I really don't understand why there are complaints that Joanna talked too much and too long winded. She's carefully explaining the proper steps and also the "dos and don'ts " so that we can really understand. I love all her videos that I've watched so far and where I am doubtful, I'd rewind to that particular part. Surely you don't expect to hear her say - " cut the apple and the red dates, boil for 5 minutes then consume ".
Hi Joanna:妳好,我常常看妳的視頻相信妳懂的一些養生的知識我今年已經76歲了大致上身體健康仍在工作可是現在腿腳出現了很多青筋血管暴現在外有人叫我煮綠豆百合菊花紅棗蓮子一起喝但仍未見改善我想約医生看看可能要等到下個月有人說是肝臟不能排毒所以要凊肝誏它能使血液循環順暢請問您是否同意這樣的說法我己訂閲妳的頻道謝謝您的回覆