God..... no bets made on Greg LeMond? Whoever did that year betted on Greg to WIN sure made his/her fortune that year.
@markg04108 жыл бұрын
15:40 - No, that is not Andy Hampsten winning the Giro. (Look at the bibs)
@Tommyd4796 жыл бұрын
Scott Black Cycles he didn’t win wearing #1. That’s Hampsten wearing the combo jersey on the Gavia.
@davidking39846 жыл бұрын
No, that's Johan Vander Velde climbing in shorts and short-sleeve wearing the combo jersey. Hampsten was wearing a lot more clothing on his upper body. www.google.com/search?q=johan+van+der+velde+giro&client=safari&rls=en&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj7io3ZyM_dAhXJ5IMKHbSpCowQ_AUIDigB&biw=1555&bih=820#imgrc=_
@davidking39846 жыл бұрын
Here's Hampsten who is actually wearing the blue combo jersey while Johan Van der verde is actually wearing the points jersey (and won it, see wiki entry on 1988 giro). www.google.com/search?q=andy+hampsten+gavia&client=safari&rls=en&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiDntiByc_dAhUBwYMKHRecAi0QsAR6BAgCEAE&biw=1555&bih=820 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1988_Giro_d%27Italia