10 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 8)

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Mike Winger

Mike Winger

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@sarahfaith316 10 ай бұрын
Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 - Intro 1. 0:08 {Andrew Tate vs. Scripture} Who is Andrew Tate, and do his views line up with the Bible? 2. 35:07 {About Saul’s Motives} Was Saul's hostility toward the Jewish Christians based on his biblical beliefs, or was he really on a mission to achieve status considering his age prior to conversion and extreme actions? 3. 41:25 {Can a Christian become Reprobate?} Is it possible for a Christian to become a reprobate? If so, can it still be undone? I don't know why, but God seems out of reach. 4. 47:42 {Blaspheming the Spirit vs. the Son/Father} Why is the unforgivable sin described as blaspheming the Holy Spirit, as opposed to blaspheming the Son or the Father? 5. 51:45 {Fulfilled or Unfilled Prophecy?} Has Zechariah 9:1-8 already been fulfilled? If not, is it possible that it is in the process of being fulfilled today? 6. 56:08 {Is Jesus Presently “King”?} Is it right to call Jesus "king" since He has not yet set up His Millennial Kingdom on Earth (Revelation 20:4-6)? 7. 1:01:48 {Reaching a Pagan Friend} I've got a Pagan friend. He believes that all the different gods exist, including the Abrahamic God, and that the Norse Pantheon is most worthy of worship. Any advice on reaching him? 8. 1:07:58 {Marital Relations during Menstruation?} Is it a sin to have marital relations during the menstrual cycle? In Leviticus 18: 19, 24-25, it indicates that this is an abomination. But Leviticus 15: 24 puts it in the category of ritual uncleanness. 9. 1:18:25 {Human Sacrifice in the OT?} I'm curious about how to handle 2 Samuel 21. This sounds very close to a form of human sacrifice to honor God. 10. 1:27:45 {Do All Incorrect Secondary Views Warrant Repentance?} You said egalitarians need to repent (I agree). But do we apply that same response to other secondary issues such as Calvinism? That's higher on the list of secondary issues compared to egalitarianism vs. complementarianism.
@utube7917 10 ай бұрын
3 - For Isa, if I spelled it correctly. I have been where you are and asked the same questions about reprobate and feeling like God was out of reach and I didn't know why. I'll spare you my decades long story and give you the solution I found. After returning like the prodigal son, throwing myself back into church multiple times per week, Bible studies throughout the week and listening to youtube sermons and study on my own basically every day, I still felt disconnected. I learned about reprobate, a hardened heart and Hebrews 6. I was concerned. So I then got baptized, but now did so as an adult, which is important that you can understand it and profess it as an adult. Still... I felt disconnected and God felt far. It was like I couldn't hear him even when I called out. I had strongholds of sin in my life that i knew i couldnt break and needed help. So I studied repentance and fasting. That is an in-depth topic and it doesn't mean skipping dinner. It also doesn't mean you copy every fast in the Bibke, because some fasts like Moses and Daniel had supernatural intervention. However, we are all supposed to fast and let the Holy Spirit guide you. For me, I have a lot in common with David, but I am no king. Due to personal circumstances, I followed a two stage fast. Stage one I fasted for 7 days with no food and only water. Vitamins and an Electrolyte supplement is advisable if fasting this long, as refeeding syndrome is a real threat if breaking the fast wrong. Some fast for 1 to 3 days, or 21 days but some with certain foods and I think the Holy Spirit should guide you. After 7 days, I began to eat certain foods and water, but from day 8 through day 21 I had no meat, no grain and no animal fat. I also avoided super high carb foods because of the threat of refeeding syndrome and got my electrolytes balanced as I incorporated more foods. During the fast, time is to be spent with the Lord. I took off work and stayed in bed for 7 days praying, praising, studying God's Word. If you feel God is out of reach, this is the time for all prayers, petitions and supplication to the Lord outbof repentance and asking for Him to be with you, be inside you and help you break through anything stopping you. After all of this that I did, my strongholds were obliterated, God feels very present and I hear his Spirit in my conscience as well as feel His love when I love others. If you feel like God is out of reach, perhaps you need some time of repentance like this and fasting is an act of humility and is self-deprecating, crucifying the flesh and asking for God's Spirit. Fasting is almost like daming up the waters for spiritual breakthrough when done correctly. It is not a time to go do whatever you like, but to spend time privately with God. Do not put on a show, so that others know you are fasting. The "Lord of the breakthrough" will win your battles for you like a great flood busting through your enemies barriers. 2 Sam 5:20 And David came to Baal-perazim, and David defeated them there. And he said, “The Lord has burst through my enemies before me like a bursting flood.” Therefore the name of that place is called Baal-perazim. [1] 5:20 Baal-perazim means lord of bursting through 1 Chron. 14:11 And he went up to Baal-perazim, and David struck them down there. And David said, “God has broken through[1] my enemies by my hand, like a bursting flood.” Therefore the name of that place is called Baal-perazim. [1]Baal-perazim means Lord of breaking through
@utube7917 10 ай бұрын
5 - even when some events are prophesied in the Bible and appear to be fulfilled, there is often typology where it seems to have fulfillment repeatedly. Obviously Abraham sacrificing his own son was a typology for Christ, even though he was stopped. End times prophecies say the end times will be complete darkness (Amos) and specifically referred to as "will be as the days of Noah." So Noah and the cl3ns8ng of the earth will serve as typology for end times tribulation. The "antichrist" has been fulfilled many times, but the best example is Nero, whose name is equal to 666. Yet Nero is not still alive for the last days. So THEE Antichrist of the last days will be like Nero, but not literally Nero, as it is typology. When Jesus is asked about Elijah coming, he states that Elijah has come in John the Baptist, which is another typology, but is likely the "Spirit of Elijah" or the "Spirit in Elijah" was also the Spirit in John the Baptist. Likewise, there is a literal person called the Antichrist, but there is also the "Spirit of the antichrist," which has already exited throughout time and still exists today and will exist in the end times. So even if Zachariah was fulfilled previously, that does not mean there is t typology in history and it will be further fulfilled again. - Note: I am not a pastor, but a student and this is just what I have learned over time from numerous studies that tie together. So do your own research and speak to a pastor about biblical typology, Eschatology and historical vs modern events. Regardless of where, when and how it is fulfilled, the fact that it is fulfilled should grant peace and not fear, knowing that God has total control. He did not give us the spirit of fear. Be still and know that He is God.
