13 Problems only Highly Sensitive People Understand

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@angelinanelson7486 11 ай бұрын
@astralexplorer3958 11 ай бұрын
That's a lot of big alphabets
@zippy-zappa-zeppo-zorba-etc 11 ай бұрын
​@@astralexplorer3958agreed. quit shouting
@astralexplorer3958 11 ай бұрын
@ulz_glc i see
@VeronicanChoco 10 ай бұрын
@ulz_glc they said what they said. ☺️
@glitterbomb7896 10 ай бұрын
When you type in all capital letters, it means you're yelling. Just wanted to let you know. ❤
@jassychanVO 10 ай бұрын
When I was younger people were always telling me, that I'm "too sensitive" and "too emotional". My empathy is one of my biggest strengths but also one of my biggest flaws. When I talked to my therapist that I might have ADHD, she told me that it could also be that I'm just highly sensitive and that opened my eyes to everything that has been going on.
@Anaconda-kkkjjjjjkk 10 ай бұрын
I was told to be too sensitive as well, but I also have troubles concentrating so I'm pretty sure I have both.
@crummybunny777 10 ай бұрын
​@@Anaconda-kkkjjjjjkk❤❤❤Demons exist, and the devil comes to steal kill and destroy and uses people to do so❤ Btw telling the demon to stay doesnt do anything unless you have the holy spirit you arent safe. People: okay please stay this is your place❤ Demon: okay People: **leaves** Demon: **Goes with them anyway** Demons arent gonna make it obvious they are there so yeah. Demons are fallen angels that uses the form of our passed away loved ones to make us believe ghost exist and the souls of the person we knew still remains here❤❤ Astrology is demonic before my relationship with God I would always do zodiac signs literally just a bunch of sins put into each one I bet if everyone was sinless zodiac signs wouldn't make sense and literally a cover up for demons❤ Hearts are deceitful above all things, listen to God❤ Depression can be a demon you may need deliverance❤ God said unless you're born again spiritually u will not enter the kingdom of heaven also God doesn't judge us by our good works he's judging us by our sins Gods standards are so high he's that HOLY saying oh my God is using Gods name in vain it's called blasphemy ❤ To get to heaven you must believe with all your heart that Jesus died and rose again paid full price for your sins repent and receive his Holy spirit. KZbinrs I recommend Impact videos ministries David diga Hernandez IsaiahSaldivar Mapalo DLM christian lifestyle Billy garham Danial adams Living waters Okay now pray this to be saved and to get to heaven pray out loud Jesus I confess that you are my lord and savior I believe in my heart that God raised you from the dead I ask to receive your holy spirit and I repent of my sins with your help❤ by faith in your word I receive salvation now Thank you for saving me! I am now reborn a christian a child of almighty God I am saved thank you Jesus! *Be genuine when praying this* Watch videos on how to receive Gods holy spirit on YT God creates Jesus redeems The holy spirit changes Now our good deeds and works we think are good are like filthy rags in the eyes of God Things to get rid of in your home 1sage 2dream catchers 3crystals 4crystal ball 5ouija board 6 tarot and angel cards 7religious statues 8demonic movies music or video games 9soul times items 10pornography Now like a theif robbing a store, demons won't make it obvious they are there unless they have to. Now know you can't save yourself Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life You have insurance on your house if it ever caught on fire which rarely happens but when it comes to your soul, you play with it like you have forever to make your choice which you don't 150k+ people Die everyday and you never know when it may be you God spent 9 months shaping and forming you before you were born but only 7 days on earth you're fearfully and wonderfully made beautiful in the eyes of God❤ Don't waste time Hearts are deceitful above all things ask God for wisdom and understanding we are just tiny humans with a 3 pound brain and our imaginations cannot go beyond what we already know❤ Your souls is so valuable both Satan and God want it but it's your choice who you will serve You serve the devil when you Lie Hate Blasphemy Disobey Lazy Gossip Gluttony Wanting what others have cause what God has for you is for you he will never deliver your male to someone else's house Hate And unforgivness And cussing murder and more And once you die, you're locked with your choice of where you're spending eternity God doesn't care about you doing more good then bad cause he's not judging that God never said that's the way to heaven So who's lying you or God? Be serious about this❤ God is holy and righteous God is love So either you would play around because you don't believe hell exist or you don't believe you're going there but the bible makes it very clear The path to destruction is wide and easy many are on it the path to eternal life is hard and nerrow very few find it and to get into heaven u can only enter through the nerrow gate❤ You dont have to wait until you die to know if youre going to heaven you can know right now 100% where youre going❤ Satan doesnt rule hell this is a myth when lucifer known as satan now became prideful and rebelled against God he took many angels with him Demons are fallen angels we live in a spirital and physical world so hell was made for punishment for satan and his angels and the reason why people go there is because they Align themsleves with the devil in SIN! Sin separates us from God and the wages of sin is death if youre found guilty with one sin on judgment day you will not enter the kingdom of heaven so the thing is We us humans broken Gods law and jesus paid the fine! So the good news is you dont have to go to hell if you accept him as your lord and savior! God offered us eternal life as a free gift and you receive it by faith! You dont have to work for it you dont have to pay all you have to do is receive it by faith❤ Don't expect Gods best when you always give him your least don't reject him anymore let him come in and change your life❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@ElicrafteeGaming 10 ай бұрын
Same, it was my parents that always told me that, now I'm still very sensitive, but I've learned to hide it better. Wishing you the best, Eli
@WilczycaCzarownica 9 ай бұрын
I feel you. My peer also said to me that I'm to sensitive or emotional. My therapist also examined me if I had ADHD, but she said that I'm HSP.
@RainbowEssence-c3w 9 ай бұрын
Yeah I feel you, I was often told that too growing up. Currently in the process of seeking an ADHD diagnosis because I think I might have it. I have to wonder how much overlap there is between being and HSP and ADHD? A part of me wonders if maybe HSPs have ADHD but just went undetected and undiagnosed because they have inattentive type (formerly known as ADD) which is less obvious and disruptive than the stereotypical hyperactive type that most people think of when they think of ADHD. Also sadly many girls have gone undiagnosed because women are more likely to have the inattentive type which, again tends to go unnoticed plus ADHD in girls tends to manifest differently. That and unfortunately a bias in the medical community that is only now being addressed that ADHD is mostly or only a condition little boys can have.
@DADela-ht6ux 10 ай бұрын
Took a 26 question test. Was in the top 4%. Nobody really knew what to call it when I was young. I remember being called mature and sensitive by people when I was 6yo. I'm early 50s now. It's been a roller coaster. I have better coping skills and less social anxiety. I sleep better. Been more of a loner since my divorce. A happy one though. Still hate noise to a point where I get angry. Could just be age. Lol Thanks! I needed your thoughtful encouragement today. 🙏💕
@DoofenSpyroDragon16 10 ай бұрын
Oh my gosh I get SOOO triggered by lots of noise, to the point where I start growling to myself like a dragon 😂
@DADela-ht6ux 10 ай бұрын
@@DoofenSpyroDragon16 lol. My friends have been calling me Dragon since high school. It's what I turn in to if anyone disturbs my sleep.
