357 magnum in a lever action rifle is one of my all time favorites. If you're stuck living in a ban state like Massachusetts New York or California the lever action rifle is still an effective weapon. 10 rounds of 357 mag in a tube magazine that you can top off and keep loaded will definitely keep you alive if you practice with it.
@jam00459 ай бұрын
I’m old. Grew up reading the likes of Jordan, Keith, O’Connor and Skeeter Skelton. It’s refreshing to hear some straight talk without a subliminal sales pitch.
@lockloadwithdickfairburn-cr1jb9 ай бұрын
Just being mentioned in a paragraph with those names is an honor, Thanks!
@johnclark569511 ай бұрын
I carried a .357 for my entire police career. We were issued mod 19s, I was never a fan, I got a "dispensation" from my detachment commander to carry my own mod 28. We had a lot of moose hit on the road in Alaska, I always carried six extra rounds in my pocket, these were 170 gr. SWC hard cast over 13.5 gr. of 2400 they worked well for dispatching injured noose. The .357 is probably the most versatile revolver round.
@blastingcapps43419 ай бұрын
That looks like a good load can't go wrong with 2400
@TheMhannah10011 ай бұрын
I have a 686 in S.S. That poor guy is wore out. I'm not knocking it, it's lived through thousands of rounds from 38 special to heavy hand loads. Fantastic gun.
@dartagnantaft591811 ай бұрын
I used to have a 686 as a service revolver and really liked it. Then it was stolen.
@bill24899 ай бұрын
I didn’t think it was possible to wear out a 686. You must’ve put over 10K rounds through it!
@stuartmarkman7695 ай бұрын
I have a 686 made in 1983 and it is almost a mint revolver. I seldom shoot it but I can depend on it any time I need it. I bought it at a gun show for 295.00 and I will never sell it.
@EroticOnion235 ай бұрын
Maybe just need to change out the springs? The barrel alone should last like 100,000+ rounds from a handgun due to lower pressures compared to a rifle...
@TheMhannah1005 ай бұрын
@EroticOnion23 The cylinder has quite a lot of front to back play. Ran to many very hit loads through back many years ago. I also have a blue 686 that is like new.
@BrokenBarBox11 ай бұрын
A four inch Ruger GP100 is still my favorite companion in the city. It’s been worked over by Gemini Customs, and wears the factory compact style grips for better concealment. No one will ever convince me I’m not well armed or at a disadvantage
@lockloadwithdickfairburn-cr1jb11 ай бұрын
Won't get an argument from me, confidence alone makes your choice a good one.
@Rampant_Colt11 ай бұрын
Back in the '80s there was a local cop who frequently carried a 6" S&W model 25 .45 Colt. I asked him if it was a .44, and was surprised when he said it was a .45.. He was carrying the 25 loaded with 225gr Winchester Silvertip in place of his 586 due to overpenetration concerns at the local carnival. Makes sense to me
@lockloadwithdickfairburn-cr1jb11 ай бұрын
I'll have a video about the big "4" caliber revolvers in a couple of weeks.
@Rampant_Colt11 ай бұрын
@@lockloadwithdickfairburn-cr1jb I'm enjoying this duty cartridge series. Looking forward to the Super 38s. (I'm a .357 Sig fanboy) Cheers!
@anangryranger10 ай бұрын
Third generation peace officer, now long retired. Worked uniform patrol, mounted unit, detective, crime analyst, crime prevention, and armorer. Was in three shootings over the years, and walked away from them. The weapon I used was a 4" S&W mod 28 357mag. The number one load was the Remington 125gr JHP. It never failed to get the job done. In the mid 90's, we got a new chief of police, who came from another agency. He must-have been a fan of movies like Die Hard, as we were all forced to switch to the Beretta 92F 9mm. Was present on the range to witness several critical failures of that weapon. I retired a year later. And was thrilled to give that Beretta back to the department. The Mod 28, was my personal weapon, and is not for sale at any price. And the only autoloader pistols you're going to see mixed with my revolvers is two 1911A1. 45 Auto. No plastic pistols, just steel and wood firearms. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 😏
@dannyf1003 ай бұрын
I have a Mod 28 and find it easier to shoot, and control. But carried a mod 19. I still have both. Weight of my duty belt was never a bother to me and I carried two extra speed loaders on my belt . and a pr 24 , two cuffs, cn gas , flashlight at dark a big one.
@recklessrt11 ай бұрын
God I love 357 revolvers. As a kid when I was a student at LSU in the late 70's, I worked behind the gun counter at Steinberg's, the largest gun store in Louisiana. I was in love with that Colt Python. Many years later I found a Colt Python in the original box, original Styrofoam, with the factory shot target, and the original Colt Booklet. It has never been shot except at the factory. It's my collector's gun. Lol. I took a 5 day Gun Sight class from Mike Seeklander, where I brought a Smith 686 with a 4 inch barrel. That class taught me good trigger control. Hiking here in Colorado, I usually carry a 5 inch Performance Center 686 in a chest rig. I load it with 180 grain hard cast Buffalo Bore. When my daughter was living in a sketchy area she had my Model 66 Combat Magnum for home defense. We both like 1911's and revolvers.
@mukhanglarochannel47749 ай бұрын
I rarely heard someone survive a 357 gunshot wound.
@southfloridanick7 ай бұрын
I have almost 20yrs of Level 1 Trauma Center (in the ghetto) experience…. See lots of GSWs, typically 5-7 a week. Here’s my advice: don’t carry a .380acp, 32acp, or 25acp… severe lack of penetration. The 22mag is a better option, 38spl with good ammo is about the minimum for a “real” caliber handgun. I do get to see .357sig (a local PD carries) and they are OUTSTANDING. Have also seen quite a few 357mag but they are typically out of a short barrel so definitely not getting full power, but those results have been excellent as well.