@BM-si2ei 10 ай бұрын
Dear friends, if you're in a spot in your life that you're asking if Andrew Tate is a good Bible teacher, please take a step back and reevaluate how you got to this point.
@djhern139 10 ай бұрын
Well put
@edwinholcombe2741 10 ай бұрын
Actually, I believe there are a lot of people in our society similar to Andrew Tate who know nothing about the Word but place their own selfish reasoning in place of God's word.
@Marias_place 10 ай бұрын
For crying out loud! People are hyping Tate up to the point that he's a huge influence amongst young people, this is dangerous. Mike is setting people straight about this deceiver. That's wrong ? I'm sick and tired of religious Christians. Toxic !!
@dawn7664 10 ай бұрын
In one interview Andrew said he wasn't an atheist anymore because he read the bible. In another, he said he hadn't read the whole bible.
@Perditions 10 ай бұрын
​​@@dawn7664...and now he's a Muslim because, in his words, "Islam is winning."
@sarawinardi6745 10 ай бұрын
That’s the same thing I hear among the manosphere that polygamy was in the Bible. But they seem to ignore is the consequences. Arab and the Jews are still fighting, David was a terrible father, Leah and Rachel despised each other and Solomon’s wives led him astray, so no, God does NOT condone polygamy.
@Tomf-tz4pd 10 ай бұрын
Indeed what God allows is not necessarily what God Wills
@Tomf-tz4pd 10 ай бұрын
@@11B_RTO The Bible is not silent on polygamy. First, it is important to note that the Bible clearly states that God's design for marriage is one man and one woman becoming one flesh (Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:4-6; Mark 10:6-9; Ephesians 5:31). The idea of polygyny, which is the practise of having multiple wives, goes against God's original design for marriage and can lead to many negative consequences. Furthermore, in the New Testament, the Apostle Paul gives clear instructions for church leaders regarding the qualifications for being an overseer or deacon. One of those qualifications is to be "the husband of one wife" (1 Timothy 3:2, 12; Titus 1:6), which clearly indicates that the Christian standard is monogamy. “The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not have authority over his own body but yields it to his wife” 1 Corthin 7:4 God gave to our father Adam one wife, showing to all who should live upon the earth His will in this matter. And yet this one wife was so dear to him, so bound up in his very existence, that he exclaimed, ‘This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh.". Jesus Christ honoured the marriage relationship by making it a symbol of the union between Him and His redeemed ones. He Himself gave sanction to the institution of marriage in Eden. Furthermore, polygyny often leads to jealousy, competition, and division among wives and their children, as seen in the examples of Abraham, Jacob, and David in the Bible. These negative consequences go against God's desire for unity and harmony within families. While some cultures and religions may allow for polygyny, it goes against God's original design for marriage and can lead to many negative consequences. As people who claim to follow the God of Abraham, we should follow the biblical teachings on monogamous marriage, which is the standard for faith.
@phyrisl2 10 ай бұрын
@@11B_RTO the interpretation of 2 Samuel you are referring to about God saying he would be willing to give David more wives is debatable on many fronts. Multiple items are in the list, then it says that God would've given David more, so which items does it apply to? Also, giving him the wives is part of the household/holdings, it doesn't speak to relationships. But I won't claim it's a lock tight shut case in the passage. Also, the Bible all but condemns polygamy with the passages mentioned by Mike. If we believe Jesus is God, then his statements are that you only have 1 wife/husband, such as when he speaks to the woman at the well referring to her having multiple husbands in a bad sense, the connotation being that sleeping with somebody is tantamount to making them like your husband, as if you're only supposed to have 1. Then in the epistles you literally cant even be considered upstanding and a leader in the church unless you have 1 wife, seems like a condemnation on polygamy to me.
@Kelli-ru7yy 10 ай бұрын
​​@@11B_RTO What. Jesus literally said marriage is for one man and one woman and brought up Genesis. And in order to be the a leader in the church, you have to be married to one wife.
@markkell8376 10 ай бұрын
Polygamy is addressed and expressly forbidden for kings in Deuteronomy 17:17. Are we somehow assuming it is good for everyone but kings when the king is being called to be the pinnacle example of a God fearing man? Monogamy was the express call for kings because it was God's call for all his people and they were to be his most visible example.
@terryhuffaker3615 10 ай бұрын
"Read and absorb proverbs if you need to learn how to be a Godly man" .. Thank you for the guidance Mr. Winger. You, your wife and ministry are supported in prayer.
@yep2005 10 ай бұрын
Im glad you posted this Andrew Tate has so many people fooled.
@pj20832 10 ай бұрын
Not fooled. You can’t fool Your way to this level Fame. He did it all on his own
@nathaIieJ 10 ай бұрын
and yet he will be last and least and not laughing nor rejoicing in the end Mr @pj20832
@symonelovesJesus 10 ай бұрын
Fame is worthless. ​‭ "For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it. What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?" Mark 8:35-36 @@pj20832
@Brainstormer_Industires 10 ай бұрын
He went through all the Tate stuff and NEVER mentioned that Tate is very publicly Muslim? I think that really explains a lot of his worldview and attitudes. And what he gets right and wrong. Christians and Muslims share a lot of similarities in belief and worldview, and sometimes they align in opposition to feminism or wokeness, but at the core, the spiritual differences are profound.
@Perditions 10 ай бұрын
@@Brainstormer_Industires Well, it's true he's Muslim, but that was a fairly recent conversion. So, it didn't inform his worldview for most of his career. I think it's important to understand Tate as someone who was influenced by Christianity, probably passively, for most of his career. Islam is a newer pursuit for him.
@Sheep1Hundred 10 ай бұрын
Andrew Tate is not just a jerk. He’s dangerous! While I see the destruction of modern feminism, I think the men have a part in how we got here. When both sexes forsake God and each other- we get the worst of both worlds. Thanks for the grounded, biblical take, Mike! Blessings brother.
@davidjenkins2429 10 ай бұрын
Truth ❤
@meglukes 10 ай бұрын
Oswald Spangler was right: in all times and in all places, men and women deserve each other. Both sexes played a role in the birth of the sexual revolution and modern feminism. It never would have happened without men like Rousseau and Hobbes and the men who accepted and propagated their ideas in a time where women had minimal influence in the intellectual spheres that eventually shaped modern western societies. Modern men complain about female promiscuity while failing to acknowledge it wouldn’t be possible without males willing to engage in it, and how few of them abstain until marriage. I don’t know how society can move past this stalemate, best we can seem to hope for is as Christians to model a complementation and covenantal rather than adversarial and contractual view of sex, relationships, and marriage.