@A55a551n 10 ай бұрын
Timestamps 1). You can't function without sleep 0:51 2). You can't stand loud noises 1:18 3). You often feel emotionally exhausted 1:52 4). You scrutinize social interactions 2:17 5). You're easily triggered by violence 2:46 6). You have a hard time moving on 3:14 7). You're uncomfortable with change 3:47 8). You don't react well to criticism and conflict 4:10 9). You don't do well under pressure 4:38 10). Your boundaries are easily crossed 5:05 11). You're your own worst critic 5:40 12). You require alone time 6:06 13). You're often misunderstood 6:34 Hope this helps you out. Hope you have a nice day. 💙💙💙💙💙💙
@Fuzbun 10 ай бұрын
All of those for me Except for the first one, sometimes Except for the violence part I'm ok with fictional violence And being autistic has made the social cues part untrue for me
@JesusHernandez-ve7bx 10 ай бұрын
I relate to 11 of these Anne those 11 are: 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13.
@natalier4053 10 ай бұрын
@@Fuzbunno one asked
@MissOne 10 ай бұрын
ty 😊
@jbmuteboi2381 10 ай бұрын
The whole checklist 😢
@Imagistorm 10 ай бұрын
I am definitely an HSP but I am also quite a strong extrovert. This combination was hard to manage when I was growing up. I liked going to events to meet and talk to new people, but I was also terrified of the idea since it would take a huge emotional toll on me. I've had to learn that I need a very specific amount of time spent socializing, otherwise, if I go over this limit, I get very overwhelmed and sometimes have to take time to recover for a few days. Also, I've felt misunderstood by most of my extrovert friends who think I'm trying to shelter myself against the problems of the world when I don't want to learn about social justice issues. For me it's an actual serious protection I need to make for my mental health. I can't input the same amount of emotional stimulus that others can handle. Anyway, any other HSP/extroverts feel me?
@ellengrace4609 10 ай бұрын
I definitely relate, about the socializing and also about limiting my exposure to the atrocities in the world. I stopped watching news many years ago. I am a strong advocate for certain situations and people who have difficulty self-advocating, but I cannot handle the overall horribleness that exists in this world. I don’t think any of us are meant to be exposed to all the bad that is happening in the world. We wouldn’t even know about most of it 100 years ago. You know yourself best, so keep on doing what you need to take care of your own needs. ❤
@ferociouslioness 10 ай бұрын
YES 100%
@afrozaferdousi9174 10 ай бұрын
I feel like you are ambivert
@RowanRiverstone 10 ай бұрын
I have a pretty strict rule about media consumption and what news I follow. If it's something I can't do anything about, I don't dive into details, and I won't let other people get me worked up about it. I used to be constantly stressed and distressed by how much suffering there is in the world. Now I pay attention to and volunteer with things I can impact and let the rest go. I'm glad you've set that boundary for yourself. Never worry about criticism from people who don't experience things as deeply as you do. They're not the ones who can't sleep at night from the overwhelm.
@numbertwo494 10 ай бұрын
I feel this
@Idktodaybubbles 9 ай бұрын
I relate so much. Loud places can overstimulate me so much, I hate horror movies, I get so tired being my friends therapist, I take in emotions really well, I have social anxiety, I don’t like criticism, my friends misunderstand my needs, cross my boundaries, and I like being alone sometimes.
@crazycatlady9856 10 ай бұрын
Growing up I was always called "too sensitive" and got told to "stop being dramatic". Now that I know it has always been HSP I no longer feel like there's something wrong with me. This is who I am so thank you psych 2 go for your videos, they've helped me a lot!
@pixelphantom7091 10 ай бұрын
Yeah i hated people telling me its ok to feel bad but when i do cry they tell me to stop and not be so sensitive i cry over little things but try to hide it because of those people telling me its not a big deal and I should "calm down" i know how you feel and i only want to be helpful to people even if it means that my sensitivity can get me into bad situations...
@addicrick5820 10 ай бұрын
Same people always tell me to get over it or stop being a crybaby and I don’t think they know how much that has hurt me
@evolved80 10 ай бұрын
@randomspacefan"Just stop being sensitive" - it's not easy like that. It might seem like it's just something that's just changed in 1 day, but it's changed over long periods of time. You obviously didn’t have HSP in the first place, or at least a more intense case of it.
@Anaconda-kkkjjjjjkk 10 ай бұрын
My father used to yell at me when I cried and told me to stop. I was never crying for attention, but sometimes from frustration or because of small things people said to me, and I always tried to hide it. It is not a choice. I spent my whole life building a facade and did all I could so people wouldn't have anything remotely bad to say to me. A simple "no" hurts way to much, my subconscious tells me its my fault and I shouldn't have asked that. They actually said it in the video, that its a personality trait. 6:52
@evolved80 10 ай бұрын
@@Anaconda-kkkjjjjjkk I have this problem as well
@Danae78 10 ай бұрын
I have to be H.S.P. but I'm a 45 year old woman that works in retail. I've learned to express my kindness and grow in my capacity to deal with people. Because I have also been taken advantage of due to my friendliness and trustworthiness, I've learned to spot characteristics that are not positive, and to stick up for myself. You may be your worst critic but you are also your own best advocate. I'm very misunderstood but I've grown accustomed to no one getting me. I long to meet someone that does, but it won't stop me from living if I don't.