@ArcoZakus6 ай бұрын
@@southfloridanick, By "OUTSTANDING" or "excellent" I assume you mean for the shootER, not for the shootEE.
@tacman289311 ай бұрын
Still a fan of the 357. Have both revolvers and a lever carbine in the cartridge. Great team, just like they used to do back in the day.
@Me2Lancer6 ай бұрын
Thanks for your post. In 1965 while in Subic Bay, PI I picked up a Colt Trooper .357 Magnum Revolver with a 6" Barrell. This was at a time when my ship was patrolling the coast of South Vietnam and boarding sampans, junks and other suspicious vessels. That handgun served me well and I now have 3 other .357 Magnum Revolvers. It remains a favorite caliber.
@dalegribble15607 ай бұрын
Sammy The Bull was quite the proponent of the .357 Magnum.
@bullpup339 ай бұрын
I have a Kimber K6s Target. I love it, but you are right about how it is a literal pain to shoot. The other thing is that a revolver in 357 is a great four legged critter gun as well. I since added a GP100 to my collection. Love it.
@blackcreekarmory347011 ай бұрын
Dick.. Really enjoy your content. I'm 67. I'm an FFL and Certified Instructor. I have also been a Sheriffs Posse member for years. I have qualified many times with 9mm and 40 cal semi's. I also qualify everytime with my 586 S&W .357 4". That's the one I carry. Its fast, reliable, accurate and hits hard. I carry Federal 158 gr. JHP.. Call me old school if you will, I am still here. 👍
@lockloadwithdickfairburn-cr1jb11 ай бұрын
Thanks for the kind words ... from another old school guy!
@jackpalance95092 ай бұрын
Ruger Security Six.Fine weapon in a 4" build.That heavy duty hog-leg still keeps on ticking...
@rogerwood522811 ай бұрын
I've always liked the .357. Very versatile cartridge and out of a carbine, does amazing things for its size. I remember when I was a teenager in the 90s, our troopers here in SC still carried revolvers, and one unfortunate night, a trooper lost his life in a gun fight. He put 5 rounds of .357 silver tips (I don't remember the grain weight) into a guy who survived that and then returned fire with a 22lr, striking the trooper under his shoulder into the armpit hitting vitals, killing him there. Because of that event, I always shied away from silver tips and never considered them.
@primealien11 ай бұрын
Trooper Coates I believe. Bless his soul.
@charlesmaynorjr159310 ай бұрын
Yes, Trooper Coates. A stretch of I-95 in lower South Carolina is named after one of our finest.
@cgsimons118710 ай бұрын
Win Silvertips tended to expand a little too well. If the bad guy is heavier than usual the Silvertip can fail to go deep enough to reach vitals.
@firestorm8471Ай бұрын
My department carried .38 Spl silver tips until I ran some pretty extensive tests on them in front of our Chief. They sucked severely out of Model 10 revolvers. The 95 grain version printed between six inches and a foot low at 25 yards in almost every revolver tested. They also had very poor penetration in our DuctSeal medium we used. There was no ballistic gel back then.
@williamzeller2948 ай бұрын
Going back to my busy days as a USPSA match director, for several springs I built a dark house on the outdoor range and set up stages inside with strings of festoon lighting that we turned off just before the "are you ready" command. I mostly did it to learn to shoot in the dark, and letting scores of other people have fun with it was just a bonus. One IDPA match I decided to use my Colt Magnum Carry 2-inch .357 with full-house factory 158s. Well, before the third cylinderfull, even with a good flashlight, I couldn't see the dang targets anymore due to the tremendous muzzle flash. I never did carry a snub magnum again after that lesson. Going back a few more decades, my very second gun ever was and is a Smith Model 28 Highway Patrolman. (The first was a .45, of course. They call them "1911s" now.) Paid something like $125 for it new at Bell's Gunshop. That was a good chunk of change to a young carpenter. Still got that gun, and I'll be darned, I still shoot it better than any other revo I ever owned, and that's quite a few of them. Something like magic, I've come to think.
@lockloadwithdickfairburn-cr1jb8 ай бұрын
The Model 28 S&W has become something of a collector item, with prices well above other similar wheel guns.
@MikeClarey-hj5zc11 ай бұрын
I have a S&W 686+ Performance Center 7 round 2.5 inch .357 cut for moon clips. For me, it’s the perfect EDC loaded with Hornady Critical Defense rounds.
@mayberrygary2514 күн бұрын
Enjoyed your Derringer story. A few years ago I purchased a DoubleTap Defense 2 shot Derringer style pistol, only no external hammers; it has internal rotating hammers. You could have a 300 lb dude on top of you, put this in their belly and pull the trigger twice. No moving slide, no hammer to cock. There's even 2 rounds in a stripper in the butt. They have interchangeable barrels in 9mm and 45 ACP. They're not made anymore, but there still out there. Kicks like a mule, but I consider it the perfect backup.
@djohawk9 ай бұрын
Thank you Elmer Keith.
@lockloadwithdickfairburn-cr1jb9 ай бұрын
I doubt if I could have carried Elmer's boots, but thanks a lot for the compliment.
@JonFox-t5x9 ай бұрын
I have a Ruger Security Six in SS that was handed down to me from my father. 2 3/4 inch barrel. I made a custom western style engraved holster for it back in middle school. It’s had very few rounds fired through it and is in excellent condition. Shoots really good. I polished all the internal components that needed it. Left the double action heavy, but the single action is just at 2 pounds. I won’t shoot it much because of it being a keepsake that I’ll hand down to one of my children. It does have a custom set of exotic wood grips on it. Definitely put together well. It’s not a S&W or Colt, but I think it’s pretty cool. Thanks again for all the informative videos and thanks for your faithful service. God Bless.
