I identify with your reasons for getting the OP-1 Field. Since it came out last year, I've bought and sold it three times! Previously, I would get inspired by reading or watching KZbin videos, pull the trigger, create a few tracks, then started to feel guilty about the cost and sell it. But this last time I realized there's no other synth I own that generates new ideas like this machine. For me it's the alchemy of how all the parts fit together, where you can use a synth engine or sampler to come up with a cool sound, use the keyboard or sequencer to to play it, record a performance to tape, further manipulating it with effects, lfos, time-manipulation, layering on additional tracks...etc, with the added benefit of unbeaten portability and a long battery life. Plus it's my thirteen-year old son's favorite synth. Definitely keeping it this time around👍
@crabolsky Жыл бұрын
“When you find an instrument that resonates with you, that is priceless” 👏👏👏
@OoraMusic Жыл бұрын
yep :)
@darwiniandude2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this tour. I liked how I could hear the high end aliasing artefacts on the slowed-down disc mini emulation. I wouldn't normally want that, but it's cool that it's there.
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it!
@digicat2472 жыл бұрын
It doesn't matter what your instrument is or how much it costs, as long as you love making music on it.
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
@iamYork_ Жыл бұрын
@hexfxtriks2 жыл бұрын
I've had friends buy a synth merely on the price. It seems to only encourage them to throw them aside. Especially when they didn't get what they wanted out of it with very little effort.The joy I have gotten out of my OP-1 will lead me to by the plus.
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
same here
@BigPlasticPlant2 жыл бұрын
The personal aspect of buying the OP1 and what you get out of it is really the only justification you need to overpay for an instrument. Myself I’ve spent way more than I probably should have on modular gear but it makes me happy, so I don’t care. On the other hand my own personal experience with TE is why I won’t buy the Field, based on their handling of the multiple issues with the OP-Z, I’m still waiting for a response a year and a half later..... so personally, nah.
I sold my OP-1 to get a Digitone as I wanted lush delays and beautiful reverbs the OP-1 couldn’t do at all. With the OP-1 field we finally have a nice reverb but still no stereo delay? If they could at least tell us it’s coming in the future then I could maybe relax about the price.
@el_dani2 жыл бұрын
it would be anyway just one fx per track, wouldn‘t it?
@qlyde2 жыл бұрын
@@el_dani It’s 1 fx per instrument, you can record 8 instruments on 1 track if you want and have all different effects on each instrument. But it’d still be nice to have the option of a stereo delay. A lot of people use OP-1 on it’s own, but most projects will finish production and mixing in a DAW so 1 fx per instrument, 1 fx on master, plus Dynamic EQ, Limiter/Saturation & Panning on the master is great for a little “idea machine” as I call it.
@anton.che.musica2 жыл бұрын
Why would you buy an OP-1 field? It’s easy. 1. You have 2000$ to spend. 2. You’re synth enthusiast and love hardware. 3. OP-1 is a great product and OP-1 Field is better than the OP-1 for sure. Simple as that. No any other facts or details need to be explained 😁. Thanks for such a comprehensive review!
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching Anton!
@jransomtucker Жыл бұрын
Off topic, I know... What is the larger "mixer" looking device with all the white knobs? Great review of the TE O1, thanks for this!
What's tough about these Field videos is everyone is making feature requests already. I get that TE updates their gear all the time, but it's all a guess what they will actually do. Hell they could go bankrupt in 5 years, who knows? My point is that I can't agree that investing in a platform justifies the price. I buy gear for what it does right now, and never put any hope on future updates. Especially if I'm dropping 2Gs. Just my opinion, loved the video.
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
but when you buy a new 4k mac you buy for the potential power that you will use for the next 4/5 years, no?
@distrans2 жыл бұрын
@@OoraMusic not really comparable, as for a 4k mac there a thousands of software companies developing on that platform TE could make a real platform out of it (as in open it to other companies) but that is also a bet I would not take for 2k Don't get me wrong, I love your videos, and I really like TE, still use my OGOP1 (800€) very often
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
Well, I use my Mac only for Ableton live, so I can compare. And thanks for the nice words :)
@el_dani2 жыл бұрын
@@OoraMusic you buy a computer for the power that it delivers now, not what could be in 3 years (sure you expect to have software improvements but wholly different developer situation)
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
@@el_dani no my friend. You know that in one year your computer has to be a platform you can always use, so I always buy a computer that ha way more power than I need. I feel exactly the same with OP1-Field ( and many other instrument I have). Beside that, I already am happy with it so I actually don't need much more :)
@infriad2 жыл бұрын
This video made me realize that I need this instrument ☺️
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
@vinylarchaeologist2 жыл бұрын
That Portastudio cassette emulation was my favourite one. Instant character.
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
@MidlifeSynthesist2 жыл бұрын
Congratulations on getting your OP1Field my friend! Can’t wait to see what you do with it 🤟🏻 cheers!
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
Thanks Mate!
@margg_names2 жыл бұрын
Can anyone tell which lfo he used to make the patch with the moving waveforms in dimensions?
@xorshidjomjomeh802 жыл бұрын
this is just a fantastic instrument, I bought the original op-1 very early about 8 or maybe 9 years ago, it was my first hardware synth/sampler/sequencer...it really changed the way I was making music...and if I ever have the budget to buy the op-1 field, I am going to do it without any doubt, because I think you are absolutely right this is a long time investment
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing that!!