@ryanbrown4053 10 ай бұрын
Yup. Modern feminism was aided and abetted by weak, selfish, and lazy men.
@GirlPaintsArt 10 ай бұрын
Yes, DANGEROUS was my thoughts EXACTLY!!!
@woobiefuntime 10 ай бұрын
I agree . We wouldn't have feminism if men didn't drop the ball.
@karricompton 10 ай бұрын
As a woman, I can’t stand Andrew Tate. I don’t understand how anyone can listen to him. That said, I have no problem submitting to my husband. But he doesn’t lord it over me.
@Mercurychyld1 10 ай бұрын
I agree with the portion about Tate, but personally, have NO DESIRE to submit to ANY MAN, hence why I will never be married again, but to each their own.
@sarahmac4171 10 ай бұрын
Totally agreed. I submit to my husband, and do my best to be a Godly biblical wife…and it’s done amazing things in our relationship. I find the more I stick to scripture the better our relationship gets (not easier of course but definitely better). Anything contrary to Gods word just doesn’t work
@Philipasimpson 10 ай бұрын
As a father with daughters it both breaks my heart and makes me angry to hear the way Tate talks.
@Vaedyx 10 ай бұрын
If it makes you feel any better, I’m a dude and I think he’s a moron 😂.
@Vaedyx 10 ай бұрын
@@Mercurychyld1 I think how the Bible means submit may be different from your personal experience or thoughts. I pray God helps you see it if that’s what’s needed. Either way God bless ya
@ak6781fan 10 ай бұрын
Pastor Mike I am so proud of you and glad that someone of authority like yourself has openly exposed that Tate guy for what he really is. I've never met any Pastor or elder or fellow Christian that I agree 100% with but I know we are all brothers in Christ and I just really appreciate you being there. Young men need to hear what you said about Mr Tate and more importantly in my opinion young women do even more. He's not the only Predator out there. Thank you again for your online Ministry
@pj20832 10 ай бұрын
False. You don’t know Tate. The hubris you guys have here and the pat on the back is why Christianity is dying. Listening to Tates long form recent podcasts, he is for sure a positive influence. Only you guys virtue signaling is causing your shallow thinking. Tate is the biggest influence bringing people to find God. Don’t don’t do drugs and pills. I can promise this pastor has done drugs. So should we think he is fraud. Or believe in growth. You all Should be happy at the opportunity that Tate brings. When Chris about God
@cathyr.5360 10 ай бұрын
​@@pj20832Did you listen to this video, or did you just comment without bothering to listen?
@Standing.W.Israel 10 ай бұрын
The Tate phenomenon is beyond my understanding... I've always seen him as a self righteous jerk.
@proudhon100 10 ай бұрын
Congratulations for being on the same side as the corrupt British government and its Romanian minions. By the way, both you and Mr Winger are possibly in breach of British contempt of court law by discussing this when there's an ongoing judicial procedure.
@viperstriker4728 10 ай бұрын
@@pj20832 I saw a clip of Tate saying he was switching from Christian to Muslim because Christianity is too weak and no one makes fun of Islam like that. To Tate, it is all about power. Same as the feminists, everything is nothing more then a power game to these people. And I want no part in that.
@jeffwhitney5936 10 ай бұрын
It's been few weeks since the change up from 20 to 10 questions, I enjoy the extra depth of time spent on each response. God bless you for encouraging and informing our study of the Word!
@terryhuffaker3615 10 ай бұрын
Yes, me too. I really appreciate the opportunity to absorb the discussion, resources and answers cited in the 10 question format.
@lauramikow2381 10 ай бұрын
Once a Pastor, always a Pastor. I appreciate you and hope you've submitted to God very much. ❤
@SlimeOhIm 10 ай бұрын
If you read even just the first chapter of proverbs you’ll see that it utterly refutes tates ideologies.
@DavidRichardson103 10 ай бұрын
I hadn’t thought about that, but it’s absolutely true! I think specifically of this verse: ”throw in your lot among us; we will all have one purse”- my son, do not walk in the way with them; hold back your foot from their paths,“ ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭1‬:‭14‬-‭15‬ ‭ESV‬‬ Tate is enticing people with money and power.
@sethtrey 10 ай бұрын
so Tate thinks he's Bond? Does he think he's Solomon?
@jackjumper4231 10 ай бұрын
6:52 when we say, the father is giving away his daughter, we are not treating her as if she is a financial burden or property. The father has prepared her her entire life to find a good man. In this training process he has provided for her he has protected her. He has put his name upon her and said this is my daughter, and only good men Are allowed to date her. Now he is stepping back and is allowing a man to fulfill that role. To provide for her to protect her to put his name upon her in to say no one else can have her. He’s giving away his own blessing to another man.
@ColorsFlight 10 ай бұрын
This makes it sound creepy and worse actually.
@gracew4194 10 ай бұрын
As a woman I think that @jackjumper4231 put it quite beautifully and not creepy at all. I don't know what these comments are talking about.
@proudhon100 10 ай бұрын
How do you explain a dowry?
@Crystal-iy4si 10 ай бұрын
Well said.
@Kod_omo 10 ай бұрын
@@11B_RTO it is not written in the Bible that God commanded a price to be paid to the groom. That is a man made thing like polygamy
@nathanielwaterfill9748 10 ай бұрын
I’m a public middle school teacher and youth group volunteer (in both I mentor boys/young men). I see boys in both settings who view Tate as a hero. It’s truly discouraging and startling to me. Thank you for helping me see just how dangerous and antithetical to Christ he is. Whew. Back to work.
@bobicrni1284 10 ай бұрын
Feminism and gynocentrism is ten times more dangerous to youth, but no one dares to speak up. No wonder that young men seek guidance in people like AT.