@lockloadwithdickfairburn-cr1jb9 ай бұрын
Thanks for the kind words. I have always liked Ruger revolvers. Maybe not s refined as Colt or S&W, but very rugged.
@vicsage8310 ай бұрын
Last cop I saw with a revolver was in Jersey City around 2015-2016: a JCPD cop working a detail at a street fair of some sort…I didn’t get close enough to see which make/model it was
@jeffreywilson6909 ай бұрын
I have the SP 101 and 357 and I love it
@SveninColorado7 ай бұрын
My home protection pistol is a S&W "N" Frame, 4" bbl, marked "Highway Patrolman" with Pachmayr grips. It is a heavy pistol (3lbs. loaded), which helps tame hot loads. I am 76 years old and still find it to be comfortable to handle shooting 125 gr. jacketed hollow point stoked with 11.5 gr HERCO powder. Thanks for your review!
@lockloadwithdickfairburn-cr1jb7 ай бұрын
Your old Model 28 is collector's item now, bringing collector prices.
@heyoldtime89697 ай бұрын
Thank you Elmer Keith for the 38 SPL and the 357 Mag.. RIP.
@guaporeturns94727 ай бұрын
🤔 ummmm
@sgtButleronPC4 ай бұрын
The first pistol I qualified with in corrections was a S&W 357. Great revolver.
@Brett23524 күн бұрын
There was a sheriff, I can't remember his name or where he was from, that carried a 1911 in 45acp amd a customized Browning lever action rifle in .357. The rife barrel had been cut down to 16". I imagine the .357 out of that rifle was very effective.
@radiohobbyist1311 ай бұрын
I don't know if it's true, but I've heard that the original Pythons had internals that were somewhat fragile and were prone to timing issues. Supposedly, the new Pythons have solved this issue. To make matters worse, Colt has publicly stated that they no longer have the parts for the original Pythons. Therefore, they will not work on them. 😕
@Dan-ib4sz11 ай бұрын
I owned a Python and yes getting out of time was common.
@theepicgamerultimate4831Ай бұрын
The 357 load of 20 grains of Winchester 296 with a 125 grain xtp bullet the latest Lee manual shows a minimum load of 21.0 grains and a max of 22.0 grains both indicating compressed loads. As for 158 grain staged lead 258 grain bullet that one I misread it's 3.4 grains to a max of 5.0, I don't remember where I saw 6.5 grains, thank God over built beefy Ruger GP 100s. Thank you again for another superb video.
@lockloadwithdickfairburn-cr1jbАй бұрын
In a quality magnum revolver 296 powder (or H110 - exactly the same powder) basically cannot be overloaded, according to some expert reloaders much smarter them me. The burning rate is such that even a completely full case cannot hardly go over pressure, I have been told., but with very heavy bullets it will be all the load you want.
@tomgoodwin91615 ай бұрын
The .357 encounter and wounding I will always remember is from 1965 when Cleveland ("The Big Cat") Williams was shot by a Texas Highway Patrol officer And very critically wounded. Never moved out of his tracks. Lost a kidney and a bunch of intestine and several years out of his career as a pro boxer. I think the bullet was never removed. I remember when it happened; I thought he was finished but he was too tough to quit. God bless him.
@seanmiley629411 ай бұрын
Great series, really enjoying it. I'd consider the 357 cartridge "Optimal".
@lockloadwithdickfairburn-cr1jb11 ай бұрын
Good word.
@Mrelindio4211 ай бұрын
I have been waiting for the .357 evaluation. When I started my LE career we were issued S&W .38 Spcls. As soon as I made enough money, I purchased an S&W Model 27 and carried it in the Bill Jordan holster. It was the most accurate revolver I have ever fired. It was stolen and I replaced it with a S&W Model 66. It still is my bedside "bump in the night" gun and has been for about 49 years. It is loaded with the Winchester 145 grain silvertip. Great video!
@lockloadwithdickfairburn-cr1jb11 ай бұрын
Great combination.
@arapahoetactical774911 ай бұрын
Another great addition to an outstanding series. I love the .357 Magnum and have owned several revolvers, mostly S&W and Ruger and I have 2 lever guns and a 1911ish chambered in the cartridge. I just wish someone would develop an AR in .357 Mag. You mentioned how the early model J frames in .357 had excessive recoil. It was some time in the late 1990s that SAAMI, the organization that sets the chamber pressure limits for ammunition felt that the cartridge was dangerously over pressured for the small S&W J frames and the Ruger LCRs that are available in that caliber. I have reloading manuals from the 1980s and others from the 2010s and there is a substantial difference in the maximum loads.
@lockloadwithdickfairburn-cr1jb11 ай бұрын
Thanks for the kind words! The when the midwestern states adopted straight-case rifles for deer hunting, Winchester brought out the .350 Legend. It is sort of an AR version of the .357 Maximum revolver round. A buddy had a Marlin lever gun rechambered to .357 Maximum many years ago and killed a nice Mule Deer buck with it when he visited me in Wyoming. Luckily he laid in a good supply of Maximum brass, hard to find now.
@williamzeller2948 ай бұрын
There is a fellow in Michigan making .357 Magnum AR uppers. Working from memory here, I think it's The ARGuy in Ludington.
@lockloadwithdickfairburn-cr1jb8 ай бұрын
@@williamzeller294 I found him, he is building a gas/op upper in .357 Sig. I've never handled a .357 Sig, so I don't know how much velocity it might gain in a 16 inch barrel. The .350 Legend is an even longer .357 case built specifically for the AR platform.