@Mokkel732 жыл бұрын
I am a complete novice. I want to play with music but have no prior experience, apart from drumming. Have decided on OP1 but am looking for a good intro guide to all the functions. Any ideas?
@thegreaterconundrum2 жыл бұрын
I think if you go ahead and get it, you'll be surprised by how quickly you can pick it up without any help!
@NothingNowhereNoOne Жыл бұрын
Great vid. I play experimental noise music. ( puce Mary , pharmakon, prurient, etc. ). Would you recommend this piece of gear ( I plan on only using it by itself. Maybe te mixer also and a mic )
@OoraMusic Жыл бұрын
I feel you would have a nice platform to sample and resample audio and create interesting textures!
@NothingNowhereNoOne Жыл бұрын
@@OoraMusic Thanks. And I should’ve mentioned: I plan to use 1 piece of gear for LIVE use.
@arthurkillen3962 жыл бұрын
Thank you. Very informative and well thought out video.
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it!
@PiotrstrashcanŚmietnikPiotra Жыл бұрын
Hmmm… it seems some people love it, others hate it. Nothing in between.
@spyhardman2 жыл бұрын
Nice video; I appreciate your method for comparing the tape simulations. I was wondering something: do the tape tricks (stop, reverse and chop) behave differently for the different styles? I’m particularly wondering about the Disk Mini, because I think a more “digital” sounding skipping effect would be fun and thematically appropriate.
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
yes they all have different characters. Sorry I didn't think about that!
@PeterLeeJohnson2 жыл бұрын
thanks for this, can’t wait for mine to arrive in the US- bought it the day it was announced
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
Hope you enjoy it!
@moyosoremartins71942 жыл бұрын
Me too! I can’t wait ..I got the mixer but the sent me a broken one had to send it back
@PostmodernMachine2 жыл бұрын
Great video! On the controversial price, something I haven't seen discussed... If TE is sure that chip shortages are the future, and they may very well be right about this, the company probably wants to remain in business, by pricing for lower volume of possible sales. Don't forget that post-pandemic, companies can not sell in the volume they want, but only in the volume they can get parts for. This seems to be the new reality, and businesses need to price for it. It's really not up to any of us whether it's fair, only whether we shell out the coin or not.. I am lucky to afford this, and never had the luxury of the original. Almost none of my gear is portable, and recently, the portability is becoming really important to me. This is the only product of it's kind (DAW/multi-instrument/field recorder/emulator/broadcaster/tiny package) so luxury or not, you will no doubt get to see videos of the OP-1 field on my channel once the delays pass and I have one in my hands 😅
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
thanks for writing this. I am a fan of your channel!
@PostmodernMachine2 жыл бұрын
@@OoraMusic Thank you and right back at you!!
@videosarchive80582 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the great video! You convinced me to invest in the field for the sounds, really excited. Have you used Op1 Field midi usb with Elektron Rytm yet? I’m looking forward to connecting my Syntakt to OP1 Field when it arrives, using keyboard mode to sequence Op sounds. Do you know if the cable needed is USB c to USB b for elektron boxes? Would love to see a video of how you integrate into your live set. Much gratitude!
@TigroGumi2 жыл бұрын
I think the issue was the cost in the first place was a lot for what it does and now it’s more, but does more, but most companies add things and keep things the same price… the company makes more profit as production goes on… in value wars it’s the absolute loser, but in many other wars it wins quite a lot of them, especially portability… it’s just a bit of a item you have to love to buy as someone that might be spending this much on big synth’s and such… it loses the price war but is a super fun creative munchkin… take away to cost and the mixer they have where this can connect by usb c and then 6 stereo inputs, you could make such a unique music creation picnic setup… even a fun looking live setup… mini electronic band and singers… if you make music they will sell with it then that price won’t mater later on
@zacharymenard20732 жыл бұрын
Great review ( : Love that pairing with night sky
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
thanks !!
@atomicbeat2 жыл бұрын
Never watched any of you vids before (maybe one you did on your ambient workflow?). In any case I really enjoyed this. I'm fed up with people feeling they can comment on other people's buying choices but let's not go there... Just wanted to say that you can apparently lift sections from one tape emulation and place them into another tape emulation. The tape artefacts are 'added' on record not on playback so you can record at 4-track fidelity for your drums (for example) and then lift them onto Reel to Reel and still keep the 4-track fidelity on the drums, Not sure if that make sense (and perhaps you have already found that). I know it's not quite what you are looking for but it is a workaround... By the way - I didnt find this myself (I only have an Original OP1) but I saw it on another video.
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
that is so interesting! gonna try it asap! and thanks for watching.
@urbanfugitive2 жыл бұрын
The video is literally about why it was bought... why wouldn't you comment on that!
@cjlewis7923 күн бұрын
Im borrowing one for a few months with the intent to enjoy it, return it and use the money I would to buy one to get a Hydrasynth and/or UB-XA. ;) Solid video though as always.
@aseomg2 жыл бұрын
I'm curious about the FM transmitter. Seen a short video on it, but have not seen any real world reviews about that feature. Like, what is the range of the transmission, etc.?
