The first guy thinks they have a “mismatched” sex drive, when in actuality, she’s probably repulsed by his behavior and attitude. Their arrogant pea brains never stop to wonder if maybe the wife isn’t amorous because of them and the lack of connection they caused.
@nasha4everr310 Жыл бұрын
They literally never do….. and it’s ridiculous. All the centuries women have been women and these goofy degenerates still don’t understand that being mean and cold to us turns our 🐈 into a Sahara dessert.
@pattyrodriguez2 Жыл бұрын
It's more likely his neglect and the workload on her with no reward or recognition would turn any human being off. I bet you anything that he wouldn't even care if the children were sick and waking her up in the night. It takes a toll on anyone's body... Men don't care. Period!
@Ohkay5613 Жыл бұрын
Right. Men are like "I emotionaly neglect my wife, am mean to her, burden her with all the household work and responsibilities with the kids. I dont give her breaks and dont care about her fatigue. I stress my wife enough to cause her libido to nose dive. But I dont understand why my wife isn't in the mood?"
@mlitt1996 Жыл бұрын
Yes, I don't know if anyone has ever read any posts in r/deadbedrooms, but they literally have a term for this: LL4U. Which is, "Low Libido for You". His wife likely does not have a low sex-drive/libido. She has a low sex drive only when it comes to him because the love and attraction is gone. She has checked out and likely hasn't left him yet because she feels trapped and doesn't want to be a single mother.
@truthhurts...6574 Жыл бұрын
Every time I hear a man mention his needs, I cringe. Everything with them is about sex. They literally will forgo love in exchange for sex.
@PrincessC03 Жыл бұрын
Princella the Queenmaker states that the majority of males are incapable of love. Most of them come up to women to use them for something, and in most cases it's to use her body and ability to nurture for survival. Women expand men's lifespans. If you find one that is enlightened, sadly he will be in the miniscule minority. Men that don't think about sex all day, everyday are like unicorns. 🦄
@liabw05 Жыл бұрын
They are broken
@nmorto2013 Жыл бұрын
Sex does matter tho. Many ppl enjoy physical touch I am one of them. That said I do have self control and understanding that libito can go up or down and that's the problem with guys they just be selfish and no self control.
@jamrockk Жыл бұрын
@@nmorto2013Get a pet if you want physical touch so much, physical touch shouldn’t be a woman’s first priority
@CharlieApples8 ай бұрын
@@jamrockk Okay, I think we all know that they mean sexual touch, or at least sensual touch. It seems very uncharitable to act like cuddling with a pet is the same thing. I’m a woman and also value physical intimacy in a relationship, the problem is that so many men make it all about themselves and see it as a guy thing, like the ultimate form of masturbation rather than a collaborative thing between two people.
@existentialgamer9206 Жыл бұрын
Idk why men can’t make the connection that a “dead bedroom” or not being sexual with him is directly related to his treatment of her. It’s not rocket science. Men think these should be two separate things, you see it all the time on Reddit deadbedrooms. But a woman isn’t going to be sexual with him if she doesn’t feel safe, physically or emotionally, ditto telling him the truth why. She’ll say “I’m just not a sexual person” rather than “you treat me like shit and I don’t feel safe with you” because being honest is just going to bruise his ego and start more arguments and if he wields the money and power over her, she knows if he gets angry enough, she’ll be homeless.
@PowerJade Жыл бұрын
Ding ding ding ding! Exactly. For men, they compartmentalize everything, so they kind of expect women to do the same in relationships. They're thinking: "I can treat you like trash, but I still expect for you to perform your duties like you love me --- not matter how you really feel about me or the situation."
@tvdavis Жыл бұрын
Absolutely agree! And sometimes, it’s not even money or safety that’s the issue; often it’s a trust issue. If I can’t trust you to be honest, rely on you to do what you say you’ll do, and have confidence in you that you won’t do something stupid to make my life harder than it needs to be, that’s a turn-off. Men neglect to handle things properly all the time, and then the women are “nagging” if they say anything about their behavior and lack of accountability. Yet they still think the women are “frigid” and non-sexual if they don’t bury their dissatisfaction and disappointment to give the man what he wants, because that’s their priority. And you’re right: We don’t just compartmentalize things like they do, so no, we don’t want to hop into bed with you after you’ve forgotten our birthdays, repeatedly done something we’ve asked you to NOT do, messed up the household finances, gotten a DUI, embarrassed us, insulted us, belittled us, treaded us like prostitution vending machines (“I paid for dinner, why didn’t the sex fall out?”). Women are getting real tired of men’s sh*t in general.
@VeeKayGreenerGrass Жыл бұрын
Oh they're not dumb, they know.
@WynnWynn-gl3fk Жыл бұрын
Or getting fat, not shaving etc. that is a problem too.
@ComaLies225 Жыл бұрын
Men who think they have so much power because they’re the ones financially providing for the household tend to get humbled REAL QUICK when they lose that job. This is why you don’t insult the housewife
@Luckimee Жыл бұрын
Men are stoopid and usually not worth the annoyance they bring
@fburnsDubstepEnderFox Жыл бұрын
Yep 💯
@catcoffee7958 Жыл бұрын
And they usually end up offing them selves
@solacepeace Жыл бұрын
my dad likes to throw in my face how i don’t pay anything and i shouldn’t speak the way i do because i don’t pay for anything but his last job fired him and this job is messing up his pay. it’s annoying how it gets thrown in my face each time but he complains about his paycheck
@sg5720 Жыл бұрын
Or the family. Some men think their wife will NEVER leave. 🤦🏽😔
@leehalloway8787 Жыл бұрын
Some men think that their wife isn't very sexual when really she isn't able to feel safe/vulnerable enough for sexual intimacy.