@876mpr11 ай бұрын
A 2.25” Ruger SP101 is a little rough in DA with full-power loads. I don’t see how an alloy J frame would be viable with magnum loads.
@mikearakelian63685 ай бұрын
I have S&W 28 with duplex load...125 grn...works fine with low recoll...
@Patriotx-gx4ce2 ай бұрын
Got my first revolver in 2021, Ruger GP100 Davidson Edition which is basically 5 inch barrel version. Love it. 357 round is excellent round and out of 5 inch barrel it does some great things at longer ranges. Today's 357 is nothing like 30's original pressures and thats why I preffer Underwood or similar but need to get into reloading. I love Ruger for its ruggedness and ability to handle all kinds of loads and push button release. Colt is on my list but those prices are up there.
@louisstaiano456611 ай бұрын
I got the J frame Model 60 Smith & Wesson five shot 357 Magnum it's one hell of a gun
@Bashe196511 ай бұрын
I have a Model 19 4" a security six 4" but my carry gun is a vintage Colt Detective special 38 sp 1951 2" with 125gr xtp hand loads 🙂
@cameronnorton58983 ай бұрын
When I was 16 I asked my dad if I could give him some of the money from my first job to buy a handgun, keep it for a while, and then give it to me when I was 21. He said okay. What did I ask him to get? A S&W model 60 Pro Series .357 magnum with 3in barrel. 😂 I fired that thing a lot over the years with mostly .357 mag ammo. I didn't realize how absolutely brutal the recoil was because I had nothing to compare it to, I just figured that's how handguns were. I got pretty good with it, keeping almost all my rounds on a paper plate at 25 yards. Years later when a buddy let me try a 9mm for the first time it felt like a cap gun. I still have that little smith almost a decade later. I'll always love it because of my history with it, and to me it's token of my father's trust. I attribute it to my to my immense enjoyment of heavy recoil in hanguns these days, as the .44 mag and .500 S&W are my favorites to take to the range. I just get a kick out if it. 😉
@lockloadwithdickfairburn-cr1jb3 ай бұрын
I guess you can get used to almost anything!
@robertshay995111 ай бұрын
Great information on a very good SD cartridge. Had 2 Ruger SP101's 2.25" and 3" sold the 2.25". The 3" is definitely the sweet spot for this round. Critical Defense loads in 125gr are spot on and mild recoil in that platform. But ths Barnes 125gr SCHP is just a round that works very well. It expands reliably in wet pack 100% petals out beautifully. Dual purpose workhorse. Edc and hunting. I use a chest rig, and Barnes 140gr SCHP Dispatched a doe that was shot in the spine by my in-law. (His first harvest) . The 357 is very much a viable EDC choice. Very much looking forward to the super 9's video. I found you to be a wealth of information. My Father was an MP and his buddy was a PO in a very large midwestern city. He carried a 45 Colt with a 6 in barrel. Only because that department didn't allow the 1911. You remind me of both of them.
@lockloadwithdickfairburn-cr1jb11 ай бұрын
Sound like you've lumped me in with some good company, thanks.
@CheeseBurgerXJ11 ай бұрын
First pistol I ever got was a 1986 Taurus 66 in 357 when I was 11. Still have it and it’s one of my favorite pistols. Learned how to control recoil and the importance of good grip on that thing 😂
@subdawg13312 ай бұрын
WOW my favorite... both in a gp100 (6inch blued) and in my Henry big Boy(blued and 20 inch barrel)...BTW I find both are stout... but easy to shoot... both are exceptionally accurate... both are my go to even in shtf!!!! I train with double action and full loads .. I use speed loaders for the GP100, and a tube system for reloading the Henry 10 rounds in seconds... I also use PMC 158 grn SP... and then reload the cases with Hornady 158 xtp and have worked powder to match that load level in the PMC in both. The reason 158 is simply deer loads... Unfortunately up here in Canada we can not carry, but I practice at least 2 times a week at the range.. Around the homestead .. I carry the Henry.. wink wink... and once again a great prospective and advice
@The_Conspiracy_Analyst7 ай бұрын
Yeah I had a model 649 in 357 years ago. I had it customized a bit. I had a 3" barrel from a model 60 installed, magnaported, and had the cylinder machined for moon clips. You know it's too bad the only 3" barrel versions were made in .38 in '91 and '92. This really is the sweet spot for that j-frame revolver! It shoots better and is certainly more handsome wearing that longer barrel.
@kylewood832710 ай бұрын
I own two snub .357’s..S&W 66-2 and a Ruger Security Six. Both are excellent carry options and both have Pachmayr grips on them. And I own a Ruger 4 5/8 barrel Vaquero. The Vaquero is my favorite to shoot .357 with the 66-2 and Security Six finishing out in that order. But my favorite carry pistol is still my 1911 commander in .45. Damn that’s a nice accurate shooter. Great video, looking forward to watching more. 👍🏻
@heyoldtime89697 ай бұрын
I have a Taurus 617 SS 357 Mag. It holds 7 rounds I shoot Buffalo Bore 38 SPL +P the 158 gn SWCHP
@theepicgamerultimate4831Ай бұрын
Thank you.