@majorcajun5524 10 ай бұрын
@@bobicrni1284yep, society’s BS and political correctness has turned manhood into a shameful and pitiful experience. I easily understand the attraction young men have to what Tate says about grit and determination and purpose
@bobicrni1284 10 ай бұрын
Nowadays men are at fault for existing tbh, young men are lost because there are no real role models. Everything men centered is treated as evil. I keep getting my comments deleted or hidden, even though i do my best to be polite. Feminist agenda invading everything is clear.@@majorcajun5524
@h.m.4727 10 ай бұрын
Keep up the good work! 💪That will make you an example for your pupils as well. Don't be discouraged by Tate's 'success', he's all smoke and mirrors but there is nothing behind the facade. Showing the boys what they can do themselves in their environment and giving them a realistic outlook on life will work. Tate may be the hype of day that is visible on the surface but that will pass. I'm convinced your work and influence are much more fundamental, under the surface and it takes time to manifest in their lives.
@stingray4540 10 ай бұрын
Better for them to look up to state than any other feminist infected servants of Satan that are out there, including a lot of Churches. He’s not a Christian, but he’s pushing Biblical truths about gender roles and responsibilities that the Devil has turned on its head.
@vernalenker 9 ай бұрын
Thank you Pastor Mike. Pastor Brett Mentor gave you a great recommendation for your woman in the ministry work ❤It was lovely to hear one brother lift another brother up. Blessed by your teaching
@hannahtedeschi673 10 ай бұрын
I’m so glad you covered this. Andrew Tate is no friend to the Christian conservative- I literally haven’t watched Candace Owens since she covered him in such a pathetic way. We need to draw a hard line against everything he really stands for 🤢
@ColorsFlight 10 ай бұрын
I haven't either she acted like a child being victimized by older men was to blame and then I find it very odd that her husband and Andrew Tate have been friends for years given his background.
@pj20832 10 ай бұрын
You guys are just shallow. And are missing out on real people who are fighting evil. Seems your faith is very shallow and emotional
@hminchella7423 10 ай бұрын
"an egomaniac on the loose..."
@gladyskihara4736 10 ай бұрын
​@@pj20832 Calling out hypocritical Christians and ungodly people giving out dating advice isn't shallow. We are to call out all forms of evil as Christians. There is no degree of evil. If it isn't of God then it isn't.
@gladyskihara4736 10 ай бұрын
​@@pj20832 Kindly tell us how Candace supporting Andrew Tate is godly? If anything, Candace seems to put conservatism over Christ. There are a lot of stances she takes that don't align with God's word but follow Republican values, why is that?
@Womb_to_Tomb_Apologetics 10 ай бұрын
I worship the _actual_ Top G! ✝️
@markshevchenko5750 10 ай бұрын
Who would that be?
@MikeWinger 10 ай бұрын
He means God. The top “G”
@Womb_to_Tomb_Apologetics 10 ай бұрын
@@MikeWinger Hey Mike. Thank you for your KZbin Tactics channel! It inspired me! ▶️ Also, I know you don't usually do collabs, but I'd love to have you on to interview you on Mormonism or something like that. Shoot me an email if that sounds interesting. 📧
@markshevchenko5750 10 ай бұрын
@MikeWinger ohhh ok 👍 and Mike you introduced me of how the actual Andrew tate is
@charleswajda-gotwals3690 10 ай бұрын
Welcome back to another episode of "Pastor Mike explains the joke"
@newnanlady653 9 ай бұрын
"I need to chase it down more" This is why we love to hear your answers. Thanks Mike!
@chrustopherbennett 10 ай бұрын
Seriously thank you Mike. I feel stupid for hearing 30 second clips from him and in the back of my mind thinking he is reasonable. I had never heard longer clips until you showed them. It makes me wonder how many more other people I see on KZbin shorts or Facebook that I think have a good message but what is hiding beneath the surface Is a master manipulator.
@Tomf-tz4pd 10 ай бұрын
Just like the master deceiver. My favourite example is when Satan or when of his Angels disguised himself as Prophet Samuel .. when King Saul went to the witch of Endor.. some of the things that fake prophet Samuel said was true “When the Lord was angry with the Amalekites, he told you to destroy them, but you didn't do it. That's why the Lord is doing this to you” 1 Sam 28 This is what Satan and his followers do, they come before us as angels of light … wolves in sheep clothing
@nikkisigmon8090 10 ай бұрын
Ive heard a lot of decent clips of interviews he's done. Didnt think he was this evil. This is abhorrent.
@elkforests 10 ай бұрын
That's how it is for politics too nowadays. We see short edited clips, and are deceived. I flipped from one political side to the the other when I started seeing full context. I'm intentionally not stating what side...
@Dominicus13 10 ай бұрын
The best lies are ones based on truth. Even if 90% of what he says is true, it doesn’t make the 10% any less poison. This is why I direct people to the word of God instead of “good” men. There are none good save the Father.
@michaelbarley7399 10 ай бұрын
I had never heard of Andrew Tate, but I appreciate you answering the question for two reasons: 1. To show that not everyone who tickles your ears can be trusted. 2. To show the harm of the pornography business from both sides - both being a slave to sin and a slave to worldly sensuality, power and money. If people need a place to turn to learn more about what it means to be a man, Tony Dungy would be a great place to start - a God fearing man who attributes his personal accomplishments to God and shares a Christ centered philosophy on marriage and manhood.
@JosephLachh 10 ай бұрын
Andrew Tate is way worse than I thought. I knew he was an unbeliever, I knew he ran an onlyF, but I didn’t know how he did it.
@briarpatchson3039 10 ай бұрын
He's muslim!!! He's buddy with ☪Shaykh Uthman Ibn Farooq
@AsCrowFly 10 ай бұрын
Check out Behind the Bastards podcast, they made a whole episode on him
@atnfn 10 ай бұрын
​​@@briarpatchson3039Doubt he is a real Muslim either. Although how he lives certainly is a better fit with Islam than Christianity. But I doubt he really believes in Islam. Probably just uses Islam to benefit himself, like I read someone say he just uses Islam to get Muslim followers. Sneeko tried the same but seems he is a fool and just ended up insulting Islam.
@pj20832 10 ай бұрын
False. He is a positive person in this world. See why he is famous
@JosephLachh 10 ай бұрын
@@pj20832 Did you watch the video?
@carlorivera3035 10 ай бұрын
Great job, Mike. Let us pray for Andrew's enlightenment. There's still hope. I remember Paul was in a far worse situation and then God turned things around.
@ryanbrown4053 10 ай бұрын
Very true, that's the beauty of God's grace! No matter how wicked we are, we are not beyond redemption!
@carlorivera3035 10 ай бұрын
@@ryanbrown4053 I hope Mike makes it a point to reach out to these preachers. A goal is that (Ephesians 4:13) "... we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:" We are stronger together. The Lord Jesus wants us to be one just as He and the Father are one.
