I have a 2016 with a transmission fault service now error and it's not making a noise, but when it's in drive it takes a bit to get going almost feels like it thinks it's in neutral. Just dropped it off at the mechanic. Really hoping I don't have to replace the whole transmission.
@chaderopla124711 ай бұрын
And mine is only 72K miles.
@Slow_Six11 ай бұрын
Hopefully not. Ours never threw a code but the transmission had similar symptoms. Good luck 🤞
@andresquinonezramirez937311 ай бұрын
@@Slow_Six I think your transmission has a dual clutch system I would recommend you to replace the actuators A and B really easy job and hardly any tools needed
@Slow_Six11 ай бұрын
@@andresquinonezramirez9373 it's not a dual clutch.
@andresquinonezramirez937311 ай бұрын
@@Slow_Six are you sure because your model and year says that is a powershift transmission
@castguy194911 ай бұрын
My 2014 went at about 160,000 miles. Problem was, we were 400 miles from home. Limped it into a Ford dealership in a small Indiana town. Took six weeks to get it back.
@Slow_Six11 ай бұрын
We ended up getting her car towed home when this happened, but it was only like 10 miles
@danielcasey485417 күн бұрын
I have a 2014 about 115K. I noted a slight shudder when shifting but no warning light and no codes when I brought it to a transmission shop. He took it for a test ride and diagnosed it as a slipping clutch. He recommended a flush and new fluid saying it works 8 out of 10 times as long as you catch the problem early. He was right. For about $200 it was fixed and shifted as good as ever. However, I now note some noise from the backend, possibly transfer case. IMO this man should not spend $4 to 5K on a transmission. Junk it or sell it as is. Time to move on. These cars were not built to last. It’s a shame because I have no rust and the interior is in very good condition. It isn’t a Toyota, Honda, Mazda. This isn’t a 250 or 300K vehicle. I did like it for the 10 years I had the car. Comes a time to cut losses.
@Slow_Six10 күн бұрын
We cut our losses, sold it as is for $2500, and bought a Mazda CX-5 turbo.
@josephhalwagy6435 Жыл бұрын
Just wondering if have had the transmission serviced (fluid and filter change every 30,000 miles) ?
@Slow_Six Жыл бұрын
Nope. Transmission isn't serviceable. You can change the fluid but the filter isnt changeable without taking the trans out of the car
@diamonddust29456 күн бұрын
Bad transmission pump i changed my pump and filter and it fix the issue FYI
@jesserodriguez9021 Жыл бұрын
My 2013 Ford Escape runs great but it slips when it gets hot. What did you come up with?
@Slow_Six Жыл бұрын
This was likely a front pump failure. We bought a new car. Transmission rebuild was $4800
@GBS10436 ай бұрын
@@Slow_Six rip off price
@abdellahkhaddari81822 ай бұрын
my transmission dead after 122k miles
@Slow_Six2 ай бұрын
@@abdellahkhaddari8182 this one lasted 138k I believe it was