@mississippichris4 ай бұрын
@PPISAFETY9 ай бұрын
I own a couple of older S&W Model 19's that I do not wish to overstress with hot loads, and have owned a couple of smaller .357's in the past. I've found that it can be difficult to find anything other than full house Magnum loads, so when I carry one of my 19's I typicallly carry the hottest .38 load I can get. This also has some advantagrs in terms of positive ejection from revolvers with short ejector rods. But I have found an alternative in a Magnum load that offers a power advantage over the .38, but yet is controllable. This is the Remington Golden Saber 125 grain .357 Magnum load. This load has been around for a very long time, was discontinued, but now is back. When it was first introduced in 1991, the boxes were marked in small letters "Med. Velocity". In a velocity-obsessed market, this apparently hurt sales, so Remington quietly dropped this marking from the package. This load drives a 125 grain BJHP at 1,220 fps from a 4-inch barrel, and from my 2.5 inch Model 19, I get 1,150 fps average. This puts the power level on par with a good 124 grain +P 9mm, but in a simpler revolver package. This load provides a 250-300 fps advantage over the 125 grain Golden Saber .38 +P load. Both loads wprk very well and are ery controllable,. The problem is that most people don't know that this Magnum round is a reduced power choice. Much has been made by KZbinrs of the fact that Golden Sabers are famous for jacket/core separation, and many see this as a reason to avoid this round. It isn't. Golden Sabers were designed to expand even from short barrels, and they do this. They also provide adequate penetration. I've fired two or three dozen of these into calibrated gelatink and while thte jacket and core do often separate, it is at the very end of the bullet's travel, which hurts nothing. For police, Remington offers a bonded version that expands a bit less and penetrates more. When I carry a .38 of .357 Magnum that is on the small side, the Golde Saber loads are what I carry. These rounds also did very well in the .38/357 tests performed by Lucky Gunner. I've shot a number of Virginia whitetail deer with this load as well as feral dogs, and have never experienced jacket/core separation in the field.
@lockloadwithdickfairburn-cr1jb9 ай бұрын
I think many folks are obsessed with pushing the power level of handguns to the extreme and past it. Good performance, coupled with an easier shooting level of recoil, is probably why the old Winchester 38SPD load (158 swchp +P) performed so well. It offered good performance and a level of recoil that allowed good, center hits. The 10mm "bear" loads from some makers are WAY beyond safe. They are loading the proper type of bullets for the task, hard cast lead or solid copper, but then still try to out do each other with higher than normal velocities. And, WAY too high pressures. If a standard Glock or Colt 1911 barrel shows bulging over the feed ramp, your load is WAY TOO HOT.
@N5KDA11 ай бұрын
I find your videos full of useful information, for those that will listen. Apparently my job description included a lot of things that yours did. When I started with the local police department, I was issued a S&W model 67, 38 special. Some of the older guys had model 66's. When we went to the Beretta 92FS in 1992, I got to buy my first service revolver, and of course I won't part with it for sentimental reasons. We went with S&W M&P 40's in 2007.. I was a detective then and I kept my Beretta 92FS and carried it daily because I was shooting (and winning) competitions with it. They wanted too much for it in 2009 when I turned it back in. That 92 had at least 20,000 rounds through it, and I was on my second barrel when I turned it in. I went back to patrol in 2009 as a supervisor with the M&P 40. When I retired I bought the M&P for $35.00. The M&P just didn't shoot as well as the Beretta. My youngest son picked up a Beretta 96A1. That gun was like shaking hands with an old friend, and I could shoot circles around the M&P with it. Great information in your videos, and I hope people that watch keep this info in their tool box.
@lockloadwithdickfairburn-cr1jb10 ай бұрын
Thanks for the kind words about my videos and thank you for your service!
@whomagoose68974 ай бұрын
Totally agree on the more practical 4" barreled revolvers. Same with pistols with 4" to 5" barrels. Although a 6" or 8" may give more velocity. You really don't lose much velocity potential with a 4". Regardless of caliber size. The best thing is the shorter length barrel improves concealment for EDC. Still gives a very adequate iron sight length. And if you have a purposely built holster with a 30° can't, or, can adjust your polymer holster to a 30° forward cant you can conceal your handgun better.
@10-4CodyWade10 ай бұрын
I shoot a 3" model 60 and have no trouble with full power loads. I think the 2" bbl would be significantly worse however. I've also tried the Airlite S&W model 360, which is the same size as the model 60 but only half the weight, and that one is a bit too snappy for my liking. The regular model 60 is a great all-around carry gun and very comfortable to conceal. Barnes Tac-X 125 grain is my preferred ammo.
@craigbenz48359 ай бұрын
A buddy has a 2-1/2" model 19 that I've shot. I really don't notice much difference between that and my 4" model 66.
@Oct14cya11 ай бұрын
My first handgun was a Dan Wesson 15V .357. I now own five .357s. A 1978 Colt Python 4 incher, three SW Model 19s- 2.5,4 and 6 incher. My latest is a 586 that unfortunately I’ve had to send back three times to fix problems.
@primealien11 ай бұрын
Mr F has given us another great video on a classic round. Thank you Sir ! You are the best gun tube channel by far ! We appreciate you 🙏😊
@lockloadwithdickfairburn-cr1jb11 ай бұрын
Thanks again for your support.
@flaco55814 ай бұрын
Yes,and with the crimson trace grip its pretty quick and accurate. I like the trigger on the smith and wesson better though.
@Southernsled683 ай бұрын
Very informative.Thankyou for a nice video.
@bigal269611 ай бұрын
Good video. And I'm looking forward to the super nines!
@josephliptak7 ай бұрын
The .357magnum cartridge is an all around excellent revolver round. Love the Python, model 27, and 586 chambered in 357mag.