@danielprovder2 жыл бұрын
I tried it on my field and muzen OTR and the connection isn’t too stable, I kinda had to get the synth and radio in just the right positions to make the sound quality the best/better than the internal speakers (which are very good). If we're both talking about the same video, then you’d notice that there were similar problems in the demo with the OB-4…
@aseomg2 жыл бұрын
@@danielprovder I remember TE made an FM antenna that was part of the OP-1 Accessory Kit. If that doesn't work on the OP-1F, perhaps TE will make a dedicated Antenna for the Field...only time will tell.
@dammills2 жыл бұрын
The real question is if you are going to get the $250 leather sleeve for it?
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
I like it naked!
@_fig.82 жыл бұрын
as a fan of the OGOP, field was an immediate yes. they had me at ‘disc mini’
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
@hellohogo2 жыл бұрын
struggling to decide to either buy a used OP-1 or save for a couple months for the OP-1 Field
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
id say op1 field will set you up for a longer ride. Or you can find op1 at a good price on the second market!
@hellohogo2 жыл бұрын
@@OoraMusic agreed on both 🦾
@middaymeds2 жыл бұрын
Finally a video on the Field that goes beyond blind hatred! I want to know more about the instrument beyond "the price is too high", which unfortunately most KZbinrs won't engage in. I totally understand the issues people have, but that shouldn't stop those of us who are interested from being able to discuss it.
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
exactly, I tried, but it seems everyone want to just point out the price. so tiring and frustrating.
@el_dani2 жыл бұрын
what about the Velcro, why is it? Does it feel justified, i.e. would you choose a non-velcro version if possible?
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
you can remove it, it has the regular rubber feet anyway.
@el_dani2 жыл бұрын
@@OoraMusic ah didn't know that you could easily remove the velcro, it looks like fixed and glued to stay.. - thanks for response!
@sampledude88462 жыл бұрын
I bought my OP-1 for $599, brand new. It hasn't always been this crazy, no. But the OP-1 Field is still worth it IMHO.
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
same for me!
@TheNimasan2 жыл бұрын
everyone as he likes. if you don't want to buy it, don't buy it then. my fav superbooth device: SOMA COSMOS
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
cosmos and perkons was two f my favorite things!!
@op-1g.s2 жыл бұрын
Well I had 2 options. 1: Selling my old OP-1 and buying the field. 2: Keep my old OP-1 and grab the MPC live 2. So I grabbed the Mpc live 2 and keeping my old OP-1. 2K is definitely way to much for me but I respect everyone who grabbed the OP-1 field. Thanks for showing your way why you buy the field. Have a nice Sunday 🙋♂️
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
You will be more than fine man!
@amconsole Жыл бұрын
Now that a year has passed, do You still feel like the OP-1 Field is worth the money?
@OoraMusic Жыл бұрын
yes! I am using it live and is still one fo my favorite pieces of gear ( and I am not sponsored by teenage )
@moyosoremartins71942 жыл бұрын
When did you get yours ..I am still waiting on tracking
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
bought the minute it went on sale!
@TirmanKidMusic Жыл бұрын
Did you sold the og op1? Im not sure
@OoraMusic Жыл бұрын
still have it, can't let it go..
@sodiumlights2 жыл бұрын
superb video, thank you. I would like TE to announce that they will produce the OG-1 for a further year before retiring it. Then reduce the Field down to the £1,500 mark.
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
i wonder if covid made things harder too for the pricing!
@davidsanfeliumarco96642 жыл бұрын
What about the sequecers? No upgrades there?
@F_letc.h2 жыл бұрын
They added one sequencer called the “Hold” sequencer.
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
The Hold one!
@dracul742 жыл бұрын
Great video... subbed. Thx.
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the sub!
@gurtana2 жыл бұрын
hmmm, interesting A/B/C/D comparison of the tapes. I find it curious why Mini Disk was included as an option. And if I didn't hear the difference I would have assumed it would be one of the clearest, most digital sounding, but actually it removes a lot of top end, makes the tune sound a bit more "removed"/quieter, like audio compressed. Almost similar to a 128kps MP3 file (in comparison to a 256kps MP3 file in its detail/calrity).
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
I was surprised too. I feel more emulation will come tho!
@rvller2 жыл бұрын
Maybe I missed something - but is the tempo setting global - or per reel?
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
It is global!
@rvller2 жыл бұрын
@@OoraMusic but I guess you can name your tape with bpm so you can change the tempo after you load it, meaning you can have different “projects” in different tempo, right?
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
@@rvller yes you can change that.It could be a great idea to have reel changing the tempo tho!
@rvller2 жыл бұрын
@@OoraMusic thanks for the answers!
@dankefurnichts2 жыл бұрын
i can't wait to get my OP-1 field
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
@Synth-PatchesCom2 жыл бұрын
Literally every feature available on the new OP-1 you can replicate using cheap FX pedals or plugins. So in my opinion there is only one convincing reason people will buy this instrument: simply for fun. And If you can afford it - that's totally ok.
@Wormsie2 жыл бұрын
Almost all hardware synths and effects can be replicated with free plug-ins. The only reason to buy hardware synths IMO is the form factor and interface, and the benefits of creative limitations imposed by them.