@lusus999 Жыл бұрын
Hahahaha! Right, but many of them are also just crap lovers, which is why most men are obsessed with virgins or a low ‘body count’. I can’t help but recall the guy who found out his bedroom skills were basic after he pressed his wife to open up their relationship to other couples because he felt his wife was ‘loosing her looks’. In my opinion, the best BurbnBougie Storytime besides The Chronicles of George. So the wife reluctantly agrees into swinging and she discovered she was multi-orgastic!!😂ol’ boy from the other couple had her & l quote directly:”growling like a demon”🤣🤣🤣 These dudes never think tHeY could be the problem or that they are holding their partners back from being great or living their best life👹
@Ohkay5613 Жыл бұрын
@marieo305 Жыл бұрын
Or the s3x he provides is so bad, the women just don't feel like having it😂
@VeeKayGreenerGrass Жыл бұрын
Yes. Intimacy starts outside the bedroom. She can't be open and sexual if she isn't emotionally, physically and financially safe.
@CharlieApples8 ай бұрын
And/or she used to enjoy intimacy or has the capacity to, but he stopped trying to make it good for her, and began treating it like a masturbation treat for himself that she owes him.
@beepbopboop7727 Жыл бұрын
I love how men won’t date single mothers, women over 25, women who have extra lbs or with degrees, yet a woman rejecting a man who can’t sexually satisfy them is some kind of evil heartless monster.
@carlahaiduk1878 Жыл бұрын
Write? Here in Brazil we just had a situation where a man married to a model who became a tv presenter was telling her that she should get a breast implant. So she is a woman so beautiful that she makes her money and his money on her looks and STILL THIS JERK can find something to complain about her body. Mind you he manages her career and her businesses and he committed fraud and lost her money. Oh but a woman does not like a micro penis she isA MONSTER
@skarac3224 Жыл бұрын
They're always the victim, even though its a patriarchy
@teresamagnusson5 ай бұрын
@@skarac3224Yes they are always the victim
@NeverYours-c5g Жыл бұрын
Why are these men saying anything about “love” when all they really have to offer is disdain and contempt? They continue to do this and it’s really, really strange..
@susanplatt5331 Жыл бұрын
She's checked out because you treated her bad. You know that but can't take the consequences of your actions.
@peacefreedom4930 Жыл бұрын
I personally believe women have been socialized to spare men’s feelings. Men don’t spare our feelings. Women should start being honest. Then men wouldn’t have so much audacity. If you blurt out you have a micro 🍆, I have every right to laugh and/or comment. I shouldn’t have to tiptoe around when you clearly aren’t tiptoeing. People attacked her in the comments trying to make his feelings her responsibility. That’s not ok.
@alleycatalog Жыл бұрын
Our well being is targeted like a 🎯 by these emotionally unintelligent men. They not only NOT spare our feelings but actively go after them.
@vikki8699 Жыл бұрын
We have been socialized and trained to spare men's feelings and tiptoe around a man. Their ego's are precious and fragile.
@continuousself-improvement1879 Жыл бұрын
The problem is, you don't actually know what kind of man you're dealing with until push comes to shove. You don't know him even if you're married and already have kids with him. Let me remind you that a woman got hit with a brick to the head for refusing to give her phone number. We tiptoe around men's feelings because it is crucial to our survival.
@PowerJade Жыл бұрын
Women spare men their feelings because they can potentially get verbally or physically abusive towards us. You never know a man's true mental state until you experience it. Men can basically say what they want because there is less fear of retaliation from us. The only reason why a man would bite his tongue on how he feels is to not kill the "cow" that's giving him so much milk, at least until he's done anyway....
@peacefreedom4930 Жыл бұрын
@@continuousself-improvement1879 I understand your perspective. However that’s not the case in this situation. People weren’t in the comments chastising her because they feared for her safety. They were upset she laughed at him and potentially hurt his feelings. The accusations resulted in her defending herself. That’s ridiculous! Why should she have to defend her reaction? We are astonished at the level of audacity men exhibit. However we lie to them all the time to protect their egos. These men seriously feel entitled to share their 🍆 with the community. Why? Because they believe they are everything we say they are. Maybe if he knew his 🍆 was mediocre and his strokes are weak, he wouldn’t be out here trying to show every woman in the neighborhood. Maybe they’d sit their butts down and improve themselves to be better partners. We are creating monsters when we lie to them.
@awg7068 Жыл бұрын
She wasn't less sexual, he didn't bring it out in her because he was acting in a repellant fashion. I was in the same situation, but once I got divorced, the first real relationship I had I nearly killed the guy, I was so 'active'. Also, when a man says "I did everything to try and save the marriage" just know that it translates to "I made half the effort to keep her, because I underestimated how much she understood what a selfish and horrible partner I was. She rightly took the low effort to be verification that I was going to continue to do the same if she stayed."
@islandgirl8067 Жыл бұрын
Their wives in the 1st story checked out because the husbands saw money as power & devalued the contributions their wives made taking care of the home & kids. The guy in the 2nd story was socially awkward & too focused on a hookup to even make conversation with his date.
@nothereyetlost Жыл бұрын
Yeah. And he’s too dumb to realize he’s not starting from scratch trying to get her to fall in love with him again. He’s starting from hell and WILL take a LOT. How dare you treat her like shit and think it will be l just as easy. She knows you now. She knows the demon possesses you and she’s not with it.
@youtubename7819 Жыл бұрын
I had such a similar experience. Went on one date with a guy who randomly blurted out how upset he was that he was circumcised against his will and proceeded to be awkward and quiet the whole rest of the time. Then wouldn’t stop texting me even after I stopped replying. Just don’t blurt out any dick information on the first date lol.
@studiosandi Жыл бұрын
When a man says if you don't get a job this year I'm gonna leave you. He needs to also be saying something like and while you're working I'll do such-and-such with the kids.
@wonderingheights Жыл бұрын
Women need to leave when the red flags start flying. Struggle love is sickening. Who wants that? Leave the jerk when he starts showing those flags. They are aware they are bottom of the barrel. Don’t put up with it, just walk.