@wimsylogic65 10 ай бұрын
I'm a highly sensitive person. I overwhelmingly check all of these boxes. Always thought it was a combination of curse and blessing. If I don't get a break from being around people, If I've taken in too much information, My body will stop taking an information. It will shut down and there is nothing I can do about it. I'll become unable to hear or taken what people say, My body will start feeling fuzzy. And my vision will start being less clear. My pariphial Vision will get faded. And everything from the core of my being and my body won't want to just lie down and sleep. When that happens no matter how hard I try I can not focus on anything. Sometimes I'll even lose control Of my body movements. My body will feel heavier, But the pivot points, Where my body can bend and twist, Knees ankles hips midrift, neck, Et cetera, Become really loose. And being able to move my body feels like I have to manually do so. Takes so much concentration. And then I'll get missed fires, Like trying to control my body with screws loose Like there's rust on the frame but the joints are all loose and well-oiled. Talking becomes harder. Have to literally spit out words and have trouble finding the right kind of word that I mean to say. And then my mouth will stumble or mess up saying it. sound drunk And stupid. It's frustrating. I'll also start feeling very cold and uncontrollably shaking. Imagine I also get very pale, More so than I usually am. And my eyesight won't be able to focus easily, It gets to the point of being like trying to focus using a microscope and constantly overshooting it. My body is hyper Aware to the tiniest changes in my self, and surroundings. And instantly becomes obsessed and investigates. All this done passively. Like osmosis. I have to cater to how my exterior body feels in order to bring harmony to inside my body. That means I have to have clothes that will make me comfortable for the slightest shifts in temperature. Or my focus will be completely on whatever is making me uncomfortable. In order for me to not become obsessed and not think about it I need to solve the problem of what's uncomfortable. Hair out of place remove it, Or in the case with my teeth actively try to ignore it. I often sometimes feel the urge to pull my teeth just because I feel pressure from them. I couldn't have fingernails for the longest time because I could feel any kind of dirt or dust underneath them and i'd obsessively be cleaning them. So in order to not worry about it I just didn't have nails. However recently I found Found nail polish to be very beneficial. Out of sight out of mind does help. But over the years I've also taught myself to not entirely act on the impulse I get from the feelings. It's like I instinctively, Deactivate The connection between impulse and action. So I have the thoughts I have the feelings but I don't entirely act on it. Oh I'm sorry this got way too long I didn't mean it to.
@Maztergyl666 10 ай бұрын
I'm having a hard time sometimes with my gf, with her wanted me to "be clever", "be witty, think fast" and "grow some balls and act like a man when you're beside me". I am doing my absolute best to become a proper husband that can protect the family at all times, but it's not easy. I can really relate to all the points that have been said in this video. Even though I think she could change her tone sometimes towards me, I believe she is right and this is a big challenge that we as male HSP's must face. Wish me good luck guys.
@huda_husna 11 ай бұрын
I will always reminisce about the day or the week at the end of the day to analyze all my mistakes, cringe moments and how I feel about them. Talking to myself out loud definitely helps but I always do it when I'm in the shower and when I'm alone. I'm my best listener cause after analysing what I'm feeling upset about and the cause of it, I will feel ready and refreshed cause I will always find a good side to it. Always think positive to overcome overanalysing.
@PancakeRights 10 ай бұрын
Hey there Psych2go. I have not been diagnosed but as a young person who struggles with mental health and emotional regulation I'd say I'm pretty on the HSP side. I'd like to suggest you make a video on HSP children for parents. I've always been emotionally ridiculed and wrongly called out by family and parents who refused to respect me boundaries so your videos really hit home.
@DoofenSpyroDragon16 10 ай бұрын
@pancakerights yes!! I would love to see a video like this!! I bet there are loads of parents out there that would find that helpful!! 😃
@Alqaca_ 3 ай бұрын
There isn't a diagnosis for hsp😊
@Scribble_Dreams 10 ай бұрын
As a highly sensitive person, this is how I function: 1. I need at least 10 to 11 hours of sleep to function at my best. When I don't I become cranky or I become silly. Like that silly drunk person. Only it's on sleep deprivation. 2. I can handle noise up to a certain degree but not crowds of people. I like going to Anime cons sometimes but I always need to prepare myself (like 2 weeks in advance... no joke) and then rest for a few days with minimum socialization. 3. I am usually emotionally exhausted either from my own emotions or others. When I talk to someone, especially regarding a heavy topic it's like I can feel their emotions as if they were mine because of how intense it is. 4. I read people and situations well. So constant social interactions such as school and work are hard to handle sometimes. It's like a floodgate of emotions and different personalities hitting my "HSR Sensor" constantly making it feel like I'm being overloaded. I am also constantly told that I am mature for my age so I also have this expectation and have been told some things even from a young age that I probably couldn't handle or know how to process their emotions and mine. 5. In my case I can handle violence in movies and books. Such as a fight scene or a battle between a monster and a hero kind of stuff. It's when someone is being unnecessarily rude to someone that I don't handle well. Especially when emotions get involved. And any sign of aggression or agitation from people I don't do well with. But this is just my experience and other HSPs struggle with this. Also, I am the crybaby at the movies always. 6. I do have a hard time moving on and it could be on anything. Like a mistake I made or how hurt I was by someone. I try not to hold "grudges" but it is hard for me to move on. To not feel hurt. I like things to be resolved or fixed right away, but many times in life, it won't happen like that. 7. In my case actually I need a bit of change to feel comfortable. When I mean by change I have to every month clean and reorganize my room. Now this is probably my OCD talking but this is my experience. Though in bigger situations, indeed, I don't like change. Especially when it impacts the time that I need to myself. 8. I don't react well with criticism and conflict. I'm the type of person to always avoids conflict as best as I can. Whether it's by trying to do my best not to upset someone or always fixing other's mistakes and taking on their troubles so that conflict won't happen. When I'm in conflict with someone I am overwhelmed and sometimes due to the pressure and the amount of stress I feel I can have panic attacks and emotionally shut down for some time. It's like my "HSR sensor" malfunctioned and had to do a system reboot. This is NOT a healthy way to deal with conflict and is something I am working on. 9. Just like I said in situations of conflict I also don't do well under pressure. For example, let's say someone gives me a task to do then another person gives me 3 other tasks to do. Then a third person comes along and gives me 4 tasks to do. I know have to do 8 tasks in the same period and I have to meet the demands of each person. In situations like this my "HSR sensor" freaks out and then I have to recuperate and often remove some of the tasks and do them later. Consistent deadlines personally I have adapted to handle it due to school but it is still hard sometimes. 10. Boundaries are healthy and everyone needs them. For me, I may have more than the average person you could say but they are crossed almost constantly. Like I have been told that I am a very approachable and kind person. I am also told that I am a therapist friend. Due to this, I get told things even by complete strangers that I probably can't handle or need time to sort out. Sometimes even though I want to be there and help someone and sometimes feel obligated to I also have my own emotions and sense I can feel emotions so strong I need time to process and untangle mine and the other person's emotions and not take it in as my own. When an HSR person takes in someone's emotions it can spell disaster sometimes. Sometimes we also just need to put more of a boundary on what people share because of this. We're not trying to be mean I promise. 11. I am my own worst critic for sure. I am told this on the daily by others and I know that I am for myself. It is hard not to be honest. 