5 сағат бұрын
Yes you can punch someone in the face in point fighting maby for kids at lower grade it might not be allowed.
@Morphious117 5 сағат бұрын
Trying to sleep the night before was always the worst
@Morphious117 5 сағат бұрын
I gave myself a concussion training with nunchucks not nice
@eschelar 5 сағат бұрын
100% agree about the solo fighting idea. I feel like the time for getting your coach to tell you how to fight is at the gym. But when you're actually testing in a match, just let the fighters fight. I've actually considered quitting a gym just so I could not have to worry about someone calling a fight for me. I've had friends get coached for a match and their coach is way out of touch with their style. Then they feel conflicted because they know if they listen to their coach, it is out of their comfort zone and they might fuck it up. But if they just go their own way and ignore the coach, then they will have to deal with the coach getting pissy with them afterwards. My buddy won gold at an adcc like this. Ignored his coach and afterwards his coach was annoyed with him. But he won the matches. It's like thstf for me too. I'm very unconventional in my style because I'm shaped like a refrigerator with big delts. I don't imanari roll. I don't waste energy. I play strategic and tend to give away points because I only care about submissions. I let people pass my guard and go right to mount. Then I trap them by waiting until they commit their hands and lose their chance to post and roll straight into a triangle. Then I break their triangle open and slide past their legs into top side control. Then they have a 115kg problem to solve. I know it sounds insane, but I haven't tapped to a triangle in two years. And I've passed guard on black belts like this multiple times. It doesn't work on lanky guys. But no coach in the world is going to have my corner and say "OK now let him pass your guard and get into top S mount... Bait him with that triangle... Give him the triangle quickly, you're going to need the time".... Hahaha
@AlphaToOmegaXG 5 сағат бұрын
It’s comedy. He’s exaggerating obviously. It’s all good
@exoterric 5 сағат бұрын
I love you dude. Hakkeyoooiiii
@Dave062YT 5 сағат бұрын
I trained in Fencing and Karate on different nights .I kicked someone in the head at a Fencing match one time tho and brought shame to my club .I was the captain too lol
@Mourning_rob 6 сағат бұрын
He is from New York City. They have stores that sell everything there. He is pretty honest besides the story point here .
@danr5462 6 сағат бұрын
You can't help thinking though, that the guy's motivation for telling this tale is to low-key express the idea that he is a real bad-ass. His self depreciating jokes are just humble bragging. So in fact, he has not grown much mentally since his days as a teen-age, early 20s tough guy. That's the real take away from all this. That, and of course, that Sensei Seth has never played a video game of any kind.
@danr5462 6 сағат бұрын
one of the take-aways from this is that Sensei Seth has never played a video game. :D
@austingarrison1006 7 сағат бұрын
Buy a gun and play for keeps like an american 🎉
@caiusmadison2996 7 сағат бұрын
Karate is soft in USA, the exact opposite of the entire spirit of the art. Learn from someone from Japan, or Korea especially Korean Karate and Tae Kwon Do, are completely different beasts. Don't fight their Karateka, they are not what we think Karate is, and will absolutely destroy our Karateka.
@PA1NK1LLER 7 сағат бұрын
This is a great piece of comedy. Of course he is over exaggerating. It’s comedy
@doomguy2572 7 сағат бұрын
You should try silat. I am from silat gayong
@sully4627 8 сағат бұрын
Ah, Nunchakus, I took a broom stick and made me a set. I was in 6th grade and got to where I could twirl them around pretty good. I was in my front yard twirling them around when a passing policeman saw me. Bye bye nunchakus.
@indianastones6032 9 сағат бұрын
0:25 Ive got four esses in my itll be an even worse start for me!! Personally, id blame the parents!!haha. Anyways another cool vid once again fella!!
@danlonick800 9 сағат бұрын
That’s fkn hilarious 😂
@BillyTheKidsGhost 9 сағат бұрын
An excellent way to earn some clout, kick Dan's ass. 😂😂😂
@playeroneirl1886 9 сағат бұрын
He said he was the first one called up to fight so he didn't get to see any matches beforehand and he's still under the illusion it's no holds barred
@wesleymoss4074 10 сағат бұрын
This is a comedy bit most his story is prob made up.
@bruceclark8080 11 сағат бұрын
Its def for pure comedy totally just a routine prolly maybe 10% facts if your lucky
@bruceclark8080 11 сағат бұрын
Yeah its felonious assault in any state and as it sounds is a felony and he would be looking at jail time
@McP1mpin 11 сағат бұрын
I'm only like a minute in but this dude is a Dane Cook impersonator right?
@flyingmalkie4346 12 сағат бұрын
in uk theres a spectrum of tkd/karate tournments with rules from toddlers literally play fight the air to minimal safety gear full contact
@sam432ful 13 сағат бұрын
"Did you walk into a bar ready to chuck nuns?" had me laughing so much.
@andrewbabyboy 13 сағат бұрын
God bless
@richardjanzing8149 13 сағат бұрын
A lot of small towns and mini cities in the USA became Martial Arts obsessed in the 1980's and 1990's. Some towns with under 20k population had 4 or 5 competing dojo's back in the day. They would hold competitions with very few rules. Over the years, as people saw teenagers get injured seriously and sometimes maimed for life rules got stricter and stricter.