@HunterLvyiXIII Жыл бұрын
I know, the one where he cheated *twice* I would've left after the first time. Ain't no way. The disrespect is staggering. And then he had the audacity to say it was difficult after she cheated? Throw the whole situation away
@leeroyjenkins05 Жыл бұрын
Seriously. These women glorifying struggle love is the reason why men will continue lying and cheating. When they're tolerated and forgiven, it gives them ammunition to continue. You allow yourself to be disrespected? Girl...
@Sunny-tc3ul Жыл бұрын
@beepbopboop7727 Жыл бұрын
The partner he changes into eventually is a poor consolation prize.
@nmorto2013 Жыл бұрын
True ill never wait out another relationship
@AndyyWithAY Жыл бұрын
There's no borderline abusive. He's repeatedly not met her needs. She would probably have a HUGE libido with someone who actually valued Don't worry about being "rude" That unease can be your intuition trying to save you. Laughing wasn't at all inappropriate. Him bringing up his size was so grossly inappropriate. I guess sex was the only thing on HIS mind
@MsMorgendorffer1 Жыл бұрын
From my perspective: I have a pretty decent libido, however, I’ve been in relationships where I’ve been repeatedly hurt by cruel words and actions. That shite makes you shut down real quick, you literally cringe when they touch you because it’s your body’s response in protecting you. Every guy that says his partner won’t be xual with him… it’s a direct result of HIS action or inaction.
@AndyyWithAY Жыл бұрын
@MsMorgendorffer1 so well said! And is your username based off Daria?
@MsMorgendorffer1 Жыл бұрын
@@AndyyWithAYCheers! And yep! Loved that show when I was a teenager
@constancep7632 Жыл бұрын
@@MsMorgendorffer1 Absolutely! I can have a very high libido... when I'm treated with love and care. Otherwise, I can be straight out repulsed.
@comkver Жыл бұрын
More proof that money is power in relationships.
@nothereyetlost Жыл бұрын
No not in relationships. On any relationship involving men who are a obsessed about money bc they have zero internal value. The problem is we’ve let ken define much of this world that irs completely warped and rotting. Men are terrible in relationships too, which is more proof they shouldn’t be the metric for anyone unless we want to say the metric of anything is the bad. No the metric for relationships is how well it can go, the good, which is why WOMEN, not men, are the metric.
@masixchell Жыл бұрын
No , its more proof that money can equal free will & choices. No one can be trapped if they have money in this day and age. If the economy changes and money is not the driving factor to be able to afford things like basic needs- then whatever is required to obtain those things will be the “power” Money isn’t the power - it’s what money can obtain that is the real power - which is Freedom.
@sg5720 Жыл бұрын
@@masixchellmoney can never buy you freedom. Ask Bey and Jay z. Ask Oprah. It just gains you access to things others people will Never have access to. There is only freedom in death. I know I sound cold, but having money does make life on this planet easier, and having it easier, does not mean you are free. 😌
@masixchell Жыл бұрын
@@sg5720 i think the slaves that literally bought their freedom would disagree with you. Again, when basic needs are met ppl are happier. A person is not in survival mode worrying and stressing. But to be truly free, you’re right one has to ascend past materialistic things. Choose to focus on what makes them fulfilled so that one can be happy and grounded. There are still basic needs that have to be met in order to survive. Right now to get these things one has to use the monetary system~ it’s not the money that’s valuable or what is needed to survive ~ it’s what ppl get with the money that is.
@beepbopboop7727 Жыл бұрын
Men want SAHM’s but don’t respect them.
@HolisticManifesting Жыл бұрын
Men seem to not know when a relationship is over. ❤
@susanplatt5331 Жыл бұрын
They believe they can treat the wife like crap because of marriage, money and children. They use their wives as an emotional punch bag. She'll keep trying, because it's what you're supposed to do. It's only when she stops trying and checks out that he'll have a thought in his head about her or his behaviour. It's too late for him to try by then, but he will and that's what he'll focus on when she asks for a divorce and forget what he's done wrong. Men are mostly loathsome.
@kulaniwarner7262 Жыл бұрын
Men are being bred to be lazy idiots when it comes to connection and relationships with other people.
@ADR-xn6dg Жыл бұрын
My ex never thought I would leave him. I put up with so much by that time he thought that he could keep that same energy he always had. This time it didn’t work. He has been upset this past year in trying to convince me we are family. He even tried to and asked to do this roommate thing. Whilst also telling me I’m raising our children to be dependent on me and they wouldn’t ever leave my home. He is all over the place and it’s weird.
@saturdayschild8535 Жыл бұрын
@@ADR-xn6dgHe sounds disordered. My ex did similar. He wanted to be roommates. I filed for divorce. They think we’ll let financial dependence trap us. They never knew the person they married. It’s like they think they are marrying a role, not a person.
@chelseamarissa382 Жыл бұрын
Of course she doesnt want to have sex with him! She probably feels like she "has to" and and so now she thinks of someone else to tolerate him being on top of her 🤢 feel bad her.
@kulaniwarner7262 Жыл бұрын
I have been married 15 years and it is NOT hard work. It's easy. We rarely have disagreements and have only had a couple "fights" in our entire marriage. We both love each other and just want what's best for each other so it's easy to compromise. If your marriage is HARD, maybe think about finding someone who is more compatible. Marriage being HARD is a myth but it does take work to make sure you are connecting and not getting lost in your own things...marriage is WORK but it's not HARD.
@liabw05 Жыл бұрын
I’m happy for you ❤
@NalaMahal Жыл бұрын
I notice he initially said he never cheated on wife but only later mentions the time he stepped out of their relationship when they were dating after he brings up her infidelity. He only mentioned the time he got caught when it technically doesn’t count because that was prenuptial. He gave us a hint that he struggled with her having not as high of a sex drive as him. If his solution was to cheat to get his sexual needs met, what do you think he did when they got married? The only difference is that it’s not as easy for her to leave - as like she did when they were dating - being barefoot and pregnant.