12. I require lots of alone time. Basically, the amount of work I do whether it's school, work, babysitting, or other things I need I would say the quarter equivalent of that amount of time. Which sometimes is a lot and unfortunately do not have the time in my week to do so. But if I don't get alone time it really affects me and sometimes even though I am busy and tired and need sleep to function I cut into that time because I am so desperate to destress and untangle emotions. Or I just need a moment to breathe. Otherwise, even in my dreams, I will feel like I'm suffocating. 13. I am often misunderstood and told that I am being dramatic and I am far too emotional. It took me a long time to figure out I was a highly sensitive person. I do my best to understand other people's perspectives but no one can understand mine. They may be my parents, best friends, and anyone else. But no one I know understands my perspective and that can be really isolating and for me makes me feel like an anomaly or a defect in society. This isn't true but it is how I feel. And something I am still coming to terms with. That is my experience when it comes to all the issues presented in the video. HSPs even though we struggle with these issues we still want to be there for people and I do want to clarify that peoples emotions can be overwhelming and a stressor for us but the person in question is NOT a burden and you never will be. Just because are needs are different doesn't mean you can't tell your HSR friend things it just we may need more time then others. If you have questions and/or are a highly sensitive person please reach out and talk to me. I don't mind answering questions and I would like to know your guy's experiences as well. Thank you Phy2go for making this video and I hope everyone has a great day. :)
@ArrowsmithBA3 10 ай бұрын
I’m on the fence whether or not I would consider myself HSP. Granted, I grew up with more of the common traits, but I lead myself to believe I was oversensitive. That’s why I was socially outcasted 9 times out of 10 during childhood. However, I grew out of a lot of what would bother me then. I used to be a crier; seeing anyone cry or seeing disaster on the news used to trigger that. Now, I would say I show a strong emotional sense of empathy by showing my support and strength by not crying when someone else is. It takes a lot to get me to cry. But at the same time, if I feel overwhelmed with romantic feelings that I can’t process, I do tend to tear up… thankfully my partner thinks that makes the connection greater and that I’m not immature.😅 I was labeled with “Asperger’s Syndrome” before being reclassified as Higher Functioning ASD; I was triggered very easily by others raising their voice, sudden noises and pitches and high intensities of color or action on TV/Movies Granted, I still become uneasy when watching “Natural Disaster” movies; I tend to have panic attacks/anxiety with movies with others in peril, yet I still have respect for the effects and effort put into movies like that from an artistic POV. I do tend to overanalyze things to a point of driving me crazy, and do need reminders to talk me down from a frenzy. I’m often told I have a pleasant personality and a soft approach, and people have a tough time believing I can be the most unrecognizable mess to trifle with when I rage at my worst… Granted, I’ve learned how to cope and manage my mood disorders and am at a peak point in my life, making a lot of progress. Socially I’ve come out of my shell, enough so to be in my first relationship with somebody. And I couldn’t be any more thankful for that. My partner thinks I’m very mature for my age and have a strong sense of respecting her needs and boundaries. My overall purpose is to have her comfortable knowing her sensories and needs; Knowing she’s comfortable makes me feel accomplished as a partner. Truth is I get lost when I lay on her lap and she runs her fingers through my hair. It keeps her stimulated and helps her relax. I’m not used to having such interaction with anyone, but I feel such indulgence is warranted. Nevertheless I do have some things I need to overcome, but having others that support and encourage me in life definitely helps. Idk maybe I am HSP but don’t know if associated with the term is warranted… if anyone reads this, I’d like to know your input. ❤ Be well and have a great day!
@DoofenSpyroDragon16 10 ай бұрын
This is literally me too. I used to cry more often at the simplest things, like something unexpected that catches me off guard or someone insulting someone. I don’t anymore, but it still affects me deeply. So in grade school, we were learning about what bullying was, and we’re told to insult this little green paper person, just to show the metaphor of “you can apologize but it’ll never be the same” because the end of it was us saying nice things to it and taping it back together to symbolize the effects of bullying (beautiful bittersweet metaphor now that I think of it.) Anyway, when it came to my turn, I didn’t want to, and I’d already had an insult ready 😆 but I didn’t, I just sat there and got upset and started crying because A. First of all, I thought it was mean and B. I didn’t understand why we were being told to bully when we were just told it was bad like a minute ago! So the teacher took me aside and by that point, I was crying so hard I couldn’t articulate why I was upset (don’t think I’d be able to even if I could though) So yeah, that’s my high sensitivity story. Hope any other HSPs relate 😄
@ArrowsmithBA3 10 ай бұрын
@@DoofenSpyroDragon16 Your experience is really inspiring and moving; I will be honest and say I wouldn’t have had the exact thought process or reaction in your scenario, but I still respect it and feel for you nonetheless. I appreciate you taking the time to read me response and replying! ❤️
@evolved80 10 ай бұрын
It does seem as if you're a HSP. Remember that you don’t have to relate to everything that was mentioned in this video to be a HSP. I also have matured enough to stop crying (in most circumstances) as well. This does not prevent you from being a HSP.
@allyndeimos 10 ай бұрын
I've been struggling with all these things and only recently have I found out that this is the term used for what I am! And to know that only a few people are like this is mind-blowing. But it also helps explain a LOT. Now I can tell people, without fear, that I need quiet - mental, spacial, noise-al, you name it - cus hey, I'm an HSP! Thank you for this video! I will make sure to share it with people :)
@marissa._ 10 ай бұрын
1. Can't function without sleep 2. Doesn't like loud noises 3. Emotional exhaustion 4. Scrutinize social interaction 5. Easily triggered by violence 6. Hard time moving on 7. Uncomfortable w/ change 8. Doesn't react well to criticism & conflict 9. Doesn't do well under pressure 10. Easily crossable boundaries 11. Your own worst critic 12. Require alone time 13. You're often misunderstood
@Arretaa 10 ай бұрын
High Sensitive Peoples need to be heard more, alot of people call high sensitive peoples a cry baby and boring, but honestly they don't understand what we feel
@yx.chelle 10 ай бұрын
i was thinking that i might be autistic, but now i think i might resonate with being highly sensitive more. thank you for this video!
@juleslund1515 10 ай бұрын
Being a super sensitive empathetic young woman has nearly ruined my life. I somehow watched a KZbin short where the man had Parkinson's disease and the effects of THC on his body. His life is constantly being unable to relax. I can feel what he is feeling. It's been 12 days since I watched that. I hope he gets the relief and love that he needs, I just want to stop thinking about it and then reliving it
@vedavyasa0304 11 ай бұрын
I think I am a hsp, but I don't relate to 1,2 points rest of them, I do. Mainly I need a clarification when you say "hsp's are highly emotional aware" 'coz I was always been treated as an emotional fool. Also I can stay long periods with people but If I feel neglected or hurt, it just goes over thinking... And ends up hurting me the worst and never have an impact on the others. Also there are times I feel nobody needs me. Much like I make no change to their lives, just like their lives won't be effected even without my existence. I hope there's someone, who can help me out with a conversation. 🙏
@zazou1479 10 ай бұрын
Idk if that can help u but im hsp and i also feel im useless and it wont change anyone if i disappear even if its prob not true (i think)
@vedavyasa0304 10 ай бұрын
@@zazou1479 hard fact is that I do many things just to matter for others... But I realised it was a wrong thing to do. So I started not giving much details to people.. Know what it worked... People who used to hate to talk are now talking and are more friendly. Still a few hates me.. But I met a couple of new friends.. They never let me down now.. 🤝
@DraconiInfernalus 10 ай бұрын
you don´t need to relate to all of the points. everyone is different even with those traits.
