Have any suggestions for a young boy that is 10yrs old & he doesn't so much refuse to do chores but more like he psychs himself out & it overwhelms him. Which causes him to start to get anxious, cry, whine, & not wanna even try because he's already freaking out bout "how much cleaning" there is to do. When all I've said was "Can you help me with this or come on hun we gotta get this done b4 going where ever" & it literally drains my patience because its all over nothing! Any advice would be great
@annaah244 жыл бұрын
Maybe they aren't sure what to do or how to do it? Maybe try to offer to help teach them what to do until they observe and gain enough knowledge and are able to get it done by themselves? Kids learn best by observation. Try to remain patient with them! Everyone grows at different rates. :) Best of luck.