@crlake Жыл бұрын
The problem is... it all about him. He doesn't care how his actions have effected his wife or her trust of him, and is acting like... she should just get over it and give her love and attention to him, while he gives NOTHING BACK IN RETURN. Divorce. The wife is already checked out of the marriage and biding her time until the kids are grown, then she's gonna dip.
@MsMookalate Жыл бұрын
9:33 no it’s not borderline it was emotionally abusive and she’s not sexually into because of your abusive behavior. He’s still trying to dodge accountability fully, by just dipping his toes into it. Then, his poor wife is getting manipulated into staying because of money and some kind of support for their child. Which is only making her internally miserable. He wasn’t just “being a jerk”, he was telling her, his true emotions to her, about her and how he sees her. He cheated a COUPLE times until she left him and he convinced her a year later to come back to him. The problem is he should’ve left her alone, if he was going to emotionally abuse her some more after he trapped her into marriage with a child.
@genevieveaniko6492 Жыл бұрын
If you filp the genders: I wonder how many men would feel like getting seggual after their woman cusses them out, cheats, disrespects them and or slaps them in the face? 🤔
@ogolden8315 Жыл бұрын
@@genevieveaniko6492You would be shocked how many men will have seex after that. In fact, many of them would be more turned on by some of the aggressive behavior.
@MsMookalate Жыл бұрын
@@genevieveaniko6492I genuinely wish there was none, but I’ve heard men use sex as a punishment and took their anger out on there partners. All because they’ve been wronged. Instead of just leaving.
@brownjaded Жыл бұрын
@@genevieveaniko6492they actually like that there’s a fetish for everything you just listed.. they are mentally unwell creatures
@TheePrincessBrat Жыл бұрын
He never claims to have been faithful during their marriage. Hmmm 🤔 suspicious
@faethe000 Жыл бұрын
LOL she's not against sex. She just doesn't want sex with him.
@sherrita8582 Жыл бұрын
A older woman told me when I was in my 20s..what a man buys he owns..this includes goes to show you,men are aware of what they do,unfortunately when they get it ,too late
@ssoomee Жыл бұрын
That man wielded money as power over his wife probably because he felt frustrated at their differing sex drives (many men assume that women gatekeep sex and men gatekeep relationships) but these men don't ever seem to think that the reason their wives have such a low sex drive is because they aren't actually attracted to them. Because I promise you if she left him and found someone else, she'd be having a very different sex drive... just saying. If your sex drives differ, it's really because you are not physically compatible to one another. Ask me more about this
@PrincessC03 Жыл бұрын
This right here! 💯
@VeeKayGreenerGrass Жыл бұрын
It's also because women change themselves incrementally throughout the relationship, adjusting to the different seasons as necessary, but men stay largely the same... She grows in the realtionship but he doesn't.
@ButterflyBree Жыл бұрын
There's a great father and KZbin content creator who recently talked to his sons about how to engage with girls they're interested in and how to present themselves to girls. He explained the importance of physical appearance, good hygiene, and being emotionally intelligent and aware. His YT is Beleaf In Fatherhood and I've followed his content for a while. Men are going to continue to struggle with relationships if they continue their lackluster efforts. Just being physically there isn't enough.
@yasmeen7875 Жыл бұрын
I Love that channel ♥
@continuousself-improvement1879 Жыл бұрын
I am a fan of Uncle Baby. 😅
@yesitsthattime Жыл бұрын
After the divorce, the first one will complain about how he was blindsided, he doesnt know what happened, she probably cheated on him, she left him when all he did was take care of her
@nothereyetlost Жыл бұрын
All I heard was women are suffering under these men…badly. What are the chances 2 random stories, both included how they treated their wives bad. Could’ve been indifferent, but no, they were BAD. I’ve even says I’ve been married for 5yrs and have treated my wife bad for 5yrs including when she had a baby. So treated get terribly as soon as you put the ring on What’s the point of these husbands of these women can do bad all by themselves and still doing bad on these marriages?!
@GardensFlowers-f7k Жыл бұрын
Reason 10,199 why "relationships" with males are a waste of time; And living with them is always a bad idea.
@shaypope4732 Жыл бұрын
I don't feel bad for him he cheated first then want sympathy she only staying for the kids cause he is crappy partner I'm glad she's checked out he only wants her there cause no one will put up with his bs
@demigoth Жыл бұрын
First guy is trying to gaslight everyone reading that, but just keeps telling on himself instead. He is exhausting and soul-crushing just to read. He is only sorry that he is finally approaching the FO part of allll of his FA.
@tayriobravo6204 Жыл бұрын
The lack of connection between emotional abuse/neglect and a wife’s non existent interest in intimacy is baffling. The date story is crazy, It sounds like he may have had some type of hormonal issue.. when she mentioned his voice. If someone just blurted out something like that out, something else is definitely wrong. I’d be so curious as to why he felt the need to do that.
@LoremLipsumz Жыл бұрын
I’m thinking autism spectrum…
@acwilliams1343 Жыл бұрын
@@LoremLipsumz Bingo! My thoughts exactly. It definitely sounds like a manifestation of ASD.
@NorthMountainFairy Жыл бұрын
At this point I’m ready to let the rift go absolute and permanent. Humanity is kind of the worst and Mother Earth deserves better. Let birth rate hit zero and the planet try again on a few hundred thousand years or so. By then she may have healed from all the damage we’ve done and insist on doing.
@Emptytopfloor Жыл бұрын
Yeah, the future of this world seems grim
@33-vertebrae Жыл бұрын
This is the way. I've been nihilistic and misanthropic for a while. Tried religion for a minute, tried to see beauty, but the religious folks are too one-sided and anti-choice and only think of women as incubators and housewives and everyone else is just obnoxious and acts like they aren't as evil as they really are.