@ryanbrown4053 10 ай бұрын
@@carlorivera3035 i hope so too but Andrew Tate is definitely not a preacher lol.
@carlorivera3035 10 ай бұрын
@@ryanbrown4053 To a certain extent, he does some preaching. You know what it means. Neither am I a preacher but I preach when necessary.
@carlorivera3035 10 ай бұрын
@@ryanbrown4053 Not beyond redemption I guess but one has to change and act. If we lurk in sin and not repent we lose. Peter, Paul sinned grave sins but they repented and went on to work. Unlike Judas.
@johnsears5721 10 ай бұрын
I actually caught a sense of the "wrong" Andrew Tate when you were showing what was supposed to be good about him. He made it very much about himself. "I saved people from ________." I sensed pride in his saying it.
@J3D1D14H 10 ай бұрын
Tate is trying to defend himself… against 50min of him admitting to his crimes free for anyone to see on youtube (allegedly)
@TofuTeo 3 ай бұрын
Yep he’s a massively insecure man who overcompensates with a super prideful persona
@greenasaruby 10 ай бұрын
1:07:58 As a woman who has to menstruate… I thoroughly appreciate when someone gives me the time and space to get past menstruation (the actual bleeding portion of the cycle). I’ve seen before the Orthodox Jews have explained it to provide space apart from one another during this time and to come back during a more “clean” time. Similarly, I think some Pacific Island cultures even don’t let their women to work during this bleeding portion. I guess in response to your response, it signifies a way that God has provided for his holy and set apart people to live differently to the culture of the time which supposes that they had no regard for a woman’s space or time needed to bleed. And trust me, that space is everything if you’re tired and bleeding and generally just feeling over your menstruation! A week or so break every month just provides so much recovery to get back to your husband…
@bonniecheney5147 10 ай бұрын
Yes!!! Thank you! I was really surprised that Mike didn't seem to realize how considerate of a law it is in protecting and honoring women. (For the record Mike, I'm not offended... I know some women love it but it just seems so barbaric and abusive to me)
@forreview6878 10 ай бұрын
I did not expect Q1 to turn my stomach like it did... I felt physically sick listening to him. There is a certain level of demonic that you can only achieve through this kind of debauchery and it's heart wrenching for him and those he preys upon. We should pray for his soul, he needs it desperately
@kiawjrm 10 ай бұрын
My soul squirmed when he said be true to your heart
@gracew4194 10 ай бұрын
Yes! Amen!
@morninglynn6281 10 ай бұрын
Right?? The heart is wicked and deceitful!
@cathyr.5360 10 ай бұрын
Yes, and when he said he lives righteously. Cringe.
@mariellyvelazqueztort6005 10 ай бұрын
@@cathyr.5360 I thought of Isaiah 64:6 We are all infected and impure with sin. When we display our righteous deeds, they are nothing but filthy rags.
@gusto5430 10 ай бұрын
I love you because you rep God's truth relentlessly! Thank you, Mike, because your teachings have helped me in so many ways.
@dkbaha1445 10 ай бұрын
I believe your ministry is blessed and of the will of God. I hear Christ in your words mike. I listened until minute 38 and that's all my heart could handle
@sethtrey 10 ай бұрын
@ChrisMartin-zf2ii 10 ай бұрын
Agreed. I usually up for Pastor Mike videos (even the 6 hours ones!); but the subject of Andrew Tate (and men like him) really bothers me. Let’s see how long I last for this one…
@thejohnwhiteproject5202 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for this. I am a father of 3 boys (young men: 23/25/27) and I have been telling them to be smart when listening to his podcasts or interviews. 👍🔥👏
@brianlarue3540 10 ай бұрын
There is no be smart. Run away from that demon! I had no clue who he was.
@007gracie 10 ай бұрын
“Be careful if you make a women cry, because God counts her tears. The woman came out of a man's ribs. Not from his feet to be walked on, not from his head to be superior, but from his side to be equal, under the arm to be protected, and next to the heart to be loved.” 🌷💗🌸 Matthew Henry
@Ziegfried82 10 ай бұрын
@@11B_RTO certainly not Biblical. Here's what Paul said to the faithful, "Wives obey your husbands" and "Women should be silent in church". He does also command, "Husbands love your wife as your own body". But there is no equality here! The man should be in control in the family, and men should be in control of the Church. The Word of the Lord is crystal clear in the Old and New Testaments about male authority. There's no wiggle room really. Christians should know the Truth.
@janelle9998 10 ай бұрын
@@Ziegfried82 you need to re read Genesis if you think biblical marriage isn't supposed to be equal.
@Alwynizzy 10 ай бұрын
@no.8952 10 ай бұрын
@@11B_RTOthey are equal in worth and love. Women aren’t slaves, aren’t emotionless robots, aren’t tools to have kids snd clean. That's what we mean by equal. Men rule by God's standards, with love and compassion for his wife. Unfortunately, in modern times, men think they get to control women as if we aren’t even people which isn’t godly either. We're good for sex and kids (im not saying this against men, nor am i feminist. I've just seen this happen many times.) so, yes. Men and women are equal in the sense that they are all God's children and worthy human beings.
@007gracie 10 ай бұрын
@@no.8952 he missed the part “husband love your wife like Christ loved the church”… if you don’t know the love of Christ your heart is hard & these more subtle concepts appear foolish. Must use lens of the Bible not garbage in society.
@brianbauer3148 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for doing this Mike. A lot of people are confused about him. You can tell from the surface level that there's something wrong but even a lot of commentators are repulsed by him but drawn in by the surface level arguments that he might not be wrong. Thank you for doing in deeper and exposing him in a clear and concise way like you do with all subjects!
@tomm6167 10 ай бұрын
@romanstravels6390 10 ай бұрын
THANK YOU PASTOR MIKE! I’ve been saying this for so long and you finally gathered the evidence in a great format. I always felt he was so wrong and thankfully I never fell victim to his trap. We can only pray for those he’s affected.
@SH28289 10 ай бұрын
@ettamargason7709 10 ай бұрын
You are saving lives Pastor Mike. Thank you
@robbymacklin 10 ай бұрын
Great job today Mike! I loved your take on question #3. Beautiful! Keep up the great work. You are such a blessing
@briarpatchson3039 10 ай бұрын
🔯Proverbs 16:18 “Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.”