@LTVoyagerАй бұрын
The few multiple adversary attacks I have seen caught on video tended to become zero adversary attacks as soon as one of the attackers hit the deck. I will not argue against more rounds, but I carry a 5+1 XDs .45 and I figure I am well armed. Even with multiple attackers, if I can make a solid hit on the first attacker, it is quite likely the rest will change their life choice in that moment. It would take a very dedicated group of attackers to keep coming as their colleagues are taken down. So, just as with one attacker, shot placement is key and getting the first two or three rounds on target is likely to be effective even with multiple attackers, at least anything short of a full fledged mob in a riot.
@johnhild-pt4qm11 ай бұрын
I love the 4 inch any caliber
@flaco55814 ай бұрын
Ive got a smith and wesson 442...usually loaded with 148 gr wadcutters. Also a ruger lcr in 357. The frame is plastic seems to flex when you shoot it. It's pretty nice.
@lockloadwithdickfairburn-cr1jb4 ай бұрын
I had the first model LCR .38 Special for a review article and liked it, several good points. light weight, soft recoil and good DA trigger.
@sgharpsr10 ай бұрын
It would also be interesting to hear your thoughts on 327 Federal.
@michaelrocole717410 ай бұрын
Love this series great intellectual conversation.
@lockloadwithdickfairburn-cr1jb10 ай бұрын
@highsecurityagent87784 ай бұрын
The HSM Cowboy Action 357MAG 158gr swc, FPS 1175, and FPE 484 appear to be a good 357MAG round for the 2 inch snubby and the 4 inch. Try them.
@danabogue18049 ай бұрын
I'm a Colt guy also. I own a King Cobra, and I like the versatility of being able to fire .38, .38+P, and a variety of .357 rounds! I'd like your opinion of the King Cobra, cause I've heard some don't care for it, but I like it, 3" barrel, stainless, 6 rounds, powerful cartridge, AND IT'S A COLT! I used to own auto (Colt commander45acp), but with a revolver you just have to pull the trigger and it's ready to go, as opposed to racking the slide and carrying a hot auto with a safety on! .357 (in my opinion) has plenty of stopping power! But so does 45acp!
@vlogfriendsutopia8 ай бұрын
My current favorite carry gun is a S&W model 60 3". My current self defense load is the 357 Magnum Hornady Critical Defense. It's actually not too bad.
@Mikesmith-lq7oo11 ай бұрын
Great job. Thanks for your channel. Great info. I'm tired of seeing all these tacticool knobs. I appreciate real world views...not fairy tales.
@LibertysetsquareJack11 ай бұрын
Ditto. Great channel so far, and I got a feeling it's just going to get better.
@lockloadwithdickfairburn-cr1jb11 ай бұрын
Thanks, I'm trying.
@tscherry7010 ай бұрын
I've been enjoyed your videos! Speaking of derringer recoil, have you seen the 45-70 Cyclops one shot derringer from Bond Arms? Got the be a knuckle and wrist breaker, but dang it's cool.
@johnhild-pt4qm11 ай бұрын
What about the Ruger GP100 and the SP101
@Frohman55846 ай бұрын
Great video. Good info.
@AugustusMcCrae-e8h11 ай бұрын
While I have some .357 Magnums I prefer the 10mm and .41 Magnum. The J Frame .357 Magnum is too much pleasure for my taste. I’ll stick with 3” and 4” .357 Magnums loaded with 135 grain Speer Gold Dots. I’ve still got some of the old Remington 125 grain duty loads but reserve them for the L and N frame size guns. Wonder if you’ll cover the .41 Magnum in this series? That’s my all time favorite handgun cartridge and very underrated in my opinion. Keep up the good work.
@lockloadwithdickfairburn-cr1jb11 ай бұрын
Thanks for the kind words! I will post a video on the "4" caliber revolvers in a couple of weeks. I agree, the .41 should have been a winner, I blame the lack of a good ".41 Special" load for police use.
@LibertysetsquareJack11 ай бұрын
41 Mag is definitely interesting. An intriguing idea that never really got off the ground.
@AugustusMcCrae-e8h11 ай бұрын
@@LibertysetsquareJack , It got off the ground, sort of, but not with the intended market. Savvy handgun hunters discovered it and as a friend of mine said once, “There is nothing I can do with a .44 Magnum that I can’t do with a .41 Magnum.” It’s a very undervalued and underrated round.
@JohnTBlock7 ай бұрын
I've got a Taurus 65, 4 in. .357. Seems to be a K frame clone...same speed loaders work ok, fixed sights so I've got to find a load that goes to point of aim out to 25, 35 yds....
@CarolinaRimfire11 ай бұрын
Great video! Thanks for your hard work--I was looking forward to this one. I usually carry a two-inch five-shot revolver, but I've moved on from 357 magnum. Just too much noise out of that short barrel, and the recoil is no fun... Right now, I'm carrying a 44 special, but typically I'm comfortable with a good 38+p.
@lockloadwithdickfairburn-cr1jb11 ай бұрын
I have a "4" caliber revolvers episode coming up, the .44 Special is one of my favorites.
@CarolinaRimfire11 ай бұрын
@@lockloadwithdickfairburn-cr1jb I'm looking forward to that! I've really enjoyed my 44 special, but I wish the ammunition wasn't quite so expensive
@LibertysetsquareJack11 ай бұрын
@@CarolinaRimfire I carry 44 SPL as EDC. It is a pretty sweet cartridge: well-conceived and practical loadings are very powerful even out of short barrels, without the surplus of blast that 357 Mag or 44 Mag engenders; and purpose-built 44 SPL pistols are also capable of being much smaller and/or lighter than even snub nose 44 Mags. Ammo for it is indeed relatively rare, and can get expensive, but things have gotten better versus a few years ago. For one, there are some excellent self-defense loads from reputable manufacturers that simply didn't exist back in the day. The 165 grain FTX load from Hornady, for example, or the 180 grain XTP load, the later seemingly discontinued by Hornady relatively recently, but the .44 caliber XTP bullets themselves are readily available. Underwood, Buffalo Bore and Double Tap, amongst others, also feature a range of 44 SPL loadings. For another thing, economy can be a strange thing. In the last couple of years the more common cartridges have grown in expense and rarity, because the demand for them is more common, whereas the "oddball rounds" such as 44 SPL will be sitting on the shelf with no one to buy them. Anyway, really looking forward to Fairburn's assessment of the 44 Mag and any asides he has about 44 SPL.