@tvdavis Жыл бұрын
👍🏽 Exactly this! People ask why i never had children and this is the reason. You see how angry those who want to control get when women stop generating children; they hide behind “traditional family values” and religion, but it’s all just brainwashing to keep things status quo.
@loveyourselffirst549 Жыл бұрын
I would thank the micro peen guy for the heads up because I am definitely not dealing with that. It would be a hard NO from me 😅😅
@dr.100purrscent5 Жыл бұрын
Micro pen!ses are technically medical condition, no joke. Those who have them are commonly emotionally unstable and may struggle with fertility as well. There are physical, mental, and emotional issues associated with this condition. Some males with micro pen!sees can also be very short tempered and violent. Granted this isn't a guarantee with all Males who have micro pen!ses, but a pattern is evident in association with those who suffer from the condition.
@loveyourselffirst549 Жыл бұрын
@@dr.100purrscent5 Damn....
@weaveandwelfaretookblackme Жыл бұрын
They shouldn't breed thats terrible genetics to pass down . Imagine carrying a baby you got from a clitoris 😂and almost dying from it . Not worth it
@VeeKayGreenerGrass Жыл бұрын
There's a study that showed that the quality of marriage depends on the behaviour of the man in the marriage. Men hold the keys to divorce.
@susanplatt5331 Жыл бұрын
There's absolutely no reason for a man to talk about his appendage on a date, in any way, shape or form. He just made it uncomfortable and he'll be even more insecure about his teeny weenie. Focus on your personality man and make sure you understand a woman's body.
@DaryleBrown Жыл бұрын
I feel like any marriage where one person, regardless of gender, is going to stay at home to raise children should have a legal agreement that sets out the value of their effort in the event of divorce. Ideally a pre-nup, but a post-nup if necessary. It's definitely still women that wind up being verbally beat down for "not contributing anything", but as women continue to outpace men in college and become higher earners it's sometimes now men who find themselves denigrated for not bringing in a paycheck and dumped for someone who had more time to hit the gym and cater to ego. I once ran the numbers in an internet argument with a businessman making the case his ex wife didn't deserve as much as the judge allowed: over 100 K per child just as a surrogate, 40-50 K for a full time cook, 20-30 K for a live in maid, 30 K for a live in nanny (and this does not count being on call 24 hours a day in case kids get sick, acting as a healthcare worker when they are sick, etc.) If you have one kid, over one year, that is $200 K if you are low balling the costs. $100 K if you're the dad and so couldn't provide rent-a-womb service. People sneer at their partners for providing at least that much in value to the household, AND on top of that, there's the money they lose in annual earnings for not working a "real job" but also the lifetime earnings if they eventually go back to work from missed promotions and career growth. Not to mention, you act like being the one with a job and paycheck is some huge gift to the family, but what would your ass be doing if you lived by yourself? Eating bonbons all day and not working? No. People need to give those who stay home their proper due.
@laurah2831 Жыл бұрын
May I commend you on your use of the word ‘bonbons’. You made a great speech and that word near the end really made it. Btw, in the UK ‘bonbons’ are old-school powdered semi-hard sweets presumably of French origin. Don’t know if that’s what you’re referring to but it gave random retro vibes to me
@dumfriesspearhead7398 Жыл бұрын
@@laurah2831Same here. I immediately got a memory of the sweet shop and strawberry and lemon bonbons.
@DaryleBrown Жыл бұрын
@@laurah2831 Lol I was raised by the older generation, my parents had me really late. Plus I find i funny that there is a candy that is basically called "good good".
@chronicfatiguehermithiker3022 Жыл бұрын
It’s hard to trust someone who showed you that they are the “kick ‘em when they are down” type by their conduct toward you. People are down and vulnerable in families, trustworthy dependable family is a necessity.
@Kat-h6s4 ай бұрын
And while we're on the topic, we do not want a picture of it either.
@heneverforesakesme4038 Жыл бұрын
I honestly think it's the corn industry. The access and addiction starts to condition a man to believe women are objects and that 19 years old is ancient for a woman. I believe corn also programs a man to think, that is how it is supposed to go down in the bed chambers. I have come across a few men in my lifetime that will start to act and talk like what they see in those movies and I have gotten up in the middle, gotten dressed and left. It's so obvious. That's just my opinion and now a days with no man in the household to mentor these young men, how else are they going to learn but by other women, if they will even listen, and by then, it is still a physical lesson and they never understand connection. So the woman is still perceived as an object and more and more woman are tapping out and saying enough. Even Hollywood women are saying it's bad. Leslie Jones made a good point not to long ago while being on the morning show and that is truth across the board. One thing that I find interesting is that I dated a guy from morrocco one time and he openly ADMITTED that men in his country watch corn ALL THE TIME, and to me this just perpetuates my reasoning when you observe along with religious applications how they treat their women.
@OnceLostForeverFound Жыл бұрын
The first stories are just examples of men having the benefit of maturing later in life. Weilding your financial power in a relationship is immature and abusive. It explains why they were shocked pikachu face at their wives being unhappy. These women sacrified their time, bodies and their wombs for struggle love. Ten years of strife for your husband to finally see the light? Too much, that's too much, ma'am. They are lucky their wives stuck by them.
@kekejefferson9219 Жыл бұрын
2nd story. Only take your car or uber to and from the date. If he talks about 🍆 or body parts thats disrespect so leave. If he ask you out then he pays.
@beepbopboop7727 Жыл бұрын
This is what annoys me about males; a woman will withdraw after years of poor behaviour, and instead of looking at himself he thinks “I bet she is cheating”.
@humblymelanated2804 Жыл бұрын
I appretiate this channel. Keep educating as you do Sis.