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
this is a great point. you can do piano pieces using an ipad, but that wont substitute the joy of playing a piano.
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
@@Wormsie 100%, that is what people sometime don't get until they try a certain instrument.
@kierenmoore32362 жыл бұрын
“the benefits of creative limitations” ‘justification’ always makes me laugh 😅
@LordoftheBadgers2 жыл бұрын
@@kierenmoore3236 and yet that is exactly why my other main instrument is tenor guitar - I don't use six string guitars because I find freedom in limitation. Same goes for many other folk instruments. Same goes for the perfourmer mk2. It's an antidote to paralysis by choice that can occur when working in a daw
@rooneye2 жыл бұрын
You know the accessories for the op1 like the crank and stuff, do they not work on this? Thats some bullshit man fir the people who already have the op1 and wanna upgrade to the field.
@pasxa2 жыл бұрын
Are tracks 1-4 mono or stereo?
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
all stereo
@BigBadWolf..............2 жыл бұрын
The op1 is a fantastic instrument. I got mine long ago for a great price. The field also looks like a fantastic instrument. It's great world we live in where you can find such inspirational pieces of gear. Teenage Engineering make great stuff. Even though I can afford it I won't buy it. There is a limit to what most people will spend on a hobby. It's a professional product that is not built with hobbyist in mind.I look forward to all the videos people put up especially people who make music that I can appreciate like yourself. I think the big disconnect is that some people make music for a living and some people make music for a hobby.
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
completely agree
@MuslimShortanov2 жыл бұрын
For 3 thousand dollar I can buy Buchla. What the reason to get this unit for 2k :(
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
guess what? I have a buchla with I use 1/10 than the op1 :D I think to each his own
@MuslimShortanov2 жыл бұрын
@@OoraMusic I see. Agree. If such a sound fits your inspiration and style. I love Buchla more. But I do more minimalistic and tembal music.
@64north20west2 жыл бұрын
Great video. I aassume there are people who will pay the money for this. This seems to make sense in your rig. The cost is a non starter for me, and it would bring nothing to my existing rig that would justify the price.
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
fair enough :)
@bob-rogers2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video! I always enjoy seeing how people use their gear. Even though the speaker on the original is small and "almost" useless, I used it once when I got to my hotel room and realized I left my headphones at home. Cheap speakers beat no speakers!! 🙂 BTW, not that it matters to me, but sometimes when you say the word 'fact' it sounds a lot like you're saying 'f****d'. Thought you might like to know that if you weren't aware 🙂
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
ahah man, I realized that too :D
@AmiliaCaraMia2 жыл бұрын
Your music is solid, if you like an instrument then I say save up and get it.
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
Thanks, and I agree.
@kgbinfo7 ай бұрын
If it had a full-sized keyboard, no one would complain about the price.
@OoraMusic6 ай бұрын
fair enough
@jjiitter2 жыл бұрын
Hey great vid. Question for you, I’ve had some issues with zero-crossing snaps/pops at the end of loops on the original op1. Did you have that experience on the original? And have you experienced anything like that on the Field?
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
I am still not experienced enough to say, sorry
@musicstudy17602 жыл бұрын
Why keep the old OP-1 if you bought the new one? I'm guessing you won't be using the old one, since the new one can do everything better. Which leads me to think, can the new OP-1 sync with the old? Not in terms of technicality, but as in a coherent workflow kind of way that could justify keeping both instead of selling the old and just upgrading? Thanks!
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
I guess I am just attached to it, but yes, no reason to keep them both!
@musicstudy17602 жыл бұрын
@@OoraMusic I am attached to my original one as well! And I wouldn't want to sell it for the upgrade either :D so guess I'm keeping it! maybe with the future "field" updates I can justify getting it with the small mixer to combine with stuff like Koma field kit and stuff like that.
@subiesojourner7772 жыл бұрын
Just my 2 cents. If you can afford one, your money, your business. Personally, even though I can afford it, it's just not for me. Instead I went with a DirtyWave M8. True, it's a bit more unconventional since it's a tracker, but I've always wanted to learn about trackers and have something to putz around with that is mobile and the M8 fits that.
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
Well said!
@hiabex2 жыл бұрын
Good video and explanation. I don't think i'd buy it now as the lack of 'Undo' is a bit of a deal-breaker and I completely don't understand why this wasn't a function from day one. I'm guessing that 'reasons to buy' will depend on whether future updates start justifying the price. For now, I'm opting for the MPC One, it's a quarter of the price. I do miss my old OP-1, so I'm not on the hate train. The ability to undo a mistake, especially when layering tapes is fundamentally essential for workflow.
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
yeah that can be definitely annoying!! but you get used to it, I guess
@PostmodernMachine2 жыл бұрын
@@OoraMusic Red means recording showed an undo method. I don't have the OP-1 Field yet to try this but I'm researching as I have one on order. You press the "lift" button on the section you are overdubbing on, this makes a copy of it. If you don't like your performance, you "drop" the old copy which will be the one before your overdub.