@CarolinaRimfire11 ай бұрын
@@LibertysetsquareJack I'm really enjoying his series and am definitely looking forward to the discussion on the big bore revolver rounds. I really love the 44 special. Not as noisy or abusive as the snubbie 357, and it's plenty powerful... Especially if you're using one of the loadings you mentioned.
@bobyjones39054 ай бұрын
I recently got a 686 plus 7i inch barrel. It’s not bad at all as far as recoil . I’m not going to use it for carry . I’ve always wanted a 357 . I do have a Ruger Redhawk 44 mag
@improvisedsurvival59673 ай бұрын
Got a lcr357. Nice little gun. Hammerless so can shoot through a jacket pocket.
@LarryFord-io5hz2 ай бұрын
@RetXMotor8 күн бұрын
In the academy and for awhile on patrol I carried a 6” Colt Python in a Hoyt breakfront swivel holster. Then I transitioned to a Browning Hi-Power and others.
@lockloadwithdickfairburn-cr1jb7 күн бұрын
6 inch Python, a SURE sign of class!
@RetXMotor7 күн бұрын
Thanks, Dick
@johnellis41295 ай бұрын
The new S&W model 66-8 with a 2.75" barrel comes with a full length ejector rod.
@kennethkeefer90807 ай бұрын
I bought a Ruger lcr 357 is mild in it
@MRMETT2811 ай бұрын
I carry a 686-3 4in for about 4 years and I just got and have been carrying a new colt python in 4.25in i'm a armed security guard I never felt uncomfortable with 357 on my hip
@lockloadwithdickfairburn-cr1jb11 ай бұрын
Class act.
@SonnyCrocket-p6h10 ай бұрын
ha, all you have to do is fire 6 hits on a 10" disk at 5 yds and record the time. Then do the same with an SA 9mm that's had a trigger job done and an overtravel stop installed in the trigger and see which one has repeat his that are twice as slow as the other. ESPECIALLY if you use a K frame 357 and the full charge Buffalo Bore loads (ie, 700 ft lb stuff)
@digitalpunk53656 ай бұрын
I was lucky enough to find a S&w 386 nightguard. 24oz L-frame. Perfect balance of carry and shoot ability.
@possumpopper8911 ай бұрын
I used to carry a Ruger sp101 2.5”. CCI 125 gold dots ran 1260 from the short barrel, 1490 from my 4”, and 2270 from my Marlin Cowboy. Can’t find that ammo any more.
@lockloadwithdickfairburn-cr1jb11 ай бұрын
Speer still catalogs a 125 Gold Dot in .357 Magnum, as well as a 135 grain short barrel load. Of course, finding a given load on the shelves has been tricky for several years.
@possumpopper8911 ай бұрын
@@lockloadwithdickfairburn-cr1jb yes they do, but they haven’t made any in a while. Too busy running 9mm and .223.
@charlesh17359 ай бұрын
I carry my S&W model 66 in 4” barrel when backpacking through the country side,or fishing at the lake in summer time. It’s an extra powerful round you will need if you come across a wild animal willing to attack in the mountains.
@pferoxtheskeeterguy11 ай бұрын
My nickel 586 is about 40 years old, and it pops em off. It is starting to show it's age, but it has a lot more years in it still. I used to load wadcutters, but now I'm just loading 158gr plated flat points.
@nektariosh347011 ай бұрын
I'm a big fan of the 357. I knew a retired St Louis cop who informed me that it "would stop just about anything walking". Curious as to your take on the 10mm?
@lockloadwithdickfairburn-cr1jb11 ай бұрын
It's coming up soon!
@reachvictoria338611 ай бұрын
I’ll bet your friend always checked his rounds before lighting them off after those Silvertips. Excellent video, and excellent cartridge.
@lockloadwithdickfairburn-cr1jb11 ай бұрын
He got me with a few practical jokes over the years, too. He passed about a year ago, and left me a Browning 92 lever gun in .44 Magnum. I have the .357 Magnum twin I bought from him about 35 years ago.
@joeleonetti897611 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, I was hoping you might comment on how well this cartridge performs out of a lever action rifle.
@lockloadwithdickfairburn-cr1jb11 ай бұрын
I have a video on my Browning 92 .357 Magnum lever action I call my "house gun." When you fire a .357 Magnum (or a .44 Magnum) from a carbine length barrel it becomes a self-defense beast, but you must choose your loads carefully. Some lightly built hollow points will blow to fragments at those velocities.
@joeleonetti897611 ай бұрын
@@lockloadwithdickfairburn-cr1jb Thanks for the feedback. I will go watch that video.
@raylauderback512611 ай бұрын
Excellent video, Sir! I think "marketing" versus reality is the biggest impediment for revolvers be carried less than semiautomatic pistols. It is hard to beat a revolver for real world EDC.
@lockloadwithdickfairburn-cr1jb11 ай бұрын
Thanks for the kind words.
@shadowcastre11 ай бұрын
Raylauderback5126... I Agee completely! A SAA clone 45 Colt suites my needs.