@thesacredbombshell Жыл бұрын
I find it funny that she's dreaming about her coworker and he's the one that pushed her into the job😂the irony
@pattyrodriguez2 Жыл бұрын
I bet you anything that when this man says he was a jerk to his wife, he was being right down abusive. My ex conceded once "yes, I can be a little temperamental at times...", in reality, he would have a full blown mantrum in front of the children. And although he never hit me, I felt like a plate or something was going to land on my head anytime. Plus the verbal abuse shouting things like "you need to see a shrink because you are not right in the head" in front of the children, smh!!! Needless to say, I checked out of the relationship a couple of years before we separated... Men don't leave because having you there with them is super convenient for them as they get all their needs met with little to no input. They also consider the children his property even though he'd spend very little time with them and weekend with his mates. He also randomly would point out that he made more money than me. I was making 3/4 of what he made on a part time AND doing the majority of the parenting and housework. And we would always struggle because he wouldn't know the first thing about budgeting or saving for a rainy day. Marriage is a scam. I am 50 now and wouldn't trade my peace for anything or anyone else.
@BurbNBougie Жыл бұрын
This is precisely why so many divorced women refuse to remarry
@analisa7067 Жыл бұрын
He financially and emotionally abused his wife. He admits to his wrong doing by downplaying it so imagine how awful it actually was for his wife. I wouldn’t put it past him to threaten her if she thought of leaving and taking the kids. Men like him would go mad of the thought of having to pay child support. He probably even told her to be a stay at home mom and he would care for the family then resented her for it. I hope she is able to make an exit plan. He doesn’t sound like he is being truthful.
@domeatown Жыл бұрын
Micropeen guy should know not to talk about privates straight out the gate.... But, I can see why he'd want to filter out anyone who cares a lot straight out the gate. But just like unwanted pics. probably wait a lil bit. ....But its good of him not to make false promises, and I can see why he would.
@adila2442 Жыл бұрын
1. She checked out because of poor treatments--- emotional abuse and neglect 2. No social skills, is he autistic? ADHD? Not taught basic manner
@VeeKayGreenerGrass Жыл бұрын
Deviant switch
@evergreenforestwitch Жыл бұрын
Please don't assign this behavior to neurodivergence. You have no information to support that assumption and lumping all behaviors you don't like under the heading of autism or ADHD is ableist. Neurotypical people are just as capable of being awkward and inappropriate as ND are.
@susanplatt5331 Жыл бұрын
@@evergreenforestwitchexactly. It's just male behaviour.
@evergreenforestwitch Жыл бұрын
@susanplatt5331 Yes. That dude clearly has issues around his micropeen and is awkward about it. That's unresolved trauma and lack of emotional intelligence. It has nothing to do with neurodivergence.
@adila2442 Жыл бұрын
@@evergreenforestwitch I am Neuro divergent. I am wondering if it's skills is a struggle for us.
@DianaPrince247 Жыл бұрын
Micro peen guy that’s why I keep a tape measure you gets none dude. 🤣. Leading with that automatic dismissal. Dude that was cheated on was an abusive jerk and everything he did was on purpose to her. She checked out and that’s why she stepped out. They swear they can do whatever with no consequences. His wife been knew he cheated that’s why she cheated. Weaponizing money in marriages will never end well. The F around and found out stage is here to stay!
@chorizoramen93 Жыл бұрын
Seems like he has a shame kink if he felt the need to drop that bomb unprompted
@unicorn73212 Жыл бұрын
True but some guys don't understand how to try anything new with women they want the wife to be overly sexual but they don't have any inspiration to look that way because he probably dresses like her dad now.. Daddy isn't always as attractive as he makes himself out to be sometimes he can't even stay up long enough to see the wife get off nobody's looking at him as much as he thinks and if you don't have any sense of style in the way you dress that's why some women lose inspiration to be sexual with you. I know what gets men off and I know what they like but men have a wall too and if they start to develop E.D sex will become a chore to these women if you want them to get off too then you will have to keep using your hands or a vibrator or something to help her finish getting off she will always remember that guy that was to selfish to get her off too because it was probably lousy and she felt like she was being punished. You guys want her to dress up and look like a sex doll when you haven't shaved in a week. That's not fair to women because some of us are tired too and we want our man to look good too attraction matters to us too.
@KicesiesVlog Жыл бұрын
The only worthwhile guy I met on a dating app had written in his bio "great conversationalist although I love to listen as well so it helps if you can also be good at conversation"... He was kind, intelligent, generous but boundaried. (And was, in fact, amazing at long and n depth conversation!) To me this is one of the biggest green flags I know. If I can LOSE myself in conversation with you,... it's always gone very well for me. Regardless of gender.
@dumfriesspearhead7398 Жыл бұрын
How did it go from there on?
@UseYourVoices7 ай бұрын
Do I live in an alternate reality or something? Why does everyone immediately have access to other people's phones? My phone is passworded and never gets left unlocked for any reason. I'm not doing anything wrong, I just like my privacy. I would never give anyone my phone password. My personal business is no one else's business. Why doesn't anyone in these stories ever have a password on their phone? Seems sus to me. LADIES, PASSWORD YOUR PHONE!!! Stop leaving it open and lying around. These men are desperate and nosy. They will screw up your life if you leave your business out in the open for them to discover.
@jenndesharnais6101 Жыл бұрын
The date was bad because he blurted out personal info to soon. I would have laughed to... thinking he was joking. That's not a first-time conversation! It's creepy. Why would you even bring that up on a fist date??!! He's sabotaging himself to blame the women!😂😂😂😂😂
@ohbooyourselves Жыл бұрын
Let me rant a lil. My dad and step mom just spent a whole dinner trying to tell me men are too obtuse to spend time with you and figure out what you like or don't like. The same way my father knows I like Peanut m&ms, something simple, they're claiming guys aren't wired like that...all I said is I want someone attentive...
@MarieLehleitnerАй бұрын
People need to stop letting men get away with this behavior. If you actually care about someone, you remember things about them and try to learn more.
@Trogdor1365 Жыл бұрын
"She's not an overly sexual person...she barely want to have sex with me." Only the second part of that is true. The first part is his [stupid] conclusion, but it's much more likely she just doesn't want to have sex with _him_ because she has resentment toward him for the way he has treated her.