@musicstudy17602 жыл бұрын
Calling the OP-1 field a "a full DAW on steroids in a portable package" is far from accurate imo. In fact it's a ridiculous hyperbole which was ironically meant literally. No DAW is limited by 4 tracks, not to mention you can't use plugins, record midi clips, or do the countless other things most DAWs (and even the free ones can do) on the OP-1 field. On the other hand we all have cellphones, which are capable of running DAW-ish software that is FAR more powerful and capable than the OP-1 field. You can buy the latest and greatest iphone for a lot LESS cheaper than the OP-1 field, connect as many apps and AUv3s through an app like AUM, and absolutely crush anything the OP-1 field can provide easily while you're sitting on the toilet and holding it with one hand. AND on the same device you can also browse the internet, call other people, and do a million other things since it's a tiny computer. And you already do carry it in your pocket most of the day anyway. It's far more powerful and portable than the OP-1 field. And it can record and sequence way more than 4 tracks at a time. Just saying...
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
I recorded an album, scored a movie, MANY commercial, just using the OP1. So to me is better than any daw. ALL of what I say on my channel is my personal experience and opinion sir, not meant for you to take it as a godsend statement. Thanks for sharing your ideas anyway.
@gurtana2 жыл бұрын
@music study: All very true and valid points. But what you're suggesting is a disjointed experience. Something where for a start you'd have to do research into all those music apps available and find if they are each compatible with your audiobus software on your iPad or iPhone (some might not be, which case you'll be waiting around for an update for your software), or even compatibility with your IOS. Then of course there's the getting used to each individual work flow within each app - learning each one and where the sounds are you want to play, and how to use each synth engine within each app. And then learning some more as you try to make sure your digital routing works - you may also struggle with numerous app specific bugs along the way. So what's more important to you? Pure synth and music making power? Affordability? Portability? Fidelity of audio? Cohesive and integrated music making? Time or Money? You get to decide of course. But you have admire TE's all in one solution, even if you dislike the price and performance when compared to the latest smartphone.
@hans50772 жыл бұрын
You love making music with your phone?
@Mike.Barclay2 жыл бұрын
Très bonne vidéo merci 🙏
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
@numberknower2 жыл бұрын
great to see something on the field beyond being mad about it-- I'm plenty mad about the price, but I don't get to see anyone talking about what it actually DOES. Would love to see the different tape styles added to the original OP1 via firmware update, but I'm guessing that isn't super likely
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
thanks for your words Eric
@trinkssven22212 жыл бұрын
Did you pay the full price?
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
i did.
@GradyNickel2 жыл бұрын
Why would anyone ask this question in a public forum? It's nobody's business how much he paid for it.
@distrans2 жыл бұрын
Yes, cannot attack "very very personal experience", so yeah have fun :-) Still, it is overpriced and that is part of the experience. It's on the edge of the luxury-market and that is where TE wants to be: A lifestyle brand, not a music-instrument manufacturer :-) Really, nothing wrong with that I like it and will buy it if it fits my mood
@alecsbuga2 жыл бұрын
How is the drum envelope? I remember it was crap on the OG and they said it is improved now. Ordered one too. They fixed most of the gripes I had with the OG. It’s freaking expensive but yeah, it’s like 200$ per year. Good thinking. Also the new connectivity possibilities are awesome too. USB c, Bluetooth, fm transmitter which is darn cool. I used the OG in the car a lot and will probably buy a FM dongle to hook it up to my speakers.
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
I am loving it so far, I hope you will too! Didn't work on the drum side much yet !
@Blogspierre2 жыл бұрын
8 reels total, across all tape styles, not 8 per tape style (8x4).
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
yes I say that later in the video
@AustinSteingrube2 жыл бұрын
I bought an OP-1 at the beginning of the pandemic and ended up selling it in favor of Korg Minilogue XD. While it was a neat machine, the price alongside of the many issues it had, like the spring reverb, made it next to useless for me. In order to actually record something of quality, you had to export your files to a PC anyways to get good compression, reverb, and delay. It seems like the Field fixes pretty much everything I had issue with minus pressure sensitive keys, BUT, the price point is WAY too high. For the same price, you could get an arguably just as portable Macbook air, great software with plugins, and a little midi controller. I think for the $2k price point, it needs a lot more to it. For starters, the ability to load your own synth models into it and not just samples. If they kept the same firmware and managed to get the price down to around $800, I think this would be a good deal. I’d even be willing to pay that with an ABS plastic chassis instead of the aluminum.
@harveytherobot2 жыл бұрын
Well, you lost me at replacing your OP-1 with a Minilogue XD. How does a Minilogue XD compare to an OP-1? That’s like replacing a DAW with a guitar.
@breitbanddesign2 жыл бұрын
if you are really into music production, the xd is the way better option. So i can understand this exchange pretty well.
@AustinSteingrube2 жыл бұрын
@@harveytherobot I can see where you are coming from, but they aren't as different as you'd think. As-is, the OP-1 isn't much of a DAW. Yes, you can record things and make okay tracks, but you are going to end up needing to transfer the recordings to a PC for mastering to make something worth sharing; the recording feature is a fun scratchpad and not much more. The OP-1 is about the same as a Minilogue XD in that without a PC, it's just an instrument. The OP-1, however, is extremely constrained (good or bad), and has extremely limited live effects like reverb and compression. The only massive benefit to the OP-1, of course, is how portable it is. If I'm playing for myself, I like the sound of my XD far more than I like the OP-1. The OP-1 was fun, but it wasn't $1400 worth of fun and the synths are not unique or customizeable enough to warrant the cost.