@raylauderback512611 ай бұрын
@@shadowcastre My Dad bought me a Ruger Bearcat for my 9th birthday. I learned so much from that little revolver, as well as having a great deal of fun! Plastic pistols have their place, but give me wood and steel, please!
@dwheeler01611 ай бұрын
I bought an L frame 586 to replace my model 28. My gunsmith polished the interior parts with jewelers rouge and the trigger pull was like glass.
@lockloadwithdickfairburn-cr1jb11 ай бұрын
The 28 had the matte finish, which I always liked better than bright blue. Nice conditions Model 28's are selling for a premium these days.
@dwheeler01611 ай бұрын
Mine had holster wear, but it shot well. I got rid of it when I bought the 586. I did not have the money to hang onto firearms back then.@@lockloadwithdickfairburn-cr1jb
@panzerdeal87278 ай бұрын
Saw a 150 grain Hollow based bullet mould,[ "Minie ball" in 1860's terminology]. I was thinking that bullet, with a wadcutter charge, may make a good load for a lever action in 38 special, or maybe a RiA M-200. [ 4 inch ] 2 grains make much of a differance ?
@lockloadwithdickfairburn-cr1jb8 ай бұрын
You can get more than 2 grains of difference between bullets from the same box of ammo ... no difference at all.
@mtkoslowski11 ай бұрын
In 1979, on the occasion of my 21st birthday I was gifted a Colt Python .357 magnum in a 4 inch barrel. It had the nickel finish and quite frankly it looked like a bathroom fitting. Edit: I loved the revolver and also my S&W Model 19, .357 mag, 4 inch.
@theoriginalOSOK11 ай бұрын
I have a High Standard MkIII Sentinal .357 Mag - it was made by Dan Wesson. It's a tack driver. N-frame sized with a 6" barrel. Not a great carry revolver but man is it accurate. Also have a couple of snub nosed .357 Mags - Colt King Cobra and Taurus 605. I like them both but the Colt is a six shooter and oh so smooth action. Nice thing about the .357 Mag is you can match a revolver with a lever gun like the Rossi R92 and you have a great hunting pair.
@anonymousf45410 ай бұрын
Great video sir. Could you do the 41 magnum, my personal all time favorite cartridge.
@lockloadwithdickfairburn-cr1jb10 ай бұрын
The .41 is lumped in with the "4" caliber revolvers which is in the que.
@anonymousf45410 ай бұрын
@@lockloadwithdickfairburn-cr1jb Cool...thank you Sir👍
@anonymousf45410 ай бұрын
@@lockloadwithdickfairburn-cr1jbHmmmm...not seeing that title in the video history
@jona55177 ай бұрын
46 yo Fudd here. I love this channel! But I’m a history buff, so maybe that’s why. Both you and Paul Harrell have a wealth of knowledge and experience and can listen to both of you all day. Hickock, Sootch00 and Garand Thumb I also find both educational and entertaining. Keep them coming.
@lockloadwithdickfairburn-cr1jb7 ай бұрын
Thanks ... might have to give my thoughts on what this summer will bring.
@YellowHammer2611 ай бұрын
👍👍appreciate the video, you talked about colts and s&w what do you think about the Ruger gp 100 and the Ruger sp101
@lockloadwithdickfairburn-cr1jb11 ай бұрын
Rugers are hell for stout, but never seemed to mee to have as smooth a trigger action as a Colt or S&W. I have owned and happily used many Ruger forearms over the years.
@YellowHammer2611 ай бұрын
@@lockloadwithdickfairburn-cr1jb Thanks for the response
@craigbenz48359 ай бұрын
I love the 357 Magnum, but they beat up revolvers. Between timing and end shake I've had trouble keeping working ones around.
@rickbaier10429 ай бұрын
Not a Dan Wesson 357
@kevinramsey349011 ай бұрын
Excellent videos!🇺🇸
@lockloadwithdickfairburn-cr1jb11 ай бұрын
Thank you.
@johnnymccann560710 ай бұрын
as a life long reloader,collector and now disabled im still proficient in my firearms. its of my opinion for me my Taurus tracker 44mag is the ultimate self defense cartridge. my cronygraphed load for self defense and deer size hunting is 180 gr xtp at 1350 fps with give or take 660 ft/ lb energy power, not brutal for my old hands and at 20yds when i do my part a inch group. this bullet has taken many deer with devastating effects and rarely passing through except lung shots. i don't say this is for everyone. my main grab is my Taurus pt 845/ 45acp+ p reloaded with 255gr gt bullets wide mouth deep hp in 45super brass ,Longshot powder at 950 fps with expansion 7/ 8 in across . 12 shot in magazine and 1 in the barrel. Also 250 gr xtp same 950 fps for dangerous game. Papa wishing you well. 😊
@lockloadwithdickfairburn-cr1jb10 ай бұрын
Same wish to you.
@brianleabo62959 күн бұрын
Hello maybe you can help me. I have what I think is a early model 19. My grand father was police officer. Back in the 1960’s. It has no modale number. How on the earl police gun do you I'd the model? It about a 4 and change .357 mag
@lockloadwithdickfairburn-cr1jb7 күн бұрын
From what I could find online, the S&W K-frame .357 Magnum revolver was first sold in 1955. Different sources call it a .357 Combat Magnum or the .357 Combat Masterpiece. It was developed at the request of the famous Border Patrol marksman Bill Jordan. In 1957 S&W started using model numbers instead of model names and the K-frame .357 revolver became the Model 19. If your revolver is a K-frame, (cylinder diameter about 1.455 inches) and is marked .357 Magnum on the barrel, it could be a 1955-1957 pre-Model 19. A serial number check by S&W would provide proof.