@vedavyasa0304 10 ай бұрын
@@DraconiInfernalus that's right. Even I was just trying to ask others opinion too..
@Soni-sz5si 10 ай бұрын
No you are not highly sensitive person because we can't live socially for long time it doesn't matter what is situation if people laughing talking continuously we can't do in the same way we exaust earlier than others
@romymasella2702 10 ай бұрын
As an introvert on the autism spectrum, I relate to most of these struggles (especially sleep!)
@Stuck_In_A_Jar 10 ай бұрын
Dang. I always thought my ADHD and Autism were to blame for all of this, but now I learn that it’s just a trait and not a mental issue. This makes me feel so much better about myself now, thank you!
@wi9e 10 ай бұрын
because I was called too emotional and too sensitive as a child growing up I'd always try to act as if I wasn't affected by anything at all and I'd always act tough but now I've come to accept that I am in fact an HSP and that it's fine being so.. I feel so comfortable watching this video thanku sooo much❤❤
@debbie991 10 ай бұрын
Trust your gut feelings, don't question yourself , see the signs for what they are and share your love but don't be a doormat . Love you all xo
@GamerGeekCentral 10 ай бұрын
The timing is impeccable. The day before this uploaded i had a therapy session where i was told i was i am highly sensitive. But the therpaist told me its ok to be sensitive, that there are good aspects about sensitive people that make us special & wonderful to be around. And it makes me happy to find others here in the comments who relate. Im happy im not alone
@sevenswordsin 10 ай бұрын
I am a highly sensitive person so this video helps me understand myself more ❤
@zazule1339 10 ай бұрын
It's amazing to be able to look from the window and be deeply astounded and be moved by the simple view... or the feeling I get to see my favourite person again I feel like a puppy! Yesterday I got so moved by the first snow I cried and it was great! I love how deeply I feel everything. Until I doesn't. I can't stand when someone is angry with me and I'm hurt from the smallest things. And when I need to be strong emotianally, it is the biggest challenge for me and I get to be very depressed from it. It's these moments I wish I wasn't HSP.
@theseoulactor3126 10 ай бұрын
I love that you guys drew nii-nii from All Saints Street!! Perfectly describes him ❤
@ChocolatewithGoggles 10 ай бұрын
This helped me realise how sensitive I actually am I literally relate to all of these and it’s painful being this sensitive especially when you feel so exhausted all the time because I get no alone time at all or enough sleep 😓
@humanbeing7938 10 ай бұрын
I think I’m emtoinally sensative. I get really upset after an intense argument or see people I’m close too argue with each other. When I’m hanging out with new people I focus less on the experience, but mostly how I’m feeling and if I’m handling it well or not. And if someone says something about me (especially if its something I’m insecure or passionate about) it tends to stick around in my mind for a LONG time. Mabye I’m an HSP idk.
@livywithane 10 ай бұрын
4:31 this is me now. I don’t respond well with a harsh tone of voice or a sarcastic attitude. It makes me defensive and tense. My “full of attitude” of a sister doesn’t understand and says shut up to me all the time. I really don’t want to respond with violence, but when stressed I might scream and hit to push her away. I’m the oldest and I admit I’m more immature than my gifted bully of a younger sister 😒😡😭 But it’s good to see i’m not a HSP… I am more sensitive and empathetic than others so they just wouldn’t understand
@dellarella16 10 ай бұрын
i relate to this so much! I also have anxiety disorder. I don’t really get startled by loud noises since i listen to loud upbeat music sometimes but most of the time i still do. My personally type is INFJ
@NowImJay 11 ай бұрын
also what anime character is psi supposed to be? 😭
@NoLifeScum 11 ай бұрын
pretty sure it's the MC of All Saints Street could be very wrong though
@VeronicanChoco 10 ай бұрын
2nd reply 🥳
@silentbanana209 10 ай бұрын
Idk but it’s cute as hell!!!!!!!
@hayeonkim7838 10 ай бұрын
​@@silentbanana209Totally agreed ❤️😆❤️
@silentbanana209 10 ай бұрын
@@hayeonkim7838what I just realized it’s not the normal version of Psi….i might take back what I said lol
@MiizuFr 5 ай бұрын
The past few weeks, I was hurting myself thinking I was « too emotional »… I forgot what being hsp meant! I’m glad this video came into my feed, I really needed it. :’) To my fellow HSP : never forget that your sensitivity is ALSO a strength and a bless 🙏🌸 (Now back to the self care routine 😭✨ I’ll hug myself)
@Sinsanatis 10 ай бұрын
glad this video popped up. i totally forgot about how im an hsp. discovered the term hsp a few years ago and was glad i found the term. most of whats in the video pretty much describes me. my empathy has made an impact on a number of people at work. ive notice now that sad girls tend to gravitate to me
@kasterfox7813 10 ай бұрын
I needed to see that video. I always thought that I'm just a weirdo or a creep because I could never help with overreacting and desperately needing solitude when I'm upset.
@positivity20 10 ай бұрын
However there seems to be a significant overlap between hsp, autism spectrum, dyslexic, trauma and ADD. Any guidelines to separate these? Or the actionable items same for all the scenarios
@Nahli2001 10 ай бұрын
You make a great point, because HSP isn't a diagnosis, and all the symptoms are the same as autism because HSP is an ableist way of saying autism.
@positivity20 10 ай бұрын
@@Nahli2001 so does all neuro diverse states have a common thread between them..is it hardwired or soft wired? Do people need to work with this or try to rewire?
@Nahli2001 10 ай бұрын
​@@positivity20the rate of people having both autism and ADHD is 50% to 70% so it is fairly easy to say it is hardwired . It also can not be rewired. These are life long conditions that change the functionality of the brain. They can be adapted to some degree but not rewired and not "cured." Then again, different isn't good or bad on it's own, it just is. Personally I'm AuDHD (autistic and ADHD) and I thrive that way.
@positivity20 10 ай бұрын
@@Nahli2001 great , really appreciate your in depth knowledge and self awareness and the postive vibe..way to go..i met a couple of people who refuse to acknowledge their wiring and have not taken any explicit steps to adapt, but perhaps they cope with natural methods. Really appreciate your awareness and acknowledgement and thriving well by making best use of your postive traits..👍
@kaelendra 9 ай бұрын
the hsp book that originated a lot of this was made by a woman whom didn't want to have the term autism used on her family members... guess what said family members were later diagnosed with... note hsp isn't an official diagnosis anywhere and is basically something that helps to push stigma on autism.