@danielbrowniel 10 ай бұрын
How often do you directly quote this scripture and people come out of nowhere trying to correct you as if you had it backwards? idk something I run into ALL THE TIME.
@Aishakar 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for answering my question! The historical context of Alexander the Great destroying Tyre is really fascinating. Thank you for the advice about the study Bible too!
@RyanN05 10 ай бұрын
Pastor Mike, could you sometime address Jordan Peterson? He is another very interesting modern role model who has inspired many young men. I’d be curious to hear your thoughts on some of his biblical lectures. Also, I really love the videos you post. God Bless you!
@Noneya792 10 ай бұрын
I am an abuse survivor. Tate terrifies me. I had a very hard time listening to him speak. He is teaching men how to abuse people.
@JoanneArc-or9sr 6 ай бұрын
He is absolutely teaching men how to abuse women. Hes disgusting.
@smalltown1360 5 ай бұрын
Business 297
@TofuTeo 3 ай бұрын
@theparadigmshift74 10 ай бұрын
I love you, Mike Winger! I always enjoy your videos and your articulation and breakdowns of these questions
@oncampcreek166 10 ай бұрын
Thanks Mike, I appreciate all you do. God bless you and your family
@cheilaenns6905 10 ай бұрын
Thanks soooooo much for not having music playing in the backround while you're talking and teaching!!
@anaelle3437 10 ай бұрын
This is the first time I’ve heard of this guy. Honestly, I don’t see how anyone can be fooled by this guy. You can see right through him
@luminia5548 10 ай бұрын
One of the really cool aspects of these videos is the incredible resources and experiences posted in the comments. Not only do I love Mike and his team, but all of you that comment on these videos too. There is so much excellent information in the comments too. It fills me with hope and joy, and a real sense of community and fellowship, even if it isn't in person. God is truly working through this ministry and everyone here is impacted and moved by it, so we can all learn from one another as well as learning from brother Mike's dedicated studies. God bless you all! What a gorgeous and vast work being done here. Our God is truly great and worthy of all praise.
@kchilton27 10 ай бұрын
Thanks for actually being manly and courageously speaking out against people like Tate
@SH28289 10 ай бұрын
@gregrizzy3326 10 ай бұрын
WOW!! Thank you Mike! New viewer... I broke down in tears when you were talking about Christ and the centurion, Saul ect... You are absolutely right brother... How do so many miss this, I've never fully considered this either, but I don't teach and I've not heard this. Thanks be to the Lord as well most of all.
@neodaltiair8624 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for covering Tate so well. So many people are deceived by this shady guy. Poses as a moral guy but really is extremely shady and degenerate and I’ve never seen him repent in any real way.
@Whatsoever_Thingz 10 ай бұрын
He actually said on his interview with Candice Owens that he does not live that old life style anymore, but he does not regret what he did (to make his millions). Based on that, I would say he has not repented at all.
@dianamatthews2932 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for your hard work. I'm praying for your complete recovery. A blessed Easter to you.
@agm97ga 10 ай бұрын
I really appreciate the answers for questions 8 and 9 (and all the others, also) but the Leviticus one I have wondered about and the one from 2 Samuel: 21 gave me so much insight into thinking biblically about the other cases like this in the OT. Thank you so much for all that you do to help us think biblically. You have really helped my study of the Bible and my walk with Christ.
@SH28289 10 ай бұрын
@seaglass.jen86 4 ай бұрын
My husband is a real man BC he’s nothing like Tate. He is humble, selfless, and loves me with honest devotion. Praise God for the REAL MEN in the world!!
@TofuTeo 3 ай бұрын
@SMNR777 10 ай бұрын
Glad you point out these clips that he exposes the mind of evil he is embracing
@justinbouy3153 10 ай бұрын
I can’t believe this doesn’t have more views already
@brittanynaville2001 10 ай бұрын
Any man wearing no shirt smoking a cigar is not someone I would take any biblical advice from ....😂
@josephalbatross5961 10 ай бұрын
That actually doesn't make a lot of sense.
@danielbrowniel 10 ай бұрын
that's the least of Tate's problems.. lol
@kyler7590 10 ай бұрын
Always wear a shirt when smokin a cigar. 😂
@sethtrey 10 ай бұрын
what if he was wearing a mesh shirt? like a football jersey?
@MisertheWizer 10 ай бұрын
That's what you call a tate r tot
@w4tv286 10 ай бұрын
As a Calvinist I wholeheartedly agree with Mike. Anyone believer who ignores or hinders the Great Commission should repent! We joyfully evangelize all people to the ends of the earth because God instructs us to do so and because it’s a sanctifying blessing to partner with the plans and purposes of the Lord. No matter your view on the process of salvation…the Gospel should be bubbling out over our lips every chance we get!❤️
@SH28289 10 ай бұрын
@legonenen 10 ай бұрын
Man that Tate answer after 4:58 ... How great that he misses what the Bible actually says on 'ownership' of the spouse. And he only gets worse. ☹ -Thank you Mike for being so strong on Scripture.
@Lisa-my-friend 9 ай бұрын
It would be amazing if you would do a condensed short video for us to share, along with your long comprehensive videos!
@sarahsanford3682 10 ай бұрын
Thank you, Mike, for addressing Tate. I've been really disturbed that my brother watches him, so I sent him this video. The passage in Lev. 18 has always bothered me when I read it. I've always excused it as a ritual uncleanness, but it nags at me. As someone with PCOS, I've had bleeding last for 40 days before. I don't understand how to apply that Scripture for someone like me. I don't want to be like an Orthodox Jewish woman and live in a separate room and sit on a special pillow during my whole cycle, seems impractical.
@conniewade1830 10 ай бұрын
Preach it ,Brother ! Thank you for reading / teaching Gods word , the TRUTH ! ❤️🙏✝️🕊
@Unknown2Yoo 10 ай бұрын
It's been awhile since I read Leviticus, and I personally have an aversion to menstrual relations, so reading the context in Lev 18 was really eye opening. I would be asking the questions of "Why would I do something that pagan nations did?" "Why would I do something that's in the same category (or in the same passage) as incest?" This really just gives me more reason to not engage in it. My reason before this was from a more pragmatic perspective: The menstrual period is a way for the body to cleanse itself; the uterus is slough off unused lining. When the body gets rid of unused fluids, and solids, we call it waste removal. Why engage in relations during the body's waste removal process? I wouldn't do so while urinating. Why make an exception for the menstrual period?