@forsetigodofjusticeexcelle7506 15 сағат бұрын
9:01 You're always better off with just a whole stick rather than using two small sticks held together with a string. Unless you want to garrote someone with them, nunchucks are worse than the stick they used to be in every way. Not sure why you think the string in the middle makes it move faster so you think it has more impact, the string / chain is taking all the force out of your initial swing. Even if the second stick swings faster, there is no force carried through, the only impact you have is the weight of the stick. With an actual solid stick, all the force you put into it is carried through, you can hit hard enough to break the stick without any training and it will always hit harder than nunchucks, doesn't matter how well someone is trained to flourish with them, they simply lack the force and are worse weapons than basic sticks.
@jjrneptune 15 сағат бұрын
I in fact came here to make this same point about it being worse than a stick for the same reason. Worse, in so far as dealing forceful blows, which yes, is an important quality in a weapon, but it’s not the only factor. Chuks give you an intimidation component, which can be valuable, but most importantly, because of the string in the middle, you can fold them up and conceal them. Unlike a stick, which is constantly visible, you can rock up on a someone with chuks hidden on you, and that’s a hell of an advantage. All in all though, you’re not wrong and I do agree that I’d still prefer a stick.
@forsetigodofjusticeexcelle7506 14 сағат бұрын
@@jjrneptune Even with the concealing them aspect, you're better off having two small sticks as separate items than two held together with string / chain. Someone can just raise their arm to block a nunchuck and it won't hit with enough force to do more than bruise them, where a stick could very well break or at least fracture the bone. Even a direct hit on their skull, with nunchuks you might draw some blood, or even make a crack if you get a softer part, But a stick is going to knock someone unconscious and do significantly more damage. The weight just isn't there with small stick on a string. all it has is that it can look flashy.
@anonymousdoggo9326 15 сағат бұрын
I live in Alabama and in the 90s-2005 or so there used to be stores in the mall or Plaza that sold various Asian items from bamboo plants, trinkets American tourists visiting any Asian country may want, bullsh*t kimonos, Buddha fountains, Asian themed home decor, fake samurai swords of varying quality, very cheap karate gi sets, pants, tops, belts, pads (i need to highlight again how cheap the quality was, and yes even nunchaku. The stores were kinda like a small flea market. That's probably where he bought everything. On a side note, I remember in the 90s full contact tournaments that were like point fighting tournaments allowed KOs and were encouraged to some degree. Especially if the opponent was fast, could evade and block a pulled punch or kick but not be ready for anything serious. You'll know it when you see someone like that bc what's being done looks legit if you don't know what you're looking at, (like feints and excessive head movement thrown a mile away from the opponent) but in reality looks kinda lazy and sloppy. Also you will always know if someone is trying to put you down. The energy is different, the intent, you feel the difference immediately, well before you get hit when anything thrown with some controlled hate on it. Plus out of 3 rounds if it was tied, 3rd round would be till KO or until you concede (doing this used to make you look bad and cowardly, unless you were lucky enough to have coaches or instructors with you that were smart enough to throw in the towel. Glad things changed in that aspect) Plus you would rarely know if it was a point fighting or kickboxing match until you went to sign up by the deadline before the event. Words like karate, kickboxing, or martial arts extravaganza, were substituted in and other disciplines were allowed to enter and compete under the same rule set. But at the same time I remember disciplines were different and more or less on a somewhat equal footing. McDojos were around en mass, but so were legit schools. Taekwondo having more than kick specialties...punches, throws, takedowns and locks were practiced regularly. It's so much more organized today thanks to Pride, Strikeforce, and UFC, as well as schools refusing to be watered down for the sake of fun and money when it's not needed. Hell things used to be so unorganized where i live that anyone who wanted to learn any kind of legit MMA, instructors/school owners had to label and market what was taught as Jeet Kune Do or kickboxing until their first class or explain what it was when they entered. It's why you used to see a popular known artform like karate in big letters on the window or sign with others your random person most likely hasn't heard of. Including catch wrestling, pankration or vale tudo... unless you were a fan, 1 of 4 students in the northern half of Alabama, or knew a student. In my case, I was taking Sanda and Leitai as my first martial arts disciplines as a kid... but was told "you like Bruce Lee right? It's basically JKD", all so we had a basic understanding of what we were going to learn, and a million questions wouldn't get in the way of training.
@werewolf74 16 сағат бұрын
In Las Vegas they had a brick and mortar martial arts store. It had weapons and stuff like Kendo and Bokken swords. The FRuit reference is like the old beat em up video games I think. You fight people and then the boss.
@Xyponx 16 сағат бұрын
I'm sorry to do this to you, Sensei Seth, but Shad Brooks would like to have a word with you... lmfao
@theemightymuffin 16 сағат бұрын
It's lame as f*** you laugh at the jokes you're trying to tear down
@theemightymuffin 16 сағат бұрын
Why not really can you elaborate instead of just having your head up your ass
@theemightymuffin 16 сағат бұрын
Are they or do you think can you get actual facts instead of just putting out your bush and opinions
@theemightymuffin 16 сағат бұрын
Can you have your head up your ass trying to be a gatekeeper to somebody talking about martial arts
@theblishknovk 16 сағат бұрын
China town in new york. You can buy anything