@lucky_da_gamer_4976 9 ай бұрын
I've been told I'm an hsp so many times- looking at this video, I understand greatly now.. I felt all of these before and still most of em even now
@iri02802 8 ай бұрын
I recognise many of these problems. Most of all being triggered by cruelty, having the need to be alone, not really liking clubbing
@zarayauu. 11 ай бұрын
I think im an hsp, i relate to all these problems
@Corndogッ 10 ай бұрын
3 weeks ago?
@zarayauu. 10 ай бұрын
@@Corndogッ huh?
@zarayauu. 10 ай бұрын
@Corndogッ 10 ай бұрын
@@zarayauu. exactly, I am confused too
@zarayauu. 10 ай бұрын
​@@Corndogッme too
@ninanutellaxd4238 10 ай бұрын
this Video came at the right time. A few days ago i turned 17 and Birthdays always made me uncomfortable since it is closer to graduation, moving out, getting a job (and death). My 17th Birthday was the worst so far (not the day, my friends and family were so lovely and i was happy about them), the event made me realize that i am almost 18 and then graduation arrives and so on, which means changes. BIG BIG changes. While all of my friends are excited about it, i dont feel happy at all and avoid thinking about it. I never understood why i cannot be happy about it. When I watched this video, i realized its not fully up to me, but a trait of my high sensitivity. Thank you so much. It doesn't change the Situation, but the way i see the Situation and i wont blame me as much now for not feeling excited about growning up
@davideburgassi 8 ай бұрын
i've balanced my sensitivity with hate for my enemies , wisdom in my actions and a little bit of cinic behaviour ; the people that used to make me suffer now are running away if they see me
@KelseyDi4z 10 ай бұрын
People say I’m great at listening and sometimes I can describe exactly what they might be feeling or tell you what they want to hear. I'm always willing to help and I can't help but worry and be aware of other people's emotions, and this sometimes overwhelms me. I get a headache or agony in noisy places and I feel sick watching movies with a lot of gore and newspapers with bad news. I love being with people but I really love spending time alone
@demidebruyn8550 10 ай бұрын
Didn't need to be called out today, I'm very sensitive I know but I didn't know I was an HSP. Might get it checked out? I'll ask about it in my next therapy session, learn something new everyday! :)
@Onyx-qd9tl 10 ай бұрын
I remember when it took me nearly 6 months to get up the gall to say hi to a girl in my class… And her immediate response was “you’re stupid“. Took me two years to try again after that. Not with her, I never tried again with her, I mean to try to approach a girl again. Thankfully, it was grade school, so I had a little time to work with. Joining the military helped me find the “off” switch on my own emotions, which can come with plenty of back draws, but it’s actually pretty useful for someone whose sensitivity can be set to “unbearably high“ permanently.
@Chahlie 10 ай бұрын
Oh God, I had to go into the mall to pick up my repaired watch...there were people protesting in the intersection, shouting and so on. It really threw me. At my last job a perpetually angry co-worker played really offensive rap music at full volume- after 5 hours of this during which time 2 people got into a screaming match, I was left shaking and crying in the corner. I cannot be anywhere near conflict or anger. I wish I could find a job where kindness and compassion are assets, not things to destroy.
@janecelee1713 10 ай бұрын
" Your very presence makes this world a better place" What a beautiful statement to end the video on a very relatable topic.
@CreatorProductionsOriginal 10 ай бұрын
Ngl I love vids talking about highly sensitive people and X situations because it’s the only time I can say “relatable” with 101% truth
@joanasilva8567 10 ай бұрын
HSP who developed BPD tendencies here 🙋‍♀️. It can be very hard to manage emotions, especially with the impossible standards I set for myself... I end up constantly on edge 😢
@bananasean5145 10 ай бұрын
HSP is very rare. Most people in the comments- wow this is so me!
@henapbc9 10 ай бұрын
one in five isn't that rare plus many people watching this channel have some kind of difference between them and neurotypical people (which probably don't even bother watching videos like that, simply because they don't care)
@RowanRiverstone 10 ай бұрын
Likely because people who don't think they could be HSPs would bother watching a video on them unless they are watching because of a loved one. That's a little bit like being shocked the majority of commenters on a D&D video are TTRPGers. 😅
@bananasean5145 10 ай бұрын
@@RowanRiverstone I've never heard of it until this video but I clicked on it. I like educational stuff.
@bmorc 10 ай бұрын
I've always been told I feel too much and I care too much. Thankfully my family has always lifted me up and they tell me it's amazing that I feel so deeply. And they're right, we need more people like us
@EdogawaRanpo-188 10 ай бұрын
I-... Wow I'm speechless... I never thought that I had HSP, I always thought that being like that was normal... Everything in the video is very accurate as mine, the only difference is that I have never been in a relationship so I don't know how break up is feel but I kinda have a similar problem with my friend
@babychicken488 9 ай бұрын
Everything except for 5 is very relatable, I haven't watched movies in a while but as a kid I used to love horror movies. I don't really get to watch tv anymore since I'm always busy with something else but if anyone else is an HSP like me, just know that your not alone
@jordanstrains7267 10 ай бұрын
(I relate to All 13 of theses) I just had an HSP moment when my mom yelled at my dad about what he made for dinner, I felt like crying cause when she gets mad she gets mad at everything and everyone. I feel like almost every time theirs yelling I feel like I had something to do with it and I really hope there's no yelling today it's November 27th at 12:15am today is my 17th birthday and I don't want to have any bad HSP moments only happy ones.
@omuabslle9759 10 ай бұрын
Seeing this actually made me think I might be a highly sensitive person. Just as an example recently, I was in a musical, and I was supposed to wear black tights, couldn’t find them and just had to wear jeans. I didn’t think it was a big deal, but I started crying and I thought the director would be mad at me, also earlier that day I missed a whole song I was supposed to be in, cause I didn’t get on the other side of the stage in time (cried bout that too-) but I am an artist, I do set-design for that musical. But to others telling themselves that they might be a “crybaby” or “stupid” for crying, that’s not true. Crying is normal and healthy for everyone.
@Δ-Δ-Δ-Δ 10 ай бұрын
I've always felt like I'm different from everybody. I'm way more intuitive, way more emotional, way more in contact with my spiritual side. I am way more empathetic than I'd like to be. I've always felt Isolated because of that. Way more mature than my peers. I feel very lonely sometimes. It's gotten better, but I still remember when I was a teenager and I was completely lost, in large part because of it. As it turned out, I was autistic. I mean, I am autistic. It's very tragic and heart-breaking.