@wendymuilenburg7921 10 ай бұрын
Don't pull back from your statements, about calling for repentance etc. I am certain you are doing God's work and would encourage you in your ministry! (Calvinist from Western Australia here) Obviously, I am not going to agree with you on everything but I believe the Holy Spirit is in you, so stand tall and strong as I feel you have been given a great teaching gift.
@mrnt1257 10 ай бұрын
I didn’t know much about Andrew Tate. My 30 yr old son despises him because of his misogyny. Now I know why.
@fantasticator 8 ай бұрын
Thank you Pastor Mike, context is the key to the Truth of the Word: was Always
@tianarhastings8372 10 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for this because I’m sharing it with someone who has been watching Tate and I feel his heart is being pulled the wrong way
@SH28289 10 ай бұрын
@dallaslemieux4161 10 ай бұрын
Wow Thk u Pastor Mike 🙏 you really opened my eyes to Tate 🥴 Dangerous man
@marthathompson2012 10 ай бұрын
Love your answer to #10! We shouldn’t be afraid of the word repent! It’s a natural reaction we should have when we realize our error, and who doesn’t have errors? Growth depends upon changing when we realize we were wrong! You made me laugh with the “meanieheads” comment!😂 So accurate! Keep doing what you’re doing, brother! Awesome ministry!
@lindawarner7496 10 ай бұрын
Love your ministry!!
@EllenSmyth 10 ай бұрын
Wow! Thanks, Mike, for bringing the hard content and the hard truth.
@candicepierce5726 10 ай бұрын
My husband and I just had to make the hard decision to leave not only our home church, but the denomination because they have elected a female Bishop to be the spiritual leader of our conference. Egalitarian ideals are quickly taking over many Christian institutions. So sad and painful for those of us who need a church that stands for Biblical truth.
@unclerhombus 10 ай бұрын
And the “antidote” people take in response to this are the *ultra*-masculine views of guys like Andrew Tate. They see his videos as a better alternative to the views of the “woke” crowd, even though he is also extreme.
@Ziegfried82 10 ай бұрын
And this is why Tate has so much influence on so many young men. Most churches have abandoned young men, and in fact have abandoned all sanity. The feminism is only one aspect: they also support the LGBT agenda in many cases. The USA and the West in general are on a very bad path right now, it's feeling like a Sodom and Gomorrah situation.
@Alwynizzy 10 ай бұрын
@@unclerhombusThis is true. With the state of the world right now, I get how that happens often.
@lauriekurad 9 ай бұрын
Sorry, but I have so much Scripture going through my mind right now, that I have to control. But, I will say this... Jesus had Mary give the absolute 'first' Message of The Gospel, to His own Male Disciples! GOD said that there is 'No difference in the flesh'. I cannot believe that, in this day and time, that 'anyone' would think that a woman is not smart enough to be a Pastor, Bishop...anything of Heiarchy in The Church. I find it offensive to GOD, who said Himself, that "sons AND daughters would Prophecy". Biblical Truth ? Believe me...As a Pastor, Teacher, Prophet, and GOD knows what HE has gifted me with.... There are 'many Men', who could not find their way through Genesis 1-4, let alone other Scripture. It is not an "Egalitarian idea" to have female Bishops as Spiritual Leaders, or 'Christian' Leaders. There are Several, in The New 'and' Old Testament. Sounds like you haven't found Truth in any Church. Unbelievable... Truly.
@unclerhombus 9 ай бұрын
@@lauriekurad pastors are to be *”the husband of one wife.”* Scripture clearly states this. Also, Jesus chose an all-male discipleship team. 12 men. Why was this?
@Joshua-gk9bc 10 ай бұрын
Haven't followed Tate for a long time, but thank you for pointing out so clearly what kind of person he is. Of course he manipulates the weak women, but he would never manipulate us weak men..., would he? How obvious when you explain it like that, thanks Mike
@lbee8247 10 ай бұрын
Question 8 is so hard for me as a perimenopause woman. I have a mostly light issue flow sometimes with out a break for months. With modern sanitary devices like cups and disc all activities are just as tidy as with no issue and nothing comes upon him or the bedding from that. All the treatments for perimenopause symptoms are dangerous. Should my husband and I refrain from each other for so long? I have always felt uncomfortable with being together with it but I also feel uncomfortable refusing that closeness for such extended times.
@johnlombardo7816 10 ай бұрын
I can't say I was on either side more before this with tate... but you really hit home the point. I only watched him for more entertainment, but I can just as well watch your other videos or some of my other favorite Christian YT guys or just read the bible.. thanks brother !
@gamecubeus 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for the video Mike Tate is so intensely unsettling! It's bonkers that he was so popular.
@green8868 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for your efforts, all your time and words of faith and Truth, God bless. Prayers for all our brothers and sisters in need, may Jesus Christ bless you. From New Zealand.
@snunez4247 9 ай бұрын
He is very popular among high school boys. His words are resonating with them. Thank you Mike for bringing him up and exposing the danger to people who might not have been fully aware of him.
@mikeabrams8959 10 ай бұрын
Ownership is demeaning. Partnership is correct 💯
@kwin2163 9 ай бұрын
Mike, your wisdom is very inspired by the Holy Spirit. Sharing this over & over with men&women to shine Gods light into the evil evil behavior of Tate. Praying for this man to turn from satans lies! Ugggggg
@acorbinrn 10 ай бұрын
I knew he was horrible but I didn’t realize he was this horrible. This was disturbing. Thank you for exposing this!!
@SH28289 10 ай бұрын
@shannarael 8 ай бұрын
On number 8 - the scriptures of Lev 18 discussing sexual acts resulting in uncleanliness. Do these laws have to do with reflecting God’s plan for man and woman, to fill and subdue the Earth (Gen 1:28)?I know in Gen 38:9 it speaks of Onan spilling his seed to not impregnate his wife - his judgement for that act was death. Is this all related? Are these laws in place to further God’s plan for humans? Also noting that the laws (Lev 15:28) around relations during and after menstruation perfectly align with the first day of cleanliness being the (general) day of a woman’s ovulation (most likely to conceive).
@thomasshepard9149 10 ай бұрын
I respect that you don’t bury the lead so much you have no idea
@davidjenkins2429 10 ай бұрын
@snorman1911 10 ай бұрын
*lede, but yes :) some channels I listen to 10 minutes of rambling and they never get to the point.