@DanChippendaleMusic2 жыл бұрын
I'm definitely into the idea of this. Owned the OG OP-1 and did enjoy it but that thing was so fiddly and frustrating making a drum sequence. Didn't bond with the drum 'sequencers' so usually had to settle for sloppy live drumming. The screen was tiny for such a complex tape/track workflow and just found the tape setup unnecessarily esoteric so ultimately sold it. Shame its not got a bigger screen (touchscreen would be nice for the cash) and a proper sequencer. That would clinch the deal for me
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
would be great to have the screen of the iPhone connected like with the opz
@tendingtropic77782 жыл бұрын
Nice video as always. You convinced me to buy one but damn, you cant’t get one anywhere!
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
yeah all back ordered :/
@nathan634112 жыл бұрын
No music. Can you play?
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
@cryptout2 жыл бұрын
Hahaha "the internet" thinks something it to expensive. I can't believe you spend so much time justifying your purchase to these people. Keep creating and enjoy!
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
I know. But one of my main thing is to try to engage in conversation with everyone. I love doing that. This video is more the justification I had for myself :)
@jimjamjerry2 жыл бұрын
Man I wish I could afford one!
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
maybe you. an find the OG one for cheaper, is almost the same :)
@station2station5442 жыл бұрын
The display is actually glass. Hardened glass.
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
thanks I wasn't sure!
@earlsfield2 жыл бұрын
And as for your love towards tape, for 2 k you can buy real tape recorder (I know you have one) AND 3-4 top end artefact plugins, like Satin, RC20, etc. No one can tell me these modes in OP1 Field are worth it, they are just algos, like RC20. And for 2k you should not need to pair it with external effects to sound good. To me, it sounds like OP1, and has that squary- pad thing that defines the device. I love it, but should be much much more in there.
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
I feel what its missing in your opinion is the fact that sometime packaging the right features in an instrument makes it different than using multiple tools to obtain the same. To me OP1 is a game changer, and works great in my workflow . Yes I can use plugins or real tape, but on op1 the sum of the part is something bigger and different. But maybe this works only for me! Thanks for your opinion though, always appreciated Nemanja!
@earlsfield2 жыл бұрын
@@OoraMusic Likewise my man, you know we understand each other. I am not questioning your purchase, you said well, each purchase is deeply private and intimate relationship between musician and an user. However I have a problem with TE in general regarding this device, and its price tag. As much as OP1 was a game changer for me, that inspired me and pushed me to work almost as I did 20 years before, with no undo and few tools, that were fun and protable, this one is -nothing new, for me.
@earlsfield2 жыл бұрын
@@bugglebegger143 there is just so much digital algo can do. I get it, for Oora, its ok, he knows exactly whats he is getting and that’s fine. But I am just saying, no amount of lo fi can justify the price. And as you said, TE knows it and don’t care. Don’t get me wrong, premium product should cost premium money. I just think they cashed on almost cult like following and that’s it. They could ve crammed all algos in this world in there still wouldn’t justify a price for a such a small difference in what, almost 10 year newer machine.
@hans50772 жыл бұрын
You'll need a computer for RC20.
@seck1002 жыл бұрын
Lol, hai davvero detto "quale strumento che avete dura 10 anni?!" Tipo tutti quelli che ho avuto.
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
e allora stai una bomba! il concetto era un po’ diverso forse mi sono espresso male.
I’m curious how people explain their OP-1 field purchase to their friends/family/partners etc? The average person would look at this and think it’s maybe $200-$500 because that’s what it looks like so I think buying this will be a lifetime of explanations and justifications to everyone that you show it to, which sounds like a lot of work. The difference with a Leica/Rolex etc is that they LOOK like expensive objects so you don’t need to explain the price to people, they just get it. But a plastic / aluminium / Velcro combo doesn’t scream luxury to anyone so naturally everyone’s reaction will be WTF you paid so much for THAT?!
@@fibonacho 😂
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
why I would have to explain that to anyone? I can give the community my reasons,but for the rest I am the only one that have to be happy with it.
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
@@fibonacho ahahahhaha as a former photographer I can understand that
@christianvandalstrom83372 жыл бұрын
Sounds like any soft synth you can download cracked for free. :)
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
It is not about the sound only friend, is about the way this thing works. The sum of the parts here give you something special, imho
@fraka61602 жыл бұрын
Why? do you know that you inspire musician all around the world? your setup is very personal with the model one, the vermona , few pedals…your revox…but make so much sens for the music you are creating. This small historical OP version 2 is exactly what you need : fun, original, powerful, and ready to deliver new sound under your master digits. fuck the price, it was allways an expensive machine.
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
:) thanks mate!!
@Frakaphoto2 жыл бұрын
the pleasure you get from op1-field value 5000€
@GeorgeL9092 жыл бұрын
"when you find an instrument that resonates with you... it's priceless" I really felt this comment. There's a lot of truth behind this.