@crossanddream2 9 ай бұрын
I remember when I was a kid being told that I was too sensitive and need to toughen up or just srop being so sensitive. People act like its the easiest thing to do, but it isn't. Plus it wasn't like they were trying to offer help or anything, just expecting me to get over it. Honestly the only help they gave me was trying to repress this stuff and being my "too sensitive" self in private away from everyone
@ReadtheBIBLE-f4g 9 ай бұрын
They are right you need to be more tough
@akari_bsd 9 ай бұрын
My bestie often doesn't understand that after a certain time I no longer have the energy to interact with lots of people and need time to myself. She often says that she doesn't understand and doesn't know how to deal with it when I suddenly need time for myself.
@pohkuek33 10 ай бұрын
I used to cry a lot when someone else was angry, hurt, sad or violent. My friends didn’t understand when I didn’t want to watch scary movies or when I’m near someone with strong emotions. I could just feel the anger rolling off them
@dragontuberm1127 10 ай бұрын
That last line was so heartwarming, thank you ❣️
@TheSilvaner 10 ай бұрын
Holy sh.... Everything matched !!......I had a talk with my Therapist about it but didnt thaught too much, that i would be really highly sensitiv person, because of what makes you one !? And THAT Video just taught me That !! Thank you Sooooo Much
@EmilyH489 10 ай бұрын
This is definitely me. Its definitely a strength and weakness all in the same breath, thats for sure. I wouldnt trade it, though. Once i found my crowd who doesnt make me feel bad for my low enery swings, i felt so much happier.
@lily9inetysgachamovies679 9 ай бұрын
Thanks so much for video it really helped me to understand myself better. To be honest I kinda thought being a hypersensitive person was a curse. Especially because I got bullied over it a lot and people would distance themselves away from me because of it. Now I relise that it was because we are at totally different levels because we have entirely different perspectives on things even though we may seem alike. Although wrapping this down, your videos are really inspiring, and helped me to understand my environment better and myself better, so thanks so much for the creating the videos you make. It really helps me and all the people that watch your channel ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
@alienzardsketter.9076 10 ай бұрын
I am every one of them times three ,, I am most definitely HSP !! all my life and as I get older it is getting ever more so HSP.
@miiai_ 10 ай бұрын
the easily crossed boundaries is just too relatable, except that even when I say no they are still crossed
@owenbicker799 10 ай бұрын
That background music is the waiting jingle for my pharmacy and put me on edge because of the affiliation with potential conflict.
@Gambling_addict1001 9 ай бұрын
This actualy brought tears to my eyes as i didnt know i was a hsp. I can relate to almost more than half. This video realy made me remember past times wich made me tear a bit. Wow
@RockerDefeater 10 ай бұрын
I can relate with number 8 and 13, mostly because of my own family. I often get misunderstood by them saying that l am "too sensitive" or " I like to talk back and argue" and the worst one l heard, " stop being so weird" after a argument happens. Even when l am trying to explain myself about what happened after clear things up, they mostly say " You always like to be right" or " you always follow your friends advice" the moment l say something, which results in me not talking to them at all, even about important stuff like driving. This has resulted in me locking in my room for hours on end, trying to forget and move on. I understand that l am a highly sensitive person and can relate to most of these,but number 8 and 13 speaks volumes to me. I am moving in my own path, away from my parents. As much they love me, They SUCK at understanding that parents can ALSO be wrong about something too.
@sydneyslaughter7163 10 ай бұрын
I have never been so accurately described before… I also have autism so it cancels out a couple things, like reading social cues in humans. I’ve gotten better, and I’m excellent with dogs!
@IAmNotJoeSeph 10 ай бұрын
2/13 -don't move on that fast -doesn't like loud parties Cries=Laughs Laughs=Laughs Happy=Neutral Neutral=Neutral Anger=Anger
@teegutta4689 10 ай бұрын
@sharonjones7138 10 ай бұрын
My therapist says it’s a super power. That, is how I embrace it 😃👍🏽.
@evilpompom 10 ай бұрын
Whenever someone gets angry or raises their voice I get terrified and start to cry. I hate it because it makes me feel like people think I'm crying just to get what I want, when that isn't the reason. I'm just scared.
@chloebalster4828 10 ай бұрын
I'm not sure if I'm a HSP but I am autistic and struggle with depression, and I do relate to some of the things on here.
@xymaryai8283 10 ай бұрын
i often feel like i'm not in touch with my surroundings, no matter how much i want to be, to the point of Alexithymia, so this in an interesting video to me because i can understand why and how more sensitive people feel the way they do, and help me mask better too when i need to
@munaAljaradi 10 ай бұрын
i have been diagnosed as a hsp and bipoler as i get older i suffer more, i lose all my friends and my beloved, coz they didn't understand how deep can some normal thing in there point of view could hurt me, i am totally became introvert, spending my days in my own room specially after my father died , i live a whole life struggling trying to find inner peace
@ClaireRose429 10 ай бұрын
When I was little I hated balloons and fireworks because it’s too loud which made me cry and till this day I’m still don’t like fireworks or other loud noises I’m kinda okay with balloons but I’ll still freak out…many people don’t understand me and sometimes joke about me like something that is negative but as a joke can make me feel upset and I get so emotional…I can relate to this video, So I’m glad that there’s many people like me who understand me and others POV
@luuativee 10 ай бұрын
This is me omg, thanks for making this video it makes me feel so much better and as if I’m not alone.
@tabithab33 10 ай бұрын
@psych2go I would like to point out that… we are not our worst critics. We have been conditioned to believe we cannot be ourselves in spirit as well as being in human form with these strengths that have been oppressed by many and for a very long time.💜
@gutturalbanshee72 10 ай бұрын
The 1st one really hit me. I dont care about labels or being an HSP or whatever, but my home boy gets 5-6 hours of sleep every night and is efficient af every day, while I sleep up to 13 hours with no alarm and if I get less than 5 I'm useless. I got 3 hours of sleep once and cried to a song I've never really cared much about while driving to work 🤣
@lukethafunkymango2088 9 ай бұрын
I recommend the book "The Highly sensitive person". It is a great way to get through life as a hps.
@djkzrocksta 10 ай бұрын
So many people have called me names, made fun of me, and even rejected me because of who I am. So thank you all for showing me that I'm hopefully not the only one like this
@Ayoki_an_idi0t 10 ай бұрын
I go HEAVY on the loud sounds one: and here's a story to prove it. So my classmates tend to get especially loud, like, all the time. It doesn't help that there's six kids that are extremely loud. I've asked them multiple times to quiet down or to just be calmer, but they just don't do it. I've asked my teacher to talk to them, and she has, but they still continue to scream and shout and chant during class. One day, it got too much for me. We were presenting our projects and our classmates got to vote on who goes first. Everyone started chanting for someone, who's name I won't mention due to privacy issues. I would've been fine with it, until they started yelling it out. Louder, and louder, and louder. I instantly got overwhelmed, and covered up my ears as tears started to come in. Luckily one of my table-mates noticed and told everyone to quiet down because I'm having a panic attack. I was sent to the nurse soon after, and when I came back everyone was quiet for the rest of the day. So yea, not really a choice to be like this (;∀;)
@Dunmeme 10 ай бұрын
PLEASE STOP GETTING EVERYSINGLE THING ABOUT ME CORRECT, IM GONNA CRYYY Thank you psych2go, now i know why i sometimes feel like no one gets me and i know that there actually isn't anything wrong with me.