@nubiankhaleesi2945 Жыл бұрын
And if a woman did the same and blurted out about her vjayjay, dudes woulda been calling her allllllll kinds of names and would have been major cruel. So the complainers can STOP. Dudes KNOW they would look at us different or even left the date if we did the same. OF COURSE that is a shock! If its not a shock then that is very TELLING and ALARMING about what these dudes want in a woman or expect on a date. Smh
@portiadefleur7818 Жыл бұрын
I've made mistakes = I dragged her through the mud as long as possible until I for knew she was slipping away.
@rainbeauxunicorn5237 Жыл бұрын
Oh damn! A 20 min video. Let me get cozy…☺️☺️☺️
@BurbNBougie Жыл бұрын
I'm listening to y'all and trying to throw in the longer ones
@rainbeauxunicorn5237 Жыл бұрын
@@BurbNBougie… 💁🏾♀️☺️I’m sure I can speak for all when I say we appreciate all of your hard work and effort.
@womana1993 Жыл бұрын
I'm convinced (some) men are jealous of their wives who stay at home. They don't understand and/or value the labor she provides and just want to be able to "chill all day like she does". In reality he could not make a home as well as she could. We see this all the time when the man is left alone for a period of time and his personal hygiene and the state of his abode is very much worse than when his wife was taking care of him and the home. And if children are involved this phenomenon often is very magnified. I'm not sure why these men are so willingly obtuse to how their lives are effected by their partner.
@TheePrincessBrat Жыл бұрын
The guy in the first comment never said whether he cheated on his wife again hmm 🤔 They call themselves jerks when, in reality, a better word would be abusers. I think they know but don’t wanna accept it. How can you be “horrible” for *5 YEARS* ???
@Lqtech00 Жыл бұрын
Honestly, I can understand why he would say it off the bat because I'm sure he's been in situations where the relationship progress only to find out the that's a dealbreaker. He definitely could have approached it a different way. I always understand why OP would find it off putting that he just blurted it out with no context.
@paluza9 Жыл бұрын
Idk. The micro p thing wasn't too bad to me. It was an embarrassing topic and he didn't bring it up at the very beginning which would've been best but he did bring it up early enough that she didn't waste much time either. I think she would've felt more annoyed if he waited and brought it up down the line after weeks of talking and dates. He needs to be more confident and work on his item self esteem more since the date was bad and awkward because of him being to embarrassed but he didn't bring it up too early or too late in my opinion. Just too awkwardly.
@onepiecestudio1797 Жыл бұрын
The 2nd story from the title alone is wild☠️ imagine this being ur opening line
@Franciscaharrison1978 Жыл бұрын
More reasons to stay single because if i had the cold, money superior husband i would have checked out. With regards to the first date why would you tell someone about your private part size randomly and wonder why the other person might feel put off? Without the update you could understand how it made the lady uncomfortable? It nust seems like some guys just dont know how to have a conversation with women in social settings. I think i would have thought,' wtf?' And probably acted like she did, laugh and ask if that was some kind of breaking the ice joke.
@cookymarie82 Жыл бұрын
Maybe Mr Micropeen was feeling some sort of something and either wrongly assumed he might get some on that first date, or just right out of the gate felt like he would be wasting his time going on dates if it wasn't going to eventually lead there, so he wanted to gauge her reaction & if she had a problem with it, then he was done!
@flo9869 Жыл бұрын
OK product placement lol
@BurbNBougie Жыл бұрын
😂😂😂lol you caught that huh
@l0us3rr Жыл бұрын
I'd really appreciate the fact that he let me know -- I'd just be pissed that he waited until we were literally out together. Now I've got to awkwardly Uber home lol
@Virgoflower-h2w Жыл бұрын
I could literally watch your Channel day
@schokococoa575 Жыл бұрын
Am I the only one who thinks leaving immediately after the comment wouldn’t have made her a b and is actually the correct response to such a situation? Why would she think immediately leaving after being involuntarily engaged in a conversation about his privates is a b move?
@Christine_Findlay Жыл бұрын
Leaving immediately would have been the appropriate response and I wouldn’t care about being a bytch!
@janeth3008 Жыл бұрын
Lol how do you go from talking about colleges to his tiny member? HOW? 😂😂😂🤦🏾♀️
@CharlieApples8 ай бұрын
Sex should never been treated or viewed as masturbation.
@Skies133 Жыл бұрын
I don't see why we need to apologize for not wanting a micro. Personally *I don't want it!* And if I'm not into you for *whatever* reason I won't be having sex with you let alone getting into a relationship. For looks usually low in my list but sex is important for me so *no* micros in my life. I don't expect huge but I want to feel something.
@bettelouwho3 күн бұрын
He's calling it a mismatch, where his "drive" doesn't match his? She didn't want to be intimate with him because he was abusing her emotionally. When a man treats you like that you don't want to touch him.
@Golden-Lady Жыл бұрын
Not enough quality father figures. They used to teach boys about the etiquette of chatting a woman up. But now they're not getting enough exposure to that teaching or young women in conversation, or the internet/social media is teaching them garbage and they're soaking it all in. They need socialization classes and lots of practice to change their programming and behavior.
@royalregal722 Жыл бұрын
What gets my goad is how they are stronger sex, the leaders. We are expected to take it and deal with just about anything they throw our way, funny how nothing sets them off! You abused your wife on ever level imaginable, then your insecure behind snoops trying to find something and the something you find is nothing: I thought of someone else during schmegs 🙄 😂. Good for her finding something that made it bearable to sleep with you. Hope she leaves. Argh! Sometimes when I eat at home, I think of eating in a restaurant 😂😂😂
@nmorto2013 Жыл бұрын
Im really glad the self aware person entered the chat. Also look at the phone period the girls wrong for gaslighting him even if he is a shitter. Ppl on all sides need to learn when to fight for the relationship and when to leave. Leave and goto therapy to become a fully formed emotional person then date again sir.