@motofreak-ey8ky 10 ай бұрын
Thank you mike winger for putting this out in public. I have had to talk to fellow christians the same way to expose the evil of tate. Now, I can also share this video with them. God bless keep up the hard work!
@MichaelShelton-w6g 10 ай бұрын
If you listen to Andrew Tate talk about God and you have to ask if you should listen to him, I really want to encourage you to read your Bible. I say that out of love , I'm not being condescending.
@davidjenkins2429 10 ай бұрын
@MisertheWizer 10 ай бұрын
Chew the meat and spit out the bones. I can say tate makes me feel effeminate to push me, and not many men anymore push men for greatness
@TruthfromBibleMinistry 10 ай бұрын
Mike, I've been waiting for your Hebrews teaching for a few years now.
@BM-si2ei 10 ай бұрын
Question 8 is why I tune in and respect you. We saw Scripture impact you in real time and you yielded to the possibility instead of sticking with your preconceptions or worry about letting a question go unanswered. Don't change this about your ministry.
@sethtrey 10 ай бұрын
still haven't got past Tate. Looking forward to 8.
@Mandbec 10 ай бұрын
Thank you brother for exposing this debased character!
@moomin8251 10 ай бұрын
Speaking of the "orthodox" church, I've noticed over the past few months that videos advocating these beliefs are becoming a lot more common. Not the RC version but they seem very similar. Also, all sort of deceptions seen to be more 'reasonable' which makes them especially tricky, I think these are the devil's new tactics after all the scandals and 'charismania', he likes extremes, not the balance of Word and Spirit. My favourite quote from CH Spurgeon - "Discernment is not knowing right from wrong, it's knowing right from almost right".
@chebbohagop 10 ай бұрын
My God my God. This man is frightening!!
@pandamanda1 10 ай бұрын
The passing of the Daughter over to her husband is, in small part, the passing of responsibility. Responsibility of protection and leadership. From father over to her husband.
@user-ds1jt9mq4l 10 ай бұрын
Thanks for posting this video, Pastor Mike. I never knew how Tate made his money. I used to think he did it through a legitimate business of some sort but now that I know how he actually did it I find it absolutely disgusting. He should be locked up in jail. Thanks Pastor Mike for exposing Tate's lies to the truth of Scripture. It really is eye opening. I guess it should also be mentioned that he's just as lost as the rest of us were before Christ found us. We need to pray for him, his family, his friends, and everyone who looks up to him.
@ephremsolomon8435 10 ай бұрын
Hey Mike what do you think about Dr Jordan Peterson? He is a clinical Psychologist who recently began to embrace Christianity is it ok to take his advice?
@bygraceonly182 10 ай бұрын
JP is not a believer yet. He’s got a lot of big words but he’s still foolish when it comes to the Lord. He is very smart but not biblically wise.
@TheBravedave87 10 ай бұрын
Amen - great stuff as always. Really appreciate your well through through responses to these tough questions.
@theresahanken4295 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for teaching! ♥ 🙌👑
@fakeyououtdotcom2409 9 ай бұрын
Mike and Tate preach the same message, which is: Everything you experience in life DEPENDS ON YOU. The only difference is Tate doesn't then contradict himself and tell everyone it's all by God's grace.
@ThunderhorseGuitar 10 ай бұрын
Becoming one flesh is not having property 100% true!
@sethtrey 10 ай бұрын
everywhere else in scripture, "flesh" is nothing but problems.
@Ziegfried82 10 ай бұрын
Last I checked the man has dominion over the woman. If not property than what? I suppose when all is said and done we own nothing: it all belongs to almighty God.
@sethtrey 10 ай бұрын
@@Ziegfried82 lol where are you checking.
@daughteroftheking3220 10 ай бұрын
@@Ziegfried82you are him a mys disgusting
@Pandastic-ic5ch 10 ай бұрын
Great video! But I also really want the floating globe in the background.
@caryheath5930 10 ай бұрын
Oh my! How does that man, AT, continue to be looked up to? I couldn't watch the whole thing. I've never skipped ahead on the questions before, but. Yuck. I so appreciate your very frank observations on this vile person who needs a savior. As we all do.
@lalamannnnn 10 ай бұрын
How I think about husband and wife and who belongs to whom from a biblical standpoint is this: The Husband says to the Wife: "I am yours" and the Wife says the same to the Husband "I am yours". Think about how this is different from the husband or the wife saying to the other "You are mine". It is a very different attitude of the heart.
@keepclimbing15 10 ай бұрын
1:01:15 I think you meant Prince John. And they are waiting for King Richard I to return from crusade.
@8adeight 10 ай бұрын
"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." - Prov. 27:17 I have indeed seen some very interesting videos with Tate recently. Winger here is a real brother. Let all our iron be sharp.
@deeayeveeeyees 10 ай бұрын
it's amazing that so many highly influential conservatives (like Candace owens) also defend this man (to a degree). this dude is nothing but a narcissistic huckster. Mike, you are spot on about him being a groomer with a domestic violence issue. before he blew up on the internet dude was literally kicked off big brother when allegations came out that he had beat up his girlfriend. later he said it was a mutual agreement they had. Coffeezillas in-depth video of Tates "hustlers university" is very revealing.
@christiaanvosloo1999 10 ай бұрын
I found this video very helpful. Thank you so much for doing this
@michellehand2271 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for exposing Andrew Tate. I could see your visceral reaction to those clips.
@pj20832 10 ай бұрын
“Exposing” .. so as a pastor, he doesn’t believe in growth, doesn’t want believe in speaking bad about somebody he has never met or spoken to, took older videos, didn’t see any new podcast, maybe the one with George. This is the reason why Christianity is dying. This “pastor” seemed to come into this with a bad view, shows a few clips. Has even listens to long form pods. Stupid and shallow video.
@SH28289 10 ай бұрын
@ophanimangel3143 9 ай бұрын
@@pj20832Tate does not want to repent either. And he’s a liar deceiving others to go his path. I side eye people who are quick to defend Tate’s character.
@sandiemcnabb6217 9 ай бұрын
I don't know how people can be fooled by this guy....he's so arrogant when you hear him talk. It is so obvious he is full of himself. The first time I heard his speak on this video, I had enough and didn't want to listen anymore. Thanks Mike for exposing this guy and I hope many people have their eyes opened! In this day and age, people are quick to condemn without listening to the argument, so I hope many will take the time and listen to this and confirm on their own in the scriptures.
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