@air_friedtissue 10 ай бұрын
I have all the characteristics mentioned in the video. I used to think maybe I'm just overreacting ,Overthinking and I'm weird one. Thanks for letting me know that it's just a personality trait,and there's nothing wrong with me.❤
@Sb_random27 10 ай бұрын
Aaahhhh yes, hsp, autism, social anxiety, sensory issues… A mix of everything making my life 999% harder than it should😭
@MaddieFishblob 10 ай бұрын
It’s weird, I 100% used to be like this in middle and early high school, but I think I’ve changed a lot since then. Some things r still relatable tho. Like my dad keeps telling me I should still be a doctor cuz u get over the squeamishness: *“even I almost fainted the day I cut open my first cadaver in med school, but u get used to it”* 😶I swear, he actually says that all the time 😂😭
@Sir_R96 10 ай бұрын
Thanks for this cute Video 😁! Could you maybe do a new video about HSP and Autism/asperger together. Maybe about the differences and the simularities? That would be really interesting to see!
@NynyshAulia 10 ай бұрын
I can relate to all of them, as an HSP who also a schizophrenic 🤧
@Phoxcario 10 ай бұрын
Hello, Psych2go! Your videos are always fun to watch I like how you are able to break down subjects that both readily available and easy to understand. 1) I do feel groggy when I don't get enough sleep. Maybe a tiny bit cranky. 2) For me, it depends on the "loud noise." If someone is blasting music for the sake of being loud, then I can't stand it. 3) I don't remember if anyone ever told me they appreciated me being empathetic. I have appreciated others' empathy. 4) Sometimes I do notice non verbal interactions, and overanalyze the situation. 5) I absolutely HATE horror movies that are overly gorey, even if I saw a behind the scenes before hand. 6) I was recently fired from a job I thought I loved! I had high hopes for it. Been unemployed for nearly 3 months. My parents keep nagging me about it even when I am job searching and preparing myself for interviews. I keep mentally beating myself up for what happened, and unable to land a job elsewhere. 7) changing routines is hard, I'll admit that. 8) My parents have raised their voice at me before. I HATED that! They even criticize me for "sleeping too much" or sleeping so late I don't wake up till noon. Then judge me that I'm not doing anything "productive." 9) I don't do well underpressure. My former boss would give me multiple tasks to complete, and I didn't know how to express that it was too much. 10) When it comes to work, I tend to go to coworkers asking them if they need help. Outside of that, I have had situations where a friend would ask for help, and I was already busy with something else. 11) I am my own worst critique. For me, I do this because it was brought on by my parents. They held high standards for me, so I then have to hold high standards. When I'm criticized in anyway shape or form, I shut down. Beat myself up for it. 12) I've recently told my parents I don't want them visiting for a whole year or more. However, I gave them a condition where they can come and help me without criticism or judging me. 13) I think I'm mostly misunderstood from my family members. I try everything I can to get my parents to understand me. It's unfortunate they never will truly understand me.
@sofiapalombini9577 10 ай бұрын
I related to almoust everything in this video, except that I am extremely extroverted and a party animal. Being this sensitive used to really bother me, and it still does sometimes, but learning to love myself, accepting crunstuctive criticism, creating boundaries (even if that means letting someone down) and letting myself be as sad as I need to be is helping a lot. Being an HSP makes me a better friend, artist, and person. It is a good thing, and nowadays, I see how important people like me are to the world. Of course, there are days when I hate myself and feel guilt over meaningless things, but that's okay too, I try to think in my head: if a loved one was going through this, would I be this mean to them? Probably not :) Love yourself because, at the end of the day, you are going to have to be you for the rest of your life.
@strwberiisoph 10 ай бұрын
As somebody with ADHD and I definitely think I’ve got HSP (everything would make sense and I have like every sign) , it’s the worst thing ever to procrastinate so much and then have no time to take my time 😭
@Sillylittlegoosey627 10 ай бұрын
I never knew this until now. I’ve always been told I overthought things, I’m overly sensitive, clingy etc but now this makes sense. I literally all of these symptoms except for the one with violence (although sometimes I get triggered unless it’s an anime).
@kzytproduction3931 10 ай бұрын
How did i got all 12 traits right at me (except bloods and gore part wrong) i really just realized so it was not just me who think like this and there is really a scientif term for it!. Thank you so much pysch2go for making me discover deeper into myself❤
@violetevergarden0123 10 ай бұрын
I am highly sensitive and resonate with a lot of the problems highly sensitive people face. Combined with growing up in an abusive environment, I believe is what led to me developing BPD (BPD is believed to come from mixing certain temperaments with an unfavourable environment). The result is I live in constant emotional pain and end up at the hospital a lot. Though dissociation lets me stay calm under pressure, I can “turn off” all my emotions and only do what is needed in a situation.
@natalienajmonova1154 10 ай бұрын
I am not HSP, but people say I am prety sensitive. And I have higher sensitivity to sound. When I am In place with a lot of people and many conversations, I normaly use headphones to filter a part of the noise. It actualy helps a little
@alexdefoc6919 10 ай бұрын
Truly i can say i cant let down others. Only i break so much my mind only just cuz "would have to". I hate having to or being told to let down. 😢
@Kitty_ontheinternet 10 ай бұрын
I don’t think I’m a highly sensitive person, but I get “ur too dramatic” “stop being so sensitive” a lot, I relate to a lot of traits here, I need sleep, don’t work well under pressure and can’t not sleep, I do get the “feeling things on a deeper level” tho, but I don’t feel very overwhelmed in loud spaces, just crowded ones, and I don’t relate to the solitude part
@Odala_GachaProductions 10 ай бұрын
I am an Hsp, but how my life played out from birth to now..I kinda lost a lot of it..because I was forced to change to normal society because my family. I also have autism, so it’s not prevalent as much because most people now label it as my Autism. It’s confusing and complicated understanding alot of things for me..I kinda let’s me down as well..I love everything and everyone so much, but at the same time, I feel nothing. This corresponds to my Depression. I really hate to some times.
@nooraladileh717 10 ай бұрын
I'm so happy to know that from educational perspective. I have almost all the points mentioned and I'm always overwhelming myself from being like this and trying to change... Thanks a lot 🙏🏻 💓
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