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
thanks for your kind words
@earlsfield2 жыл бұрын
I don't think anything in there jusrtifies the price of 2 k. 1.It is digital, it is not using any expensive analog circuitary, it should not be more than that Perfourmer next to you. 2. They are butique company. Strymon is too - lets compare for instance how much Big Sky or night Sky cost vs Eventide pedal (not a boutique copmpany). 3. It is selling you your love for OP 1 - and that is fine, but it is expensive love to pay. 4. Everybody does firmware updates nowdays, see Microfreak for instance. 5.Teenage Engineering : "No one is supposed to pay 2 k for their OP1". Also Teenage Engineering - placing price at 1.999 lol. Plus that little mixer, 3.5 k universal credits for the two of those? I would gladly fork out 3k for a great synth or a piece of gear but not this. I must say that the first one was a revolutionary machine, that made people get away from their DAW, stop hoarding plugins and actually work with what they were given. It was a time of portable recordings, little volcas, small factor synths (even NI Maschine Micro was a good entry back then). And it worked, it was a good time for a product like that. Couple of KZbin channels made this synth HUUUGE, and now these people are not even mentioned in the promotion of the new one. Those 100 features - most are miniscule, except maybe for battery life. It will always sound - like it sounds, some kind of future pop/beat/wave, and it can't do anything else. For a huge price tag, it should be more versatile. Really poor act from TE, they had a loyal fanbase, totally ignored it and went for a hypster synth. This ofc does not defames your purchase, it is absolutely your prerogative, it is just my opinion. I am placing this money into new Oberheim fund.
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
I hear you, but I definitely see it in a different way. The excitement and happened this little machine gives me is worth the investment. It sounds amazing to me and has everything I need to create music, so I was happy to spend 2k. I am by no means rich, so I really care about how I spend my money, so this was a well thought act. Hopefully it will pay me back with great music!
@earlsfield2 жыл бұрын
@@OoraMusic I am really sorry If i came out harsh, in no way was this a rant towards you:)) OFC you are not a guy throwing thousands around, just like that, I know you had a reason for buying it and it is justified. I am just sad to see one epic instrument that literally dragged bunch of people into music turned into commecial deck.
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
@@earlsfield your opinion is always welcome here!!
@edgarcortes2 жыл бұрын
A wonderfully curious and creative machine at a very high price point for many casual music makers. It's very sad for some people to bully creatives like you and comment garbage on friendly videos like this for no other reason than to shame the choice to buy any gear for whatever reason. Music can be made for free with handclaps and whistling all the way up to having a several millions in gear and instruments in a studio so create with what inspires you and what you can afford, don't berate and bully others for their choice of tools and inspiration. The field not a purchase I would make for myself but I'm sure going to come back to see how and what you create on it. ✌
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
thanks for your words Edgar, there are instruments for everyone today, we are lucky!
@jaegerschtulmann2 жыл бұрын
Something tells me that the original OP1's value will be a lot higher for collectors in the future....it's just iconic despite its limitations. The new one feels more like a new iPhone, bland design, great performance but heavily crippled for a 2022 device (no expandable memory, no undo button, etc.)
@substance902 жыл бұрын
The iPhone has had shake to undo since before Android even existed 😂
@bobflick94962 жыл бұрын
I find it ironic that you are losing subscribers on something that you paid FULL PRICE for!!!!! I would think the bigger issue for subscribers of "sponsored content" KZbin creators would be THAT relationship. As a subscriber AND a patron of this channel, I'm much more sensitive to THAT!! And I'm not going anywhere Oora. I think so far you walk the walk admirably. But with every new "just got sent this new "product" the walk becomes more like a tight rope. That goes for all sponsored creators. And the thing is, I'm not sure anyone but KZbin shareholders and the entities they sell OUR information to and MAYBE some gear manufacturers; are getting rich off of this. I personally think a once a year "what"s still in my rig and not in my closet and not listed on Reverb" upload would bring some transparency to the issue. Sorry for the rant Oora. I'm with you. But so help me god, if I see ONE "funny face Oora" thumbnail post.....I'm out!!!!! Lol...........
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
I promise you: no funny faces ahahah. But I hear what you saying, and is getting hard for me to keep credibility, since I am getting more and more stuff.I try to be as honest as I can but I understand that trust issues can arise. Definitely I didn't think that with the op1 I would have lose followers, but I love this thing and its ok :)
@kierenmoore32362 жыл бұрын
With very few exceptions, nothing digital is an investment …
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
I earn money with this thing, so, in my case at least, it is an investment.
@kierenmoore32362 жыл бұрын
@@OoraMusic My point was, everything digital can be perfectly reproduced, or will be surpassed …
@JayM928 Жыл бұрын
Well, I appreciate the video. I assumed the only reason to buy one is because you have more money than brains, but I stand corrected. Sadly, I am lacking on both money and brains, so… I’ll have to take your word for it.
@OoraMusic Жыл бұрын
I hear you.
@sinewavezero2 жыл бұрын
Why are they ripping off their customer base though? 2G for that is a joke
@samjones34332 жыл бұрын
because their customer base will thank them for the opportunity. I’m not sure if intentional but they’ve managed to make it so that people think it’s some kind of status symbol. If you criticise it then they’ll just be like “well you’re too poor to afford it”. I’ve had this conversation multiple times any time I comment on anything about the op1f as if I don’t have thousands of pounds worth of gear in my studio. TE fans are brainless,
@sinewavezero2 жыл бұрын
@@samjones3433 since writing this i have read a lot of comments from TE fans that they too feel it is a rip off. Which it is. A totaly ripoff and what you say sadly must be true. A markup this high is not due to any chip shortages. So, they are just making it exclusive boutique LOL. A company I could never had my money to. Kinda scummy.