@adams8830 Жыл бұрын
Micropeen is something to disclose early on. He wasn't wrong to tell her that, though he probably could have said that before meeting in person.
@swvolleyball9137 Жыл бұрын
I disagree. It’s not a discussion to have on the first date. The time for the discussion is when you are BOTH preparing to take things to the next level. A relationship should be built on more than sex and by him bringing it up on the first date would lead me to believe that sex was the motivation for trying to date me. An emotional connection can overcome a lot of “flaws”… he didn’t allow that connection to take place and made sex the focus. THAT is more of a turn off than having a small peen. There’s more than one way to “skin a cat”, but this guy obviously has hangups about his body. I don’t need to be somebody’s therapist.
@Christine_Findlay Жыл бұрын
Absolutely NOT! To bring up something like that is totally inappropriate. That shouldn’t even be a topic of discussion until the relationship has progressed to a place where both people are comfortable with speaking about seggs. He will continue to be left and anyone who advocates for this behavior has low self-esteem.
@continuousself-improvement1879 Жыл бұрын
Story 2: Idk. I think it is fair that he brings it up, I actually would prefer to know in advance. If he took his sweet time to build an emotional connection with me then we got down to business and I found out exactly before doing the deed, I would be even more pissed. He has a tiny D, okay thanks for letting me know and best of luck to you in your future endeavours.
@jjohnsengraciesmom Жыл бұрын
Our society needs to teach that money isn't everything, and we should not work longer than 8 hour days. I feel this would eliminate a lot of problems.
@Sunny-tc3ul Жыл бұрын
Not micro peen…. I would have laughed as well. That’s shocking asf.
@brookealicia92 Жыл бұрын
I need to know about the micro peen first thing
@availanila Жыл бұрын
I hate how she had to go on Tiny D apologetics even bringing up past relations. Big D versus Tiny D debates are putely a for men dialogue that women shouldn't be gorved to apologize for to soothe stupid egos. Men don't have a problem going on and on about Loose V but we have to play their games.
@1973onigiri Жыл бұрын
The second story however, he needs counseling, pronto.
@RawrB3riii Жыл бұрын
Um for the cheaters out there. There is no reason for you to be physically hiding your phone anymore to be a dead give a way. You can literally mute conversations, not get notifications, or only have their stuff come thru at a certain time... I have never cheated, but the fact that i have also caught people in this same way. Like cheat and be smart if you gone be doing it. Cause know i feel like you didnt even try hard enough.
@ArisAzul Жыл бұрын
The p guy could be autistic or have another developmental disability. I dont say this to be rude, by my family and friends are autistic and this happens sometimes. This isnt considered typical behavior, even for poorly socialized men.
@snookstheoriginal Жыл бұрын
@SAPHYTYRA Жыл бұрын
I wonder if that girl's date was on the spectrum...alot of times our dates and partners are undiagnosed and no one knows. We just think they are "weird."
@Isthisjoebiden Жыл бұрын
I'm pretty sure I am, I never thought about it before, but with my adhd and ppl always calling me weird, I think I'm on the high functioning side. I mask a lot and study human behavior to become more relatable
@sg5720 Жыл бұрын
Women if you ain’t interested, OFFER to pay or split the bill. 🙏🏽😌
@bellavega8048 Жыл бұрын
Never pay the bill…just go Dutch 😂
@sg5720 Жыл бұрын
@@bellavega8048 same thing as splitting the bill…aka going DUTCH. I suggested paying so he has NOTHING to come back to you for bitchin about. You can literally ghost him and he can’t say anything. What can he say “she paid the bill and I never heard from her again” ? 🤷🏽♀️😂
@757Princess Жыл бұрын
I do feel for the micro penis guy. It is a medical condition that affects young boys pretty hard. I'm sure it has caused humiliation and shame. Too bad the date didn't go well.
@Christine_Findlay Жыл бұрын
I feel nothing. Ladies don’t have to accept his medical condition just like xy don’t accept medical issues when choosing a spouse. You keep making exceptions, I won’t.
@757Princess Жыл бұрын
@@Christine_Findlay not making exceptions, I wouldn't date him. I feel for him because I don't have any reproductive medical conditions. I think his social awkwardness may come from his medical condition. I would feel immense dread dating if I felt there was a defect with my genetals and I was socially awkward. He may also be on the spectrum but who knows.
@cinnamongirl5410 Жыл бұрын
@caseyjude5472 Жыл бұрын
So what you’re saying is that the way Mike Pence’s tribe does relationships doesn’t work for everyone else? Huh! Who knew?!
@Virgoflower-h2w Жыл бұрын
What is Op
@alleycatalog Жыл бұрын
Original poster
@aviendha1154 Жыл бұрын
No honestly if you’ve got a micro penis you should tell someone before your first date if possible! I tell people I’m a trans man before we go on any dates because it’s relevant. Same goes for a micro penis.
@Christine_Findlay Жыл бұрын
Absolutely NOT! Correlating your trans status to divulging appendage size is a false argument. You should reveal that you are trans especially since most people want straight relationships. Him bringing up seggs or appendages is inappropriate. You sound silly and uncouth!
@theevildeaddy235211 ай бұрын
I'm not fully with you on the topic with the micro penis. Not sure whens the right time to bring it up but put yourself into the shoes of the guy as well. He might want to mention this, similar to a handicap beforehand, because it is a handicap. You can love a person but some people are not able to get over an issue like that and wouldn't want to start a relationship under these conditions. Sex is part of a relationship with love and he probably just wanted to inform her beforehand so she doesn't get disappointed later.
@videoettaceo8900 Жыл бұрын
I'm so early!
@BurbNBougie Жыл бұрын
@preangelamarks8474 Жыл бұрын
I don't care what this lady say. She meant to hurt dude feelings.