@station2station5442 жыл бұрын
@@sinewavezero Fender does it too with the Custom Shop Masterbuilt Strats for $8,000, when they put about $300 worth of effort into them. And as a guitar player, I can confirm this. And actually I won one LOL. And I love it.
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
Read this and sam comments. I don't feel ripped off. I paid full price and I love this machine. I don't know what is their agenda, if they have one, but to me this instrument is pure magic.
@joseabdielfigueroa86962 жыл бұрын
@istvantoth7431 Жыл бұрын
I still can't justify the price tag..
@vertigev2 жыл бұрын
You're crazy man..
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
ahahah not enough
@UberSynth2 жыл бұрын
For £2K grand you can most definitely buy something that at least looks like it’s worth the price or even more. I’m disappointed by the price. This product kind of reminds me of apple and their gadgets over priced. There’s a pattern. People that have these op1 fields all try to justify the price. If I buy one and give my opinion, it’ll be completely true. If I don’t think it’s worth it, I’ll say from the off.
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
I work full-time in music, and I can't use daw to compose music. I scored many commercials using only the op1, which payed me back multiple time its cost. So I am really happy with it. But, as stated clearly in the video, this is all a personal matter.
@gordonbelfort71762 жыл бұрын
It's funny actually. Because the price doesn't really matter if you think about it. We live in a whole world where you can get everything for every pricerange. As an example Food , in one country you buy one Meal for about 80cents and on the other side of the earth people are willing to spend hundreds of dollars for meal that is high priced mainly because it's an well known restaurant. But does this mean that the food is better on one of these places ? People say buying an iPhone instead of a Huawei isn't worth the pricetag , but forgot that it's even today kind of an Luxurious item. The main functions are available on both , calling /sending SMS / using the internet etc. Same with op-1/op-1f and cheaper synths. Both are making what they designed for. Creating and enjoying music. So why even arguing ? I'm not saying that people shouldn't address criticism ,but they should understand that everyone sets the limit to what price it's worth and what not. I can remember so much people had argued about the price of the op-1 when it came out and also when they restarted the production and the price got higher. I personally think there is a reason why TE hasn't called this the op-2. But we will see. If TE will get bankrupt in the next few years or if they have just much more to announce and recover. Btw just two more things. 1.Iam not an TE fanboy but a great fan of musicequipment with a special take on creating of music and sounds. 2. I don't own an Field yet but will in the next months and I'm really curious what happens until then. 😊
@hans50772 жыл бұрын
We love Apple gadgets!
@theunknowdude43552 жыл бұрын
LOL It's sounds like a Casio Keyboard, has only 4 Tracks and costs $2000, what a joke.
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
and is not even vintage, :/
@hans50772 жыл бұрын
And it's white! Synths must be black, right?
@Sarahbuildsstepsequencers2 жыл бұрын
Nobody need justify making a purchase for this or anything.
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
agreed, but we live in strange times
@CelticStone2 жыл бұрын
7th reason, way too much cash on hand
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
yes, im floating on it 😄
@__30282 жыл бұрын
the main reason, money isnt an issue for you....
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
or maybe I decided wisely how to invest what I earned working? do you assume all people that buy texpensive things are just somehow rich?
@AmiliaCaraMia2 жыл бұрын
Work smarter not harder.
@michaelhonormusic2 жыл бұрын
Compared to other stand-alone grooveboxes the op-1 Field is a joke!
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
Respectfully disagree. Ciao!
@m.g.kroger2 жыл бұрын
Nearly the price of a Polybrute... my god...
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
But I don't like the polybrute :D
@m.g.kroger2 жыл бұрын
@@OoraMusic strange but true...
@hans50772 жыл бұрын
I just love travel with my Polybrute.
@ShaighJosephson Жыл бұрын
I can't get anywhere near justifying $2000 for this when it's not worth more than $300... It's a vanity purchase like paying $2000 for an iPhone when a $99 Android does all the same things... Just imagine what else you could buy for that kind of money... Suggest not pushing vanity equipment like this because it has a tendency to be offensive to those who don't have the money to burn like you do...
@OoraMusic Жыл бұрын
i respectfully disagree. the op1 has been instrumental for me. its part of my daily routine. if you get offended by that, then let me ask you: do you own a car? I dont. Id say lot of people owns cars, jewelry, tv and so on lore expensive than one of the tool i use most. Please keep in mind that we are all different and each one has different “vanities”.
@matiaslanzi99692 жыл бұрын
Definitely not worth it.
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
respectfully disagree :)
@matiaslanzi99692 жыл бұрын
@@OoraMusic I mean for the price. The machine is a dream. I don't know if I have use for it in my workflow though but even the first op1 is a dream. Thank you for taking the time.
@krowland75842 жыл бұрын
Just say you bought it to grow your channel.
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
I had the OP1 since day one. It was natural for me to want the new one.
@PeaceDub2 жыл бұрын
Still too expensive for what you get
@OoraMusic2 жыл бұрын
As mentioned before, I scored commercials only using the OP1. That paid well. So it's a matter of perspective.